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(revised to 1 July 2017)
















With sentiments of especial gratitude

this publication must remain forever indebted

enter>to the late


who, with valiant determination and effort,

on that which unexpectedly proved to be

her final evening in mortality,

labouriously set to paper for the Compiler

from the depths of her vast and unique reservoir

of flawless personal recollections

the voluminous framework of knowledge

which has formed the basis for this entire compilation,

without which memoirs much subsequent research

would surely have proven virtually impossible

and a considerable wealth of information

would inevitably have been lost forevermore


That which follows hereafter in the succeeding pages is, admittedly, but a very rough attempt at a very preliminary draft of a very complex work; yet it is, even as it stands at present, the most thorough and complete such compilation on this subject ever assembled to date in one place as a single unit. It has been made possible thus far only through the wonderfully dedicated and devoted efforts of many choice and gracious souls far too numerous to acknowledge here, whose willing responsiveness has truly been a thing of beauty to behold. Only through the repeated redoubling of such efforts now and in the future can it ever become, as hoped and projected, a record worthy of all acceptation. Much has been done; much more remains to be done, even much more than has been heretofore.

The primary reasons for releasing copies of this material, such as it is, at this stage, are principally twofold - firstly to satiate in some part or measure the honest, eager and enthusiastic appetites of so many who have waited so patiently for so long, by showing as much as we now know; and, secondly, to serve as a sort of mammoth questionnaire, by showing also just how very much we do not now know. The latter is most crucial, and we must now again appeal for help in general as never before in improving the nature and quality of the data here presented. May the enclosed work serve as a catalyst which will stir an added impetus and incentive in impelling all of us ever onward toward that grand and noble objective.

Permission is hereby willingly and gladly granted and the invitation openly extended for any and all interested parties anywhere to freely reproduce, copy or distribute at will at any time, by any means, in whole or in part, whatever information may be desired from the contents hereof. Indeed we strongly urge and encourage the continued dissemination of this material from one to another on a scale as wide as practicable and possible. In return we only at this time ask, prevail upon and implore each and every individual obtaining access to it to very diligently pore over it and most thoroughly peruse to his or her satisfaction those portions of which he or she may possess some degree of personal knowledge and awareness, ascertaining all the while the particular extent of completeness and correctness of the facts there represented. We simultaneously beseech each and every person to specifically seek out and assess as many errors or omissions as may come to light, and to carefully note also any and all recollections or clues, however vague or obscure, which might conceivably have a bearing or influence in any way at all upon the course of future research for further relevant items now missing from the collection. Finally, we beg each and every party who can possibly do so in any way, to ensure that as many discrepancies or needed improvements as can be found by them upon such examination will be communicated to us or brought to our attention for consideration and action, regardless of how minor or insignificant a given point may at the moment seem. It cannot be overstated or overstressed that nothing is ever too small or too unimportant.

After much consideration as to efficiency and effectiveness, the present loose-leaf format has been developed and adopted for this work for reasons stated in the "Explanatory Notes" section of the larger, expanded version which was previously made available to a very few members on an experimental basis. Owing to the reactions and responses received, that rather heavy, bulky format has now been relegated only to the official Master Copy, and the enclosed records are here presented in a much more compact, consolidated, yet still complete, fashion. The entries herein contained precisely and exactly parallel the larger Group Sheets earlier employed, and every item of information included therein is also identically reproduced here, with the exception that the blank lines and empty spaces have been eliminated or replaced by question marks in the interest of reducing and conserving space, and the text has also been more solidly condensed into this smaller, more compressed arrangement for the sake of convenience and according to the requirements expressed and requested. The general principle of the Group Sheet method itself has in recent years become so universally well-recognised that it seems no longer necessary to reprint in this abridgement the many pages of instructions previously designated "Explanatory Notes", and they have thus been omitted, likewise for the sake of fewer pages and more manageability. They are, however, obtainable should anyone desire to insert them hereafter.

There are a variety of other reasons also for finally settling upon retention of the loose-leaf method upon which the former procedure was based. As before, the entire compilation is thus safeguarded against obsolescence. For our own part, whenever even the slightest detail by way either of correction or update is submitted to us, we shall accordingly, as speedily as may reasonably be in the circumstances, endeavour to prepare a revision of the page or pages affected, and proceed to forward a replacement to all persons known to possess copies. Thus all volumes in individual hands will hopefully still be kept entirely parallel and identical in every way both to each other and to the Master Copy itself, insofar as available facts permit. Accordingly we highly recommend that all those obtaining or having possession of a copy of this compilation or any part of it should be certain to register same with us, simply because this is the only means by which we can possibly know to whom updates and revisions ought to regularly be sent as we are ourselves apprised of such changes and new facts. Inasmuch as the special "Book of Remembrance" album cover or binder prepared for the larger Group Sheets will not properly fit this reduced format, it is further recommended that this work be placed in a standard ring binder or prong folder of such type, style and quality as the individual may select in accordance with his or her own preferences and personal tastes.

Lastly of all, in closing we wish each and every one of you, in all sincerity, the utmost success and happiness in all your endeavours, genealogical and otherwise, and we shall certainly very deeply and gratefully appreciate hearing at any time from anyone whose desire it is to write. Your comments, opinions, observations, suggestions and corrections will also all be most eagerly anticipated indeed.


(Abbreviated Summary)

(It has been deemed expedient, advisable and desirable to extract, insert and include in abridged and amended form herein, as points of information for general distribution, only the following reduced versions of two items of explanation from our former more expanded and voluminous Explanatory Notes previously published and issued on limited scale. The remainder, owing to their bulk, and being for the most part largely if not principally merely matters of organisational policy and procedural guidelines, have now been fully reconsidered and found primarily redundant and unnecessary to this manuscript, inasmuch as the greater applicability of their design in fact tends moreover toward the larger, more formal or official Group Sheet style or format in any case. Consequently they have therefore accordingly been otherwise wholly omitted from this compilation and will not be reprinted at this time, except by virtue of being made available by special and specific request. Although further queries are always cheerfully received and welcomed as to methods for dealing with various situations or circumstances which may from time to time or on occasion arise, as well as reasons or logic for arbitrarily implementing certain decisions and standards herein, it is regardless meanwhile thought, felt, supposed and presumed that many of the appropriate solutions and answers will in all probability also in most cases become quite readily clear, apparent and obvious upon, through, in the course of, or after even superficial examination and study of these records entirely without inclusion of the more complex and detailed rules and regulations formerly established solely for the Compiler's own instruction and guidance in maintaining conformity throughout.)


In order to deduce the specific lineage of any person, persons or branch herein contained backward toward the earliest extant record or first recorded progenitor on the ascending pedigree, one need simply select the relevant parent atop the entry in question whose data as shown includes the identities of his own parents in turn followed by the parenthetical phrase "(to whom refer)"; then proceed alphabetically to the entry for the couple to whom so referred, indexed always for the sake of consistency and clarity under the masculine surname, and again repeat the process.


In order to deduce the specific lineage of any person, persons or branch herein contained forward toward the latest generation of recorded posterity on the descending pedigree, one need simply examine the list of offspring presented in the entry in question and select from amongst same the child or children whose issue it is desired to further trace. If the child thus selected be male, one merely notes the name of his wife, then refers alphabetically in turn to the entry for such couple, indexed always for the sake of consistency and clarity under the masculine surname, and the process is then again repeated. If, conversely, the selected child be female, it is necessary only that one instead note the name of her husband, then refer to that couple's own entry likewise alphabetically under his surname rather than hers, and proceed as before adumbrated.


The Individual Nuclear Family Group Entries are simply listed alphabetically by Husband's surname, and within a surname by Husband's given names. Where the Husband's complete name is identical to more than one individual, such persons are indexed according to order of birth. Information contained within each such entry is arranged internally according to a complex prearranged and standardised formula. Unmarried persons appear only within their parents' entries and require no additional entry for themselves, inasmuch as such would be repetitious, redundant and unnecessarily self-defeating of its purpose, namely the addition of further otherwise unrecorded data for spouse and offspring.


Whilst perfection is neither expected nor in every instance possible, the ideal concept and goal toward which is being striven in this work would of course be for each and every entry throughout this record to ultimately be expanded to contain as much as is now humanly recoverable concerning even the minutest details of each and every life. Inconsequential as some of this data may appear at present, this may well one day prove to be the only such record remaining upon the face of the whole earth wherein certain of these facts, of inestimable interest to countless future descendants in generations yet unborn, may be found preserved. All readers are therefore most earnestly solicited to contribute any such information as now remains at their disposal or accessible to them, for further incorporation into this work.

In addition it is anticipated that as detailed a narrative biography as can be compiled pertaining to each life, whether Husband, Wife or child, should eventually be appended to each individual entry, including every bit as much as can be reconstructed of each person's activities, adventures and personality, as well as any and all surviving anecdotes surrounding same. Such material may be submitted either in the form of rough jottings or a final draft; all necessary adjustments will be accordingly made for publication, with all due care being taken to retain intact the integrity of the account itself. In the case of a personal autobiography the same may also be couched in the first person if so desired.

Finally it is further intended that pictorial sheets may also in due course be reproduced and inserted throughout the text as additional pages, illustrating and depicting each individual at various stages and periods of life, together with those places, objects, buildings, scenes, landmarks or events which may have been familiar to the person or which may have played a role, however great or small, in shaping any aspect of his mortal existence. Where no authentic likeness of the actual person is presently known to exist for possible reproduction purposes there remains still nothing to preclude inclusion of these other relevant items connected with his life or times which may help restore his story to life once more; indeed in such cases, and especially in absence of anything more personal, such other additional visual aids necessarily become to a greater or lesser extent even all the more desirable and useful from the standpoint of placing the bare facts within more suitable and appropriate context and better, more human, perspective.

Readers are wholeheartedly invited to scrutinise the entries contained herein, and to forward any of the following data which may be missing, even though it be but a single item at a time if no more is available. Whilst the format for each entry follows a very rigidly structured and meticulous pattern of arrangement, readers are encouraged simply to contribute data without in any way or sense personally concerning themselves overly much with the integral mechanics of organisation in its final form.

Some of the details thus requested, required and desired would ideally include the following or any part or portion thereof.


1. Full legal name(s) of each and every family member and of each and every spouse, (including maiden surnames)

2. Full legal names of parent(s) of each and every member and spouse, as above, (including maiden surnames)

3. Derivations or reasons for choices of all given names, including specific personages, if any, for whom named, and persons suggesting or influencing said decisions, as well as circumstances surrounding or affecting same

4. All legal changes, alterations, additions to or deletions from full names, as well as in spelling, order or sequence thereof


1. Full date, (day, month and year), of each and every birth, whether of member or spouse

2. Approximate time of day, as precisely as possible, of each and every birth, whether of member or spouse

3. Actual location, as precisely as possible, of each and every birth, whether of member or spouse, together with rural land description, street address or name of building or institution, if any

4. Full names, insofar as possible, of all persons known to have been present in attendance at time of birth, medical or otherwise, together with rank, style, title, office or official or personal relationship as the case may be

5. Weight, measurements, eye and hair colour or other physical characteristics or statistics pertaining to infant at time of birth


1. Full date, (day, month and year), of each and every infant blessing or christening, whether of member or spouse

2. Approximate time of day, as precisely as possible, of each and every infant blessing or christening, whether of member or spouse

3. Actual location, as precisely as possible, of each and every infant blessing or christening, whether of member or spouse, together with rural land description, street address or name of building or institution, if any

4. Full names, insofar as possible, of all persons conducting or officiating at, assisting with, participating in, or acting as Godparents or sponsors at infant blessing or christening, together with rank, style, title, office or official or personal relationship as the case may be

5. Religious denomination under whose auspices the ordinance was performed


1. Same points as above, also noting full names and status of proxies where applicable


1. Same points as for Baptism above


1. Same points as for Baptism above


1. Same points as for Baptism above


1. Full date, (day, month and year), of each and every marriage (and later sealing), also noting full names and status of proxies where applicable

2. Same points as immediately above, with regard to any previous or subsequent marriages of the spouse

3. Approximate time of day, as precisely as possible, of each and every such marriage and later sealing

4. Actual location, as precisely as possible, of each and every such marriage or sealing, whether of member, or other previously or subsequently of spouse, together with rural land description, street address or name of building or institution, if any

5. Full names, insofar as possible, of all persons conducting or officiating at, assisting with, acting as attendants or as legal witnesses to, or otherwise participating in the official party at marriage or later sealing, together with rank, style, title, office or official or personal relationship as the case may be

6. Religious denomination or civil authority under whose auspices the ordinance was performed


1. Full date, (day, month and year), of each and every death, whether of member or spouse

2. Approximate time of day, as precisely as possible, of each and every death, whether of member or spouse

3. Actual location, as precisely as possible, of each and every death, whether of member or spouse, together with rural land description, street address or name of building or institution, if any

4. Full names, insofar as possible, of all persons known to have been present in attendance at time of death, medical or otherwise, together with rank, style, title, office or official or personal relationship, as the case may be

5. Weight, measurements, eye and hair colour, or other physical characteristics or statistics pertaining to deceased at time of demise

6. Certified medical cause of death


1. Full date, (day, month and year), of each and every memorial service, whether for member or spouse

2. Approximate time of day, as precisely as possible, of each and every memorial service, whether for member or spouse

3. Actual location, as precisely as possible, of each and every memorial service, whether for member or spouse, together with rural land description, street address or name of building or institution, if any

4. Full names, insofar as possible, of all persons conducting or officiating at, assisting with or participating in memorial services or portions thereof, together with rank, style, title, office or official or personal relationship as the case may be

5. Religious denomination or civil authority, if any, under whose auspices memorial services were performed

6. Full names, insofar as possible, of all members, both honourary and active, of bearer party, if any, at memorial services

7. Official corporate name of firm, if any, acting as directors of memorial services


1. Full date, (day, month and year), of each and every actual interment or committal, whether of member or spouse

2. Approximate time of day, as precisely as possible, of each and every actual interment or committal, whether of member or spouse

3. Actual legal and official name and designation of cemetery and of municipal unit, urban or rural, within whose boundaries, as then constituted, the same is located, complete with plot number or legal description within cemetery, if available

4. Full names, insofar as possible, of all persons conducting, officiating at, assisting with or participating in interment or committal services or portions thereof, together with rank, style, title, office or official or personal relationship, as the case may be

5. Religious denomination or civil authority, if any, under whose auspices interment or committal services were performed

6. Full names, insofar as possible, of all members, both honourary and active, of bearer party, if any, at interment or committal

7. Official corporate name of firm, if any, acting as directors of interment or committal services


1. Any and all ranks, styles, titles, offices, honours, awards, prizes, appointments or distinctions achieved or attained by a member or spouse from whatever source, whether public, private, social, fraternal, academic, scholastic, athletic, political, diplomatic, religious, corporate, military or otherwise, with all dates of such conferral or bestowal, etc., as precisely as possible

2. Any and all personal characteristics or traits, including average adult weight, height and measurements at prime, eye and hair colour, complexion or any other similarly notable physical attributes

3. Life history, including movements, associations, experiences, interests, recreations, hobbies, talents or abilities, personal habits, preferences or tastes, curious sayings or favourite phrases, or any other similar items, together with any anecdotes and tales which might conceivably aid in reconstructing, reviving or revealing in any way any aspect of the individual personality


1. Where documentation exists apart from personal knowledge alone in support of any of the facts thus indicated or stated, the nature of the document(s) or source(s) from which such information has been gleaned, or by means of which it may be re-obtained or verified


1. Finally, it need only be clarified that throughout this work the specific terminology in reference to place-names follows insofar as possible the usage current in each instance at time of event. Consequently changes in designation, jurisdiction or status for a given locality over a period of time may be reflected either from one entry to another, or even within a given entry. It will therefore not be at all uncommon to find an entire change of name for a community, or alteration in type or order of local government units, as well as various other combinations or permutations which may from time to time appear at first to the uninitiated as possible errors, inconsistencies or omissions; however, every care has been taken to enter such changes consistent with the historically proper style of the moment.


Background, Origins and Early Development



General Introduction

At the present point in time, owing to the continuing speculation as to the precise source and root from which sprang the Canadian branch of this family, it has not proven feasible or possible to include herein any more general account of the earlier origins or spread of other branches of the same name, in whatever its previous form may have been. When through the course of further investigation and research such has become the case, that which will then have been established will be accordingly inserted in this space. In the interim only the determinate branch of the Compiler is available with which to be dealt, and all thus far known or open to conjecture will meanwhile be set forth in the accompanying Branch Introduction thereto, designated as Part I. hereof in this work.

(The brief overview of the original mutual ancestry of all branches of the family,

contained in the foregoing General Introduction,

will be continued in greater detail for each specific branch

in the respective Branch Introductions preceding each separate Part

of this total work.

The Compiler's own determinate branch will be found in Part I.,

and other distinct branches will be likewise fully shown and covered

in further additional subsequent Parts as may be duly and individually

indicated and designated thereafter)


The Determinate Branch of the Compiler


Branch Introduction

The precise identity of the first paternal progenitor of the Canadian Elbares to arrive upon North American soil remains for the moment somewhat obscure, as also do the location of his first landing and the site of his initial settlement. The actual form of his authentic surname has likewise yet to be established, although, as previously indicated in other commentaries by this Compiler, there seem to be at present two popular and predominant schools of thought in the matter, both of whose tenets will be set forth hereafter for the perusal and contemplation of the reader. It is, with all reasonable authority, in light of the best available current understanding, both thought and presumed that, in all probability, one or the other of these explanations, if not elements of both, will likely eventually be proven to have been the fact.

All which has come down to us with clarity across the generations and the centuries and which now remains definitely known of that first settler, whoever he was, and which can today be categorically asserted with confidence and certainty concerning him, is that he was in fact a native of Alsace-Lorraine, a territory long disputed by both German and French claimants, straddling as it does the mutual boundary of the two lands, and the subject and object of a lengthy and unsettled history of exchange of possession betwixt both those nations and their peoples. Having endured so many trials and tribulations, it has in more modern times once again reverted to and by now become firmly fixed within French jurisdiction absolutely, for which cause it would seem natural enough, therefore, for later generations of this man's descendants to have officially regarded and classified themselves as legally French even despite whatever their earlier origin may have been. This tendency would have regardless been further augmented and reinforced by this ancestor's eventual assumption of domicile on French-Canadian soil, as well as his presumed marriage there with one sharing that particular ethnic extraction, resulting ultimately in his overall submersion and assimilation into her family heritage with which he had already been surrounded and inundated, and the eventual ultimate rearing of their children accordingly in their mother's language and faith. That a child of such a union would regularly describe and designate himself a French Roman Catholic, as did John Elbare in his earliest extant records, seems to follow as but a mere matter of course.

In truth the region in question, - that of Alsace-Lorraine, - lies in a geographical area the indigenous population of which, as a product of so many vicissitudes and so chequered a past, has gradually come to form so unique a mixture and so thorough a blend of two or more cultures and lifestyles as to develop a separate dialect and mode of living altogether, clearly distinct and set apart from all others; and indeed the Alsatian tongue today verges upon official recognition by linguistic experts in general the world over as a specific language in its own right, a status already long since accorded it by local authorities and by those most intimately familiar with it over the years.

Although, as indicated, no definite and definitive facts have yet arisen or come to light which might in any way serve to further clarify or reveal the date, manner or reason of emigration in this particular instance, leave alone his place of first landfall in the New World, most educated speculation holds and maintains, and all scholarly investigation lends further, almost overwhelming credence to the suggestion and theory that in all probability the very first direct-line emigrant ancestor of the Elbares, as we know them today, may well have been one of those many continental European recruits enlisted in an effort to bolster the cause of the British forces on the North American continent during the so-called French and Indian War of the late 1750s and early 1760s, (not to be confused with the simultaneous Seven Years' War), which ultimately culminated in the final transfer of New France to the Imperial Crown, or again, later, during the treacherous insurrection or rebellion of the American colonists which led to the unilateral declaration by the "Thirteen Colonies" of separation from that most glorious Crown in 1776. The last of these so-called "Hessian" troops were discharged about 1783 or 1784, the bulk of them remaining to settle in the New World; and in any case by the mid 1780s the first Elbare emigrant was most assuredly residing somewhere in the original French part of British North America, and most probably in the near vicinity of present-day Montr�al, inasmuch as his son, the future John Elbare, was born about that time in that Province, and by his own later statement and testimony which has been preserved unto us, spent his early years as a horse-dealer in and about that historic City.

First of all, let it be stated that any oral tradition of an Irish origin for this family can be, on the best evidence, summarily ruled out and at once directly discarded out of hand, the misconception having arisen as a result of the eventual marriage of some of John Elbare's children into Irish families in Upper Canada; and of their paternal emigration from Alsace-Lorraine there is and can be no question or doubt. This leaves two principal potential suppositions and hypotheses to be further examined and dealt with herein, namely the Jewish-Spanish route of descent, and the alternative premise which presumes evolution of the modern name from Albrecht, the Germanic form for Albert.

In the former case, so far as has yet been revealed, a name similar to the more recent Elbare originated in Mediaeval times amongst the strong Jewish communities in the north of Spain. Intense persecutions during the late Middle Ages, and subsequent subjection to the horrors of the Spanish Inquisition, forced many to outwardly convert to Roman Catholicism whilst still secretly passing on their ancient Judaic rituals and practices from one generation to the next surreptitiously on pain of death. Many of these "converts of convenience", and all who refused to convert, were in due course ferreted out and forced to flee for their very lives, often in incredible circumstances of untold hardship and great personal peril, from the 1600s onward, huge numbers afterward arriving both in friendlier northern France, (including the vicinity of Alsace-Lorraine), and the more tolerant Moslem-dominated Mediterranean areas of the African continent which also later fell under French governance and dominion. Into these new places of abode the exiles carried their Judeo-Spanish vernacular, traces of which thereafter persisted for many generations. To this day the surname Elbar or Elbair, and other lesser variants, amongst them Elbaz, El-Bar and Lebar remain ubiquitous throughout such regions, all of which may well serve to explain, at least in part, the alleged connexion with both Spain and Alsace-Lorraine, or at least reconcile and dispel any discrepancies betwixt these apparently conflicting family oral traditions. It is likewise true, and may represent more than mere coincidence, that some other early Edwardsburgh families with whom Elbare descendants tended to frequently and repetitively intermarry also claimed Spanish emigrant ancestry. Perhaps they, too, had shared a similar movement somewhere in their more remote background.

On the other hand, the Germanic name Albrecht, if such were indeed our root, would appear to have undergone numerous and varied changes in this particular branch throughout this period, the mainstream of which probably included, first, Albreck, Albreque, Albrecque or Albret, and, finally, alteration and assimilation into the more common French form Albert, usually pronounced in the same way as Elbare.

But there is actually a third possibility which is little considered and seldom mentioned today. The modern French region of Lorraine is much larger now than the ancient Duchy of Lorraine whose former territory yet remains contained within it. To this Duchy was anciently attached the even smaller Countship of Bar, which was ultimately absorbed by it. If a surname ever existed or came into being which was in any way in ancient times based upon or derived from the name of the tiny land of Bar, perhaps such family may have simply resided there across all these many generations or centuries, indeed since time immemorial, with no further need for the more elaborate development schemes upon which are founded the other, more popular though exotic theories herein treated and discussed.

Either way, whichever school of thought may prove to prevail, it has become abundantly clear that, thus, from the very first known appearance or arrival of John in Upper Canada, (now Ontario), presumably prior to 1812, he seems to have quickly been entered into the records by Anglophone officials with a phonetically-oriented spelling as John Elbair, a form deduced and derived principally and primarily from an oral basis and standpoint alone. Several other versions thereafter interloped occasionally from time to time, dependent no doubt upon the individual peculiarities of the particular recorder, but Elbair remained for the most part predominant and indeed virtually unchallenged for supremacy until being eventually wholly supplanted by its chief arising rival and competitor, Elbare, which, through the test of time, has long since modified and absorbed all others to become at length the single standardised form for at least a century or more, though presumably restricted in this version to John's own progeny alone. One further assumes that, regardless of which theory of earlier origin holds true, any surviving relatives John may have left behind in present-day Qu�bec would likewise in any circumstance have almost of necessity been eventually converted to the French Albert spelling, which would virtually undoubtedly have been retained ever since by any surviving male branches still remaining in that quaint and charming Province.

It is likewise unclear at this time just when or why John removed to Upper Canada, although logic dictates the probable solutions, and renders these answers not difficult to imagine or conjecture, just as with so many other opportunity-seeking Qu�be�ois of the time; nor, apart from his own admissions and declarations behind the horse-dealing legend, have we as yet much further clue as to the personal events or experiences which shaped and moulded his first three decades of life, which must have been many and varied indeed.

All we can really assert with any degree of certainty is that he was a veteran of the War of 1812, appearing several times during the period from its beginning in mid 1812 to the closing of the hostilities in the early months of the year 1814 on the muster rolls of two Companies of the First Regiment of the Grenville Militia, serving in Edwardsburgh; but whether this conflict may provide in any way a further explanation for his previous movement into Upper Canada yet remains to be revealed. Again, as evidence of his remaining there as a civilian settler, at least as early as the spring of 1816 he was listed as residing in Edwardsburgh Township in the old Johnstown District of the Province of Upper Canada, where, not long afterward, he was found married to one Mary Smith (Smyth or Smythe), whose parents Henry and Hannah had earlier fled the Thirteen Colonies in consequence of the vile rebellion there, probably also by way of Lower Canada.

Henry Smith (Smyth or Smythe) was an early and well-known Edwardsburgh settler who had served The King faithfully throughout the Revolution and who, coming to Edwardsburgh in the 1780s or 1790s, already frequently appeared by 1812 as an official at trials held at the court at nearby Johnstown. He enlisted briefly in the same Companies of the same Regiment as his future son-in-law in the early months of the War of 1812, until, according to legend handed down, he showed up for muster one day only to be told that he was being credited for the day's pay and should go home and not return, inasmuch as he was being discharged in consequence of his having now attained the uppermost age level and limit for eligibility for service, namely 60 years.

How John and Mary met, whether their families had perhaps previously been acquainted in Lower Canada, or even whether either at first, if ever, acquired or possessed the ability to communicate coherently or effectively in the other's native tongue, are matters left open to speculation by the surviving documents of the time, and these questions accordingly remain relegated to a position amongst the unresolved mysteries of history. Certainly, inasmuch as Mary was born in or about 1796 or 1797 at Edwardsburgh, the probability is that their first meeting took place after John's arrival there, and it is difficult to suppose that John could by then have been less than functional in the English language and yet have been engaged effectively at soldiering and farming. Besides, if he had indeed traded horses in the Montr�al area, this might well support the likelihood of his having spoken English there. It may also have helped further their acquaintance, however, that Henry Smith (Smyth or Smythe) may have learned French in Lower Canada as well.

Moreover John had evidently clung all his days to his supposed French identity and Roman Catholic religious persuasions, whilst Mary his wife had remained every whit as adamantly true to her English Episcopalian Methodist upbringing in belief. Be these differences of language, culture and conviction as they may, John and Mary, such seemingly-insurmountable obstacles and hurdles notwithstanding, managed regardless to produce no fewer than eight surviving offspring, all of whom in earlier life adhered to and professed their mother's faith, even as John himself in his earliest days apparently had in all probability inherited his own lifelong viewpoints from his own maternal side. Thus, curiously enough, it would seem that the family had within the space of two brief generations turned full circle as well, with the cycle again repeating itself once more.

In the studied opinion of this Compiler, the story of the Elbares probably begins with a Jewish or possibly Moslem or even Gypsy background in Spain, the family being driven therefrom to Alsace-Lorraine under the guise of Roman Catholicism. There, and still moreso later in Canada, (to which they were most likely brought through mercenary recruitment by one of the German "Hessian" regiments), they further adapted to French speech and ways, becoming thoroughly so identified by the time John Elbare removed westward to Ontario a generation later.

By the early or mid 1830s a relative, Elizabeth "Bessie" Elbare by name, had also appeared in Edwardsburgh as the wife of one Thomas Brown, a product of the vicinity of London, England. Elizabeth, who was possibly a sister but more probably a niece to John, is thought to have previously been married to a McFarlane, presumably in her native Lower Canada, and to have also begotten issue thereby. With Thomas Brown she produced five more children before dying comparatively early on, no later than 1850 or thereabouts in any case. Thomas soon married a local widow with children of her own, and, it is said, made no attempt to reassemble his own family, they having meanwhile been placed in the care of various relatives and neighbours.

Mary Smith (Smyth or Smythe) Elbare predeceased her husband on 16 December 1873, albeit at a fairly advanced age herself, and John passed his final years not in Edwardsburgh but at the home of his youngest daughter Elizabeth Elbare Crowder and family a few miles away at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, where at length, after what must have been a most full, active life of high excitement and momentous adventure, he, too, finally expired on 15 October 1882, allegedly his 96th birthday, leaving behind him a vast posterity to reflect upon his heritage.

When he was almost 90 years of age, in 1875, the Dominion Parliament of Canada finally expressed its gratitude as well, by voting a special gratuity to the few surviving militiamen who had fought for British North America back in 1812, of whom John was one. This sadly belated gesture, small though it was, must surely have brought him much satisfaction as a point of principle in his extreme old age.

(Further details concerning many of the persons and events

lightly touched upon in the brief overview

contained in the preceding Branch Introduction,

as well as other additional factual information

not otherwise specifically mentioned or included herein,

and similar data pertaining to all known lineal descendants

of these people,

may be found in the individual personal histories and biographies

located in their respective positions throughout this Part

of the major work)



George Gareau Abel was born 19 July 1926 at or near Garretton, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to James D. Abel and Mary Roddick; died 2 September 1999 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; cremated in September 1999 and ashes interred at Sandy Hill Cemetery, Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Alma Beverley Crowder, (to whom he was married 1 October 1947), was born 10 March 1925 in Ontario, daughter to William Arkley Royal Crowder and Mary Ann "Minnie" Torrance, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Elizabeth Anne Abel, born 27 June 1949, who married 5 September 1970, Geoffrey Roland Mills; (2) Alleyn George Abel, born 8 October 1953.


--- Abrams. His wife Dorothy Baker was daughter to Thomas Henry "Harry" Baker and Elsie Mae Crowder, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Otto Albrecht. His wife D. Lorraine Jordan, (to whom he was married 29 October 1955), was born 3 July 1934, daughter to James M. Jordan and S. Isabel Spencer, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Rhonda Albrecht, born 4 May 1956, who married 17 January 1975, Rod Poole; (2) Cory Albrecht, born 31 August 1960.


Robert Allen. His wife Dorothy Pearl was daughter to Donald Thomas Pearl and Florence "Flossie" King, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Horace Ray Althouse was born 15 May 1886 or 15 May 1887 (depending upon sources) at or near Fulton, Oswego County, New York; died 24 October 1947 at Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York; buried at Oakwood Cemetery, Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York. His wife Ella Edith Elbare was born 14 August 1885 at Pompey Township, Onondaga County, New York or at Oswego County, New York (depending upon sources), daughter to Hezekiah (or Hesiciah) "Zeke" Elbare (or Elbar) and Alice Lord, (to whom refer); died 10 December 1945 or 12 December 1945 (depending upon sources) at East Syracuse, DeWitt Township, Onondaga County, New York; buried at Oakwood Cemetery, Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York. This couple begat issue: (1) Helen Margaret Althouse.


Bruce Maxwell Anderson was born 7 May 1945. His wife Sharron Dawn Rennick, (to whom he was married 9 June 1967), was born 16 October 1945, daughter to William Raymond Rennick and Vivian Gwendolyn Timmins, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Susan Ainslie Anderson, born 27 May 1971; (2) Caitlin Emily Dawn Anderson, born 3 September 1976.


George Austin Anderson was born 12 August 1869, son to Wilson Anderson and Lauron Osgoode; died at or near Sackett's Harbor, Hounsfield Township, Jefferson County, New York. His wife Mary (or Marian) Edith Crowder, (to whom he was married 21 August 1895 at Grenville County, Ontario), was born 12 August 1874 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to John Crowder and Agnes "Nancy" Brown, (to whom refer); died at or near Sackett's Harbor, Hounsfield Township, Jefferson County, New York. This couple begat issue: (1) Wilson Austin William Anderson, born 20 November 1896 at Grenville County, Ontario, died in October 1968 at Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York, who married in or about 1914 or 1915, Della M. ---; (2) John Essley Anderson, born 8 January 1898 at Grenville County, Ontario, died (killed) on Active Service, World War I., unmarried, 8 November 1918 at or near Valenciennes, Nord D�partment, Nord Pas-de-Calais Region, the French Republic whilst serving with the Eastern Ontario Regiment, 156th Infantry Battalion, His Majesty's Canadian Over Seas Expeditionary Forces, buried at Valenciennes (St. Roche) Communal Cemetery, Valenciennes, Nord D�partment, Nord-Pas-de-Calais Region, the French Republic; (3) Ernest Franklin Anderson, born 16 December 1899 at or near Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, died early, unmarried, 18 May 1904 at or near Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario; (4) Laverna Mabel Anderson, born 23 November 1901 at Grenville County, Ontario, who married --- Hammill; (5) Nancy Frances Anderson, born 4 August 1904 at Grenville County, Ontario; (6) George Arnold Anderson, born 16 October 1906 at Grenville County, Ontario, died in November 1970 at or near Sackett's Harbor, Hounsfield Township, Jefferson County, New York; (7) Bertha M. Anderson, born in May 1910 at Grenville County, Ontario; (8) Kenneth A. Anderson, born in 1913 at Grenville County, Ontario, died in New York; (9) Florence E. Anderson, born in 1916 at Grenville County, Ontario.


Harrold Laverne Anderson. His wife Karen Marie Windh was born 4 November 1941, daughter to Perry Windh and Thelma Spencer, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Christina Marie Anderson, born 26 January 1964; (2) Harrold Laverne Anderson Jr., born 29 September 1966.


Orval Anderson was born 17 September 1904. His wife Edna Marie Spencer, (to whom he was married 12 July 1929), was born 22 April 1907, daughter to James Henry "Harry" Spencer and Ethel Phoebe Kennedy, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Audrey Mae Anderson, born 21 May 1930, who married 2 September 1950, Ray M. Frederickson; (2) Dawna Patricia Anderson, born 27 May 1932, who married, firstly, 22 September 1951, James Russell Stanton, and, secondly, in March 1974, Joseph Cooper; (3) Beverley Anne Anderson, born 11 September 1937, who married 7 June 1958, Frank Scobie; (4) Barbara Joan Anderson, born 10 December 1940, who married 6 May 1960, Dale Arthur Gemmell.


William Wilson Anderson was born in or about 1852 or 1853 at or near Cardinal, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to George P. Anderson and Susannah Sparrowhawk. His wife Mary Jane "Jenny" King, (to whom he was married 18 November 1919 at Grenville County, Ontario), was born 10 September 1862 (according to some sources) or 12 September 1862 (according to some sources and her own statement) or in September 1863 (according to most sources and her tombstone) at or near Limekiln (afterward known as Crystal Rock), Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, daughter to Nelson King and Elizabeth Brown, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 19 December 1882 at Grenville County, Ontario, her distant cousin Wesley Crowder, (to whom also refer); died 6 January 1942 at or near Crystal Rock (formerly known as Limekiln), Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario; buried in 1942 at the Johnstown Commons Cemetery, near Johnstown, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of William Wilson Anderson and Mary Jane "Jenny" King are presently available.


Wilson Austin William Anderson was born 20 November 1896 at Grenville County, Ontario, son to George Austin Anderson and Mary (or Marian) Edith Crowder, (to whom refer); died in October 1968 at Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York. His wife Della M. ---, (to whom he was married in or about 1914 or 1915), was born in or about 1896 or 1897 in Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Ruth A. Anderson, born in 1921 at or near Sackett's Harbor, Hounsfield Township, Jefferson County, New York; (2) Patricia R. Anderson, born in 1929 at or near Sackett's Harbor, Hounsfield Township, Jefferson County, New York; (3) Janet D. Anderson, born at or near Sackett's Harbor, Hounsfield Township, Jefferson County, New York.


Alexander Aris was born 22 June 1870 in Ontario, son to Edward Aris and Rebecca ---; died 8 December 1898 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario; buried at Sandy Hill Cemetery, Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Mary Ann "May" Baldwin, (to whom he was married 13 December 1893 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 22 November 1869 in Ontario, daughter to William James (or William Nelson) Baldwin and Julianna (Juliana or Julia Ann) "Ann" Brown, (to whom refer); died in 1939; buried at Sandy Hill Cemetery, Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Jennie Aris, born 17 July 1896 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, died in 1996 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, who married ---; (2) Elizabeth Aris, born 4 July 1898 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, died in 1952 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, who married ---.



Garnet Lloyd Badour. His wife Linda May Porteous (or Blad), (to whom he was married 11 December 1965), was born 8 May 1947, daughter to Morris Blad and Helen Vivian King, (to whom refer), afterward assuming and bearing her stepfather's surname Porteous in lieu of that of Blad. This couple begat issue: (1) Aaron Gerald Badour, born 27 December 1966; (2) Steven Thomas Badour, born 28 December 1967; (3) Garnet Badour, born 14 October 1969.


Charles Baker was son to John Baker and Jeanette (or Janet) Johnston. His wife Ethel King was born 14 August 1893 or 16 August 1893 (depending upon sources) in Ontario, daughter to James Milton William King and Susannah (or Susan) Harriet Beatty, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Marion Baker, born 6 April 1911, died in 1991, who married Leo Lavery; (2) Harry Baker, born 8 January 1917, died 13 March 1972, who married 15 September 1951, Joanna Jean Wallace; (3) Franklin Charles Baker, born 16 September 1919, who married 31 July 1945, Evelyn Chamberlain.


Curtis Henry Baker was born at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Thomas Henry Baker and Elsie Mae Crowder, (to whom refer); died 8 September 1989 at H�tel-Dieu Hospital, Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario; buried in September 1989 at Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Maitland, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife was Eileen Shaver. This couple begat issue: (1) Donna Baker, who married --- Payne; (2) Carolyn Baker, who married Wayne Barkley; (3) Sandra Baker; (4) Diane Baker; (5) Winston Baker; (6) Allan Baker.


Franklin Charles Baker was born 16 September 1919, son to Charles Baker and Ethel King, (to whom refer). His wife Evelyn Chamberlain, (to whom he was married 31 July 1945), was born 2 May 1920. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Harry Baker was born 8 January 1917, son to Charles Baker and Ethel King, (to whom refer); died 13 March 1972. His wife Joanna Jean Wallace, (to whom he was married 15 September 1951), was born 28 April 1918; died 1 July 2013. This couple begat issue: (1) Charles Frederick Baker, born 19 August 1952; (2) Mary Joanne "Molly Jo" Baker, born 23 June 1955; (3) Christopher John Baker, born 18 April 1957.


John Baker. His wife Doris Irene Reynolds was born in 1945, daughter to George Herbert Reynolds and Margaret Doris Buzzell, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Thomas Lake, (to whom also refer). John Baker and Doris Irene Reynolds begat issue: (1) Leanne Baker; (2) Sean Baker.


Percy Earl Baker. His wife Lucille Susan Harriet King was born 4 December 1916, daughter to Clarence William King and Ruth Mildred Wilkins, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Edmund James Merkley, (to whom also refer); died 1 June 1981. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Percy Earl Baker and Lucille Susan Harriet King are presently available.


Thomas Henry "Harry" Baker died in January 1980. His wife Elsie Mae Crowder, (to whom he was married in April 1909), was born 11 October 1894 at or near Brouseville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to Hiram Crowder and Melvina "Vina" Lampson, (to whom refer); died 11 January 1984 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Curtis Henry Baker, born at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 8 September 1989 at H�tel-Dieu Hospital, Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario, buried in September 1989 at Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Maitland, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married Eileen Shaver; (2) Mareld Baker; (3) Garnet Baker; (4) Amelia Baker, who married --- Nystrom; (5) Velma Baker, who married Thomas Skelly; (6) Dorothy Baker, who married --- Abrams; (7) Gwendolyn Baker, who married James Lane; (8) Verna Baker, who married --- Whittle; (9) Edna Baker, who married --- Beatty; (10) Myrtle Baker, who married --- Shay.


--- Baldwin. His wife Lillian Jannack was born in or about 1900 or 1901 at Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to George Albert (Asaph or Asa) Jannack and Mary Evelina "Lena" Crowder, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Charles Albert Baldwin was born in February 1888 at or near North Augusta, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Eli Baldwin and ---; married, firstly, 26 October 1907 at Grenville County, Ontario, Effie Blanche Burns. His second wife Kathleen May "Kate" Jannack, (to whom he was married 14 December 1922 at Grenville County, Ontario), was born 23 February 1898 at Iroquois, Dundas County, Ontario, daughter to George Albert (Asaph or Asa) Jannack and Mary Evelina "Lena" Crowder, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Charles Albert Baldwin and Kathleen May "Kate" Jannack are presently available.


James Henry Baldwin was born 24 June 1858 or 11 June 1859 (depending upon sources) at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Canada West or at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West (depending upon sources), son to William James (or William Nelson) Baldwin and Julianna (Juliana or Julia Ann) "Ann" Brown, (to whom refer); died 17 November 1928 or 20 November 1928 or 17 November 1929 (depending upon sources) at or near Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Elizabeth Doran, (to whom he was married 18 September 1889 at Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 24 December 1873 in Ontario; died in 1944 in Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) William James Baldwin, born 21 February 1893 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, died in 1962 or in 1966 (depending upon sources); (2) Elias C. Baldwin, born probably a twin 1 April 1895 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, died in 1966; (3) John Nelson Baldwin, born probably a twin 1 April 1895 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario; (4) Margaret Elizabeth "Maggie" Baldwin, born 1 September 1897 in Ontario, died in 1974; (5) Julia Ann Baldwin, born 24 June 1899 at or near Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario or at Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario (depending upon sources), died in 1962; (6) Mary Gladys "May" Baldwin, born in or about 1901 or 2 July 1902 or 4 July 1902 or in or about 1903 (depending upon sources) at or near Domville, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died in 1972; (7) Edith Muriel Baldwin, born in or about 1904 or 31 January 1905 (depending upon sources) at or near Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, died early, unmarried, 20 April 1922; (8) John Henry Baldwin, born 24 September 1908 at or near Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, died in 1973; (9) Thomas Alexander Baldwin, born 8 March 1912 at Grenville County, Ontario, died in 1979, buried at Sandy Hill Cemetery, Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario; (10) Bernard Clifford Baldwin, born 27 December 1913 at Grenville County, Ontario, died in 1962; (11) Walter Albert Baldwin, born 26 April 1917.


Thomas Alexander Baldwin was born 8 March 1912 at Grenville County, Ontario, son to James Henry Baldwin and Elizabeth Doran, (to whom refer); died in 1979; buried at Sandy Hill Cemetery, Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Minnie M. Deane was born in 1909; died in 1934; buried at Sandy Hill Cemetery, Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Edith May Baldwin, born in 1934, died in 1998, buried at Sandy Hill Cemetery, Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario.


William James (or William Nelson) Baldwin was born in or about 1837 or 1838; died in 1872. His wife Julianna (Juliana or Julia Ann) "Ann" Brown, (to whom he was married 17 September 1856 at Ogdensburg, Oswegatchie Township, St. Lawrence County, New York), was born 28 December 1838 or in or about 1839 or 1840 (depending upon sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, daughter to Thomas Brown and Elizabeth "Bessie" (or Elbair), (to whom refer); married, secondly, in or about 1873, William Nelson Champagne, (to whom also refer); died 23 September 1923 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario. William James (or William Nelson) Baldwin and Julianna (Juliana or Julia Ann) "Ann" Brown begat issue: (1) James Henry Baldwin, born 24 June 1858 or 11 June 1859 (depending upon sources) at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Canada West or at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West (depending upon sources), died 17 November 1928 or 20 November 1928 or 17 November 1929 (depending upon sources) at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 18 September 1889 at Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario, Elizabeth Doran; (2) Elias Charles "Eldon" Baldwin, born in or about 1861 or 1862 in Canada West; (3) Elizabeth Baldwin, born 14 July 1864 or 19 July 1864 (depending upon sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, died 16 June 1894 or 26 June 1894 (depending upon sources) at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, buried in June 1894 at Sandy Hill Cemetery, Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 1 January 1881 at Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence County, New York, her half first cousin once removed Charles Crowder; (4) William John Baldwin, born in 1867 at Prescott, Grenville County, Canada West or Ontario; (5) Mary Ann "May" Baldwin, born 22 November 1869 in Ontario, died in 1939, buried at Sandy Hill Cemetery, Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 13 December 1893 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, Alexander Aris; (6) Margaret Baldwin, born in or about 1871 or 1872 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, died in i951 at Westboro Village, Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario.


William Garnet Barber was born in 1949 at or near Kirkland Lake, Teck Township, Timiskaming District, Ontario. His wife Shirley Elizabeth Patterson, (to whom he was married 13 July 1974), was born 27 May 1953 at Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to Frederick James Patterson and Margaret Elizabeth Jackson, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


--- Barkley. His wife Barbara Quinn was daughter to --- Quinn and Eleanor King, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Kevin Barkley; (2) Wendy Barkley.


Wayne Barkley. His wife Carolyn Baker was daughter to Curtis Henry Baker and Eileen Shaver, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


John Barnaby. His wife Kathleen Margaret Crowder was born 16 February 1922, daughter to Hubert Crowder and Mary Alice Roderick, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Janet Barnaby, born 11 July ----; (2) Linda Barnaby, born 8 February ----.


Clifford Earl Barton was born 19 January 1926 at or near Maynard, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to William Barton and Grace Bass; died 12 December 2001 at Ottawa Civic Hospital, Ottawa City, Ontario; buried 15 December 2001 at Maynard Cemetery, at or near Maynard, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, (with the Reverend Blair Paterson, United Church of Canada, officiating). His wife Marguerite Lavina Gillmoure, (to whom he was married 12 November 1949 at the United Church of Canada, Spencerville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 23 November 1930 at or near Shanly, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to John Andrew Gillmoure and Mary Jane "Mae" McFadden, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Penny Lavina Barton, born 13 September 1950 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 7 October 1978 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, Charles Ronald O'Brien; (2) Nancy Lynn Barton, born 2 February 1952 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married, firstly, 6 February 1971 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, Ronald Duane Daw, (from whom subsequently divorced), and, secondly, Dale Lefebvre; (3) Richard Earl Barton, born 13 May 1957 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 2 September 1982 at Toronto, Metropolitan Toronto Municipality, Ontario, Margaret Lynn Kinney.


Richard Earl Barton was born 13 May 1957 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Clifford Earl Barton and Marguerite Lavina Gillmoure, (to whom refer). His wife Margaret Lynn Kinney, (to whom he was married 2 September 1982 at Toronto, Metropolitan Toronto Municipality, Ontario), was born at Toronto, Metropolitan Toronto Municipality, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Laura Eulalie Barton, born 19 September 1985 at Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario; (2) Andrew Gillmoure Barton, born 18 November 1988 at Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario.


Kenneth Baynham was born 16 March 1921. His wife Joyce Miranda King, (to whom he was married 15 April 1950), was born 13 October 1922, daughter to Clarence William King and Ruth Mildred Wilkins, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Albert Beattie. His wife Emily "Emma" McFarlane was born 9 July 1867, daughter to John McFarlane and Mary Jane Brown, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Charles Ira Wallace, (to whom also refer); died in 1958; buried at Maynard Cemetery, at or near Maynard, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario. Albert Beattie and Emily "Emma" McFarlane begat issue: (1) J. Albert Beattie, born in 1886, died unmarried 24 November 1909; (2) John Thomas Beattie, who married ---; (3) Pearl Beattie, who married Albert "Bert" Merkley; (4) Mary Jane "Mae" Beattie, who married Andrew Miller.


--- Beatty. His wife Edna Baker was daughter to Thomas Henry "Harry" Baker and Elsie Mae Crowder, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


--- Beil. His wife Carol Crowder was born 27 November ----, daughter to Leonard Hubert Crowder and Frances Aquinas, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Adrian Orvil Bell was born 26 March 1882 or 29 March 1883 (depending upon sources) at Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario, son to Thomas Bell and Clarissa Hutt; died 25 June 1948. His wife Harriette Eliza "Hattie" Clark, (to whom he was married 3 February 1907 at or near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario), was born 3 September 1890 at or near Van Camp, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, daughter to Elijah Van Camp Clark and Margaret Elizabeth Crowder, (to whom refer); died 6 January 1944. This couple begat issue: (1) Orvil Rae Bell, born 4 August 1914 in Ontario, died 20 November 1988 at Winchester District Memorial Hospital, Winchester, Dundas County, Ontario in consequence of cardiac arrest, buried 22 November 1988 at Maple Ridge Cemetery, Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario, who married 24 October 1942 or 24 October 1944 (depending upon sources), Frances Marguerite Wylie.


Orvil Rae Bell was born 4 August 1914 in Ontario, son to Adrian Orvil Bell and Harriette Eliza "Hattie" Clark, (to whom refer); died 20 November 1988 at Winchester District Memorial Hospital, Winchester, Dundas County, Ontario in consequence of cardiac arrest; buried 22 November 1988 at Maple Ridge Cemetery, Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario. His wife Frances Marguerite Wylie, (to whom he was married 24 October 1942 or 24 October 1944, depending upon sources), was born 26 August 1927; married, secondly, Morris Korevaar. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Orvil Rae Bell and Frances Marguerite Wylie.


Henry Bellinger was born in 1868 or in April 1873 (depending upon sources) at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, son to Francis "Frank" Bellinger and Elizabeth Crowder; married, firstly, 10 May 1899 at Grenville County, Ontario, Ida Elizabeth Jackson; died in July 1953. His second wife (and second cousin) Alberteen (or Albertine) "Teen" Crowder, (to whom he was married 3 April 1907 at Grenville County, Ontario), was born 4 January 1868 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, daughter to Albert Crowder and Elizabeth Elbare, (to whom refer); died 29 March 1934 or 31 March 1934 (depending upon sources) at Dundas County, Ontario. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Henry Bellinger and Alberteen (or Albertine) "Teen" Crowder; however this couple adopted one female child who, being a "stranger in blood" as regards the treated families, is not to be further noted or documented in these records.


Arthur Edward Bennett was born 29 February 1904 at Burk's Falls, Parry Sound District, Ontario, son to Richard James Bennett and Louisa Amelia Cook (or Cooke). His wife Pearl Elizabeth Jannack, (to whom he was married 12 July 1923 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 1 June 1902 at Grenville County, Ontario or at Iroquois, Dundas County, Ontario (depending upon sources), daughter to George Albert (Asaph or Asa) Jannack and Mary Evelina "Lena" Crowder, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Lucien Joseph Raymond Benoit was born 7 July 1937. His wife Sandra Gail Timmins, (to whom he was married 3 October 1959), was born 24 September 1941, daughter to Delmer Webster Timmins and Sarah Ordelia "Sadie" Crowder, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Dennis Raymond Benoit, born 5 April 1960.


Kenneth Berry. His wife Janice Burnie was born 31 July 1963, daughter to Donald Burnie and Lois Chambers, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Kyle Berry; (2) Terry Berry.


Peter Bezpaloff. His wife Shirley Mae Crowder, (to whom he was married in 1959), was born 16 September 1941, daughter to Wilbur Crowder and Ann Guzak, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) a female child, name unavailable, who married --- deBruin; (2) a male child, name unavailable.


Lawrence "Larry" Bickerstaffe. His wife Marlene Jeanie Crowder was born 28 July 1941, daughter to Hilliard Crowder and Marguerite Dufresne, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Shawn Bickerstaffe, born 29 July 1962; (2) Tanya Bickerstaffe, born 29 October 1968; (3) Troy Bickerstaffe, born 15 August 1971.


Floyd Stanley Bilger was born 30 June 1894 in New York, son to John R. Bilger Jr. and Harriet Gilno; died 15 December 1972 at or near Sodus, Sodus Township, Wayne County, New York; buried at Wayne County, New York. His wife Winifred Edith Hamilton, (to whom he was married 26 June 1920 at Oswego County, New York), was born 7 November 1894 at or near Parish, Parish Township, Oswego County, New York, daughter to Robert Hamilton and Maria Jane "Minnie" McFarlane, (to whom refer); died on or about 8 March 1961 at or near Clifton Springs, Manchester Township, Ontario County, New York or at Hamilton County, New York (depending upon sources); buried in 1961 at Wayne County, New York. This couple begat issue: (1)


Raymond Harold Bilson. His wife Janet Adele Martin, (to whom he was married 11 June 1977 and from whom subsequently divorced), was born a twin 2 June 1958, daughter to George Hugh Martin and June Margaret Bruckshaw, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 8 October 1983, Paul Lidster, (to whom also refer). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Raymond Harold Bilson and Janet Adele Martin.


David Binnion was born 26 November 1951. His wife Debra-Jean Foster was born 26 December 1953, daughter to Charles Edison Foster and Winnifred Jean Campbell, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Charles Birdseye was born 10 August 1890. His wife Leila Ruth Pattat (Pattatt, Pettit, Pallat, Pallatt or Pellett), (to whom he was married 8 December 1915), was born 18 December 1894, daughter to Constant T. Pattat (Pattatt, Pettit, Pallat, Pallatt or Pellett) and Hannah Elbare, (to whom refer); died 30 January 1996 at Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York. This couple begat issue: (1) Charles Birdseye, born 20 January 1918, who married Virginia Carnahan.


Charles Birdseye was born 20 January 1918, son to Charles Birdseye and Leila Pattat (Pattatt, Pettit, Pallat, Pallatt or Pellett), (to whom refer). His wife was Virginia Carnahan. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Michael Bisaillon. His wife Dorothy Ann Reynolds was born 21 June 1958, daughter to John Edward Reynolds and Verna Eileen King, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 27 June 1975, Gary R. Paquin, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Michael Bisaillon and Dorothy Ann Reynolds are presently available.


Garnold Derwin Bisson. His wife Sandra Lynne Spencer, (to whom he was married 21 March 1968), was born 1 July 1948, daughter to Russell Gordon Spencer and Evelyn Mary Madsen, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Ronald Russell Bisson, born 20 September 1968; (2) Gary Edward Bisson, born 2 February 1971; (3) Kevin Bisson, born 14 October 1972.


Lee Blackwell. His wife Thelma Blanche Kathleen Ertel, (to whom he was married 24 December 1944), was born 11 June 1927, daughter to Arthur Edward Ertel and Eva Blanche McFarlane, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Robert Blackwell; (2) Thomas Blackwell; (3) Gloria Blackwell; (4) Susan Blackwell.


Morris Blad. His wife Helen Vivian King, (to whom he was married 24 August 1939 and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 11 February 1911, daughter to James Harlow King and Nellie Adelaide Bisnet, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 16 September 1953, Thomas McKinley Porteous, (to whom also refer); died 28 July 1994. Morris Blad and Helen Vivian King begat issue: (1) Edwin James Blad, born 13 July 1940, died in infancy, unmarried, 19 December 1940; (2) Vivien Irene Blad (or Porteous), born 19 February 1942, afterward assuming and bearing her stepfather's surname Porteous in lieu of that of Blad, who married 24 August 1957, Gary M. Kirkham; (3) Linda May Blad (or Porteous), born 8 May 1947, afterward assuming and bearing her stepfather's surname Porteous in lieu of that of Blad, who married 11 December 1965, Garnet Lloyd Badour.


--- Blaine. His wife Shirley Quinn was daughter to --- Quinn and Eleanor King, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Gerald Blaine; (2) Denise Blaine.


Thomas Blanchard. His wife Jay Bolton was born 25 July 1959, daughter to Ronald Bolton and Betty ---, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


--- Bluto. His wife Jean King was daughter to Cecil King and Mabel Preston, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Gloria Bluto, who married --- Gebo; (2) Susan Bluto, who married --- Lockhart.


Charles Vernon Bolton died in 1918. His wife Hannah Elizabeth Elbare, (to whom he was married 20 December 1911 at or near Craik, Saskatchewan), was born 17 October 1886 at or near Spencerville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to John Elbare and Margaret Cummings, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 15 October 1924 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, Melvin Buker, (to whom also refer); died 21 August 1986; buried in August 1986 at Maynard Cemetery, at or near Maynard, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario. Charles Vernon Bolton and Hannah Elizabeth Elbare begat issue: (1) William Wayne Bolton, born 28 August 1913 at Grenville County, Ontario, who married Eva Hudson.


Ronald Bolton was born 20 June 1937, son to William Wayne Bolton and Eva Hudson, (to whom refer). His wife was Betty ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Jay Bolton, born 25 July 1959, who married Thomas Blanchard; (2) Robert Bolton, born 21 September 1963; (3) Cindy Bolton, born 18 April 1965.


William Wayne Bolton was born 28 August 1913 at Grenville County, Ontario, son to Charles Vernon Bolton and Hannah Elizabeth Elbare, (to whom refer). His wife Eva Hudson was born 19 November 1916. This couple begat issue: (1) Ronald Bolton, born 20 June 1937, who married Betty ---; (2) Donna Bolton, who married Lloyd Keach.


Gary Ernest Born. His wife Janice Lee Crowder, (to whom he was married 27 September 1980), was born 12 November 1954, daughter to Douglas Albert Crowder and Jannigje Hooyer, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Kevin Douglas Born, born 16 September 1981 at Newhall, Los Angeles County, California; (2) Matthew William Born, born 28 September 1984 at Newhall, Los Angeles County, California.


David Bough. His wife Helen Easter was daughter to Philip Easter and Helen Miller, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


David Boughner was born 7 May 1954, son to John Gordon Boughner and Florence Edna Crowder, (to whom refer). His wife was Nancy Struthers, (to whom he was married 23 September 1974). This couple begat issue: (1) Eric Gordon Boughner, born 31 March 1980.


John Gordon Boughner was born 26 July 1914; died 19 January 1981; buried in 1981 at St. Mary's Roman Catholic Cemetery, Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife Florence Edna Crowder, (to whom he was married 18 August 1941 at Arnprior, Renfrew County, Ontario), was born 11 October 1917 in Ontario, daughter to Joseph Arnold Crowder and Georgina Margaret Turcott, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) John Boughner, born 22 July 1942; (2) Margo Boughner, born 14 July 1943, who married 23 August 1969, L. Andrew Butterworth; (3) Arnold Boughner, born 28 October 1944, died early, unmarried, 2 May 1954; (4) Linda Boughner, born 22 October 1945, who married 23 November 1963, Frederick Woolcombe; (5) Richard Boughner, born 3 August 1947, who married 28 June 1968, Wilma Hurdis; (6) David Boughner, born 7 May 1954, who married 23 September 1974, Nancy Struthers.


Richard Boughner was born 3 August 1947, son to John Gordon Boughner and Florence Edna Crowder, (to whom refer). His wife was Wilma Hurdis, (to whom he was married 28 June 1968). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Edwin Averill Bowen was born 30 January 1907. His wife Florence May Spencer, (to whom he was married 1 November 1936), was born 23 June 1915, daughter to James Henry "Harry" Spencer and Ethel Phoebe Kennedy, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Richard Allan Bowen, born 3 September 1937, who married 25 August 1962, Lynne Elizabeth Crossley; (2) Linda Maureen Bowen, born 2 February 1951.


Richard Allan Bowen was born 3 September 1937, son to Edwin Averill Bowen and Florence May Spencer, (to whom refer). His wife was Lynne Elizabeth Crossley, (to whom he was married 25 August 1962). This couple begat issue: (1) Michael David Bowen, born 3 August 1964; (2) Andrew Spencer Bowen, born 1 October 1966; (3) Elizabeth Anne Bowen, born 18 May 1971.


Bliss Eugene Bowman was born 19 January 1923; died 19 October 1947. His wife Phyllis Joyce Timmins, (to whom he was married 12 October 1946), was born 24 March 1927, daughter to Delmer Webster Timmins and Sarah Ordelia "Sadie" Crowder, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 23 December 1950, Raymond Mary Harrington, (to whom also refer). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Bliss Eugene Bowman and Phyllis Joyce Timmins.


Charles R. Bradley was son to Isaac Bradley and Ruth Rowe. His wife Melba Ruth King was born 9 May 1914, daughter to Clarence William King and Ruth Mildred Wilkins, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Kevan David Bradley was born 29 January 1962. His wife Susan Elizabeth Reynolds, (to whom he was married 19 July 1986), was born 6 October 1961, daughter to John Edward Reynolds and Verna Eileen King, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Kristopher David Bradley, born 20 January 1993; (2) Gregory John Bradley, born 17 July 1995.


Todd Brayton. His wife Elizabeth Lynn Daw was born 4 August 1971 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Ronald Duane Daw and Nancy Lynn Barton, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Summer Brayton; (2) Jacob Brayton; (3) Jesse Brayton.


Dale Brezden. His wife Darlene Jordan, (to whom he was married 25 August 1962), was born 21 August 1943, daughter to James M. Jordan and S. Isabel Spencer, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Daniel James Brezden, born 4 March 1963; (2) David Jordan Brezden, born 13 April 1964, died in infancy, unmarried, 7 May 1964; (3) Deborah Lynne Brezden, born 17 April 1966.


Cory Brohm. His wife Judy Lynne Simzer, (to whom he was married in 1996 and from whom subsequently divorced in 1999), was born 17 January 1971, daughter to Lyal Arthur Simzer and Mary Marguerite York, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Ronald Skeggs, (to whom also refer and from whom also subsequently divorced). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Cory Brohm and Judy Lynne Simzer.


Thomas Brown was born at or near London, Middlesex County, England; married, secondly, ---. His first wife Elizabeth "Bessie" Elbare (or Elbair) was born probably in Lower Canada, a close kinswoman in the degree either of sister or more probably niece to John Elbare (or Elbair) who married Mary Smith (Smyth or Smythe), (to whom refer); married, firstly, --- McFarlane, (to whom also refer); died not earlier than 1848 nor later than 1850 probably at Edwardsburgh Township, Johnstown Municipal District or Grenville County, Canada West. Thomas Brown and Elizabeth "Bessie" Elbare (or Elbair) begat issue: (1) Mary Jane Brown, born 28 March 1836 in Upper Canada, died in March 1922, who married 25 December 1855 or 26 December 1855 (depending upon sources) at Ogdensburg, Oswegatchie Township, St. Lawrence County, New York, (with Elijah White, Justice of the Peace, officiating), John McFarlane; (2) Julianna (Juliana or Julia Ann) "Ann" Brown, born 28 December 1838 at Edwardsburgh Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, died 23 September 1923 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married, firstly, 17 September 1856 at Ogdensburg, Oswegatchie Township, St. Lawrence County, New York, William James (or William Nelson) Baldwin, and, secondly, in or about 1873, William Nelson Champagne; (3) Elias Brown, died unmarried; (4) Elizabeth Brown, born 18 August 1845 or 18 August 1846 (depending upon sources) near Cardinal, Edwardsburgh Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Canada West, died 28 January 1914 at her daughter Diana's residence, Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, buried in 1914 at the Johnstown Commons Cemetery, near Johnstown, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 18 November 1861 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, Nelson King; (5) Agnes "Nancy" Brown, born 18 January 1848 at or near Mainsville, Edwardsburgh Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Canada West, died 18 May 1919 at or near Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, buried in May 1919 at Mainsville Cemetery, at or near Mainsville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married in 1870 or 1871 (depending upon sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, her close cousin John Crowder.


Ernest Franklin Bryan was born 8 February 1904 at or near South Mountain, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, son to Silas Bryan and Nancy Ann Hoy; married, firstly, 27 November 1929 at Rome, Oneida County, New York, Myrtle C. Whitmore; died 26 December 1987 at Winchester, Dundas County, Ontario. His second wife Verna Pearl Crowder, (to whom he was married 26 April 1975 at South Mountain, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario), was born 17 August 1904 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, daughter to William Arkley Royal Crowder and Emma Isabella Kendrick, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 8 November 1923 in Ontario, Milton J. Murdock, (to whom also refer); died 22 August 1991 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario; buried in August 1991 at Knight's (otherwise known as Inkerman Old) Cemetery, at or near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Ernest Franklin Bryan and Verna Pearl Crowder.


Samuel Bugg. His wife Edith Homer, (from whom subsequently divorced), was daughter to Frank Homer and Elizabeth McFarlane, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Albert Fowler, (to whom also refer). Samuel Bugg and Edith Homer begat issue: (1) Willard Bugg.


Melvin Buker was born in 1880 at Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Melvin Buker and Christina Wylie; died in 1966; buried at Maynard Cemetery, at or near Maynard, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Hannah Elizabeth Elbare, (to whom he was married 15 October 1924 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 17 October 1886 in Ontario, daughter to John Elbare and Margaret Cummings, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 20 December 1911 at or near Craik, Saskatchewan, Charles Vernon Bolton, (to whom also refer); died 21 August 1986; buried in August 1986 at Maynard Cemetery, at or near Maynard, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Melvin Buker and Hannah Elizabeth Elbare.


Edward Bullock. His wife Mildred Carmen Burdick, (to whom he was married 22 June 1968 and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 18 June 1950, daughter to Clyde Burdick and Lois Pauline Graveline, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 14 February 1975, Kenneth Ivan Schowen, (to whom also refer). Edward Bullock and Mildred Carmen Burdick begat issue: (1) Lois Pauline Bullock, born 22 July 1971; (2) David Thomas Bullock, born 5 July 1972.


Clyde Burdick was buried 3 December 1967. His wife Lois Pauline Graveline, (to whom he was married 25 November 1947), was born 13 October 1931, daughter to Henry Joseph Graveline and Mildred Pauline Durant, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Sylvia Jean Burdick, born 11 March 1948, who married 8 July 1967, William Charles Clinger; (2) Francis Henry Burdick, born 1 May 1949, who married 24 April 1968, Donna Garno; (3) Mildred Carmen Burdick, born 18 June 1950, who married, firstly, 22 June 1968, Edward Bullock, (from whom subsequently divorced), and, secondly, 14 February 1975, Kenneth Ivan Schowen; (4) Kimberley Ann Burdick, born 2 April 1961.


Francis Henry Burdick was born 1 May 1949, son to Clyde Burdick and Lois Pauline Graveline, (to whom refer). His wife Donna Garno, (to whom he was married 24 April 1968), was born 7 September 1948. This couple begat issue: (1) Francis Henry Burdick Jr., born 19 October 1968; (2) Jeffrey Clyde Burdick, born 16 April 1970; (3) Thomas Donald Burdick, born 18 March 1975.


Donald Burnie was born 31 December 1923. His wife Lois Chambers was born 31 August 1929, daughter to William Gordon Chambers and Elsie Raycroft, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Janice Burnie, born 31 July 1963, who married Kenneth Berry; (2) James Burnie, born 22 May 1965, who married Holly Howard.


James Burnie was born 22 May 1965, son to Donald Burnie and Lois Chambers, (to whom refer). His wife was Holly Howard. This couple begat issue: (1) Paige Burnie; (2) Kyrstin Burnie; (3) Jay-Lynn Burnie.


Carl Allan Burnside was born 18 May 1921, son to William John Burnside and Mary Edith "Mamie" King, (to whom refer); died in August 1978. His wife Dorothy McNeil, (to whom he was married 21 August 1943), was born 18 July 1923. This couple begat issue: (1) Robert Allan Burnside, born 17 January 1945, who married Louise Porter; (2) Thomas William Burnside, born 10 March 1950, who married 28 June 1975, Sharon Bateman; (3) Carol Emily Burnside, born 2 June 1959, who married 9 May 1981, Gregory Donald Donaldson.


Edward Donald Howard Burnside was born 23 September 1938, son to Howard James Burnside and Elizabeth Congdon, (to whom refer). His wife was Lorna Grace Wickwire. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Gerald Alton Burnside was born 13 April 1928, son to William John Burnside and Mary Edith "Mamie" King, (to whom refer). His wife Margaret Elizabeth Wickwire, (to whom he was married 8 August 1962), was born 18 January 1926. This couple begat issue: (1) Sheila Grace Burnside, born 4 November 1964, who married 28 January 1989 at St. Paul's United Church, Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, Robert James Lillico.


Howard James Burnside was born 13 April 1908, son to William John Burnside and Mary Edith "Mamie" King, (to whom refer). His wife was Elizabeth Congdon, (to whom he was married in 1937). This couple begat issue: (1) Edward Donald Howard Burnside, born 23 September 1938, who married Lorna Grace Wickwire.


Robert Allan Burnside was born 17 January 1945, son to Carl Allan Burnside and Dorothy McNeil, (to whom refer). His wife was Louise Porter. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Thomas William Burnside was born 10 March 1950, son to Carl Allan Burnside and Dorothy McNeil, (to whom refer). His wife was Sharon Bateman, (to whom he was married 28 June 1975). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


William John Burnside. His wife Mary Edith "Mamie" King, (to whom he was married 27 September 1905), was born 9 December 1886 in Ontario, daughter to James Henry King and Mary Jane Chambers, (to whom refer); died 11 March 1975. This couple begat issue: (1) Mary Elsie Burnside, born 23 October 1906 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 24 May 1985 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, buried 27 May 1985 at Mainsville Cemetery, at or near Mainsville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, (with the Reverend Helen Wilson, United Church of Canada, officiating), who married, firstly, 20 August 1924, William Holliday, and, secondly, William Cecil Merkley; (2) Howard James Burnside, born 13 April 1908, who married in 1937, Elizabeth Congdon; (3) Russell William Burnside, born 29 October 1914 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 12 August 1984 at Smiths Falls Community Hospital, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, buried 14 August 1984 at Mainsville Cemetery, at or near Mainsville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario; (4) Muriel Marguerite Burnside, born 17 April 1917 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 21 November 2002 at Winchester District Memorial Hospital, Winchester, North Dundas Township, Dundas County, Ontario, buried at Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Maitland, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 18 April 1936, James Russell York; (5) Carl Allan Burnside, born 18 May 1921, died in August 1978, who married 21 August 1943, Dorothy McNeil; (6) Gerald Alton Burnside, born 13 April 1928, who married 8 August 1962, Margaret Elizabeth Wickwire.


L. Andrew Butterworth. His wife Margo Boughner, (to whom he was married 23 August 1969), was born 14 July 1943, daughter to John Gordon Boughner and Florence Edna Crowder, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Dawn Lyn Butterworth, born 26 March 1970; (2) Tracy Butterworth, born 24 December 1974.



James Caldwell was born 6 July 1922, son to Morton J. Caldwell and Maude (or Muriel) Jane King, (to whom refer). His wife Mary Yaldon, (to whom he was married 15 March 1946), was born 15 June 1925. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Morton J. Caldwell was son to William Caldwell and Margaret Gillmoure (Gilmour, Gilmore or Gilmer). His wife Maude (or Muriel) Jane King was born 21 June 1886 or 16 June 1887 (depending upon sources) in Ontario, daughter to James Milton William King and Susannah (or Susan) Harriet Beatty, (to whom refer); died in 1940. This couple begat issue: (1) Margaret H. Caldwell, born 3 July 1915, died 30 November 1981, who married, firstly, John Taylor, and, secondly, Stanley Smith; (2) William Morton Caldwell, born 4 December 1920, who married 25 October 1946, Francine Devine; (3) James Caldwell, born 6 July 1922, who married 15 March 1946, Mary Yaldon.


William Morton Caldwell was born 4 December 1920, son to Morton J. Caldwell and Maude (or Muriel) Jane King, (to whom refer). His wife Francine Devine, (to whom he was married 25 October 1946), was born 9 October 1918. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Morris Kermit Calloway. His wife Deborah Lynne Cawsey, (to whom he was married 26 October 1968), was born 11 August 1950, daughter to Allister Cawsey and Norma Elizabeth Spencer, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Tanya Lynne Calloway, born 5 December 1974.


Beverly Royce Cameron was born 16 January 1923. His wife Leah Elizabeth King, (to whom he was married 4 July 1943), was born 17 October 1923, daughter to James Harlow King and Nellie Adelaide Bisnet, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Pamela Jane Cameron, born 16 August 1944, who married 24 August 1968, Victor G. Raymond Jones; (2) Beverly Dawn Elizabeth Cameron, born 5 February 1952, who married 6 September 1975, Richard Donald Graham.


Frederick Arthur Campbell was born in 1908 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Owen Campbell and Grace Levere; died 16 March 1981 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; buried 19 March 1981. His wife Evelyn Lillian Clark, (to whom he was married 22 January 1926), was born 19 September 1908 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario, daughter to William John Clark and Emma Lillian Allen, (to whom refer); died 18 April 1977. This couple begat issue: (1) James Campbell, born 18 May 1928, died unmarried 18 April 1949; (2) Frederick Palmer "Ted" or "Teddy" Campbell, born 11 November 1929, died 17 September 1989 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, buried in September 1989 at St. John's United Church (formerly St. John's Methodist) Riverside Cemetery, near Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 11 October 1947, Marguerite Elizabeth Merkley; (3) Winnifred Jean Campbell, born 25 November 1930, who married Charles Edison Foster; (4) Miriam Earleen Campbell, born 8 March 1932, who married Harry Easter; (5) John Clark "Jack" Campbell, born 9 August 1935, who married 7 August 1976, Marie Suzanne Monique Seguin; (6) Gordon Carl Campbell, born 18 January 1939, who married, firstly, Jeannette Jones, (from whom subsequently divorced), and, secondly, Lynn Fitzgerald; (7) Robert Arthur "Bobby" Campbell, born 3 April 1942, died foully by another hand 5 October 1983, who married Hazel Gredina Magdelena Lowe; (8) Owen Glenn Campbell, born in December 1943, who married Sandra Fran�ois, (from whom subsequently divorced); (9) Lawrence C. Campbell, born 12 July 1945, who married in 1970, Nancy Powers, (from whom subsequently divorced).


Frederick Howard Campbell was born 30 May 1948, son to Frederick Palmer "Ted" or "Teddy" Campbell and Marguerite Elizabeth Merkley, (to whom refer). His wife was Ava ---, (to whom he was married 31 July 1977). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Frederick Palmer "Ted" or "Teddy" Campbell was born 11 November 1929, son to Frederick Arthur Campbell and Evelyn Lillian Clark, (to whom refer); died 17 September 1989 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; buried in September 1989 at St. John's United Church (formerly St. John's Methodist) Riverside Cemetery, near Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Marguerite Elizabeth Merkley, (to whom he was married 11 October 1947), was born 7 March 1931. This couple begat issue: (1) Frederick Howard Campbell, born 30 May 1948, who married 31 July 1977, Ava ---; (2) Suzanne Margaret Campbell, born 7 December 1949, who married 8 September 1973, Daniel McCurdy; (3) Ronald James Campbell, born 6 May 1951; (4) Christopher Arthur Campbell, born 5 August 1954; (5) Cindy-Belle Lillian Campbell, born 10 August 1956, who married Dennis Cooper; (6) Andrew Clark Campbell, born 29 November 1961.


Gordon Carl Campbell was born 18 January 1939, son to Frederick Arthur Campbell and Evelyn Lillian Clark, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Lynn Fitzgerald, (to whom also refer). His first wife was Jeannette Jones, (from whom subsequently divorced). Gordon Carl Campbell and Jeannette Jones begat issue: (1) James Carroll Campbell, born 27 October 1956; (2) Gordon Arthur Campbell, born 22 June 1958; (3) Keith William Campbell, born 24 May 1959; (4) Mark Anthony Campbell, born 19 July 1960; (5) Terry David Campbell, born 27 March 1965.


Gordon Carl Campbell was born 18 January 1939, son to Frederick Arthur Campbell and Evelyn Lillian Clark, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Jeannette Jones, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced). His second wife was Lynn Fitzgerald. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Gordon Carl Campbell and Lynn Fitzgerald.


John Clark "Jack" Campbell was born 9 August 1935, son to Frederick Arthur Campbell and Evelyn Lillian Clark, (to whom refer). His wife Marie Suzanne Monique Seguin, (to whom he was married 7 August 1976), was born 12 October 1932; married, firstly, Carl George Grant. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of John Clark "Jack" Campbell and Marie Suzanne Monique Seguin.


Lawrence C. Campbell was born 12 July 1945, son to Frederick Arthur Campbell and Evelyn Lillian Clark, (to whom refer). His wife Nancy Powers, (to whom he was married in 1970 and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 4 April 1941. This couple begat issue: (1) Sean Campbell, born 27 October 1970; (2) Jodi Campbell, born 21 April 1973.


Lloyd Campbell. His wife Doris Jean Clark, (to whom he was married 3 February 1951), was born 29 December 1935, daughter to Harold Cyrus Clark and Idella Kirker, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Linda Campbell, born 3 February 1952, who married --- Spencer; (2) Douglas Campbell, born 11 July ----; (3) Murray Campbell, born 28 March ----.


Owen Glenn Campbell was born in December 1943, son to Frederick Arthur Campbell and Evelyn Lillian Clark, (to whom refer). His wife was Sandra Fran�ois, (from whom subsequently divorced). This couple begat issue: (1) Christina Monica Campbell; (2) Gwen Jean Campbell.


Robert Arthur "Bobby" Campbell was born 3 April 1942, son to Frederick Arthur Campbell and Evelyn Lillian Clark, (to whom refer); died foully by another hand 5 October 1983. His wife Hazel Gredina Magdelena Lowe was born 7 March 1945; married, secondly, Steven Johnston. Robert Arthur "Bobby" Campbell and Hazel Gredina Magdelena Lowe begat issue: (1) Robert Arthur Campbell Jr., born 13 July 1964; (2) Timothy George Campbell, born 20 September 1967.


James Orin Carr was born 24 August 1935. His wife Dawn Lorraine Durant, (to whom he was married 21 April 1956), was born 28 July 1936, daughter to Ross Clark Durant and Verna Alma McLean, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Cynthia Joan Carr, born 29 January 1958; (2) Russell James Carr, born 27 September 1960; (3) Roger Durant Carr, born 10 September 1965.


Brian Ray Carter was born 17 October 1944. His wife Olive Jean Gillissie, (to whom he was married 26 May 1972), was born 24 January 1947, daughter to James Edward Gillissie and Doris Wilhamina Martin, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Wilfred Taillon, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced); died 11 February 2013 at St. Andrew's West, South Stormont Township, Stormont County, Ontario; cremated in February 2013 at Cornwall, Stormont County, Ontario. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Brian Ray Carter and Olive Jean Gillissie are presently available.


Allister Cawsey was born 18 July ----. His wife Norma Elizabeth Spencer, (to whom he was married 9 June 1943), was born 20 June 1912, daughter to James Henry "Harry" Spencer and Ethel Phoebe Kennedy, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Carole Anne Cawsey, born 25 December 1943, who married 13 June 1965, Wilfred Florian Dube; (2) Deborah Lynne Cawsey, born 11 August 1950, who married 26 October 1968, Morris Kermit Calloway.


Earl Chambers was born 3 September 1896 at or near Brouseville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to William Chambers and Mary Laura Inglis (Ingles, Engles or Englis), (to whom refer); died 6 July 1976 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Edna Pearl Reid, (to whom he was married 10 January 1923 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 20 August 1901 at or near Johnstown, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Mary Leona Maria Chambers, born 25 December 1933 at or near Brouseville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 30 June 1955 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario, Clifford Francis O'Brien; (2) Earl Russell Reid Chambers, born 25 April 1935 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario.


Freeman Wesley "Freem" Chambers was born 12 October 1877, son to William Chambers and Mary Laura Inglis (Ingles, Engles or Englis), (to whom refer); died in September 1958 in consequence of injuries sustained at his own hand by dint of hanging. His wife Sarah Mabel Cummings, (to whom he was married 16 September 1903 at or near Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 13 March 1882 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario; died 16 July 1949. This couple begat issue: (1) Harry Floyd Chambers, born 27 October 1905 at Edwardsburgh Township, near Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, died 12 October 1979, who married 21 January 1953 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, Annie Mildred McMillan.


George Merville Chambers was born 24 April 1868 at Matilda Township, Dundas County, Ontario, son to John Chambers and Julianna (Juliana or Julia Ann) "Ann" Elbare (or Elbair), (to whom refer); christened 13 August 1868 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife was ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Garnet Chambers.


Harry Floyd Chambers was born 27 October 1905 at Edwardsburgh Township, near Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Freeman Wesley "Freem" Chambers and Sarah Mabel Cummings, (to whom refer); died 12 October 1979. His wife Annie Mildred McMillan, (to whom he was married 21 January 1953 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 7 January 1915 at Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to Andrew Hunter McMillan and Alice Whitley; died 20 May 1987 at St. Vincent de Paul Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; buried 23 May 1987 at St. John's United Church (formerly St. John's Methodist) Riverside Cemetery, near Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, (with the Reverend Mervyn Peters, United Church of Canada, officiating). No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


John Chambers was son to William Chambers and ---. His wife Julianna (Juliana or Julia Ann) "Ann" Elbare (or Elbair), (to whom he was married 31 October 1844 at Matilda Township, Eastern Municipal District, Canada West with the Reverend Robert Boyd, Presbyterian Church, officiating), was born in February 1824 at Edwardsburgh Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, daughter to John Elbare (or Elbair) and Mary Smith (Smyth or Smythe), (to whom refer); died 29 October 1875 (according to some sources) or 31 October 1875 (according to some sources and Registrar-General) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario; buried at Mainsville Cemetery, at or near Mainsville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Mary Jane Chambers, born 7 August 1849 in Canada West, who married 30 October 1867 at Ogdensburg, Oswegatchie Township, St. Lawrence County, New York, James Henry King; (2) Margaret Chambers; (3) William Chambers, born 14 January 1853 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, died 21 August 1923 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, buried in August 1923 at Mainsville Cemetery, at or near Mainsville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married Mary Laura Inglis (Ingles, Engles or Englis); (4) Melissa Chambers, born in or about 1853 or 1854 probably at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, died unmarried 20 August 1874 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, buried in August 1874 at Mainsville Cemetery, at or near Mainsville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario; (5) Henry Chambers; (6) John Chambers; (7) Ann Chambers, born in or about 1864 or 1865 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, died 2 November 1923 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married Joseph Reid; (8) George Merville Chambers, born 24 April 1868 at Matilda Township, Dundas County, Ontario, christened 13 August 1868 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville, County, Ontario, who married ---; (9) Samuel Chambers.


John Chambers. His wife Martha King was born 17 April 1864 at or near Limekiln (afterward known as Crystal Rock), Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, daughter to Nelson King and Elizabeth Brown, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Frank Chambers; (2) Dorothy Chambers.


Roy Chambers was born 12 April 1891 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to William Chambers and Mary Laura Inglis (Ingles, Engles or Englis), (to whom refer); died 3 May 1948 at St. Boniface Hospital, St. Boniface, Manitoba in consequence of uraemia following upon chronic parenchymatous diabetes mellitus; buried in May 1948 at Brookside Cemetery, Winnipeg, Manitoba. His wife Bertha Agnes Ostrom was born 30 November 1884 at or near Sanders, Sanders Township, Marshall County, Minnesota, daughter to Nels Olof Ostrom and Agnes Josephson (formerly Agneta Josephdotter); died 14 November 1966 at Winnipeg, Manitoba in consequence of sudden cardiac arrest whilst waiting to cross a street en route to a medical examination; buried at Brookside Cemetery, Winnipeg, Manitoba. In addition to the adoption of a female child who was most probably a niece to the Wife but who, being in any case a "stranger in blood" as regards the Husband's family, is not to be further noted or documented in these records, this couple begat issue: (1) Eleanor Christina Bertha Chambers, born 8 August 1915 at or near Sprague, Piney Rural Municipality, Manitoba, christened 9 April 1917 at the Methodist Church, Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, died 6 May 1990 in consequence of cancer of the liver, buried in May 1990 at Barriere, Barriere Improvement District, Thompson-Nicola Regional District, British Columbia, who married 31 July 1938 at Gardenton, Stuartburn Rural Municipality, Manitoba, Philip John Harvey; (2) Violet Belle Chambers, born 18 March 1920 at or near Sprague, Piney Rural Municipality, Manitoba, who married 1 May 1943 at Sprague Baptist Church, Sprague, Piney Rural Municipality, Manitoba, (with the Reverend Edward Clay, Baptist Church, officiating), Paul Csuzdi; (3) Ida Laura Chambers, born 13 February 1925, who married Gerald Ottenbreit.


William Chambers was born 14 January 1853 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, son to John Chambers and Julianna (Juliana or Julia Ann) "Ann" Elbare (or Elbair), (to whom refer); died 21 August 1923 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario; buried in August 1923 at Mainsville Cemetery, at or near Mainsville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Mary Laura Inglis (Ingles, Engles or Englis) was born 5 November 1859 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West; died 10 February 1934 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario; buried in 1934 at Mainsville Cemetery, at or near Mainsville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Freeman Wesley "Freem" Chambers, born 12 October 1877, died in September 1958 in consequence of injuries sustained at his own hand by dint of hanging, who married 16 September 1903 at or near Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, Sarah Mabel Cummings; (2) William Chambers, born 27 December 1879, died 12 April 1968, who married Annie Henderson; (3) Lillian Bell Chambers, born 16 December 1884, died 17 December 1967, who married Elgin McMonagle; (4) Addie May Chambers, born 28 April 1887, died 27 October 1974 at or near Heuvelton, Oswegatchie Township, St. Lawrence County, New York, who married Charles Livingston; (5) Roy Chambers, born 12 April 1891 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 3 May 1948 at St. Boniface Hospital, St. Boniface, Manitoba in consequence of uraemia following upon chronic parenchymatous diabetes mellitus, buried in May 1948 at Brookside Cemetery, Winnipeg, Manitoba, who married Bertha Agnes Ostrom; (6) Ella Myrtle Chambers, born 28 June 1889, died 5 October 1970, who married James Grant; (7) Florence Lena Chambers, born 29 May 1894, died 28 March 1949, who married Byron Russell; (8) Earl Chambers, born 3 September 1896 at or near Brouseville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 6 July 1976 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 10 January 1923 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, Edna Pearl Reid; (9) Charles Chambers, died in infancy, unmarried, buried at Mainsville Cemetery, at or near Mainsville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario.


William Chambers was born 27 December 1879, son to William Chambers and Mary Laura Inglis (Ingles, Engles or Englis), (to whom refer); died 12 April 1968. His wife Annie Henderson was born in or about 1883 or 1884, daughter to George Alexander Henderson and Lois Lemmon; died in 1931. This couple begat issue: (1) Clive Chambers, born in or about 1904 or 1905; (2) William Gordon Chambers, born 16 August 1906 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 21 November 1986 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, buried 24 November 1986 at Mainsville Cemetery, at or near Mainsville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, (with the Reverend Charles Newton and the Reverend Nicholas Vandermey, United Church of Canada, officiating), who married, firstly, Elsie Raycroft, and, secondly, in January 1970, Gwendolyn "Gwen" Williams.


William Gordon Chambers was born 16 August 1906 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to William Chambers and Annie Henderson, (to whom refer); married, secondly, in January 1970, Gwendolyn "Gwen" Williams, (to whom also refer); died 21 November 1986 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; buried 24 November 1986 at Mainsville Cemetery, at or near Mainsville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, (with the Reverend Charles Newton and the Reverend Nicholas Vandermey, United Church of Canada, officiating). His first wife Elsie Raycroft was born 30 November 1900; died 27 November 1968. William Gordon Chambers and Elsie Raycroft begat issue: (1) Lois Chambers, born 31 August 1929, who married Donald Burnie; (2) Annie Ida Chambers, born 18 February 1932 near Brouseville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 24 April 2003 at her residence, Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, buried in 2003 at Maynard Cemetery, at or near Maynard, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 21 July 1956 at the residence of the Reverend Thomas Knowles, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, (with the Reverend Thomas Knowles, United Church of Canada, officiating), Gordon Dulmage.


William Gordon Chambers was born 16 August 1906 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to William Chambers and Annie Henderson, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Elsie Raycroft, (to whom also refer); died 21 November 1986 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; buried 24 November 1986 at Mainsville Cemetery, at or near Mainsville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, (with the Reverend Charles Newton and the Reverend Nicholas Vandermey, United Church of Canada, officiating). His second wife Gwendolyn "Gwen" Williams, (to whom he was married in January 1970), was born 10 March 1905. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of William Gordon Chambers and Gwendolyn "Gwen" Williams.


William Nelson Champagne was born 7 March 1852 at Grenville County, Canada West, son to Oliver Champagne and Eliza King; died 26 July 1934 at Grenville County, Ontario; buried in 1934 at Sandy Hill Cemetery, Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Julianna (Juliana or Julia Ann) "Ann" Brown, (to whom he was married in or about 1873), was born 28 December 1838 or in or about 1839 or 1840 at Edwardsburgh Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, daughter to Thomas Brown and Elizabeth "Bessie" Elbare (or Elbair), (to whom refer); married, firstly, 17 September 1856 at Ogdensburg, Oswegatchie Township, St. Lawrence County, New York, William James (or William Nelson) Baldwin, (to whom also refer); died 23 September 1923 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario. William Nelson Champagne and Julianna (Juliana or Julia Ann) "Ann" Brown begat issue: (1) Nelson Champagne, born in 1874, died at birth or in extreme infancy, unmarried, same day in 1874; (2) William Francis Champagne, born in or about 1875 at or near Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, died early, unmarried, 7 January 1883 at or near Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario; (3) Nelson Champagne, born in or about 1877, died early, unmarried, 8 September 1878 at or near Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario; (4) Albert Champagne, born 3 February 1879, died early, unmarried, 2 January 1883 at or near Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario; (5) James Arthur Champagne, born in or about late 1879 at or near Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, died in infancy, unmarried, 21 December 1879 at or near Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario; (6) Charles Edward Champagne, born 17 October 1886 at or near Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, died 1 November 1918 at Carleton County, Ontario.


George Eri Chant was born 5 September 1887 or 5 November 1887 or 5 September 1889 or 5 November 1889 (depending upon sources) at or near Delta, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to David Chant and Eliza (or Editha) Jackson; died 13 December 1956; buried at Maynard Cemetery, at or near Maynard, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Clara Bessie King, (to whom he was married 28 February 1915 at St. John's Anglican Church, Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 26 September 1894 (according to some sources) or 4 October 1894 (according to some sources and her aunt's statement) at or near Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to Thomas Henry King and Mary Johnston, (to whom refer); died 9 April 1990; buried in 1990 at Maynard Cemetery, at or near Maynard, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Laura Alberta Chant, born 4 August 1916 on Concession 6, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 10 October 1934 at North Augusta, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, Ralph Edward Landon; (2) David Wesley Chant, born 25 October 1918 or 28 October 1918 (depending upon sources), died unmarried in 1979.


Brent Christie was born 15 July 1968, son to David Richard Christie and Jean McMillan, (to whom refer). His wife was Christina Hall, (to whom he was married 24 July 1999); married, firstly, Bart Simpson, (from whom subsequently divorced). Brent Christie and Christina Hall begat issue: (1) Erika Jean Christie, born 16 October 2001.


David Richard Christie was born 12 March 1945, son to David Roy Christie and Jean Rowe, (to whom refer). His wife Jean McMillan was born 10 March 1945. This couple begat issue: (1) Darren Christie, born 5 July 1966; (2) Brent Christie, born 15 July 1968, who married 24 July 1999, Christina Hall.


David Roy Christie. His wife Jean Rowe, (to whom he was married 20 June 1942), was born 19 June 1924, daughter to Edgar Leslie "Eddie" Rowe and Emma Laura McFarlane, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) David Richard Christie, born 12 March 1945, who married 14 February 1964, Jean McMillan; (2) Leslie Carl Christie, born 15 October 1949, who married Donna Stanley, (from whom subsequently divorced).


Leslie Carl Christie was born 15 October 1949, son to David Roy Christie and Jean Rowe, (to whom refer). His wife was Donna Stanley, (from whom subsequently divorced). This couple begat issue: (1) Denise Christie, born 11 June 1973.


Emery Christman. His wife Henrietta "Etta" King was born 17 March 1883 at or near Limekiln (afterward known as Crystal Rock), Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to Nelson King and Elizabeth Brown, (to whom refer); died 27 October 1966 at or near Watertown, Jefferson County, New York. This couple begat issue: (1) Bessie Christman; (2) Dorothy Christman; (3) Gilbert Christman.


James Christy. His wife Miranda "Minnie" King was born 8 April 1872 at or near Limekiln (afterward known as Crystal Rock), Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to Nelson King and Elizabeth Brown, (to whom refer); died 29 November 1939 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario; buried at Sandy Hill Cemetery, Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Eva Christy; (2) Helen Christy; (3) Willis Christy; (4) Lily Christy; (5) Arthur Christy.


Barry Cinnamon. His wife Connie Fay York, (to whom he was married 8 July 1972), was born 9 March 1955, daughter to James Russell York and Muriel Marguerite Burnside, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Nathan Allan Cinnamon, born 31 August 1978; (2) David Barry Cinnamon, born 1 September 1979; (3) Dennis Cinnamon.


Carl Eldoro (or Eldon) Clark was born 28 November 1928, son to Harold Cyrus Clark and Idella Kirker, (to whom refer), afterward unofficially substituting the name "Eldon" in lieu of the officially-registered name "Eldoro". His wife was Ann Ladouceur, (to whom he was married 27 May 1950). This couple begat issue: (1) Judy Clark, born 19 September 1950 at Toronto, York County, Ontario, who married --- Curry; (2) Doris Clark, born 18 October 1954 at or near Claresholm, Alberta, who married --- Grattan; (3) Ronald Clark, born 5 October 1955; (4) Cindy Clark, born 15 May 1958 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; (5) Carl Clark, born 28 June 1961 at Metz, Metz-Queuleu Arrondissement, Moselle D�partment, the French Republic; (6) Iris Clark, born 27 February 1963 in Nova Scotia; (7) Barbara Clark, born 5 September 1966 in Qu�bec.


Colin Gerald Clark was born 11 July 1933, son to Harold Cyrus Clark and Idella Kirker, (to whom refer). His wife was Grace Johnston, (to whom he was married 11 July ---- and from whom subsequently divorced). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


David Clark was born 29 June 1907 at or near Van Camp, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, son to Elijah Van Camp Clark and Margaret Elizabeth Crowder, (to whom refer). His wife was ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Wilfred Clark.


Elijah Van Camp Clark was born 26 March 1857 (according to some sources and his own statement) or 26 March 1858 (according to some sources) at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Canada West, son to James C. Clark and Harriet Eliza Van Camp; died 6 May 1926 at Dundas County, Ontario; buried in May 1926 at Union Cemetery, South Mountain, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario. His wife Margaret Elizabeth Crowder, (to whom he was married 29 December 1880 at Dundas County, Ontario), was born 15 February 1862 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Canada West, daughter to George Ira Crowder and Ardelia Elbare, (to whom refer); died 21 October 1928 at Cornwall, Stormont County, Ontario; buried at Union Cemetery, South Mountain, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) William John Clark, born 22 August 1882 or 27 August 1882 (depending upon sources) at Oxford-on-Rideau Township, Grenville County, Ontario or at Dundas County, Ontario (depending upon sources), died 28 May 1957, who married, firstly, 15 February 1905 at Carleton County, Ontario, Emma Lillian Allen, and, secondly, in October 1917 or 8 April 1918 (depending upon sources) at Grenville County, Ontario, Myrtle Katherine MacKenzie; (2) Carrie Jane Clark, born 11 July 1884 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, died 13 August 1961, who married 11 March 1903 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, James Patterson; (3) Frederick George Clark, born 5 April 1886 at Dundas County, Ontario, died in 1960, who married ---; (4) Ardelia A. Clark, born 12 October 1888 at or near Van Camp, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, died 19 April 1961 at or near Canton, Canton Township, St. Lawrence County, New York, who married 9 January 1907 at or near Van Camp, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, Orren Franklin Durant; (5) Harriette Eliza "Hattie" Clark, born 3 September 1890 at or near Van Camp, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, died 6 January 1944, who married 3 February 1907 at or near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, Adrian Orvil Bell; (6) Gertrude Amelia Clark, born 16 March 1892 at Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario, died early, unmarried, 19 February 1893 or 19 February 1901 (depending upon sources) at Dundas County, Ontario, buried at Union Cemetery, South Mountain, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario; (7) Anna-Bell Clark, born 17 December 1893 at Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario, died 31 March 1979, who married 6 December 1916 at or near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, Thomas Leister Steele; (8) Katherine (or Kathleen) "Kate" Clark, born 21 July 1896 at Dundas County, Ontario, died 15 July 1960, buried in July 1960 at Union Cemetery, South Mountain, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, who married, firstly, in 1920, Frank Stetson, and, secondly, in 1935, John C. Wallace; (9) Charles Adelbert Clark, born 2 May 1899 at Dundas County, Ontario, died unmarried 13 July 1918 in consequence of injuries sustained upon his leaping from a moving railway train, buried in July 1918 at Union Cemetery, South Mountain, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario; (10) Harold Cyrus Clark, born 3 March 1901 at or near Van Camp, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, died 9 March 1981, who married 16 June 1920 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, Idella Kirker; (11) Donald Elijah Clark, born 10 December 1902 at or near Van Camp, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, died unmarried; (12) David Clark, born 29 June 1907 at or near Van Camp, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, who married ---.


Frederick George Clark was born 5 April 1886 at Dundas County, Ontario, son to Elijah Van Camp Clark and Margaret Elizabeth Crowder, (to whom refer); died in 1960. His wife was ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Frances M. Clark, who married Patrick D. Passmore.


Harold Cyrus Clark was born 3 March 1901 at or near Van Camp, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, son to Elijah Van Camp Clark and Margaret Elizabeth Crowder, (to whom refer); died 9 March 1981. His wife Idella Kirker, (to whom he was married 16 June 1920 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario), was born 30 June 1899 at or near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, daughter to Alexander Kirker and Lucy Barriger. This couple begat issue: (1) Helen Gladys Clark, born 19 March 1921, who married 26 May 1962, Hugh Dougald Ferguson; (2) Carl Eldoro (or Eldon) Clark, born 28 November 1928, afterward unofficially substituting the name "Eldon" in lieu of the officially-registered name "Eldoro", who married 27 May 1950, Ann Ladouceur; (3) Colin Gerald Clark, born 11 July 1933, who married 11 July ----, Grace Johnston, (from whom subsequently divorced); (4) Doris Jean Clark, born 29 December 1935, who married 3 February 1951, Lloyd Campbell.


William John Clark was born 22 August 1882 or 27 August 1882 (depending upon sources) at Oxford-on-Rideau Township, Grenville County, Ontario or at Dundas County, Ontario (depending upon sources), son to Elijah Van Camp Clark and Margaret Elizabeth Crowder, (to whom refer); married, secondly, in October 1917 or 8 April 1918 (depending upon sources) at Grenville County, Ontario, Myrtle Katherine MacKenzie, (to whom also refer); died 28 May 1957. His first wife Emma Lillian Allen, (to whom he was married 15 February 1905 at Carleton County, Ontario), was born in 1882, daughter to William Allen and Eliza Bowler; died 27 January 1910. William John Clark and Emma Lillian Allen begat issue: (1) Miriam Gertrude Clark, born 9 September 1905 at Carleton County, Ontario, who married, firstly, 26 July 1929 or 29 July 1929 (depending upon sources), Emile Arthur Tessier, and, secondly, 24 November 1938, Fred Hale Miller; (2) Evelyn Lillian Clark, born 19 September 1908 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario, died 18 April 1977, who married 22 January 1926, Frederick Arthur Campbell.


William John Clark was born 22 August 1882 or 27 August 1882 (depending upon sources) at Oxford-on-Rideau Township, Grenville County, Ontario or at Dundas County, Ontario (depending upon sources), son to Elijah Van Camp Clark and Margaret Elizabeth Crowder, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 15 February 1905 at Carleton County, Ontario, Emma Lillian Allen, (to whom also refer); died 28 May 1957. His second wife Myrtle Katherine MacKenzie, (to whom he was married in October 1917 or 8 April 1918 depending upon sources at Grenville County, Ontario), was born 8 March 1883 in Qu�bec, daughter to Roderick MacKenzie and Sophie Maxsom; died 12 March 1980. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of William John Clark and Myrtle Katherine MacKenzie; however this couple brought up the two female children, elsewhere herein recorded, of the Husband's previous marriage.


Ronald Adelard Clermont was born 3 November 1942. His wife Olive Lynn Hyndman, (to whom he was married 20 May 1967), was born 20 September 1946, daughter to Charles Robert Kenneth Hyndman and Evelyn Rose Martin, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Richard Serge Clermont, born 3 October 1969; (2) Robert David Clermont, born 22 September 1970.


William Charles Clinger was born 12 October 1945. His wife Sylvia Jean Burdick, (to whom he was married 8 July 1967), was born 11 March 1948, daughter to Clyde Burdick and Lois Pauline Graveline, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Angela Marie Clinger, born 2 January 1968.


Stephen Clouthier. His wife Wendy Crowder, (to whom he was married 6 August 1977), was born 3 December 1956, daughter to Leonard Arnold Crowder and Rita Collier, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable, born in 1982.


Robert Roy Coffey was born in 1889 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, son to James Coffey and Agnes Hamilton. His wife Mildred Crowder, (to whom he was married 6 April 1920 at Grenville County, Ontario), was born 6 May 1897 (according to some sources and her parents' statement) or 6 May 1899 (according to some sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to Hiram Crowder and Melvina "Vina" Lampson, (to whom refer); died 29 June 1993 at Wellington House, Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario; buried 1 July 1993 at St. John's United Church (formerly St. John's Methodist) Riverside Cemetery, near Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Gladys Coffey, who married --- McDonald; (2) Eunice Coffey, who married --- Simpson; (3) Naomi Coffey, who married --- Seeley.


Brent Cole. His wife Sherry Woolcombe, (to whom he was married 21 May 1982), was born 31 March 1964, daughter to Frederick Woolcombe and Linda Boughner, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) a female child, name unavailable, born in September 1982.


Douglas Collette. His wife Phyllis May Durant, (to whom he was married 29 July 1945), was born 15 November 1926, daughter to Delmer Floyd Durant and Laura Manning, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Jacqueline Collette; (2) Deborah Collette, who married Stanley Mattson, (from whom subsequently divorced).


Gerald Connell. His wife Helen Merkley was daughter to Albert "Bert" Merkley and Pearl Beattie, (to whom refer). No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Gary Milburn Cook was born 17 April 1944 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Milburn (or Milbourne) Cook and Dora Rose Gillmoure, (to whom refer). His wife Marie Anne Andr�e Michelene Sequin, (to whom he was married 19 April 1968 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 30 March 1945 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec. This couple begat issue: (1) David Gary Cook, born 28 October 1968 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; (2) Daniel Ren� Cook, born 22 April 1974 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario.


Milburn (or Milbourne) Cook was born 29 April 1913 at or near Shanly, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to William Cook and Sybil McDermott; died 1 November 1967 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; buried at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Dora Rose Gillmoure, (to whom he was married 14 July 1937 at the residence of the bride's parents at or near Shanly, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 11 July 1919 at or near Shanly, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to John Andrew Gillmoure and Mary Jane "Mae" McFadden, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) William John Dale Cook, born 16 September 1941 at or near North Channel, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 9 May 1964 at South Mountain, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, Lelah Alice Francis; (2) Gary Milburn Cook, born 17 April 1944 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 19 April 1968 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, Marie Anne Andr�e Michelene Sequin; (3) Sandra Gail Cook, born in 1945 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, died in infancy, unmarried, in 1945, buried at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario; (4) Sharon Rose Cook, born 18 September 1946 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 7 November 1964 at or near Braeside, Renfrew County, Ontario, Russell Grant Moulton; (5) Ronald Jeffrey Cook, born 13 December 1955 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 31 December 1986 at Toronto, Metropolitan Toronto Municipality, Ontario, Janice ---.


Ronald Jeffrey Cook was born 13 December 1955 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Milburn (or Milbourne) Cook and Dora Rose Gillmoure, (to whom refer). His wife Janice ---, (to whom he was married 31 December 1986 at Toronto, Metropolitan Toronto Municipality, Ontario), was born 9 July 1952 at Toronto, Metropolitan Toronto Municipality, Ontario; married, firstly, ---. In addition to the upbringing of two children of the Wife's previous marriage who, being "strangers in blood" as regards the Husband's family, are not to be further noted or documented in these records, no further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Ronald Jeffrey Cook and Janice --- are presently available.


William John Dale Cook was born 16 September 1941 at or near North Channel, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Milburn (or Milbourne) Cook and Dora Rose Gillmoure, (to whom refer). His wife Lelah Alice Francis, (to whom he was married 9 May 1964 at South Mountain, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario), was born 1 October 1940 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) William John Kenneth Cook, born 21 April 1965 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; (2) Milburn Earl Timothy Cook, born 16 July 1967 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; (3) Kevin Dale Cook, born 29 September 1971 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario.


John Onley Coon was son to Emory Coon and Martha Nelson. His wife Bertha A. (or Bertha Lee) Elbare (or Elbar), (to whom he was married 6 May 1908 at Onondaga County, New York), was daughter to Hezekiah (or Hesiciah) "Zeke" Elbare (or Elbar) and Alice Lord, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Dennis Cooper was son to George Cooper and Shirley ---. His wife Cindy-Belle Lillian Campbell was born 10 August 1956, daughter to Frederick Palmer "Ted" or "Teddy" Campbell and Marguerite Elizabeth Merkley, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Gregory George Palmer Cooper, born 1 March 1984 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario.


Joseph Cooper. His wife Dawna Patricia Anderson, (to whom he was married in March 1974), was born 27 May 1932, daughter to Orval Anderson and Edna Marie Spencer, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 22 September 1951, James Russell Stanton, (to whom also refer). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Joseph Cooper and Dawna Patricia Anderson are presently available.


George Alexander Corry was born 14 July 1903 in Ontario; died 11 January 1972 at or near Chesterville, Dundas County, Ontario; buried in 1972 at Maple Ridge Cemetery, Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario. His wife Lola Gertrude Crowder, (to whom he was married 24 November 1945 in Ontario), was born 9 September 1905 at Dundas County, Ontario, daughter to John Edgar Crowder and Nancy Jane Campbell, (to whom refer); died in 1992 at or near Chesterville, Dundas County, Ontario; buried at Maple Ridge Cemetery, Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Jay A. Cotell was born in or about 1876 or 1877 in New York, son to Alonzo Cotell and Florence Hitchcock. His wife Bertha Bell Elbare, (to whom he was married 5 March 1898 at Manistee, Manistee County, Michigan), was born 17 April 1879 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to Robert "Bob" Elbare (Ellbare or Elbair) and Elizabeth Ingles (Inglis, Englis or Engles), (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Florence Mildred Cotell, born 27 November 1898 at Eastlake, Manistee County, Michigan, died 19 November 1966 at Irving Community Hospital, Irving, Dallas County, Texas in consequence of respiratory failure owing to severe pulmonary emphysema and pneumonia resulting from severe pulmonary obstructive disease and renal insufficiency, buried 21 November 1966 at Elmwood Cemetery, Woodward, Woodward County, Oklahoma, who married Derk A. Vloedman; (2) Dorothy Cotell, born in or about 1900 or 1901 in Illinois.


Allen Gene Countryman was born 18 April 1946. His wife Marsha Diane King, (to whom he was married 10 March 1973), was born 6 July 1944, daughter to George Harlow King and Laura Johnston, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Galen John Countryman, born 24 December 1974; (2) Eli Abraham Countryman, born 1 January 1977.


Leonard Thomas Cournoyer was born 4 January 1891 at or near Chippewa Falls, Chippewa County, Wisconsin, son to Isadore Cournoyer and Parade Chandaunal; died 30 August 1970 at Blaine Lake, Saskatchewan. His wife Sadie Mae Crowder, (to whom he was married 27 November 1912 at Marcelin, Saskatchewan), was born 11 October 1895 at or near Gouverneur, Gouverneur Township, St. Lawrence County, New York, daughter to Alva (or Albert) Ray Crowder and Cora Mae Savage, (to whom refer); died in May 1930 in Saskatchewan; buried in May 1930 at St. Anthony of Padua's Roman Catholic Cemetery, near Blaine Lake, Saskatchewan. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Albert Crowder was born 31 May 1840 probably on Lot 14, Concession 4, Mountain Township, Eastern Municipal District, Upper Canada, son to Charles Crowder and Susannah Wallace (Walliser or Wallister); died 15 September 1916 or 16 September 1916 (depending upon sources) at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario; buried in September 1916 at Knight's (otherwise known as Inkerman Old) Cemetery, at or near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario. His wife Elizabeth Elbare, (to whom he was married 23 January 1865 at Dundas County, Canada West), was born 22 February 1840 or 22 February 1842 (depending upon sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada or at Edwardsburgh Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Canada West (depending upon sources), daughter to John Elbare (or Elbair) and Mary Smith (Smyth or Smythe), (to whom refer); died 2 January 1920 or 22 January 1920 (depending upon sources) at the residence of her son-in-law and daughter Henry Bellinger and Alberteen (or Albertine) "Teen" Crowder at or near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario; buried in 1920 at Knight's (otherwise known as Inkerman Old) Cemetery, at or near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Zenia Crowder, born 24 May 1866 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Canada West, died early, unmarried, 18 July 1867 (according to some sources) or 18 July 1880 (according to some sources and tombstone) at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, buried in July 1867 or in July 1880 (depending upon sources) at Knight's (otherwise known as Inkerman Old) Cemetery, at or near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario; (2) Alberteen (or Albertine) "Teen" Crowder, born 4 January 1868 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, died 29 March 1934 or 31 March 1934 (depending upon sources) at Dundas County, Ontario, who married 3 April 1907 at Grenville County, Ontario, her second cousin Henry Bellinger; (3) Nancy Syscelia Crowder, born 14 October 1869 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, died 4 October 1937 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, buried at Knight's (otherwise known as Inkerman Old) Cemetery, at or near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, who married in 1890, William Dennis; (4) Mary Evelina "Lena" Crowder (not Elizabeth Evelina "Lena" Crowder as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources), born 24 June 1874 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario (not at or near Parry Sound, Parry Sound District, Ontario as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources), died 27 July 1955 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario or at Grenville County, Ontario (depending upon sources), buried in 1955 at Knight's (otherwise known as Inkerman Old) Cemetery, at or near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, who married 29 October 1896 at Lisbon Township, St. Lawrence County, New York, George Albert (Asaph or Asa) Jannack; (5) Henry Orval Crowder, born 5 October 1878 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, died 17 February 1965, who married 12 November 1902 at Stormont County, Ontario, Lydia Joanna "Annie" Tinkess; (6) Nathaniel Samuel Crowder, born 13 March 1881 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, died 6 January 1966, who married, firstly, 14 June 1916 at Grenville County, Ontario, Elizabeth Wilson Rigg, and, secondly, Ruth Bessie Mulloy.


Allie Benson "Ben" Crowder was born 2 September 1912 in Ontario, son to William Arkley Royal Crowder and Mary Ann "Minnie" Torrance, (to whom refer); died 27 June 1989. His wife Norma Ellen Porteous, (to whom he was married 2 May 1952 at Vernon, Osgoode Township, Carleton County, Ontario), was born 23 February 1913 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, daughter to John Arthur Porteous and Sadie Cinnamon; died 11 December 2005 at Dundas Manor, Winchester, North Dundas Township, Dundas County, Ontario; buried at Ormond Protestant Cemetery, Ormond, North Dundas Township, Dundas County, Ontario. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Alpheus (or Alphaeus) Arastus "Alf" Crowder was born 27 November 1863 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Canada West, son to George Ira Crowder and Ardelia Elbare, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 22 February 1899 (according to some sources and Registrar-General) or 22 November 1899 (according to some sources) at or near South Mountain, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, (with the Reverend J. F. Macfarland, Presbyterian Church, officiating), his first cousin once removed Jane "Jennie" Crowder, (to whom also refer); died 12 October 1939 or 12 November 1939 (depending upon sources); buried at Knight's (otherwise known as Inkerman Old) Cemetery, at or near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario. His first wife Elizabeth Jane "Jennie" Thompson, (to whom he was married 25 October 1887 at or near Winchester, Dundas County, Ontario with the Reverend J. E. Maverty, Methodist Church, officiating), was born in or about 1866 or 1867, daughter to Thomas Thompson and Eleanor (not Ellen) Rickey; died 8 August 1896 or 9 August 1896 (depending upon sources); buried in August 1896 at Knight's (otherwise known as Inkerman Old) Cemetery, at or near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario. Alpheus (or Alphaeus) Arastus "Alf" Crowder and Elizabeth Jane "Jennie" Thompson begat issue: (1) George Ernest Crowder, born 16 September 1888 in Ontario, died unmarried 23 June 1917 at Key Harbour, Henvey Township, Parry Sound District, Ontario in consequence of a drowning incident whilst on active Coast Guard service, buried in 1917 at Knight's (otherwise known as Inkerman Old) Cemetery, at or near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario; (2) Eleanor Ardelia "Ella" Crowder, born 7 September 1890 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, died unmarried 16 January 1973 at South Mountain, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, buried in 1973 at Knight's (otherwise known as Inkerman Old) Cemetery, at or near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario; (3) Mary Bell "Bella" Crowder (although totally blind, a highly skilful and talented artist in painting, needlework, etc.), born 16 October 1891 (according to some sources and her uncle's statement) or 16 October 1892 (according to some sources and her sister's statement) in Ontario, died unmarried 9 March 1930.


Alpheus (or Alphaeus) Arastus "Alf" Crowder was born 27 November 1863 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Canada West, son to George Ira Crowder and Ardelia Elbare, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 25 October 1887 at or near Winchester, Dundas County, Ontario, (with the Reverend J. E. Maverty, Methodist Church, officiating), Elizabeth Jane "Jennie" Thompson, (to whom also refer); died 12 October 1939 or 12 November 1939 (depending upon sources); buried at Knight's (otherwise known as Inkerman Old) Cemetery, at or near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario. His second wife (and first cousin once removed) Jane "Jennie" Crowder, (to whom he was married 22 February 1899 according to some sources and Registrar-General or 22 November 1899 according to some sources at or near South Mountain, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario with the Reverend J. F. Macfarland, Presbyterian Church, officiating), was born 17 March 1874 or 19 March 1874 (depending upon sources) at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, daughter to Reuben Richard Crowder and Elizabeth Christie; died 8 March 1960 at or near South Mountain, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario; buried in 1960 at Knight's (otherwise known as Inkerman Old) Cemetery, at or near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Alpheus (or Alphaeus) Arastus "Alf" Crowder and his first cousin once removed Jane "Jennie" Crowder.


Alva (or Albert) Ray Crowder was born in August 1875 at Grenville County, Ontario, son to George Ira Crowder and Mary Elizabeth Mayhew (or Levere), (to whom refer); died 24 December 1930 at Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan; buried at St. Anthony of Padua's Roman Catholic Cemetery, near Blaine Lake, Saskatchewan. His wife Cora Mae Savage, (to whom he was married in 1894 in New York), was born in July 1877 at or near Gouverneur, Gouverneur Township, St. Lawrence County, New York, daughter to Joseph G�d�on Edward Sauvage (or Savage) and Matilda Manor; married, secondly, in 1940, Arthur Beales; died 11 April 1942 at Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan; buried at Rosedale Cemetery, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. This couple begat issue: (1) Sadie Mae Crowder, born 11 October 1895 at or near Gouverneur, Gouverneur Township, St. Lawrence County, New York, died in May 1930 in Saskatchewan, buried in May 1930 at St. Anthony of Padua's Roman Catholic Cemetery, at or near Blaine Lake, Saskatchewan, who married 27 November 1912 at Marcelin, Saskatchewan, Leonard Thomas Cournoyer.


Andrew Crowder was born 10 June 1962, son to Stanley Lloyd Crowder and Blanche Garrand, (to whom refer). His wife was Patricia Kotelko, (to whom he was married 7 August 1982). This couple begat issue: (1) Shawn Michael Stanley Crowder, born 6 October 1982.


Arkley Bernice Crowder was born 23 June 1914 in Ontario, son to William Arkley Royal Crowder and Mary Ann "Minnie" Torrance, (to whom refer); died in 1994 at or near Chesterville, Dundas County, Ontario; buried at Maple Ridge Cemetery, Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario. His wife Eva M. Shannette, (to whom he was married 20 November 1947), was born in 1923. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Arthur Levi Crowder was born 22 November 1906 at or near Craik, Local Improvement District 22-J-2, Saskatchewan, son to Henry Orval Crowder and Lydia Joanna "Annie" Tinkess, (to whom refer); died in January 1986 at Toronto, Metropolitan Toronto Municipality, Ontario. His wife Ida Helen Blower, (to whom he was married in or about 1927 or 1928 and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 16 September 1909 at Port Credit, Toronto Township, Peel County, Ontario; died 5 October 2003 at Mississauga, Peel Regional Municipality, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Clifford Orville Crowder, born in 1929 at Toronto, York County, Ontario; (2) Barbara Doris Helen Crowder, born in 1930 at Toronto, York County, Ontario; (3) Violet Josephine Crowder, born in 1932 at Toronto, York County, Ontario; (4) Ronald Buster "Bud" Crowder, born in 1934 at Toronto, York County, Ontario, who married 9 October 1954, Leafie Mona Hopkins.


Charles Crowder was born 21 February 1859 at or near Brouseville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, son to Joseph Crowder and Mary Jane "Janie" or "Jennie" Elbare (Elbair or Elbert), (to whom refer); died 16 August 1944 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario; buried in August 1944 at Beechwood Cemetery, Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario. His wife (and half first cousin once removed) Elizabeth Baldwin, (to whom he was married 1 January 1881 at Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence County, New York), was born 14 July 1864 or 19 July 1864 (depending upon sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, daughter to William James (or William Nelson) Baldwin and Julianna (Juliana or Julia Ann) "Ann" Brown, (to whom refer); died 16 June 1894 or 26 June 1894 (dependng upon sources) at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario; buried in June 1894 at Sandy Hill Cemetery, Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Vasco (or Vaslo) Crowder, born 20 May 1881 or 20 May 1882 (depending upon sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 4 July 1920, who married 1 September 1914 at York County, Ontario, Ann Elizabeth Tweedale; (2) Julianna (Juliana or Julia Ann) "Ann" Crowder, born 10 June 1885 or 19 June 1885 (depending upon sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died early, unmarried, 2 June 1886 at or near Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, buried in June 1886 at Sandy Hill Cemetery, Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario; (3) James Henry Crowder, born 2 April 1887 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died early, unmarried, 28 July 1888 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, buried in 1888 at Sandy Hill Cemetery, Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario; (4) Clara A. Crowder, born 16 May 1888 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died unmarried 19 March 1907 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, buried in 1907 at Sandy Hill Cemetery, Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario; (5) Margaret Crowder, born 27 April 1890 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 26 September 1968 at Chapleau Township, Sudbury District, Ontario, who married 2 April 1907 at Carleton County, Ontario, Wellington Stanley Mowry; (6) Joseph Arnold Crowder, born 21 March 1893 (according to some sources and his father's statement) or 23 March 1893 (according to some sources) at or near Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, died 16 November 1974, buried at Renfrew, Renfrew County, Ontario, who married, firstly, 4 July 1912, Georgina Margaret Turcott, and, secondly, 29 December 1923 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Grace Selina Scott.


Cyrus Uriah Crowder was born 27 December 1867 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, son to George Ira Crowder and Ardelia Elbare, (to whom refer); died 10 May 1950 or 30 May 1950 (depending upon sources). His wife Margaret Christie was born 14 January 1869 at Matilda Township, Dundas County, Ontario; died 6 November 1954 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage; however this couple brought up the Husband's niece Mary Bell "Bella" Crowder, the youngest child of the Husband's brother and sister-in-law Alpheus Arastus "Alf" Crowder and Elizabeth Jane "Jennie" Thompson, (to whom also refer), following upon the death of the child's mother.


David Crowder was son to Milton Keith Crowder and Alice Lynn, (to whom refer). His wife was Janet ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Donald Crowder was son to Milton Keith Crowder and Alice Lynn, (to whom refer). His wife was Pauline ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Douglas Crowder was son to Milton Keith Crowder and Anna I. Lyons, (to whom refer). His wife was Helen ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Douglas Albert Crowder was born 25 October 1919 at or near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Gerald Burnaby Crowder and Ethel Matilda Douglas, (to whom refer); died 3 July 1991 at Hemet, Hemet Township, Riverside County, California. His wife Jannigje Hooyer, (to whom he was married 11 May 1949 at Ayer's Cliff, Stanstead County, Qu�bec), was born 16 June 1926 at Hilversum, Noord-Holland Province, the Kingdom of The Netherlands, daughter to Jan Hooyer and Anne Marie Bowman. This couple begat issue: (1) Patricia Anne Crowder, born 7 January 1951 at Deep River, Rolph Township, Renfrew County, Ontario, who married 17 January 1970 at Deep River, Renfrew County, Ontario, Joseph Henry Robertson; (2) Janice Lee Crowder, born 12 November 1954, who married 27 September 1980, Gary Ernest Born.


Douglas Scott Crowder was born 15 June 1952, son to Norman Kenneth Crowder and Ruth Eileen Haberl, (to whom refer). His wife Emilia Amos, (to whom he was married 2 November 1974), was born 1 May 1954. This couple begat issue: (1) Susanne Alberta Crowder, born 17 August 1975; (2) Brian Joseph Crowder, born 1 April 1979.


Dowine Donald Crowder was born 10 September 1937, son to Hilliard Crowder and Marguerite Dufresne, (to whom refer); died 23 October 2003 at Cornwall, Stormont County, Ontario. His wife was Rita Branchaud. This couple begat issue: (1) Kim Crowder, born 3 June 1959, who married --- Dufour; (2) Randy Crowder, born 16 October 1961, who married --- Brenda.


Durwood Earl Crowder was born 29 August 1912 at or near Gouverneur, Gouverneur Township, St. Lawrence County, New York, son to William Henry Crowder and Myrtle Collison, (to whom refer); died 12 July 1986 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. His wife was Helen Florence Byers, (to whom he was married in 1936 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Earl Crowder was born 11 May 1918 in Saskatchewan, son to Judson "John" Crowder and Ella Maude Blair, (to whom refer). His wife Anne "Mabel" Kalyn (or Kayln), (to whom he was married 26 July 1940 at Blaine Lake, Saskatchewan), was born at or near Marlin, Saskatchewan. This couple begat issue: (1) Gordon Crowder, who married, firstly, Leona Charlebois, and, secondly, 9 September 1971 at North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Marie Herle.


Edgar Stanley Crowder was born 27 September 1897 at Dundas County, Ontario, son to John Edgar Crowder and Nancy Jane Campbell, (to whom refer); died 18 November 1961 at or near Chesterville, Dundas County, Ontario. His wife Margaret Rose Grosvenor, (to whom he was married 31 August 1926), was born 15 July 1900; died 14 June 1960 at or near Chesterville, Dundas County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Audrey June Crowder, born 15 June 1927, who married 23 September 1950, Duncan Alfred Dunn.


Edward Crowder was born 19 August 1873 (according to some sources) or 20 August 1873 (according to some sources and his parents' statement) or 29 August 1873 (according to some sources) at Grenville County, Ontario, son to Joseph Crowder and Mary Jane "Janie" or Jennie" Elbare (Elbair or Elbert), (to whom refer); died 3 July 1912 at Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Delilah (or Adelia) Lydia "Delia" Levere, (to whom he was married 14 October 1903 at Grenville County, Ontario), was born 15 September 1885 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to James Thomas Levere and Charlotte Elizabeth Rickett; married, secondly, --- Mellon; died in 1979 at or near Mainsville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario; buried at Mainsville Cemetery, at or near Mainsville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario. Edward Crowder and Delilah (or Adelia) Lydia "Delia" Levere begat issue: (1) Eliza Jane "Jennie" Crowder, born 21 July 1904 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 26 December 1995 at Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario, buried at St. James the Apostle's Anglican Churchyard, Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario, who married Archibald Seymour; (2) James Edward Crowder, born 3 May 1906 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died together with his wife 18 January 1975 at their residence at or near Beckett's Landing, Marlborough Township, Carleton County, Ontario in consequence of injuries sustained in a house fire, buried at St. Paul's Anglican Churchyard, at or near Beckett's Landing, Marlborough Township, Carleton County, Ontario, who married in 1925, Minnie Watkins; (3) Lorne Wallace Crowder, born 30 April 1907 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 3 February 1978, who married 16 November 1935 at Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario, Aileen Wilson; (4) Victor Stanley Crowder, born 29 August 1908 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married Geraldine W. Richmire; (5) Roy Crowder, born 21 October 1910 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died in infancy, unmarried, 10 February 1911 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario; (6) Lillian Crowder, born in 1912, who married Arnold Harper.


Elmes Ivan Crowder was born 20 September 1879 at South Gower Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Henry Crowder and Elizabeth Martin, (to whom refer); died 16 February 1948; buried in 1948 at Oxford Mills Union Cemetery, at or near Oxford Mills, Oxford-on-Rideau Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Lavinia Caroline Derrick, (to whom he was married 26 October 1904 at Grenville County, Ontario), was born 11 November 1886 at or near North Augusta, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to George Derrick and Elizabeth Christina Christman, (to which Elizabeth Christina also refer as third wife of the abovementioned Henry Crowder); died 30 May 1984; buried 1 June 1984 at Oxford Mills Union Cemetery, at or near Oxford Mills, Oxford-on-Rideau Township, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Harold Derrick Crowder, born 20 September 1905 or 24 September 1905 (depending upon sources} at or near Oxford Mills, Oxford-on-Rideau Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 4 August 1965 at Sangudo, Alberta, who married, firstly, Bernie Kennedy, and, secondly, 25 March 1925 at or near Oxford Mills, Oxford-on-Rideau Township, Grenville County, Ontario, Lena McFarland; (2) Lila Elizabeth Crowder, born 19 July 1914 at or near Oxford Mills, Oxford-on-Rideau Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died unmarried 19 March 1934 at Carleton County, Ontario; (3) Leotta Christina "Odie" Crowder, born 15 January 1925 in Ontario, died 30 November 2004 at Ottawa Civic Hospital, Ottawa City, Ontario, buried at Bishop's Mills Cemetery, at or near Bishop's Mills, North Grenville Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 19 May 1943, Elwyn Robert Porter.


Ernest Clifford Crowder was born 26 February 1945 at Blaine Lake, Saskatchewan, son to Wilbur Crowder and Ann Guzak, (to whom refer). His wife was Irene Desdaly (or Nesdoly), (to whom he was married 15 July 1966). This couple begat issue: (1) Ian Crowder, born 29 October 1972; (2) Dean Crowder, born 27 November 1976; (3) Nelson Crowder, born 26 November 1977.


Floyd Sherman Crowder was born 17 June 1939, son to Wilbur Crowder and Ann Guzak, (to whom refer). His wife was Noella Charlebois. This couple begat issue: (1) a female child, name unavailable.


Francis Hector Crowder was born 6 October 1921 at or near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Gerald Burnaby Crowder and Ethel Matilda Douglas, (to whom refer); died 5 February 1997 at Deep River, Renfrew County, Ontario. His wife Dorothy Ruth Adam, (to whom he was married 20 December 1946), was born 16 April 1926. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Frederick Crowder was born in April 1914, son to Hiram Crowder and Melvina "Vina" Lampson, (to whom refer); died 1 November 1981. His wife Edith Hope was born 3 June 1916; died 25 June 1970 or 25 July 1970 (depending upon sources). This couple begat issue: (1) Sharon Jane Crowder, born 3 March 1946 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, died foully by another hand on, about or previous to 26 January 1989 at Oxford-on-Rideau Township, near Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario in consequence of gunshot wounds inflicted during a dispute, buried 30 January 1989 at Sandy Hill Cemetery, Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, who married --- Leonard, (from whom subsequently divorced).


Garnet Wallace Crowder was born 31 July 1939, son to Hilliard Crowder and Marguerite Dufresne, (to whom refer). His wife was Marie St. Louis. This couple begat issue: (1) Dale Crowder, born 4 June 1962; (2) Boyd Crowder, born 13 May 1964; (3) Lyn Crowder, born 26 September 1965.


George Ira Crowder was born 8 February 1831 or 8 February 1832 or 8 February 1834 (depending upon sources) at Mountain Township, Eastern Municipal District, Upper Canada, son to Charles Crowder and Susannah Wallace (Walliser or Wallister); died 3 July 1906 (according to some sources) or 4 July 1906 (according to some sources and Registrar-General) at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario; buried in July 1906 at Van Camp Cemetery, at or near Van Camp, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario. His wife Ardelia Elbare, (to whom he was married 5 March 1856 at or near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Canada West), was born 22 September 1836 or 22 September 1837 (depending upon sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, daughter to John Elbare (or Elbair) and Mary Smith (Smyth or Smythe), (to whom refer); died 11 November 1922 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario; buried at Van Camp Cemetery, at or near Van Camp, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Henry Crowder, born 7 March 1857 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Canada West, died 13 July 1935 at Grenville County, Ontario, buried in July 1935 at Oxford Mills Union Cemetery, at or near Oxford Mills, Oxford-on-Rideau Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married, firstly, 27 December 1876 at Dundas County, Ontario, Elizabeth Martin, secondly, 9 June 1920 at Grenville County, Ontario, Mary Wilson, and, thirdly, 10 September 1924 at Grenville County, Ontario, Elizabeth Christina Christman; (2) Ira Albert Crowder, born 15 October 1859 at or near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Canada West, died 13 June 1926 at Grenville County, Ontario, who married 12 January 1887, Elizabeth Rachel Colborne; (3) Margaret Elizabeth Crowder, born 15 February 1862 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Canada West, died 21 October 1928 at Cornwall, Stormont County, Ontario, buried at Union Cemetery, South Mountain, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, who married 29 December 1880 at Dundas County, Ontario, Elijah Van Camp Clark; (4) Alpheus (or Alphaeus) Arastus "Alf" Crowder, born 27 November 1863 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Canada West, died 12 October 1939 or 12 November 1939 (depending upon sources), buried at Knight's (otherwise known as Inkerman Old) Cemetery, at or near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, who married, firstly, 25 October 1887 at or near Winchester, Dundas County, Ontario, (with the Reverend J. E. Maverty, Methodist Church, officiating), Elizabeth Jane "Jennie" Thompson, and, secondly, 22 February 1899 (according to some sources and Registrar-General) or 22 November 1899 (according to some sources) at or near South Mountain, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, (with the Reverend J. F. Macfarland, Presbyterian Church, officiating), his first cousin once removed Jane "Jennie" Crowder; (5) Sarah Jane Crowder, born 26 November 1865 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Canada West, bore out of wedlock, prior to marriage, by a man unrecorded, one male child, (for further records of whom refer to the entry labelled "Sarah Jane Crowder" in the "Supplementary" Section at the end of Part I. of this work), died 1 January 1941, who married 30 September 1892 (not 30 September 1891 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources) at or near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, William John Martin; (6) Cyrus Uriah Crowder, born 27 December 1867 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, died 10 May 1950 or 30 May 1950 (depending upon sources), who married Margaret Christie; (7) Joseph Edgar Crowder, born 20 August 1870 (according to some sources and Family Bible) or 28 August 1875 (according to some sources and his tombstone) at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, died in infancy, unmarried, 13 September 1870 (according to some sources and Family Bible) or 13 September 1875 (according to some sources and his tombstone) at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, buried at Van Camp Cemetery, at or near Van Camp, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario; (8) John Edgar Crowder, born 13 March 1873 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, died 24 June 1948 at Dundas County, Ontario, buried in 1948 at Maple Ridge Cemetery, Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario, who married 5 May 1896 at or near South Mountain, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, Nancy Jane Campbell; (9) William Arkley Royal Crowder, born 12 July 1876 (according to some sources) or 12 July 1878 (according to some sources and his own statement) at or near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, died 5 June 1961, buried in June 1961 at Knight's (otherwise known as Inkerman Old) Cemetery, at or near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, who married, firstly, 20 March 1901 at Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario, Emma Isabella Kendrick, and, secondly, 2 June 1909 at Dundas County, Ontario, Mary Ann "Minnie" Torrance.


George Ira Crowder was born 19 October 1853 (according to some sources) or 29 October 1853 (according to some sources and his own statement) at Dundas County, Canada West, son to Joseph Crowder and Mary Jane "Janie" or "Jennie" Elbare (Elbair or Elbert), (to whom refer); died 5 February 1938 at Grenville County, Ontario; buried in 1938 at Mainsville Cemetery, at or near Mainsville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Mary Elizabeth Mayhew (or Levere), (to whom he was married in 1873), was born 30 June 1851 at or near South Mountain, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Canada West, daughter to Hugh Mayhew and ---; died 21 April 1922 at Grenville County, Ontario; buried in 1922 at Mainsville Cemetery, at or near Mainsville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Alva (or Albert) Ray Crowder, born in August 1875 at Grenville County, Ontario, died 24 December 1930 at Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, buried at St. Anthony of Padua's Roman Catholic Cemetery, near Blaine Lake, Saskatchewan, who married in 1894 in New York, Cora Mae Savage; (2) Judson "John" Crowder, born in February 1876 or 14 August 1876 (depending upon sources) at Grenville County, Ontario, died 3 July 1948 at Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, who married, firstly, 3 September 1902 in New York, Ella Maude Blair, and, secondly, in or about 1928 or 1929 in Saskatchewan, Elizabeth Pollard; (3) Wesley Freeman Crowder, born 13 January 1879 at or near Brouseville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 29 December 1950 at Chilliwack, British Columbia, who married 31 March 1902 at or near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, Amelia Louisa "Millie" Blair; (4) George Orwin Crowder, born 30 July 1880 or 8 November 1880 or 8 March 1881 (depending upon sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 16 August 1955 in Saskatchewan, who married 13 February 1900 or 21 February 1900 (depending upon sources) at Grenville County, Ontario, Jennie Viola Barkley; (5) Luella (Louella or Lowella) Jane Crowder, born 21 March 1882 (according to some sources and her own statement) or 24 March 1882 (according to some sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, near Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, died 26 October 1906 at Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, buried 29 October 1906 at Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, who married 14 December 1899 (according to some sources) or 19 December 1899 (according to some sources and Registrar-General) at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, her second cousin once removed Nelson King Jr.; (6) Pearl Eliza Crowder, born 11 June 1884 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died early, unmarried, 10 December 1898 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario; (7) James Lester (or Leslie) Crowder, born 20 May 1885 or 24 May 1885 or 20 May 1886 or 12 April 1887 (depending upon sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 18 March 1929 at Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, who married 6 March 1905 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, Anna Jackson; (8) William Henry Crowder, born 10 August 1887 or 10 August 1888 (depending upon sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died in 1968 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, who married 28 November 1910 at Grenville County, Ontario, Myrtle Collison; (9) Rosa (or Rose) Edith Crowder, born 16 June 1889 or 16 June 1890 (depending upon sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, near Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, died 16 December 1975, who married 19 September 1907 at Grenville County, Ontario, James Story (or Storey); (10) Adeline Belle "Ada", "Adda" or "Addie" Crowder, born 21 September 1891 or 27 September 1891 or 14 October 1892 (depending upon sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married at Blaine Lake, Saskatchewan, Thomas Archibald Crowe; (11) Charlotte Laura "Lottie" Crowder, born 3 July 1893 at Grenville County, Ontario, died at St. Lawrence County, New York, who married 25 September 1912 at St. Lawrence County, New York, William Forrest Smith.


George Orwin Crowder was born 30 July 1880 or 8 November 1880 or 8 March 1881 (depending upon sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to George Ira Crowder and Mary Elizabeth Mayhew (or Levere), (to whom refer); died 16 August 1955 in Saskatchewan. His wife Jennie Viola Barkley, (to whom he was married 13 February 1900 or 21 February 1900 depending upon sources at Grenville County, Ontario), was born 31 May 1881 at Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to Amos Barkley and Amanda Case; died 22 August 1952. This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name, if any, unavailable, born 30 January 1902 at Grenville County, Ontario; (2) Pearl Crowder, born in December 1903; (3) Andrew "Andy" Crowder, born in August 1905; (4) Lilly Crowder, born probably a twin, probably in September 1908; (5) Millie Crowder, born probably a twin, probably in September 1908; (6) Louella Crowder, born in November 1909; (7) Ray Crowder, born in September 1910 in Saskatchewan; (8) Hazel Crowder, born 11 April ---- in Saskatchewan, who married Floyd DeLoss Williams.


Gerald Burnaby Crowder was born 25 April 1888 at or near Winchester, Dundas County, Ontario, son to Ira Albert Crowder and Elizabeth Rachel Colborne, (to whom refer); died 5 August 1955 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife Ethel Matilda Douglas, (to whom he was married 20 January 1909 at Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 7 January 1891, daughter to William Douglas and Rachel Brown; died 11 April 1979. This couple begat issue: (1) Lillian Gertrude Crowder, born 7 August 1911 at or near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, died 19 April 2000, who married 16 April 1938, Archibald Burton "Archie" Graham; (2) Gerald Ralph Crowder, born 23 June 1913 at or near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, died 5 July 1959 or 4 August 1959 (depending upon sources) at Deep River, Renfrew County, Ontario, who married 18 October 1952, Dorothy Alma Holland; (3) Douglas Albert Crowder, born 25 October 1919 at or near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, died 3 July 1991 at Hemet, Hemet Township, Riverside County, California, who married 11 May 1949 at Ayer's Cliff, Stanstead County, Qu�bec, Jannigje Hooyer; (4) Francis Hector Crowder, born 6 October 1921 at or near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, died 5 February 1997 at Deep River, Renfrew County, Ontario, who married 20 December 1946, Dorothy Ruth Adam; (5) Gloria Dawn Crowder, born 2 June 1929 at or near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, died in or about 1989 or 1990 in West Virginia, who married 10 June 1948, William Nelson Morris.


Gerald Ralph Crowder was born 23 June 1913 at or near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Gerald Burnaby Crowder and Ethel Matilda Douglas, (to whom refer); died 5 July 1959 or 4 August 1959 (depending upon sources) at Deep River, Renfrew County, Ontario. His wife Dorothy Alma Holland, (to whom he was married 18 October 1952), was born 1 September 19--. This couple begat issue: (1) Robert James Crowder, born 24 February 1954 at Deep River, Rolph Township, Renfrew County, Ontario, died early, unmarried, 2 December 1956; (2) Gerald Arthur Crowder, born 10 July 1956 at Deep River, Deep River Improvement District, Renfrew County, Ontario.


Glen Thomas Crowder was born 14 July 1949, son to Lorne Thomas Crowder and Dorothy Jean Wilson, (to whom refer). His wife Sharon Pearl Levere, (to whom he was married 2 October 1971), was born 3 September 1954. This couple begat issue: (1) Glen Jason Crowder, born in 1977.


Gordon Crowder was son to Earl Crowder and Anne "Mabel" Kalyn (or Kayln), (to whom refer); married, secondly, 9 September 1971 at North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Marie Herle, (to whom also refer). His first wife was Leona Charlebois. Gordon Crowder and Leona Charlebois begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable.


Gordon Crowder was son to Earl Crowder and Anne "Mabel" Kalyn (or Kayln), (to whom refer); married, firstly, Leona Charlebois, (to whom also refer). His second wife was Marie Herle, (to whom he was married 9 September 1971 at North Battleford, Saskatchewan). Gordon Crowder and Marie Herle begat issue: (1) James Crowder, born 27 July 1974; (2) Clayton Crowder.


Graham Crowder was born 9 October 1946, son to Leonard Arnold Crowder and Rita Collier, (to whom refer). His wife was Sherril Slater, (to whom he was married 23 November 1974). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Gregory Crowder was born 31 August 1958, son to Leonard Arnold Crowder and Rita Collier, (to whom refer). His wife was Connie-Lee Coe, (to whom he was married 10 September 1982). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Harold Derrick Crowder was born 20 September 1905 or 24 September 1905 (depending upon sources) at or near Oxford Mills, Oxford-on-Rideau Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Elmes Ivan Crowder and Lavinia Caroline Derrick, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 25 March 1925 at or near Oxford Mills, Oxford-on-Rideau Township, Grenville County, Ontario, Lena McFarland, (to whom also refer); died 4 August 1965 at Sangudo, Alberta. His first wife Bernie Kennedy was born 20 May 1907. Harold Derrick Crowder and Bernie Kennedy begat issue: (1) Judy Crowder, born 27 April 1946, died early, unmarried, 26 March 1962.


Harold Derrick Crowder was born 20 September 1905 or 24 September 1905 (depending upon sources) at or near Oxford Mills, Oxford-on-Rideau Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Elmes Ivan Crowder and Lavinia Caroline Derrick, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Bernie Kennedy, (to whom also refer); died 4 August 1965 at Sangudo, Alberta. His second wife Lena McFarland, (to whom he was married 25 March 1925 at or near Oxford Mills, Oxford-on-Rideau Township, Grenville County, Ontario), was born in or about 1900 or 1901 at or near Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to William McFarland and Margaret Whippell. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Harold Derrick Crowder and Lena McFarland.


Henry Crowder was born 7 March 1857 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Canada West, son to George Ira Crowder and Ardelia Elbare, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 9 June 1920 at Grenville County, Ontario, Mary Wilson, (to whom also refer); married, thirdly, 10 September 1924 at Grenville County, Ontario, Elizabeth Christina Christman, (to whom likewise also refer); died 13 July 1935 at Grenville County, Ontario; buried in July 1935 at Oxford Mills Union Cemetery, at or near Oxford Mills, Oxford-on-Rideau Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His first wife Elizabeth Martin, (to whom he was married 27 December 1876 at Dundas County, Ontario), was born 28 June 1854 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Canada West, daughter to John Martin and Sarah Wylie; died 13 June 1918 at Oxford-on-Rideau Township, Grenville County, Ontario; buried in June 1918 at Oxford Mills Union Cemetery, at or near Oxford Mills, Oxford-on-Rideau Township, Grenville County, Ontario. Henry Crowder and Elizabeth Martin begat issue: (1) Elmes Ivan Crowder, born 20 September 1879 at South Gower Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 16 February 1948, buried in 1948 at Oxford Mills Union Cemetery, at or near Oxford Mills, Oxford-on-Rideau Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 26 October 1904 at Grenville County, Ontario, Lavinia Caroline Derrick.


Henry Crowder was born 7 March 1857 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Canada West, son to George Ira Crowder and Ardelia Elbare, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 27 December 1876 at Dundas County, Ontario, Elizabeth Martin, (to whom also refer); married, thirdly, 20 September 1924 at Grenville County, Ontario, Elizabeth Christina Christman, (to whom likewise also refer); died 13 July 1935 at Grenville County, Ontario; buried in July 1935 at Oxford Mills Union Cemetery, at or near Oxford Mills, Oxford-on-Rideau Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His second wife Mary Wilson, (to whom he was married 9 June 1920 at Grenville County, Ontario), was born 15 May 1857 at Marlborough Township, Carleton County, Canada West, daughter to Allan Wilson and Jane Bird; married, firstly, --- Maley; died 2 May 1924 at Oxford-on-Rideau Township, Grenville County, Ontario; buried at Oxford Mills Union Cemetery, at or near Oxford Mills, Oxford-on-Rideau Township, Grenville County, Ontario. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Henry Crowder and Mary Wilson.


Henry Crowder was born 7 March 1857 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Canada West, son to George Ira Crowder and Ardelia Elbare, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 27 December 1876 at Dundas County, Ontario, Elizabeth Martin, (to whom also refer); married, secondly, 9 June 1920 at Grenville County, Ontario, Mary Wilson, (to whom likewise also refer); died 13 July 1935 at Grenville County, Ontario; buried in July 1935 at Oxford Mills Union Cemetery, at or near Oxford Mills, Oxford-on-Rideau Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His third wife Elizabeth Christina Christman, (to whom he was married 20 September 1924 at Grenville County, Ontario), was born in 1864 at or near Newboro, then an unincorporated hamlet on the boundary betwixt North Crosby Township and South Crosby Township, Leeds County, Canada West, daughter to Charles Christman and and Caroline Frederick Fletcher; married, firstly, --- Montgomery; married, secondly, George Derrick, (of which marriage was born Lavinia Caroline Derrick, afterward wife of Elmes Ivan Crowder, to whom further likewise also refer). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Henry Crowder and Elizabeth Christina Christman.


Henry Orval Crowder was born 5 October 1878 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, son to Albert Crowder and Elizabeth Elbare, (to whom refer); died 17 February 1965. His wife Lydia Joanna "Annie" Tinkess, (to whom he was married 12 November 1902 at Stormont County, Ontario), was born 5 January 1884 at Roxborough Township, Stormont County, Ontario, daughter to Judem Tinkess and Janet Cameron. This couple begat issue: (1) Albert Judson Crowder, born 30 December 1903 probably at the parental farm, Lot 5, Concession 8, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario; (2) Arthur Levi Crowder, born 22 November 1906 at or near Craik, Local Improvement District 22-J-2, Saskatchewan, died in January 1986 at Toronto, Metropolitan Toronto Municipality, Ontario, who married in or about 1927 or 1928, Ida Helen Blower, (from whom subsequently divorced); (3) Clifford Crowder, born in or about 1907 or 1908 at or near Craik, Saskatchewan; (4) Robert Crowder, born in or about 1910 or 1911 at or near Craik, Saskatchewan; (5) Luella Crowder, born in or about 1913 or 1914 at or near Craik, Saskatchewan, who married, firstly, James Mosher, and, secondly, Arthur Woodworth.


Hilliard Crowder was born 11 June 1911, son to Hiram Crowder and Melvina "Vina" Lampson, (to whom refer); died 12 April 1993 at Cornwall, Stormont County, Ontario; buried in 1993 at Notre-Dame Cemetery, Cornwall, Stormont County, Ontario. His wife Marguerite Dufresne was born 17 August 1918. This couple begat issue: (1) Dowine Donald Crowder, born 10 September 1937, died 23 August 2003 at Cornwall, Stormont County, Ontario, who married Rita Branchaud; (2) Garnet Wallace Crowder, born 31 July 1939, who married Marie St. Louis; (3) Marlene Jeanie Crowder, born 28 July 1941, who married Lawrence "Larry" Bickerstaffe; (4) Stella Crowder, born 6 February 1946, who married Rejean Gagne; (5) Ronald Gary Crowder, born 4 January 1948, died 28 October 2007 at Cornwall Community Hospital, Cornwall, Stormont County, Ontario, buried in 2007 at Woodlawn Cemetery, Cornwall, Stormont County, Ontario, who married ---.


Hiram Crowder was born 15 April 1862 or 24 February 1871 (depending upon sources) in Canada West or Ontario, son to Joseph Crowder and Mary Jane "Janie" or "Jennie" Elbare (Elbair or Elbert), (to whom refer); married, secondly, in 1892, Melvina "Vina" Lampson, (to whom also refer); died 2 May 1952. His first wife Mary Ann Van Camp, (to whom he was married 29 October 1890 at Grenville County, Ontario), was born in 1871 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to Oscar Van Camp and Sarah ---; died 3 November 1891 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario in consequence of childbirth. Hiram Crowder and Mary Ann Van Camp begat issue: (1) Thadigan Crowder, born 31 October 1891 (not 31 December 1891 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources and as incorrectly reported to Registrar-General in January 1892), died in infancy, unmarried.


Hiram Crowder was born 15 April 1862 or 24 February 1871 (depending upon sources) in Canada West or Ontario, son to Joseph Crowder and Mary Jane "Janie" or "Jennie" Elbare (Elbair or Elbert), (to whom refer); married, firstly, 29 October 1890 at Grenville County, Ontario, Mary Ann Van Camp, (to whom also refer); died 2 May 1952. His second wife Melvina "Vina" Lampson, (to whom he was married in 1892), was born 17 March 1877 in Ontario, daughter to James Erastus Lampson and Emmeline Levere; died 6 July 1934 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario. Hiram Crowder and Melvina "Vina" Lampson begat issue: (1) Elsie Mae Crowder, born 11 October 1894 at or near Brouseville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 11 January 1984 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married in April 1909, Thomas Henry "Harry" Baker; (2) Mildred Crowder, born 6 May 1897 (according to some sources and her parents' statement) or 6 May 1899 (according to some sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 29 June 1993 at Wellington House, Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, buried 1 July 1993 at St. John's United Church (formerly St. John's Methodist) Riverside Cemetery, near Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 6 April 1920 at Grenville County, Ontario, Robert Roy Coffey; (3) William Crowder, born 6 May 1900 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario; (4) Hubert Crowder, born 18 October 1901 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died in 1983 at Cornwall, Stormont County, Ontario, buried at Notre-Dame Cemetery, Cornwall, Stormont County, Ontario, who married 3 December 1919 at Stormont County, Ontario, Mary Alice Roderick; (5) Basil Crowder, born 18 November 1906 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario; (6) Lela Mae Crowder, born 16 July 1908 or 18 July 1908 (depending upon sources, but in any case date questionable in view of alleged birthdate of her elder child) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married Gilbert Prosser; (7) Hilliard Crowder, born 11 June 1911, died 12 April 1993 at Cornwall, Stormont County, Ontario, buried in 1993 at Notre-Dame Cemetery, Cornwall, Stormont County, Ontario, who married Marguerite Dufresne; (8) Frederick Crowder, born in April 1914, died 1 November 1981, who married Edith Hope.


Howard Leonard Crowder was born 9 August 1905 in Saskatchewan (not 6 August 1905 at or near North Bend, King County, Washington as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources), son to Judson "John" Crowder and Ella Maude Blair, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 20 November 1954 at King County, Washington, Mildred I. Johnson, (to whom also refer); died 27 March 1996 at Seattle, King County, Washington; buried in 1996 at Fall City Cemetery, Fall City, King County, Washington. His first wife Margaret Watson "Daisy" Dingwall, (to whom he was married in or about 1923 or 1924 in Saskatchewan, not at or near Snoqualmie, King County, Washington as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources), was born 22 September 1906 at 24 Lansdale Terrace, Auchtertool, Auchtertool Parish, Fife County, Scotland, daughter to James Dingwall and Isa Miller. Howard Leonard Crowder and Margaret Watson "Daisy" Dingwall begat issue: (1) Ethel Nona Crowder, born in or about May 1924 in Saskatchewan; (2) Warren David Crowder, born 7 November 1925 in Saskatchewan, died 29 October 1979 in Washington, buried at Fall City Cemetery, Fall City, King County, Washington, who married 27 December 1943 at King County, Washington, Marcine E. Riggle.


Howard Leonard Crowder was born 9 August 1905 in Saskatchewan (not 6 August 1905 at or near North Bend, King County, Washington as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources), son to Judson "John" Crowder and Ella Maude Blair, (to whom refer); married, firstly, in or about 1923 or 1924 in Saskatchewan, (not at or near Snoqualmie, King County, Washington as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources), Margaret Watson "Daisy" Dingwall, (to whom also refer); died 27 March 1996 at Seattle, King County, Washington; buried in 1996 at Fall City Cemetery, Fall City, King County, Washington. His second wife Mildred I. Johnson, (to whom he was married 20 November 1954 at King County, Washington), was born 10 November 1904 at or near North Bend, King County, Washington; died in September 1980 in Washington; buried in 1980 at Fall City Cemetery, Fall City, King County, Washington. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Howard Leonard Crowder and Mildred I. Johnson.


Hubert Crowder was born 18 October 1901 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Hiram Crowder and Melvina "Vina" Lampson, (to whom refer); died in 1983 at Cornwall, Stormont County, Ontario; buried at Notre-Dame Cemetery, Cornwall, Stormont County, Ontario. His wife Mary Alice Roderick, (to whom he was married 3 December 1919 at Stormont County, Ontario), was born 7 July 1900 at or near Williamstown, Charlottenburgh Township, Glengarry County, Ontario, daughter to Joseph Roderick and Alice Pigeon; died 4 February 1997 at Cornwall, Stormont County, Ontario; buried in 1997 at Notre-Dame Cemetery, Cornwall, Stormont County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) John Edward Crowder, born 21 June 1920 at Cornwall, Stormont County, Ontario, died 28 June 2007 at Versa Care Centre, Cornwall, Stormont County, Ontario in consequence of Alzheimer's Disease, cremated 3 July 2007 at Cornwall, Stormont County, Ontario, who married Rita Laviolette; (2) Kathleen Margaret Crowder, born 16 February 1922, who married John Barnaby; (3) Loretta Josephine May Crowder, born 2 December 1923, who married 18 July ----, Alexis LaGroulx; (4) Leonard Hubert Crowder, born 15 December 1925, died in 1997, buried at Notre-Dame Cemetery, Cornwall, Stormont County, Ontario, who married, firstly, Frances Aquinas, and, secondly, Winifred Nightingale; (5) Jennie H. Crowder, born in 1928, died early, unmarried, 11 June 1933 at Cornwall Township, Stormont County, Ontario in consequence of a drowning incident, buried in June 1933 at Woodlawn Cemetery, Cornwall Township, Stormont County, Ontario; (6) Yvonne Crowder, born 7 November 1930, who married Lucien LaRoche; (7) Robert James Crowder, born 17 May 1935, who married Cecile Faubert; (8) Kenneth Gordon Crowder, born 29 September 1936, who married Joan McGlyn.


Ira Albert Crowder was born 15 October 1859 at or near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Canada West, son to George Ira Crowder and Ardelia Elbare, (to whom refer); died 13 June 1926 at Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Elizabeth Rachel Colborne, (to whom he was married 12 January 1887), was born 30 November 1861 (according to some sources and her own statement) or 30 November 1862 (according to some sources) in Canada West; died 30 June 1947 at South Gower Township, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Gerald Burnaby Crowder, born 25 April 1888 at or near Winchester, Dundas County, Ontario, died 5 August 1955 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 20 January 1909 at Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario, Ethel Matilda Douglas.


James Edward Crowder was born 3 May 1906 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Edward Crowder and Delilah (or Adelia) Lydia "Delia" Levere, (to whom refer); died together with his wife 18 January 1975 at or near Beckett's Landing, Marlborough Township, Carleton County, Ontario in consequence of injuries sustained in a fire at their residence; buried at St. Paul's Anglican Churchyard, at or near Beckett's Landing, Marlborough Township, Carleton County, Ontario. His wife Minnie Watkins, (to whom he was married in 1925), was born in 1905; died together with her husband 18 January 1975 at or near Beckett's Landing, Marlborough Township, Carleton County, Ontario in consequence of injuries sustained in a fire at their residence; buried at St. Paul's Anglican Churchyard, at or near Beckett's Landing, Marlborough Township, Carleton County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Shirley Violet Crowder, born in 1936, who married Norman Kenneth Hart; (2) a child, name, if any, and sex unrecorded, born in 1938, died in infancy, unmarried, in 1938, buried at St. Paul's Anglican Churchyard, at or near Beckett's Landing, Marlborough Township, Carleton County, Ontario; (3) Winston Crowder; (4) Gladys Crowder, who married Percy McFarlane.


James Lester (or Leslie) Crowder was born 20 May 1885 or 24 May 1885 or 20 May 1886 or 12 April 1887 (depending upon sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to George Ira Crowder and Mary Elizabeth Mayhew (or Levere), (to whom refer); died 18 March 1929 at Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. His wife Anna Jackson, (to whom he was married 6 March 1905 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario), was born in 1879 at Matilda Township, Dundas County, Ontario, daughter to Louis Jackson and Mary Crowder. This couple begat issue: (1) Adelbert Crowder, born in November 1905, died early, unmarried, in 1923 at or near Blaine Lake, Saskatchewan in consequence of a drowning incident; (2) Madeline Crowder, died early, unmarried, in Saskatchewan; (3) Violet Crowder, born in February 1907; (4) Harvey Crowder, died early, unmarried, in Saskatchewan; (5) Dorothy Crowder, born in November 1909 in Saskatchewan; (6) George Crowder; (7) Ella Crowder.


John Crowder was born 1 November 1850 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, son to Joseph Crowder and Mary Jane "Janie" or "Jennie" Elbare (Elbair or Elbert), (to whom refer); died 25 August 1929 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario; buried in 1929 at Mainsville Cemetery, at or near Mainsville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife (and close cousin) Agnes "Nancy" Brown, (to whom he was married in 1870 or 1871 (depending upon sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 18 January 1848 at or near Mainsville, Edwardsburgh Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Canada West, daughter to Thomas Brown and Elizabeth "Bessie" Elbare (or Elbair), (to whom also refer); died 18 May 1919 at or near Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario; buried in May 1919 at Mainsville Cemetery, at or near Mainsville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Nelson Kenneth Crowder, born 12 June 1872 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, christened 23 June 1872 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died at St. Lawrence County, New York, who married in or about 1893 or 1894 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, Alta "Altie" ---; (2) Mary (or Marian) Edith Crowder, born 12 August 1874 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died at or near Sackett's Harbor, Hounsfield Township, Jefferson County, New York, who married 21 August 1895 at Grenville County, Ontario, George Austin Anderson; (3) John Elwin Crowder, born 9 April 1877 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died at St. Lawrence County, New York, who married in or about 1896 or 1897 at Grenville County. Ontario, Mary Adelia Woodward; (4) Ethel Jane Crowder, born 14 May 1879 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 30 December 1899 at Grenville County, Ontario, Robert Frank Mason; (5) Ernest Wesley Crowder, born 3 January 1891 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died early, unmarried, 14 April 1897 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died early, unmarried, in 1897 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario.


John Edgar Crowder was born 13 March 1873 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, son to George Ira Crowder and Ardelia Elbare, (to whom refer); died 24 June 1948 at Dundas County, Ontario; buried in 1948 at Maple Ridge Cemetery, Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario. His wife Nancy Jane Campbell, (to whom he was married 5 May 1896 at or near South Mountain, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario), was born 19 August 1868 at Matilda Township, Dundas County, Ontario, daughter to Samuel Campbell and Sarah Wallace; died 22 November 1946; buried at Maple Ridge Cemetery, Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Edgar Stanley Crowder, born 27 September 1897 at Dundas County, Ontario, died 18 November 1961 at or near Chesterville, Dundas County, Ontario, who married 31 August 1926, Margaret Rose Grosvenor; (2) Sarah Ordelia "Sadie" Crowder, born 7 November 1900 at or near Pleasant Valley, Matilda Township, Dundas County, Ontario, died in 1996 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, buried at Knight's (otherwise known as Inkerman Old) Cemetery, at or near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, who married 4 April 1923 at Dundas County, Ontario, Delmer Webster Timmins; (3) Lola Gertrude Crowder, born 9 September 1905 at Dundas County, Ontario, died in 1992 at or near Chesterville, Dundas County, Ontario, buried at Maple Ridge Cemetery, Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario, who married 24 November 1945 in Ontario, George Alexander Corry.


John Edward Crowder was born 21 June 1920 at Cornwall, Stormont County, Ontario, son to Hubert Crowder and Mary Alice Roderick, (to whom refer); died 28 June 2007 at Versa Care Centre, Cornwall, Stormont County, Ontario in consequence of Alzheimer's Disease; cremated 3 July 2007 at Cornwall, Stormont County, Ontario. His wife Rita Laviolette was born 18 July ----. This couple begat issue: (1) Lester Edward Crowder, who married Anna Smith; (2) Donna Crowder.


John Elwin Crowder was born 9 April 1877 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to John Crowder and Agnes "Nancy" Brown, (to whom refer); died at St. Lawrence County, New York. His wife Mary Adelia Woodward, (to whom he was married in or about 1896 or 1897 at Grenville County. Ontario), was born 28 August 1877 in Ontario; died in 1955 at St. Lawrence County, New York; buried at Evergreen Cemetery, Canton, Canton Township, St. Lawrence County, New York. This couple begat issue: (1) Mary Jane Crowder, born 14 November 1898 at Grenville County, Ontario, died in 1956 at St. Lawrence County, New York, buried at Evergreen Cemetery, Canton, Canton Township, St. Lawrence County, New York, who married --- Phillips; (2) Susan Agnes Crowder, born 13 October 1900 at Grenville County, Ontario, died in 1991 at St. Lawrence County, New York, buried at Evergreen Cemetery, Canton, Canton Township, St. Lawrence County, New York, who married --- Hall; (3) Cecil Crowder, born 15 July 1902 at Grenville County, Ontario; (4) Edwin Arnold Crowder, born 23 September 1903 at Grenville County, Ontario; (5) Merrill A. Crowder, born in 1906 at St. Lawrence County, New York; (6) Robert Lewis Crowder, born in 1906 at St. Lawrence County, New York, died in 1977 at St. Lawrence County, New York, buried at Evergreen Cemetery, Canton, Canton Township, St. Lawrence County, New York, who married Luella Tiernan; (7) Evelina Crowder, born in 1909 at St. Lawrence County, New York.


Joseph Crowder was born 23 August 1827 or 23 August 1828 (depending upon sources) at Mountain Township, Eastern Municipal District, Upper Canada, son to Charles Crowder and Susannah Wallace (Walliser or Wallister); died 1 June 1906 at or near Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario; buried in June 1906 at Mainsville Cemetery, at or near Mainsville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Mary Jane "Janie" or "Jennie" Elbare (Elbair or Elbert), (to whom he was married 22 January 1850 at or near Spencerville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West with the Reverend Michael Davy, Episcopalian Methodist Church, officiating), was born 23 March 1828 or 23 March 1829 (depending upon sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, daughter to John Elbare (or Elbair) and Mary Smith (Smyth or Smythe), (to whom refer); died 11 March 1904 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario; buried in 1904 at Mainsville Cemetery, at or near Mainsville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) John Crowder, born 1 November 1850 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, died 25 August 1929 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, buried in 1929 at Mainsville Cemetery, at or near Mainsville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married in 1870 or 1871 (depending upon sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, his close cousin Agnes "Nancy" Brown; (2) Susannah Crowder, born in or about December 1851 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Canada West, died in February 1951 at Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington, who married 2 March 1871 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, Hiram Sekor (Seker, Seeker, Secor or Secker); (3) George Ira Crowder, born 19 October 1853 (according to some sources) or 29 October 1853 (according to some sources and his own statement) at Dundas County, Canada West, died 5 February 1938 at Grenville County, Ontario, buried in 1938 at Mainsville Cemetery, at or near Mainsville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married in 1873, Mary Elizabeth Mayhew (or Levere); (4) Charles Crowder, born 21 February 1859 at or near Brouseville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, died 16 August 1944 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario, buried in August 1944 at Beechwood Cemetery, Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario, who married 1 January 1881 at Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence County, New York, his half first cousin once removed Elizabeth Baldwin; (5) Wesley Crowder, born 12 August 1861 (according to most sources) or 12 August 1862 (according to some sources and his tombstone) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, died 19 January 1916 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, buried in 1916 at the Johnstown Commons Cemetery, near Johnstown, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 19 December 1882 at Grenville County, Ontario, his distant cousin Mary Jane "Jenny" King; (6) Elizabeth "Lizzie" Crowder, born 12 February 1864 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, who married, firstly, 15 March 1883 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, (with the Reverend William F. Perley, Methodist Church, officiating), Robert Smith, and, secondly, 10 May 1887 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, John McLaughlin; (7) Mary Crowder, born 18 July 1865 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, died 10 August 1924 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, buried 12 August 1924 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, who married Edward Sayyeau (Sayeau or Sayer); (8) Ordelia (or Ardelia) "Delia" Crowder, born in or about 1868 or 1869 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 17 February 1896 or 17 February 1898 (depending upon sources) at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario in consequence of injuries sustained at her own hand, buried at Mainsville Cemetery, at or near Mainsville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 6 December 1887 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, Reuben Sayyeau (Sayeau or Sayer); (9) Hiram Crowder, born 15 April 1862 or 24 February 1871 (depending upon sources) in Canada West or Ontario, died 2 May 1952, who married, firstly, 29 October 1890 at Grenville County, Ontario, Mary Ann Van Camp, and, secondly, in 1892, Melvina "Vina" Lampson; (10) Henry (or Hervey) Crowder, born 24 February 1871 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario (not at or near Parry Sound, Parry Sound District, Ontario as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources), died probably early, probably unmarried; (11) Edward Crowder, born 19 August 1873 (according to some sources) or 20 August 1873 (according to some sources and his parents' statement) or 29 August 1873 (according to some sources) at Grenville County, Ontario, died 3 July 1912 at Grenville County, Ontario, who married 14 October 1903 at Grenville County, Ontario, Delilah (or Adelia) Lydia "Delia" Levere.


Joseph Arnold Crowder was born 21 March 1893 (according to some sources and his father's statement) or 23 March 1893 (according to some sources) at or near Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Charles Crowder and Elizabeth Baldwin, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 29 December 1923 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Grace Selina Scott, (to whom also refer); died 16 November 1974; buried at Renfrew, Renfrew County, Ontario. His first wife Georgina Margaret Turcott, (to whom he was married 4 July 1912), was born 17 December 1889 at Arnprior, Renfrew County, Ontario, daughter to Joseph Cyrel Turcott (or Turcotte) and Sophia Desormia; died in October 1918 at Carleton County, Ontario. Joseph Arnold Crowder and Georgina Margaret Turcott begat issue: (1) Mary "Mae" Crowder, born 3 May 1913 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died early, unmarried, 18 July 1920 at Arnprior, Renfrew County, Ontario; (2) Leonard Arnold Crowder, born 9 July 1914 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 8 May 1943, Rita Collier; (3) Phyllis Gertrude Crowder, born 26 May 1916 in Ontario, died 26 January 1990 at Hamilton General Hospital, Hamilton, Hamilton-Wentworth Regional Municipality, Ontario, buried in 1990 at Eastlawn Cemetery, Hamilton, Hamilton-Wentworth Regional Municipality, Ontario, who married 27 March 1937, Melford Kenny; (4) Florence Edna Crowder, born 11 October 1917 in Ontario, who married 18 August 1941 at Arnprior, Renfrew County, Ontario, John Gordon Boughner.


Joseph Arnold Crowder was born 21 March 1893 (according to some sources and his father's statement) or 23 March 1893 (according to some sources) at or near Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Charles Crowder and Elizabeth Baldwin, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 4 July 1912, Georgina Margaret Turcott, (to whom also refer); died 16 November 1974; buried at Renfrew, Renfrew County, Ontario. His second wife Grace Selina Scott, (to whom he was married 29 December 1923 at Winnipeg, Manitoba), was born 2 December 1896 at or near Renfrew, Renfrew County, Ontario, daughter to Charles Scott and Jane Dickie; died in 1984; buried at Renfrew Public Cemetery (otherwise known as Thomsonhill or Thomsonville Cemetery), Horton Township, Renfrew County, Ontario. Joseph Arnold Crowder and Grace Selina Scott begat issue: (1) Norman Kenneth Crowder (a much-respected historian, genealogist, researcher and author, etc.), born 1 July 1926 at or near Renfrew, Renfrew County, Ontario, died 22 October 2009 at St. Vincent Hospital, Ottawa City, Ontario, who married 30 April 1949 at Westmount, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, Ruth Eileen Haberl; (2) George Dalton Crowder, born 20 August 1929, died unmarried 12 September 1977, buried at Renfrew Public Cemetery (otherwise known as Thomsonhill or Thomsonville Cemetery), Horton Township, Renfrew County, Ontario; (3) Alan Robert Crowder, born 19 December 1932.


Judson "John" Crowder was born in February 1876 or 14 August 1876 (depending upon sources) at Grenville County, Ontario, son to George Ira Crowder and Mary Elizabeth Mayhew (or Levere), (to whom refer); married, secondly, in or about 1928 or 1929 in Saskatchewan, Elizabeth Pollard, (to whom also refer); died 3 July 1948 at Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. His first wife Ella Maude Blair, (to whom he was married 3 September 1902 in New York), was born 25 February 1883 in Ontario; died 28 July 1926 at Blaine Lake, Saskatchewan. Judson "John" Crowder and Ella Maude Blair begat issue: (1) a female child, name, if any, unavailable, died in infancy, unmarried; (2) Howard Leonard Crowder, born 9 August 1905 in Saskatchewan (not 6 August 1905 at or near North Bend, King County, Washington as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources), died 27 March 1996 at Seattle, King County, Washington, buried in 1996 at Fall City Cemetery, Fall City, King County, Washington, who married, firstly, in or about 1923 or 1924 in Saskatchewan (not at or near Snoqualmie, King County, Washington as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources), Margaret Watson "Daisy" Dingwall, and, secondly, 20 November 1954 at King County, Washington, Mildred I. Johnson; (3) Allen Ray Crowder, born 6 October 1907 in Saskatchewan, died in infancy, unmarried, 7 April 1908 in Saskatchewan; (4) Wilbur Crowder, born 4 July 1909 at or near Blaine Lake, Blaine Lake Rural Municipality, Saskatchewan, who married 4 November 1936 at Blaine Lake, Saskatchewan, Ann Guzak; (5) Roy Milton Crowder, born 4 July 1911 in Saskatchewan (not at or near Snoqualmie, King County, Washington as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources), died 4 June 1987 or 5 June 1987 (depending upon sources) at Redmond, King County, Washington, buried in June 1987 at Fall City Cemetery, Fall City, King County, Washington, who married ---; (6) Earl Crowder, born 11 May 1918 in Saskatchewan, who married 26 July 1940 at Blaine Lake, Saskatchewan, Anne "Mabel" Kalyn (or Kayln).


Judson "John" Crowder was born in February 1876 or 14 August 1876 (depending upon sources) at Grenville County, Ontario, son to George Ira Crowder and Mary Elizabeth Mayhew (or Levere), (to whom refer); married, firstly, 3 September 1902 in New York, Ella Maude Blair, (to whom also refer); died 3 July 1948 at Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. His second wife Elizabeth Pollard, (to whom he was married in or about 1928 or 1929 in Saskatchewan), married firstly, --- Wilson. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Judson "John" Crowder and Elizabeth Pollard.


Kenneth Gordon Crowder was born 29 September 1936, son to Hubert Crowder and Mary Alice Roderick, (to whom refer). His wife was Joan McGlyn. This couple begat issue: (1) Mary Pamela Crowder.


Leonard Crowder was born 23 April 1920, son to Nathaniel Samuel Crowder and Elizabeth Wilson Rigg, (to whom refer). His wife was Pearl Needham. In addition to adoption of one male child who, being a "stranger in blood" as regards the treated families, is not to be further noted or documented in these records, this couple also begat issue: (1) Neil Crowder.


Leonard Arnold Crowder was born 9 July 1914 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Joseph Arnold Crowder and Georgina Margaret Turcott, (to whom refer). His wife Rita Collier, (to whom he was married 8 May 1943), was born 19 December 1923. This couple begat issue: (1) Graham Crowder, born 9 October 1946, who married 23 November 1974, Sherril Slater; (2) Donna Crowder, born 13 December 1949, who married 19 July 1980, Peter Picket; (3) Judy Crowder, born 6 June 1953, who married 28 August 1976, Sheldon James Hook; (4) Wendy Crowder, born 3 December 1956, who married 6 August 1977, Stephen Clouthier; (5) Gregory Crowder, born 31 August 1958, who married 10 September 1982, Connie-Lee Coe.


Leonard Hubert Crowder was born 15 December 1925, son to Hubert Crowder and Mary Alice Roderick, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Winifred Nightingale, (to whom also refer); died in 1997; buried at Notre-Dame Cemetery, Cornwall, Stormont County, Ontario. His first wife was Frances Aquinas. Leonard Hubert Crowder and Frances Aquinas begat issue: (1) Carol Crowder, born 27 November ----, who married --- Beil; (2) Judy Crowder, born 8 January ----; (3) Janice Crowder, born 13 September 1957, who married --- Richie.


Leonard Hubert Crowder was born 15 December 1925, son to Hubert Crowder and Mary Alice Roderick, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Frances Aquinas, (to whom also refer); died in 1997; buried at Notre-Dame Cemetery, Cornwall, Stormont County, Ontario. His second wife Winifred Nightingale was born in 1922; married, firstly, --- Campeau; died 6 November 2001 at Cornwall, Stormont County, Ontario. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Leonard Hubert Crowder and Winifred Nightingale are presently available.


Lester Edward Crowder was son to John Edward Crowder and Rita ---, (to whom refer). His wife was Anna Smith. This couple begat issue: (1) Jonathan Crowder; (2) Shane Crowder; (3) Mitchell Crowder; (4) Monica Crowder.


Lloyd Crowder was born 20 November 1918, son to Nathaniel Samuel Crowder and Elizabeth Wilson Rigg, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Marjorie Costello, (to whom also refer). His first wife Gladys Wilson was born 26 December 1913; died 12 April 1954. Lloyd Crowder and Gladys Wilson begat issue: (1) Judy Crowder, born 20 November 1947.


Lloyd Crowder was born 20 November 1918, son to Nathaniel Samuel Crowder and Elizabeth Wilson Rigg, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Gladys Wilson, (to whom also refer). His second wife was Marjorie Costello. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Lloyd Crowder and Marjorie Costello.


Lorne Thomas Crowder was born 6 May 1917, son to Nathaniel Samuel Crowder and Elizabeth Wilson Rigg, (to whom refer); died 20 October 2010 at Dundas Manor, Winchester, North Dundas Township, Dundas County, Ontario. His wife Dorothy Jean Wilson, (to whom he was married 28 November 1942), was born 17 November 1917 at or near Reid's Mills, Osgoode Township, Carleton County, Ontario, daughter to William T. Wilson and Annie J. Wallace; died 15 December 2004 at Winchester District Memorial Hospital, Winchester, North Dundas Township, Dundas County, Ontario; buried at South Gower Cemetery, North Grenville Township, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) William Alan Crowder, born 15 November 1944, died 21 July 1990, who married 24 August 1974, Beth May Taylor; (2) Glen Thomas Crowder, born 14 July 1949, who married 2 October 1971, Sharon Pearl Levere.


Lorne Wallace Crowder was born 30 April 1907 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Edward Crowder and Delilah (or Adelia) Lydia "Delia" Levere, (to whom refer); died 3 February 1978. His wife was Aileen Wilson, (to whom he was married 16 November 1935 at Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario). This couple begat issue: (1) Roger Crowder, who married Lois ---; (2) a female child, name, if any, unavailable, died in infancy, unmarried.


Michael Crowder was born 17 September ----, son to Robert James Crowder and Cecile Faubert, (to whom refer). His wife was Brenda Lee Egard, (to whom he was married 18 September 1976). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Milton Keith Crowder was born 19 February 1922, son to Nathaniel Samuel Crowder and Elizabeth Wilson Rigg, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Alice Lynn, (to whom also refer); died 25 July 2010 at Smiths Falls Community Hospital, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario. His first wife Anna I. Lyons was born in 1925, daughter to Alvan E. Lyons and Ethel I. Bradford; died 26 April 1954; buried in 1954 at Malakoff United Church Cemetery (otherwise known as Malakoff Cemetery), Malakoff, Marlborough Township, Carleton County, Ontario. Milton Keith Crowder and Anna I. Lyons begat issue: (1) Douglas Crowder, who married Helen ---.


Milton Keith Crowder was born 19 February 1922, son to Nathaniel Samuel Crowder and Elizabeth Wilson Rigg, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Anna I. Lyons, (to whom also refer); died 25 July 2010 at Smiths Falls Community Hospital, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario. His second wife was Alice Lynn. Milton Keith Crowder and Alice Lynn begat issue: (1) David Crowder, who married Janet ---; (2) Donald Crowder, who married Pauline ---; (3) Sheryl Crowder, who married Brent Martin.


Nathaniel Samuel Crowder was born 13 March 1881 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, son to Albert Crowder and Elizabeth Elbare, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Ruth Bessie Mulloy, (to whom also refer); died 6 January 1966. His first wife Elizabeth Wilson Rigg, (to whom he was married 14 June 1916 at Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 3 April 1884 at Ayr County, Scotland, daughter to Thomas Rigg and Elizabeth Wilson; died 14 December 1945. Nathaniel Samuel Crowder and Elizabeth Wilson Rigg begat issue: (1) Lorne Thomas Crowder, born 6 May 1917, died 20 October 2010 at Dundas Manor, Winchester, North Dundas Township, Dundas County, Ontario, who married 28 November 1942, Dorothy Jean Wilson; (2) Lloyd Crowder, born 20 November 1918, who married, firstly, Gladys Wilson, and, secondly, Marjorie Costello; (3) Leonard Crowder, born 23 April 1920, who married Pearl Needham; (4) Milton Keith Crowder, born 19 February 1922, died 25 July 2010 at Smiths Falls Community Hospital, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married, firstly, Anna I. Lyons, and, secondly, Alice Lynn; (5) Nelda Grace Crowder, born 29 May 1923 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, died 30 August 2010 at Dundas Manor, Winchester, North Dundas Township, Dundas County, Ontario, buried in 2010 at Reid's Mills Cemetery, at or near Reid's Mills, Osgoode Ward, Ottawa City, Ontario, who married in 1941, Thomas Kerr.


Nathaniel Samuel Crowder was born 13 March 1881 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, son to Albert Crowder and Elizabeth Elbare, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 14 June 1916 at Grenville County, Ontario, Elizabeth Wilson Rigg, (to whom also refer); died 6 January 1966. His second wife Ruth Bessie Mulloy was born in 1906; died in 1970. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Nathaniel Samuel Crowder and Ruth Bessie Mulloy.


Nelson Kenneth Crowder was born 12 June 1872 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to John Crowder and Agnes "Nancy" Brown, (to whom refer); christened 23 June 1872 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario; died at St. Lawrence County, New York. His wife Alta "Altie" ---, (to whom he was married in or about 1893 or 1894 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 7 June 1876 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario. No further reccrds of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Norman Kenneth Crowder (a much-respected historian, genealogist, researcher and author, etc.) was born 1 July 1926 at or near Renfrew, Renfrew County, Ontario, son to Joseph Arnold Crowder and Grace Selina Scott, (to whom refer); died 22 October 2009 at St. Vincent Hospital, Ottawa City, Ontario. His wife Ruth Eileen Haberl (aunt to James Haberl, the first Canadian ever to scale Mount K2 in the Himalayan Range, the second highest and by some measures highest peak on earth, etc.), (to whom he was married 30 April 1949 at Westmount, Montr�al County, Qu�bec), was born 1 August 1926 at Newark, Essex County, New Jersey, daughter to Herbert William Haberl and Betty Behen. This couple begat issue: (1) Patricia Ann Crowder, born 25 April 1951, who married 21 August 1971, James Melborne Moffatt Stewart; (2) Douglas Scott Crowder, born 15 June 1952, who married 2 November 1974, Emilia Amos; (3) Marilyn Ruth Crowder, born 25 March 1955, who married 31 August 1974, Gary Villemaire, and, secondly, in June 1986, Suresh "Hingo" Hingorani; (4) Robert Norman Crowder, born 3 November 1957, who married 5 September 1980, Glennifer Ann O'Reilly.


Randy Crowder was born 16 October 1961, son to Dowine Donald Crowder and Rita Branchaud, (to whom refer). His wife was Brenda ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Robert James Crowder was born 17 May 1935, son to Hubert Crowder and Mary Alice Roderick, (to whom refer). His wife was Cecile Faubert. This couple begat issue: (1) Michael Crowder, born 17 September ----, who married 18 September 1976, Brenda Lee Egard.


Robert Lewis Crowder was born in 1906 at St. Lawrence County, New York, son to John Elwin Crowder and Mary Adelia Woodward, (to whom refer); died in 1977 at St. Lawrence County, New York: buried at Evergreen Cemetery, near Canton, Canton Township, St. Lawrence County, New York. His wife Luella Tiernan was born in 1911 in New York, daughter to Philip Tiernan and Mary ---; married, secondly, Charles Davis; died 28 January 2004 at St. Lawrence County, New York: buried at Evergreen Cemetery, near Canton, Canton Township, St. Lawrence County, New York. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Robert Lewis Crowder and Luella Tiernan are presently available.


Robert Norman Crowder was born 3 November 1957, son to Norman Kenneth Crowder and Ruth Eileen Haberl, (to whom refer). His wife Glennifer Ann O'Reilly, (to whom he was married 5 September 1980), was born 18 February 1959; died 18 October 1997 at Pickering, Durham Regional Municipality, Ontario in consequence of cancer. This couple begat issue: (1) Michael Norman Crowder, born 27 June 1985.


Roger Crowder was son to Lorne Wallace Crowder and Aileen Wilson, (to whom refer). His wife was Lois ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Ronald Buster "Bud" Crowder was born in 1934 at Toronto, York County, Ontario, son to Arthur Levi Crowder and Ida Helen Blower, (to whom refer). His wife Leafie Mona Hopkins, (to whom he was married 9 October 1954), was born 1 March 1933 at East Jeddore, Halifax County, Nova Scotia; died 25 July 2005 at Cornwall, Stormont County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Dianne Deborah Crowder, born in 1955, who married James Perry; (2) Judy Crowder, born in 1957; (3) Wanda Crowder, born in 1960; (4) Barbara Crowder, born in 1961.


Ronald Gary Crowder was born 4 January 1948, son to Hilliard Crowder and Marguerite Dufresne, (to whom refer); died 28 October 2007 at Cornwall Community Hospital, Cornwall, Stormont County, Ontario; buried in 2007 at Woodlawn Cemetery, Cornwall, Stormont County, Ontario. His wife was ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Leslie Crowder, born 21 September 1969; (2) Gina Crowder, born 10 February 1971.


Roy Milton Crowder was born 4 July 1911 in Saskatchewan (not at or near Snoqualmie, King County, Washington as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources), son to Judson "John" Crowder and Ella Maude Blair, (to whom refer); died 4 June 1987 or 5 June 1987 (depending upon sources) at Redmond, King County, Washington; buried in June 1987 at Fall City Cemetery, Fall City, King County, Washington. His wife was ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Allen Crowder; (2) Jane Crowder.


Stanley Lloyd Crowder was born 11 July 1940, son to Wilbur Crowder and Ann Guzak, (to whom refer). His wife was Blanche Garrand, (to whom he was married 28 October 1961 at Blaine Lake, Saskatchewan). This couple begat issue: (1) Andrew Crowder, born 10 June 1962, who married 7 August 1982, Patricia Kotelko.


Vasco (or Vaslo) Crowder was born 20 May 1881 or 20 May 1882 (depending upon sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Charles Crowder and Elizabeth Baldwin, (to whom refer); died 4 July 1920. His wife Ann Elizabeth Tweedale, (to whom he was married 1 September 1914 at York County, Ontario), was born in or about 1890 or 1891 in Ontario, daughter to Isaac Tweedale and Eliza Cook. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Victor Stanley Crowder was born 29 August 1908 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Edward Crowder and Delilah (or Adelia) Lydia "Delia" Levere, (to whom refer). His wife Geraldine W. Richmire was born 27 November 1927; died 3 November 1987 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario; buried at St. John's United Church (formerly St. John's Methodist) Riverside Cemetery, near Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Warren David Crowder was born 7 November 1925 in Saskatchewan, son to Howard Leonard Crowder and Margaret Watson "Daisy" Dingwall, (to whom refer); died 29 October 1979 in Washington; buried at Fall City Cemetery, Fall City, King County, Washington. His wife Marcine E. Riggle, (to whom he was married 27 December 1943 at King County, Washington), was born 26 November 1925; died 29 July 2009 in Washington. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Wesley Crowder was born 12 August 1861 (according to most sources) or 12 August 1862 (according to some sources and his tombstone) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, son to Joseph Crowder and Mary Jane "Janie" or "Jennie" Elbare (Elbair or Elbert), (to whom refer); died 19 January 1916 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario; buried in 1916 at the Johnstown Commons Cemetery, near Johnstown, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife (and distant cousin) Mary Jane "Jenny" King, (to whom he was married 19 December 1882 at Grenville County, Ontario), was born 10 September 1862 (according to some sources) or 12 September 1862 (according to some sources and her own statement) or in September 1863 (according to some sources and her tombstone) at or near Limekiln (afterward known as Crystal Rock), Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, daughter to Nelson King and Elizabeth Brown, (to whom also refer); married, secondly, 18 November 1919 at Grenville County, Ontario, William Wilson Anderson, (to whom likewise also refer); died 6 January 1942 at or near Crystal Rock (formerly known as Limekiln), Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario; buried in 1942 at the Johnstown Commons Cemetery, near Johnstown, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Wesley Crowder and Mary Jane "Jenny" King; however this couple adopted three male children who, being "strangers in blood" as regards the treated families, are not to be further noted or documented in these records.


Wesley Freeman Crowder was born 13 January 1879 at or near Brouseville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to George Ira Crowder and Mary Elizabeth Mayhew (or Levere), (to whom refer); died 29 June 1950 at Chilliwack, British Columbia. His wife Amelia Louisa "Millie" Blair, (to whom he was married 31 March 1902 at or near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario), was born in 1879 at or near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Peter Blair and Amelia Perkins; died in 1930 at or near Blaine Lake, Saskatchewan; buried at Mount Olive Cemetery, near Blaine Lake, Saskatchewan. In addition to the adoption of one female child who, being a "stranger in blood" as regards the treated families, is not to be further noted or documented in these records, this couple begat issue: (1) Elmer Lesley Crowder, born 17 September 1907 at or near Blaine Lake, Blaine Lake Rural Municipality, Saskatchewan, died in infancy, unmarried, 16 March 1908 at or near Blaine Lake, Blaine Lake Rural Municipality, Saskatchewan.


Wilbur Crowder was born 4 July 1909 at or near Blaine Lake, Blaine Lake Rural Municipality, Saskatchewan, son to Judson "John" Crowder and Ella Maude Blair, (to whom refer). His wife Ann Guzak, (to whom he was married 4 November 1936 at Blaine Lake, Saskatchewan), was daughter to Wasyl Guzak and ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Edith Ann Crowder, born 17 December 1937, who married John Vansil; (2) Floyd Sherman Crowder, born 17 June 1939, who married Noella Charlebois; (3) Stanley Lloyd Crowder, born 11 July 1940, who married 28 October 1961 at Blaine Lake, Saskatchewan, Blanche Garrand; (4) Shirley Mae Crowder, born 16 September 1941, who married in 1959, Peter Bezpaloff; (5) Ernest Clifford Crowder, born 26 February 1945 at Blaine Lake, Saskatchewan, who married 15 July 1966, Irene Desdaly (or Nesdoly).


Wilfred Gordon Crowder was born 8 December 1921 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, son to John Wesley Crowder and Barbara Annie Mill; died 17 May 1983 at Dundas County, Ontario; buried in May 1983 at Knight's (otherwise known as Inkerman Old) Cemetery, at or near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario. His wife Ruby L. Murdock was born in 1924 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, daughter to Milton J. Murdock and Verna Pearl Crowder, (to whom refer); died 23 June 2009 at Ottawa City, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Ray Crowder; (2) Sandra Crowder, who married Gilles Longpr�; (3) Connie Gail Crowder.


William Alan Crowder was born 15 November 1944, son to Lorne Thomas Crowder and Dorothy Jean Wilson, (to whom refer); died 21 July 1990. His wife Beth May Taylor, (to whom he was married 24 August 1974), was born 11 September 1949. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


William Arkley Royal Crowder was born 12 July 1876 (according to some sources) or 12 July 1878 (according to some sources and his own statement) at or near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, son to George Ira Crowder and Ardelia Elbare, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 2 June 1909 at Dundas County, Ontario, Mary Ann "Minnie" Torrance, (to whom also refer); died 5 June 1961; buried in June 1961 at Knight's (otherwise known as Inkerman Old) Cemetery, at or near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario. His first wife Emma Isabella Kendrick, (to whom he was married 20 March 1901 at Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 28 March 1880 (according to some sources) or 28 March 1882 (according to some sources and her own statement) at or near South Mountain, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, daughter to John Kendrick and Nancy Watson; died 9 September 1907 at Dundas County, Ontario; buried in September 1907 at Knight's (otherwise known as Inkerman Old) Cemetery, at or near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario. William Arkley Royal Crowder and Emma Isabella Kendrick begat issue: (1) William Earl Crowder, born in July 1902 in Ontario, died in 1991, who married ---; (2) Verna Pearl Crowder, born 17 August 1904 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, died 22 August 1991 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, buried in August 1991 at Knight's (otherwise known as Inkerman Old) Cemetery, at or near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, who married, firstly, 8 November 1923 in Ontario, Milton J. Murdock, and, secondly, 26 April 1975 at South Mountain, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, Ernest Franklin Bryan.


William Arkley Royal Crowder was born 12 July 1876 (according to some sources) or 12 July 1878 (according to some sources and his own statement) at or near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, son to George Ira Crowder and Ardelia Elbare, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 20 March 1901 at Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario, Emma Isabella Kendrick, (to whom also refer); died 5 June 1961; buried in June 1961 at Knight's (otherwise known as Inkerman Old) Cemetery, at or near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario. His second wife Mary Ann "Minnie" Torrance, (to whom he was married 2 June 1909 at Dundas County, Ontario), was born 25 July 1886 or 26 July 1886 (depending upon sources) at Dundas County, Ontario; died 25 April 1969 or 26 April 1969 (depending upon sources); buried in 1969 at Knight's (otherwise known as Inkerman Old) Cemetery, at or near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario. William Arkley Royal Crowder and Mary Ann "Minnie" Torrance begat issue: (1) Audrey Beulah Crowder, born 19 September 1910 in Ontario, who married 25 October 1930, Douglas Gordon Kelly; (2) Allie Benson "Ben" Crowder, born 2 September 1912 in Ontario, died 27 June 1989, who married 2 May 1952 at Vernon, Osgoode Township, Carleton County, Ontario, Norma Ellen Porteous; (3) Arkley Bernice Crowder, born 23 June 1914 in Ontario, died in 1994 at or near Chesterville, Dundas County, Ontario, buried at Maple Ridge Cemetery, Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario, who married 20 November 1947, Eva M. Shannette; (4) a female child, name, if any, unavailable, born at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, died in infancy, unmarried, 11 June 1917 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, buried in June 1917 at Knight's (otherwise known as Inkerman Old) Cemetery, at or near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario; (5) Ada Beryl Crowder, born 13 June 1917 or 21 June 1917 or 13 June 1918 (depending upon sources) at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, died early, unmarried, 16 January 1919 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, buried in 1919 at Knight's (otherwise known as Inkerman Old) Cemetery, at or near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario; (6) a female child, name, if any, unavailable, born at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, died in infancy, unmarried, 13 June 1919 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, buried in June 1919 at Knight's (otherwise known as Inkerman Old) Cemetery, at or near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario; (7) Annie Bell Crowder, born 9 November 1920, who married --- Harris; (8) Alma Beverley Crowder, born 10 March 1925 in Ontario, who married 1 October 1947, George Gareau Abel.


William Earl Crowder was born in July 1902 in Ontario, son to William Arkley Royal Crowder and Emma Isabella Kendrick, (to whom refer); died in 1991. His wife was ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Emma Crowder; (2) William Ernest Crowder.


William Henry Crowder was born 10 August 1887 or 10 August 1888 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to George Ira Crowder and Mary Elizabeth Mayhew (or Levere), (to whom refer); died in 1968 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. His wife Myrtle Collison, (to whom he was married 28 November 1910 at Grenville County, Ontario), was born 5 August 1890 at Dundas County, Ontario, daughter to Silas Jacob Collison and Margaret "Maggie" Leizert; died 26 January 1971 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. This couple begat issue: (1) Durwood Earl Crowder, born 29 August 1912 at or near Gouverneur, Gouverneur Township, St. Lawrence County, New York, died 12 July 1986 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, who married in 1936 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Helen Florence Byers.


George Crowe was born in 1921 in Saskatchewan, son to Thomas Archibald Crowe and Adeline Belle "Ada", "Adda" or "Addie" Crowder, (to whom refer). His wife was Irene ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Thomas Archibald Crowe. His wife Adeline Belle "Ada", "Adda" or "Addie" Crowder, (to whom he was married at Blaine Lake, Saskatchewan), was born 21 September 1891 or 27 September 1891 or 14 October 1892 (depending upon sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to George Ira Crowder and Mary Elizabeth Mayhew (or Levere), (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Lloyd Crowe, born in 1915 in Saskatchewan, died in infancy, unmarried, in 1916 in Saskatchewan; (2) Mary Ann Crowe, born in 1916 in Saskatchewan, died early, unmarried, in 1926 in Saskatchewan; (3) George Crowe, born in 1921 in Saskatchewan, who married Irene ---; (4) Marion Crowe, born in 1929 in Saskatchewan, who married Al McWhirter.


Paul Csuzdi was born 25 May 1918 at or near Woodridge, Piney Rural Municipality, Manitoba, son to David Csuzdi and Julia Szanto. His wife Violet Belle Chambers, (to whom he was married 1 May 1943 at Sprague Baptist Church, Sprague, Piney Rural Municipality, Manitoba with the Reverend Edward Clay, Baptist Church, officiating), was born 18 March 1920 at or near Sprague, Piney Rural Municipality, Manitoba, daughter to Roy Chambers and Bertha Agnes Ostrom, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue, of whom no further record is presently available.


Clinton Cughan was born in 1910; died in 2002. His wife Ada M. Reynolds, (to whom he was married in 1933), was born in 1908, daughter to William John Reynolds and Ethel Elizabeth McFarlane, (to whom refer); died in 1974. This couple begat issue: (1) Robert Cughan, who married Denise Ledger; (2) James Cughan.


Robert Cughan was son to Clinton Cughan and Ada M. Reynolds, (to whom refer). His wife was Denise Ledger. This couple begat issue: (1) Cheryl Anne Cughan; (2) Glen Cughan; (3) Paul Cughan.


John Robert Cummings. His wife Janice Eileen Reynolds, (to whom he was married 11 February 1983 and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 22 August 1956, daughter to John Edward Reynolds and Verna Eileen King, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Sara Elizabeth Cummings, born 20 April 1983; (2) Kevin Alexander Cummings, born 21 August 1993.


--- Curry. His wife Judy Clark was born 19 September 1950 at Toronto, York County, Ontario, daughter to Carl Eldoro (or Eldon) Clark and Ann Ladouceur, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.



Bryan Thomas Dalley was son to Wilson Dalley and Claudette ---. His wife Sarah Anne Louise King, (to whom he was married 12 October 1985 at or near Maynard, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario with the Reverend Janet Evans, United Church of Canada, officiating), was born 24 November 1964 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Clarence William King Jr. and Jean Elizabeth Jennie Gillmoure, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Thomas Rizk, (to whom also refer). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Bryan Thomas Dalley and Sarah Anne Louise King are presently available.


Ronald Duane Daw was born 6 May 1952 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Nancy Lynn Barton, (to whom he was married 6 February 1971 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 2 February 1952 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Clifford Earl Barton and Marguerite Lavina Gillmoure, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Dale Lefebvre, (to whom also refer). Ronald Duane Daw and Nancy Lynn Barton begat issue: (1) Elizabeth Lynn Daw, born 4 August 1971 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married Todd Brayton; (2) Marsha Leanne Daw, born 17 October 1975 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario.


--- deBruin. His wife --- Bezpaloff was daughter to Peter Bezpaloff and Shirley Mae Crowder, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Albert J. Dennis was born in or about 1891 to 1895 probably in New York or in Ontario (depending upon sources), son to William Dennis and Nancy Syscelia Crowder, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Ethel ---, (to whom also refer); died at St. Lawrence County, New York. His first wife Esther S. Lewis, (to whom he was married in 1925 at St. Lawrence County, New York), was born in or about 1894 or 1895 in New York, daughter to George D. Lewis and ---. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Albert J. Dennis and Esther S. Lewis are presently available.


Albert J. Dennis was born in or about 1891 to 1895 probably in New York or in Ontario (depending upon sources), son to William Dennis and Nancy Syscelia Crowder, (to whom refer); married, firstly, in 1925 at St. Lawrence County, New York, Esther S. Lewis, (to whom also refer); died at St. Lawrence County, New York. His second wife Ethel --- was born in or about 1894 or 1895 in New York. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Albert J. Dennis and Ethel --- are presently available.


Charles Alfred Dennis was born in or about 1867 or 1868 at West Zorra Township, Oxford County, Ontario, son to John James Dennis and Eliza Lupton; died in 1946. His wife Ida Jane Hunter, (to whom he was married 20 April 1908 at Hickson, East Zorra Township, Oxford County, Ontario), was born 18 November 1878 (according to some sources and Registrar-General, not 18 November 1879 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to John Hunter and Jane Ann Elbare, (to whom refer); died in 1946. This couple begat issue: (1) Charles Edward Dennis, died unmarried; (2) Elwood Hunter "Eddie" Dennis, born 13 September 1910 at East Zorra Township, Oxford County, Ontario, fathered out of wedlock, by one Kathleen Lillian Gardiner, a male child, (for further records of whom refer to the entry labelled "Kathleen Lillian Gardiner" in the "Supplementary" Section at the end of Part I. of this work), died unmarried 12 June 1979 in England.


George Dennis was born in or about 1895 or 1896 in New York, son to William Dennis and Nancy Syscelia Crowder, (to whom refer); died at St. Lawrence County, New York. His wife Myrtle Lenox (or Lennox), (to whom he was married 24 September 1913 at St. Lawrence County, New York), was born in or about 1895 or 1896 at Dundas County, Ontario, daughter to Zeria (or Zina) Lenox (or Lennox) and Priscilla Crowder; died at St. Lawrence County, New York. This couple begat issue: (1) Verna Dennis, born in 1915 at Madrid Township, St. Lawrence County, New York; (2) Carl Dennis, born in 1917 at Madrid Township, St. Lawrence County, New York; (3) Lottie Dennis, born in 1921 at Madrid Township, St. Lawrence County, New York; (4) Maynard Dennis, born in 1923 at Madrid Township, St. Lawrence County, New York; (5) Edward Dennis, born in 1928 at Madrid Township, St. Lawrence County, New York.


Ralph E. Dennis was born in 1891; died in 1963; buried at Martin Cemetery, Lisbon Township, St. Lawrence County, New York. His wife Agnes E. Elbare was born in or about February 1898 or in or about 1900 (depending upon sources) in New York, daughter to William Freeman Elbare and Agnes A. ---, (to whom refer); married, firstly, in or about 1925 or 1926, Roy McGaw, (to whom also refer); died in 1970; buried at Martin Cemetery, Lisbon Township, St. Lawrence County, New York. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Ralph E. Dennis and Agnes E. Elbare are presently available.


Wesley Orville Dennis was born 19 March 1900 at Dundas County, Ontario, son to William Dennis and Nancy Syscelia Crowder, (to whom refer); died in December 1982 at Lisbon Township, St. Lawrence County, New York. His wife Beulah G. Simser, (to whom he was married in 1923 at St. Lawrence County, New York), was born 20 October 1903 at St. Lawrence County, New York, daughter to Edward Simser and Harriet E. "Hattie" ---; died in June 1978 at Lisbon Township, St. Lawrence County, New York. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


William Dennis was born in June 1861 or in 1869 (depending upon sources) at St. Lawrence County, New York or at Dundas County, Ontario (depending upon sources), son to George Dennis and ---; died at St. Lawrence County, New York. His wife Nancy Syscelia Crowder, (to whom he was married in 1890), was born 14 October 1869 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, daughter to Albert Crowder and Elizabeth Elbare, (to whom refer); died 4 October 1937 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario; buried at Knight's (otherwise known as Inkerman Old) Cemetery, at or near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Albert J. Dennis, born in or about 1891 to 1895 probably in New York or in Ontario (depending upon sources), died at St. Lawrence County, New York, who married, firstly, in 1925 at St. Lawrence County, New York, Esther S. Lewis, and, secondly, Ethel ---; (2) George Dennis, born in or about 1895 or 1896 in New York, died at St. Lawrence County, New York, who married 24 September 1913 at St. Lawrence County, New York, Myrtle Lenox (or Lennox); (3) Wesley Orville Dennis, born 19 March 1900 at Dundas County, Ontario, died in December 1982 at Lisbon Township, St. Lawrence County, New York, who married in 1923 at St. Lawrence County, New York, Beulah G. Simser.


Frederick Mueller Derr. His wife Teresa Ann Elbare, (to whom he was married 20 May 1988 at Sarasota County, Florida), was born 13 July 1944, daughter to Thomas James Elbare and Dorothy Jeanne Blume, (to whom refer); married, firstly, in June 1963 at Sarasota County, Florida, John Jefferson Greene, (to whom also refer); married, secondly, 16 February 1972 at Desoto County, Florida, Robert L. Shaw, (to whom likewise also refer). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Frederick Mueller Derr and Teresa Ann Elbare are presently available.


Graham Ross Desjardin was born 11 July 1954, son to William Edward Ross Desjardin and Annie Madaline "Mat" or "Mattie" Hunter, (to whom refer). His wife Wendy Francine McInnes, (to whom he was married 16 May 1981 at Christ United Church, Lyn, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was daughter to James McInnes and ---. This couple begat issue: (1) James Desjardin; (2) Natalie Desjardin.


William Edward Ross Desjardin was born 11 November 1922; died 21 June 1997; buried in June 1997 at Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Maitland, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Annie Madaline "Mat" or "Mattie" Hunter was born 5 August 1920 near Millar's Corners, Oxford-on-Rideau Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to Edward Hunter and Della Blair, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 17 August 1940, William Melbourne Wallace, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced); died 4 July 2000; buried in July 2000 at Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Maitland, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario. William Edward Ross Desjardin and Annie Madaline "Mat" or "Mattie" Hunter begat issue: (1) Graham Ross Desjardin, born 11 July 1954, who married 16 May 1981 at Christ United Church, Lyn, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Wendy Francine McInnes.


Robert Dixon was son to Lloyd Dixon and ---. His wife Mary Ann McFarlane, (to whom he was married 10 September 1988 at St. Mark's Roman Catholic Church, Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 16 February 1965, daughter to John Charles McFarlane and Margaret McCarney, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Bert Dodge. His wife Viola King, (to whom he was married 9 April 1924), was born 22 August 1903, daughter to Frederick King and Nellie Lavery, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Gregory Donald Donaldson. His wife Carol Emily Burnside, (to whom he was married 9 May 1981), was born 2 June 1959, daughter to Carl Allan Burnside and Dorothy McNeil, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Roch "Rocky" Dore was born 7 December 1961. His wife Cheryl Lorraine Gillissie, (to whom he was married 7 June 1986), was born 9 January 1964, daughter to Gerald Edward Gillissie and Diane Lorraine Carriere, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Chad Michael Dore, born 17 September 1987.


Wilfred Florian Dube. His wife Carole Anne Cawsey, (to whom he was married 13 June 1965), was born 25 December 1943, daughter to Allister Cawsey and Norma Elizabeth Spencer, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Michael Brent Dube, born antenuptially 7 December 1964; (2) Pamela Gay Dube, born 5 December 1965; (3) Collette Dawn Dube, born 4 April 1971.


--- Dufour. His wife Kim Crowder was born 3 June 1959, daughter to Dowine Donald Crowder and Rita Branchaud, (to whom refer.) No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Gordon Dulmage was born 27 December 1929. His wife Annie Ida Chambers, (to whom he was married 21 July 1956 at the residence of the Reverend Thomas Knowles, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario with the Reverend Thomas Knowles, United Church of Canada, officiating), was born 18 February 1932 near Brouseville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to William Gordon Chambers and Elsie Raycroft, (to whom refer); died 24 April 2003 at her residence, Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario; buried in 2003 at Maynard Cemetery, at or near Maynard, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) William Dulmage, born 24 November 1957; (2) Ruth Ann Dulmage, born 1 December 1960.


Duncan Alfred Dunn was born 28 April 1914. His wife Audrey June Crowder, (to whom he was married 23 September 1950), was born 15 June 1927, daughter to Edgar Stanley Crowder and Margaret Rose Grosvenor, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Catherine Jean Dunn, born 3 December 1955; (2) Douglas James Dunn, born 19 September 1959.


Delmer Floyd Durant was born 30 June 1907 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, son to Orren Franklin Durant and Ardelia A. Clark, (to whom refer); died 22 March 1968 at Lynn, Essex County, Massachusetts. His wife Laura Manning, (to whom he was married 3 June 1926 at Redwood, Alexandria Township, Jefferson County, New York), was born 30 May 1907 at Redwood, Alexandria Township, Jefferson County, New York; died 10 June 1980 at Lynn, Essex County, Massachusetts. This couple begat issue: (1) Phyllis May Durant, born 15 November 1926, who married 29 July 1945, Douglas Collette; (2) Patricia Irene Durant, born 6 February 1928; (3) Shirley Durant, born 19 April 1930, who married Harold L. Gilligan; (4) Delmer Floyd Durant Jr., born 8 June 1943, who married 13 June 1968, Joanne Frances Lavina, (from whom subsequently divorced).


Delmer Floyd Durant Jr. was born 8 June 1943, son to Delmer Floyd Durant and Laura Manning, (to whom refer). His wife was Joanne Frances Lavina, (to whom he was married 13 June 1968 and from whom subsequently divorced). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Gerald Clark Durant was born 19 February 1932, son to Ross Clark Durant and Verna Alma McLean, (to whom refer). His wife Patricia Moore, (to whom he was married 21 July 1953), was born 7 March 1933. This couple begat issue: (1) David Francis Durant, born 19 January 1954; (2) Dennis Gerald Durant, born 6 April 1955; (3) Barbara Ann Durant, born 13 June 1956; (4) Kathryn Patricia Durant, born 16 August 1958; (5) Steven Joel Durant, born 18 May 1962; (6) Elaine Theresa Durant, born 30 March 1965.


Harold Franklin Durant was born 7 December 1916 at or near Cass Bridge, Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario, son to Orren Franklin Durant and Ardelia A. Clark, (to whom refer); died 13 November 1987 at Fulton, Oswego County, New York. His wife Vivian Loretta Richer, (to whom he was married 7 June 1940 at Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence County, New York), was born 28 August 1921 at Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence County, New York; died 20 May 1987 at Fulton, Oswego County, New York. This couple begat issue: (1) Marcia Ann Durant, born 29 August 1941, who married 7 April 1962, David Walter Wallis; (2) Sharon Vina Durant, born 2 June 1946, who married 26 May 1965, Edward Allen Whelsky; (3) Darlene Joan Durant, born 6 July 1950, who married 7 November 1969, John William Fredette.


Orren Franklin Durant was born 27 October 1886 at or near Beckstead, Matilda Township, Dundas County, Ontario, son to George Durant and Elizabeth ---; died 12 September 1947 at Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence County, New York. His wife Ardelia A. Clark, (to whom he was married 9 January 1907 at or near Van Camp, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario), was born 12 October 1888 at or near Van Camp, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, daughter to Elijah Van Camp Clark and Margaret Elizabeth Crowder, (to whom refer); died 19 April 1961 at or near Canton, Canton Township, St. Lawrence County, New York. This couple begat issue: (1) Delmer Floyd Durant, born 30 June 1907 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, died 22 March 1968 at Lynn, Essex County, Massachusetts, who married 3 June 1926 at Redwood, Alexandria Township, Jefferson County, New York, Laura Manning; (2) Ross Clark Durant, born 25 January 1909 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, died 28 July 1986 at Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence County, New York, who married 23 December 1929 at Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence County, New York, Verna Alma McLean; (3) Mildred Pauline Durant, born 25 May 1914 at or near Cass Bridge, Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario, died in August 1987 at Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence County, New York, who married 18 July 1930 at Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence County, New York, Henry Joseph Graveline; (4) Harold Franklin Durant, born 7 December 1916 at or near Cass Bridge, Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario, died 13 November 1987 at Fulton, Oswego County, New York, who married 7 June 1940 at Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence County, New York, Vivian Loretta Richer.


Ronald Durant. His wife Marion Easter was daughter to Philip Easter and Helen Miller, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Ross Clark Durant was born 25 January 1909 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Orren Franklin Durant and Ardelia A. Clark, (to whom refer); died 28 July 1986 at Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence County, New York. His wife Verna Alma McLean, (to whom he was married 23 December 1929 at Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence County, New York), was born 23 December 1908 at Chesterville, Dundas County, Ontario; died 19 April 1995 at Fairport, Perinton Township, Monroe County, New York. This couple begat issue: (1) Joan Doreen Durant, born 16 February 1931 in New York, died early, unmarried, 30 March 1943; (2) Gerald Clark Durant, born 19 February 1932, who married 21 July 1953, Patricia Moore; (3) Dawn Lorraine Durant, born 28 July 1936, who married 21 April 1956, James Orin Carr; (4) Faye Yvonne Durant, born 18 April 1943, who married 21 June 1963, David Francis Pospiech.



Harry Easter. His wife Miriam Earleen Campbell was born 8 March 1932, daughter to Frederick Arthur Campbell and Evelyn Lillian Clark, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Steven Easter.


Philip Easter. His wife Helen Miller was daughter to Andrew Miller and Mary Jane "Mae" Beattie, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Andrew Easter, died unmarried; (2) Earl Easter, who married ---; (3) Helen Easter, who married David Bough; (4) Marion Easter, who married Ronald Durant.


Ronald Lawrence Edmonds. His wife Vicki Lynn Harvey, (from whom subsequently divorced), was born 23 July 1947, daughter to Philip John Harvey and Eleanor Christina Bertha Chambers, (to whom refer); married, secondly, William Sanna, (to whom also refer). Ronald Lawrence Edmonds and Vicki Lynn Harvey begat issue: (1) Barbara Lynn Edmonds; (2) Ronald Edward Edmonds.


--- Edwards. His wife Elzinia King was born 13 October 1868, daughter to James Henry King and Mary Jane Chambers, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Gertrude Edwards; (2) Hazel Edwards; (3) Margaret Edwards; (4) Frederick Edwards.


Dennis Edwards. His wife Vicki Louise Spencer, (to whom he was married in September 1977), was born antenuptially 16 May 1958, daughter to Victor Allen Spencer and Winnifred Mae (or Louise) "Winnie" Redstone, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Dana John Elbare was born 11 February 1971, son to John Michael Elbare and Debrah Erlene De Roche, (to whom refer). His wife Stephanie Shannon Kiser, (to whom he was married 1 August 2003 at Clark County, Nevada), was born in April 1974. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Daniel (not Donald as inaccurately and incorrectly mistakenly recorded in some sources) Elbare was born 11 February 1855 or 12 February 1855 (depending upon sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, son to Robert "Bob" Elbare (Ellbare or Elbair) and Elizabeth Ingles (Inglis, Englis or Engles), (to whom refer); married, secondly, Emma Faley, (to whom also refer); died 14 April 1909 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario in consequence of three days' suffering with congestion of the lungs following upon apoplexy of seven months' duration; buried in 1909 at St. John's Methodist (afterward St. John's United Church) Riverside Cemetery, near Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario. His first wife Elizabeth "Bessy" Arthurs was born 2 February 1856 in Canada West; died 22 April 1903; buried in 1903 at St. John's Methodist (afterward St. John's United Church) Riverside Cemetery, near Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario. Daniel Elbare and Elizabeth "Bessy" Arthurs begat issue: (1) Nettie Belle (or Etty Belle) Elbare, born 20 August 1883 (according to some sources and her parents' statement) or 20 August 1884 (according to some sources and Registrar-General) or 20 August 1889 (according to some sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 6 May 1968 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, buried in May 1968 at St. John's United Church (formerly St. John's Methodist) Riverside Cemetery, near Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 7 February 1905 at Iroquois, Dundas County, Ontario, Carlton Austin Ransom.


Daniel (not Donald as inaccurately and incorrectly mistakenly recorded in some sources) Elbare was born 11 February 1855 or 12 February 1855 (depending upon sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, son to Robert "Bob" Elbare (Ellbare or Elbair) and Elizabeth Ingles (Inglis, Englis or Engles), (to whom refer); married, firstly, Elizabeth "Bessy" Arthurs, (to whom also refer); died 14 April 1909 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario in consequence of three days' suffering with congestion of the lungs following upon apoplexy of seven months' duration; buried in 1909 at St. John's Methodist (afterward St. John's United Church) Riverside Cemetery, near Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario. His second wife was Emma Faley. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Daniel (not Donald) Elbare and Emma Faley.


Henry Elbare was born in or about 1863 or 1864 in New York, son to John Elbare (or Elbair) and Margaret Boden, (to whom refer); died in 1924; buried at North Syracuse Cemetery, North Syracuse, Clay Township, Onondaga County, New York. His wife Mary --- was born in or about 1866 or 1867; died in 1927; buried at North Syracuse Cemetery, North Syracuse, Clay Township, Onondaga County, New York. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Henry Smith Elbare (or Elbair) was born 4 February 1822 at Edwardsburgh Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, son to John Elbare (or Elbair) and Mary Smith (Smyth or Smythe), (to whom refer); died 17 August 1909 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario; buried in August 1909 at St. John's Methodist (afterward St. John's United Church) Riverside Cemetery, near Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Jane "Jennie" Todd, (to whom he was married 20 December 1849 at the Custom House, Ogdensburg, Oswegatchie Township, St. Lawrence County, New York with James C. Barter, Justice of the Peace, officiating), was born 4 September 1825 (according to some sources and her own statement) or 4 September 1826 (according to some sources) in Ireland (allegedly "near Dublin" according to family tradition but more probably in County Antrim), daughter to Nathaniel Todd and Jane ---; died 8 August 1909 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario; buried in August 1909 at St. John's Methodist (afterward St. John's United Church) Riverside Cemetery, near Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Hannah Margaret Smith Elbare, born 6 October 1850 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, christened 6 April 1851 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, died unmarried 4 September 1880 (according to some sources) or 9 September 1880 (according to some sources and Registrar-General) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario; (2) Marinda Elbare, born 23 October 1852 or 25 October 1852 (depending upon sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, christened 20 March 1853 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, died 3 August 1938 at or near Aylesbury, Saskatchewan, buried in August 1938 at Aylesbury Memorial Cemetery, Aylesbury, Saskatchewan, who married 21 October 1875 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, Charles Spencer; (3) John Elbare, born 6 March 1854 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, christened 29 August 1854 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, died 13 June 1895 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, buried in June 1895 at Spencerville Union Cemetery, near Spencerville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 16 June 1874 at Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, Margaret Cummings; (4) Jane Ann Elbare, born 10 September 1855 (according to some sources and her death registration) or 15 April 1857 (according to some sources and her own statement) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, died 26 September 1925 near Millar's Corners, Oxford-on-Rideau Township, Grenville County, Ontario, buried at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Churchyard, Spencerville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 26 April 1877 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, John Hunter; (5) Edward (or Edwin) Alexander Elbare, died unmarried 10 March 1880 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario in consequence of consumption (tuberculosis); (6) Harvey Elbare, died unmarried; (7) William Arthur Elbare, died unmarried 20 April 1880 (according to some sources) or 30 May 1880 (according to some sources and Registrar-General) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario; (8) Lucinda "Cindy" Elbare, born 19 April 1862 or 19 April 1863 (depending upon sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, died unmarried 14 June 1932 or 14 June 1933 (depending upon sources) at or near Aylesbury, Saskatchewan, buried in June 1932 or in June 1933 (depending upon sources) at Aylesbury Memorial Cemetery, Aylesbury, Saskatchewan; (9) Sarah Edith Elbare, born 11 November 1868 (according to some sources and her own statement) or 11 November 1869 (according to some sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 4 July 1947, buried in July 1947 at South Gower Cemetery, South Gower Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 24 May 1894 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, Howard Arastis McFadden.


Hezekiah (or Hesiciah) "Zeke" Elbare (or Elbar) was born 8 February 1855 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, son to John Elbare (or Elbair) and Margaret Boden, (to whom refer); christened 25 December 1855 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West; married, secondly, Maria ---, (to whom also refer); died 6 August 1896 at or near Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York; buried in August 1896 at Oakwood Cemetery, Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York. His first wife was Alice Lord. Hezekiah (or Hesiciah) "Zeke" Elbare (or Elbar) and Alice Lord begat issue: (1) Anna M. Elbare (or Elbar), born in or about 1878 or 1879 in New York; (2) Bertha A. (or Bertha Lee) Elbare (or Elbar), born in or about 1879 or 1880 in New York, who married 6 May 1908 at Onondaga County, New York, John Onley Coon; (3} Ella Edith Elbare, born 14 August 1885 at Pompey Township, Onondaga County, New York or at Oswego County, New York (depending upon sources), died 10 December 1945 or 12 December 1945 (depending upon sources) at East Syracuse, DeWitt Township, Onondaga County, New York, buried at Oakwood Cemetery, Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York, who married Horace Ray Althouse.


Hezekiah (or Hesiciah) "Zeke" Elbare (or Elbar) was born 8 February 1855 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, son to John Elbare (or Elbair) and Margaret Boden, (to whom refer); christened 25 December 1855 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West; married, firstly, Alice Lord, (to whom also refer); died 6 August 1896 at or near Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York; buried in August 1896 at Oakwood Cemetery, Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York. His second wife Maria --- was born in or about 1844, 1854, 1855 or 1856; married, firstly, John Paul Goodryder; died 1 September 1926 at or near Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York; buried in September 1926 at Oakwood Cemetery, Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Hezekiah (or Hesiciah) "Zeke" Elbare (or Elbar) and Maria ---.


Howard Gerard Elbare was born 19 May 1898 or 15 July 1898 (depending upon sources) in New York, son to John Elbare and Margaret Delaney, (to whom refer); died in July 1965 or in 1968 (depending upon sources) at Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York. His wife Julia E. O'Neill, (to whom he was married 18 August 1919), was born 21 June 1899 or 21 July 1900 (depending upon sources), daughter to Nicholas O'Neill and Mary F. Coyle; died 17 August 1987 at Miami, Dade County, Florida or at Sarasota County, Florida (depending upon sources). This couple begat issue: (1) Howard John Elbare, born 3 March 1921 or 13 March 1921 (depending upon sources) at or near Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York, died 25 June 1995 at Sarasota, Sarasota County, Florida, who married 6 December 1945 at Durham, Durham County, North Carolina, Mary Ann Jones; (2) Thomas James Elbare, born 29 August 1922 at Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York, died 6 January 2005 at Longboat Key, Manatee County, Florida, who married 6 May 1943, Dorothy Jeanne Blume.


Howard John Elbare was born 3 March 1921 or 13 March 1921 (depending upon sources) at Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York, son to Howard Gerard Elbare and Julia E. O'Neill, (to whom refer); died 25 June 1995 at Sarasota, Sarasota County, Florida. His wife Mary Ann Jones, (to whom he was married 6 December 1945 at Durham, Durham County, North Carolina), was born 12 October 1926, daughter to Theodore Jones and Ruth Brinkerhoff; died 5 August 2005 or 5 August 2014 (depending upon sources). This couple begat issue: (1) John Michael Elbare (a prominent investment advisor, lecturer, financier, philanthropist, etc.), born 31 December 1950, who married, firstly, 11 April 1970 at Hillsborough County, Florida, Debrah Erlene De Roche, (from whom subsequently divorced 27 September 1976 at Hillsborough County, Florida), secondly, 14 August 1981 at Tampa, Hillsborough County, Florida, Susan Ann Coons, (from whom subsequently divorced 18 June 1987 at Hillsborough County, Florida), thirdly, 3 October 1987 at Hillsborough County, Florida, Nancy Anne Kraeft, (from whom subsequently divorced 2 March 1992 at Hillsborough County, Florida), and, fourthly, Lindsay R. Mickler; (2) Mark Joseph Elbare, born 15 May 1953 at Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York, died 12 March 2005 at Temple Terrace, Hillsborough County, Florida, who married, firstly, in 1977, Kathleen M. Condon, and, secondly, 27 May 1983 at Hillsborough County, Florida, Karen Jean Broderick, (from whom subsequently divorced 18 December 1992 at Hillsborough County, Florida); (3) Robert James Elbare, born 30 September 1954 at Watertown, Jefferson County, New York, died unmarried 12 January 1985 at Hillsborough County, Florida, buried in January 1985 at Myrtle Hill Memorial Park, Tampa, Hillsborough County, Florida; (4) Mary Ruth Elbare, born 26 January 1957, died in infancy, unmarried, 8 March 1957.


John Elbare (or Elbair) (a soldier of The King in defence of Upper Canada in the War of 1812, etc.) was born 15 October 1786 in the Royal Province of Qu�bec (afterward known as the Province of Lower Canada); died 15 October 1882 (his 96th birthday) at the residence of his son-in-law and daughter Albert Crowder and Elizabeth Elbare at or near Hallville, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario in consequence of causes incident to advanced age. His wife Mary Smith (Smyth or Smythe) was born in or about 1796 or 1797 at Edwardsburgh Township, Eastern Municipal District, Upper Canada, daughter to Henry Smith (Smyth or Smythe) (a soldier of The King in defence of British North America in the American Revolution and of Upper Canada in the War of 1812, etc.) and Hannah ---, (both loyal subjects of The Crown, having previously quit the Thirteen Colonies in consequence of the treasonous colonial insurrection and rebellion and subsequent seditious sentiments and persecutory republican proclivities therein, etc.); died 16 December 1873 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) probably a female child, name unavailable, apparently died early, unmarried; (2) probably a female child, name unavailable, apparently died early, unmarried; (3) Henry Smith Elbare (or Elbair), born 4 February 1822 at Edwardsburgh Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, died 17 August 1909 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, buried in August 1909 at St. John's Methodist (afterward St. John's United Church) Riverside Cemetery, near Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 20 December 1849 at the Custom House, Ogdensburg, Oswegatchie Township, St. Lawrence County, New York, (with James C. Barter, Justice of the Peace, officiating), Jane "Jennie" Todd; (4) Julianna (Juliana or Julia Ann) "Ann" Elbare (or Elbair), born in February 1824 at Edwardsburgh Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, died 29 October 1875 (according to some sources) or 31 October 1875 (according to some sources and Registrar-General) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, buried at Mainsville Cemetery, at or near Mainsville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 31 October 1844 at Matilda Township, Eastern Municipal District, Canada West, (with the Reverend Robert Boyd, Presbyterian Church, officiating), John Chambers; (5) John Elbare (or Elbair), born in or about 1825 or 1826 at Edwardsburgh Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, who married Margaret Boden; (6) Mary Jane "Janie" or "Jennie" Elbare (Elbair or Elbert), born 23 March 1827 or 23 March 1828 (depending upon sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, died 11 March 1904 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, buried in 1904 at Mainsville Cemetery, at or near Mainsville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 22 January 1850 at or near Spencerville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, (with the Reverend Michael Davy, Episcopalian Methodist Church, officiating), Joseph Crowder; (7) Nancy Elbare (or Elbaire), born in or about 1829 or 1830 at Edwardsburgh Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada or at or near Prescott, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada (depending upon sources), died 22 September 1869 or 22 September 1870 (depending upon sources) at or near Constantia, Constantia Township, Oswego County, New York, buried in September 1869 or in September 1870 (depending upon sources) at Union Settlement Cemetery, near West Monroe, West Monroe Township, Oswego County, New York, who married Orin H. Hamilton; (8) allegedly a female child, name unavailable, who allegedly married --- Gray (or Grey); (9) Robert "Bob" Elbare (Ellbare or Elbair), born in or about 1833 or 1834 at Edwardsburgh Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, died in 1912 at or near Harrisville, Diana Township, Lewis County, New York, buried at Harrisville Cemetery, Harrisville, Diana Township, Lewis County, New York, who married 13 February 1854 or 13 March 1854 (depending upon sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, (with the Reverend Francis Coleman, Wesleyan Methodist Church, officiating), Elizabeth Ingles (Inglis, Englis or Engles); (10) Ardelia Elbare, born 22 September 1836 or 22 September 1837 (depending upon sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, died 11 November 1922 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, buried at Van Camp Cemetery, near Van Camp, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, who married 5 March 1856 at or near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Grenville County, Canada West, George Ira Crowder; (11) Elizabeth Elbare, born 22 February 1840 or 22 February 1842 (depending upon sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada or at Edwardsburgh Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Canada West (depending upon sources), died 2 January 1920 or 22 January 1920 (depending upon sources) at the residence of her son-in-law and daughter Henry Bellinger and Alberteen (or Albertine) "Teen" Crowder at or near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, buried in 1920 at Knight's (otherwise known as Inkerman Old) Cemetery, at or near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, who married 23 January 1865 at Dundas County, Canada West, Albert Crowder.


John Elbare (or Elbair) was born in or about 1825 or 1826 at Edwardsburgh Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, son to John Elbare (or Elbair) and Mary Smith (Smyth or Smythe), (to whom refer). His wife Margaret Boden was born 28 April 1839 or 1 May 1857 (depending upon sources but not in or about 1843 or 1844 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources and implied by her tombstone); died 24 August 1890 or in 1906 (depending upon sources); buried at North Syracuse Cemetery, North Syracuse, Clay Township, Onondaga County, New York. This couple begat issue: (1) Hezekiah (or Hesiciah) "Zeke" Elbare (or Elbar), born 8 February 1855 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, christened 25 December 1855 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, died 6 August 1896 at or near Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York, buried in August 1896 at Oakwood Cemetery, Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York, who married, firstly, Alice Lord, and, secondly, Maria ---; (2) Mary Agnes Elbare, born 2 October 1856 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, christened 22 February 1857 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West; (3) James Elbare, born 24 September 1857 or in or about 1858 or 1859 (depending upon sources) in Canada West or in New York, died 31 March 1896 at Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York, buried in 1896 at Oakwood Cemetery, Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York; (4) Hannah Elbare, born 25 September 1861 in New York, died 3 January 1947 at or near Oswego, Oswego County, New York, who married in or about 1886 or 1887, Constant T. Pattat (Pattatt, Pettit, Pallat, Pallatt or Pellett); (5) Henry Elbare, born in or about 1863 or 1864 in New York, died in 1924, buried at North Syracuse Cemetery, North Syracuse, Clay Township, Onondaga County, New York, who married Mary ---; (6) Nancy Elbare (or Elbaire), born in or about 1864 or 1865 in New York; (7) Annie Elbare, born in or about 1866 or 1867 in New York; (8) Margaret Elbare, born in or about 1868 or 1869 in New York; (9) John Elbare, born in or about 1871 or 1872 in New York, disappeared without further trace, who married Margaret Delaney, (whom he subsequently callously abandoned); (10) Sylvester Elbare, born in or about 1875 or 1876 in New York, died in 1906, buried at North Syracuse Cemetery, North Syracuse, Clay Township, Onondaga County, New York.


John Elbare was born 6 March 1854 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, son to Henry Smith Elbare (or Elbair) and Jane "Jennie" Todd, (to whom refer); christened 29 August 1854 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West; died 13 June 1895 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario; buried in June 1895 at Spencerville Union Cemetery, near Spencerville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Margaret Cummings, (to whom he was married 16 June 1874 at Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario), was born 28 April 1851 or in or about 1853 or 1854 or 1 May 1857 (depending upon sources), daughter to Sherman Cummings and Catherine ---; died 24 August 1890 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario in consequence of consumption (tuberculosis); buried in August 1890 at Spencerville Union Cemetery, near Spencerville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) William John Elbare, born 20 July 1875 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario; (2) Jane C. "Jennie" Elbare, born 10 June 1876 (according to some sources) or 12 June 1876 (according to some sources and her own statement) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died unmarried 25 October 1901 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, buried at Spencerville Union Cemetery, near Spencerville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario; (3) Florence Elizabeth Elbare, born in September 1879 or in May 1880 (depending upon sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died in infancy, unmarried, 13 March 1880 (according to some sources) or 13 May 1880 (according to some sources and Registrar-General) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, buried in 1880 at Spencerville Union Cemetery, near Spencerville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario; (4) Cora Ethel Elbare, born in September 1881 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died early, unmarried, 7 July 1890 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario in consequence of consumption (tuberculosis), buried in July 1890 at Spencerville Union Cemetery, near Spencerville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario; (5) Hannah Elizabeth Elbare, born 17 October 1886 at or near Spencerville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 21 August 1986, buried in August 1986 at Maynard Cemetery, at or near Maynard, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married, firstly, 20 December 1911 at or near Craik, Saskatchewan, Charles Vernon Bolton, and, secondly, 15 October 1924 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, Melvin Buker.


John Elbare was born in or about 1871 or 1872 in New York, son to John Elbare (or Elbair) and Margaret Boden, (to whom refer); disappeared without further trace. His wife was Margaret Delaney, (whom he subsequently callously abandoned). This couple begat issue: (1) Howard Gerard Elbare, born 19 May 1898 or 15 July 1898 (depending upon sources) in New York, died in July 1965 or in 1968 (depending upon sources) at Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York, who married 18 August 1919, Julia E. O'Neill.


John Michael Elbare (a prominent investment advisor, lecturer, financier, philanthropist, etc.) was born 31 December 1950, son to Howard John Elbare and Mary Ann Jones, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 14 August 1981 at Tampa, Hillsborough County, Florida, Susan Ann Coons, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced 18 June 1987 at Hillsborough County, Florida); married, thirdly, 3 October 1987 at Hillsborough County, Florida, Nancy Anne Kraeft, (to whom likewise also refer and from whom subsequently divorced 2 March 1992 at Hillsborough County, Florida); married, fourthly, Lindsay R. Mickler, (to whom further likewise also refer). His first wife Debrah Erlene De Roche, (to whom he was married 11 April 1970 at Hillsborough County, Florida and from whom subsequently divorced 27 September 1976 at Hillsborough County, Florida), was daughter to Kenneth De Roche and Erlene ---; married, secondly, 14 February 1981 at Hillsborough County, Florida, ---. John Michael Elbare and Debrah Erlene De Roche begat issue: (1) Dana John Elbare, born 11 February 1971, who married 1 August 2003 at Clark County, Nevada, Stephanie Shannon Kiser.


John Michael Elbare (a prominent investment advisor, lecturer, financier, philanthropist, etc.) was born 31 December 1950, son to Howard John Elbare and Mary Ann Jones, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 11 April 1970 at Hillsborough County, Florida, Debrah Erlene De Roche, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced 27 September 1976 at Hillsborough County, Florida); married, thirdly, 3 October 1987 at Hillsborough County, Florida, Nancy Anne Kraeft, (to whom likewise also refer and from whom subsequently divorced 2 March 1992 at Hillsborough County, Florida); married, fourthly, Lindsay R. Mickler, (to whom further likewise also refer). His second wife Susan Ann Coons, (to whom he was married 14 August 1981 at Tampa, Hillsborough County, Florida and from whom subsequently divorced 18 June 1987 at Hillsborough County, Florida), was born 9 January 1946 at Baltimore, Baltimore County, California, daughter to Chester Leroy Coons and Blanche Robinson; married, firstly, 12 June 1970, Thomas Walcott Sefton. John Michael Elbare and Susan Ann Coons begat issue: (1) Catherine Suzanne Elbare, born 12 January 1982.


John Michael Elbare (a prominent investment advisor, lecturer, financier, philanthropist, etc.) was born 31 December 1950, son to Howard John Elbare and Mary Ann Jones, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 11 April 1970 at Hillsborough County, Florida, Debrah Erlene De Roche, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced 27 September 1976 at Hillsborough County, Florida); married, secondly, 14 August 1981 at Tampa, Hillsborough County, Florida, Susan Ann Coons, (to whom likewise also refer and from whom subsequently divorced 18 June 1987 at Hillsborough County, Florida); married, fourthly, Lindsay R. Mickler, (to whom further likewise also refer). His third wife Nancy Anne Kraeft, (to whom he was married 3 October 1987 at Hillsborough County, Florida and from whom subsequently divorced 2 March 1992 at Hillsborough County, Florida), married, secondly, 25 July 1998 at Pasco County, Florida, Jerry Ray Burton. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of John Michael Elbare and Nancy Anne Kraeft are presently available.


John Michael Elbare (a prominent investment advisor, lecturer, financier, philanthropist, etc.) was born 31 December 1950, son to Howard John Elbare and Mary Ann Jones, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 11 April 1970 at Hillsborough County, Florida, Debrah Erlene De Roche, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced 27 September 1976 at Hillsborough County, Florida); married, secondly, 14 August 1981 at Tampa, Hillsborough County, Florida, Susan Ann Coons, (to whom likewise also refer and from whom subsequently divorced 18 June 1987 at Hillsborough County, Florida); married, thirdly, 3 October 1987 at Hillsborough County, Florida, Nancy Anne Kraeft, (to whom further likewise also refer and from whom subsequently divorced 2 March 1992 at Hillsborough County, Florida). His fourth wife Lindsay R. Mickler was born in February 1950. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of John Michael Elbare and Lindsay R. Mickler are presently available.


Mark Joseph Elbare was born 15 May 1953 at Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York, son to Howard John Elbare and Mary Ann Jones, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 27 May 1983 at Hillsborough County, Florida, Karen Jean Broderick, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced 18 December 1992 at Hillsborough County, Florida); died 12 March 2005 at Temple Terrace, Hillsborough County, Florida. His first wife Kathleen M. Condon, (to whom he was married in 1977), was born in 1952. Mark Joseph Elbare and Kathleen M. Condon begat issue: (1) Casey Bryan Elbare, born 16 May 1978, who married Rebecca Kay ---.


Mark Joseph Elbare was born 15 May 1953 at Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York, son to Howard John Elbare and Mary Ann Jones, (to whom refer); married, firstly, in 1977, Kathleen M. Condon, (to whom also refer); died 12 March 2005 at Temple Terrace, Hillsborough County, Florida. His second wife Karen Jean Broderick, (to whom he was married 27 May 1983 at Hillsborough County, Florida and from whom subsequently divorced 18 December 1992 at Hillsborough County, Florida), married, secondly, 23 December 1992 (five days after the divorce) at Hillsborough County, Florida, Michael Lee Greene. Mark Joseph Elbare and Karen Jean Broderick begat issue: (1) Andrew Douglas Elbare, born 7 August 1984 at Tampa, Hillsborough County, Florida; (2) Matthew Greyson Elbare, born in 1988.


Robert "Bob" Elbare (Ellbare or Elbair) was born in or about 1833 or 1834 at Edwardsburgh Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, son to John Elbare (or Elbair) and Mary Smith (Smyth or Smythe), (to whom refer); died in 1912 at or near Harrisville, Diana Township, Lewis County, New York; buried at Harrisville Cemetery, Harrisville, Diana Township, Lewis County, New York. His wife Elizabeth Ingles (Inglis, Englis or Engles), (to whom he was married 13 February 1854 or 13 March 1854 depending upon sources at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West with the Reverend Francis Coleman, Wesleyan Methodist Church, officiating), was born 27 December 1836, daughter to Daniel Ingles (Inglis, Englis or Engles) and Elizabeth ---; died 9 April 1892; buried in 1892 at St. John's Methodist (afterward St. John's United Church) Riverside Cemetery, near Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Daniel (not Donald as inaccurately and incorrectly mistakenly recorded in some sources) Elbare, born 11 February 1855 or 12 February 1855 (depending upon sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, died 14 April 1909 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario in consequence of three days' suffering with congestion of the lungs following upon apoplexy of seven months' duration, buried in 1909 at St. John's Methodist (afterward St. John's United Church) Riverside Cemetery, near Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, who married, firstly, Elizabeth "Bessy" Arthurs, and, secondly, Emma Faley; (2) Mary Elbare; (3) Eliza Elbare, born in or about 1860 or 1861 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, died in 1946, buried at Harrisville Cemetery, Harrisville, Diana Township, Lewis County, New York, who married 9 January 1889 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, Michael Morran (Moran, Morren, Morreau or Morrow); (4) John Elbare, born in or about October 1862 amongst the Yankees during their Civil War, died early, unmarried, 7 April 1881 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario in consequence of eight years' debility resulting from the kick of a horse, buried in 1881 at St. John's Methodist (afterward St. John's United Church) Riverside Cemetery, near Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario; (5) Samuel Elbare, born at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West; (6) Margaret Elbare; (7) Hannah M. Elbare, born in or about 1867 or 1868 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died in August 1953 at or near Harrisville, Diana Township, Lewis County, New York, who married 25 December 1889 or 25 December 1890 (depending upon sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, George Robert Grassett (or Grassitt); (8) Robert E. Elbare, born 12 May 1871 (according to some sources and Registrar-General) or 25 April 1872 (according to some sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died in 1933, buried at St. John's United Church (formerly St. John's Methodist) Riverside Cemetery, near Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, who married, firstly, 10 November 1896 or 10 November 1897 (depending upon sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, Annie Charlotte Armstrong, and, secondly, 23 December 1915 at Spencerville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, Alice Richardson; (9) William Freeman Elbare, born 22 December 1872 or 2 January 1873 (depending upon sources) at or near Cardinal, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married Agnes A. ---; (10) Henry Elbare, born 27 December 1874 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died early, unmarried, 29 February 1876 at or near Cardinal, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario in consequence of one week's suffering with infantile debility, buried in 1876 at St. John's Methodist (afterward St. John's United Church) Riverside Cemetery, near Cardinal, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario; (11) Bertha Bell Elbare, born 17 April 1879 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 5 March 1898 at Manistee, Manistee County, Michigan, Jay A. Cotell.


Robert E. Elbare was born 12 May 1871 (according to some sources and Registrar-General) or 12 April 1872 or 25 April 1872 (according to some sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Robert "Bob" Elbare (Ellbare or Elbair) and Elizabeth Ingles (Inglis, Englis or Engles), (to whom refer); married, secondly, 23 December 1915 at Spencerville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, Alice Richardson, (to whom also refer); died in 1933; buried at St. John's United Church (formerly St. John's Methodist) Riverside Cemetery, near Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario. His first wife Annie Charlotte Armstrong, (to whom he was married 10 November 1896 or 10 November 1897 depending upon sources at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 28 January 1873 at Matilda Township, Dundas County, Ontario, daughter to E. Armstrong and J. ---; died 25 July 1914 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario; buried 27 July 1914 at St. John's Methodist (afterward St. John's United Church) Riverside Cemetery, near Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario. Robert E. Elbare and Annie Charlotte Armstrong begat issue: (1) Elizabeth M. A. Doraes (or Doris) Elbare (or Albert), born 2 July 1902 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, buried at St. John's United Church (formerly St. John's Methodist) Riverside Cemetery, near Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 26 May 1925 at Morrisburg, Dundas County, Ontario, William James Strader; (2) William Robert Elbare, born 6 May 1910 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, died in 1947, buried at St. John's United Church (formerly St. John's Methodist) Riverside Cemetery, near Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario; (3) Agnes Elbare.


Robert E. Elbare was born 12 May 1871 (according to some sources and Registrar-General) or 12 April 1872 or 25 April 1872 (according to some sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Robert "Bob" Elbare (Ellbare or Elbair) and Elizabeth Ingles (Inglis, Englis or Engles), (to whom refer); married, firstly, 10 November 1896 or 10 November 1897 (depending upon sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, Annie Charlotte Armstrong, (to whom also refer); died in 1933; buried at St. John's United Church (formerly St. John's Methodist) Riverside Cemetery, near Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario. His second wife Alice Richardson, (to whom he was married 23 December 1915 at Spencerville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario), was born in or about 1868 or 1869 in England; married, firstly, --- Brown. Robert E. Elbare and Alice Richardson begat issue: (1) Samuel Charles Elbare, born 10 July 1919 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, died in infancy, unmarried, 25 July 1919 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario in consequence of heart failure of three hours' duration following upon three days' suffering with broncho-pneumonia, buried in July 1919 at St. John's Methodist (afterward St. John's United Church) Riverside Cemetery, near Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario.


Thomas James Elbare was born 29 August 1922 at Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York, son to Howard Gerard Elbare and Julia E. O'Neill, (to whom refer); died 6 January 2005 at Longboat Key, Manatee County, Florida. His wife Dorothy Jeanne Blume, (to whom he was married 6 May 1943), was born 27 September 1923 at Sarasota County, Florida, daughter to Ernest Blume and Lorette ---; died 24 June 2012 at Sarasota County, Florida. This couple begat issue: (1) Teresa Ann Elbare, born 13 July 1944, who married, firstly, in June 1963 at Sarasota County, Florida, John Jefferson Greene, secondly, 16 February 1972 at Desoto County, Florida, Robert L. Shaw, and, thirdly, 20 May 1988 at Sarasota County, Florida, Frederick Mueller Derr; (2) Rita Marie Elbare, born 28 May 1948, who married in 1971, Terry Holbrook; (3) Catherine Jeanne Elbare, born 12 December 1949, who married 18 April 1970 at Sarasota County, Florida, Bradley George Greene; (4) Margaret Louise "Peggy" Elbare, born 1 August 1951, who married 24 April 1970 at Sarasota County, Florida, Brian Francis Sullivan; (5) Lisa Lynn Elbare, born 19 September 1960.


William Freeman Elbare was born 22 December 1872 or 2 January 1873 (depending upon sources) at or near Cardinal, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Robert "Bob" Elbare (Ellbare or Elbair) and Elizabeth Ingles (Inglis, Englis or Engles), (to whom refer). His wife Agnes A. --- was born in or about 1875 or 1876 in New York. This couple begat issue: (1) Agnes E. Elbare, born in or about February 1898 or in or about 1900 in New York (depending upon sources), died in 1970, buried at Martin Cemetery, Lisbon Township, St. Lawrence County, New York, who married, firstly, in or about 1925 or 1926, Roy McGaw, and, secondly, Ralph E. Dennis.


Bryant Albert Elliott was born 10 September 1924. His wife Lorna Margaret Timmins, (to whom he was married 11 May 1946), was born 7 August 1925, daughter to Delmer Webster Timmins and Sarah Ordelia "Sadie" Crowder, (to whom refer); died 13 December 1986 in Florida; buried at Skyway Memorial Gardens, Palmetto, Manatee County, Florida. This couple begat issue: (1) Bryant Douglas Elliott, born 11 December 1946, who married 16 September 1972, Nancy Mary Hoffman.


Bryant Douglas Elliott was born 11 December 1946, son to Bryant Albert Elliott and Lorna Margaret Timmins, (to whom refer). His wife Nancy Mary Hoffman, (to whom he was married 16 September 1972), was born 12 November 1952. This couple begat issue: (1) Nicole Angela Elliott, born 29 April 1976; (2) Gregory Bryant Edward Elliott, born 12 June 1980.


Arthur Charles Empey. His wife Mary Ellen Sayyeau was born 16 February 1891 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to Reuben Sayyeau (Sayeau or Sayer) and Ordelia (or Ardelia) "Delia" Crowder, (to whom refer); died 30 October 1932 at Carthage, Wilna Township, Jefferson County, New York. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Lawrence Empey. His wife Sandra Typhair was daughter to Wilbert "Bud" Typhair and Eileen MacDonald, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Arthur Edward Ertel. His wife Eva Blanche McFarlane, (to whom he was married 24 December 1924), was born 10 November 1903, daughter to James Milton McFarlane and Evalina Wallace, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Thomas Gerald Ertel, born 8 December 1921, died unmarried in October 1966; (2) Thelma Blanche Kathleen Ertel, born 11 June 1927, who married 24 December 1944, Lee Blackwell; (3) Gerald Arthur Ertel, born ---, died early, unmarried, 30 March 1929.


--- Evoy. His wife Lois Susan York was born in 1968, daughter to George Russell York and Laura Susan Wallace, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Daniel Evoy.



Lorne Hilliard Fairbairn. His wife Marjorie Eileen King was born 13 June 1915, daughter to Clarence William King and Ruth Mildred Wilkins, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Donald James Farmer was born 15 August 1915; died 18 November 1986. His wife Mildred Marrhena King was born 19 June 1917, daughter to James Harlow King and Nellie Adelaide Bisnet, (to whom refer); died 14 February 1976. This couple begat issue: (1) James Donald Farmer, born 9 October 1943, who married 8 June 1968, Nancy Jane Fox; (2) William Thomas Farmer, born 29 July 1948, who married 7 August 1971, Margaretha W. Van Dort.


James Donald Farmer was born 9 October 1943, son to Donald James Farmer and Mildred Marrhena King, (to whom refer). His wife Nancy Jane Fox, (to whom he was married 8 June 1968), was born 29 March 1946. This couple begat issue: (1) Jeffrey Stephen Farmer, born 24 November 1970; (2) Kimberley Dawn Farmer, born 8 December 1974.


William Thomas Farmer was born 29 July 1948, son to Donald James Farmer and Mildred Marrhena King, (to whom refer). His wife Margaretha W. Van Dort, (to whom he was married 7 August 1971), was born 28 January 1948. This couple begat issue: (1) Brian Thomas Farmer, born 4 June 1975; (2) Alaina Elizabeth Farmer, born 12 April 1983.


Sergey Fedoroff was born in 1925 at Daugavpils, Latgale Region, the Republic of Latvia, son to Paul Fedoroff and Nina ---; died 19 March 2012. His wife Muriel Elaine Martin, (to whom he was married 7 August 1954), was born 3 August 1927, daughter to John Russell Martin and Janet Mabel "Jessie" Wilson, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) John Paul Fedoroff, born 23 August 1958; (2) Andrey Martin Fedoroff, born 17 June 1960; (3) Marina Louise Fedoroff, born 1 January 1964; (4) Michael Sergey Fedoroff, born 12 April 1965.


Hugh Dougald Ferguson was born 24 September 1920 at or near Gravel Hill West, Roxborough Township, Stormont County, Ontario, son to George Henry Ferguson and Annie Cameron; died 15 April 2000 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Helen Gladys Clark, (to whom he was married 26 May 1962), was born 19 March 1921, daughter to Harold Cyrus Clark and Idella Kirker, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Trudy Heather Ferguson, born 14 October 1964.


Robert Edward Fessenden. His wife Evelyn Millicent Perrin, (to whom he was married 18 May 1948), was born 16 August 1918, daughter to William Harold "Will" Perrin and Mary Almira McFarlane, (to whom refer); died 27 July 1980. This couple begat issue: (1) Pauline Fessenden; (2) Donna Fessenden; (3) Linda Fessenden.


Walter S. Finken. His wife Adelaide Marguerite Jacobs, (to whom he was married 24 March 1951 at or near Warsaw, Warsaw Township, Wyoming County, New York), was born 25 May 1916 at or near Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Robert George Jacobs and Ida Isabella (or Isobel) King, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Harold Lee Flanagan Jr. was born 8 January 1932 at or near Jamestown, Chautauqua County, New York, son to Harold Lee Flanagan and Catharine Loveless. His wife Sallie Jane Nairn, (to whom he was married 18 June 1955), was born 19 November 1933 at or near Warsaw, Warsaw Township, Wyoming County, New York, daughter to George Waverly Nairn and Ida Fern Jones, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Harold Lee Flanagan III., born 5 November 1957 at Coos Bay, Coos County, Oregon, who married 27 December 1981 at Hanover Park, Hanover Township, Cook County, Illinois, Anna Marie Henning; (2) Kevin Paul Flanagan, born 1 May 1962 at Green Bay, Brown County, Wisconsin.


Harold Lee Flanagan III. was born 5 November 1957 at Coos Bay, Coos County, Oregon, son to Harold Lee Flanagan Jr. and Sallie Jane Nairn, (to whom refer). His wife Anna Marie Henning, (to whom he was married 27 December 1981 at Hanover Park, Hanover Township, Cook County, Illinois), was born 26 October 1958, daughter to John Henning and Agnes Mischke. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Ronald James Flynn was born antenuptially 5 March 1938 at Grace Hospital, Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario, son to Samuel Edward Anderson and Margaret Flynn, (afterward spouses); retained his mother's maiden surname Flynn. His wife Nancy Elizabeth Renwick, (to whom he was married 19 May 1962 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 11 May 1940 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to George Wallace Renwick and Mary Emma Hunter, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Lydia Dawn Flynn, born 8 August 1963 at Grace Hospital, Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario; (2) Stacey Katherine Flynn, born 5 August 1968 at Guelph General Hospital, Guelph, Wellington County, Ontario, who married 24 August 1991 at Calvary Pentecostal Assembly Church, Cambridge, Waterloo Regional Municipality, Ontario, Richard Henry Pruim, (from whom subsequently divorced in 2007); (3) Ronald Flynn, born 28 December 1973 at Cambridge Memorial Hospital, Cambridge, Waterloo Regional Municipality, Ontario, died at birth or in extreme infancy, unmarried, same day, 28 December 1973 at Cambridge Memorial Hospital, Cambridge, Waterloo Regional Municipality, Ontario; (4) Meridith Louise Flynn, born 9 April 1975 at Cambridge Memorial Hospital, Cambridge, Waterloo Regional Municipality, Ontario.


Charles Edison Foster was born 13 May 1926. His wife Winnifred Jean Campbell was born 25 November 1930, daughter to Frederick Arthur Campbell and Evelyn Lillian Clark, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Debra-Jean Foster, born 26 December 1953, who married David Binnion; (2) Charles Owen Foster, born 26 October 1960.


Albert Fowler. His wife Edith Homer was daughter to Frank Homer and Elizabeth McFarlane, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Samuel Bugg, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Albert Fowler and Edith Homer are presently available.


Harry Foy. His wife Jean Wilkins King was born 11 March 1911, daughter to Clarence William King and Ruth Mildred Wilkins, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Minor Spencer Gladstone, (to whom also refer); married, thirdly, Henry Veltkempt, (to whom likewise also refer). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Harry Foy and Jean Wilkins King are presently available.


Alfred Ernest Fraser. His wife Mary Eleanor Charlotte Kelly, (to whom he was married 25 July 1954), was born 17 May 1932, daughter to Douglas Gordon Kelly and Audrey Beulah Crowder, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Paula Ruth Fraser, born 12 May 1955; (2) Frederick Kelly Fraser, born 14 March 1958.


Robert Fraser. His wife Joan Preston was daughter to Howard "Hap" Preston and Bessie May King, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Ray M. Frederickson. His wife Audrey Mae Anderson, (to whom he was married 2 September 1950), was born 21 May 1930, daughter to Orval Anderson and Edna Marie Spencer, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Richard Brian Frederickson, born 18 December 1955; (2) Robert Dean Frederickson, born 28 September 1958.


John William Fredette was born 17 November 1949. His wife Darlene Joan Durant, (to whom he was married 7 November 1969), was born 6 July 1950, daughter to Harold Franklin Durant and Vivian Loretta Richer, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Jolene Marie Fredette, born 19 February 1970; (2) John William Fredette Jr., born 22 July 1971; (3) Tammie Lynn Fredette, born 17 November 1972; (4) Francene Ren�e Fredette, born 20 June 1978.


--- Fuller. His wife Hazel King was daughter to David R. King and ---, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.



Rejean Gagne. His wife Stella Crowder was born 6 February 1946, daughter to Hilliard Crowder and Marguerite Dufresne, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Angelle Gagne, born 18 June 1973; (2) Michel Gagne, born 13 January 1975.


Gary Roger Gates was born 11 August 1953. His wife Janet May Timmins, (to whom he was married 31 August 1974 and from whom subsequently divorced in 1985), was born 23 July 1953, daughter to John Ronald Timmins and Murla Winnifred Holmes, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 19 October 1985, Robert Ernest Volks, (to whom also refer). Gary Roger Gates and Janet May Timmins begat issue: (1) Derik Jonathan Gates, born 6 February 1978.


--- Gebo. His wife Gloria Bluto was daughter to --- Bluto and Jean King, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Dale Arthur Gemmell. His wife Barbara Joan Anderson, (to whom he was married 6 May 1960), was born 10 December 1940, daughter to Orval Anderson and Edna Marie Spencer, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Deborah Lee Gemmell, born 19 March 1961; (2) William Daniel Gemmell, born 4 April 1963.


George Sheldon Gill was born 13 March 1944 at Cornwall, Stormont County, Ontario; married, firstly, 3 November 1962, Gail Somerville, (from whom subsequently divorced). His second wife Ginny Ann Scott, (to whom he was married 1 November 1974 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 2 November 1944 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Donald Wilson "Bud" Scott and Fern Eileen Gillmoure, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 4 April 1964 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, Hendrik "Hank" Veltkamp, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of George Sheldon Gill and Ginny Ann Scott; however this couple brought up two male children of the Husband's previous marriage who, being "strangers in blood" as regards the Wife's family, are not to be further noted or documented ln these records, (both of whom subsequently became star players in the National Hockey League, etc.), as well as the two male children elsewhere herein recorded of the Wife's previous marriage.


Harold L. Gilligan. His wife Shirley Durant was born 19 April 1930, daughter to Delmer Floyd Durant and Laura Manning, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Gerald Edward Gillissie was born 1 December 1944, son to James Edward Gillissie and Doris Wilhamina Martin, (to whom refer). His wife Diane Lorraine Carriere, (to whom he was married 6 July 1963), was born 11 October 1944. This couple begat issue: (1) Cheryl Lorraine Gillissie, born 9 January 1964, who married 7 June 1986, Roch "Rocky" Dore; (2) Tracey Joyce Gillissie, born 7 March 1967; (3) Kim Doris Gillissie, born 5 February 1974.


James Edward Gillissie was born 9 January 1907; died 19 September 1960. His wife Doris Wilhamina Martin, (to whom he was married 18 February 1944), was born 10 March 1924, daughter to George Ira Martin and Olive Leona Wallace, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 26 June 1976, Clarence Page, (to whom also refer). James Edward Gillissie and Doris Wilhamina Martin begat issue: (1) Gerald Edward Gillissie, born 1 December 1944, who married 6 July 1963, Diane Lorraine Carriere; (2) Olive Jean Gillissie, born 24 January 1947, died 11 February 2013 at St. Andrew's West, South Stormont Township, Stormont County, Ontario, cremated in February 2013 at Cornwall, Stormont County, Ontario, who married, firstly, Wilfred Taillon, (from whom subsequently divorced), and, secondly, 26 May 1972, Brian Ray Carter; (3) Ronald Kenneth Gillissie, born 14 September 1948, who married, firstly, 28 May 1966, Marie Joanne Bates, (from whom subsequently divorced), and, secondly, 6 July 1985, Linda Marie Preston.


Ronald Kenneth Gillissie was born 14 September 1948, son to James Edward Gillissie and Doris Wilhamina Martin, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 6 July 1985, Linda Marie Preston, (to whom also refer). His first wife Marie Joanne Bates, (to whom he was married 28 May 1966 and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 25 March 1949. Ronald Kenneth Gillissie and Marie Joanne Bates begat issue: (1) Paula Anne Gillissie, born 27 November 1966, who married 15 April 1988, Pete ---; (2) Nicole Lynn Gillissie, born 23 March 1972; (3) Jamie Kenneth Clarence Gillissie, born 10 March 1977.


Ronald Kenneth Gillissie was born 14 September 1948, son to James Edward Gillissie and Doris Wilhamina Martin, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 28 May 1966, Marie Joanne Bates, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced). His second wife was Linda Marie Preston, (to whom he was married 6 July 1985). Ronald Kenneth Gillissie and Linda Marie Preston begat issue: (1) Derrick Gillissie, born 22 May 1986; (2) Bradley Edward Gillissie, born 24 May 1988.


David Andrew Gillmoure was born 19 February 1959 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, son to Lennis Edsel Gillmoure and Marjorie Jean Speer, (to whom refer). His wife Kendra Alexis Blair, (to whom he was married 6 August 1988 at Clearwater, Lambton County, Ontario), was born 4 September 1960 at Sarnia, Lambton County, Ontario, daughter to Kenneth Douglas Blair and Bertha ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Cameron Douglas Blair Gillmoure, born 30 July 1989 at Oakville, Halton Regional Municipality, Ontario.


Howard Mansel Gillmoure was born 20 January 1950 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Mansel Andrew Gillmoure and Thelma Ruth Dawson, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 7 January 1984 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, Carol Ann Fyckes, (to whom also refer). His first wife Janet Mae Tracy, (to whom he was married 12 September 1970 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 1 December 1947 at Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence County, New York. Howard Mansel Gillmoure and Janet Mae Tracy begat issue: (1) Tracey Lynn Gillmoure, born 14 March 1971 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; (2) Andrew David John Gillmoure, born 8 March 1975 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, died early, unmarried, 14 May 1978, buried in 1978 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario.


Howard Mansel Gillmoure was born 20 January 1950 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Mansel Andrew Gillmoure and Thelma Ruth Dawson, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 12 September 1970 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, Janet Mae Tracy, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced). His second wife Carol Ann Fyckes, (to whom he was married 7 January 1984 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 2 July 1940 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; married, firstly, ---. In addition to the upbringing of three children of the Wife's previous marriage who, being "strangers in blood" as regards the Husband's family, are not to be further noted or documented in these records, no further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Howard Mansel Gillmoure and Carol Ann Fyckes are presently available.


John Andrew Gillmoure was born 28 September 1889 (according to some sources) or 28 October 1889 (according to some sources and Registrar-General) at or near Heckston, South Gower Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to James Gillmoure (Gilmour, Gilmore or Gilmer) and Elizabeth Lundy; died 2 July 1954 at or near Spencerville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario; buried in July 1954 at South Gower Cemetery, South Gower Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Mary Jane "Mae" McFadden, (to whom he was married 2 December 1914 near Hyndman, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 9 June 1895 near Hyndman, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to Howard Arastis McFadden and Sarah Edith Elbare, (to whom refer); died 1 August 1985 at St. Vincent de Paul Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; buried 3 August 1985 at South Gower Cemetery, South Gower Township, Grenville County, Ontario, (with the Reverend Murray Aspden officiating). This couple begat issue: (1) Desta Mae Gillmoure, born 5 January 1916 at or near Shanly, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 7 May 1941 at the residence of the bride's parents at or near Shanly, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, her third cousin Ronald Ellwood Prosser; (2) Fern Eileen Gillmoure, born 1 September 1917 at or near Shanly, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 10 March 2004 at Wellington House, Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, buried in 2004 at St. Andrew's and St. James' Presbyterian Cemetery, Cardinal, Edwardsburgh-Cardinal Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 16 June 1937 at the residence of the bride's parents at or near Shanly, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, Donald Wilson "Bud" Scott; (3) Dora Rose Gillmoure, born 11 July 1919 at or near Shanly, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 14 July 1937 at the residence of the bride's parents at or near Shanly, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, Milburn (or Milbourne) Cook; (4) Mansel Andrew Gillmoure, born 3 May 1921 at or near Shanly, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 14 December 1968 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, buried at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 1 September 1947 at Lord's Mills, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, Thelma Ruth Dawson; (5) Lennis Edsel Gillmoure, born 2 September 1924 at or near Shanly, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 1 September 1952 at Woodstock, Carleton County, New Brunswick, Marjorie Jean Speer; (6) Jean Elizabeth Jennie Gillmoure, born 4 November 1928 at or near Shanly, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 4 January 2006 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, buried 9 January 2006 at Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Maitland, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 6 August 1947 at or near Shanly, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, her distant cousin Clarence William King Jr.; (7) Marguerite Lavina Gillmoure, born 23 November 1930 at or near Shanly, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 12 November 1949 at the United Church of Canada, Spencerville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, Clifford Earl Barton.


Lennis Edsel Gillmoure was born 2 September 1924 at or near Shanly, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to John Andrew Gillmoure and Mary Jane "Mae" McFadden, (to whom refer). His wife Marjorie Jean Speer, (to whom he was married 1 September 1952 at Woodstock, Carleton County, New Brunswick), was born 28 April 1929 at Woodstock, Carleton County, New Brunswick, daughter to Hugh Speer and Gladys Moore; died 30 July 1989 at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Montr�al, Montr�al Urban Community, Qu�bec; buried 3 August 1989 at St. Paul's Anglican Cemetery, near Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Hugh John Gillmoure, born 3 May 1957 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec; (2) David Andrew Gillmoure, born 19 February 1959 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, who married 6 August 1988 at Clearwater, Lambton County, Ontario, Kendra Alexis Blair; (3) Sandra Jean Gillmoure, born 4 October 1961 at Toronto, Metropolitan Toronto Municipality, Ontario.


Mansel Andrew Gillmoure was born 3 May 1921 at or near Shanly, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to John Andrew Gillmoure and Mary Jane "Mae" McFadden, (to whom refer); died 14 December 1968 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; buried at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Thelma Ruth Dawson, (to whom he was married 1 September 1947 at Lord's Mills, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 4 April 1927 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; married, secondly, 17 July 1976 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, Robert Garnet Armstrong. Mansel Andrew Gillmoure and Thelma Ruth Dawson begat issue: (1) Howard Mansel Gillmoure, born 20 January 1950 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married, firstly, 12 September 1970 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, Janet Mae Tracy, (from whom subsequently divorced), and, secondly, 7 January 1984 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, Carol Ann Fyckes; (2) Ruth Ella Gillmoure, born 19 May 1953 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 25 January 1975 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, Gerald James Walker.


Minor Spencer Gladstone was born 13 June 1906 or 16 June 1906 or 13 July 1906 (depending upon sources) at Grenville County, Ontario, son to John Allan Gladstone and Edith Selena Lang; died 3 November 1937 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario in consequence of shock, multiple fractures and internal injuries sustained when his truck was impacted by a Canadian National Railways train engine at or near New Wexford, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario; buried 5 November 1937 at Sandy Hill Cemetery, Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Jean Wilkins King was born 11 March 1911, daughter to Clarence William King and Ruth Mildred Wilkins, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Harry Foy, (to whom also refer); married, thirdly, Henry Veltkempt, (to whom likewise also refer). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Minor Spencer Gladstone and Jean Wilkins King are presently available.


Joseph Gore was son to Samuel Gore and Elizabeth Fairgray. His wife Blanche Elizabeth "Dollie" King, (to whom he was married 22 September 1926), was born 28 October 1890 or 15 November 1890 (depending upon sources) in Ontario, daughter to James Milton William King and Susannah (or Susan) Harriet Beatty, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Grover Merrit, (to whom also refer). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Joseph Gore and Blanche Elizabeth "Dollie" King are presently available.


Archibald Burton "Archie" Graham was born 6 June 1910; died in 1980. His wife Lillian Gertrude Crowder, (to whom he was married 16 April 1938), was born 7 August 1911 at or near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Gerald Burnaby Crowder and Ethel Matilda Douglas, (to whom refer); died 19 April 2000. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage; however this couple adopted one male and two female children who, being "strangers in blood" as regards the treated families, are not to be further noted or documented in these records.


Richard Donald Graham was born 10 July 1950. His wife Beverly Dawn Elizabeth Cameron, (to whom he was married 6 September 1975), was born 5 February 1952, daughter to Beverly Royce Cameron and Leah Elizabeth King, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Jaime Leigh Graham, born 17 May 1983; (2) Richard Donald Andrew Graham, born 1 December 1987; (3) Mathew Alexander Graham, born 22 February 1992.


James Grant. His wife Ella Myrtle Chambers was born 28 June 1889, daughter to William Chambers and Mary Laura Inglis (Ingles, Engles or Englis), (to whom refer); died 5 October 1970. This couple begat issue: (1) Lloyd Grant, died 5 April 1952, who married Ann Howly; (2) Ray Grant, born 31 March 1916, died possibly unmarried 2 March 1948.


Lloyd Grant was son to James Grant and Ella Myrtle Chambers, (to whom refer); died 5 April 1952. His wife was Ann Howly. This couple begat issue: (1) James Grant.


George Robert Grassett (or Grassitt) was born in or about 1857 or 1858 at or near Harrisville, Diana Township, Lewis County, New York, son to Kenneth Grassett (or Grassitt) and Seraphine ---. His wife Hannah M. Elbare, (to whom he was married 25 December 1889 or 25 December 1890 depending upon sources at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario), was born in or about 1867 or 1868 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to Robert "Bob" Elbare (Ellbare or Elbair) and Elizabeth Ingles (Inglis, Englis or Engles), (to whom refer); died in August 1953 at or near Harrisville, Diana Township, Lewis County, New York. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


--- Grattan. His wife Doris Clark was born 18 October 1954 at or near Claresholm, Alberta, daughter to Carl Eldoro (or Eldon) Clark and Ann Ladouceur, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Francine Grattan.


Gene Leslie Graveline was born 12 December 1944, son to Henry Joseph Graveline and Mildred Pauline Durant, (to whom refer). His wife Barbara Florence Mason, (to whom he was married 1 March 1969), was born 24 July 1946. This couple begat issue: (1) Annette Florence Graveline, born 7 August 1969.


Henry Joseph Graveline was born 17 December 1903 at Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence County, New York; died 27 August 1973 at Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence County, New York. His wife Mildred Pauline Durant, (to whom he was married 18 July 1930 at Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence County, New York), was born 25 May 1914 at or near Cass Bridge, Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario, daughter to Orren Franklin Durant and Ardelia A. Clark, (to whom refer); died in August 1987 at Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence County, New York. This couple begat issue: (1) Lois Pauline Graveline, born 13 October 1931, who married 25 November 1947, Clyde Burdick; (2) Ronald Henry Graveline, born 14 March 1938, who married, firstly, 25 October 1957, Mary Catherine Sherry, (from whom subsequently divorced), and, secondly, 4 February 1967, Christine Georgette Matthews; (3) Gene Leslie Graveline, born 12 December 1944, who married 1 March 1969, Barbara Florence Mason.


Ronald Henry Graveline was born 14 March 1938, son to Henry Joseph Graveline and Mildred Pauline Durant, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 4 February 1967, Christine Georgette Matthews, (to whom also refer). His first wife Mary Catherine Sherry, (to whom he was married 25 October 1957 and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 18 June 1939. Ronald Henry Graveline and Mary Catherine Sherry begat issue: (1) Paul Ronald Graveline, born 7 March 1959; (2) Sherry Ann Graveline, born 14 February 1961.


Ronald Henry Matthews was born 14 March 1938, son to Henry Joseph Graveline and Mildred Pauline Durant, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 25 October 1957, Mary Catherine Sherry, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced). His second wife Christine Georgette Matthews, (to whom he was married 4 February 1967), was born 9 November 1946. Ronald Henry Graveline and Christine Georgette Matthews begat issue: (1) Tina Christine Graveline, born 30 July 1967; (2) Lisa Ann Graveline, born 13 August 1968; (3) Sheila Lynn Graveline, born 31 March 1971; (4) Ronald Henry Graveline Jr., born 12 May 1975.

GRAY (or GREY), --- / ELBARE (or ELBAIR), ---

--- Gray (or Grey). His wife --- Elbare (or Elbair) was allegedly a daughter to John Elbare (or Elbair) and Mary Smith (Smyth or Smythe), (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of such marriage are presently available.


David Gray. His wife Muriel Charlotte Wallace was born 2 July 1899, daughter to Charles Ira Wallace and Emily "Emma" McFarlane, (to whom refer); died 11 February 1980. This couple begat issue: (1) Gilbert Gray, born 12 January 1933, who married 18 October 1958, Edith Fraser.


Gilbert Gray was born 12 January 1933, son to David Gray and Muriel Charlotte Wallace, (to whom refer). His wife was Edith Fraser, (to whom he was married 18 October 1958). This couple begat issue: (1) Susan Gray, born 1 October 1959; (2) David Gray, born 30 April 1962; (3) Barry Gray, born 1 December 1963; (4) Karen Gray, born 7 June 1968.


Bradley G. Greene. His wife Catherine Jeanne Elbare, (to whom he was married 18 April 1970 at Sarasota County, Florida), was born 12 December 1949, daughter to Thomas James Elbare and Dorothy Jeanne Blume, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Matthew Bradley Greene, born 31 October 1974.


John Jefferson Greene. His wife Teresa Ann Elbare, (to whom he was married in June 1963 at Sarasota County, Florida), was born 13 July 1944, daughter to Thomas James Elbare and Dorothy Jeanne Blume, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 16 February 1972 at Desoto County, Florida, Robert L. Shaw, (to whom also refer); married, thirdly, 20 May 1988 at Sarasota County, Florida, Frederick Mueller Derr, (to whom likewise also refer). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of John Jefferson Greene and Teresa Ann Elbare are presently available.


Robert Grosse. His wife Shirley Porter was born 23 September 1958, daughter to Elwyn Robert Porter and Leotta Christina "Odie" Crowder, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Peter Alexander Guy was born 25 May 1961. His wife Cheryl Ann Timmins, (to whom he was married 10 December 1983), was born 27 May 1961, daughter to John Ronald Timmins and Murla Winnifred Holmes, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Darren William Guy, born 7 May 1984; (2) Adam Peter Guy, born 22 March 1986.



--- Hall. His wife Susan Agnes Crowder was born 13 October 1900 at Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to John Elwin Crowder and Mary Adelia Woodward, (to whom refer); died in 1991 at St. Lawrence County, New York; buried at Evergreen Cemetery, near Canton, Canton Township, St. Lawrence County, New York. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Edward Hiram Hamilton was born 19 July 1884 probably at or near Syracuse, DeWitt Township, Onondaga County, New York, son to Hiram H. Hamilton and Rosena Adell (or Adele) Sherman, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 3 June 1929 at Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo County, Michigan, Ellen Mayibson, (to whom also refer); died 3 September 1961 at Kalamazoo County, Michigan; buried in September 1961 at Hope (otherwise known as Texas Corners) Cemetery, Texas Corners, Texas Township, Kalamazoo County, Michigan. His first wife Adah May Ellis, (to whom he was married 1 May 1913 at or near Broadland, Beadle County, South Dakota), was born in June 1891 in South Dakota, daughter to Fayette L. Ellis and Martha D. Kellogg; died 29 July 1923 at or near Broadland, Beadle County, South Dakota; buried in 1923 at or near Broadland, Beadle County, South Dakota. Edward Hiram Hamilton and his first wife Adah May Ellis begat issue: (1) Guy Edward Hamilton, born 7 December 1916 at or near Broadland, Beadle County, South Dakota, died 22 September 1992 at or near Liverpool, Onondaga County, New York, buried in September 1992 at Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York, who married Mary Poppe.


Edward Hiram Hamilton was born 19 July 1884 probably at or near Syracuse, DeWitt Township, Onondaga County, New York, son to Hiram H. Hamilton and Rosena Adell (or Adele) Sherman, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 1 May 1913 at or near Broadland, Beadle County, South Dakota, Adah May Ellis, (to whom also refer); died 3 September 1961 at Kalamazoo County, Michigan; buried in September 1961 at Hope (otherwise known as Texas Corners) Cemetery, Texas Corners, Texas Township, Kalamazoo County, Michigan. His second wife Ellen May Gibson, (to whom he was married 3 June 1929 at Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo County, Michigan), was born in or about 1901 or 1902 in Michigan. Edward Hiram Hamilton and his second wife Ellen May Gibson, begat issue: (1) a child, name and sex unavailable; (2) a child, name and sex unavailable.


George Scribner Hamilton was born 25 September 1876 probably at or near Zurich, Arcadia Township, Wayne County, New York, son to Hiram H. Hamilton and Rosena Adell (or Adele) Sherman, (to whom refer); died in January 1967 at East Syracuse, DeWitt Township, Onondaga County, New York; buried in 1967 at St. Francis (otherwise known as Little France) Cemetery, near Little France, Hastings Township, Oswego County, New York. His wife Felicia Mary "May" Williams was born 29 September 1876; died 6 May 1938 or 6 May 1939 (depending upon sources) at or near Little France, Hastings Township, Oswego County, New York; buried at St. Francis (otherwise known as Little France) Cemetery, near Little France, Hastings Township, Oswego County, New York. This couple begat issue: (1) Ethel Cecelia Hamilton, born 1 February 1907 probably at or near West Monroe, West Monroe Township, Oswego County, New York, died 6 November 2002 at East Syracuse, DeWitt Township, Onondaga County, New York, buried at Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York, who married Frank J. Svoboda; (2) Merle George Hamilton, born 23 February 1910 probably at or near Brewerton, Cicero Township, Onondaga County, New York, died 17 January 1994 at or near Brewerton, Cicero Township, Onondaga County, New York, buried in 1994 at Collamer Cemetery, DeWitt Township, Onondaga County, New York, who married Helen Gould Wickert; (3) Glen Charles Hamilton, born 20 September 1911 or 20 October 1911 (depending upon sources) at Onondaga County, New York, died at birth or in extreme infancy same day, 20 September 1911 or 20 October 1911 (depending upon sources) at Onondaga County, New York, buried at St. Francis (otherwise known as Little France) Cemetery, near Little France, Hastings Township, Oswego County, New York; (4) Donald Eugene Hamilton, born 30 July 1912 or 30 July 1913 (depending upon sources) in New York, died in infancy in 1913 in New York, buried at St. Francis (otherwise known as Little France) Cemetery, near Little France, Hastings Township, Oswego County, New York; (5) Louis Richard Hamilton, born 6 February 1916 or 6 February 1919 (depending upon sources) probably at or near Brewerton, Cicero Township, Onondaga County, New York, died 26 January 2007 at or near Kirkville, Manlius Township, Onondaga County, New York, who married Mary ---.


Guy Edward Hamilton was born 7 December 1916 probably at or near Broadland, Beadle County, South Dakota, son to Edward Hiram Hamilton and Adah May Ellis, (to whom refer); died 22 September 1992 at or near Liverpool, Onondaga County, New York; buried in September 1992 at Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York. His wife Mary Poppe was born 25 April 1923�probably at or near Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York; died 19 August 2000�at�Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York; buried in August 2000 at Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York. This couple begat issue: (1) a child, name and sex unavailable; (2) a child, name and sex unavailable.


Hiram H. Hamilton was born in or about October 1850 at St. Lawrence County, New York, son to Orin H. Hamilton and Nancy Elbare (or Elbaire), (to whom refer); married, secondly, in 1894, Catherine ---, (to whom also refer); died 30 November 1924 at Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York; buried at Union Settlement Cemetery, near West Monroe, West Monroe Township, Oswego County, New York. His first wife Rosena Adell (or Adele) Sherman, (to whom he was married in October 1869), was born in or about 1854 or 1855 (depending upon sources); died in 1892; buried at Union Settlement Cemetery, near West Monroe, West Monroe Township, Oswego County, New York. Hiram H. Hamilton and Rosena Adell (or Adele) Sherman begat issue: (1) Ida E. Hamilton, born in or about December 1873 in New York, died in 1904, buried at Union Settlement Cemetery, near West Monroe, West Monroe Township, Oswego County, New York, who married in 1894, Avery Milton McLymond; (2) George Scribner Hamilton, born 25 September 1876 probably at or near Zurich, Arcadia Township, Wayne County, New York, died in January 1967 at East Syracuse, DeWitt Township, Onondaga County, New York, buried in 1967 at St. Francis (otherwise known as Little France) Cemetery, near Little France, Hastings Township, Oswego County, New York, who married Felicia Mary "May" Williams; (3) Irving Ernest Hamilton, born 26 July 1876 or 26 July 1877 or 26 July 1878 or 26 July 1879 (depending upon sources) probably at or near Zurich, Arcadia Township, Wayne County, New York, died 8 February 1961 at Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo County, Michigan, buried in 1961 at Cassopolis, Edwardsburg Township, Cass County, Michigan, who married, firstly, 22 January 1902 at South Haven, Van Buren County, Michigan, Nellie Marion Whitlow, (from whom subsequently divorced 5 July 1904), secondly, 26 July 1906 at Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo County, Michigan, Josephine Heffron (Heffernon or Heffernan), and, thirdly, in February 1957 at Norwich Township, Missaukee County, Michigan, Elsie May Cantwell; (4) Edward Hiram Hamilton, born 19 July 1884 in New York, died in 1961 at or near East Syracuse, DeWitt Township, Onondaga County, New York, who married, firstly, 1 May 1913 at or near Broadland, Beadle County, South Dakota, Adah May Ellis, and, secondly, 3 June 1929 at Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo County, Michigan, Ellen May Gibson.


Hiram H. Hamilton was born in or about October 1850 at St. Lawrence County, New York, son to Orin H. Hamilton and Nancy Elbare (or Elbaire), (to whom refer); married, firstly, in October 1869, Rosena Adell (or Adele) Sherman, (to whom also refer); died 30 November 1924 at Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York; buried at Union Settlement Cemetery, West Monroe, West Monroe Township, Oswego County, New York. His second wife was Catherine ---, (to whom he was married in 1894). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Hiram H. Hamilton and Catherine ---.


Irving Ernest Hamilton was born 26 July 1876 or 26 July 1877 or 26 July 1878 or 26 July 1879 (depending upon sources) at or near Zurich, Arcadia Township, Wayne County, New York, son to Hiram H. Hamilton and Rosena Adell (or Adele) Sherman, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 26 July 1906 at Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo County, Michigan, Josephine Heffron (Heffernon or Heffernan), (to whom also refer); married, thirdly, in February 1957 at Norwich Township, Missaukee County, Michigan, Elsie May Cantwell, (to whom likewise also refer); died 8 February 1961 at Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo County, Michigan; buried in 1961 at Cassopolis, Edwardsburg Township, Cass County, Michigan. His first wife Nellie Marion Whitlow, (to whom he was married 22 January 1902 at South Haven, Van Buren County, Michigan and from whom subsequently divorced 5 July 1904), was born 22 October 1872 or 22 October 1873 or in 1874 (depending upon sources) at Oswego County, New York, daughter to Wallace Chauncey Whitlow and Phoebe Constance Hoyt; married, secondly, Phelps Lloyd Millar; married, thirdly, Emory Harvey Wells; died 27 May 1966 at Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo County, Michigan; buried in 1966 at Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo County, Michigan. Irving Ernest Hamilton and Nellie Marion Whitlow begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable, born in 1904.


Irving Ernest Hamilton was born 26 July 1876 or 26 July 1877 or 26 July 1878 or 26 July 1879 (depending upon sources) at or near Zurich, Arcadia Township, Wayne County, New York, son to Hiram H. Hamilton and Rosena Adell (or Adele) Sherman, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 22 January 1902 at South Haven, Van Buren County, Michigan, Nellie Marion Whitlow, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced 5 July 1904); married, thirdly, in February 1957 at Norwich Township, Missaukee County, Michigan, Elsie May Cantwell, (to whom likewise also refer); died 8 February 1961 at Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo County, Michigan; buried in 1961 at Cassopolis, Edwardsburg Township, Cass County, Michigan. His second wife Josephine Heffron (Heffernon or Heffernan), (to whom he was married 26 July 1906 at Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo County, Michigan), was born 6 February 1867 at or near Listowel, Listowel Parish, Iraghticonnor Barony, Kerry County, Munster Province, Ireland, daughter to Joseph Heffron (Heffernon or Heffernan) and Catherine Griffon (or Dillon); married, firstly, George William Holliday (or Holidy); died 22 January 1920 at Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo County, Michigan; buried in 1920 in Michigan. Irving Ernest Hamilton and Josephine Heffron (Heffernon or Heffernan) begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable, born in 1906, died early, unmarried, in 1910.


Irving Ernest Hamilton was born 26 July 1876 or 26 July 1877 or 26 July 1878 or 26 July 1879 (depending upon sources) at or near Zurich, Arcadia Township, Wayne County, New York, son to Hiram H. Hamilton and Rosena Adell (or Adele) Sherman, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 22 January 1902 at South Haven, Van Buren County, Michigan, Nellie Marion Whitlow, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced 5 July 1904); married, secondly, 26 July 1906 at Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo County, Michigan, Josephine Heffron (Heffernon or Heffernan), (to whom likewise also refer); died 8 February 1961 at Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo County, Michigan; buried in 1961 at Cassopolis, Edwardsburg Township, Cass County, Michigan. His third wife Elsie May Cantwell, (to whom he was married in February 1957), was born in February 1907 or 8 March 1907 (depending upon sources) at Norwich Township, Missaukee County, Michigan, daughter to John Cantwell and Catherine A. Jacobs; married, firstly, Clyde Everett Van Tuyl; died 21 October 1974 or 24 October 1974 (depending upon sources) in Michigan; buried at Cassopolis, Edwardsburg Township, Cass County, Michigan. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Irving Ernest Hamilton and Elsie May Cantwell.


Louis Richard Hamilton was born 6 February 1916 or 6 February 1919 (depending upon sources) at or near Brewerton, Cicero Township, Onondaga County, New York, son to George Scribner Hamilton and Felicia Mary "May" Williams, (to whom refer); died 26 January 2007 at or near Kirkville, Manlius Township, Onondaga County, New York. His wife Mary --- died in 2003. This couple begat issue: (1) Jean Hamilton, who married --- Tolles; (2) Rosemary Hamilton; (3) Louis Hamilton; (4) Joseph Hamilton; (5) Daniel Hamilton; (6) Richard Hamilton; (7) Donald Hamilton.


Merle George Hamilton was born 23 February 1910 probably at or near Brewerton, Cicero Township, Onondaga County, New York, son to George Scribner Hamilton and Felicia Mary "May" Williams, (to whom refer); died 17 January 1994 at or near Brewerton, Cicero Township, Onondaga County, New York; buried in 1994 at Collamer Cemetery, DeWitt Township, Onondaga County, New York. His wife Helen Gould Wickert was born 24 April 1925, daughter to Frederick William Wickert and Helen May Gould; died 25 April 1986 at or near Brewerton, Cicero Township, Onondaga County, New York; buried in 1986 at Collamer Cemetery, DeWitt Township, Onondaga County, New York. This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable; (2) a female child, name unavailable; (3) a female child, name unavailable; (4) a female child, name unavailable.


Orin H. Hamilton was born in or about 1800 to 1803 probably in Massachusetts; married, firstly, Matilda Story (or Storey); died in or after 1870 probably at or near Constantia, Constantia Township, Oswego County, New York; buried probably at Union Settlement Cemetery, West Monroe, West Monroe Township, Oswego County, New York. His second wife Nancy Elbare (or Elbaire) was born in or about 1829 or 1830 at Edwardsburgh Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada or at or near Prescott, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada (depending upon sources), daughter to John Elbare (or Elbair) and Mary Smith (Smyth or Smythe), (to whom refer); died 22 September 1869 or 22 September 1870 (depending upon sources) at or near Constantia, Constantia Township, Oswego County, New York; buried in September 1869 or in September 1870 (depending upon sources) at Union Settlement Cemetery, West Monroe, West Monroe Township, Oswego County, New York. In addition to the upbringing of several children of the Husband's previous marriage who, being "strangers in blood" as regards the Wife's family, are not to be further noted or documented in these records, Orin H. Hamilton and Nancy Elbare (or Elbaire) begat issue: (1) Hiram H. Hamilton, born in or about October 1850 at St. Lawrence County, New York, died 30 November 1924 at Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York, buried at Union Settlement Cemetery, West Monroe, West Monroe Township, Oswego County, New York, who married, firstly, in or about October 1869, Rosena Adell (or Adele) Sherman, and, secondly, in 1894, Catherine ---; (2) Mary Jane Hamilton, born in or about 1852 probably in New York, died probably unmarried; (3) Robert Hamilton, born 28 September 1854 probably at or near Schroeppel's (Scroopel's or Scroople's) Bridge, Schroeppel Township, Oswego County, New York, died 23 January 1935 at or near Parish, Parish Township, Oswego County, New York, buried in 1935 at Pleasant Lawn Cemetery, near Parish, Parish Township, Oswego County, New York, who married 18 January 1882 at Grenville County, Ontario, Maria Jane "Minnie" McFarlane; (4) Henry Hamilton.


Robert Hamilton was born 28 September 1854 probablyat or near Schroeppel's (Scroopel's or Scroople's) Bridge, Schroeppel Township, Oswego County, New York, son to Orin H. Hamilton and Nancy Elbare (or Elbaire), (to whom refer); died 23 January 1935 at or near Parish, Parish Township, Oswego County, New York; buried in 1935 at Pleasant Lawn Cemetery, near Parish, Parish Township, Oswego County, New York. His wife (and distant cousin) Maria Jane "Minnie" McFarlane, (to whom he was married 18 January 1882 at Grenville County, Ontario), was born in or about December 1866 probably at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, daughter to George McFarlane and Hannah Jane Brown, (to whom also refer); died in 1942 at Oswego County, New York; buried at Pleasant Lawn Cemetery, near Parish, Parish Township, Oswego County, New York. This couple begat issue: (1) Theodore "Ted" Hamilton, born 13 October 1888 probably at or near Zurich, Arcadia Township, Wayne County, New York, died 8 July 1965 at the Veterans' Hospital, Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York, buried 10 July 1965 at Pleasant Lawn Cemetery, near Parish, Parish Township, Oswego County, New York, (with the Reverend Charles Rudd, Methodist Church, officiating), who married Ruth Chorley; (2) Vernon Hamilton, born 1 March 1891 at or near Parish, Parish Township, Oswego County, New York, died 27 October 1957 or 27 October 1958 (depending upon sources) at or near Parish, Parish Township, Oswego County, New York, buried at Pleasant Lawn Cemetery, near Parish, Parish Township, Oswego County, New York, who married 21 December 1914 at or near Altmar (formerly known as Sand Bank), Albion Township, Oswego County, New York, Hazel Margaret Hamblin; (3) Winifred Edith Hamilton, born 7 November 1894 at or near Parish, Parish Township, Oswego County, New York, died on or about 8 March 1961 at or near Clifton Springs, Manchester Township, Ontario County, New York or at Hamilton County, New York (depending upon sources), buried in 1961 at Wayne County, New York, who married 26 June 1920 at Oswego County, New York, Floyd Stanley Bilger.


Robert Levi Hamilton was born 9 July 1916 at or near Parish, Parish Township, Oswego County, New York, son to Vernon Hamilton and Hazel Margaret Hamblin, (to whom refer); died 27 November 1989 at Bradenton, Manatee County, Florida. His wife Mildred Mary Henderson, (to whom he was married 15 May 1936), was born 8 September 1915 at Oswego County, New York, daughter to Benjamin LeRoy Henderson and Elizabeth Alice Davies; died 19 March 2009 at Bradenton, Manatee County, Florida. This couple begat issue: (1) Roger Bruce Hamilton, born 4 January 1943 or 4 January 1945 (depending upon sources) at Buffalo, Erie County, New York, died 11 July 1995 at Manatee County, Florida, who married, firstly, ---, and, secondly, ---; (2) Richard Lee Hamilton, born 22 February 1954 at Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York, died 16 April 2016 at Bradenton, Manatee County, Florida; (3) a child, name and sex unavailable.


Theodore "Ted" Hamilton was born 13 October 1888 at or near Zurich, Arcadia Township, Wayne County, New York, son to Robert Hamilton and Maria Jane "Minnie" McFarlane, (to whom refer); died 8 July 1965 at the Veterans' Hospital, Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York; buried 10 July 1965 at Pleasant Lawn Cemetery, at or near Parish, Parish Township, Oswego County, New York. His wife Ruth Chorley was born in 1893 at or near Parish, Parish Township, Oswego County, New York; died 4 June 1894 or 5 June 1894 (depending upon sources) aged 101 years at Hillcrest Nursing Home, Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York; buried 8 June 1994 at Pleasant Lawn Cemetery, at or near Parish, Parish Township, Oswego County, New York. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Theodore "Ted" Hamilton and Ruth Chorley.


Vernon Hamilton was born 1 March 1891 at or near Parish, Parish Township, Oswego County, New York, son to Robert Hamilton and Maria Jane "Minnie" McFarlane, (to whom refer); died 27 October 1957 or 27 October 1958 (depending upon sources) at or near Parish, Parish Township, Oswego County, New York; buried at Pleasant Lawn Cemetery, at or near Parish, Parish Township, Oswego County, New York. His wife Hazel Margaret Hamblin, (to whom he was married 21 December 1914 or 24 December 1914 depending upon sources at Oswego County, New York), was born 3 January 1895 or 3 June 1895 (depending upon sources) at or near Altmar (formerly known as Sand Bank), Albion Township, Oswego County, New York, daughter to Levi Hamblin and Julia Adelia Eaton; died 13 March 1985 at or near Springville, Concord Township, Erie County, New York or at or near Parish, Parish Township, Oswego County, New York (depending upon sources); buried in 1985 at Pleasant Lawn Cemetery, at or near Parish, Parish Township, Oswego County, New York. This couple begat issue: (1) Robert Levi Hamilton, born 9 July 1916 at or near Parish, Parish Township, Oswego County, New York, died 27 November 1989 at Bradenton, Manatee County, Florida, who married Mildred Mary Henderson; (2) Byron Stanley Hamilton; (3) Theodore Nathan Hamilton, born 11 December 1923 at or near Williamson, Williamson Township, Wayne County, New York, died in 2002; (4) Vernon Nelson Hamilton, born 20 June 1925 at or near Williamson, Williamson Township, Wayne County, New York, died in 1992; (5) Eleanor Ruth Hamilton; (6) Tressa (or Tressie) May "Trix" or "Trixie" Hamilton, born 26 April 1937 at or near Parish, Parish Township, Oswego County, New York.


--- Hammill. His wife Laverna Mabel Anderson was born 23 November 1901 at Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to George Austin Anderson and Mary (or Marian) Edith Crowder, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Milton Haney. His wife Frances Mary Reynolds, (to whom he was married in 1939), was born in 1912, daughter to William John Reynolds and Ethel Elizabeth McFarlane, (to whom refer); died in 1987. This couple begat issue: (1) Elizabeth Haney, who married Robert ---; (2) William Haney.


Arnold Harper. His wife Lillian Crowder was born in 1912, daughter to Edward Crowder and Adelia Lydia "Delia" Levere, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Raymond Mary Harrington was born 15 August 1928. His wife Phyllis Joyce Timmins, (to whom he was married 23 December 1950), was born 24 March 1927, daughter to Delmer Webster Timmins and Sarah Ordelia "Sadie" Crowder, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 12 October 1946, Bliss Eugene Bowman, (to whom also refer). Raymond Mary Harrington and Phyllis Joyce Timmins begat issue: (1) Connie Sherry Harrington, born 16 January 1957.


--- Harris. His wife Annie Bell Crowder was born 9 November 1920, daughter to William Arkley Royal Crowder and Mary Ann "Minnie" Torrance, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) William Larry Harry Harris, born 5 November 1943, who married ---; (2) Jackie Leonard Harris, born 18 March 1944; (3) Robert Russell Harris, born 3 August 1945; (4) Barry Harris, born 30 September 1949; (5) Gary Harris, born 30 April 1951; (6) Richard Harris, born 15 February 1954.


William Larry Harry Harris was born 5 November 1943, son to --- Harris and Annie Bell Crowder, (to whom refer). His wife was ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Lee Ann Harris, born 14 February 1964; (2) Penny Lee Harris, born 9 December 1966; (3) Lloyd William Harris, born 31 December 1967.


Kenneth Norman Hart was son to Norman Kenneth Hart and Shirley Violet Crowder, (to whom refer). His wife was Teresa Christine Begin, (to whom he was married 24 September 1988 at Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church, Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Norman Kenneth Hart was born in 1939; died in 1975; buried at St. Paul's Anglican Churchyard, at or near Beckett's Landing, Marlborough Township, Carleton County, Ontario. His wife Shirley Violet Crowder was born in 1936, daughter to James Edward Crowder and Minnie Watkins, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Kenneth Norman Hart, who married 24 September 1988 at Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church, Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario, Teresa Christine Begin.


Larry Wayne Harvey was born 18 March 1945, son to Philip John Harvey and Eleanor Christina Bertha Chambers, (to whom refer). His wife was ---, (from whom subsequently divorced). This couple begat issue, of whom no further record is presently available.


Philip John Harvey was born 17 June 1912 at or near Stuartburn, Stuartburn Rural Municipality, Manitoba, son to Philip John Harvey and Elizabeth Toews; died 21 January 1982 in consequence of cardiac arrest; buried in 1982 at Barriere, Barriere Improvement District, Thompson-Nicola Regional District, British Columbia. His wife Eleanor Christina Bertha Chambers, (to whom he was married 31 July 1938 at Gardenton, Stuartburn Rural Municipality, Manitoba), was born 8 August 1915 at or near Sprague, Piney Rural Municipality, Manitoba, daughter to Roy Chambers and Bertha Agnes Ostrom, (to whom refer); christened 9 April 1917 at the Methodist Church, Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario; died 6 May 1990 in consequence of cancer of the liver; buried in May 1990 at Barriere, Barriere Improvement District, Thompson-Nicola Regional District, British Columbia. This couple begat issue: (1) Phyllis Mae Harvey, born 9 December 1939 at or near Vita, Stuartburn Rural Municipality, Manitoba, who married 7 February 1959, Joseph Marcel Guillaume Proulx; (2) Larry Wayne Harvey, born 18 March 1945, who married ---, (from whom subsequently divorced); (3) Brenda Gail Harvey, born 2 June 1946 at Warroad, Roseau County, Minnesota, who married 6 June 1964 at St. John's United Church, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Charles Henry Turner; (4) Vicki Lynn Harvey, born 23 July 1947, who married, firstly, Ronald Lawrence Edmonds, (from whom subsequently divorced), and, secondly, William Sanna; (5) Shelley Elizabeth Harvey, born 27 February 1959 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, who married 24 September 1977 at Barriere, Barriere Improvement District, Thompson-Nicola Regional District, British Columbia, Herbert Lyle Mackenzie.


Gordon Hickey was born 25 July 1941. His wife Merilyn Joan Jones, (to whom he was married at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 21 June 1937 at or near Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Harold Francis Arthur Jones and Adrienne Catherine Gibson, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Cynthia Anne Hickey, born 29 March 1962 at Cornwall, Stormont County, Ontario; (2) Steven Gordon Jones Hickey, born 31 May 1964 at Cornwall, Stormont County, Ontario; (3) Heather Lynn Hickey, born 3 October 1970 at Cornwall, Stormont County, Ontario.


Albert Francis Hills. His wife Margaret Elizabeth Mowry was born 26 June 1909 at Carleton County, Ontario, daughter to Wellington Stanley Mowry and Margaret Crowder, (to whom refer); died in February 1968 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable; (2) a female child, name unavailable.


Donald Eric Hills. His wife Sharon Patricia Spencer, (to whom he was married 8 April 1967), was born 3 January 1947, daughter to Russell Gordon Spencer and Evelyn Mary Madsen, (to whom refer). In addition to adoption of one female child who, being a "stranger in blood" as regards the treated families, is not to be further noted or documented in these records, this couple also begat issue: (1) Patricia Lynne Hills, born 21 January 1968.


Suresh "Hingo" Hingorani was born in the Republic of India. His wife Marilyn Ruth Crowder, (to whom he was married in June 1986), was born 25 March 1955, daughter to Norman Kenneth Crowder and Ruth Eileen Haberl, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 31 August 1974, Gary Villemaire, (to whom also refer). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Suresh "Hingo" Hingorani and Marilyn Ruth Crowder are presently available.


Charles Hitchman was born in or about 1895 or 1896 at Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario, son to Louis Hitchman and Hattie Melward (or Millward). His wife Edith Sarah Mason, (to whom he was married 21 September 1917 at Grenville County, Ontario), was born 28 May 1900 at Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to Robert Frank Mason and Ethel Jane Crowder, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


William Arnold Hogaboam was born 18 May 1948. His wife Brenda Lee Timmins, (to whom he was married 27 May 1972), was born 27 March 1952, daughter to John Ronald Timmins and Murla Winnifred Holmes, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Amber Dawn Hogaboam, born 21 September 1980.


Terry Holbrook. His wife Rita Marie Elbare, (to whom he was married in 1971), was born 28 May 1948, daughter to Thomas James Elbare and Dorothy Jeanne Blume, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Terri Ellen Holbrook, born 2 February 1975.


William Holliday. His wife Mary Elsie Burnside, (to whom he was married 20 August 1924), was born 23 October 1906 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to William John Burnside and Mary Edith "Mamie" King, (to whom refer); married, secondly, William Cecil Merkley, (to whom also refer); died 24 May 1985 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; buried 27 May 1985 at Mainsville Cemetery, at or near Mainsville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, (with the Reverend Helen Wilson, United Church of Canada, officiating). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of William Holliday and Mary Elsie Burnside are presently available.


Frank Homer. His wife Elizabeth McFarlane was born 26 September 1856, daughter to John McFarlane and Mary Jane Brown, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Edith Homer, who married, firstly, Samuel Bugg, (from whom subsequently divorced), and, secondly, Albert Fowler; (2) Ethel Homer, who married John Ripple.


Sheldon James Hook. His wife Judy Crowder, (to whom he was married 28 August 1976), was born 6 June 1953, daughter to Leonard Arnold Crowder and Rita Collier, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable, born in 1981.

Cory Houle. His wife Joanne Martin was born 5 April 1980, daughter to John William Martin and Sandra Simser, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Abby Houle; (2) Lucas Houle.


William James Aubrey Hoy was born in or about 1911 or 1912, son to Wesley Hoy and Eliza Waddell; died 28 December 2003 at Bayfield Manor, Kemptville, North Grenville Township, Grenville County, Ontario; buried at South Gower Cemetery, North Grenville Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Marion Lorraine Martin, (to whom he was married 23 November 1955), was born 10 September 1925, daughter to George Ira Martin and Olive Leona Wallace, (to whom refer); died 22 June 1992. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Edward Hunter was born 29 April 1886 (according to some sources and Registrar-General, not 29 April 1887 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources and inscribed upon his tombstone) at or near Ventnor, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to John Hunter and Jane Ann Elbare, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Della Blair, (to whom also refer); died 12 March 1943 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario in consequence of myocarditis following upon arteriosclerosis after having been previously paralysed by a stroke; buried in 1943 at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Churchyard, Spencerville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His first wife Elizabeth Ann "Lizzie" Law, (to whom he was married 29 June 1915 at her parents' homestead at Wylie Township, Renfrew County, Ontario), was born 23 September 1889 in Ontario, daughter to William Law and Margaret Jane Wilson; died 25 October 1918 at or near Millar's Corners, Oxford-on-Rideau Township, Grenville County, Ontario in consequence of the Great Influenza Epidemic; buried at Forest View Cemetery, Chalk River, Buchanan Township, Renfrew County, Ontario. Edward Hunter and Elizabeth Ann "Lizzie" Law begat issue: (1) Wilson Lesley Hunter, born 28 September 1916 at Millar's Corners, Oxford-on-Rideau Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 18 February 2005 at the Baker Cancer Centre, Foothills Medical Centre, Calgary, Alberta in consequence of double pneumonia following upon lung cancer, cremated 22 February 2005 at Calgary, Alberta, ashes interred 12 March 2005 at Roselawn Memorial Gardens, at or near Maitland, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married, firstly, 31 March 1942 at Grace Presbyterian Church, Calgary, Alberta, (with the Reverend Alfred Bright, Presbyterian Church in Canada, officiating), Alberta Mary Hazel Templeton, (whom he subsequently callously abandoned), and, secondly, Viola Victoria Lippert.


Edward Hunter was born 29 April 1886 (according to some sources and Registrar-General, not 29 April 1887 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources and inscribed upon his tombstone) at or near Ventnor, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to John Hunter and Jane Ann Elbare, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 29 June 1915 at her parents' homestead at Wylie Township, Renfrew County, Ontario, Elizabeth Ann "Lizzie" Law, (to whom also refer); died 12 March 1943 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario in consequence of myocarditis following upon arteriosclerosis after having been previously paralysed by a stroke; buried in 1943 at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Churchyard, Spencerville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His second wife Della Blair was born 20 September 1902; married, secondly, Hilton Dawson; died 7 April 1996; buried in 1996 at Roselawn Memorial Gardens, at or near Maitland, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario. Edward Hunter and Della Blair begat issue: (1) Annie Madaline "Mat" or "Mattie" Hunter, born 5 August 1920 near Millar's Corners, Oxford-on-Rideau Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 4 July 2000, buried in July 2000 at Roselawn Memorial Gardens, at or near Maitland, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married, firstly, 17 August 1940, William Melbourne Wallace, (from whom subsequently divorced), and, secondly, William Edward Ross Desjardin; (2) Clara Janet Hunter, born 28 September 1922 near Millar's Corners, Oxford-on-Rideau Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 26 March 2007 at Belleville General Hospital, Belleville, Hastings County, Ontario in consequence of pneumonia, buried in 2007 at Roselawn Memorial Gardens, at or near Maitland, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 22 August 1942, Howard Clarke Workman.


Frederick Hunter was born 30 May 1880 (according to some sources including Registrar-General and his own statement, not 30 May 1881 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources) allegedly at Oxford-on-Rideau Township or Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario (according to some sources and his own statement) but in any case registered at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario (according to some sources and Registrar-General), son to John Hunter and Jane Ann Elbare, (to whom refer); died 28 March 1934 at Santa Ana, Orange County, California; buried in 1934 at Westminster Memorial Park, Westminster, Orange County, California. His wife Rose Adela Gunderson (aunt to Harald Lloyd Gunderson, author, publisher, financier, Trustee and Chairman of the Board of Education of Calgary, Alberta, etc.), (to whom he was married 9 December 1912 at or near Maple Creek, Saskatchewan), was born 11 November 1893 in the Saskatchewan District, North West Territories, daughter to --- Gunderson and --- Pederson; married, secondly, William Henry Morley (a native of the Principality of Wales, a pioneer of the motion picture industry at Hollywood, uncle to Leavitt Leo "Bud" Daley, winning pitcher of the 1961 World Series of Baseball for the New York Yankees, etc.); died 19 January 1980 at Orange County, California. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Frederick Hunter and Rose Adela Gunderson.


John Hunter was born 9 May 1840 or 9 May 1841 (not 9 May 1845 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources) probably in The Hunter Settlement, probably on Lot 22, Concession 6, Edwardsburgh Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada or Canada West, son to Andrew Hunter and Janet (Jennet or Jeannette) "Jennie" McLatchie; died 18 February 1923 near Millar's Corners, Oxford-on-Rideau Township, Grenville County, Ontario in consequence of cardiac decompensation following upon myocarditis; buried in 1923 at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Churchyard, Spencerville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Jane Ann Elbare, (to whom he was married 26 April 1877 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 10 September 1855 (according to some sources and her death registration) or 15 April 1857 (according to some sources and her own statement) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, daughter to Henry Smith Elbare (or Elbair) and Jane "Jennie" Todd, (to whom refer); died 26 September 1925 near Millar's Corners, Oxford-on-Rideau Township, Grenville County, Ontario; buried at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Churchyard, Spencerville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Ida Jane Hunter, born 18 November 1878 (according to some sources and Registrar-General, not 18 November 1879 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died in 1946, who married 20 April 1908 at Hickson, East Zorra Township, Oxford County, Ontario, Charles Alfred Dennis; (2) Frederick Hunter, born 30 May 1880 (according to some sources including Registrar-General and his own statement, not 30 May 1881 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources) allegedly at Oxford-on-Rideau Township or Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario (according to some sources and his own statement) but in any case registered at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario (according to some sources and Registrar-General), died 28 March 1934 at Santa Ana, Orange County, California, buried in 1934 at Westminster Memorial Park, Westminster, Orange County, California, who married 9 December 1912 at or near Maple Creek, Saskatchewan, Rose Adela Gunderson; (3) Robert Hunter, born 7 April 1882 (according to some sources and Registrar-General, not 7 April 1883 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died unmarried 5 November 1918 near Millar's Corners, Oxford-on-Rideau Township, Grenville County, Ontario in consequence of the Great Influenza Epidemic, buried at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Churchyard, Spencerville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario; (4) Edward Hunter, born 29 April 1886 (according to some sources and Registrar-General, not 29 April 1887 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources and inscribed upon his tombstone) at or near Ventnor, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 12 March 1943 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario in consequence of myocarditis following upon arteriosclerosis after having been previously paralysed by a stroke, buried in 1943 at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Churchyard, Spencerville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married, firstly, 29 June 1915 at her parents' homestead at Wylie Township, Renfrew County, Ontario, Elizabeth Ann "Lizzie" Law, and, secondly, Della Blair.


Thomas McLatchie Hunter was born 22 February 1859 (according to some sources and his tombstone) or 22 February 1861 (according to some sources and his own statement) probably in The Hunter Settlement, probably on Lot 22, Concession 6, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, son to Andrew Hunter and Janet (Jennet or Jeannette) "Jennie" McLatchie; died in 1938; buried at Maynard Cemetery, at or near Maynard, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Nancy Agnes McFarlane, (to whom he was married 21 December 1897 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 16 March 1856 (according to some sources) or 16 March 1865 (according to some sources and her own statement) in Canada West, daughter to John McFarlane and Mary Jane Brown, (to whom refer); died 15 February 1950; buried in 1950 at Maynard Cemetery, at or near Maynard, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Mary Emma Hunter, born 25 September 1898 (according to some sources and her parents' statement) or 28 September 1898 (according to some sources) in Ontario, died 20 July 1959, buried in July 1959 at Maynard Cemetery, at or near Maynard, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 9 November 1937 at or near Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, George Wallace Renwick.


Wilson Lesley Hunter was born 28 September 1916 at Millar's Corners, Oxford-on-Rideau Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Edward Hunter and Elizabeth Ann "Lizzie" Law, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Viola Victoria Lippert, (to whom also refer); died 18 February 2005 at the Baker Cancer Centre, Foothills Medical Centre, Calgary, Alberta in consequence of double pneumonia following upon lung cancer; cremated 22 February 2005 at Calgary, Alberta; ashes interred 12 March 2005 at Roselawn Memorial Gardens, at or near Maitland, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His first wife Alberta Mary Hazel Templeton, (to whom he was married 31 March 1942 at Grace Presbyterian Church, Calgary, Alberta with the Reverend Alfred Bright, Presbyterian Church in Canada, officiating and whom he subsequently callously abandoned), was born 9 October 1919 at Templeton Ranch, Norquay (afterward known as Kneehill) Municipal District, near Acme, Alberta, specifically on the North East Quarter of Section 15, Township 29, Range 25, West of the Fourth Meridian, daughter to Charles Melville Templeton (Trustee, Board of Trustees, Kia Ora School District, Alberta, etc.) and Gertrude Barraclough (Officer of The Order of The Eastern Star, etc.); christened 24 August 1926 at Templeton Ranch, Norquay (afterward known as Kneehill) Municipal District, near Acme, Alberta, specifically on the North East Quarter of Section 15, Township 29, Range 25, West of the Fourth Meridian, (with the Reverend D. Whyte Smith, United Church of Canada, officiating); died 9 July 1988 at Calgary General Hospital, Calgary, Alberta at precisely 4:45 o'clock in the morning Mountain Standard Time or 5:45 o'clock in the morning Mountain Daylight Time in consequence of kidney and heart failure coupled with pneumonia following upon general physical and organic decline resulting from a stroke and cancer of the lung and bone structure; buried 13 July 1988 at Union Cemetery, Calgary, Alberta, (with her only son, herebelow recorded, officiating). Wilson Lesley Hunter and Alberta Mary Hazel Templeton begat issue: (1) Frederick Charles Hunter, born 3 February 1953 at approximately 6:30 o'clock in the morning at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Barrie, Simcoe County, Ontario, christened 31 May 1953 at the Base Interdenominational Chapel, Camp Borden Royal Canadian Air Force Base, Essa Township, Simcoe County, Ontario, (with the Base Chaplain for the United Church of Canada officiating), baptised 3 May 1975 at the Calgary Alberta North Stake Centre, Calgary Alberta North Stake of Zion, Calgary, Alberta, (with Elder Richard Lee Collins, duly ordained Elder of Israel and full-time Missionary, officiating), confirmed 3 May 1975 at the Calgary Alberta North Stake Centre, Calgary Alberta North Stake of Zion, Calgary, Alberta, (with Elder Steven C. Booth, duly ordained Elder of Israel and full-time Missionary, officiating).


Wilson Lesley Hunter was born 28 September 1916 at Millar's Corners, Oxford-on-Rideau Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Edward Hunter and Elizabeth Ann "Lizzie" Law, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 31 March 1942 at Grace Presbyterian Church, Calgary, Alberta, (with the Reverend Alfred Bright, Presbyterian Church in Canada, officiating), Alberta Mary Hazel Templeton, (to whom also refer and whom he subsequently callously abandoned); died 18 February 2005 at the Baker Cancer Centre, Foothills Medical Centre, Calgary, Alberta in consequence of double pneumonia following upon lung cancer; cremated 22 February 2005 at Calgary, Alberta; ashes interred 12 March 2005 at Roselawn Memorial Gardens, at or near Maitland, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His second wife Viola Victoria Lippert was born 13 July 1922 at or near Schuler, Local Improvement District 151, Alberta, daughter to Phillip Lippert and Alberta ---; married, firstly, --- Warner; died 26 October 2009 at Calgary, Alberta; buried 3 November 2009 at Queen's Park Cemetery, Calgary, Alberta. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Wilson Lesley Hunter and Viola Victoria Lippert.


--- Hurst. His wife Eileen Preston was daughter to Howard "Hap" Preston and Bessie May King, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Charles Robert Kenneth Hyndman was born 19 August 1901; died 19 November 1976. His wife Evelyn Rose Martin, (to whom he was married 7 February 1942), was born 30 December 1921, daughter to George Ira Martin and Olive Leona Wallace, (to whom refer); died 23 October 1969. This couple begat issue: (1) Robert Kenneth Hyndman, born 25 March 1943, who married 30 January 1965, Denise Cayer; (2) Olive Lynn Hyndman, born 20 September 1946, who married 20 May 1967, Ronald Adelard Clermont; (3) David Edwin Hyndman, born 9 July 1954, who married 17 August 1974, Catherine Edna Forsyth.


David Edwin Hyndman was born 9 July 1954, son to Charles Robert Kenneth Hyndman and Evelyn Rose Martin, (to whom refer). His wife was Catherine Edna Forsyth, (to whom he was married 17 August 1974). This couple begat issue: (1) James David Forsyth Hyndman, born 27 April 1989.


Robert Kenneth Hyndman was born 25 March 1943, son to Charles Robert Kenneth Hyndman and Evelyn Rose Martin, (to whom refer). His wife Denise Cayer, (to whom he was married 30 January 1965), was born 10 December 1945. This couple begat issue: (1) Tammy Lynn Hyndman, born 26 March 1966; (2) Kenneth Robert Hyndman, born 16 February 1967.



Donald Ellerbeck Jacobs was born 9 May 1925 at or near Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Robert George Jacobs and Ida Isabella (or Isobel) King, (to whom refer). His wife was June Macdonald, (to whom he was married in February 1945 at Vancouver, British Columbia). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Lloyd James Jacobs was born 6 June 1922 at or near Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Robert George Jacobs and Ida Isabella (or Isobel) King, (to whom refer). His wife was Arvilla Alice May Heagle, (to whom he was married 28 February 1942 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Robert George Jacobs was born 11 September 1887 at or near Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Robert Jacobs and Adelaide Ellerbeck; died 24 September 1948 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; buried in 1948 at Oakland Cemetery, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Ida Isabella (or Isobel) King, (to whom he was married 8 June 1909 at or near Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 14 June 1890 at or near Limekiln (afterward known as Crystal Rock), Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to Nelson King and Elizabeth Brown, (to whom refer); died 24 February 1944 at or near Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; buried in 1944 at Oakland Cemetery, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Robert Nelson Jacobs, born in 1910 at or near Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, died in infancy, unmarried, in 1911; (2) Albert Ray Jacobs, born 27 June 1912 at or near Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, died early, unmarried, 9 April 1927; (3) Adelaide Marguerite Jacobs, born 25 May 1916 at or near Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 24 March 1951 at or near Warsaw, Warsaw Township, Wyoming County, New York, Walter S. Finken; (4) George F. Jacobs, born in 1920 at or near Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, died in infancy, unmarried, in 1921; (5) Lloyd James Jacobs, born 6 June 1922 at or near Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 28 February 1942 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, Arvilla Alice May Heagle; (6) Donald Ellerbeck Jacobs, born 9 May 1925 at or near Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married in February 1945 at Vancouver, British Columbia, June Macdonald; (7) Ida Elizabeth Jacobs, born 27 July 1930 at or near Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; (8) a female child, name, if any, unavailable, born in 1931 at or near Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, died at birth in 1931 at or near Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario.


Ronald James. His wife Arlene Ruth Saunders, (to whom he was married in August 1969), was born 4 December 1948, daughter to Norman Gerald Saunders and Annie Viola McFarlane, (to whom refer). No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Ernest Albert Jannack was born 30 June 1896 at Grenville County, Ontario or at or near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario (depending upon sources), son to George Albert (Asaph or Asa) Jannack and Mary Evelina "Lena" Crowder, (to whom refer). His wife Hattie Morrison, (to whom he was married 1 June 1920 at Grenville County, Ontario), was born in or about 1893 or 1894 at Kingston-upon-Hull, Kingston-upon-Hull City Borough, Kingston-upon-Hull City County, England, daughter to Robert Fred Morrison and Carrie Foster (or Usher); married, firstly, 5 August 1912 at Carleton County, Ontario, Thomas B. Arcand (or Arvan). Ernest Albert Jannack and Hattie Morrison begat issue: (1) George Jannack; (2) Gordon Jannack; (3) Leonard Ernest Jannack, died unmarried 5 January 1973.


George Albert (Asaph or Asa) Jannack was born 16 December 1868 or 15 December 1869 (depending upon sources) at Morrisburg, Dundas County, Ontario, son to George Albert (Asaph or Asa) Jannack and Julia Hutt (or Hatt); married, firstly, 11 May 1888 at Dundas County, Ontario, Etta (or Ella) Swain; died 16 November 1934 at Grenville County, Ontario. His second wife Mary Evelina "Lena" Crowder (not Elizabeth Evelina "Lena" Crowder as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources), (to whom he was married 29 October 1896 at Lisbon Township, St. Lawrence County, New York), was born 24 June 1874 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario (not at or near Parry Sound, Parry Sound District, Ontario as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources), daughter to Albert Crowder and Elizabeth Elbare, (to whom refer); died 27 July 1955 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario or at Grenville County, Ontario (depending upon sources); buried in 1955 at Knight's (otherwise known as Inkerman Old) Cemetery, at or near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario. George Albert (Asaph or Asa) Jannack and Mary Evelina "Lena" Crowder begat issue: (1) Ernest Albert Jannack, born 30 June 1896 at Grenville County, Ontario or at or near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario (depending upon sources), who married 1 June 1920 at Grenville County, Ontario, Hattie Morrison; (2) Kathleen May "Kate" Jannack, born 23 February 1898 at Iroquois, Dundas County, Ontario, who married 14 December 1922 at Grenville County, Ontario, Charles Albert Baldwin; (3) Lillian Jannack, born in or about 1900 or 1901 at Grenville County, Ontario, who married --- Baldwin; (4) Pearl Elizabeth Jannack, born 1 June 1902 at Grenville County, Ontario or at Iroquois, Dundas County, Ontario (depending upon sources), who married 12 July 1923 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, Arthur Edward Bennett; (5) Howard Alfred Jannack, born 3 February 1912 at or near Merrickville, Wolford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 19 July 1989 at Grenville County, Ontario, buried 22 July 1989 at Oxford Mills Union Cemetery, at or near Oxford Mills, Oxford-on-Rideau Township, Grenville County, Ontario, (with the Reverend A. Lauder, Anglican Church, officiating), who married, firstly, Mildred Hutt, and, secondly, Betty Hoy.


Howard Alfred Jannack was born 3 February 1912 at or near Merrickville, Wolford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to George Albert (Asaph or Asa) Jannack and Mary Evelina "Lena" Crowder, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Betty Hoy, (to whom also refer); died 19 July 1989 at Grenville County, Ontario; buried 22 July 1989 at Oxford Mills Union Cemetery, at or near Oxford Mills, Oxford-on-Rideau Township, Grenville County, Ontario, (with the Reverend A. Lauder, Anglican Church, officiating). His first wife was Mildred Hutt. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Howard Alfred Jannack and Mildred Hutt are presently available.


Howard Alfred Jannack was born 3 February 1912 at or near Merrickville, Wolford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to George Albert (Asaph or Asa) Jannack and Mary Evelina "Lena" Crowder, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Mildred Hutt, (to whom also refer); died 19 July 1989 at Grenville County, Ontario; buried 22 July 1989 at Oxford Mills Union Cemetery, at or near Oxford Mills, Oxford-on-Rideau Township, Grenville County, Ontario, (with the Reverend A. Lauder, Anglican Church, officiating). His second wife was Betty Hoy. Howard Alfred Jannack and Betty Hoy begat issue: (1) Robert Jannack.


Erroll L. Johnson was born in or about 1902 or 1903 at Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington, son to Oscar D. Johnson and Bertha May Sekor (or Seeker), (to whom refer); died 1 February 1976 at Port Orchard, Kitsap County, Washington. His wife Verna Kelly, (to whom he was married 1 October 1924 at Lewis County, Washington), was born in or about 1906 or 1907 in Washington, daughter to Henry Kelly and Alice Liptrap; died in Washington. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Frank Johnson was born 26 January 1947. His wife Norma Elaine Jones was born 15 January 1947 at or near Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Harold Francis Arthur Jones and Adrienne Catherine Gibson, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Peter David William Johnson, born 18 May 1976 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; (2) Jason Andrew Jones Johnson, born 6 June 1979 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario.


Oscar D. Johnson was born in or about 1866 or 1867 in the Kingdom of Norway. His wife Bertha May Sekor (or Seeker), (to whom he was married in or about 1900 or 1901 at Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington), was born in August 1879 at St. Lawrence County, New York, daughter to Hiram Sekor (Seker, Seeker, Secor or Secker) and Susannah Crowder, (to whom refer); died at Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington. This couple begat issue: (1) Erroll L. Johnson, born in or about 1902 or 1903 at Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington, died 1 February 1976 at Port Orchard, Kitsap County, Washington, who married 1 October 1924 at Lewis County, Washington, Verna Kelly; (2) Lester L. Johnson, born in or about 1906 or 1907 at Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington, died 19 November 1986 at Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington; (3) Gloria Mae Johnson, born 16 July 1919 at Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington.


Edward Johnston. His wife Patti-Marie Stanton was born 20 March 1961, daughter to James Russell Stanton and Dawna Patricia Anderson, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Percy Jackson Johnston was born 15 June 1889 at Bruce County, Ontario, son to John C. Johnston and Mary J. ---. His wife Blanche Mabel Sekor (or Seeker), (to whom he was married in or about 1915 or 1916), was born 14 March 1883 at St. Lawrence County, New York, daughter to Hiram Sekor (Seker, Seeker, Secor or Secker) and Susannah Crowder, (to whom refer); died 21 January 1931 at Seattle, King County, Washington; buried 22 January 1931 at Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington. This couple begat issue: (1) Kathleen Johnston, born in 1916 in Alberta.


Harold Francis Arthur Jones was born 20 May 1912 at or near Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, son to William Sanford Jones and Mariah Elizabeth "Mina" King, (to whom refer). His wife Adrienne Catherine Gibson, (to whom he was married 5 September 1936 at or near Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 30 July 1908 at or near Massena, Massena Township, St. Lawrence County, New York, daughter to John Gibson and Edythe Gallinger. This couple begat issue: (1) Merilyn Joan Jones, born 21 June 1937 at or near Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, Gordon Hickey; (2) Norma Elaine Jones, born 15 January 1947 at or near Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married Frank Johnson.


Victor G. Raymond Jones was born 26 July 1942. His wife Pamela Jane Cameron, (to whom he was married 24 August 1968), was born 16 August 1944, daughter to Beverly Royce Cameron and Leah Elizabeth King, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) George Michael Raymond Jones, born 24 March 1971; (2) Christopher Douglas Cameron Jones, born 5 October 1973; (3) Stephen Douglas Richard Jones, born 15 October 1979.


William David Jones was born 23 February 1927 at or near Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, son to William Nelson Jones and Matilda Fox, (to whom refer). His wife was Marion Mills. This couple begat issue: (1) Catherine Jones, who married Donald Russell; (2) Dianne Elizabeth Jones; (3) William Andrew Jones.


William Nelson Jones was born 27 September 1899 at or near Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, son to William Sanford Jones and Mariah Elizabeth "Mina" King, (to whom refer); died 8 June 1965 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; buried in June 1965 at St. James' Anglican Churchyard, at or near Maitland, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Matilda Fox, (to whom he was married 11 June 1923 at or near Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 12 February 1902 at or near Maitland, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to David John Fox and Ethel Doretta Turner; died 29 May 1978 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) William David Jones, born 23 February 1927 at or near Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married Marion Mills.


William Sanford Jones was born 23 January 1874 at or near Carthage, Wilna Township, Jefferson County, New York, son to Franklin Wellyn Jones and Marie Irene Babcock; died 21 January 1964 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; buried 24 January 1964 at Oakland Cemetery, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Mariah Elizabeth "Mina" King, (to whom he was married 17 December 1896 at or near Watertown, Jefferson County, New York), was born 11 April 1876 at or near Limekiln (afterward known as Crystal Rock), Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to Nelson King and Elizabeth Brown, (to whom refer); died 13 April 1962 at Buffalo, Erie County, New York; buried 18 April 1962 at Oakland Cemetery, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Bertie Wesley Jones, born 27 March 1898 at or near Felts Mills, Rutland Township, Jefferson County, New York, died in infancy, unmarried, 17 August 1898; (2) William Nelson Jones, born 27 September 1899 at or near Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, died 8 June 1965 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, buried in June 1965 at St. James' Anglican Churchyard, at or near Maitland, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 11 June 1923 at or near Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, Matilda Fox; (3) Edna Elizabeth Jones, born 4 April 1901 at or near Newton Falls, Clifton Township, St. Lawrence County, New York, died 22 June 1976 at or near Rochester, Monroe County, New York, buried 25 June 1976 at White Haven Memorial Park, Pittsford, Pittsford Township, Monroe County, New York, who married 4 July 1932 at or near Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, Harold Lynch; (4) Mildred Irene Jones, born 16 February 1903 at or near Carthage, Wilna Township, Jefferson County, New York, died early, unmarried, 2 August 1909; (5) Ida Fern Jones, born 25 October 1906 at or near Hannawa Falls, Pierrepont Township, St. Lawrence County, New York, who married, firstly, 25 December 1932 at or near Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, George Waverly Nairn, and, secondly, 20 December 1958 at Buffalo, Erie County, New York, Samuel Wallace Kirchmeyer; (6) Harold Francis Arthur Jones, born 20 May 1912 at or near Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 5 September 1936 at or near Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, Adrienne Catherine Gibson; (7) Evelyn Jones, born 25 March 1919 at or near Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, died in infancy, unmarried, 27 March 1919.


James M. Jordan was born 22 March 1908. His wife S. Isabel Spencer, (to whom he was married 14 May 1932), was born 2 June 1911, daughter to William Arthur Spencer and Velma Viola Kennedy, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) D. Lorraine Jordan, born 3 July 1934, who married 29 October 1955, Otto Albrecht; (2) Darlene Jordan, born 21 August 1943, who married 25 August 1962, Dale Brezden.



Lloyd Keach. His wife Donna Bolton was daughter to William Wayne Bolton and Eva Hudson, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Brent Keach.

KELLY, --- / KING, ---

--- Kelly. His wife --- King was daughter to Alva Gordon King and Joyce Doreen Graves, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Douglas Gordon Kelly was born 9 December 1900 at or near Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Frederick Kelly and Charlotte Johnston; died 25 February 1985 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; buried in 1985 at Sandy Hill Cemetery, Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Audrey Beulah Crowder, (to whom he was married 25 October 1930), was born 19 September 1910 in Ontario, daughter to William Arkley Royal Crowder and Mary Ann "Minnie" Torrance, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Mary Eleanor Charlotte Kelly, born 17 May 1932, who married 25 July 1954, Alfred Ernest Fraser.


Gary Kenny was born 3 August 1939, son to Melford Kenny and Phyllis Gertrude Crowder, (to whom refer). His wife was Colleen Kavanaugh, (to whom he was married in August 1962). This couple begat issue: (1) Todd Kenny, born 11 May 1963; (2) Darren Kenny, born 22 October 1964.


Melford Kenny was born 11 November 1914. His wife Phyllis Gertrude Crowder, (to whom he was married 27 March 1937), was born 26 May 1916 in Ontario, daughter to Joseph Arnold Crowder and Georgina Margaret Turcott, (to whom refer); died 26 January 1990 at Hamilton General Hospital, Hamilton, Hamilton-Wentworth Regional Municipality, Ontario; buried in 1990 at Eastlawn Cemetery, Hamilton, Hamilton-Wentworth Regional Municipality, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Gary Kenny, born 3 August 1939, who married in August 1962, Colleen Kavanaugh.


Clair Kerr was son to Thomas Kerr and Nelda Grace Crowder, (to whom refer). His wife was Sylvia Cleland. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Earl Kerr was son to Thomas Kerr and Nelda Grace Crowder, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Betty ---, (to whom also refer). His first wife was June McCann. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Earl Kerr and June McCann are presently available.


Earl Kerr was son to Thomas Kerr and Nelda Grace Crowder, (to whom refer); married, firstly, June McCann, (to whom also refer). His second wife was Betty ---. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Earl Kerr and Betty --- are presently available.


Ronald Kerr was son to Thomas Kerr and Nelda Grace Crowder, (to whom refer). His wife was Eleanor Banning. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Thomas Kerr died in 1988; buried at Reid's Mills Cemetery, at or near Reid's Mills, Osgoode Township, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario. His wife Nelda Grace Crowder, (to whom he was married in 1941), was born 29 May 1923 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, daughter to Nathaniel Samuel Crowder and Elizabeth Wilson Rigg, (to whom refer); died 30 August 2010 at Dundas Manor, Winchester, North Dundas Township, Dundas County, Ontario; buried in 2010 at Reid's Mills Cemetery, at or near Reid's Mills, Osgoode Ward, Ottawa City, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Earl Kerr, who married, firstly, June McCann, and, secondly, Betty ---; (2) Grace Kerr, who married Arnold Stobo; (3) Clair Kerr, who married Sylvia Cleland; (4) Ronald Kerr, who married Eleanor Banning; (5) Willis Kerr, who married, firstly, Geisla Winter, and, secondly, Terresa ---; (6) Garry Kerr.


Willis Kerr was son to Thomas Kerr and Nelda Grace Crowder, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Terresa ---, (to whom also refer). His first wife was Geisla Winter. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Willis Kerr and Geisla Winter are presently available.


Willis Kerr was son to Thomas Kerr and Nelda Grace Crowder, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Geisla Winter, (to whom also refer). His second wife was Terresa ---. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Willis Kerr and Terresa --- are presently available.


Alva Gordon King was born 2 May 1924 at or near Lillestrom, Hillsborough Rural Municipality, Saskatchewan, son to Gordon Roy King and Eva Pearl Thompson, (to whom refer); died 1 May 2010 at Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. His wife was Joyce Doreen Graves, (to whom he was married 22 January 1944). This couple begat issue: (1) a female child, name unavailable, who married --- Kelly; (2) a male child, name unavailable.


Byron Francis "Frank" King was born 4 April 1881 at or near Limekiln (afterward known as Crystal Rock), Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Nelson King and Elizabeth Brown, (to whom refer); died in April 1968 at or near Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. His wife was Lillian Bennett. This couple begat issue: (1) Byron King; (2) Harold King.


Cecil King was son to William King and Nellie McAuley, (to whom refer). His wife was Mabel Preston. This couple begat issue: (1) Eleanor King, who married --- Quinn; (2) Jean King, who married --- Bluto; (3) Doris King, who married --- Ward; (4) Edna King, who married --- Lesperance.


Clarence William King was born 31 December 1891 in Ontario, son to James Milton William King and Susannah (or Susan) Harriet Beatty, (to whom refer); died in 1960. His wife Ruth Mildred Wilkins was born 25 December 189-, daughter to James W. Wilkins and Miranda Selleck; died 6 January 1978. This couple begat issue: (1) Jean Wilkins King, born 11 March 1911, who married, firstly, Minor Spencer Gladstone, secondly, Harry Foy, and, thirdly, Henry Veltkempt; (2) Donald Clarence King, born 6 February 1913, who married 3 June 1936, Eileen Major; (3) Melba Ruth King, born 9 May 1914, who married Charles R. Bradley; (4) Marjorie Eileen King, born 13 June 1915, who married Lorne Hilliard Fairbairn; (5) Lucille Susan Harriet King, born 4 December 1916, died 1 June 1981, who married, firstly, Percy Earl Baker, and, secondly, Edmund James Merkley; (6) James William King, born 28 June 1919, who married 27 March 1941, Winnifred Elsie Duncan; (7) Eric George King, born 23 March 1920, died 15 September 1991, who married Eunice Lynette Smith; (8) Clarence William King Jr., born 21 June 1925 at or near Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, died 29 January 2010 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, buried 4 February 2010 at Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Maitland, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 6 August 1947 at or near Shanly, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, his distant cousin Jean Elizabeth Jennie Gillmoure; (9) Joyce Miranda King, born 13 October 1922, who married 15 April 1950, Kenneth Baynham; (10) Joseph Morris King, born 21 July 1927, who married Irene Poehman; (11) John Hewitt King, who married, firstly, Pauline ---, and, secondly, Jean Dietschweiller.


Clarence William "Junior" King was born 21 June 1925 at or near Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Clarence William King and Ruth Mildred Wilkins, (to whom refer); died 29 January 2010 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; buried 4 February 2010 at Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Maitland, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife (and distant cousin) Jean Elizabeth Jennie Gillmoure, (to whom he was married 6 August 1947 at or near Shanly, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 4 November 1928 at or near Shanly, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to John Andrew Gillmoure and Mary Jane "Mae" McFadden, (to whom also refer); died 4 January 2006 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; buried 9 January 2006 at Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Maitland, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Fawnda Jane King, born 6 November 1952 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 14 October 1975 at or near Maynard, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, Robin Emery Pellett; (2) Cheryl Elizabeth King, born 3 September 1954 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married Richard Van Vlack; (3) Clarence William Roger King, born 14 May 1960 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 11 August 1984, Debra Ann Sim; (4) Laurie Jean King, born 24 August 1961 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 21 October 1989 at or near Maynard, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, Jeremy Todd Sorbie; (5) Sarah Anne Louise King, born 24 November 1964 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married, firstly, 12 October 1985 at or near Maynard, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, (with the Reverend Janet Evans, United Church of Canada, officiating), Bryan Thomas Dalley, and, secondly, Thomas Rizk.


Clarence William Roger King was born 14 May 1960 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Clarence William King Jr. and Jean Elizabeth Jennie Gillmoure, (to whom refer). His wife Debra Ann Sim, (to whom he was married 11 August 1984), was born 25 May 1962. This couple begat issue: (1) Frances Irene King, born 14 May 1987 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; (2) Nicole Elizabeth King, born 22 September 1988 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; (3) Ian King.

KING, DAVID R. / ---

David R. King was born 5 September 1876, son to James Henry King and Mary Jane Chambers, (to whom refer). His wife was ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Myrtle King; (2) Murray King; (3) Gladys King, who married --- Richardson; (4) Donald King; (5) Helen King; (6) Isabelle King; (7) Hazel King, who married --- Fuller.


Donald Clarence King was born 6 February 1913, son to Clarence William King and Ruth Mildred Wilkins, (to whom refer). His wife Eileen Major, (to whom he was married 3 June 1936), was born 18 October 1911. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Elmer King was son to William King and Nellie McAuley, (to whom refer). His wife was Ada Dodge, (to whom he was married 29 June 1929). This couple begat issue: (1) Lillian King, who married --- Rust.


Eric George King was born 23 March 1920, son to Clarence William King and Ruth Mildred Wilkins, (to whom refer); died 15 September 1991. His wife Eunice Lynette Smith was born 21 May 1920. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Frederick King was born 8 July 1877 or 9 July 1877 or 8 July 1878 (depending upon sources) in Ontario, son to James Henry King and Mary Jane Chambers, (to whom refer); died 6 December 1947; buried at the Johnstown Commons Cemetery, at or near Johnstown, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Nellie Lavery was born in or about 1883 or 1884; died 9 March 1967; buried in 1967 at the Johnstown Commons Cemetery, at or near Johnstown, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Viola King, born 22 August 1903, who married 9 April 1924, Bert Dodge; (2) Augusta King; (3) Mabel King, who married --- Rowles; (4) Bessie May King, born 31 December 1910 at or near Crystal Rock (formerly known as Limekiln), Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 16 January 1988 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, buried 19 January 1988 at Sandy Hill Cemetery, Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, (with the Reverend Canon Robert Stewart, Anglican Church, officiating), who married 1 February 1930, Howard "Hap" Preston; (5) Arnold King; (6) Delbert "Gus" King.


George Harlow King was born 3 January 1920, son to James Harlow King and Nellie Adelaide Bisnet, (to whom refer); died in February 1995. His wife Laura Johnston, (to whom he was married 12 June 1943), was born 11 June 1921. This couple begat issue: (1) Marsha Diane King, born 6 July 1944, who married 10 March 1973, Allen Gene Countryman; (2) Sandra Carol King, born 22 April 1946, who married 18 July 1970, Christopher Wayne Tuck; (3) Wayne Harlow King, born 29 November 1956, died 24 January 1993, who married 25 July 1975, Sandra Lee Kinch.


Gordon Roy King was born 6 December 1902 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Nelson King Jr. and Luella (Louella or Lowella) Jane Crowder, (to whom refer); died at Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. His wife Eva Pearl Thompson, (to whom he was married 16 October 1923 at Lillestrom, Hillsborough Rural Municipality, Saskatchewan), was born 21 September 1904 at Muir Township, Oxford County, Ontario; died at Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. This couple begat issue: (1) Alva Gordon King, born 2 May 1924 at or near Lillestrom, Hillsborough Rural Municipality, Saskatchewan, died 1 May 2010 at Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, who married 22 January 1944, Joyce Doreen Graves; (2) Viola Pearl King, born 20 March 1928 at or near Lillestrom, Hillsborough Rural Municipality, Saskatchewan, who married 18 July 1949, Frederick Mayer; (3) Gerald Ellwood King, born 27 July 1935 at or near Blaine Lake, Saskatchewan, died in infancy, unmarried, in July 1935 at or near Blaine Lake, Saskatchewan.


Jacob King was born 4 July 1870 (according to some sources and his tombstone) or 4 July 1871 (according to some sources and his own statement) in Ontario, son to James Henry King and Mary Jane Chambers, (to whom refer); died 31 December 1952; buried in 1953 at the Johnstown Commons Cemetery, at or near Johnstown, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Emma (or Emily) M. Marlowe was born 9 July 1874 in Ontario; died in 1912; buried at the Johnstown Commons Cemetery, at or near Johnstown, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Mary J. King, born 26 January 1895 in Ontario, who married Ernest Seeley; (2) William E. King, born 8 August 1897 in Ontario, died in 1951, buried at the Johnstown Commons Cemetery, at or near Johnstown, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married Pearl Reed.


James Harlow King was born 12 June 1887 or 24 June 1888 or 29 June 1888 (depending upon sources) at or near Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, son to James Milton William King and Susannah (or Susan) Harriet Beatty; died 21 May 1951 or 22 May 1951 (depending upon sources) at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Nellie Adelaide Bisnet, (to whom he was married 30 March 1910), was born 27 August 1884; died 24 August 1968. This couple begat issue: (1) Helen Vivian King, born 11 February 1911, died 28 July 1994, who married, firstly, 24 August 1939, Morris Blad, (from whom subsequently divorced), and, secondly, 16 September 1953, Thomas McKinley Porteous; (2) Dorothy Lucille King, born 8 September 1915; (3) Mildred Marrhena King, born 19 June 1917, died 14 February 1976, who married Donald James Farmer; (4) George Harlow King, born 3 January 1920, died in February 1995, who married 12 June 1943, Laura Johnston; (5) Verna Eileen King, born 16 June 1922 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 12 October 1951 at St. John's Anglican Church, Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, her third cousin John Edward Reynolds; (6) Leah Elizabeth King, born 17 October 1923, who married 4 July 1943, Beverly Royce Cameron.


James Henry King was born 17 February 1830 in Upper Canada, son to Jacob King and Martha "Patty" Flagg. His wife Mary Jane Chambers, (to whom he was married 30 October 1867 at Ogdensburg, Oswegatchie Township, St. Lawrence County, New York), was born 7 August 1849 in Canada West, daughter to John Chambers and Julianna (Juliana or Julia Ann) "Ann" Elbare (or Elbair), (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Elzinia King, born 13 October 1868, who married --- Edwards; (2) Jacob King, born 4 July 1870 (according to some sources and his tombstone) or 4 July 1871 (according to some sources and his own statement) in Ontario, died 31 December 1952, buried in 1953 at the Johnstown Commons Cemetery, at or near Johnstown, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married Emma (or Emily) M. Marlowe; (3) William King, born 11 July 1873, died 11 May 1954, who married Nellie McAuley; (4) John King, born 1 August 1875, who married ---; (5) David R. King, born 5 September 1876, who married ---; (6) Frederick King, born 8 July 1877 or 9 July 1877 or 8 July 1878 (depending upon sources) in Ontario, died 6 December 1947, buried at the Johnstown Commons Cemetery, at or near Johnstown, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married Nellie Lavery; (7) Mary Edith "Mamie" King, born 9 December 1886 in Ontario, died 11 March 1975, who married 27 September 1905, William John Burnside; (8) Percy James King, born 27 April 1890 in Ontario, died unmarried 23 January 1912.


James Milton William King was born 29 March 1866 at or near Limekiln (afterward known as Crystal Rock), Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, son to Nelson King and Elizabeth Brown, (to whom refer); christened 18 February 1867 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West; died 6 June 1938 at his residence, James Street, Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario; buried in June 1938 at Sandy Hill Cemetery, Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Susannah (or Susan) Harriet Beatty was born 19 April 1866 at or near Limekiln (afterward known as Crystal Rock), Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, daughter to John Beatty and Elizabeth Jane Taylor; died 12 September 1936 in Ontario; buried in September 1936 at Sandy Hill Cemetery, Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Maude (or Muriel) Jane King, born 21 June 1886 or 16 June 1887 (depending upon sources) in Ontario, died in 1940, who married Morton J. Caldwell; (2) James Harlow King, born 12 June 1887 or 24 June 1888 or 29 June 1888 (depending upon sources) at or near Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, died 21 May 1951 or 22 May 1951 (depending upon sources) at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 30 March 1910, Nellie Adelaide Bisnet; (3) Florence "Flossie" King, born 5 January 1889 in Ontario, died 22 February 1984, who married Donald Thomas Pearl; (4) Blanche Elizabeth "Dollie" King, born 28 October 1890 or 15 November 1890 (depending upon sources) in Ontario, who married, firstly, Grover Merrit, and, secondly, 22 September 1926, Joseph Gore; (5) Clarence William King, born 31 December 1891 in Ontario, died in 1960, who married Ruth Mildred Wilkins; (6) Ethel King, born 14 August 1893 or 16 August 1893 (depending upon sources) in Ontario, who married Charles Baker.


James William King was born 28 June 1919, son to Clarence William King and Ruth Mildred Wilkins, (to whom refer). His wife Winnifred Elsie Duncan, (to whom he was married 27 March 1941), was born 8 June 1922. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


John King was born 1 August 1865 in Canada West of uncertain parentage but brought up as a member of the King family, to whom he may probably have been related. His wife Diana "Annie" King, (to whom he was married in 1889), was born 11 August 1867 (according to some sources and her own statement) or 11 August 1868 (according to some sources) at or near Limekiln (afterward known as Crystal Rock), Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to Nelson King and Elizabeth Brown, (to whom refer); died 20 May 1941 at or near Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario; buried in 1941 at Sandy Hill Cemetery, Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) May King, born 5 January 1889 in Ontario; (2) Ella King, born 7 February 1892 in Ontario; (3) Hilda King, who married Wilfred Larmour; (4) Alfred King; (5) Norman King, born 13 May 1895 in Ontario; (6) Maude King; (7) Lloyd King.

KING, JOHN / ---

John King was born 1 August 1875, son to James Henry King and Mary Jane Chambers, (to whom refer). His wife was ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Ernest King.


John Hewitt King was son to Clarence William King and Ruth Mildred Wilkins, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Jean Dietschweiller, (to whom also refer). His first wife was Pauline ---. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of John Hewitt King and Pauline --- are presently available.


John Hewitt King was son to Clarence William King and Ruth Mildred Wilkins, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Pauline ---, (to whom also refer). His second wife was Jean Dietschweiller. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of John Hewitt King and Jean Dietschweiller are presently available.


Joseph Morris King was born 21 July 1927, son to Clarence William King and Ruth Mildred Wilkins, (to whom refer). His wife Irene Poehman was born 8 May 1923. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Nelson King was born 7 September 1837 at or near Limekiln (afterward known as Crystal Rock), Edwardsburgh Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, son to Jacob King and Martha "Patty" Flagg; died 27 May 1928 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; buried 29 May 1928 or 30 May 1928 (depending upon sources) at the Johnstown Commons Cemetery, at or near Johnstown, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Elizabeth Brown, (to whom he was married 18 November 1861 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West), was born 18 August 1845 or 18 August 1846 (depending upon sources) near Cardinal, Edwardsburgh Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Canada West, daughter to Thomas Brown and Elizabeth "Bessie" Elbare (or Elbair), (to whom refer); died 28 January 1914 at her daughter Diana's residence, Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario; buried in 1914 at the Johnstown Commons Cemetery, at or near Johnstown, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Mary Jane "Jenny" King, born 10 September 1862 (according to some sources) or 12 September 1862 (according to some sources and her own statement) or in September 1863 (according to some sources and her tombstone) at or near Limekiln (afterward known as Crystal Rock), Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, died 6 January 1942 at or near Crystal Rock (formerly known as Limekiln), Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, buried in 1942 at the Johnstown Commons Cemetery, at or near Johnstown, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married, firstly, 19 December 1882 at Grenville County, Ontario, her distant cousin Wesley Crowder, and, secondly, 18 November 1919 at Grenville County, Ontario, William Wilson Anderson; (2) Martha King, born 17 April 1864 at or near Limekiln (afterward known as Crystal Rock), Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, who married John Chambers; (3) James Milton William King, born 29 March 1866 at or near Limekiln (afterward known as Crystal Rock), Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, christened 18 February 1867 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, died 6 June 1938 at his residence, James Street, Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, buried in June 1938 at Sandy Hill Cemetery, Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, who married Susannah (or Susan) Harriet Beatty; (4) Diana "Annie" King, born 11 August 1867 (according to some sources and her own statement) or 11 August 1868 (according to some sources) at or near Limekiln (afterward known as Crystal Rock), Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 20 May 1941 at or near Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario; buried in 1941 at Sandy Hill Cemetery, Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, who married in 1889, John King; (5) Alpheus (or Alphaeus) "Alf" King, (not Alfred King as erroneously suggested or indicated by his tombstone inscription), born 4 July 1870 at or near Limekiln (afterward known as Crystal Rock), Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died unmarried 10 October 1922, buried at the Johnstown Commons Cemetery, at or near Johnstown, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario; (6) Miranda "Minnie" King, born 8 April 1872 at or near Limekiln (afterward known as Crystal Rock), Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 29 November 1939 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario, buried at Sandy Hill Cemetery, Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, who married James Christy; (7) Thomas Henry King, born 12 December 1873 at or near Limekiln (afterward known as Crystal Rock), Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died (killed) serving the Yankees in the Spanish American War, 6 November 1900 or 7 November 1900 (depending upon sources) in The Philippines, who married, firstly, in 1892 at Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence County, New York, Mary Johnston, and, secondly, Lana Cain; (8) Mariah Elizabeth "Mina" King, born 11 April 1876 at or near Limekiln (afterward known as Crystal Rock), Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 13 April 1962 at Buffalo, Erie County, New York, buried 18 April 1962 at Oakland Cemetery, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 17 December 1896 at or near Watertown, Jefferson County, New York, William Sanford Jones; (9) Nelson King Jr., born 17 December 1878 at or near Limekiln (afterward known as Crystal Rock), Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 4 July 1934 at Regina, Saskatchewan, buried 7 July 1934 at Regina, Saskatchewan, who married, firstly, 14 December 1899 (according to some sources) or 19 December 1899 (according to some sources and Registrar-General) at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, his second cousin once removed Luella (Louella or Lowella) Crowder, and, secondly, 28 April 1909 at Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Almira Cullen; (10) Byron Francis "Frank" King, born 4 April 1881 at or near Limekiln (afterward known as Crystal Rock), Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died in April 1968 at or near Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, who married Lillian Bennett; (11) Henrietta "Etta" King, born 17 March 1883 at or near Limekiln (afterward known as Crystal Rock), Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 27 October 1966 at or near Watertown, Jefferson County, New York, who married Emery Christman; (12) Robert Wesley King, born 25 February 1884 or 25 February 1885 (depending upon sources) at or near Limekiln (afterward known as Crystal Rock), Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died in infancy, unmarried, 18 August 1884 or 18 August 1885 (depending upon sources), buried in 1884 or 1885 (depending upon sources) at the Johnstown Commons Cemetery, at or near Johnstown, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario; (13) Eva Sophia King, born 8 October 1887 at or near Limekiln (afterward known as Crystal Rock), Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died early, unmarried, 5 July 1903, buried in July 1903 at the Johnstown Commons Cemetery, at or near Johnstown, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario; (14) Ida Isabella (or Isobel) King, born 14 June 1890 at or near Limekiln (afterward known as Crystal Rock), Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 24 February 1944 at or near Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, buried in 1944 at Oakland Cemetery, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 8 June 1909 at or near Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, Robert George Jacobs.


Nelson King Jr. was born 17 December 1878 at or near Limekiln (afterward known as Crystal Rock), Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Nelson King and Elizabeth Brown, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 28 April 1909 at Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Almira Cullen, (to whom also refer); died 4 July 1934 at Regina, Saskatchewan; buried 7 July 1934 at Regina, Saskatchewan. His first wife (and second cousin once removed) Luella (Louella or Lowella) Jane Crowder, (to whom he was married 14 December 1899 according to some sources or 19 December 1899 according to some sources and Registrar-General at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 21 March 1882 (according to some sources and her own statement) or 24 March 1882 (according to some sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, near Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to George Ira Crowder and Mary Elizabeth Mayhew (or Levere), (to whom likewise also refer); died 26 October 1906 at Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan; buried 29 October 1906 at Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. Nelson King Jr. and Luella (Louella or Lowella) Jane Crowder begat issue: (1) Gordon Roy King, born 6 December 1902 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, died at Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, who married 16 October 1923 at Lillestrom, Hillsborough Rural Municipality, Saskatchewan, Eva Pearl Thompson.


Nelson King Jr. was born 17 December 1878 at or near Limekiln (afterward known as Crystal Rock), Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Nelson King and Elizabeth Brown, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 14 December 1899 (according to some sources) or 19 December 1899 (according to some sources and Registrar-General) at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, his second cousin once removed Luella (Louella or Lowella) Jane Crowder, (to whom also refer); died 4 July 1934 at Regina, Saskatchewan; buried 7 July 1934 at Regina, Saskatchewan. His second wife Almira Cullen, (to whom he was married 28 April 1909 at Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan), was born 24 August 1881 at or near Orillia, Simcoe County, Ontario, daughter to Simon (or Samuel) Cullen and Rebecca Beatrice Jackson; died in November 1964 at Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Nelson King Jr. and Almira Cullen.


Theodore "Ted" King was son to William King and Nellie McAuley, (to whom refer). His wife was Wilda Payne. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Thomas Henry King was born 12 December 1873 at or near Limekiln (afterward known as Crystal Rock), Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Nelson King and Elizabeth Brown, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Lana Cain, (to whom also refer); died (killed) serving the Yankees in the Spanish-American War, 6 November 1900 or 7 November 1900 (depending upon sources) in The Philippines. His first wife Mary Johnston, (to whom he was married in 1892 at Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence County, New York), was born 28 May 1877 at or near Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to John Johnston and Nancy Burke; died in 1903; buried at Sandy Hill Cemetery, Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario. Thomas Henry King and Mary Johnston begat issue: (1) Clara Bessie King, born 26 September 1894 (according to some sources) or 4 October 1894 (according to some sources and her aunt's statement) at or near Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, died 9 April 1990, buried in 1990 at Maynard Cemetery, at or near Maynard, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 28 February 1915 at St. John's Anglican Church, Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, George Eri Chant; (2) Thomas Arthur King, born 9 December 1895, died in infancy, unmarried, 7 July 1896; (3) Susan Phyllis King, born 10 March 1897 or 10 March 1898 (depending upon sources) in Ontario, died 1 September 1975, who married Sterling Typhair.


Thomas Henry King was born 12 December 1873 at or near Limekiln (afterward known as Crystal Rock), Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Nelson King and Elizabeth Brown, (to whom refer); married, firstly, in 1892 at Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence County, New York, Mary Johnston, (to whom also refer); died (killed) serving the Yankees in the Spanish-American War, 6 November 1900 or 7 November 1900 (depending upon sources) in The Philippines. His second wife was Lana Cain. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Thomas Henry King and Lana Cain are presently available.


Wayne Harlow King was born 29 November 1956, son to George Harlow King and Laura Johnston, (to whom refer); died 24 January 1993. His wife Sandra Lee Kinch, (to whom he was married 25 July 1975), was born 24 October 1956. This couple begat issue: (1) Adam James Thomas King, born 3 December 1975; (2) Nicole Dawn King, born 15 September 1977.


William King was born 11 July 1873, son to James Henry King and Mary Jane Chambers, (to whom refer); died 11 May 1954. His wife was Nellie McAuley. This couple begat issue: (1) Elmer King, who married 29 June 1929, Ada Dodge; (2) Cecil King, who married Mabel Preston; (3) Jessica Edna King, died 1 March 1984 at Niagara Falls, Niagara Regional Municipality, Ontario, who married Edward Robertson; (4) Theodore "Ted" King, who married Wilda Payne.


William E. King was born 8 August 1897 in Ontario, son to Jacob King and Emma (or Emily) M. Marlowe, (to whom refer); died in 1951; buried at the Johnstown Commons Cemetery, at or near Johnstown, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife was Pearl Reed. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Samuel Wallace Kirchmeyer was born in 1895; died 23 April 1960 at Buffalo, Erie County, New York; buried in 1960 at Elmwood Cemetery, Buffalo, Erie County, New York. His wife Ida Fern Jones, (to whom he was married 20 December 1958 at Buffalo, Erie County, New York), was born 25 October 1906 at or near Hannawa Falls, Pierrepont Township, St. Lawrence County, New York, daughter to William Sanford Jones and Mariah Elizabeth "Mina" King, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 25 December 1932 at or near Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, George Waverly Nairn, (to whom also refer). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Samuel Wallace Kirchmeyer and Ida Fern Jones.


Gary M. Kirkham was born 4 April 1940; died 28 September 1990. His wife Vivien Irene Porteous (or Blad), (to whom he was married 24 August 1957), was born 19 February 1942, daughter to Morris Blad and Helen Vivian King, (to whom refer), afterward assuming and bearing her stepfather's surname Porteous in lieu of that of Blad. This couple begat issue: (1) Deborah Ann Kirkham, born 23 January 1958, who married 12 September 1981, Ian Pennoyer; (2) Kevin Gary Kirkham, born 31 December 1958, who married, firstly, 28 August 1980, Cheryl Cornish, and, secondly, Linda ---; (3) Mark Alexander Kirkham, born 6 September 1960, who married 17 April 1982, Keri Smith.


Kevin Gary Kirkham was born 31 December 1958, son to Gary M. Kirkham and Vivien Irene Porteous (or Blad), (to whom refer); married, secondly, Linda ---, (to whom also refer). His first wife was Cheryl Cornish, (to whom he was married 28 August 1980). Kevin Gary Kirkham and Cheryl Cornish begat issue: (1) Alicia Fae Kirkham, born 10 July 1983; (2) Brian Gary Kirkham, born 18 January 1985.


Kevin Gary Kirkham was born 31 December 1958, son to Gary M. Kirkham and Vivien Irene Porteous (or Blad), (to whom refer); married, firstly, 28 August 1980, Cheryl Cornish, (to whom also refer). His second wife was Linda ---. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Kevin Gary Kirkham and Linda --- are presently available.


Mark Alexander Kirkham was born 6 September 1960, son to Gary M. Kirkham and Vivien Irene Porteous (or Blad), (to whom refer). His wife was Keri Smith, (to whom he was married 17 April 1982). This couple begat issue: (1) Kaitlyn Joy Kirkham, born 18 January 1984; (2) Jacqueline Lee Kirkham, born 15 August 1986.


--- Kovinich. His wife Germaine LaRoche was daughter to Lucien LaRoche and Yvonne Crowder, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.



Alexis LaGroulx. His wife Loretta Josephine May Crowder, (to whom he was married 18 July ----), was born 2 December 1923, daughter to Hubert Crowder and Mary Alice Roderick, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Lucille LaGroulx, born 28 December ----.


Thomas Lake. His wife Doris Irene Reynolds was born in 1945, daughter to George Herbert Reynolds and Margaret Doris Buzzell, (to whom refer); married, secondly, John Baker, (to whom also refer). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Thomas Lake and Doris Irene Reynolds.


Charles Leigh Landon was born in 1976, son to Dennis Michael Landon and Charmaine Bunker, (to whom refer). His wife was Cherri Williams, (to whom he was married in 1995). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Dennis Michael Landon was born 8 August 1956, son to Frank Edward Henry Landon and Dorothy Bernice Hoy, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Carrie Dreidger, (to whom also refer); married, thirdly, Evette ---, (to whom likewise also refer). His first wife was Charmaine Bunker, (to whom he was married in 1975 at Vernon, North Okanagan Regional District, British Columbia and from whom subsequently divorced). Dennis Michael Landon and Charmaine Bunker begat issue: (1) Charles Leigh Landon, born in 1976, who married in 1995, Cherri Williams; (2) Tammara Marie Cheryle Landon, born in 1978.


Dennis Michael Landon was born 8 August 1956, son to Frank Edward Henry Landon and Dorothy Bernice Hoy, (to whom refer); married, firstly, in 1975 at Vernon, North Okanagan Regional District, British Columbia, Charmaine Bunker, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced); married, thirdly, Evette ---, (to whom likewise also refer). His second wife was Carrie Dreidger. Dennis Michael Landon and Carrie Dreidger begat issue: (1) Kenneth Vernon Landon, born in 1980 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.


Dennis Michael Landon was born 8 August 1956, son to Frank Edward Henry Landon and Dorothy Bernice Hoy, (to whom refer); married, firstly, in 1975 at Vernon, North Okanagan Regional District, British Columbia, Charmaine Bunker, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced); married, secondly, Carrie Dreidger, (to whom likewise also refer). His third wife was Evette ---. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Dennis Michael Landon and Evette --- are presently available.


Frank Edward Henry Landon was born 4 October 1936 or 24 October 1936 (depending upon sources) at Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Ralph Edward Landon and Laura Alberta Chant, (to whom refer); died 22 November 2012 at his residence at Johnstown, Edwardsburgh-Cardinal Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Dorothy Bernice Hoy, (to whom he was married 5 March 1955 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 23 March 1940 or 24 March 1940 (depending upon sources) at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to John Ellsworth Hoy and Rebecca Alice Sarah Maude Amelia "Peggy" Johnston. This couple begat issue: (1) Steven Reginald Frank Landon, born 12 April 1955, who married, firstly, C. Johns, and, secondly, Beatrice Mills; (2) Dennis Michael Landon, born 8 August 1956, who married, firstly, in 1975 at Vernon, North Okanagan Regional District, British Columbia, Charmaine Bunker, (from whom subsequently divorced), secondly, Carrie Dreidger, and, thirdly, Evette ---; (3) Lynda Michelle Landon, born 20 September 1959, died -- --- ----, who married, firstly, Douglas Martin, and, secondly, Paul Riddell; (4) Richard Terry Landon, born 31 August 1965 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married Nicole ---.


Ralph Edward Landon was born 28 May 1910 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario; died 17 August 1986. His wife Laura Alberta Chant, (to whom he was married 10 October 1934 at North Augusta, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 4 August 1916 on Concession 6, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to George Eri Chant and Clara Bessie King, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Roy Eri Landon, born 5 August 1935, who married Wanda Robichaud; (2) Frank Edward Henry Landon, born 4 October 1936 or 24 October 1936 (depending upon sources) at Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 22 November 2012 at his residence at Johnstown, Edwardsburgh-Cardinal Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 5 March 1955 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, Dorothy Bernice Hoy; (3) Sherman Albert Landon, born 4 March 1938, who married Eva Christie; (4) George Wesley Landon, born 19 September 1940; (5) Shirley Eileen Landon, born 13 August 1944 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 15 March 1968 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, James Thorpe.


Richard Terry Landon was born 31 August 1965 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Frank Edward Henry Landon and Dorothy Bernice Hoy, (to whom refer). His wife was Nicole ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Roy Eri Landon was born 5 August 1935, son to Ralph Edward Landon and Laura Alberta Chant, (to whom refer). His wife was Wanda Robichaud. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Sherman Albert Landon was born 4 March 1938, son to Ralph Edward Landon and Laura Alberta Chant, (to whom refer). His wife Eva Christie married, firstly, --- McGovern. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Sherman Albert Landon and Eva Christie are presently available.


Steven Reginald Frank Landon was born 12 April 1955, son to Frank Edward Henry Landon and Dorothy Bernice Hoy, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Beatrice Mills, (to whom also refer). His first wife C. Johns married, firstly, ---. In addition to the upbringing of one female child of the Wife's previous marriage who, being a "stranger in blood" as regards the Husband's family, is not to be further noted or documented in these records, Steven Reginald Frank Landon and C. Johns begat issue: (1) Steven Michael Frank Landon, born in 1976.


Steven Reginald Frank Landon was born 12 April 1955, son to Frank Edward Henry Landon and Dorothy Bernice Hoy, (to whom refer); married, firstly, C. Johns, (to whom also refer). His second wife Beatrice Mills married, firstly, --- Presley. In addition to the upbringing of one male and one female child of the Wife's previous marriage who, being "strangers in blood" as regards the Husband's family, are not to be further noted or documented in these records, Steven Reginald Frank Landon and Beatrice Mills begat issue: (1) Sandra (or Sonya) Mary Landon, born in 1981.


James Lane. His wife Gwendolyn Baker was daughter to Thomas Henry "Harry" Baker and Elsie Mae Crowder, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


--- Langford. His wife Leona Pearl was daughter to Donald Thomas Pearl and Florence "Flossie" King, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Wilfred Larmour. His wife Hilda King was daughter to John King and Diana "Annie" King, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Lucien LaRoche was born 18 October 1924. His wife Yvonne Crowder was born 7 November 1930, daughter to Hubert Crowder and Mary Alice Roderick, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Germaine LaRoche, who married --- Kovinich.


Leo Lavery was born 6 December 1903. His wife Marion Baker was born 6 April 1911, daughter to Charles Baker and Ethel King, (to whom refer); died in 1991. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Dale Lefebvre. His wife Nancy Lynn Barton was born 2 February 1952 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Clifford Earl Barton and Marguerite Lavina Gillmoure, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 6 February 1971 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, Ronald Duane Daw, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Dale Lefebvre and Nancy Lynn Barton.


Paul Lemargie was born 19 December 1908 at Seattle, King County, Washington; died 8 April 2004 at Ephrata, Grant County, Washington. His wife Harriet May Sekor was born 17 December 1915 at Seattle, King County, Washington, daughter to Levi Foster Sekor (or Seeker) and Mary Esther French, (to whom refer); died 27 August 2008 at Ephrata, Grant County, Washington. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


--- Leonard. His wife Sharon Jane Crowder, (from whom subsequently divorced), was born 3 March 1946 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Frederick Crowder and Edith Hope, (to whom refer); died foully by another hand on, about or previous to 26 January 1989 at Oxford-on-Rideau Township, near Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario in consequence of gunshot wounds inflicted during a dispute; buried 30 January 1989 at Sandy Hill Cemetery, Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


--- Lesperance. His wife Edna King was daughter to Cecil King and Mabel Preston, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Charles Lesperance, who married ---; (2) Robert Lesperance, who married ---; (3) Michael Lesperance; (4) Brenda Lesperance; (5) Lorie Lesperance.


Charles Lesperance was son to --- Lesperance and Edna King, (to whom refer). His wife was ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Charles Lesperance.


Robert Lesperance was son to --- Lesperance and Edna King, (to whom refer). His wife was ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Amy Lesperance.


David John Lewars was son to John Douglas Lewars and Ruby Alice Reynolds, (to whom refer). His wife was Barbara Pauline Edwards. This couple begat issue: (1) Matthew David Lewars, born in 1987; (2) Morgan Shirley Lewars, born in 1989.


John Douglas Lewars was born in 1927. His wife Ruby Alice Reynolds, (to whom he was married in 1953), was born in 1923, daughter to William John Reynolds and Ethel Elizabeth McFarlane, (to whom refer); died in 1998. In addition to adoption of one female child who, being a "stranger in blood" as regards the treated families, is not to be further noted or documented in these records, this couple also begat issue: (1) David John Lewars, who married Barbara Pauline Edwards.


Paul Lidster. His wife Janet Adele Martin, (to whom he was married 8 October 1983), was born a twin 2 June 1958, daughter to George Hugh Martin and June Margaret Bruckshaw, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 11 June 1977, Raymond Harold Bilson, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Paul Lidster and Janet Adele Martin are presently available.


Robert James Lillico. His wife Sheila Grace Burnside, (to whom he was married 28 January 1989 at St. Paul's United Church, Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 4 November 1964, daughter to Gerald Alton Burnside and Margaret Elizabeth Wickwire, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Charles Livingston died 30 December 1961. His wife Addie May Chambers was born 28 April 1887, daughter to William Chambers and Mary Laura Inglis (Ingles, Engles or Englis), (to whom refer); died 27 October 1974 at or near Heuvelton, Oswegatchie Township, St. Lawrence County, New York. This couple begat issue: (1) Harold Livingston; (2) Samuel Livingston, who married Mary A. ---; (3) Howard Livingston; (4) Ray Livingston.


Samuel Livingston was son to Charles Livingston and Addie May Chambers, (to whom refer). His wife was Mary A. ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


--- Lockhart. His wife Susan Bluto was daughter to --- Bluto and Jean King, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Gilles Longpr�. His wife Sandra Crowder was daughter to Wilfred Gordon Crowder and Ruby L. Murdock, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Harold Lynch was born 6 July 1898; died 28 July 1976 at or near Rochester, Monroe County, New York. His wife Edna Elizabeth Jones, (to whom he was married 4 July 1932 at or near Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 4 April 1901 at or near Newton Falls, Clifton Township, St. Lawrence County, New York, daughter to William Sanford Jones and Mariah Elizabeth "Minnie" King, (to whom refer); died 22 June 1976 at or near Rochester, Monroe County, New York; buried 25 June 1976 at White Haven Memorial Park, Pittsford, Pittsford Township, Monroe County, New York. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage; however this couple adopted one male and one female child who, being "strangers in blood" as regards the treated families, are not to be further noted or documented in these records.



Herbert Lyle Mackenzie was born 19 March 1959; died 19 March 1991 in consequence of massive head injuries sustained in a logging accident. His wife Shelley Elizabeth Harvey, (to whom he was married 24 September 1977 at Barriere, Barriere Improvement District, Thompson-Nicola Regional District, British Columbia), was born 27 February 1959 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, daughter to Philip John Harvey and Eleanor Christina Bertha Chambers, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Lyle Douglas Philip Mackenzie, born 6 June 1980; (2) Ryan Everett Mackenzie, born 28 January 1987; (3) Jarilyn Brianna Mackenzie, born 21 December 1988.


George Mallett. His wife Evelyn Typhair was daughter to Wilbert "Bud" Typhair and Eileen MacDonald, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Brent Martin. His wife Sheryl Crowder was daughter to Milton Keith Crowder and Anna I. Lyons, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


David Allan Martin was born 5 February 1952, son to Donald Lyle Martin and Sally Agnes Lukanuik, (to whom refer). His wife was Honey ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Donald Lyle Martin was born 8 June 1922, son to Howard Vinton Martin and Elena Mabel Howie, (to whom refer). His wife Sally Agnes Lukanuik, (to whom he was married 17 June 1950), was born 5 October 1925; died 19 September 2013. This couple begat issue: (1) David Allan Martin, born 5 February 1952, who married Honey ---; (2) Sandra Martin, born 20 November 1954, who married 14 May 1977, Glen Sargent; (3) Warren Donald Martin, born 19 February 1957, who married Mary ---; (4) Gail Martin, died probably unmarried.


Douglas Martin. His wife Lynda Michelle Landon was born 20 September 1959, daughter to Frank Edward Henry Landon and Dorothy Bernice Hoy, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Paul Riddell, (to whom also refer); died -- --- ----. Douglas Martin and Lynda Michelle Landon begat issue: (1) Douglas Trevor Martin, born 1 November 1978; (2) Christopher James Edward Martin, born 20 October 1980; (3) Michelle Leigh Martin, born 23 September 1985 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario.


Frederick Byron "Bun" or "Bunny" Martin was born 8 September 1905 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, son to William John Martin and Sarah Jane Crowder, (to whom refer); died 17 April 1965. His wife Winnifred Dell Hyndman, (to whom he was married 4 October 1928 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario), was born 10 October 1904 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, daughter to Robert C. Hyndman and Mary Jane Wright. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


George Hugh Martin was born 11 December 1927, son to George Ira Martin and Olive Leona Wallace, (to whom refer); died 11 January 1982. His wife June Margaret Bruckshaw, (to whom he was married 4 July 1953), was born 22 June 1929; died 23 February 1984. This couple begat issue: (1) George William Guy Martin, born 19 August 1956, who married 15 September 1979, Barbara Anne Bartlette; (2) Janet Adele Martin, born a twin 2 June 1958, who married, firstly, 11 June 1977, Raymond Harold Bilson, (from whom subsequently divorced), and, secondly, 8 October 1983, Paul Lidster; (3) Julie Anne Martin, born a twin 2 June 1958, who married 20 May 1978, Michael Wayne McNulty; (4) Heather Marie Martin, born 9 December 1968.


George Ira Martin was born 16 March 1900 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, son to William John Martin and Sarah Jane Crowder, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 5 October 1949 at or near Chelsea, West Hull Township, Gatineau County, Qu�bec, Stella Ruth Flynn, (to whom also refer); died 9 May 1969. His first wife Olive Leona Wallace, (to whom he was married 23 March 1921 at Dundas County, Ontario), was born 30 October 1899, daughter to Andrew Wallace and Mary Brown; died 27 July 1946. George Ira Martin and Olive Leona Wallace begat issue: (1) Evelyn Rose Martin, born 30 December 1921, died 23 October 1969, who married 7 February 1942, Charles Robert Kenneth Hyndman; (2) Doris Wilhamina Martin, born 10 March 1924, who married, firstly, 18 February 1944, James Edward Gillissie, and, secondly, 26 June 1976, Clarence Page; (3) Marion Lorraine Martin, born 10 September 1925, died 22 June 1992, who married 23 November 1955, William James Aubrey Hoy; (4) George Hugh Martin, born 11 December 1927, died 11 January 1982, who married 4 July 1953, June Margaret Bruckshaw; (5) Leona Joyce Martin, born 13 December 1934, who married 20 December 1952, John Raymond Patterson.


George Ira Martin was born 16 March 1900 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, son to William John Martin and Sarah Jane Crowder, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 23 March 1921 at Dundas County, Ontario, Olive Leona Wallace, (to whom also refer); died 9 May 1969. His second wife Stella Ruth Flynn, (to whom he was married 5 October 1949 at or near Chelsea, West Hull Township, Gatineau County, Qu�bec), was born 30 September 1913 at or near Chelsea, West Hull Township, Gatineau County, Qu�bec, daughter to William Patrick Flynn and Rose Dunlop; died 31 May 1987 at her residence at Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario in consequence of cardiac failure following upon an asthmatic attack; buried 3 June 1987 at St. Daniel's Roman Catholic Cemetery, South Mountain, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario. George Ira Martin and Stella Ruth Flynn begat issue: (1) John William Martin, born 21 February 1951, died 25 May 2007 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario in consequence of simultaneous failure of major internal organs following upon a lifetime of chronic asthma together with cardiac complaint, ashes buried in 2007 at St. Daniel's Roman Catholic Cemetery, South Mountain, North Dundas Township, Dundas County, Ontario, who married 19 September 1975, Sandra Simser; (2) Brian Joseph Martin, born 23 April 1954.


George William Guy Martin was born 19 August 1956, son to George Hugh Martin and June Margaret Bruckshaw, (to whom refer). His wife was Barbara Anne Bartlette, (to whom he was married 15 September 1979). This couple begat issue: (1) Nathan Guy Martin, born 24 November 1981; (2) Amber-Dawn Martin, born 19 June 1984; (3) Devon Hugh Martin, born 26 April 1986.


Graham Robert Martin was born 28 November 1929, son to William Hamilton Martin and Myrtle Agatha Maley, (to whom refer). His wife Delores Marie Gribben, (to whom he was married 15 April 1950), was born 14 November 1932. This couple begat issue: (1) Linda Anne Marie Martin, born 29 September 1953; (2) Mary Lee Martin, born 24 March 1955; (3) Deborah Anne Martin, born 8 August 1957; (4) Anne Marie Martin, born 16 October 1965; (5) Jason Robert Martin, born 20 December 1972.


Howard Vinton Martin was born 27 October 1897 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, son to William John Martin and Sarah Jane Crowder, (to whom refer); died 25 February 1923 at Carleton County, Ontario. His wife Elena Mabel Howie, (to whom he was married 1 September 1921 or 3 September 1921, depending upon sources, at Carleton County, Ontario), was born 4 March 1899 at South Gower Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to Archibald Howie (or Howey) and Jane "Jennie" Magee; died 23 August 1980. This couple begat issue: (1) Donald Lyle Martin, born 8 June 1922, who married 17 June 1950, Sally Agnes Lukanuik.


John Russell Martin was born 4 March 1894 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, son to William John Martin and Sarah Jane Crowder, (to whom refer); died 24 October 1981. His wife Janet Mabel "Jessie" Wilson, (to whom he was married 9 September 1917 or 18 September 1917, depending upon sources, at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario), was born 14 September 1893 at Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario, daughter to Matthew Wilson and Eliza ---; died 27 September 1962. This couple begat issue: (1) Ralph Wilson Martin, born 30 September 1920 at Carleton County, Ontario, died in infancy, unmarried, 1 December 1920; (2) John Ray Martin, born 23 October 1921 at Carleton County, Ontario, died in infancy, unmarried, 12 December 1921; (3) Muriel Elaine Martin, born 3 August 1927, who married 7 August 1954, Sergey Fedoroff; (4) Mary Jean Martin, born 9 December 1932.


John William Martin was born 21 February 1951, son to George Ira Martin and Stella Ruth Flynn, (to whom refer); died 25 May 2007 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario in consequence of simultaneous failure of major internal organs following upon a lifetime of chronic asthma together with cardiac complaint; ashes buried in 2007 at St. Daniel's Roman Catholic Cemetery, South Mountain, North Dundas Township, Dundas County, Ontario. His wife was Sandra Simser, (to whom he was married 19 September 1975). This couple begat issue: (1) Lisa Anne Martin, born 21 February 1977, who married Sean Williams; (2) Joanne Martin, born 5 April 1980, who married Cory Houle; (3) Kevin Martin, born 28 February 1982.


Joseph Hector Martin was born 18 January 1902 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, son to William John Martin and Sarah Jane Crowder, (to whom refer); died 20 January 1977. His wife was Enger ---. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage; however this couple adopted one male and one female child who, being "strangers in blood" as regards the treated families, are not to be further noted or documented in these records.


Warren Donald Martin was born 19 February 1957, son to Donald Lyle Martin and Sally Agnes Lukanuik, (to whom refer). His wife was Mary ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


William Hamilton Martin was born 4 August 1904 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, son to William John Martin and Sarah Jane Crowder, (to whom refer); died 25 July 1962. His wife Myrtle Agatha Maley, (to whom he was married 24 May 1922 or 24 May 1928, depending upon sources), was born 14 August 1897 or 20 August 1898 (depending upon sources) in the Dominion of Canada; died 22 December 1990 at Riverside, Riverside County, California. This couple begat issue: (1) Graham Robert Martin, born 28 November 1929, who married 15 April 1950, Delores Marie Gribben.


William John Martin was born 12 January 1865 at or near Hallville, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Canada West, son to John Martin and Sarah ---; died 1 January 1910 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario. His wife Sarah Jane Crowder, (to whom he was married 30 September 1892, not 30 September 1891 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources, at or near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario), was born 26 November 1865 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Canada West, daughter to George Ira Crowder and Ardelia Elbare, (to whom refer); bore out of wedlock, prior to marriage, by a man unrecorded, one male child, (for further records of whom refer to the entry labelled "Sarah Jane Crowder" in the "Supplementary" Section at the end of Part I. of this work); died 1 January 1941. William John Martin and Sarah Jane Crowder begat issue: (1) John Russell Martin, born 4 March 1894 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, died 24 October 1981, who married 9 September 1917 or 18 September 1917 (depending upon sources) at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario, Janet Mabel "Jessie" Wilson; (2) Joseph Hector Martin, born 18 January 1902 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, died 20 January 1977, who married Enger ---; (3) Howard Vinton Martin, born 27 October 1897 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, died 25 February 1923 at Carleton County, Ontario, who married 1 September 1921 or 3 September 1921 (depending upon sources) at Carleton County, Ontario, Elena Mabel Howie; (4) George Ira Martin, born 16 March 1900 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, died 9 May 1969, who married, firstly, 23 March 1921 at Dundas County, Ontario, Olive Leona Wallace, and, secondly, 5 October 1949 at or near Chelsea, West Hull Township, Gatineau County, Qu�bec, Stella Ruth Flynn; (5) William Hamilton Martin, born 4 August 1904 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, died 25 July 1962, who married 24 May 1922 or 24 May 1928 (depending upon sources), Myrtle Agatha Maley; (6) Frederick Byron "Bun" or "Bunny" Martin, born 8 September 1905 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, died 17 April 1965, who married 4 October 1928 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, Winnifred Dell Hyndman.


Lester Franklin Mason was born 19 December 1902 at or near Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Robert Frank Mason and Ethel Jane Crowder, (to whom refer). His wife was Mildred ---, (to whom he was married in 1906 in New York). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Robert Frank Mason was born 28 July 1870 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to James Mason and Mary ---. His wife Ethel Jane Crowder, (to whom he was married 30 December 1899 at Grenville County, Ontario), was born 14 May 1879 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to John Crowder and Agnes "Nancy" Brown, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Edith Sarah Mason, born 28 May 1900 at Grenville County, Ontario, who married 21 September 1917 at Grenville County, Ontario, Charles Hitchman; (2) Lester Franklin Mason, born 19 December 1902 at or near Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, who married in 1906 in New York, Mildred ---.


Stanley Mattson. His wife Deborah Collette, (from whom subsequently divorced), was daughter to Douglas Collette and Phyllis May Durant, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Frederick Mayer. His wife Viola Pearl King, (to whom he was married 18 July 1949), was born 20 March 1928 at or near Lillestrom, Hillsborough Rural Municipality, Saskatchewan, daughter to Gordon Roy King and Eva Pearl Thompson, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) a female child, name unavailable; (2) a female child, name unavailable; (3) a female child, name unavailable.


--- McAfee. His wife Florence Pearl was daughter to Donald Thomas Pearl and Florence "Flossie" King, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Robert Pristman, (to whom also refer). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of --- McAfee and Florence Pearl.


Daniel McCurdy was born 29 September 1947. His wife Suzanne Margaret Campbell, (to whom he was married 8 September 1973), was born 7 December 1949, daughter to Frederick Palmer "Ted" or "Teddy" Campbell and Marguerite Elizabeth Merkley, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


--- McDonald. His wife Gladys Coffey was daughter to Robert Roy Coffey and Mildred Crowder, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Arthur Marvin McFadden was born 21 September 1896 near Hyndman, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Howard Arastis McFadden and Sarah Edith Elbare, (to whom refer); died 24 July 1968 at Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario; buried in July 1968 at South Gower Cemetery, South Gower Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Lena Mae Selleck, (to whom he was married in January 1918 near Millar's Corners, Oxford-on-Rideau Township, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 28 January 1893 near Millar's Corners, Oxford-on-Rideau Township, Grenville County, Ontario; died 17 July 1972 at Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario; buried in July 1972 at South Gower Cemetery, South Gower Township, Grenville County, Ontario. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Howard Arastis McFadden was born 10 January 1869 (according to some sources and his own statement) or 10 January 1870 (according to some sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Allen McFadden and Mary Robinson; died 4 February 1956; buried in 1956 at South Gower Cemetery, South Gower Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Sarah Edith Elbare, (to whom he was married 24 May 1894 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 11 November 1868 (according to some sources and her own statement) or 11 November 1869 (according to some sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to Henry Smith Elbare (or Elbair) and Jane "Jennie" Todd, (to whom refer); died 4 July 1947; buried in July 1947 at South Gower Cemetery, South Gower Township, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Mary Jane "Mae" McFadden, born 9 June 1895 near Hyndman, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 1 August 1985 at St. Vincent de Paul Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, buried 3 August 1985 at South Gower Cemetery, South Gower Township, Grenville County, Ontario, (with the Reverend Murray Aspden officiating), who married 2 December 1914 near Hyndman, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, John Andrew Gillmoure; (2) Arthur Marvin McFadden, born 21 September 1896 near Hyndman, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 24 July 1968 at Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario, buried in July 1968 at South Gower Cemetery, South Gower Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married in January 1918 near Millar's Corners, Oxford-on Rideau Township, Grenville County, Ontario, Lena Mae Selleck; (3) Hazel Laura McFadden, born 10 May 1903 near Hyndman, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, bore out of wedlock, prior to marriage, by a man unrecorded, a female child, (for further records of whom refer to the entry labelled "Hazel Laura McFadden" in the "Supplementary" Section at the end of Part I. of this work), who married 26 October 1957 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario, Charles Truman Tuck.


--- McFarlane. His wife Elizabeth "Bessie" Elbare (or Elbair) was born probably in Lower Canada, a close kinswoman in the degree either of sister or more probably niece to John Elbare (or Elbair) who married Mary Smith (Smyth or Smythe), (to whom refer); married, secondly, Thomas Brown, (to whom also refer); died not earlier than 1848 nor later than 1850 probably at Edwardsburgh Township, Johnstown Municipal District or Grenville County, Canada West. --- McFarlane and Elizabeth "Bessie" Elbare (or Elbair) begat issue: (1) George McFarlane, born probably in or about 1835 or 1836 probably in Lower Canada, who married 27 April 1855 at Ogdensburg, Oswegatchie Township, St. Lawrence County, New York, (with Elijah White, Justice of the Peace, officiating), Hannah Jane Brown.


Charles Norman McFarlane was born 12 July 1876 (according to some sources and his own statement) or 12 July 1877 (according to some sources, but not 12 July 1886 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources) in Ontario, son to John McFarlane and Mary Jane Brown, (to whom refer); died 10 September 1949. His wife Agnes May McNeilage was born 8 November 1876 (according to some sources and her own statement) or 8 November 1877 (according to some sources, but not 8 November 1886 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources) in Ontario; died 6 September 1914. This couple begat issue: (1) John George McFarlane, born 15 December 1900 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 7 December 1988 at St. Vincent de Paul Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, buried 9 December 1988 at Maynard Cemetery, at or near Maynard, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 5 August 1925 at Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence County, New York, Arvilla "Villa" Kirkby.


Christopher McFarlane was born 13 June 1958, son to John Charles McFarlane and Margaret McCarney, (to whom refer). His wife was ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Christina Elise McFarlane, born 21 May 1984.


George McFarlane was born probably in or about 1835 or 1836 probably in Lower Canada, son to --- McFarlane and Elizabeth "Bessie" Elbare (or Elbair), (to whom refer). His wife Hannah Jane Brown, (to whom he was married 27 April 1855 at Ogdensburg, Oswegatchie Township, St. Lawrence County, New York, with Elijah White, Justice of the Peace, officiating), was born probably in or about 1835 or 1836. This couple begat issue: (1) William McFarlane, born 12 September 1855 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, christened 30 April 1856 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West; (2) Thomas McFarlane, born 25 September 1857 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, christened 30 October 1858 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West; (3) Margaret McFarlane, born 21 December 1859 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, died 6 March 1932 at or near Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 10 March 1877 at Grenville County, Ontario, Charles Sayeau; (4) Maria Jane McFarlane, born in or about December 1866 probably at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, died at Oswego County, New York, buried at or near Parish, Parish Township, Oswego County, New York, who married 18 January 1882 at Grenville County, Ontario, her distant cousin Robert Hamilton.


George Wesley McFarlane was born 3 March 1872, son to John McFarlane and Mary Jane Brown, (to whom refer). His wife was Catherine Lange. This couple begat issue: (1) Mary McFarlane, who married John Schwab.


James Milton McFarlane was born 21 September 1869 (according to some sources) or 21 September 1870 (according to some sources and his own statement) in Ontario, son to John McFarlane and Mary Jane Brown, (to whom refer); died 14 September 1945. His wife Evalina Wallace was born 25 December 1872 (according to some sources and her own statement) or 25 December 1875 (according to some sources, but not 20 February 1895 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources) in Ontario; died 3 October 1915. This couple begat issue: (1) Mary Almira McFarlane, born 1 January 1896 in Ontario, died 13 June 1965, who married 11 May 1915, William Harold "Will" Perrin; (2) John McFarlane, born a twin 11 October 1897, died in infancy, unmarried, 12 October 1897; (3) Charles McFarlane, born a twin 11 October 1897, died in infancy, unmarried, 13 October 1897; (4) Emma Laura McFarlane, born 7 June 1899 in Ontario, died 29 September 1974, buried at Maynard Cemetery, at or near Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 17 January 1923, Edgar Leslie "Eddie" Rowe; (5) James Willard McFarlane, born 12 August 1901, died unmarried 19 May 1970; (6) Eva Blanche McFarlane, born 10 November 1903, who married 24 December 1924, Arthur Edward Ertel; (7) George Ira McFarlane, born 23 August 1906, died early, unmarried, 18 July 1909; (8) Wallace Gerald McFarlane, born 29 October 1908, died unmarried 27 March 1932; (9) Annie Viola McFarlane, born 1 August 1911, who married 3 June 1933, Norman Gerald Saunders.


John McFarlane was born in 1830; died in 1893. His wife Mary Jane Brown, (to whom he was married 25 December 1855 or 26 December 1855, depending upon sources, at Ogdensburg, Oswegatchie Township, St. Lawrence County, New York, with Elijah White, Justice of the Peace, officiating), was born 28 March 1836 in Upper Canada, daughter to Thomas Brown and Elizabeth "Bessie" Elbare (or Elbair), (to whom refer); died in March 1922. This couple begat issue: (1) Elizabeth McFarlane, born 26 September 1856, who married Frank Homer; (2) William John "Will" McFarlane, born 23 August 1858, who married Mary Jane Simmons (or Simons); (3) Elias McFarlane, born 24 June 1860; (4) Thomas Henry McFarlane, born 3 June 1861; (5) Mary Ann McFarlane, born 2 June 1863; (6) Nancy Agnes McFarlane, born 16 March 1856 (according to some sources) or 16 March 1865 (according to some sources and her own statement) in Canada West, died 15 February 1950, buried in 1950 at Maynard Cemetery, at or near Maynard, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 21 December 1897 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, Thomas McLatchie Hunter; (7) Emily "Emma" McFarlane, born 9 July 1867, died in 1958, buried at Maynard Cemetery, at or near Maynard, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married, firstly, Albert Beattie, and, secondly, Charles Ira Wallace; (8) James Milton McFarlane, born 21 September 1869 (according to some sources) or 21 September 1870 (according to some sources and his own statement) in Ontario, died 14 September 1945, who married Evalina Wallace; (9) George Wesley McFarlane, born 3 March 1872, who married Catherine Lange; (10) Peter Francis McFarlane, born 20 November 1874; (11) Charles Norman McFarlane, born 12 July 1876 (according to some sources and his own statement) or 12 July 1877 (according to some sources, but not 12 July 1886 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources) in Ontario, died 10 September 1949, who married Agnes May McNeilage.


John Charles McFarlane was born 12 February 1928, son to John George McFarlane and Arvilla "Villa" Kirkby, (to whom refer). His wife was Margaret McCarney, (to whom he was married in or about 1955 or 1956). This couple begat issue: (1) Sharon McFarlane, who married Ren� Schoemaker; (2) Christopher McFarlane, born 13 June 1958, who married ---; (3) Joseph McFarlane, born 9 May 1960; (4) Mary Ann McFarlane, born 16 February 1965, who married 10 September 1988 at St. Mark's Roman Catholic Church, Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, Robert Dixon; (5) Margo McFarlane, born 22 July 1968.


John George McFarlane was born 15 December 1900 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Charles Norman McFarlane and Agnes May McNeilage, (to whom refer); died 7 December 1988 at St. Vincent de Paul Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; buried 9 December 1988 at Maynard Cemetery, at or near Maynard, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Arvilla "Villa" Kirkby, (to whom he was married 5 August 1925 at Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence County, New York), died in 1988. This couple begat issue: (1) John Charles McFarlane, born 12 February 1928, who married in or about 1955 or 1956, Margaret McCarney.


Percy McFarlane. His wife Gladys Crowder was daughter to James Edward Crowder and Minnie Watkins, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


William John "Will" McFarlane was born 23 August 1858, son to John McFarlane and Mary Jane Brown, (to whom refer). His wife Mary Jane Simmons (or Simons) was born in or about 1864 or 1865, daughter to Solomon Simmons (or Simons) and Elizabeth Watson; died in 1935. This couple begat issue: (1) Harvey McFarlane, who married ---; (2) Dora McFarlane, who married Wilfred Rice; (3) Ethel Elizabeth McFarlane, born in 1890, died in 1939, who married William John Reynolds.


Roy McGaw was born in or about 1887 or 1888 in New York. His wife Agnes E. Elbare, (to whom he was married in or about 1925 or 1926), was born in or about February 1898 or in or about 1900 (depending upon sources) in New York, daughter to William Freeman Elbare and Agnes A. ---, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Ralph E. Dennis, (to whom also refer); died in 1970; buried at Martin Cemetery, Lisbon Township, St. Lawrence County, New York. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Roy McGaw and Agnes E. Elbare are presently available.


Derek McGuire was born 2 December 1972 at Ajax, Durham County, Ontario, son to John McGuire and Frances ---. His wife Holly Kate Madeline Workman, (to whom he was married 26 July 2003), was born 29 January 1976, daughter to Edward Sandy Workman and Patricia Elizabeth Benson, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


James McKay. His wife Barbara Reynolds was daughter to William Franklin Reynolds and Lottie Gertrude Pearson, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Debra McKay; (2) Heather McKay.


John McLaughlin was born 31 July 1856 in New York, son to John McLaughlin and Jenny Hunter. His wife Elizabeth "Lizzie" Crowder, (to whom he was married 10 May 1887 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 12 February 1864 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, daughter to Joseph Crowder and Mary Jane "Janie" or "Jennie" Elbare (Elbair or Elbert), (to whom refer); married, firstly, 15 March 1883 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, (with the Reverend William F. Perley, Methodist Church, officiating), Robert Smith, (to whom also refer). John McLaughlin and Elizabeth "Lizzie" Crowder begat issue: (1) Jennie Charlotte McLaughlin, born 21 December 1888 at Grenville County, Ontario; (2) Clyve Renwick McLaughlin, born 11 January 1904 at York County, Ontario.


Avery Milton McLymond was born 8 December 1875 in New York, son to William Harrison McLymond and Helen J. Burgess; married, secondly, in 1907, Beulah E. ---; died in 1943; buried at Union Settlement Cemetery, at or near West Monroe, West Monroe Township, Oswego County, New York. His first wife Ida E. Hamilton, (to whom he was married in or about 1894), was born in or about December 1873 in New York, daughter to Hiram H. Hamilton and Rosena Adell (or Adele) Sherman, (to whom refer); died in 1904; buried at Union Settlement Cemetery, at or near West Monroe, West Monroe Township, Oswego County, New York. Avery Milton McLymond and Ida E. Hamilton begat issue: (1) Floyd Avery McLymond, born 27 August 1894 at or near West Monroe, West Monroe Township, Oswego County, New York (and inaccurately and incorrectly mistakenly recorded in some sources as Flora A. McLymond, although in point of fact no such additional child ever actually existed), died 20 September 1950 in New York, who married 30 June 1915 at Oswego County, New York, Gail G. Dunn.


Floyd Avery McLymond was born 27 August 1894 at or near West Monroe, West Monroe Township, Oswego County, New York, son to Avery Milton McLymond and Ida E. Hamilton, (to whom refer); died 20 September 1950 in New York. His wife Gail G. Dunn, (to whom he was married 30 June 1915 at Oswego County, New York), was born 15 January 1904 at or near North Constantia, Constantia Township, Oswego County, New York, daughter to Homer Washington Dunn and Theodora Lucinda "Theo" Peck; married, secondly, Clarence E. Batchelor; died 15 January 1985 at or near Bernhard's Bay, Constantia Township, Oswego County, New York; buried in 1985 at Webster Rural Cemetery, at or near Webster, Webster Township, Monroe County, New York. Floyd Avery McLymond and Gail G. Dunn begat issue: (1) Milton Lynn McLymond, born 6 May 1918 at or near Caughdenoy, Hastings Township, Oswego County, New York, died 1 March 1998, who married ---.


Lynn McLymond was son to Milton Lynn McLymond and ---, (to whom refer). His wife was ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Troy McLymond; (2) Andrew McLymond.


Milton Lynn McLymond was born 6 May 1918 at or near Caughdenoy, Hastings Township, Oswego County, New York, son to Floyd Avery McLymond and Gail G. Dunn, (to whom refer); died 1 March 1998. His wife was ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Lynn McLymond, who married ---; (2) Kevin McLymond; (3) Dana McLymond.


Elgin McMonagle died in 1955. His wife Lillian Bell Chambers was born 16 December 1884, daughter to William Chambers and Mary Laura Inglis (Ingles, Engles or Englis), (to whom refer); died 17 December 1967. This couple begat issue: (1) Lola McMonagle, died unmarried 3 February 1965.


Michael Wayne McNulty. His wife Julie Anne Martin, (to whom he was married 20 May 1978), was born a twin 2 June 1958, daughter to George Hugh Martin and June Margaret Bruckshaw, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Al McWhirter. His wife Marion Crowe was born in 1929 in Saskatchewan, daughter to Thomas Archibald Crowe and Adeline Belle "Ada", "Adda" or "Addie" Crowder, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable; (2) a male child, name unavailable; (3) a female child, name unavailable.


Albert "Bert" Merkley. His wife Pearl Beattie was daughter to Albert Beattie and Emily "Emma" McFarlane, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Albert Merkley, who married Eileen Fairfield; (2) Helen Merkley, who married Gerald Connell; (3) Marguerite Merkley, who married Delphin Mills.


Albert Merkley was son to Albert "Bert" Merkley and Pearl Beattie, (to whom refer). His wife was Eileen Fairfield. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Edmund James Merkley was born in 1908; died 12 June 1986. His wife Lucille Susan Harriet King was born 4 December 1916, daughter to Clarence William King and Ruth Mildred Wilkins, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Percy Earl Baker, (to whom also refer); died 1 June 1981. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Edmund James Merkley and Lucille Susan Harriet King are presently available.


William Cecil Merkley. His wife Mary Elsie Burnside was born 23 October 1906 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to William John Burnside and Mary Edith "Mamie" King, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 20 August 1924, William Holliday, (to whom also refer); died 24 May 1985 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; buried 27 May 1985 at Mainsville Cemetery, at or near Mainsville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, (with the Reverend Helen Wilson, United Church of Canada, officiating). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of William Cecil Merkley and Mary Elsie Burnside are presently available.


Grover Merrit. His wife Blanche Elizabeth "Dollie" King was born 28 October 1890 or 15 November 1890 (depending upon sources) in Ontario, daughter to James Milton William King and Susannah (or Susan) Harriet Beatty, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 22 September 1926, Joseph Gore, (to whom also refer). Grover Merrit and Blanche Elizabeth "Dollie" King begat issue: (1) James Merrit, who married, firstly, Ruth ---, and, secondly, Angie ---; (2) Ethel "Prim" Merrit, who married Blake Wheeler; (3) John Merrit, who married Nadine Mildred Gamble.


James Merrit was son to Grover Merrit and Blanche Elizabeth "Dollie" King, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Angie ---, (to whom also refer). His first wife was Ruth ---. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of James Merrit and Ruth --- are presently available.


James Merrit was son to Grover Merrit and Blanche Elizabeth "Dollie" King, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Ruth ---, (to whom also refer). His second wife was Angie ---. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of James Merrit and Angie --- are presently available.


John Merrit was son to Grover Merrit and Blanche Elizabeth "Dollie" King, (to whom refer). His wife was Nadine Mildred Gamble. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Albert Miller was son to Andrew Miller and Mary Jane "Mae" Beattie, (to whom refer). His wife was ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Andrew Miller. His wife Mary Jane "Mae" Beattie was daughter to Albert Beattie and Emily "Emma" McFarlane, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Henry Miller, who married ---; (2) Stanley Miller, who married ---; (3) Albert Miller, who married ---; (4) Raymond Miller, who married ---; (5) Helen Miller, who married Philip Easter.


Fred Hale Miller was born 27 February 1900; died 4 February 1970. His wife Miriam Gertrude Clark, (to whom he was married 24 November 1938), was born 9 September 1905 at Carleton County, Ontario, daughter to William John Clark and Emma Lillian Allen, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 26 July 1929 or 29 July 1929 (depending upon sources), Emile Arthur Tessier, (to whom also refer). Fred Hale Miller and Miriam Gertrude Clark begat issue: (1) Fred Hale Miller II., born 27 February 1942 at Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan, died 25 June 1988 at Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan, who married 12 June 1965, Ruth Vivian Flower.


Fred Hale Miller II. was born 27 February 1942 at Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan, son to Fred Hale Miller and Miriam Gertrude Clark, (to whom refer); died 25 June 1988 at Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan. His wife Ruth Vivian Flower, (to whom he was married 12 June 1965), was born 4 April 1940. This couple begat issue: (1) Donald Thomas Miller, born 20 December 1965; (2) Kathleen Marie Miller, born 2 April 1969.


Henry Miller was son to Andrew Miller and Mary Jane "Mae" Beattie, (to whom refer). His wife was ---. This couple begat issue: (1) John Miller.


Raymond Miller was son to Andrew Miller and Mary Jane "Mae" Beattie, (to whom refer). His wife was ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Dorothy Miller, who married, firstly, ---, and, secondly, ---.


Stanley Miller was son to Andrew Miller and Mary Jane "Mae" Beattie, (to whom refer). His wife was ---. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Delphin Mills. His wife Marguerite Merkley was daughter to Albert Merkley and Pearl Beattie, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Charles Mills; (2) Sandra Mills.


Geoffrey Roland Mills was born 5 January 1949. His wife Elizabeth Anne Abel, (to whom he was married 5 September 1970), was born 27 June 1949, daughter to George Gareau Abel and Alma Beverley Crowder, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Gerald Frederick Mizelle was son to Jesse Fred Mizelle and Minnie Louise Dickson. His wife Marion Jones Nairn, (to whom he was married 16 April 1962 at or near Neu-Ulm, Swabia District, Bavaria State, Federal Republic of Germany and from whom subsequently divorced in 1973), was born 12 April 1936 at or near Warsaw, Warsaw Township, Wyoming County, New York, daughter to George Waverly Nairn and Ida Fern Jones, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) David Brett Mizelle, born 17 December 1967 at Buffalo, Erie County, New York; (2) Amy Faye Mizelle, born 7 November 1970 at Buffalo, Erie County, New York.


Michael Morran (Moran, Morren, Morreau or Morrow) was born in or about 1859 or 1860 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, son to William Morran (Moran, Morren, Morreau or Morrow) and Mary Rainey. His wife Eliza Elbare, (to whom he was married 9 January 1889 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario), was born in or about 1860 or 1861 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, daughter to Robert "Bob" Elbare (Ellbare or Elbair) and Elizabeth Ingles (Inglis, Englis or Engles), (to whom refer); died in 1946; buried at Harrisville Cemetery, Harrisville, Diana Township, Lewis County, New York. This couple begat issue: (1) Raleigh Morran, died early, unmarried, in 1891, buried at Harrisville Cemetery, Harrisville, Diana Township, Lewis County, New York; (2) Margaret Morran, died in 1961, buried at Harrisville Cemetery, Harrisville, Diana Township, Lewis County, New York.


Michael Thomas Morris was born 19 January 1955, son to William Nelson Morris and Gloria Dawn Crowder, (to whom refer). His wife Rebecca Sue "Becky" Lefler, (to whom he was married 28 August 1975), was born 26 November 1953. This couple begat issue: (1) Heather Christina Morris, born 15 October 1976; (2) Briana Erin Morris, born 5 December 1978.


William Nelson Morris was born 2 September 1925. His wife Gloria Dawn Crowder, (to whom he was married 10 June 1948), was born 2 June 1929 at or near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Gerald Burnaby Crowder and Ethel Matilda Douglas, (to whom refer); died in or about 1989 or 1990 in West Virginia. This couple begat issue: (1) Sharon Elizabeth Morris, born 7 January 1951 or 7 December 1951 (depending upon sources) in West Virginia, who married 27 October 1972, Vernon Ray Staats; (2) Michael Thomas Morris, born 19 January 1955, who married 28 August 1975, Rebecca Sue "Becky" Lefler.


Thomas Morrison. His wife Eileen Pearl was daughter to Donald Thomas Pearl and Florence "Flossie" King, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


James Mosher. His wife Luella Crowder was born in or about 1913 or 1914 at or near Craik, Saskatchewan, daughter to Henry Orval Crowder and Lydia Joanna "Annie" Tinkess, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Arthur Woodworth, (to whom also refer). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of James Mosher and Luella Crowder are presently available.


Michael Grant Moulton was born 19 May 1965 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Russell Grant Moulton and Sharon Rose Cook, (to whom refer). His wife Shannon Marie Pitts, (to whom he was married 13 August 1988 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 17 November 1965 at Cobourg, Northumberland County, Ontario, daughter to Francis James Pitts and Anastasia Kowlchuk. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Russell Grant Moulton was born 31 December 1945 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Sharon Rose Cook, (to whom he was married 7 November 1964 at or near Braeside, Renfrew County, Ontario), was born 18 September 1946 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Milburn (or Milbourne) Cook and Dora Rose Gillmoure, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Michael Grant Moulton, born 19 May 1965 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married, 13 August 1988 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, Shannon Marie Pitts; (2) Mark Russell Moulton, born 4 December 1968 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; (3) Lelah Michelle Rose Moulton, born 28 September 1971 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario.


Richard Stanley Mowry was born in or about 1910 or 1911, son to Wellington Stanley Mowry and Margaret Crowder, (to whom refer). His wife was Gloria Joan Irish. This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable; (2) a male child, name unavailable; (3) a male child, name unavailable; (4) a female child, name unavailable; (5) a male child, name unavailable.


Wellington Stanley Mowry was born 23 April 1885 at Peterborough, Peterborough County, Ontario, son to John Mowry and Annie Hill; died 18 July 1963. His wife Margaret Crowder, (to whom he was married 2 April 1907 at Carleton County, Ontario), was born 27 April 1890 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to Charles Crowder and Elizabeth Baldwin, (to whom refer); died 26 September 1968 at Chapleau Township, Sudbury District, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Margaret Elizabeth Mowry, born 26 June 1909 at Carelton County, Ontario, died in February 1968 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario, who married Albert Francis Hills; (2) Richard Stanley Mowry, born in or about 1910 or 1911, who married Gloria Joan Irish.


Pierce Victor Munsey was born 25 October 1910 in Washington, son to Seth A. "Dell" Munsey and Therzah L. "Terry" Sekor (or Seeker), (to whom refer); died 26 September 1967 at Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington. His wife Ruby Sybille Hartman, (to whom he was married 29 June 1943 at Thurston County, Washington), was born 16 February 1910; married, firstly, Cyril Oscar Johnson; died 4 December 1970 at Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Pierce Victor Munsey and Ruby Sybille Hartman are presently available.


Seth A. "Dell" Munsey was born in or about 1872 or 1873 in New York; died 4 February 1948 at Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington. His wife Therzah L. "Terry" Sekor (or Seeker), (to whom he was married in Washington), was born in November 1876 at St. Lawrence County, New York, daughter to Hiram Sekor (Seker, Seeker, Secor or Secker) and Susannah Crowder, (to whom refer); died 22 November 1970 at Puyallup, Pierce County, Washington. This couple begat issue: (1) Pierce Victor Munsey, born 25 October 1910 in Washington, died 26 September 1967 at Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington, who married 29 June 1943 at Thurston County, Washington, Ruby Sybille Hartman.


Milton J. Murdock was born 18 August 1900 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, son to Robert Murdock and Valeria Wylie; died 23 June 1967 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario; buried in June 1967 at Knight's (otherwise known as Inkerman Old) Cemetery, at or near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario. His wife Verna Pearl Crowder, (to whom he was married 8 November 1923 in Ontario), was born 17 August 1904 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, daughter to William Arkley Royal Crowder and Emma Isabella Kendrick, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 26 April 1975 at South Mountain, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, Ernest Franklin Bryan, (to whom also refer); died 22 August 1991 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario; buried in August 1991 at Knight's (otherwise known as Inkerman Old) Cemetery, at or near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario. Milton J. Murdock and Verna Pearl Crowder begat issue: (1) Ray M. Murdock, born in 1925, died in infancy, unmarried, in 1926, buried at Knight's (otherwise known as Inkerman Old) Cemetery, at or near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario; (2) Ruby L. Murdock, born in 1924 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, died 23 June 2009 at Ottawa City, Ontario, who married Wilfred Gordon Crowder.



George Waverly Nairn was born 6 February 1895, son to Charles John Nairn and Belle Jones; died 28 October 1955 at or near Warsaw, Warsaw Township, Wyoming County, New York. His wife Ida Fern Jones, (to whom he was married 25 December 1932 at or near Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 25 October 1906 at or near Hannawa Falls, Pierrepont Township, St. Lawrence County, New York, daughter to William Sanford Jones and Mariah Elizabeth King, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 20 December 1958 at Buffalo, Erie County, New York, Samuel Wallace Kirchmeyer, (to whom also refer). George Waverly Nairn and Ida Fern Jones begat issue: (1) Sallie Jane Nairn, born 19 November 1933 at or near Warsaw, Warsaw Township, Wyoming County, New York, who married 18 June 1955, Harold Lee Flanagan Jr.; (2) Marion Jones Nairn, born 12 April 1936 at or near Warsaw, Warsaw Township, Wyoming County, New York, who married 16 April 1962 at or near Neu-Ulm, Swabia District, Bavaria State, Federal Republic of Germany, Gerald Frederick Mizelle, (from whom subsequently divorced in 1973); (3) George Waverly Nairn Jr., born 27 September 1937 at or near Warsaw, Warsaw Township, Wyoming County, New York, who married 27 May 1972 at Monroe, Monroe County, Michigan, Susan Elizabeth Kuron.


George Waverly Nairn Jr. was born 27 September 1937 at or near Warsaw, Warsaw Township, Wyoming County, New York, son to George Waverly Nairn and Ida Fern Jones, (to whom refer). His wife Susan Elizabeth Kuron, (to whom he was married 27 May 1972 at Monroe, Monroe County, Michigan), was born 3 January 1947 at Dearborn, Wayne County, Michigan, daughter to Frank Kuron and Florence Surpick. This couple begat issue: (1) Maureen Elizabeth Nairn, born 12 September 1973 at Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan; (2) Daniel Kuron Nairn, born 22 June 1977 at Royal Oak, Oakland County, Michigan; (3) Adrienne Mary Florence Ida Nairn, born 18 February 1984 at Royal Oak, Oakland County, Michigan.


--- Nystrom. His wife Amelia Baker was daughter to Thomas Henry "Harry" Baker and Elsie Mae Crowder, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.



Charles Ronald O'Brien was born 30 July 1950 at Alexandria, Glengarry County, Ontario. His wife Penny Lavina Barton, (to whom he was married 7 October 1978 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 13 September 1950 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Clifford Earl Barton and Marguerite Lavina Gillmoure, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Holly Lavina O'Brien, born 19 September 1980 at Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario; (2) Kevin Charles O'Brien, born 25 April 1983 at Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario.


Clifford Francis O'Brien was born 27 July 1932. His wife Mary Leona Maria Chambers, (to whom he was married 30 June 1955 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario), was born 25 December 1933 at or near Brouseville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to Earl Chambers and Edna Pearl Reid, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Gwendolyn Mary O'Brien, born 6 December 1956 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario; (2) Derik Francis O'Brien, born 21 May 1958 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario; (3) Shawn David O'Brien, born 25 July 1960 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario; (4) Daryl Robert O'Brien, born 23 May 1970 at Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario.


Dennis Oliver was born out of wedlock 15 October 1946 at St. George's Wood, Haslemere Urban District, Surrey County, England, son to Elwood Hunter "Eddie" Dennis by one Kathleen Lillian Gardiner, (to whom refer in the entry labelled "Kathleen Lillian Gardiner" in the "Supplementary" Section at the end of Part I. of this work), bearing, in accordance with then-prevailing English law and custom, his mother's marital surname Oliver which she still legally bore. His wife Michelle Powers was born 25 June 1960 at St. George's Wood, Haslemere Urban District, Surrey County, England. This couple begat issue: (1) Eddy Oliver, born 19 April 1983; (2) Peter Oliver, born 23 October 1984 at St. Luke's Hospital, Guildford, Guildford Municipal Borough, Surrey County, England.


Gerald Ottenbreit. His wife Ida Laura Chambers was born 13 February 1925, daughter to Roy Chambers and Bertha Agnes Ostrom, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.



Clarence Page was born 31 March 1915. His wife Doris Wilhamina Martin, (to whom he was married 26 June 1976), was born 10 March 1924, daughter to George Ira Martin and Olive Leona Wallace, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 18 February 1944, James Edward Gillissie, (to whom also refer). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Clarence Page and Doris Wilhamina Martin.


Gary R. Paquin was born 23 July 1954; died in 2006. His wife Dorothy Ann Reynolds, (to whom he was married 27 June 1975 and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 21 June 1958, daughter to John Edward Reynolds and Verna Eileen King, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Michael Bisaillon, (to whom also refer). Gary R. Paquin and Dorothy Ann Reynolds begat issue: (1) Lorraine Marie Paquin, born 30 December 1975; (2) Michelle Marie Paquin, born 20 July 1978.


Patrick D. Passmore. His wife Frances M. Clark was daughter to Frederick George Clark and ---, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Constant T. Pattat (Pattatt, Pettit, Pallat, Pallatt or Pellett) was born 28 February 1836 at or near Little France, Hastings Township, Oswego County, New York, son to Jean Jacques "James" Pattat (Pattatt, Pettit, Pallat, Pallatt or Pellett) and Madeleine (or Madeline) Taiclet (or Tackley); married, firstly, in or about 1863 or 1864, Mary Ann Snavlin; died 9 October 1924 at or near Oswego, Oswego County, New York. His wife Hannah Elbare was born 25 September 1861 in New York, daughter to John Elbare (or Elbair) and Margaret Boden, (to whom refer); died 3 January 1947 at or near Oswego, Oswego County, New York. Constant T. Pattat (Pattatt, Pettit, Pallat, Pallatt or Pellett) and Hannah Elbare begat issue: (1) Lottie (or Lettie) May Pattat (Pattatt, Pettit, Pallat, Pallatt or Pellett), born 27 September 1887 in New York; died in 1963; (2) Leila Ruth Pattat (Pattatt, Pettit, Pallat, Pallatt or Pellett), born 17 December 1894 or 18 December 1894 (depending upon sources) in New York, died 30 January 1996 at Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York, who married 8 December 1915, Charles Birdseye.


Carl Edward Patterson was born 18 February 1961, son to John Raymond Patterson and Leona Joyce Martin, (to whom refer). His wife was Carol Tegano, (to whom he was married 18 January 1985). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Frederick James Patterson was born 31 July 1926 at Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario, son to James Patterson and Carrie Jane Clark, (to whom refer); died 27 January 1994 at University Hospital, London, Middlesex County, Ontario; buried in 1994 at Maple Ridge Cemetery, Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario. His wife Margaret Elizabeth Jackson, (to whom he was married 14 September 1946 at St. John's United Church, Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 5 September 1924 at or near Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to John McClintock Jackson and Isabella Agnes Dickson. This couple begat issue: (1) William James Patterson, born 14 February 1950 at Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 1 June 1974, Catherine Helen O'Reilly; (2) Shirley Elizabeth Patterson, born 27 May 1953 at Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 13 July 1974, William Garnet Barber; (3) Ronald Frederick Patterson, born 4 February 1956 at Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 26 August 1983, Laura Anne Robidoux; (4) Murray Rae Patterson, born 26 April 1961 at Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario, who married Vickee ---, (from whom subsequently divorced).


Gary Raymond Patterson was born 12 April 1953, son to John Raymond Patterson and Leona Joyce Martin, (to whom refer). His wife was Virginia Veronica Webber, (to whom he was married 22 August 1981). This couple begat issue: (1) Jessica Patterson, born 17 May 1983.


Glen Richard Patterson was born 25 February 1958, son to John Raymond Patterson and Leona Joyce Martin, (to whom refer). His wife was Lynn Blaikely, (to whom he was married 5 November 1977). This couple begat issue: (1) Amanda Lynn Patterson, born 17 August 1980; (2) Jeffrey Richard Patterson, born 27 July 1983.


James Patterson was born 28 May 1877 at Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario, son to Richard Patterson and Eliza A. Stringer; died 23 March 1958. His wife Carrie Jane Clark, (to whom he was married 11 March 1903 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario), was born 11 July 1884 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, daughter to Elijah Van Camp Clark and Margaret Elizabeth Crowder, (to whom refer); died 13 August 1961. This couple begat issue: (1) Wilda Mae Patterson, born 22 February 1925, died 13 August 1961, who married 26 March 1942, Edgar Lorne Turner; (2) Frederick James Patterson, born 31 July 1926 at Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario, died 27 January 1994 at University Hospital, London, Middlesex County, Ontario, buried in 1994 at Maple Ridge Cemetery, Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario, who married 14 September 1946 at St. John's United Church, Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario, Margaret Elizabeth Jackson.


John Raymond Patterson was born 8 February 1932. His wife Leona Joyce Martin, (to whom he was married 20 December 1952), was born 13 December 1934, daughter to George Ira Martin and Olive Leona Wallace, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Gary Raymond Patterson, born 12 April 1953, who married 22 August 1981, Virginia Veronica Webber; (2) Allan Douglas Patterson, born 23 November 1956; (3) Glen Richard Patterson, born 25 February 1958, who married 5 November 1977, Lynn Blaikely; (4) Carl Edward Patterson, born 18 February 1961, who married 18 January 1985, Carol Tegano; (5) Kathy Leona Patterson, born 21 February 1968; (6) Karen Elaine Patterson, born 13 August 1972.


Murray Rae Patterson was born 26 April 1961 at Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Frederick James Patterson and Margaret Elizabeth Jackson, (to whom refer). His wife was Vickee ---, (from whom subsequently divorced). No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Ronald Frederick Patterson was born 4 February 1956 at Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Frederick James Patterson and Margaret Elizabeth Jackson, (to whom refer). His wife Laura Anne Robidoux, (to whom he was married 26 August 1983), was born in 1957 at Cornwall, Stormont County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Spencer Thomas Patterson, born 16 May 1990; (2) Leia Caitlyn Patterson, born 6 March 1992.


William James Patterson was born 14 February 1950 at Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Frederick James Patterson and Margaret Elizabeth Jackson, (to whom refer). His wife Catherine Helen O'Reilly, (to whom he was married 1 June 1974), was born in 1952 at Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Natalie Eleanor Mae Patterson, born 1 March 1978; (2) Tyler James McClintock Patterson, born 9 July 1980.


Clarence Pearl was son to Donald Thomas Pearl and Florence "Flossie" King, (to whom refer). His wife was Dorothy ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Donald Thomas Pearl. His wife Florence "Flossie" King was born 5 January 1889 in Ontario, daughter to James Milton William King and Susannah (or Susan) Harriet Beatty, (to whom refer); died 22 February 1984. This couple begat issue: (1) Geraldine Pearl, who married Roy Smith; (2) Clarence Pearl, who married Dorothy ---; (3) Marjorie Pearl, who married --- Taylor; (4) Florence Pearl, who married, firstly, Robert Pristman, and, secondly, --- McAfee; (5) Eileen Pearl, who married Thomas Morrison; (6) Dorothy Pearl, who married Robert Allen; (7) Leona Pearl, who married --- Langford; (8) Audrey Pearl, who married Gordon ---; (9) Douglas Pearl, born a twin, who married Lois ---; (10) Donald Pearl, born a twin.


Douglas Pearl was son to Donald Thomas Pearl and Florence "Flossie" King, (to whom refer). His wife was Lois ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Matthew Robin Pellett was born 15 April 1977 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, son to Robin Emery Pellett and Fawnda Jane King, (to whom refer). His wife was Becca ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Robin Emery Pellett was born 24 October 1952 at Markham, York County, Ontario. His wife Fawnda Jane King, (to whom he was married 14 October 1975 at or near Maynard, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 6 November 1952 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Clarence William King Jr. and Jean Elizabeth Jennie Gillmoure, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Matthew Robin Pellett, born 15 April 1977 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, who married Becca ---; (2) Corinna Elizabeth Pellett, born 22 November 1979 at Toronto, Metropolitan Toronto Municipality, Ontario; (3) Luke David Clarence Pellett, born 20 February 1985 at Toronto, Metropolitan Toronto Municipality, Ontario.


Ian Pennoyer. His wife Deborah Ann Kirkham, (to whom he was married 12 September 1981), was born 23 January 1958, daughter to Gary M. Kirkham and Vivien Irene Porteous (or Blad), (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Shereen Michelle Pennoyer, born 15 July 1983; (2) Amy Marie Pennoyer, born 1 December 1984; (3) Angela Vivien Pennoyer, born 19 November 1986; (4) Stephen Gregory Pennoyer, born 22 January 1988.


Willard Gerald Perrin was born 20 December 1919, son to William Harold "Will" Perrin and Mary Almira McFarlane, (to whom refer). His wife was Marjorie Darwin, (to whom he was married 4 February 1941). This couple begat issue: (1) Allan Gerald Perrin, born in 1956, died early, unmarried, 20 May 1970; (2) Barbara Perrin, born in September 1959.


William Harold "Will" Perrin. His wife Mary Almira McFarlane, (to whom he was married 11 May 1915), was born 1 January 1896 in Ontario, daughter to James Milton McFarlane and Evalina Wallace, (to whom refer); died 13 June 1965. This couple begat issue: (1) Evelyn Millicent Perrin, born 16 August 1918, died 27 July 1980, who married 18 May 1948, Robert Edward Fessenden; (2) Willard Gerald Perrin, born 20 December 1919, who married 4 February 1941, Marjorie Darwin; (3) Eleanor Rose Perrin, born 25 March 1924, who married 25 February 1946, Leo Villeneuve; (4) William Howard Perrin, born 7 July 1935, who married Marlee Joy Clark.


William Howard Perrin was born 7 July 1935, son to William Harold "Will" Perrin and Mary Almira McFarlane, (to whom refer). His wife was Marlee Joy Clark. This couple begat issue: (1) Bradley Clark Perrin, born in September 1965; (2) Janice Perrin, born in July 1967.


James Perry. His wife Dianne Deborah Crowder was born in 1955, daughter to Ronald Buster "Bud" Crowder and Leafie Mona Hopkins, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Melanie Chantelle Crowder, born in 1983; (2) Carolyn Suzanne Crowder, born in 1989; (3) Christopher Ronald Crowder, born in 1998, died in 2010.


--- Phillips. His wife Mary Jane Crowder was born 14 November 1898 at Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to John Elwin Crowder and Mary Adelia Woodward, (to whom refer); died in 1956 at St. Lawrence County, New York; buried at Evergreen Cemetery, Canton, Canton Township, St. Lawrence County, New York. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Peter Picket. His wife Donna Crowder, (to whom he was married 19 July 1980), was born 13 December 1949, daughter to Leonard Arnold Crowder and Rita Collier, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable, born in 1981.


Hugh Pitts. His wife Beverly Elizabeth Young was daughter to William Gordon Harwin Young and Helen Gertrude Reynolds, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Clinton Plante. His wife Gertrude Typhair was daughter to Sterling Typhair and Susan Phyllis King, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Rod Poole. His wife Rhonda Albrecht, (to whom he was married 17 January 1975), was born 4 May 1956, daughter to Otto Albrecht and D. Lorraine Jordan, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Ryan Poole, born 4 January 1976.


Wallace Poole. His wife Norma Robertson was daughter to Edward Robertson and Jessica Edna King, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Edward Poole; (2) Leanne Poole.


Dale Porter was born 25 April 1963, son to Elwyn Robert Porter and Leotta Christina "Odie" Crowder, (to whom refer). His wife was Kathi ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Elwyn Robert Porter was born 29 October 1915. His wife Leotta Christina "Odie" Crowder, (to whom he was married 19 May 1943), was born 15 January 1925 in Ontario, daughter to Elmes Ivan Crowder and Lavinia Caroline Derrick, (to whom refer); died 30 November 2004 at Ottawa Civic Hospital, Ottawa City, Ontario; buried at Bishop's Mills Cemetery, Bishop's Mills, North Grenville Township, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Shirley Porter, born 23 September 1958, who married Robert Grosse; (2) Dale Porter, born 25 April 1963, who married Kathi ---.


Thomas McKinley Porteous died 21 April 1974. His wife Helen Vivian King, (to whom he was married 16 September 1953), was born 11 February 1911, daughter to James Harlow King and Nellie Adelaide Bisnet, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 24 August 1939, Morris Blad, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced); died 28 July 1994. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Thomas McKinley Porteous and Helen Vivian King; however this couple brought up the two surviving female children, elsewhere herein recorded, of the Wife's previous marriage.


David Francis Pospiech was born 24 March 1940. His wife Faye Yvonne Durant, (to whom he was married 21 June 1963), was born 18 April 1943, daughter to Ross Clark Durant and Verna Alma McLean, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Christine Joan Pospiech, born 12 February 1964; (2) Mark David Pospiech, born 3 February 1969.


Howard "Hap" Preston died 4 May 1985. His wife Bessie May King, (to whom he was married 1 February 1930), was born 31 December 1910 at or near Crystal Rock (formerly known as Limekiln), Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to Frederick King and Nellie Lavery, (to whom refer); died 16 January 1988 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; buried 19 January 1988 at Sandy Hill Cemetery, Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, (with the Reverend Canon Robert Stewart, Anglican Church, officiating). This couple begat issue: (1) Eileen Preston, who married --- Hurst; (2) Doreen Preston, who married Ernest Redmond; (3) Joan Preston, who married Robert Fraser; (4) Georgina Preston, who married Reginald Whiteland.


Robert Pristman. His wife Florence Pearl was daughter to Donald Thomas Pearl and Florence "Flossie" King, (to whom refer); married, secondly, --- McAfee, (to whom also refer). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Robert Pristman and Florence Pearl.


George Lawrence Proctor was born in 1926; died in 1981. His wife Dorothy Beatrice Reynolds, (to whom he was married in 1946), was born in 1917, daughter to William John Reynolds and Ethel Elizabeth McFarlane, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Eric Proctor; (2) Lawrence Proctor.


Gilbert Prosser. His wife Lela Mae Crowder was born 16 July 1908 or 18 July 1908 (depending upon sources, but in any case date questionable in view of alleged birthdate of her elder child) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to Hiram Crowder and Melvina "Vina" Lampson, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Ronald Ellwood Prosser, born 26 March 1917 (according to some sources but date questionable in view of mother's alleged birthdate) at or near Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 7 May 1941 at the residence of the bride's parents at or near Shanly, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, his third cousin Desta Mae Gillmoure; (2) Stanley Prosser, who married Myrtle Snider.


Ronald Ellwood Prosser was born 26 March 1917 (according to some sources but date questionable in view of mother's alleged birthdate) at or near Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Gilbert Prosser and Lela Mae Crowder, (to whom refer). His wife (and third cousin) Desta Mae Gillmoure, (to whom he was married 7 May 1941 at the residence of the bride's parents at or near Shanly, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 5 January 1916 at or near Shanly, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to John Andrew Gillmoure and Mary Jane "Mae" McFadden, (to whom also refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Sherry Mae Prosser, born 19 January 1947 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 15 May 1982 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, Paul Jamieson Riddell.


Stanley Prosser was son to Gilbert Prosser and Lela Mae Crowder, (to whom refer). His wife Myrtle Snider was daughter to Wallace Snider and May ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Joseph Marcel Guillaume Proulx was born 8 April 1938 at St. Boniface, Manitoba. His wife Phyllis Mae Harvey, (to whom he was married 7 February 1959), was born 9 December 1939 at or near Vita, Stuartburn Rural Municipality, Manitoba, daughter to Philip John Harvey and Eleanor Christina Bertha Chambers, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Michelle JoAnn Proulx, born 16 November 1959; (2) Marcel Eugene Raymond Proulx, born 17 October 1960; (3) Janine Marie Proulx, born 16 July 1962, died early, unmarried, 20 April 1980 in consequence of injuries sustained in an automobile crash; (4) Christopher Randall Proulx, born 9 September 1966.


Richard Henry Pruim. His wife Stacey Katherine Flynn, (to whom he was married 24 August 1991 at Calvary Pentecostal Assembly Church, Cambridge, Waterloo Regional Municipality, Ontario and from whom subsequently divorced in 2007), was born 5 August 1968 at Guelph General Hospital, Guelph, Wellington County, Ontario, daughter to Ronald James Flynn and Nancy Elizabeth Renwick, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Rebecca Nicole Pruim, born 22 April 1996 at Burnaby General Hospital, Burnaby, Greater Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia; (2) Emily Elizabeth Pruim, born 6 August 1997 at Ridge Meadows Hospital, Maple Ridge District Municipality, Greater Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia.



--- Quinn. His wife Eleanor King was daughter to Cecil King and Mabel Preston, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Shirley Quinn, who married --- Blaine; (2) Barbara Quinn, who married --- Barkley.



Carlton Austin Ransom was born 6 July 1886 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, son to Thomas Ransom and Lucy ---; died 16 February 1959 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario; buried in 1959 at St. John's United Church (formerly St. John's Methodist) Riverside Cemetery, at or near Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Nettie Belle (or Etty Belle) Elbare, (to whom he was married 7 February 1905 at Iroquois, Dundas County, Ontario), was born 20 August 1883 (according to some sources and her parents' statement) or 20 August 1884 (according to some sources and Registrar-General) or 20 August 1889 (according to some sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to Daniel Elbare and Elizabeth "Bessy" Arthurs, (to whom refer); died 6 May 1968 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario; buried in May 1968 at St. John's United Church (formerly St. John's Methodist) Riverside Cemetery, at or near Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Jeremiah John "Gerry" or "Jerry" Reagan was born 18 August 1880 at or near Fergus Townland, Magourney Parish, East Muskerry Barony, Cork County, Munster Province, Ireland; died 24 March 1956 in Saskatchewan; buried in 1956 at Woodlawn Cemetery, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. His wife Hannah Margaret Spencer was born 7 November 1880 or 11 November 1880 (depending upon sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario or at Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario (depending upon sources); died 21 December 1944 or 24 December 1944 (depending upon sources) in Saskatchewan; buried at Aylesbury Memorial Cemetery, Aylesbury, Saskatchewan. This couple begat issue: (1) Mary Reagan; (2) Marguerite Reagan; (3) Elizabeth Reagan; (4) Gerald Reagan; (5) Elinor Reagan; (6) Katherine Reagan.


Ernest Redmond. His wife Doreen Preston was daughter to Howard "Hap" Preston and Bessie May King, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Joseph Reid. His wife Ann Chambers was born in or about 1864 or 1865 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, daughter to John Chambers and Julianna (Juliana or Julia Ann) "Ann" Elbare (or Elbair), (to whom refer); died 2 November 1923 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


William Raymond Rennick was born 12 July 1923. His wife Vivian Gwendolyn Timmins, (to whom he was married 27 January 1943 and from whom subsequently divorced in 1951), was born 26 May 1924, daughter to Delmer Webster Timmins and Sarah Ordelia "Sadie" Crowder, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 16 January 1952, George Rennick Whipps, (to whom also refer). William Raymond Rennick and Vivian Gwendolyn Timmins begat issue: (1) Sharron Dawn Rennick, born 16 October 1945, who married 9 June 1967, Bruce Maxwell Anderson.


George Wallace Renwick was born in 1890; died 8 May 1970; buried in 1970 at Maynard Cemetery, at or near Maynard, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Mary Emma Hunter, (to whom he was married 9 November 1937 at or near Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 25 September 1898 (according to some sources and her parents' statement) or 28 September 1898 (according to some sources) in Ontario, daughter to Thomas McLatchie Hunter and Nancy Agnes McFarlane, (to whom refer); died 20 July 1959; buried in July 1959 at Maynard Cemetery, at or near Maynard, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Nancy Elizabeth Renwick, born 11 May 1940 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 19 May 1962 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, Ronald James Flynn.


Donald Victor Reynolds was born in 1925, son to William John Reynolds and Ethel Elizabeth McFarlane, (to whom refer); died in 1993. His wife Mary E. Bogardus, (to whom he was married in 1945), was born in 1927. This couple begat issue: (1) William Reynolds; (2) Mila Jean Reynolds; (3) Paul Reynolds; (4) Terrie Reynolds; (5) Kevin Reynolds.


Douglas Raymond Reynolds was born 14 December 1954, son to John Edward Reynolds and Verna Eileen King, (to whom refer). His wife Debra Marie McCrea, (to whom he was married 16 September 1978), was born 19 October 1955. This couple begat issue: (1) Michael Douglas Reynolds, born 17 November 1979; (2) Jonathan Allan Reynolds, born 8 April 1981, who married in 2006, Melanie Wadden; (3) Jessica Lynne Reynolds, born 11 March 1982, who married in 2007, Jeremy Walker.


Edward John Reynolds was born 29 August 1952, son to John Edward Reynolds and Verna Eileen King, (to whom refer). His wife Joanne Ruth Bolton, (to whom he was married 11 August 1979), was born 7 August 1954. This couple begat issue: (1) Nathan John Reynolds, born 14 December 1990; (2) Ian Edward Reynolds, born 25 February 1993.


George Delbert Reynolds was born in 1954, son to George Herbert Reynolds and Margaret Doris Buzzell, (to whom refer). His wife was Christine Caroline Judd, (to whom he was married in 1979). This couple begat issue: (1) Jennifer Olivia Reynolds, born in 1979; (2) Adam Christopher Reynolds, born in 1981.


George Herbert Reynolds was born in 1920, son to William John Reynolds and Ethel Elizabeth McFarlane, (to whom refer); died in 1981. His wife Margaret Doris Buzzell, (to whom he was married in 1937), was born in 1921. This couple begat issue: (1) Doris Irene Reynolds, born in 1945, who married, firstly, Thomas Lake, and, secondly, John Baker; (2) Ethel Ann Reynolds, born in 1947, who married in 1963, Franz Stokan; (3) Michael Reynolds, born in 1952; (4) George Delbert Reynolds, born in 1954, who married in 1979, Christine Caroline Judd; (5) Mark William Reynolds, born in 1959, who married Elaine ---.


John Edward Reynolds was born 14 November 1919, son to William John Reynolds and Ethel Elizabeth McFarlane, (to whom refer); died in 2001. His wife (and third cousin) Verna Eileen King, (to whom he was married 12 October 1951 at St. John's Anglican Church, Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 16 June 1922 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to James Harlow King and Nellie Adelaide Bisnet, (to whom also refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Edward John Reynolds, born 29 August 1952, who married 11 August 1979, Joanne Ruth Bolton; (2) Douglas Raymond Reynolds, born 14 December 1954, who married 16 September 1978, Debra Marie McCrea; (3) Janice Eileen Reynolds, born 22 August 1956, who married 11 February 1983, John Robert Cummings, (from whom subsequently divorced); (4) Dorothy Ann Reynolds, born 21 June 1958, who married, firstly, 27 June 1975, Gary R. Paquin, (from whom subsequently divorced), and, secondly, Michael Bisaillon; (5) Susan Elizabeth Reynolds, born 6 October 1961, who married 19 July 1986, Kevan David Bradley.


Jonathan Allan Reynolds was born 8 April 1981, son to Douglas Raymond Reynolds and Debra Marie McCrea, (to whom refer). His wife Melanie Wadden, (to whom he was married in 2006), was born in 1981. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Mark William Reynolds was born in 1959, son to George Herbert Reynolds and Margaret Doris Buzzell, (to whom refer). His wife was Elaine ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Emily Reynolds; (2) Bradley Reynolds.


William Franklin Reynolds was born in 1912, son to William John Reynolds and Ethel Elizabeth McFarlane, (to whom refer); died in 1986. His wife Lottie Gertrude Pearson, (to whom he was married in 1934), was born in 1918. This couple begat issue: (1) Barbara Reynolds, who married James McKay; (2) Joan Reynolds; (3) Franklin William "Bud" Reynolds.


William John Reynolds was born in 1887, son to George Reynolds and Mary Ann Leacock (or Laycock); died in 1954. His wife Ethel Elizabeth McFarlane was born in 1890, daughter to William John McFarlane and Mary Jane Simmons (or Simons), (to whom refer); died in 1939. This couple begat issue: (1) Ada M. Reynolds, born in 1908, died in 1974, who married in 1933, Clinton Cughan; (2) William Franklin Reynolds, born in 1912, died in 1986, who married in 1934, Lottie Gertrude Pearson; (3) Frances Mary Reynolds, born in 1912, died in 1987, who married in 1939, Milton Haney; (4) Helen Gertrude Reynolds, born in 1915, died in 2001, who married in 1937, William Gordon Harwin Young; (5) Dorothy Beatrice Reynolds, born in 1917, who married in 1946, George Lawrence Proctor; (6) John Edward Reynolds, born 14 November 1919, died in 2001, who married 12 October 1951 at St. John's Anglican Church, Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, his third cousin Verna Eileen King; (7) George Herbert Reynolds, born in 1920, died in 1981, who married in 1937, Margaret Doris Buzzell; (8) Ruby Alice Reynolds, born in 1923, died in 1998, who married in 1953, John Douglas Lewars; (9) Donald Victor Reynolds, born in 1925, died in 1993, who married in 1945, Mary E. Bogardus.


Wilfred Rice. His wife Dora McFarlane was daughter to William John "Will" McFarlane and ---, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Lorraine Rice; (2) a female child, name unavailable.


--- Richardson. His wife Gladys King was daughter to David R. King and ---, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


--- Richie. His wife Janice Crowder was born 13 September 1957, daughter to Leonard Hubert Crowder and Frances Aquinas, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Paul Riddell. His wife Lynda Michelle Landon was born 20 September 1959, daughter to Frank Edward Henry Landon and Dorothy Bernice Hoy, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Douglas Martin, (to whom also refer); died -- --- ----. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Paul Riddell and Lynda Michelle Landon are presently available.


Paul Jamieson Riddell was born 30 March 1953 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Sherry Mae Prosser, (to whom he was married 15 May 1982 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 19 January 1947 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Ronald Ellwood Prosser and Desta Mae Gillmoure, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


John Ripple. His wife Ethel Homer was daughter to Frank Homer and Elizabeth McFarlane, (to whom refer). No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Thomas Rizk. His wife Sarah Anne Louise King was born 24 November 1964 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Clarence William King Jr. and Jean Elizabeth Jennie Gillmoure, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 12 October 1985 at or near Maynard, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, (with the Reverend Janet Evans, United Church of Canada, officiating), Bryan Thomas Dalley, (to whom also refer). Thomas Rizk and Sarah Anne Louise King begat issue: (1) Jada Rizk; (2) Benjamin Rizk.


Donald Robertson was son to Edward Robertson and Jessica Edna King, (to whom refer). His wife was ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Brian Robertson; (2) Randall Robertson; (3) Rebecca Robertson.


Edward Robertson. His wife Jessica Edna King was daughter to William King and Nellie McAuley, (to whom refer); died 1 March 1984 at Niagara Falls, Niagara Regional Municipality, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Donald Robertson, who married ---; (2) Norma Robertson, who married Wallace Poole.


Joseph Henry Robertson was born 30 March 1951. His wife Patricia Anne Crowder, (to whom he was married 17 January 1970 at Deep River, Renfrew County, Ontario), was born 7 January 1951 at Deep River, Rolph Township, Renfrew County, Ontario, daughter to Douglas Albert Crowder and Jannigje Hooyer, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Julie Elizabeth Robertson, born 8 July 1970 at Deep River, Renfrew County, Ontario, died early, unmarried, 12 January 1972 at Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario, buried in 1972 at Pinecrest Cemetery, Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario; (2) Carrie Lynne Robertson, born 8 March 1978 at Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario; (3) Erin Lee Robertson, born 13 March 1981 at Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario; (4) Ainsley Dawn Robertson, born 27 September 1982 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.


Greg Roe was born 27 March 1949. His wife Bonnie Louise Workman was born 31 July 1951, daughter to Howard Clarke Workman and Clara Janet Hunter, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Edgar Leslie "Eddie" Rowe was born in 1889; died in 1930; buried at Maynard Cemetery, at or near Maynard, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Emma Laura McFarlane, (to whom he was married 17 January 1923), was born 7 June 1899 in Ontario, daughter to James Milton McFarlane and Evalina Wallace, (to whom refer); died 29 September 1974; buried at Maynard Cemetery, at or near Maynard, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Jean Rowe, born 19 June 1924, who married 20 June 1942, David Roy Christie; (2) Leslie Donald Rowe, born 21 October 1927, died early, unmarried, 30 May 1943 in consequence of a drowning incident; (3) Laura Alma Rowe, born 5 October 1929, who married 24 June 1950, Stanley Seeley.


--- Rowles. His wife Mabel King was daughter to Frederick King and Nellie Lavery, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Byron Russell. His wife Florence Lena Chambers was born 29 May 1894, daughter to William Chambers and Mary Laura Inglis (Ingles, Engles or Englis), (to whom refer); died 28 March 1949. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Donald Russell. His wife Catherine Jones was daughter to William David Jones and Marion Mills, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


--- Rust. His wife Lillian King was daughter to Elmer King and Ada Dodge, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) James Rust; (2) Diane Rust; (3) Robert Rust.



William Sanna. His wife Vicki Lynn Harvey was born 23 July 1947, daughter to Philip John Harvey and Eleanor Christina Bertha Chambers, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Ronald Lawrence Edmonds, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of William Sanna and Vicki Lynn Harvey.


Glen Sargent. His wife Sandra Martin, (to whom he was married 14 May 1977), was born 20 November 1954, daughter to Donald Lyle Martin and Sally Agnes Lukanuik, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


David Royal Ardill Saunders was born 25 December 1942, son to Norman Gerald Saunders and Annie Viola McFarlane, (to whom refer). His wife was Alberta Moffatt, (to whom he was married 9 July 1966). This couple begat issue: (1) Craig Saunders, born 16 October 1971; (2) Kypp Saunders, born in 1973.


Mervin Gerald Saunders was born 9 December 1939, son to Norman Gerald Saunders and Annie Viola McFarlane, (to whom refer). His wife was Helen Warren, (to whom he was married 17 August 1963). This couple begat issue: (1) Sonya Saunders, born 30 October 1966; (2) Michelle Saunders, born 7 August 1970; (3) Lianne Saunders, born 19 May 1972.


Norman Gerald Saunders. His wife Annie Viola McFarlane, (to whom he was married 3 June 1933), was born 1 August 1911, daughter to James Milton McFarlane and Evalina Wallace, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Mervin Gerald Saunders, born 9 December 1939, who married 17 August 1963, Helen Warren; (2) David Royal Ardill Saunders, born 25 December 1942, who married 9 July 1966, Alberta Moffatt; (3) Arlene Ruth Saunders, born 4 December 1948, who married in August 1969, Ronald James.


Charles Sayeau. His wife Margaret McFarlane, (to whom he was married 10 March 1877 at Grenville County, Ontario), was born 21 December 1859 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, daughter to George McFarlane and Hannah Jane Brown, (to whom refer); died 6 March 1932 at or near Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Bertha Amy Sayeau, born 19 January 1878 at Dundas County, Ontario, died 29 September 1925 at Port Colborne, Welland County, Ontario, who married 22 March 1899 at Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence County, New York, Carme (or Carmi) Welch (or Welsh).


Arthur Charles Sayyeau was born 27 July 1910 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Herbert Sayyeau (Sayeau or Sayer) and Emma Elizabeth Knudsen, (to whom refer); died 15 August 1975 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Margaret Rosina Poland, (to whom he was married 22 April 1939 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 25 October 1912 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable; (2) a female child, name unavailable; (3) a male child, name unavailable; (4) a male child, name unavailable; (5) Patricia Sayeau, born 19 October 1940 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, died in infancy, unmarried, 20 October 1940 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario; (6) Arthur Charles Sayeau, born 1 January 1947 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, died early, unmarried, 8 November 1952 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario.


Edward Sayyeau (Sayeau or Sayer) was born 24 July 1863 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West or at Dundas County, Canada West (depending upon sources), son to William Edward Sayyeau (Sayeau or Sayer) and Ellen O'Rourke; married, secondly, Emma Crobar (Crobargar or Grawberger). His first wife Mary Crowder was born 18 July 1865 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, daughter to Joseph Crowder and Mary Jane "Janie" or "Jennie" Elbare (Elbair or Elbert), (to whom refer); died 10 August 1924 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario; buried 12 August 1924 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Edward Sayyeau (Sayeau or Sayer) and Mary Crowder; however this couple brought up their nephew Herbert Sayyeau (Sayeau or Sayer), son to the Wife's brother-in-law and sister Edward Sayyeau (Sayeau or Sayer) and Ordelia (or Ardelia) "Delia" Crowder, (to whom also refer), after the deaths of the child's parents.


Floyd Edward Sayyeau was born 15 September 1908 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Herbert Sayyeau (Sayeau or Sayer) and Emma Elizabeth Knudsen, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Marjory Quinn, (to whom also refer); married, thirdly, Eileen Townsend, (to whom likewise also refer); died 1 February 1985 at Weyburn, Saskatchewan. His first wife was Vivien Dillabough. Floyd Edward Sayyeau and Vivien Dillabough begat issue: (1) Sandra Sayyeau, died in April 1985 in consequence of an accident at a railway crossing.


Floyd Edward Sayyeau was born 15 September 1908 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Herbert Sayyeau (Sayeau or Sayer) and Emma Elizabeth Knudsen, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Vivien Dillabough, (to whom also refer); married, thirdly, Eileen Townsend, (to whom likewise also refer); died 1 February 1985 at Weyburn, Saskatchewan. His second wife was Marjory Quinn. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Floyd Edward Sayyeau and Marjory Quinn are presently available.


Floyd Edward Sayyeau was born 15 September 1908 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Herbert Sayyeau (Sayeau or Sayer) and Emma Elizabeth Knudsen, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Vivien Dillabough, (to whom also refer); married, secondly, Marjory Quinn, (to whom likewise also refer); died 1 February 1985 at Weyburn, Saskatchewan. His third wife was Eileen Townsend. Floyd Edward Sayyeau and Eileen Townsend begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable.


Herbert Sayyeau (Sayeau or Sayer) was born 9 October 1888 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Reuben Sayyeau (Sayeau or Sayer) and Ordelia (or Ardelia) "Delia" Crowder, (to whom refer); brought up after his parents' deaths by his maternal uncle-in-law and aunt Edward Sayyeau (Sayeau or Sayer) and Mary Crowder, (to whom also refer); died 27 May 1968 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario; buried in 1968 at Sacred Heart of Jesus Roman Catholic Cemetery, Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Emma Elizabeth Knudsen, (to whom he was married 2 April 1908 at Grenville County, Ontario), was born 16 October 1888 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to Christian Knudson and Antoni Johnston; died 11 March 1956 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Floyd Edward Sayyeau, born 15 September 1908 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, died 1 February 1985 at Weyburn, Saskatchewan, who married, firstly, Vivien Dillabough, secondly, Marjory Quinn, and, thirdly, Eileen Townsend; (2) Arthur Charles Sayyeau, born 27 July 1910 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, died 15 August 1975 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 22 April 1939 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, Margaret Rosina Poland; (3) Ellen M. "Nellie" Sayyeau, born 4 November 1915 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, died early, unmarried, 4 October 1918 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario; (4) Joseph E. Sayyeau, born in 1920 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, died in infancy, unmarried, in 1921 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario; (5) Howard George Sayyeau, born 2 November 1926 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, who married --- McIlnenna.


Howard George Sayyeau was born 2 November 1926 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Herbert Sayyeau (Sayeau or Sayer) and Emma Elizabeth Knudsen, (to whom refer). His wife was --- McIlnenna. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Reuben Sayyeau (Sayeau or Sayer) was born 9 October 1867 in Michigan, son to William Edward Sayyeau (Sayeau or Sayer) and Ellen O'Rourke; died 17 February 1891 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario in consequence of nine days' suffering with inflammation of the lung; buried in 1891 at St. John's Methodist (afterward St. John's United Church) Riverside Cemetery, at or near Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Ordelia (or Ardelia) "Delia" Crowder, (to whom he was married 6 December 1887 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario), was born in or about 1868 or 1869 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to Joseph Crowder and Mary Jane "Janie" or "Jennie" Elbare (Elbair or Elbert), (to whom refer); died 17 February 1896 or 17 February 1898 (depending upon sources) at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario in consequence of injuries sustained at her own hand; buried at Mainsville Cemetery, at or near Mainsville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Bertha Sayyeau, born antenuptially 5 March 1885; (2) Herbert Sayyeau (Sayeau or Sayer), born 9 October 1888 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, brought up after his parents' deaths by his maternal uncle-in-law and aunt Edward Sayyeau (Sayeau or Sayer) and Mary Crowder, (to whom also refer), died 27 May 1968 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, buried in 1968 at Sacred Heart of Jesus Roman Catholic Cemetery, at or near Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 2 April 1908 at Grenville County, Ontario, Emma Elizabeth Knudsen; (3) Mary Ellen Sayyeau, born 16 February 1891 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, died 30 October 1932 at Carthage, Wilna Township, Jefferson County, New York, who married Arthur Charles Empey.


Ren� Schoemaker. His wife Sharon McFarlane was daughter to John Charles McFarlane and Margaret McCarney, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Kenneth Ivan Schowen. His wife Mildred Carmen Burdick, (to whom he was married 14 February 1975), was born 18 June 1950, daughter to Clyde Burdick and Lois Pauline Graveline, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 22 June 1968, Edward Bullock, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Kenneth Ivan Schowen and Mildred Carmen Burdick are presently available.


John Schwab. His wife Mary McFarlane was daughter to George Wesley McFarlane and Catherine Lange, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Frank Scobie. His wife Beverley Anne Anderson, (to whom he was married 7 June 1958), was born 11 September 1937, daughter to Orval Anderson and Edna Marie Spencer, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Sandra Jane Scobie, born 18 April 1959; (2) Thomas Jeffrey Scobie, born 17 February 1960; (3) Christine Louise Scobie, born 26 October 1964.


Donald Wilson "Bud" Scott was born 10 June 1914 at or near Shanly, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Chester B. Scott and Anna A. Wilson; died 29 July 1984 at St. Vincent de Paul Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; buried 31 July 1984 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Fern Eileen Gillmoure, (to whom he was married 16 June 1937 at the residence of the bride's parents at or near Shanly, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 1 September 1917 at or near Shanly, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to John Andrew Gillmoure and Mary Jane "Mae" McFadden, (to whom refer); died 10 March 2004 at Wellington House, Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario; buried in 2004 at St. Andrew's and St. James' Presbyterian Riverside Cemetery, at or near Cardinal, Edwardsburgh-Cardinal Township, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Ginny Ann Scott, born 2 November 1944 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married, firstly, 4 April 1964 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, Hendrik "Hank" Veltkamp, (from whom subsequently divorced), and, secondly, 1 November 1974 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, George Sheldon Gill; (2) Donna Mae Scott, born 22 July 1947 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, died 25 September 2010 at Ottawa General Hospital, Ottawa, Ontario, buried 30 September 2010 at St. Andrew's and St. James' Presbyterian Riverside Cemetery, at or near Cardinal, Edwardsburgh-Cardinal Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 7 September 1969 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, Willem Hendrik "Bill" Veltkamp; (3) John Chester "Jackie" Scott, born 10 December 1948 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, died unmarried 24 June 1972 in consequence of injuries sustained in an automobile crash, buried in 1972 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario.


--- Seeley. His wife Naomi Coffey was daughter to Robert Roy Coffey and Mildred Crowder, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Ernest Seeley. His wife Mary J. King was born 26 January 1895 in Ontario, daughter to Jacob King and Emma (or Emily) M. Marlowe, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Stanley Seeley. His wife Laura Alma Rowe, (to whom he was married 24 June 1950), was born 5 October 1929, daughter to Edgar Leslie "Eddie" Rowe and Emma Laura McFarlane, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Ritchie Neal Seeley, born 13 November 1954; (2) Michael Robert Seeley, born 17 October 1962.


Bernard Sekor was son to Edward Marcus Sekor and ---, (to whom refer). His wife was ---. This couple begat issue: (1) a child, name and sex unavailable.


Edward Marcus Sekor was born 14 November 1912 at Seattle, King County, Washington, son to Levi Foster Sekor (or Seeker) and Mary Esther French, (to whom refer); married, secondly, ---, (to whom also refer); died 25 May 2005 at La Pine, Deschutes County, Oregon. His first wife was ---. Edward Marcus Sekor and --- begat issue: (1) Bernard Sekor, who married ---; (2) a male child, name, if any, unavailable.


Edward Marcus Sekor was born 14 November 1912 at Seattle, King County, Washington, son to Levi Foster Sekor (or Seeker) and Mary Esther French, (to whom refer); married, firstly, ---, (to whom also refer); died 25 May 2005 at La Pine, Deschutes County, Oregon. His second wife was ---. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Edward Marcus Sekor and --- are presently available.


Hiram Sekor (Seker, Seeker, Secor or Secker) was born in or about 1843 or 1844 at Elizabethtown Township, Johnstown District, Canada West, son to Reuben Sekor (Seker, Seeker, Secor or Secker) and Mary ---; died in Washington. His wife Susannah Crowder, (to whom he was married 2 March 1871 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario), was born in or about December 1851 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Canada West, daughter to Joseph Crowder and Mary Jane "Janie" or "Jennie" Elbare (Elbair or Elbert), (to whom refer); died in February 1951 at Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington. This couple begat issue: (1) Laura Sekor (or Seeker), born in July 1875 at St. Lawrence County, New York; (2) Therzah L. "Terry" Sekor (or Seeker), born in November 1876 at St. Lawrence County, New York, died 22 November 1970 at Puyallup, Pierce County, Washington, who married in Washington, Seth A. "Dell" Munsey; (3) Bertha May Sekor (or Seeker), born in August 1879 at St. Lawrence County, New York, died at Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington, who married in or about 1900 or 1901 at Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington, Oscar D. Johnson; (4) Blanche Mabel Sekor (or Seeker), born 14 March 1883 at St. Lawrence County, New York, died 21 January 1931 at Seattle, King County, Washington, buried 22 January 1931 at Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington, who married in or about 1915 or 1916, Percy Jackson Johnston; (5) Levi Foster Sekor (or Seeker), born 22 February 1887 at St. Lawrence County, New York, died 28 May 1980 at Seattle, King County, Washington, who married in or about 1905 or 1906 at Seattle, King County, Washington, Mary Esther French; (6) a child, name, if any, and sex unavailable, died early, unmarried; (7) a child, name, if any, and sex unavailable, died early, unmarried.


Levi Foster Sekor (or Seeker) was born 22 February 1887 at St. Lawrence County, New York, son to Hiram Sekor (Seker, Seeker, Secor or Secker) and Susannah Crowder, (to whom refer); died 28 May 1980 at Seattle, King County, Washington. His wife Mary Esther French, (to whom he was married in or about 1905 or 1906 at Seattle, King County, Washington), was born in or about 1891 or 1892 in Iowa; died 14 September 1986 at Seattle, King County, Washington. This couple begat issue: (1) Preston Foster Sekor, born 21 September 1908 at Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington, died 21 April 1988 at Renton, King County, Washington; (2) Edward Marcus Sekor, born 14 November 1912 at Seattle, King County, Washington, died 25 May 2005 at La Pine, Deschutes County, Oregon, who married, firstly, ---, and, secondly, ---; (3) Harriet May Sekor, born 17 December 1915 at Seattle, King County, Washington, died 27 August 2008 at Ephrata, Grant County, Washington, who married in Washington, Paul Lemargie; (4) Lovell V. Sekor, born in or about 1924 or 1925 at Seattle, King County, Washington; (5) David Joseph Sekor, born 10 January 1933 at Seattle, King County, Washington, died 20 May 2007 at Seattle, King County, Washington; (6) a child, name, if any, and sex unavailable.


Archibald Seymour. His wife Eliza Jane "Jennie" Crowder was born 21 July 1904 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to Edward Crowder and Delilah (or Adelia) Lydia "Delia" Levere, (to whom refer); died 26 December 1995 at Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario; buried at St. James the Apostle's Anglican Churchyard, Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Robert L. Shaw. His wife Teresa Ann Elbare, (to whom he was married 16 February 1972 at Desoto County, Florida), was born 13 July 1944, daughter to Thomas James Elbare and Dorothy Jeanne Blume, (to whom refer); married, firstly, in June 1963 at Sarasota County, Florida, John Jefferson Greene, (to whom also refer); married, thirdly, 20 May 1988 at Sarasota County, Florida, Frederick Mueller Derr, (to whom likewise also refer). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Robert L. Shaw and Teresa Ann Elbare are presently available.


--- Shay. His wife Myrtle Baker was daughter to Thomas Henry "Harry" Baker and Elsie Mae Crowder, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Samuel Shirley. His wife Doris Jane Turner, (to whom he was married 1 July 1965), was born 19 February 1943, daughter to Edgar Lorne Turner and Wilda Mae Patterson, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Janet Mae Shirley, born 2 February 1966.


Wayne Shrauger. His wife Luella Jennie Williams was daughter to Floyd DeLoss Williams and Hazel Crowder, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


--- Simpson. His wife Eunice Coffey was daughter to Robert Roy Coffey and Mildred Crowder, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


James Lyal "Jamey" Simzer was born 22 May 1967, son to Lyal Arthur Simzer and Mary Marguerite York, (to whom refer); married, secondly, in June 1996, Andrea Sheridan, (to whom also refer). His first wife was Tanya Leigh Beauvais, (to whom he was married 18 May 1991 and from whom subsequently divorced in February 1994); married, secondly, Eric Hutton. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of James Lyal "Jamey" Simzer and Tanya Leigh Beauvais.


James Lyal "Jamey" Simzer was born 22 May 1967, son to Lyal Arthur Simzer and Mary Marguerite York, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 18 May 1991, Tanya Leigh Beauvais, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced in February 1994). His second wife was Andrea Sheridan, (to whom he was married in June 1996). James Lyal "Jamey" Simzer and Andrea Sheridan begat issue: (1) Katherine Simzer, born in February 1998; (2) Elizabeth Simzer, born 9 September 1999.


Lyal Arthur Simzer was born 22 September 1937 at or near Domville, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Harry Simzer and Ethel Whitley; died 31 July 1993 at Ottawa Civic Hospital, Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario in consequence of cardiac arrest; buried 3 August 1993 at Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Maitland, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, (with the Reverend Edward Moll, United Church of Canada, officiating). His wife Mary Marguerite York, (to whom he was married 20 July 1957 at Shanly, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario), was daughter to James Russell York and Muriel Marguerite Burnside, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) James Lyal "Jamey" Simzer, born 22 May 1967, who married, firstly, 18 May 1991, Tanya Leigh Beauvais, (from whom subsequently divorced in February 1994), and, secondly, in June 1996, Andrea Sheridan; (2) Judy Lynne Simzer, born 17 January 1971, who married, firstly, in 1996, Cory Brohm, (from whom subsequently divorced in 1999), and, secondly, Ronald Skeggs, (from whom also subsequently divorced).


Ronald Skeggs. His second wife Judy Lynne Simzer, (from whom subsequently divorced), was born 17 January 1971, daughter to Lyal Arthur Simzer and Mary Marguerite York, (to whom refer); married, firstly, in 1996, Cory Brohm, (to whom also refer and from whom also subsequently divorced in 1999). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Ronald Skeggs and Judy Lynne Simzer; however this couple brought up one male child of the Husband's previous marriage who, being a "stranger in blood" as regards the Wife's family, is not to be further noted or documented in these records.


Thomas Skelly. His wife Velma Baker was daughter to Thomas Henry "Harry" Baker and Elsie Mae Crowder, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Robert Smith was born in or about 1860 or 1861 at Grenville County, Canada West, son to Jacob Smith and Mary ---. His wife Elizabeth "Lizzie" Crowder, (to whom he was married 15 March 1883 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario with the Reverend William F. Perley, Methodist Church, officiating), was born 12 February 1864 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, daughter to Joseph Crowder and Mary Jane "Janie" or "Jennie" Elbare (Elbair or Elbert), (to whom refer); married, secondly, 10 May 1887 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, John McLaughlin, (to whom also refer). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Robert Smith and Elizabeth "Lizzie" Crowder are presently available.


Roy Smith. His wife Geraldine Pearl was daughter to Donald Thomas Pearl and Florence "Flossie" King, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Stanley Smith. His wife Margaret H. Caldwell was born 3 July 1915, daughter to Morton J. Caldwell and Maude (or Muriel) Jane King, (to whom refer); married, firstly, John Taylor, (to whom also refer); died 30 November 1981. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Stanley Smith and Margaret H. Caldwell are presently available.


William Forrest Smith was born in 1872, son to Isaac J. Smith and Charlotte ---; died at St. Lawrence County, New York. His wife Charlotte Laura "Lottie" Crowder, (to whom he was married 25 September 1912 at St. Lawrence County, New York), was born 3 July 1893 at Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to George Ira Crowder and Mary Elizabeth Mayhew (or Levere), (to whom refer); died at St. Lawrence County, New York. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Douglas Snider. His wife Gertrude "Trudy" Typhair was daughter to Wilbert "Bud" Typhair and Eileen MacDonald, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Jeremy Todd Sorbie was born 4 April 1961 at Cornwall, Stormont County, Ontario, son to Dann Sorbie and Edna Latour. His wife Laurie Jean King, (to whom he was married 21 October 1989 at or near Maynard, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 24 August 1961 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Clarence William King Jr. and Jean Elizabeth Jennie Gillmoure, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


--- Spencer. His wife Linda Campbell was born 3 February 1952, daughter to Lloyd Campbell and Doris Jean Clark, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Charles Spencer was born 1 February 1854 or 1 February 1855 (depending upon sources) at or near Spencerville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, son to Charles "Chet" Spencer and Mary "Polly" Cowdery; died 8 September 1944 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan or at or near Aylesbury, Saskatchewan (depending upon sources); buried in September 1944 at Aylesbury Memorial Cemetery, Aylesbury, Saskatchewan. His wife Marinda Elbare, (to whom he was married 21 October 1875 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 23 October 1852 or 25 October 1852 (depending upon sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West, daughter to Henry Smith Elbare (or Elbair) and Jane "Jennie" Todd, (to whom refer); christened 20 March 1853 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Canada West; died 3 August 1938 at or near Aylesbury, Saskatchewan; buried in August 1938 at Aylesbury Memorial Cemetery, Aylesbury, Saskatchewan. This couple begat issue: (1) James Henry "Harry" Spencer, born 17 July 1876 or 18 July 1876 (depending upon sources) at or near Spencerville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 27 November 1943 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan or at or near Aylesbury, Saskatchewan (depending upon sources), buried at Aylesbury Memorial Cemetery, Aylesbury, Saskatchewan, who married in October 1906, Ethel Phoebe Kennedy; (2) Mary Jane Spencer, born 27 February 1879 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died unmarried 10 December 1898, buried at Spencerville Union Cemetery, at or near Spencerville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario; (3) Hannah Margaret Spencer, born 7 November 1880 or 11 November 1880 (depending upon sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario or at Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario (depending upon sources), died 21 December 1944 or 24 December 1944 (depending upon sources) in Saskatchewan, buried at Aylesbury Memorial Cemetery, Aylesbury, Saskatchewan, who married Jeremiah John "Gerry" or "Jerry" Reagan; (4) Samuel Spencer, born 27 April 1882 or 27 August 1882 (depending upon sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 25 February 1968 or 26 February 1968 (depending upon sources) in Saskatchewan, buried in 1968 at Woodlawn Cemetery, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, who married Elizabeth Sillers "Betty" Mitchell; (5) William Arthur Spencer, born 2 November 1887 or 7 November 1887 (depending upon sources) at or near Spencerville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 12 May 1969 at Regina, Saskatchewan, buried in May 1969 at Aylesbury Memorial Cemetery, Aylesbury, Saskatchewan, who married 11 November 1910, Velma Viola Kennedy; (6) Florence May Spencer, born 12 April 1890 or 25 April 1890 (depending upon sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died in infancy, unmarried, 20 October 1890 (according to some sources and her tombstone) or 22 October 1890 (according to some sources and Registrar-General) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario in consequence of one month's suffering with brain fever resulting from injuries sustained in a fall whilst being carried downstairs by her first cousin Hannah Elizabeth Elbare (herself then not quite four years of age), buried at Spencerville Union Cemetery, near Spencerville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario; (7) John Russell Spencer, born 3 October 1892 (not 2 October 1893 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources) at or near Spencerville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 3 April 1953 at Vancouver, British Columbia, buried in 1953 at Aylesbury Memorial Cemetery, Aylesbury, Saskatchewan, who married Christina Isabella Mitchell.


Charles Raymond Spencer was born 2 September ----, son to William Arthur Spencer and Velma Viola Kennedy, (to whom refer). His wife was Gladys Bird. This couple begat issue: (1) Douglas Spencer, who married ---.


Douglas Spencer was son to Charles Raymond Spencer and Gladys Bird, (to whom refer). His wife was ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Ryan Spencer.


Gordon James Spencer was born 8 December 1949, son to Russell Gordon Spencer and Evelyn Mary Madsen, (to whom refer). His wife was Elaine Mary Shroeder, (to whom he was married 20 February 1971). This couple begat issue: (1) Rodney James Spencer, born 19 July 1971; (2) Leanne Marie Spencer, born 11 December 1973.


James Henry "Harry" Spencer was born 17 July 1876 or 18 July 1876 (depending upon sources) at or near Spencerville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Charles Spencer and Marinda Elbare, (to whom refer); died 27 November 1943 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan or at or near Aylesbury, Saskatchewan (depending upon sources); buried at Aylesbury Memorial Cemetery, Aylesbury, Saskatchewan. His wife Ethel Phoebe Kennedy, (to whom he was married in October 1906), was born in January 1886 in the North-West Territories; died 28 August 1946 at Toronto, York County, Ontario or at or near Aylesbury, Saskatchewan (depending upon sources); buried in 1946 at Aylesbury Memorial Cemetery, Aylesbury, Saskatchewan. This couple begat issue: (1) Edna Marie Spencer, born 22 April 1907, who married 12 July 1929, Orval Anderson; (2) Norma Elizabeth Spencer, born 20 June 1912, who married 9 June 1943, Allister Cawsey; (3) Florence May Spencer, born 23 June 1915, who married 1 November 1936, Edwin Averill Bowen; (4) Russell Gordon Spencer, born a twin 27 September 1922 at or near Craik, Saskatchewan, who married 20 December 1945, Evelyn Mary Madsen; (5) Victor Allen Spencer, born a twin 27 September 1922 at or near Craik, Saskatchewan, died in 1992 at or near Craik, Saskatchewan, buried at Aylesbury Memorial Cemetery, Aylesbury, Saskatchewan, who married 26 September 1959, Winnifred Mae (or Louise) "Winnie" Redstone.


John Leonard Spencer was born 31 March 1918 at or near Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, son to Samuel Spencer and Elizabeth Sillers "Betty" Mitchell, (to whom refer); died 17 June 2009 at Vernon, North Okanagan Regional District, British Columbia; buried in June 2009 at Valley View Memorial Gardens, Surrey, Greater Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia. His wife Barbara Bell "Babs" Taylor, (to whom he was married 5 December 1945 at High Presbyterian Church, otherwise known as High Parish Church, Paisley, Paisley Burgh, Paisley District, Renfrew County, Scotland), was born 7 November 1925 at High Presbyterian Parish, Paisley, Paisley Burgh, Renfrew County, Scotland, daughter to Robert Taylor and Mary Bell Naismith; died 17 February 2005 at Kelowna, Central Okanagan Regional District, British Columbia; buried in February 2005 at Valley View Memorial Gardens, Surrey, Greater Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


John Russell Spencer was born 3 October 1892 (not 2 October 1893 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources) at or near Spencerville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Charles Spencer and Marinda Elbare, (to whom refer); died 3 April 1953 at Vancouver, British Columbia; buried in 1953 at Aylesbury Memorial Cemetery, Aylesbury, Saskatchewan. His wife Christina Isabella Mitchell was born 16 July 1893 at or near Campbeltown, Campbeltown Royal Burgh, Campbeltown Parish, Argyll and Bute District, Argyll County, Scotland, daughter to Donald Mitchell and Agnes Hamilton; married, secondly, Charles Mathieson Greenham; died 4 July 1993 at Vancouver, Greater Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia; buried in July 1993 at Ocean View Burial Park, Burnaby, Greater Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia. John Russell Spencer and Christina Isabella Mitchell begat issue: (1) Thelma Spencer, born 23 June 1915, who married 3 March 1935, Perry Windh; (2) Christina Isabelle "Chris" Spencer, born 22 January 1931 at or near Aylesbury, Saskatchewan, died 21 April 1998 at Vancouver, Greater Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia, buried in April 1998 at Ocean View Burial Park, Burnaby, Greater Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia, who married Floyd Joseph Tucker.


Maxwell Mitchell Spencer was born 9 May 1925 at or near Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan or at or near Aylesbury, Saskatchewan (depending upon sources), son to Samuel Spencer and Elizabeth Sillers "Betty" Mitchell, (to whom refer); died 20 October 2006 at Vancouver, Greater Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia or at Burnaby, Greater Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia, (depending upon sources); buried in October 2006 at Ocean View Burial Park, Burnaby, Greater Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia. His wife was Joan ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Sandra Spencer, who married Robert ---.


Russell Gordon Spencer was born a twin 27 September 1922, son to James Henry "Harry" Spencer and Ethel Phoebe Kennedy, (to whom refer). His wife Evelyn Mary Madsen, (to whom he was married 20 December 1945), was born 20 May 1925. This couple begat issue: (1) Sharon Patricia Spencer, born 3 January 1947, who married 8 April 1967, Donald Eric Hills; (2) Sandra Lynne Spencer, born 1 July 1948, who married 21 March 1968, Garnold Derwin Bisson; (3) Gordon James Spencer, born 8 December 1949, who married 20 February 1971, Elaine Mary Shroeder; (4) Wendy Anne Spencer, born 29 February 1960.


Samuel Spencer was born 27 April 1882 or 27 August 1882 (depending upon sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Charles Spencer and Marinda Elbare, (to whom refer); died 25 February 1968 or 26 February 1968 (depending upon sources) in Saskatchewan; buried in 1968 at Woodlawn Cemetery, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. His wife Elizabeth Sillers "Betty" Mitchell was born 11 November 1897 at or near Campbeltown, Campbeltown Royal Burgh, Campbeltown Parish, Argyll and Bute District, Argyll County, Scotland, daughter to Donald Mitchell and Agnes Hamilton; married, secondly, Arthur Leary; died 2 January 1979 at New Westminster, Greater Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia; buried in 1979 at Valley View Memorial Gardens, Surrey, Greater Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia. Samuel Spencer and Elizabeth Sillers "Betty" Mitchell begat issue: (1) John Leonard Spencer, born 31 March 1918 at or near Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, died 17 June 2009 at Vernon, North Okanagan Regional District, British Columbia, buried in June 2009 at Valley View Memorial Gardens, Surrey, Greater Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia, who married 5 December 1945 at High Presbyterian Church (otherwise known as High Parish Church), Paisley, Paisley Burgh, Paisley District, Renfrew County, Scotland, Barbara Bell "Babs" Taylor; (2) Maxwell Mitchell Spencer, born 9 May 1925 at or near Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan or at or near Aylesbury, Saskatchewan (depending upon sources), died 20 October 2006 at Vancouver, Greater Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia or at Burnaby, Greater Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia, (depending upon sources), buried in October 2006 at Ocean View Burial Park, Burnaby, Greater Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia, who married Joan ---; (3) Velda Spencer, who married Leonard ---.


Victor Allen Spencer was born a twin 27 September 1922 at or near Craik, Saskatchewan, son to James Henry "Harry" Spencer and Ethel Phoebe Kennedy, (to whom refer); died in 1992 at or near Craik, Saskatchewan; buried at Aylesbury Memorial Cemetery, Aylesbury, Saskatchewan. His wife Winnifred Mae (or Louise) "Winnie" Redstone, (to whom he was married 26 September 1959), was born in 1918 at or near Craik, Saskatchewan; died 13 October 1998 at or near Craik, Saskatchewan; buried at Aylesbury Memorial Cemetery, Aylesbury, Saskatchewan. This couple begat issue: (1) Vicki Louise Spencer, born antenuptially 16 May 1958, who married in September 1977, Dennis Edwards; (2) Allen James Spencer, born 29 March 1960; (3) Lloyd Spencer, born a twin 25 April 1961; (4) Larry Spencer, born a twin 25 April 1961.


William Arthur Spencer was born 2 November 1887 or 7 November 1887 (depending upon sources) at or near Spencerville, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Charles Spencer and Marinda Elbare, (to whom refer); died 12 May 1969 at Regina, Saskatchewan; buried in May 1969 at Aylesbury Memorial Cemetery, Aylesbury, Saskatchewan. His wife Velma Viola Kennedy, (to whom he was married 11 November 1910), was born 22 October 1888; died 25 December 1969. This couple begat issue: (1) S. Isabel Spencer, born 2 June 1911, who married 14 May 1932, James M. Jordan; (2) Charles Raymond Spencer, born 2 September ----, who married Gladys Bird.


Vernon Ray Staats was born 4 December 1944. His wife Sharon Elizabeth Morris, (to whom he was married 27 October 1972), was born 7 January 1951 or 7 December 1951 (depending upon sources) in West Virginia, daughter to William Nelson Morris and Gloria Dawn Crowder, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Jason Patrick Staats, born 5 August 1975; (2) a child, name and sex unrecorded; (3) a child, name and sex unrecorded; (4) James William Staats, born 12 June 1983.


Dean Russell Stanton (a noted figure in the arts community of Calgary, Alberta, etc.) was born 14 July 1967, son to James Russell Stanton and Dawna Patricia Anderson, (to whom refer). His wife was Shauna ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


James Anderson Stanton was born 20 January 1957, son to James Russell Stanton and Dawna Patricia Anderson, (to whom refer). His wife was Brenda ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


James Russell Stanton died in June 1972. His wife Dawna Patricia Anderson, (to whom he was married 22 September 1951), was born 27 May 1932, daughter to Orval Anderson and Edna Marie Spencer, (to whom refer); married, secondly, in March 1974, Joseph Cooper, (to whom also refer). James Russell Stanton and Dawna Patricia Anderson begat issue: (1) Marla Jay Stanton, born 7 March 1955, who married Gary Taylor; (2) James Anderson Stanton, born 20 January 1957, who married Brenda ---; (3) Sheridan Lee Stanton, born 18 June 1959 at Calgary, Alberta, died 27 April 2007 at Calgary, Alberta, who married --- Thomson; (4) Patti-Marie Stanton, born 20 March 1961, who married Edward Johnston; (5) Dean Russell Stanton (a noted figure in the arts community of Calgary, Alberta, etc.), born 14 July 1967, who married Shauna ---; (6) Robert Spencer Stanton, born 4 July 1969, who married Kellie ---.


Robert Spencer Stanton was born 4 July 1969, son to James Russell Stanton and Dawna Patricia Anderson, (to whom refer). His wife was Kellie ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Thomas Leister Steele was born 4 April 1887 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, son to William John Steele and Agnes McKane; died 18 February 1960. His wife Anna-Bell Clark, (to whom he was married 6 December 1916 at or near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario), was born 17 December 1893 at Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario, daughter to Elijah Van Camp Clark and Margaret Elizabeth Crowder, (to whom refer); died 31 March 1979. This couple begat issue: (1) Robert Steele.


Frank Stetson was born in 1896. His wife Katherine (or Kathleen) "Kate" Clark, (to whom he was married in 1920), was born 21 July 1896 at Dundas County, Ontario, daughter to Elijah Van Camp Clark and Margaret Elizabeth Crowder, (to whom refer); married, secondly, in 1935, John C. Wallace, (to whom also refer); died 15 July 1960. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Frank Stetson and Katherine (or Kathleen) "Kate" Clark.


James Melborne Moffatt Stewart was born 2 November 1950. His wife Patricia Ann Crowder, (to whom he was married 21 August 1971), was born 25 April 1951, daughter to Norman Kenneth Crowder and Ruth Eileen Haberl, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Robert James Stewart, born 29 May 1974, who married 24 June 2000, Cara Philliben; (2) John Michael Stewart, born 4 February 1977.


Robert James Stewart was born 29 May 1974, son to James Melborne Moffatt Stewart and Patricia Ann Crowder, (to whom refer). His wife was Cara Philliben, (to whom he was married 24 June 2000). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Arnold Stobo. His wife Grace Kerr was daughter to Thomas Kerr and Nelda Grace Crowder, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Franz Stokan. His wife Ethel Ann Reynolds, (to whom he was married in 1963), was born in 1947, daughter to George Herbert Reynolds and Margaret Doris Buzzell, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Jeffrey Matthew Stokan, born in 1964; (2) Christina Stokan.


James Storey was born in May 1873 at or near Pittston, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to William Storey and Mary Levere; married, firstly, Martha Levere. His second wife Rosa (or Rose) Edith Crowder, (to whom he was married 19 September 1907 at Grenville County, Ontario), was born 16 June 1889 or 16 June 1890 (depending upon sources) at Edwardsburgh Township, near Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to George Ira Crowder and Mary Elizabeth Mayhew (or Levere), (to whom refer); died 16 December 1975. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of James Storey and Rosa (or Rose) Edith Crowder; however this couple brought up one male child of the Husband's previous marriage who, being a "stranger in blood" as regards the Wife's family, is not to be further noted or documented in these records.


William James Strader was born in 1903 at or near Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, son to William Strader and Ada Duval; died in 1973; buried at St. John's United Church (formerly St. John's Methodist) Riverside Cemetery, at or near Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Elizabeth M. A. Doraes (or Doris) Elbare (or Albert), (to whom he was married 26 May 1925 at Morrisburg, Dundas County, Ontario), was born 2 July 1902 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to Robert E. Elbare and Annie Charlotte Armstrong, (to whom refer); buried at St. John's United Church (formerly St. John's Methodist) Riverside Cemetery, at or near Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Brian Francis Sullivan. His wife Margaret Louise "Peggy" Elbare, (to whom he was married 24 April 1970 at Sarasota County, Florida), was born 1 August 1951, daughter to Thomas James Elbare and Dorothy Jeanne Blume, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Frank J. Svoboda was born 1 August 1908 in the State of Bohemia in the Empire of Austria, son to Frank Svoboda and Mary Frances Kopecna (or Spinner); died 16 December 1987 at East Syracuse, DeWitt Township, Onondaga County, New York; buried at Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York. His wife Ethel Cecelia Hamilton was born 1 February 1907 at or near West Monroe, West Monroe Township, Oswego County, New York, daughter to George Scribner Hamilton and Felicia Mary "May" Williams, (to whom refer); died 6 November 2002 at East Syracuse, DeWitt Township, Onondaga County, New York; buried at Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York. This couple begat issue: (1) a female child, name unavailable.



Wilfred Taillon. His wife Olive Jean Gillissie, (from whom subsequently divorced), was born 24 January 1947, daughter to James Edward Gillissie and Doris Wilhamina Martin, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 26 May 1972, Brian Ray Carter, (to whom also refer); died 11 February 2013 at St. Andrew's West, South Stormont Township, Stormont County, Ontario; cremated in February 2013 at Cornwall, Stormont County, Ontario. Wilfred Taillon and Olive Jean Gillissie begat issue: (1) Ronald Vincent Taillon, born 18 April 1965, died in February 2013, cremated in February 2013.


--- Taylor. His wife Marjorie Pearl was daughter to Donald Thomas Pearl and Florence "Flossie" King, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Gary Taylor. His wife Marla Jay Stanton was born 7 March 1955, daughter to James Russell Stanton and Dawna Patricia Anderson, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


John Taylor. His wife Margaret H. Caldwell was born 3 July 1915, daughter to Morton J. Caldwell and Maude (or Muriel) Jane King, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Stanley Smith, (to whom also refer); died 30 November 1981. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of John Taylor and Margaret H. Caldwell are presently available.


Emile Arthur Tessier was born 29 June 1885 in the Dominion of Canada; died 19 January 1936. His wife Miriam Gertrude Clark, (to whom he was married 26 July 1929 or 29 July 1929, depending upon sources), was born 9 September 1905 at Carleton County, Ontario, daughter to William John Clark and Emma Lillian Allen, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 24 November 1938, Fred Hale Miller, (to whom also refer). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Emile Arthur Tessier and Miriam Gertrude Clark.


--- Thomson. His wife Sheridan Lee Stanton was born 18 June 1959 at Calgary, Alberta, daughter to James Russell Stanton and Dawna Patricia Anderson, (to whom refer); died 27 April 2007 at Calgary, Alberta. This couple begat issue: (1) Chelsea Joan Thomson; (2) Taggart William Thomson.


James Thorpe was born 29 October 1941 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Shirley Eileen Landon, (to whom he was married 15 March 1968 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 13 August 1944 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Ralph Edward Landon and Laura Alberta Chant, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Delmer Webster Timmins (manager of the renowned Inkerman Rockets hockey team, etc.) was born 1 December 1903 at or near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, son to J. Byron Timmins and Hattie Shaver; died 8 June 1968 at Dundas County, Ontario; buried in June 1968 at Knight's (otherwise known as Inkerman Old) Cemetery, at or near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario. His wife Sarah Ordelia "Sadie" Crowder, (to whom he was married 4 April 1923 at Dundas County, Ontario), was born 7 November 1900 at or near Pleasant Valley, Matilda Township, Dundas County, Ontario, daughter to John Edgar Crowder and Nancy Jane Campbell, (to whom refer); died in 1996 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario; buried at Knight's (otherwise known as Inkerman Old) Cemetery, at or near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Vivian Gwendolyn Timmins, born 26 May 1924, who married, firstly, 27 January 1943, William Raymond Rennick, (from whom subsequently divorced in 1951), and, secondly, 16 January 1952, George Rennick Whipps; (2) Lorna Margaret Timmins, born 7 August 1925, died 13 December 1986 in Florida, buried at Skyway Memorial Gardens, Palmetto, Manatee County, Florida, who married 11 May 1946, Bryant Albert Elliott; (3) Phyllis Joyce Timmins, born 24 March 1927, who married, firstly, 12 October 1946, Bliss Eugene Bowman, and, secondly, 23 December 1950, Raymond Mary Harrington; (4) John Ronald Timmins, born 23 June 1931, who married 23 June 1951, Murla Winnifred Holmes; (5) Sandra Gail Timmins, born 24 September 1941, who married 3 October 1959, Lucien Joseph Raymond Benoit.


John Ronald Timmins was born 23 June 1931, son to Delmer Webster Timmins and Sarah Ordelia "Sadie" Crowder, (to whom refer). His wife Murla Winnifred Holmes, (to whom he was married 23 June 1951), was born 12 September 1930. This couple begat issue: (1) Brenda Lee Timmins, born 27 March 1952, who married 27 May 1972, William Arnold Hogaboam; (2) Janet May Timmins, born 23 July 1953, who married, firstly, 31 August 1974, Gary Roger Gates, (from whom subsequently divorced in 1985), and, secondly, 19 October 1985, Robert Ernest Volks; (3) Paul Ronald Timmins, born 29 June 1955; (4) Cheryl Ann Timmins, born 27 May 1961, who married 10 December 1983, Peter Alexander Guy.


--- Tolles. His wife Jean Hamilton was daughter to Louis Richard Hamilton and Mary ---, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Charles Truman Tuck was born 29 May 1890 at Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario; died 27 March 1965 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario; buried in 1965 at Shawville, Pontiac County, Qu�bec. His wife Hazel Laura McFadden, (to whom he was married 26 October 1957 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario), was born 10 May 1903 near Hyndman, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to Howard Arastis McFadden and Sarah Edith Elbare, (to whom refer); bore out of wedlock, prior to marriage, by a man unrecorded, a female child, (for further records of whom refer to the entry labelled "Hazel Laura McFadden" in the "Supplementary" Section at the end of Part I. of this work). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Charles Truman Tuck and Hazel Laura McFadden.


Christopher Wayne Tuck was born 5 April 1946. His wife Sandra Carol King, (to whom he was married 18 July 1970), was born 22 April 1946, daughter to George Harlow King and Laura Johnston, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Scott Jason Wayne Tuck, born 14 March 1973; (2) Jaime Laura Lee Tuck, born 25 March 1977.


Arnold Richard Tucker was born 25 November 1950, son to Floyd Joseph Tucker and Christina Isabelle "Chris" Spencer, (to whom refer). His wife Janet Shannon was born 5 February 1952. This couple begat issue: (1) Shane Tucker, born 12 October 1972; (2) Richard Tucker, born 30 August 1974.


Floyd Joseph Tucker was born 5 December 1928 at or near Donalda, Alberta, son to Melvin Richard Tucker and Mabel Etta Sheets; died 23 December 2001 at Vancouver, Greater Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia; buried at Ocean View Burial Park, Burnaby, Greater Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia. His wife Christina Isabelle "Chris" Spencer was born 22 January 1931 at or near Aylesbury, Saskatchewan, daughter to John Russell Spencer and Christina Isabella Mitchell, (to whom refer); died 21 April 1998 at Vancouver, Greater Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia; buried in April 1998 at Ocean View Burial Park, Burnaby, Greater Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia. This couple begat issue: (1) Linda-Lou Tucker, born 4 January 1949, who married Alan Valiant; (2) Arnold Richard Tucker, born 25 November 1950, who married Janet Shannon; (3) Melvin John Tucker, born 9 November 1952, who married Susan Coleman, (from whom subsequently divorced); (4) Warren Floyd Tucker, born 26 July 1956.


Melvin John Tucker was born 9 November 1952, son to Floyd Joseph Tucker and Christina Isabelle "Chris" Spencer, (to whom refer). His wife was Susan Coleman, (from whom subsequently divorced). This couple begat issue: (1) Ryan John Tucker, born 22 January 1979; (2) Gavin Dann Tucker, born 9 November 1980; (3) Colin Russell Tucker, born 14 January 1984.


Charles Henry Turner was born 12 April 1943. His wife Brenda Gail Harvey, (to whom he was married 6 June 1964 at St. John's United Church, Winnipeg, Manitoba), was born 2 June 1946 at Warroad, Roseau County, Minnesota, daughter to Philip John Harvey and Eleanor Christina Bertha Chambers, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Charles Philip Turner, born 16 September 1965; (2) Cheri Ann Turner, born 18 April 1974.


Edgar Lorne Turner was born 29 January 1915 at or near Hallville, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, son to Charles F. Turner and Jessie M. Johnston; died 7 January 1997 at Cornwall, Stormont County, Ontario. His wife Wilda Mae Patterson, (to whom he was married 26 March 1942), was born 22 February 1925, daughter to James Patterson and Carrie Jane Clark, (to whom refer); died 13 August 1961. This couple begat issue: (1) Doris Jane Turner, born 19 February 1943, who married 1 July 1965, Samuel Shirley; (2) Gordon Edgar Turner, born 2 September 1944, who married 17 September 1967, Diane Eva Marriner; (3) John Allen Turner, born 15 March 1954.


Gordon Edgar Turner was born 2 September 1944, son to Edgar Lorne Turner and Wilda Mae Patterson, (to whom refer). His wife was Diane Eva Marriner, (to whom he was married 17 September 1967). This couple begat issue: (1) Tracey Donna Turner, born 23 October 1969; (2) David Gordon Turner, born 11 June 1972.


Garnet Typhair was son to Sterling Typhair and Susan Phyllis King, (to whom refer). His wife was Mary ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Sterling Typhair died 12 September 1977. His wife Susan Phyllis King was born 10 March 1897 or 10 March 1898 (depending upon sources) in Ontario, daughter to Thomas Henry King and Mary Johnston, (to whom refer); died 1 September 1975. This couple begat issue: (1) Wilbert "Bud" Typhair, born in or about 1917 or 1918 at or near Crystal Rock (formerly known as Limekiln), Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 9 September 2005 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario in consequence of pneumonia, buried 12 September 2005 at Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Cemetery, at or near Cardinal, Edwardsburgh-Cardinal Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married at Summerside, Prince County, Prince Edward Island, Eileen MacDonald; (2) Orval Henry "Toke" Typhair, born 6 February 1924 at or near Crystal Rock (formerly known as Limekiln), Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 14 September 1993 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario, buried 17 September 1993 at Sandy Hill Cemetery, Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario; (3) Garnet Typhair, who married Mary ---; (4) Teresa Typhair, who married --- Young; (5) Gertrude Typhair, who married Clinton Plante.


Wilbert "Bud" Typhair was born in or about 1917 or 1918 at or near Crystal Rock (formerly known as Limekiln), Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Sterling Typhair and Susan Phyllis King, (to whom refer); died 9 September 2005 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario in consequence of pneumonia; buried 12 September 2005 at Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Cemetery, at or near Cardinal, Edwardsburgh-Cardinal Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife was Eileen MacDonald, (to whom he was married at Summerside, Prince County, Prince Edward Island). This couple begat issue: (1) Evelyn Typhair, who married George Mallett; (2) Sandra Typhair, who married Lawrence Empey; (3) Gertrude "Trudy" Typhair, who married Douglas Snider; (4) Sheila Typhair, died in infancy, unmarried.



Alan Valiant was born 7 July 1945. His wife Linda-Lou Tucker was born 4 January 1949, daughter to Floyd Joseph Tucker and Christina Isabelle "Chris" Spencer, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Roger Alan Valiant, born 26 April 1966.


Terence Gordon Van Leeuwen. His wife Angelica Maria "Angel" Workman was daughter to Allan Howard "Hunt" Workman and Fatima Maria "Tina" Braganca, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Noah Allan Van Leeuwen; (2) Sophia Van Leeuwen.


John Vansil. His wife Edith Ann Crowder was born 17 December 1937, daughter to Wilbur Crowder and Ann Guzak, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable; (2) a male child, name unavailable; (3) a male child, name unavailable.


Richard Van Vlack. His wife Cheryl Elizabeth King was born 3 September 1954 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Clarence William King Jr. and Jean Elizabeth Jennie Gillmoure, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Hendrik "Hank" Veltkamp was born 22 September 1938 in the Kingdom of The Netherlands, son to Willem Hendrik Veltkamp and Maria Johanna Slootweg. His wife Ginny Ann Scott, (to whom he was married 4 April 1964 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 2 November 1944 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Donald Wilson "Bud" Scott and Fern Eileen Gillmoure, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 1 November 1974 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, George Sheldon Gill, (to whom also refer). Hendrik "Hank" Veltkamp and Ginny Ann Scott begat issue: (1) Douglas Clair Veltkamp, born 23 December 1964 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; (2) Paul Thomas Veltkamp (or Gill), born 18 May 1971 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, afterward assuming and bearing his stepfather's surname Gill in lieu of that of Veltkamp.


Willem Hendrik "Bill" Veltkamp was born 14 January 1947 in the Kingdom of The Netherlands, son to Willem Hendrik Veltkamp and Maria Johanna Slootweg. His wife Donna Mae Scott, (to whom he was married 7 September 1969 at Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 22 July 1947 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Donald Wilson "Bud" Scott and Fern Eileen Gillmoure, (to whom refer); died 25 September 2010 at Ottawa General Hospital, Ottawa, Ontario; buried 30 September 2010 at St. Andrew's and St. James' Presbyterian Riverside Cemetery, at or near Cardinal, Edwardsburgh-Cardinal Township, Grenville County, Ontario. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Henry Veltkempt. His wife Jean Wilkins King was born 11 March 1911, daughter to Clarence William King and Ruth Mildred Wilkins, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Minor Spencer Gladstone, (to whom also refer); married, secondly, Harry Foy, (to whom likewise also refer). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Henry Veltkempt and Jean Wilkins King are presently available.


Gary Villemaire was born 29 September 1951; died in May 1985. His wife Marilyn Ruth Crowder, (to whom he was married 31 August 1974), was born 25 March 1955, daughter to Norman Kenneth Crowder and Ruth Eileen Haberl, (to whom refer); married, secondly, in June 1986, Suresh "Hingo" Hingorani, (to whom also refer). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Gary Villemaire and Marilyn Ruth Crowder are presently available.


Leo Villeneuve. His wife Eleanor Rose Perrin, (to whom he was married 25 February 1946), was born 25 March 1924, daughter to William Harold "Will" Perrin and Mary Almira McFarlane, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) John Villeneuve, born 17 July 1947; (2) Paul Villeneuve, born 11 August 1950.


Derk A. Vloedman was born in Illinois, son to Anno Vloedman and Klaaske ---. His wife Florence Mildred Cotell was born 27 November 1898 at Eastlake, Manistee County, Michigan, daughter to Jay A. Cotell and Bertha Bell Elbare, (to whom refer); died 19 November 1966 at Irving Community Hospital, Irving, Dallas County, Texas in consequence of respiratory failure owing to severe pulmonary emphysema and pneumonia resulting from severe pulmonary obstructive disease and renal insufficiency; buried 21 November 1966 at Elmwood Cemetery, Woodward, Woodward County, Oklahoma. This couple begat issue: (1) Derk Vloedman, born in or about 1925 or 1926 in Illinois; (2) Greeley Vloedman, born in or about 1928 or 1929 in Illinois.


Robert Ernest Volks was born 6 January 1956. His wife Janet May Timmins, (to whom he was married 19 October 1985), was born 23 July 1953, daughter to John Ronald Timmins and Murla Winnifred Holmes, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 31 August 1974, Gary Roger Gates, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced in 1985). Robert Ernest Volks and Janet May Timmins begat issue: (1) Sara Elizabeth Volks, born 2 October 1986.



Gerald James Walker was born 18 May 1953 at or near Winchester, Dundas County, Ontario. His wife Ruth Ella Gillmoure, (to whom he was married 25 January 1975 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 19 May 1953 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Mansel Andrew Gillmoure and Thelma Ruth Dawson, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Michael James Walker, born 11 June 1976 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; (2) David Clifford Andrew Walker, born 15 July 1979 at Pembroke, Renfrew County, Ontario; (3) Tyler Scott Walker, born 15 May 1985 at Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario.


Jeremy Walker was born in 1979. His wife Jessica Lynne Reynolds, (to whom he was married in 2007), was born 11 March 1982, daughter to Douglas Raymond Reynolds and Debra Marie McCrea, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Charles Ira Wallace was born in 1862; died in 1942; buried at Maynard Cemetery, at or near Maynard, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Emily "Emma" McFarlane was born 9 July 1867, daughter to John McFarlane and Mary Jane Brown, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Albert Beattie, (to whom also refer); died in 1958; buried at Maynard Cemetery, at or near Maynard, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario. Charles Ira Wallace and Emily "Emma" McFarlane begat issue: (1) Muriel Charlotte Wallace, born 2 July 1899, died 11 February 1980, who married David Gray; (2) Marshall Wallace, born 20 June 1902, died 11 January 1979, who married Carrie Myrtle Workman.


John C. Wallace was born in 1896. His wife Katherine (or Kathleen) "Kate" Clark, (to whom he was married in 1935), was born 21 July 1896 at Dundas County, Ontario, daughter to Elijah Van Camp Clark and Margaret Elizabeth Crowder, (to whom refer); married, firstly, in 1920, Frank Stetson, (to whom also refer); died 15 July 1960. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of John C. Wallace and Katherine (or Kathleen) "Kate" Clark.


Marshall Wallace was born 20 June 1902, son to Charles Ira Wallace and Emily "Emma" McFarlane, (to whom refer); died 11 January 1979. His wife Carrie Myrtle Workman was born 9 October 1903, daughter to Henry Clarke Workman and Dina M. Foxton; died in October 1983. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


William Melbourne Wallace was born 12 October 1919 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Henry Wallace and Ann ---; married, secondly, Muriel ---; died 17 July 1986 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario. His first wife Annie Madaline "Mat" or "Mattie" Hunter, (to whom he was married 17 August 1940 and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 5 August 1920 near Millar's Corners, Oxford-on-Rideau Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to Edward Hunter and Della Blair, (to whom refer); married, secondly, William Edward Ross Desjardin, (to whom also refer); died 4 July 2000; buried in July 2000 at Roselawn Memorial Gardens, at or near Maitland, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of William Melbourne Wallace and Annie Madaline "Mat" or "Mattie" Hunter.


David Walter Wallis was born 9 February 1941. His wife Marcia Ann Durant, (to whom he was married 7 April 1962), was born 29 August 1941, daughter to Harold Franklin Durant and Vivian Loretta Richer, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Michael David Wallis, born 12 July 1963; (2) Joanne Vivian Wallis, born 3 October 1964.


--- Ward. His wife Doris King was daughter to Cecil King and Mabel Preston, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Sandra Ward; (2) Janet Ward.


Carme (or Carmi) Welch (or Welsh) was born 17 February 1881 in Ontario; died in 1964 at or near Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Bertha Amy Sayeau, (to whom he was married 22 March 1899 at Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence County, New York), was born 19 January 1878 at Dundas County, Ontario, daughter to Charles Sayeau and Margaret McFarlane, (to whom refer); died 29 September 1925 at Port Colborne, Welland County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Dorothy Kathleen Welch (or Welsh), born 11 November 1900 at Grenville County, Ontario, died unmarried 1 December 1936 at or near Cardinal, Grenville County, Ontario.


Blake Wheeler. His wife Ethel "Prim" Merrit was daughter to Grover Merrit and Blanche Elizabeth "Dollie" King, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Donna Wheeler.


Edward Allen Whelsky was born 9 February 1944. His wife Sharon Vina Durant, (to whom he was married 26 May 1965), was born 2 June 1946, daughter to Harold Franklin Durant and Vivian Loretta Richer, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Cheryl May Whelsky, born 27 December 1965; (2) Edward Harold Whelsky, born 13 August 1967.


George Rennick Whipps was born 2 January 1923; died 14 June 1967. His wife Vivian Gwendolyn Timmins, (to whom he was married 16 January 1952), was born 26 May 1924, daughter to Delmer Webster Timmins and Sarah Ordelia "Sadie" Crowder, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 27 January 1943, William Raymond Rennick, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced in 1951). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of George Rennick Whipps and Vivian Gwendolyn Timmins.


Reginald Whiteland. His wife Georgina Preston was daughter to Howard "Hap" Preston and Bessie May King, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Francis Arden "Frank" Whitteker was born 13 November 1927 at Williamsburgh Township, Dundas County, Ontario. His wife Lorayne Laura McFadden, (to whom he was married 10 October 1953 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario), was born out of wedlock 1 March 1929 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario, daughter to Hazel Laura McFadden by a man unrecorded, (to whom refer in the entry labelled "Hazel Laura McFadden" in the "Supplementary" Section at the end of Part I. of this work). This couple begat issue: (1) Allison Lorayne Whitteker, born 16 November 1957 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario; (2) Leslie Ann Whitteker, born 5 September 1959 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario, bore out of wedlock by one Steven Blondin, a male child, (for further records of whom refer to the entry labelled "Leslie Ann Whitteker" in the "Supplementary" Section at the end of Part I. of this work).


--- Whittle. His wife Verna Baker was daughter to Thomas Henry "Harry" Baker and Elsie Mae Crowder, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Floyd DeLoss Williams. His wife Hazel Crowder was born 11 April ---- in Saskatchewan, daughter to George Orwin Crowder and Jennie Viola Barkley, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Luella Jennie Williams, who married Wayne Shrauger.


Sean Williams. His wife Lisa Anne Martin was born 21 February 1977, daughter to John William Martin and Sandra Simser, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Carter Williams; (2) Reese Williams.


David Keith Windh was born 20 January 1939, son to Perry Windh and Thelma Spencer, (to whom refer). His wife was ---. In addition to adoption of one female child who, being a "stranger in blood" as regards the treated families, is not to be further noted or documented in these records, this couple also begat issue: (1) Jeffrey Keith Windh, born 16 August 1962.


Garry Lee Windh was born 17 May 1947, son to Perry Windh and Thelma Spencer, (to whom refer). His wife was Darlene Burger. This couple begat issue: (1) Shawn Allan Windh, born 8 November 1966; (2) Garry Lee Windh, born 31 March 1968; (3) Christopher John Windh, born 29 September 1970.


Perry Windh. His wife Thelma Spencer, (to whom he was married 3 March 1935), was born 23 June 1915, daughter to John Russell Spencer and Christina Isabella Mitchell, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Stanford John Windh, born 30 March 1937, who married Carol Carlson; (2) David Keith Windh, born 20 January 1939, who married ---; (3) Karen Marie Windh, born 4 November 1941, who married Harrold Laverne Anderson; (4) Garry Lee Windh, born 17 May 1947, who married Darlene Burger.


Stanford John Windh was born 30 March 1937, son to Perry Windh and Thelma Spencer, (to whom refer). His wife was Carol Carlson. This couple begat issue: (1) Carl John Windh, born 28 June 1964; (2) Stanford John Windh, born 3 June 1966; (3) Timothy Windh, born 3 May 1968.


Arthur Woodworth. His wife Luella Crowder was born in or about 1913 or 1914 at or near Craik, Saskatchewan, daughter to Henry Orval Crowder and Lydia Joanna "Annie" Tinkess, (to whom refer); married, firstly, James Mosher, (to whom also refer). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Arthur Woodworth and Luella Crowder are presently available.


Frederick Woolcombe. His wife Linda Boughner, (to whom he was married 23 November 1963), was born 22 October 1945, daughter to John Gordon Boughner and Florence Edna Crowder, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Sherry Woolcombe, born 31 March 1964, who married 21 May 1982, Brent Cole; (2) Jamie Woolcombe, born 2 April 1965; (3) Freida Woolcombe, born 25 April 1969; (4) Angela Woolcombe, born 29 August 1976.


Allan Howard "Hunt" Workman was born 12 May 1949, son to Howard Clarke Workman and Clara Janet Hunter, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 28 December 1996, Jane Mary Landry, (to whom also refer). His first wife was Fatima Maria "Tina" Braganca, (to whom he was married in October 1973 and from whom subsequently divorced); married, firstly, ---, (from whom subsequently divorced). Allan Howard "Hunt" Workman and Fatima Maria "Tina" Braganca begat issue: (1) Angelica Maria "Angel" Workman, who married Terence Gordon Van Leeuwen; (2) Candida Janet Workman, born 18 August 1975, bore a female child, (for further records of whom refer to the entry labelled "Candida Janet Workman" in the "Supplementary" Section at the end of Part I. of this work); (3) Julie Lynn Workman, born 8 August 1977.


Allan Howard "Hunt" Workman was born 12 May 1949, son to Howard Clarke Workman and Clara Janet Hunter, (to whom refer); married, firstly, in October 1973, Fatima Maria "Tina" Braganca, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced). His second wife Jane Mary Landry, (to whom he was married 28 December 1996), was born 8 February 1954. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Allan Howard "Hunt" Workman and Jane Mary Landry are presently available.


Edward Sandy Workman was born 5 July 1944, son to Howard Clarke Workman and Clara Janet Hunter, (to whom refer). His wife Patricia Elizabeth Benson, (to whom he was married 31 December 1971 at Belleville, Hastings County, Ontario), was born 24 October 1947 at Guildford, Guildford Municipal Borough, Surrey County, England, daughter to William F. M. Benson and Doris Moody. This couple begat issue: (1) Tanya Louise Workman, born 27 July 1972; (2) Holly Kate Madeline Workman, born 29 January 1976, who married 26 July 2003, Derek McGuire.


Howard Clarke Workman was born 11 December 1920 at or near Heckston, South Gower Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Sandy Everett Workman and Margaret Myrtle Christie; died 10 May 1994 at Belleville, Hastings County, Ontario; buried in May 1994 at Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Maitland, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Clara Janet Hunter, (to whom he was married 22 August 1942), was born 28 September 1922 near Millar's Corners, Oxford-on-Rideau Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to Edward Hunter and Della Blair, (to whom refer); died 26 March 2007 at Belleville General Hospital, Belleville, Hastings County, Ontario in consequence of pneumonia; buried in 2007 at Roselawn Memorial Gardens, at or near Maitland, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Edward Sandy Workman, born 5 July 1944, who married 31 December 1971 at Belleville, Hastings County, Ontario, Patricia Elizabeth Benson; (2) Allan Howard "Hunt" Workman, born 12 May 1949, who married, firstly, in October 1973, Fatima Maria "Tina" Braganca, (from whom subsequently divorced), and, secondly, 28 December 1996, Jane Mary Landry; (3) Bonnie Louise Workman, born 31 July 1951, who married Greg Roe; (4) Mark David Workman, born 14 January 1956 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married, firstly, Glenda Berge, (from whom subsequently divorced), and, secondly, 16 April 1986 at Athens Baptist Church, Athens, Leeds County, Ontario (formerly known as Farmersville, Front of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario), Katharine Lynn Leizert.


Mark David Workman was born 14 January 1956 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Howard Clarke Workman and Clara Janet Hunter, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 16 April 1986 at Athens Baptist Church, Athens, Leeds County, Ontario (formerly known as Farmersville, Front of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario), Katharine Lynn Leizert, (to whom also refer). His first wife was Glenda Berge, (from whom subsequently divorced). Mark David Workman and Glenda Berge begat issue: (1) Christopher John Workman, born 2 February 1982.


Mark David Workman was born 14 January 1956 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Howard Clarke Workman and Clara Janet Hunter, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Glenda Berge, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced). His second wife Katharine Lynn Leizert, (to whom he was married 16 April 1986 at Athens Baptist Church, Athens, Leeds County, Ontario, formerly known as Farmersville, Front of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 26 September 1959 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to David Leslie Leizert and Ethel Madeline Hodge; married, firstly, ---, (from whom subsequently divorced). In addition to the upbringing of two children of the Wife's previous marriage who, being "strangers in blood" as regards the Husband's family, are not to be further noted or documented in these records, Mark David Workman and Katharine Lynn Leizert begat issue: (1) Chantel Leigh Workman, born 21 December 1988.



George Russell York was born 20 April 1942, son to James Russell York and Muriel Marguerite Burnside, (to whom refer). His wife was Laura Susan Wallace, (to whom he was married 26 August 1967). This couple begat issue: (1) Lois Susan York, born in 1968, who married --- Evoy; (2) James Russell York, born 7 December 1971.


James Russell York was born 13 December 1915 at or near Finch, Stormont County, Ontario, son to William York and Mary McNeil; died 7 January 1992 at or near Shanly, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario; buried 10 January 1992 at Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Maitland, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, (with the Reverend Patricia Swan, United Church of Canada, officiating). His wife Muriel Marguerite Burnside, (to whom he was married 18 April 1936), was born 17 April 1917 at Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to William John Burnside and Mary Edith "Mamie" King, (to whom refer); died 21 November 2002 at Winchester District Memorial Hospital, Winchester, North Dundas Township, Dundas County, Ontario; buried at Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Maitland, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Mary Marguerite York, who married 20 July 1957 at Shanly, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, Lyal Arthur Simzer; (2) George Russell York, born 20 April 1942, who married 26 August 1967, Laura Susan Wallace; (3) Connie Fay York, born 9 March 1955, who married 8 July 1972, Barry Cinnamon.


--- Young. His wife Teresa Typhair was daughter to Sterling Typhair and Susan Phyllis King, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Donald Edward Young was son to William Gordon Harwin Young and Helen Gertrude Reynolds, (to whom refer). His wife was Lila Vileneuve. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


William Alan Young was son to William Gordon Harwin Young and Helen Gertrude Reynolds, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Marlin Warren, (to whom also refer); married, thirdly, Susan ---, (to whom likewise also refer). His first wife was Sheila Broome. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of William Alan Young and Sheila Broome are presently available.


William Alan Young was son to William Gordon Harwin Young and Helen Gertrude Reynolds, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Sheila Broome, (to whom also refer); married, thirdly, Susan ---, (to whom likewise also refer). His second wife was Marlin Warren. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of William Alan Young and Marlin Warren are presently available.


William Alan Young was son to William Gordon Harwin Young and Helen Gertrude Reynolds, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Sheila Broome, (to whom also refer); married, secondly, Marlin Warren, (to whom likewise also refer). His third wife was Susan ---. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of William Alan Young and Susan --- are presently available.


William Gordon Harwin Young was born in 1915 in Qu�bec; died in 1991. His wife Helen Gertrude Reynolds, (to whom he was married in 1937), was born in 1915, daughter to William John Reynolds and Ethel Elizabeth McFarlane, (to whom refer); died in 2001. This couple begat issue: (1) William Alan Young, who married, firstly, Sheila Broome, secondly, Marlin Warren, and, thirdly, Susan ---; (2) Beverly Elizabeth Young, who married Hugh Pitts; (3) Donald Edward Young, who married Lila Vileneuve.



Sarah Jane Crowder was born 26 November 1865 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Canada West, daughter to George Ira Crowder and Ardelia Elbare, (to whom refer); married 30 September 1892 (not 30 September 1891 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources) at or near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, William John Martin, (to whom also refer); died 1 January 1941. Sarah Jane Crowder produced out of wedlock, prior to marriage, by a man unrecorded, issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable, born 15 September 1881 at Dundas County, Ontario.


Kathleen Lillian Gardiner was born 6 March 1909 in England; married --- Oliver; died 11 December 1981 in England. Kathleen Lillian Gardiner produced out of wedlock, by Elwood Hunter "Eddie" Dennis, (son to Charles Alfred Dennis and Ida Jane Hunter, to whom refer), issue: (1) Dennis Oliver, born 15 October 1946 at St. George's Wood, Haslemere Urban District, Surrey County, England, bearing, in accordance with then-prevailing English law and custom, his mother's marital surname Oliver which she still legally bore, who married Michelle Powers.


Hazel Laura McFadden was born 10 May 1903 near Hyndman, Edwardsburgh Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to Howard Arastis McFadden and Sarah Edith Elbare, (to whom refer); married 26 October 1957 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario, Charles Truman Tuck, (to whom also refer). Hazel Laura McFadden produced out of wedlock, prior to marriage, by a man unrecorded, issue: (1) Lorayne Laura McFadden, born 1 March 1929 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario, who married 10 October 1953 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario, Francis Arden "Frank" Whitteker.


Leslie Ann Whitteker was born 5 September 1959 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario, daughter to Francis Arden "Frank" Whitteker and Lorayne Laura McFadden, (to whom refer). Leslie Ann Whitteker produced out of wedlock, by one Steven Blondin, issue: (1) Matthew Steven Whitteker Blondin, born 11 February 1984 at Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario.


Candida Janet Workman was born 18 August 1975, daughter to Allan Howard "Hunt" Workman and Fatima Maria "Tina" Braganca, (to whom refer). Candida Janet Workman produced issue: (1) Samantha Larissa Workman, born 28 April 1997.


It need not, ought not and should not be in any way readily assumed, considered, supposed, conjectured or construed that all available sources or resources, either ancient or modern, have as yet necessarily been fully consulted, or that the contents of this compilation are therefore by any means exhaustive or complete. On the contrary, this remains very much an ongoing collective effort, and all such aspects and avenues remain entirely open to further investigation.

In order to more properly and effectively ensure better maintenance of this site as the most definitive data pool of its kind now extant anywhere for this research, continual regular updates, input and exchanges are always requested and vitally required, including newly-discovered additional search results from early records as well as notification of recently-occurring events or items currently in error or missing from these muniments. Indeed such collaboration is essential to success, and is gratefully invited and encouraged at any time. Anyone so interested or inclined to participate is most welcome and urged to access and search any material desired and to provide and contribute as a mere matter of course any new discoveries or any corrections to existing errors or omissions for inclusion in this work. Curiously enough, in actual point of fact far too many family members both near and distant still tend inexplicably and frustratingly to neglect or fail to submit and register on a continuing basis even their own known personal data or new facts as they occur. It becomes most disappointing, disheartening, demoralising and discouraging when people still procrastinate so doing, not only voluntarily, but also even when specifically and directly approached or asked.

The general concept, vision and expectation has been, is and remains that such automatic reporting and registration herewith, alongside civil vital statistics registries, should become the prevailing standard practice and procedure and accepted norm to which thoughts will immediately, inevitably and invariably turn and naturally conform whenever the opportunity and occasion arises or presents itself.

Please share this responsibility by promptly addressing all such information or related communications via E-mail to The Family Orchard Federation of Families and its affiliate The Elbare Family Association at:

[email protected]

Relevant messages will then be redirected to the designated locations or destinations for rapid processing and/or for individual private contact, acknowledgement and response, or further consultation or clarification, wherever appropriate, as the case may be.

For purposes of convenient reference, a complete and comprehensive listing of any and all entries which have been newly inserted or to which even the slightest alterations, modifications or changes have been entered herein within the preceding twelve Calendar months will be found appended herebelow, and constantly updated, showing the date of every such insertion or amendment and the heading of each entry thus affected.


4 March 2005: Martin, William John / Crowder, Sarah Jane
17 March 2005: Desjardin, Graham Ross / McInnes, Wendy Francine
17 March 2005: Desjardin, William Edward Ross / Hunter, Annie Madaline
17 March 2005: McGuire, Derek / Workman, Holly Kate Madeline
17 March 2005: Wallace, William Melbourne / Hunter, Annie Madaline
17 March 2005: Workman, Edward Sandy / Benson, Patricia Elizabeth
23 September 2005: Empey, Lawrence / Typhair, Sandra
23 September 2005: Mallett, George / Typhair, Evelyn
23 September 2005: Snider, Douglas / Typhair, Gertrude
23 September 2005: Typhair, Sterling / King, Susan Phyllis
23 September 2005: Typhair, Wilbert / MacDonald, Eileen
23 September 2005: Young, --- / Typhair, Teresa
28 September 2005: Dennis, Charles Alfred / Hunter, Ida Jane
28 September 2005: Hunter, John / Elbare, Jane Ann
28 September 2005: Supplementary / Gardiner, Kathleen Lillian
1 December 2005: Crowder, Alpheus (or Alphaeus) Arastus / Crowder, Jane
1 December 2005: King, Nelson, Jr. / Crowder, Luella (Louella or Lowella)
1 December 2005: King, Nelson, Jr. / Cullen, Almira
1 February 2006: Dalley, Bryan Thomas / King, Sarah Anne Louise
1 February 2006: King, Clarence William Roger / Sim, Debra Ann
1 February 2006: Pellett, Matthew Robin / ---, Becca
1 February 2006: Pellett, Robin Emery / King, Fawnda Jane
1 February 2006: Rizk, Thomas / King, Sarah Anne Louise
1 February 2006: Van Vlack, Richard / King, Cheryl Elizabeth
14 April 2006: Brohm, Cory / Simzer, Judy Lynne
14 April 2006: Simzer, James Lyal / Beauvais, Tanya Leigh
14 April 2006: Simzer, James Lyal / Sheridan, Andrea
14 April 2006: Simzer, Lyal Arthur / York, Mary Marguerite
14 April 2006: Skeggs, Ronald / Simzer, Judy Lynne
25 January 2007: Elbare, Howard John / Jones, Mary Ann
25 January 2007: Elbare, Mark Joseph / Condon, Kathleen
25 January 2007: Elbare, Mark Joseph / Broderick, Karen Jean
15 March 2007: Patterson, Frederick James / Jackson, Margaret Elizabeth
15 March 2007: Patterson, Murray Rae / ---, Vickee
15 March 2007: Patterson, Ronald Frederick / Robidoux, Laura Anne
15 March 2007: Patterson, William James / O'Reilly, Catherine Helen
29 March 2007: Hunter, Edward / Blair, Della
29 March 2007: Workman, Howard Clarke / Hunter, Clara Janet
4 August 2007: Johnston, Edward / Stanton, Patti-Marie
5 August 2007: Stanton, Dean Russell / ---, Shauna
5 August 2007: Stanton, James Anderson / ---, Brenda
5 August 2007: Stanton, James Russell / Anderson, Dawna Patricia
5 August 2007: Stanton, Robert Spencer / ---, Kellie
5 August 2007: Taylor, Gary / Stanton, Marla Jay
5 August 2007: Thomson, --- / Stanton, Sheridan Lee
9 August 2007: Martin, George Ira / Flynn, Stella Ruth
27 November 2007: Hoy, William James Aubrey / Martin, Marion Lorraine
19 February 2008: Bryan, Ernest Franklin / Crowder, Verna Pearl
19 February 2008: Clark, Elijah Van Camp / Crowder, Margaret Elizabeth
19 February 2008: Crowder, Wilfred Gordon / Murdock, Ruby L.
19 February 2008: Crowder, William Arkley Royal / Kendrick, Emma Isabella
19 February 2008: Crowder, William Arkley Royal / Torrance, Mary Ann
19 February 2008: Longpr�, Gilles / Crowder, Sandra
19 February 2008: Murdock, Milton J. / Crowder, Verna Pearl
19 February 2008: Stetson, Frank / Clark, Katherine (or Kathleen)
19 February 2008: Timmins, Delmer Webster / Crowder, Sarah Ordelia
19 February 2008: Wallace, John C. / Clark, Katherine (or Kathleen)
15 July 2008: Chambers, John / Elbare (or Elbair), Julianna (Juliana or Julia Ann)
15 July 2008: Cotell, Jay A. / Elbare, Bertha Bell
15 July 2008: Crowder, Joseph / Elbare (Elbair or Elbert), Mary Jane
15 July 2008: Reid, Joseph / Chambers, Ann
15 July 2008: Vloedman, Derk A. / Cotell, Florence Mildred
18 August 2008: Dennis, Ralph E. / Elbare, Agnes E.
18 August 2008: Elbare, William Freeman / ---, Agnes A.
18 August 2008: McGaw, Roy / Elbare, Agnes E.
25 March 2009: Crowder, Alpheus (or Alphaeus) Arastus / Thompson, Elizabeth Jane
20 May 2009: Durant, Harold Franklin / Richer, Vivian Loretta
20 May 2009: Durant, Orren Franklin / Clark, Ardelia A.
20 May 2009: Fredette, John William / Durant, Darlene Joan
20 May 2009: Wallis, David Walter / Durant, Marcia Ann
20 May 2009: Whelsky, Edward Allen / Durant, Sharon Vina
2 December 2010: Crowder, Nathaniel Samuel / Rigg, Elizabeth Wilson
2 December 2010: Kerr, Clair / Cleland, Sylvia
2 December 2010: Kerr, Earl / McCann, June
2 December 2010: Kerr, Earl / ---, Betty
2 December 2010: Kerr, Ronald / Banning, Eleanor
2 December 2010: Kerr, Thomas / Crowder, Nelda Grace
2 December 2010: Kerr, Willis / Winter, Geisla
2 December 2010: Kerr, Willis / ---, Terresa
2 December 2010: Stobo, Arnold / Kerr, Grace
3 December 2010: Crowder, Lorne Thomas / Wilson, Dorothy Jean
17 January 2011: Brown, Thomas / Elbare (or Elbair), Elizabeth
17 January 2011: McFarlane, --- / Elbare (or Elbair), Elizabeth
18 January 2011: McFarlane, George / Brown, Hannah J.
30 January 2011: Elbare (or Elbar), Hezekiah (or Hesiciah) / ---, Alice
30 January 2011: Elbare (or Elbar), Hezekiah (or Hesiciah) / ---, Maria
30 January 2011: Elbare (or Elbair), John / ---, Margaret
3 February 2011: Crowder, Joseph Arnold / Scott, Grace Selina
3 February 2011: Crowder, Norman Kenneth / Haberl, Ruth Eileen
14 February 2011: Sekor (Seker, Seeker, Secor or Secker), Hiram / Crowder, Susannah
17 February 2011: Crowder, James Lester / Jackson, Anna
17 February 2011: Crowder, Nelson Kenneth / ---, Altie
24 February 2011: Crowder, Charles / Baldwin, Elizabeth
24 February 2011: Crowder, Edward / Levere, Adelia Lydia
24 February 2011: Crowder, Lorne Wallace / Wilson, Aileen
24 February 2011: Crowder, Vasco (or Vaslo) / Tweedale, Ann Elizabeth
24 February 2011: Crowder, Victor Stanley / Richmire, Geraldine W.
26 April 2011: Crowder, George Ira / Elbare, Ardelia
26 April 2011: Crowder, George Ira / Mayhew (or Levere), Mary Elizabeth
25 April 2012: Scott, Donald Wilson / Gillmoure, Fern Eileen
25 April 2012: Veltkamp, Willem Hendrik / Scott, Donna Mae
26 April 2012: Sayyeau (Sayeau or Sayer), Edward / Crowder, Mary
26 April 2012: Sayyeau (Sayeau or Sayer), Herbert / Knudsen, Emma Elizabeth
26 April 2012: Sayyeau (Sayeau or Sayer), Reuben / Crowder, Ordelia (or Ardelia)
10 May 2012: Fedoroff, Sergey / Martin, Muriel Elaine
10 May 2012: Houle, Cory / Martin, Joanne
10 May 2012: Martin, John Russell / Wilson, Janet Mabel
10 May 2012: Martin, John William / Simser, Sandra
10 May 2012: Williams, Sean / Martin, Lisa Anne
29 July 2012: Bolton, Charles Vernon / Elbare, Hannah Elizabeth
29 July 2012: Bolton, Ronald / ---, Betty
29 July 2012: Bolton, William Wayne / Hudson, Eva
29 July 2012: Buker, Melvin / Elbare, Hannah Elizabeth
29 July 2012: Elbare, John / Cummings, Margaret
29 July 2012: Keach, Lloyd / Bolton, Donna
30 August 2012: Crowder, Arthur Levi / Blower, Ida Helen
30 August 2012: Crowder, Henry Orval / Tinkess, Lydia Joanna
30 August 2012: Crowder, Ronald Buster / Hopkins, Leafie Mona
30 August 2012: Mosher, James / Crowder, Luella
30 August 2012: Perry, James / Crowder, Dianne Deborah
30 August 2012: Woodworth, Arthur / Crowder, Luella
12 November 2012: Nairn, George Waverly, Jr. / Kuron, Susan Elizabeth
21 April 2013: Tucker, Floyd Joseph / Spencer, Christina Isabelle
21 April 2013: Tucker, Melvin John / Coleman, Susan
22 April 2013: Carter, Brian Ray / Gillissie, Olive Jean
22 April 2013: Gillissie, James Edward / Martin, Doris Wilhamina
22 April 2013: Taillon, Wilfred / Gillissie, Olive Jean
23 April 2013: Spencer, John Leonard / Taylor, Barbara Bell
23 April 2013: Spencer, John Russell / Mitchell, Christina Isabella
23 April 2013: Spencer, Maxwell Mitchell / ---, Joan
23 April 2013: Spencer, Samuel / Mitchell, Elizabeth Sillers
27 April 2013: Elbare (or Elbair), Henry Smith / Todd, Jane
27 April 2013: Spencer, Charles / Elbare, Marinda
27 April 2013: Spencer, James Henry / Kennedy, Ethel Phoebe
27 April 2013: Spencer, Victor Allen / Redstone, Winnifred Mae (or Louise)
27 April 2013: Spencer, William Arthur / Kennedy, Velma Viola
28 May 2013: Bradley, Kevan David / Reynolds, Susan Elizabeth
28 May 2013: Cummings, John Robert / Reynolds, Janice Eileen
28 May 2013: McFarlane, John / Brown, Mary Jane
28 May 2013: McFarlane, William John / Simmons (or Simons), Mary Jane
28 May 2013: Reynolds, Edward John / Bolton, Joanne Ruth
29 May 2013: King, John / King, Diana
29 May 2013: Larmour, Wilfred / King, Hilda
30 May 2013: Chant, George Eri / King, Clara Bessie
30 May 2013: King, Thomas Henry / Johnston, Mary
30 May 2013: Landon, Charles Leigh / Williams, Cherri
30 May 2013: Landon, Roy Eri / Robichaud, Wanda
30 May 2013: Landon, Sherman Albert / Christie, Eva
30 May 2013: Thorpe, James / Landon, Shirley Eileen
31 May 2013: Caldwell, James / Yaldon, Mary
31 May 2013: Caldwell, Morton J. / King, Maude (or Muriel) Jane
31 May 2013: Caldwell, William Morton / Devine, Francine
31 May 2013: Gillmoure, John Andrew / McFadden, Mary Jane
31 May 2013: King, Clarence William / Wilkins, Ruth Mildred
31 May 2013: King, Clarence William, Jr. / Gillmoure, Jean Elizabeth Jennie
31 May 2013: King, James Milton William / Beatty, Susannah (or Susan) Harriet
31 May 2013: King, Nelson / Brown, Elizabeth
31 May 2013: Smith, Stanley / Caldwell, Margaret H.
31 May 2013: Taylor, John / Caldwell, Margaret H.
1 June 2013: Farmer, Donald James / King, Mildred Marrhena
1 June 2013: Farmer, James Donald / Fox, Nancy Jane
1 June 2013: Farmer, William Thomas / Van Dort, Margaretha W.
2 June 2013: Countryman, Allen Gene / King, Marsha Diane
2 June 2013: King, George Harlow / Johnston, Laura
2 June 2013: King, Wayne Harlow / Kinch, Sandra Lee
2 June 2013: Tuck, Christopher Wayne / King, Sandra Carol
3 June 2013: Cameron, Beverly Royce / King, Leah Elizabeth
3 June 2013: Graham, Richard Donald / Cameron, Beverly Dawn Elizabeth
3 June 2013: Jones, Victor G. Raymond / Cameron, Pamela Jane
4 June 2013: Allen, Robert / Pearl, Dorothy
4 June 2013: Langford, --- / Pearl, Leona
4 June 2013: McAfee, --- / Pearl, Florence
4 June 2013: Morrison, Thomas / Pearl, Eileen
4 June 2013: Pearl, Clarence / ---, Dorothy
4 June 2013: Pearl, Donald Thomas / King, Florence
4 June 2013: Pearl, Douglas / ---, Lois
4 June 2013: Pristman, Robert / Pearl, Florence
4 June 2013: Smith, Roy / Pearl, Geraldine
4 June 2013: Taylor, --- / Pearl, Marjorie
5 June 2013: Gore, Joseph / King, Blanche Elizabeth
5 June 2013: Merrit, Grover / King, Blanche Elizabeth
5 June 2013: Merrit, James / ---, Ruth
5 June 2013: Merrit, James / ---, Angie
5 June 2013: Merrit, John / Gamble, Nadine Mildred
5 June 2013: Wheeler, Blake / Merrit, Ethel
6 June 2013: Baker, Franklin Charles / Chamberlain, Evelyn
6 June 2013: Lavery, Leo / Baker, Marion
7 June 2013: Foy, Harry / King, Jean Wilkins
7 June 2013: Gladstone, Minor Spencer / King, Jean Wilkins
7 June 2013: Veltkempt, Henry / King, Jean Wilkins
8 June 2013: King, Donald William / Major, Eileen
9 June 2013: Bradley, Charles R. / King, Melba Ruth
10 June 2013: Fairbairn, Lorne Hilliard / King, Marjorie Eileen
11 June 2013: King, James William / Duncan, Winnifred lsie
12 June 2013: Baker, Percy Earl / King, Lucille Susan Harriet
12 June 2013: Merkley, Edmund James / King, Lucille Susan Harriet
13 June 2013: King, Eric George / Smith, Eunice Lynette
14 June 2013: Baynham, Kenneth / King, Joyce Miranda
15 June 2013: King, Joseph Morris / Poehman, Irene
16 June 2013: King, John Hewitt / ---, Pauline
16 June 2013: King, John Hewitt / Dietschweiller, Jean
7 July 2013: Badour, Garnet Lloyd / Porteous (or Blad), Linda May
7 July 2013: Blad, Morris / King, Helen Vivian
7 July 2013: King, James Harlow / Bisnet, Nellie Adelaide
7 July 2013: Kirkham, Gary M. / Porteous (or Blad), Vivien Irene
7 July 2013: Porteous, Thomas McKinley / King, Helen Vivian
8 July 2013: Kirkham, Kevin Gary / Cornish, Cheryl
8 July 2013: Kirkham, Kevin Gary / ---, Linda
8 July 2013: Kirkham, Mark Alexander / Smith, Keri
8 July 2013: Pennoyer, Ian / Kirkham, Deborah Ann
9 July 2013: Bisaillon, Michael / Reynolds, Dorothy Ann
9 July 2013: Cughan, Clinton / Reynolds, Ada M.
9 July 2013: Cughan, Robert / Ledger, Denise
9 July 2013: Haney, Milton / Reynolds, Frances Mary
9 July 2013: McKay, James / Reynolds, Barbara
9 July 2013: Paquin, Gary R. / Reynolds, Dorothy Ann
9 July 2013: Pitts, Hugh / Young, Beverly Elizabeth
9 July 2013: Proctor, George Lawrence / Reynolds, Dorothy Beatrice
9 July 2013: Reynolds, John Edward / King, Verna Eileen
9 July 2013: Reynolds, William Franklin / Pearson, Lottie Gertrude
9 July 2013: Reynolds, William John / McFarlane, Ethel Elizabeth
9 July 2013: Young, Donald Edward / Vileneuve, Lila
9 July 2013: Young, William Alan / Broome, Sheila
9 July 2013: Young, William Alan / Warren, Marlin
9 July 2013: Young, William Alan / ---, Susan
9 July 2013: Young, William Gordon Harwin / Reynolds, Helen Gertrude
10 July 2013: Baker, John / Reynolds, Doris Irene
10 July 2013: Lake, Thomas / Reynolds, Doris Irene
10 July 2013: Reynolds, Douglas Raymond / McCrea, Debra Marie
10 July 2013: Reynolds, George Delbert / Judd, Christine Caroline
10 July 2013: Reynolds, George Herbert / Buzzell, Margaret Doris
10 July 2013: Reynolds, Jonathan Allan / Wadden, Melanie
10 July 2013: Reynolds, Mark William / ---, Elaine
10 July 2013: Stokan, Franz / Reynolds, Ethel Ann
10 July 2013: Walker, Jeremy / Reynolds, Jessica Lynne
11 July 2013: Lewars, David John / Edwards, Barbara Pauline
11 July 2013: Lewars, John Douglas / Reynolds, Ruby Alice
12 July 2013: Reynolds, Donald Victor / Bogardus, Mary E.
10 September 2013: Baker, Charles / King, Ethel
10 September 2013: Baker, Harry / Wallace, Joanna Jean
5 October 2013: Martin, David Allan / ---, Honey
5 October 2013: Martin, Donald Lyle / Lukanuik, Sally Agnes
5 October 2013: Martin, Howard Vinton / Howie, Elena Mabel
5 October 2013: Martin, Warren Donald / ---, Mary
5 October 2013: Sargent, Glen / Martin, Sandra
11 January 2017: Landon, Dennis Michael / Bunker, Charmaine
11 January 2017: Landon, Dennis Michael / Dreidger, Carrie
11 January 2017: Landon, Dennis Michael / ---, Evette
11 January 2017: Landon, Frank Edward Henry / Hoy, Dorothy Bernice
11 January 2017: Landon, Ralph Edward / Chant, Laura Alberta
11 January 2017: Landon, Richard Terry / ---, Nicole
11 January 2017: Landon, Steven Reginald Frank / Johns, C.
11 January 2017: Landon, Steven Reginald Frank / Mills, Beatrice
11 January 2017: Martin, Douglas / Landon, Lynda Michelle
11 January 2017: Riddell, Paul / Landon, Lynda Michelle