Good Reader Alphabet

Anticipate meaning

Become lifelong readers

Choose their own reading material

Do not read every word or attend to every letter

Elaborate on important parts of the text

Focus on fluency by reading

Get books

Have a purpose for reading

Image when they read

Just skim sometimes and judiciously read slowly other times

Know about their own mental skills

Listen and enjoy stories and books being read aloud

Make personal connections with reading

Negotiate meaning by integrating a number of cues or sources of information

Often self correct

Paraphrase periodically


Respond to text

Share with others

Take time to read, read, read

Use prior knowledge

Validate predictions


eXpect reading to make sense

Yearn to read

Zero in on learning strategies when they need them

California Reading Association (1993).� What Good Teachers do to Help Literacy Happen.� Costa Mesa, CA:� California Reading Association, Inc.