Opening Page

Greetings and Welcome

This Web Site is hosted by RootsWeb.Com / Ancestry.Com. The original Rootsweb.Com was merged into Ancestry.Com; which has suppressed all categories except that for Genealogy. This site costs the author nothing; which means the host will display ads by clients who pay the bills. The advertising was nominal and non-invasive but all of that has changed. The new ads are overpoweringly obnoxious, apparently the only way to make money nowadays. RootsWeb was good while it lasted. I am looking elsewhere at this time. - Maurice Fraser McDonell

This site is organized to allow the visitor
to concentrate on one or more
major categories of interest.
The "Directory" Link leads to an
Index of Categories used herein... Only one Link works now: Genealogy.

All content is copyrighted - Please inquire via E-mail


CREDITS: These Web Site pages were originally designed using Microsoft FrontPage Editor; which accounts for the artistic backgrounds and other decorative devices. It also accounts for a lot of surprises; especially when editing and locating images. MS FP Editor code is creative but some of it is difficult to comprehend and edit. One can gain valuable training by rooting out these Microsoft artifacts; replacing them using standard HTML (HyperText Markup Language) Code. I have been experimenting with Cute HTML and it works if you understand Code - onscreen cue cards pop up whenever you use the left arrowhead.
MS FP Publisher (bundled with FP Editor) is NOT recommended. It is a program that is meant to recruit you to the MS Web Hosting site.
In this Web Site, publishing new and revised pages is achieved using Globalscape Cute FTP - an amazingly reliable and useful tool.
Page updates are done using Microsoft Notepad. New pages and content are created in Notepad, with new code written as per Mastering HTML 4 Second Edition - SYBEX.

This author is an Amateur; from the Latin 'amar' meaning 'to love'. One has to be an Amateur in order to tolerate the continuous mischief created by some software manufacturers. I salute those professionals who live and breath with these amazing programs!

Thank you for visiting!


     E-mail  "Sourdough"

Revised on January 6, 2002

