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(revised to 5 May 2017)


















a tender and sensitive soul

who, yielding to the call of the Spirit of Elijah,

devoted more than a quarter of a century of his mortal existence

to the task of voluntarily assisting the Compiler

in ceaselessly gathering, collecting and collating the notes

from which this vast material has been formulated

Without the free contribution of his inspired efforts

this, the work of a lifetime, would in all probability

have been far delayed in its progress

and perhaps never developed to its present state


That which follows hereafter in the succeeding pages is, admittedly, but a very rough attempt at a very preliminary draft of a very complex work; yet it is, even as it stands at present, the most thorough and complete such compilation on this subject ever assembled to date in one place as a single unit. It has been made possible thus far only through the wonderfully dedicated and devoted efforts of many choice and gracious souls far too numerous to acknowledge here, whose willing responsiveness has truly been a thing of beauty to behold. Only through the repeated redoubling of such efforts now and in the future can it ever become, as hoped and projected, a record worthy of all acceptation. Much has been done; much more remains to be done, even much more than has been heretofore.

The primary reasons for releasing copies of this material, such as it is, at this stage, are principally twofold - firstly to satiate in some part or measure the honest, eager and enthusiastic appetites of so many who have waited so patiently for so long, by showing as much as we now know; and, secondly, to serve as a sort of mammoth questionnaire, by showing also just how very much we do not now know. The latter is most crucial, and we must now again appeal for help in general as never before in improving the nature and quality of the data here presented. May the enclosed work serve as a catalyst which will stir an added impetus and incentive in impelling all of us ever onward toward that grand and noble objective.

Permission is hereby willingly and gladly granted and the invitation openly extended for any and all interested parties anywhere to freely reproduce, copy or distribute at will at any time, by any means, in whole or in part, whatever information may be desired from the contents hereof. Indeed we strongly urge and encourage the continued dissemination of this material from one to another on a scale as wide as practicable and possible. In return we only at this time ask, prevail upon and implore each and every individual obtaining access to it to very diligently pore over it and most thoroughly peruse to his or her satisfaction those portions of which he or she may possess some degree of personal knowledge and awareness, ascertaining all the while the particular extent of completeness and correctness of the facts there represented. We simultaneously beseech each and every person to specifically seek out and assess as many errors or omissions as may come to light, and to carefully note also any and all recollections or clues, however vague or obscure, which might conceivably have a bearing or influence in any way at all upon the course of future research for further relevant items now missing from the collection. Finally, we beg each and every party who can possibly do so in any way, to ensure that as many discrepancies or needed improvements as can be found by them upon such examination will be communicated to us or brought to our attention for consideration and action, regardless of how minor or insignificant a given point may at the moment seem. It cannot be overstated or overstressed that nothing is ever too small or too unimportant.

After much consideration as to efficiency and effectiveness, the present loose-leaf format has been developed and adopted for this work for reasons stated in the "Explanatory Notes" section of the larger, expanded version which was previously made available to a very few members on an experimental basis. Owing to the reactions and responses received, that rather heavy, bulky format has now been relegated only to the official Master Copy, and the enclosed records are here presented in a much more compact, consolidated, yet still complete, fashion. The entries herein contained precisely and exactly parallel the larger Group Sheets earlier employed, and every item of information included therein is also identically reproduced here, with the exception that the blank lines and empty spaces have been eliminated or replaced by question marks in the interest of reducing and conserving space, and the text has also been more solidly condensed into this smaller, more compressed arrangement for the sake of convenience and according to the requirements expressed and requested. The general principle of the Group Sheet method itself has in recent years become so universally well-recognised that it seems no longer necessary to reprint in this abridgement the many pages of instructions previously designated "Explanatory Notes", and they have thus been omitted, likewise for the sake of fewer pages and more manageability. They are, however, obtainable should anyone desire to insert them hereafter.

There are a variety of other reasons also for finally settling upon retention of the loose-leaf method upon which the former procedure was based. As before, the entire compilation is thus safeguarded against obsolescence. For our own part, whenever even the slightest detail by way either of correction or update is submitted to us, we shall accordingly, as speedily as may reasonably be in the circumstances, endeavour to prepare a revision of the page or pages affected, and proceed to forward a replacement to all persons known to possess copies. Thus all volumes in individual hands will hopefully still be kept entirely parallel and identical in every way both to each other and to the Master Copy itself, insofar as available facts permit. Accordingly we highly recommend that all those obtaining or having possession of a copy of this compilation or any part of it should be certain to register same with us, simply because this is the only means by which we can possibly know to whom updates and revisions ought to regularly be sent as we are ourselves apprised of such changes and new facts. Inasmuch as the special "Book of Remembrance" album cover or binder prepared for the larger Group Sheets will not properly fit this reduced format, it is further recommended that this work be placed in a standard ring binder or prong folder of such type, style and quality as the individual may select in accordance with his or her own preferences and personal tastes.

Lastly of all, in closing we wish each and every one of you, in all sincerity, the utmost success and happiness in all your endeavours, genealogical and otherwise, and we shall certainly very deeply and gratefully appreciate hearing at any time from anyone whose desire it is to write. Your comments, opinions, observations, suggestions and corrections will also all be most eagerly anticipated indeed.


(Abbreviated Summary)

(It has been deemed expedient, advisable and desirable to extract, insert and include in abridged and amended form herein, as points of information for general distribution, only the following reduced versions of two items of explanation from our former more expanded and voluminous Explanatory Notes previously published and issued on limited scale. The remainder, owing to their bulk, and being for the most part largely if not principally merely matters of organisational policy and procedural guidelines, have now been fully reconsidered and found primarily redundant and unnecessary to this manuscript, inasmuch as the greater applicability of their design in fact tends moreover toward the larger, more formal or official Group Sheet style or format in any case. Consequently they have therefore accordingly been otherwise wholly omitted from this compilation and will not be reprinted at this time, except by virtue of being made available by special and specific request. Although further queries are always cheerfully received and welcomed as to methods for dealing with various situations or circumstances which may from time to time or on occasion arise, as well as reasons or logic for arbitrarily implementing certain decisions and standards herein, it is regardless meanwhile thought, felt, supposed and presumed that many of the appropriate solutions and answers will in all probability also in most cases become quite readily clear, apparent and obvious upon, through, in the course of, or after even superficial examination and study of these records entirely without inclusion of the more complex and detailed rules and regulations formerly established solely for the Compiler's own instruction and guidance in maintaining conformity throughout.)


In order to deduce the specific lineage of any person, persons or branch herein contained backward toward the earliest extant record or first recorded progenitor on the ascending pedigree, one need simply select the relevant parent atop the entry in question whose data as shown includes the identities of his own parents in turn followed by the parenthetical phrase "(to whom refer)"; then proceed alphabetically to the entry for the couple to whom so referred, indexed always for the sake of consistency and clarity under the masculine surname, and again repeat the process.


In order to deduce the specific lineage of any person, persons or branch herein contained forward toward the latest generation of recorded posterity on the descending pedigree, one need simply examine the list of offspring presented in the entry in question and select from amongst same the child or children whose issue it is desired to further trace. If the child thus selected be male, one merely notes the name of his wife, then refers alphabetically in turn to the entry for such couple, indexed always for the sake of consistency and clarity under the masculine surname, and the process is then again repeated. If, conversely, the selected child be female, it is necessary only that one instead note the name of her husband, then refer to that couple's own entry likewise alphabetically under his surname rather than hers, and proceed as before adumbrated.


The Individual Nuclear Family Group Entries are simply listed alphabetically by Husband's surname, and within a surname by Husband's given names. Where the Husband's complete name is identical to more than one individual, such persons are indexed according to order of birth. Information contained within each such entry is arranged internally according to a complex prearranged and standardised formula. Unmarried persons appear only within their parents' entries and require no additional entry for themselves, inasmuch as such would be repetitious, redundant and unnecessarily self-defeating of its purpose, namely the addition of further otherwise unrecorded data for spouse and offspring.


Whilst perfection is neither expected nor in every instance possible, the ideal concept and goal toward which is being striven in this work would of course be for each and every entry throughout this record to ultimately be expanded to contain as much as is now humanly recoverable concerning even the minutest details of each and every life. Inconsequential as some of this data may appear at present, this may well one day prove to be the only such record remaining upon the face of the whole earth wherein certain of these facts, of inestimable interest to countless future descendants in generations yet unborn, may be found preserved. All readers are therefore most earnestly solicited to contribute any such information as now remains at their disposal or accessible to them, for further incorporation into this work.

In addition it is anticipated that as detailed a narrative biography as can be compiled pertaining to each life, whether Husband, Wife or child, should eventually be appended to each individual entry, including every bit as much as can be reconstructed of each person's activities, adventures and personality, as well as any and all surviving anecdotes surrounding same. Such material may be submitted either in the form of rough jottings or a final draft; all necessary adjustments will be accordingly made for publication, with all due care being taken to retain intact the integrity of the account itself. In the case of a personal autobiography the same may also be couched in the first person if so desired.

Finally it is further intended that pictorial sheets may also in due course be reproduced and inserted throughout the text as additional pages, illustrating and depicting each individual at various stages and periods of life, together with those places, objects, buildings, scenes, landmarks or events which may have been familiar to the person or which may have played a role, however great or small, in shaping any aspect of his mortal existence. Where no authentic likeness of the actual person is presently known to exist for possible reproduction purposes there remains still nothing to preclude inclusion of these other relevant items connected with his life or times which may help restore his story to life once more; indeed in such cases, and especially in absence of anything more personal, such other additional visual aids necessarily become to a greater or lesser extent even all the more desirable and useful from the standpoint of placing the bare facts within more suitable and appropriate context and better, more human, perspective.

Readers are wholeheartedly invited to scrutinise the entries contained herein, and to forward any of the following data which may be missing, even though it be but a single item at a time if no more is available. Whilst the format for each entry follows a very rigidly structured and meticulous pattern of arrangement, readers are encouraged simply to contribute data without in any way or sense personally concerning themselves overly much with the integral mechanics of organisation in its final form.

Some of the details thus requested, required and desired would ideally include the following or any part or portion thereof.


1. Full legal name(s) of each and every family member and of each and every spouse, (including maiden surnames)

2. Full legal names of parent(s) of each and every member and spouse, as above, (including maiden surnames)

3. Derivations or reasons for choices of all given names, including specific personages, if any, for whom named, and persons suggesting or influencing said decisions, as well as circumstances surrounding or affecting same

4. All legal changes, alterations, additions to or deletions from full names, as well as in spelling, order or sequence thereof


1. Full date, (day, month and year), of each and every birth, whether of member or spouse

2. Approximate time of day, as precisely as possible, of each and every birth, whether of member or spouse

3. Actual location, as precisely as possible, of each and every birth, whether of member or spouse, together with rural land description, street address or name of building or institution, if any

4. Full names, insofar as possible, of all persons known to have been present in attendance at time of birth, medical or otherwise, together with rank, style, title, office or official or personal relationship as the case may be

5. Weight, measurements, eye and hair colour or other physical characteristics or statistics pertaining to infant at time of birth


1. Full date, (day, month and year), of each and every infant blessing or christening, whether of member or spouse

2. Approximate time of day, as precisely as possible, of each and every infant blessing or christening, whether of member or spouse

3. Actual location, as precisely as possible, of each and every infant blessing or christening, whether of member or spouse, together with rural land description, street address or name of building or institution, if any

4. Full names, insofar as possible, of all persons conducting or officiating at, assisting with, participating in, or acting as Godparents or sponsors at infant blessing or christening, together with rank, style, title, office or official or personal relationship as the case may be

5. Religious denomination under whose auspices the ordinance was performed


1. Same points as above, also noting full names and status of proxies where applicable


1. Same points as for Baptism above


1. Same points as for Baptism above


1. Same points as for Baptism above


1. Full date, (day, month and year), of each and every marriage (and later sealing), also noting full names and status of proxies where applicable

2. Same points as immediately above, with regard to any previous or subsequent marriages of the spouse

3. Approximate time of day, as precisely as possible, of each and every such marriage and later sealing

4. Actual location, as precisely as possible, of each and every such marriage or sealing, whether of member, or other previously or subsequently of spouse, together with rural land description, street address or name of building or institution, if any

5. Full names, insofar as possible, of all persons conducting or officiating at, assisting with, acting as attendants or as legal witnesses to, or otherwise participating in the official party at marriage or later sealing, together with rank, style, title, office or official or personal relationship as the case may be

6. Religious denomination or civil authority under whose auspices the ordinance was performed


1. Full date, (day, month and year), of each and every death, whether of member or spouse

2. Approximate time of day, as precisely as possible, of each and every death, whether of member or spouse

3. Actual location, as precisely as possible, of each and every death, whether of member or spouse, together with rural land description, street address or name of building or institution, if any

4. Full names, insofar as possible, of all persons known to have been present in attendance at time of death, medical or otherwise, together with rank, style, title, office or official or personal relationship, as the case may be

5. Weight, measurements, eye and hair colour, or other physical characteristics or statistics pertaining to deceased at time of demise

6. Certified medical cause of death


1. Full date, (day, month and year), of each and every memorial service, whether for member or spouse

2. Approximate time of day, as precisely as possible, of each and every memorial service, whether for member or spouse

3. Actual location, as precisely as possible, of each and every memorial service, whether for member or spouse, together with rural land description, street address or name of building or institution, if any

4. Full names, insofar as possible, of all persons conducting or officiating at, assisting with or participating in memorial services or portions thereof, together with rank, style, title, office or official or personal relationship as the case may be

5. Religious denomination or civil authority, if any, under whose auspices memorial services were performed

6. Full names, insofar as possible, of all members, both honourary and active, of bearer party, if any, at memorial services

7. Official corporate name of firm, if any, acting as directors of memorial services


1. Full date, (day, month and year), of each and every actual interment or committal, whether of member or spouse

2. Approximate time of day, as precisely as possible, of each and every actual interment or committal, whether of member or spouse

3. Actual legal and official name and designation of cemetery and of municipal unit, urban or rural, within whose boundaries, as then constituted, the same is located, complete with plot number or legal description within cemetery, if available

4. Full names, insofar as possible, of all persons conducting, officiating at, assisting with or participating in interment or committal services or portions thereof, together with rank, style, title, office or official or personal relationship, as the case may be

5. Religious denomination or civil authority, if any, under whose auspices interment or committal services were performed

6. Full names, insofar as possible, of all members, both honourary and active, of bearer party, if any, at interment or committal

7. Official corporate name of firm, if any, acting as directors of interment or committal services


1. Any and all ranks, styles, titles, offices, honours, awards, prizes, appointments or distinctions achieved or attained by a member or spouse from whatever source, whether public, private, social, fraternal, academic, scholastic, athletic, political, diplomatic, religious, corporate, military or otherwise, with all dates of such conferral or bestowal, etc., as precisely as possible

2. Any and all personal characteristics or traits, including average adult weight, height and measurements at prime, eye and hair colour, complexion or any other similarly notable physical attributes

3. Life history, including movements, associations, experiences, interests, recreations, hobbies, talents or abilities, personal habits, preferences or tastes, curious sayings or favourite phrases, or any other similar items, together with any anecdotes and tales which might conceivably aid in reconstructing, reviving or revealing in any way any aspect of the individual personality


1. Where documentation exists apart from personal knowledge alone in support of any of the facts thus indicated or stated, the nature of the document(s) or source(s) from which such information has been gleaned, or by means of which it may be re-obtained or verified


1. Finally, it need only be clarified that throughout this work the specific terminology in reference to place-names follows insofar as possible the usage current in each instance at time of event. Consequently changes in designation, jurisdiction or status for a given locality over a period of time may be reflected either from one entry to another, or even within a given entry. It will therefore not be at all uncommon to find an entire change of name for a community, or alteration in type or order of local government units, as well as various other combinations or permutations which may from time to time appear at first to the uninitiated as possible errors, inconsistencies or omissions; however, every care has been taken to enter such changes consistent with the historically proper style of the moment.


Background, Origins and Early Development



General Introduction

Millar has historically been, and even yet remains, the most prevalent Scottish and Irish form and spelling of the same surname which in England is more usually rendered Miller. It is obviously a plainly occupationally-derived appellation, arising by virtue of descent from one who operated a mill; and, inasmuch as virtually every village, community or hamlet possessed at least one of these, the name simultaneously developed quite independently in countless thousands of localities, often even within very close proximity to each other. It is accordingly not in any sense a single-origin surname, or the name of a single family of record, and there is clearly therefore no reason at all to seek or suppose a mutual ancestry for all who bear it, even within a specific area or locale. Moreover a further source of complication or confusion stems from the arrival of Germanic and other expatriates with similar names, such as Muller and Moller, whose descendants have long since been wholly merged into the mainstream indigenous spelling as well.

The earliest example of occurrence in Scotland seems to be contained in a reference during the time of King Alexander III., who reigned betwixt 1249 and 1286, to one Adam Molendinarius, (from the Latin "molino" for "miller"), into whose death an inquest was held at the Castle of Dumfries, but, inasmuch as surnames of purely occupational origin did not in general become hereditary in the northern Kingdom until a slightly later era, it appears most probable that this was more a description of the man and his occupation for purposes of identification, (as, for example, "Adam, the Miller"), than an actual bona fide surname. On the other hand, in 1364 an individual named Ade, in the service of the Roman Catholic Bishop of Moray, is likewise identically described or alluded to upon receiving a remission and protection, and by this time it is likely that a true surname is implied.

From the same occupational source springs the equally ubiquitous surname of Milne, and its own later simplified variant Mill, with roots principally in the Aberdeenshire vicinity. A mill was originally referred to as a miln, and a miller as a milner. Indeed these seem to have been the still earlier, and probably actually the more correct, translations of the Latin terminology than even the words "mill" or "miller" themselves, the latter forms having been gradually adopted only carelessly for reasons of ease of speech; and in some areas they have persisted regardless, for there still remain Milnes and Milners today almost anywhere the English language is spoken, alongside the less perfect variants of Mill and Miller (or Millar). The first on record to develop into this form may have been Hugh and Johannes (or John) de Molendino who were excommunicated from Catholicism at Fyvy as far back as 1382. A multitude of now long-since disused variations of these names may be cited thereafter, including Myln, Mylne, Miln, Millen, Milln, Mylen, Myl, Myll, Milnar, and Mylner, amongst others, but inasmuch as it is the Miller or Millar form, without the "n", but with the final syllable, with which this narrative is more directly concerned, instances of appearance of these other derivations will be no further pursued herein.

Reverting to and continuing with the etymology of the name of greater interest and concern to this account, Henricus Molendinam, which translates simply as "Henry of the Mill", witnessed an instrument of 1401, whilst John and Henry Millare in 1467 served on a jury of inquest concerning matters relating to fishing in the River Tweed. James Molendinarius was on record in 1481 as being a tenement-holder of Glasgow, and in 1509 Margaret Myllar held a tenancy of the Roman Catholic Bishopric of Glasgow. By 1540 one Robert Millare was in possession of lands at Irvine in Ayrshire.

A wide variety of spelling variations for this version as well have passed in and out of the literature in addition to those cited above. Additional mention might be made of such variants as Myllare, Myllair, Mylar, Melir, Mydlar, Mydler and Midler, although the greater number of these are now virtually obsolete; and further notice should at this juncture also be drawn to a very few others which have instead survived the test of time and become so firmly established as to have taken their place as distinct surnames today in their own right. Of this latter class one case in point has been the gradual evolution from Miller to Millert, and from Millar to Millart, then through both these to Millerd and Millard, and finally even Millhard or Millhart, - some of these forms merely indicating more restricted localised or regional usages as well.

Owing to the diverse origins of families of this name Millar and its linguistic relatives, it becomes pointless to make specific note of prominent individuals who have borne it, but who may have had no relevance to one another in terms of blood relationship. In Ireland and elsewhere throughout the English-speaking world generally, bearers of the name may trace descent from Scotland, from England or from continental European origins, and their migrations, arrivals and subsequent movements have taken place without pattern or system over a very protracted period. Regrettably such names as this can be no further classified or defined with any greater degree of surety, certainty and assurance, but individual unrelated family groups sharing nothing but the name may of course in any case be quite independently tabulated entirely irrespective of and oblivious to each other.

Meanwhile one such group in particular remains of paramount interest and importance to this present study, and to it the first Part of this work will be addressed. It exemplifies the most classic pattern, that of Irish domicile superimposed upon Scottish roots; and as to the especial spelling of the surname of its progenitors, - Millar, - there has never been any serious challenge, variation or doubt. The account will appear more fully expanded upon in the first Branch Introduction herein.

(The brief overview of the original mutual ancestry of all branches of the family,

contained in the foregoing General Introduction,

will be continued in greater detail for each specific branch

in the respective Branch Introductions preceding each separate Part

of this total work.

The Compiler's own determinate branch will be found in Part I.,

and other distinct branches will be likewise fully shown and covered

in further additional subsequent Parts as may be duly and individually

indicated and designated thereafter)


The Determinate Branch of the Compiler


Branch Introduction

Approximately about the beginning of the 1800s and shortly thereafter there lived in County Antrim in the North of Ireland a prosperous farmer named Hugh Millar, descended of an old Scottish family of the same name. These Millars had not come into Ireland through any of the more usual invasions or settlement programmes so characteristic of Irish history, but rather through a romantic incident or tryst of the type for which Ireland is also famous. It seems, according to family legend and tradition, that a forebear of Hugh, whose given forename is now lost to history, at some point in the not too distant past had eloped with a young woman of the great family of Stewart or Stuart in Scotland, whose father, (in whose employ Millar had hitherto been a coachman), was properly outraged at the liaison and proved unwilling to consent to such a union. Forbidden to maintain further contact with each other, the lovers fled into Ireland, were married, and became the nucleus of this branch on Irish soil. The young couple, in part owing to the lady's recognised background, were highly regarded and esteemed in their new circumstances and surroundings, and in later years Hugh's daughter Mary was still in her own time much prized and celebrated as "Pretty Mary Millar".

The identity of Hugh's own wife remains unknown, although there is some speculation that she may possibly have been a Stevely, inasmuch as Hugh's other recorded daughter was named Eleanor Stevely Millar. How many more children may have been included in this family likewise remains a mystery, but there is strong reason to suspect that Thomas Millar, ancestor of a considerable branch long domiciled in the Commonwealth of Australia, may well have been a son and brother in this household. Thomas had a father named Hugh in the correct vicinity at the proper time, and certainly there has been a long tradition or at least long-standing rumour of an Australian connexion, the presumption traditionally having been that it occurred in that generation. It is also possible that the family settled at a later date at Belfast, inasmuch as Eleanor Stevely Millar is said to have resided there at the time of her marriage to James Drummond; if so, then it may possibly be that the James Millar, son to Hugh, whose birth record occurs under date 21 August 1823 in the Registers of Rosemary Street Presbyterian Church, Belfast, is also of this family, - in which case Hugh Millar's wife was Henrietta Wright. From more than circumstantial evidence it seems beyond doubt that a James Millar, perhaps this one, who married Anne McKee and had a daughter Jemima born 19 September 1864 at Belfast, was a member of this family, as also was a senior Jemima Millar, (perhaps James' sister), who married 26 September 1864 at Belfast, William Brown.

The relationship and association of Hugh Millar's descendants with the later Dominion of Canada results through the two daughters abovenamed, and begins very early in the 19th Century. In 1823 or 1824 a young man from County Antrim, dwelling near the town of Ballymena, and then aged roughly 25 years, emigrated to the Township of Kitley, now in the County of Leeds but then in the old Municipal District of Johnstown in the Province of Upper Canada. His name was James Drummond, and, although a native of Ulster, he was, like so many others, ultimately of Scottish descent, his ancestors, the mighty Clan Drummond, having been powerful for many centuries in Scottish affairs. James apparently liked what he found but within a decade returned to Ireland where he married Eleanor Stevely Millar, - at or near Belfast so the story claims, - and persuaded her to accompany him to the New World.

In the year 1832 they set up a homestead on Lot 28 in the Fifth Concession of Kitley where they erected at first a temporary one-storey log shanty and barn and began making improvements. The property had originally been designated for one Andrew O'Keefe, but he never took it up or fulfilled settlement requirements, and by this time was nowhere to be found, which circumstance left James and Eleanor free to petition for a grant of the land in their own names from The Crown, the formal request being submitted 23 May 1840. The Crown Patent to James for the said lot of 200 acres bears date 14 November 1842, the cost being 87 pounds 10 shillings Sterling, and either here or in the immediate general vicinity they eventually reared a family of 11 children, comprising eight sons and three daughters. More than 140 years later, on the occasion of this compilation, there was still a direct descendant in possession. At a later date as the family spread out James acquired in 1865 another tract of 200 acres in Lots 14 and 15 of the Sixth Concession of the Township of Beckwith in the present County of Lanark, of which he transferred on St. Patrick's Day 1869 one half each to his two sons William and Matthew, the former's share eventually becoming the home of Patrick Watson, the celebrated CBC radio and television host of a more modern era.

Eleanor's elder sister, Mary Millar, had meanwhile, even before Eleanor left Ireland, married James Templeton and taken up residence at or near Larne in County Antrim. After the death of her first husband and her subsequent marriage in 1846 to John McDowel, two of Mary's sons, James and Hugh Templeton, in 1849 (according to all sources but one) or 1850 (according to a son's statement in 1913), also made their way to the New World, at first joining their aunt and uncle, the Drummonds, at the latters' home in Kitley Township. Later these two brought out the third and youngest brother, Arthur, and, additionally, in 1871, Mary's only child by her second marriage, Eliza McDowel. The only offspring of Mary Millar therefore to remain permanently in Ireland was the eldest of all, Mary Jane Templeton, who in 1858 married Samuel Smith and became the mother of six children as the tale would have it. More is told of the lives of the Templeton brothers in the separate collection pertaining to that surname, and consequently need not be repeated in this Millar narrative, of which, however, they and their descendants form an integral part.

To this place in a supposed land of milk and honey, and in a period and lifestyle so far different from that of later times as to now seem part of another, all but incomprehensible, world, all the descendants of both Mary and Eleanor Millar, with the exception of the Smiths, thus at length found their way, and in a very real sense their expectations have since been met and proven. They came no doubt for a variety of reasons, yet the underlying causes can all be generically ascribed to the seeking of fulfilment and the pursuit of a better way of life. The evidence all suggests that they themselves and their posterity were in the end fully satisfied that they had found it.

(Further details concerning many of the persons and events

lightly touched upon in the brief overview

contained in the preceding Branch Introduction,

as well as other additional factual information

not otherwise specifically mentioned or included herein,

and similar data pertaining to all known lineal descendants

of these people,

may be found in the individual personal histories and biographies

located in their respective positions throughout this Part

of the major work)



Arthur Adrian Anderson. His wife Barbara Jean Griffith was born 8 February 1945 at or near Wendell, Gooding County, Idaho, daughter to Orris Nelson Griffith and Rita Jean Myers, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Eric Arthur Anderson, born 26 March 1970 at Seattle, King County, Washington; (2) Stacey Jean Anderson, born 22 December 1971 at Pocatello, Bannock County, Idaho.


Brian John Anderson was born 8 July 1957 at Rosetown, Saskatchewan, son to John Alexander Anderson and Audrey Drummond Anderson, (to whom refer). His wife Debbie Lynne Green, (to whom he was married 13 February 1976 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan), was born 24 October 1956 at Rosetown, Saskatchewan, daughter to Howard William Green and Jessie Mary Sidewell. This couple begat issue: (1) Jennifer Lynne Anderson, born 25 June 1976 at Rosetown, Saskatchewan.


Charles William Beatty Anderson was born 29 May 1916 in Saskatchewan, son to Thomas James Anderson and Jemima Fullerton (or Tullerton) Drummond, (to whom refer); married, secondly, in June 1976 at Kelowna, Central Okanagan Regional District, British Columbia, Charlotte Harwood, (to whom also refer). His first wife Mildred Smith was born 13 February 1910 at or near Rosetown, Saskatchewan; died 16 July 1969 at Penticton, Okanagan-Similkameen Regional District, British Columbia. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Charles William Beatty Anderson and Mildred Smith; however this couple adopted one male child who, being a "stranger in blood" as regards the treated families, is not to be further noted or documented in these records.


Charles William Beatty Anderson was born 29 May 1916 in Saskatchewan, son to Thomas James Anderson and Jemima Fullerton (or Tullerton) Drummond, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Mildred Smith, (to whom also refer). His second wife was Charlotte Harwood, (to whom he was married in June 1976 at Kelowna, Central Okanagan Regional District, British Columbia). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Charles William Beatty Anderson and Charlotte Harwood.


James Drummond Anderson was born 6 April 1905 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, son to Thomas James Anderson and Jemima Fullerton (or Tullerton) Drummond, (to whom refer); died 21 December 1976 at Sovereign, Saskatchewan. His wife Ena Johnston, (to whom he was married 12 October 1926 at Sovereign, Saskatchewan), was born 4 April 1906 at or near Brigden, Moore Township, Lambton County, Ontario, daughter to Hall Johnston and Margaret Murray; died 1 September 1965 at Sovereign, Saskatchewan. This couple begat issue: (1) Margaret Fay Anderson, born 19 December 1932 at or near Milden, Saskatchewan, who married 21 September 1957 at Sedgewick, Alberta, Alvin Wilbert Lymeburner; (2) Audrey Drummond Anderson, born 8 May 1934 at or near Milden, Saskatchewan, who married 15 February 1957 at Sovereign, Saskatchewan, John Alexander Anderson; (3) Frances Elaine Anderson, born 23 March 1939 at or near Milden, Saskatchewan, who married 6 August 1960 at Rosetown, Saskatchewan, Edward Victor Grocholski.


John Alexander Anderson was born 3 October 1928 at or near Rosetown, Saskatchewan, son to John Henry Anderson and Charity Sadie Staver; died 2 July 1963 at Rosetown, Saskatchewan. His wife Audrey Drummond Anderson, (to whom he was married 15 February 1957 at Sovereign, Saskatchewan), was born 8 May 1934 at or near Milden, Saskatchewan, daughter to James Drummond Anderson and Ena Johnston, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Brian John Anderson, born 8 July 1957 at Rosetown, Saskatchewan, who married 13 February 1976 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Debbie Lynne Green; (2) Bonnie Sue Anderson, born 31 October 1958 at Rosetown, Saskatchewan; (3) Wendy Gail Anderson, born 5 October 1960 at Rosetown, Saskatchewan; (4) James Murray Johnston Anderson, born 14 September 1962 at Rosetown, Saskatchewan.


Thomas James Anderson was born 30 November 1872 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, son to James Anderson and Mary Morris; married, secondly, 24 January 1951 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Mabel Vogan Baird; died 14 August 1975 at Rosetown, Saskatchewan in his 103rd year; buried in August 1975 at Sovereign, Saskatchewan. His first wife Jemima Fullerton (or Tullerton) Drummond, (to whom he was married 1 November 1899 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 18 July 1874 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to James Drummond and Elizabeth Mooney, (to whom refer); died 2 March 1948 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan; buried in 1948 at Sovereign, Saskatchewan. Thomas James Anderson and Jemima Fullerton (or Tullerton) Drummond begat issue: (1) Mary Elizabeth Anderson, born 12 August 1900 at or near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, died 5 December 1966 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, buried at Sovereign, Saskatchewan, who married 26 October 1922 at or near Sovereign, Saskatchewan, Richard Hall Johnston; (2) Hazel Lillian Anderson, born 25 March 1902 at or near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 24 January 1921 at or near Sovereign, Saskatchewan, William Care McCauley; (3) James Drummond Anderson, born 6 April 1905 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, died 21 December 1976 at Sovereign, Saskatchewan, who married 12 October 1926 at Sovereign, Saskatchewan, Ena Johnston; (4) Margaret Jane "Maggie" Anderson, born 14 April 1908 at or near Glamis, Unorganised Territory, Saskatchewan, who married 21 July 1926 at or near Rosetown, Saskatchewan, Charles Ernest Hunt; (5) Bella Retta Anderson, born 11 May 1910 at or near Sovereign, Local Improvement District 15-H-3, Saskatchewan, who married, firstly, 3 July 1929 at Conquest, Saskatchewan, Lewis Isaac Bursaw, and, secondly, 9 October 1965 at Regina, Saskatchewan, John Nicklaus Pfliger; (6) Jessie Mildred Anderson, born 22 June 1912 at or near Sovereign, Saskatchewan, who married 16 October 1936 at or near Zealandia, Saskatchewan, Lawrence Henry Roux; (7) Charles William Beatty Anderson, born 29 May 1916 in Saskatchewan, who married, firstly, Mildred Smith, and, secondly, in June 1976 at Kelowna, Central Okanagan Regional District, British Columbia, Charlotte Harwood; (8) Eleanor Jemima Anderson, born 31 August 1918 in Saskatchewan, died early, unmarried, 4 February 1920 in Saskatchewan.


John Rae "Jack" Armstrong was born 10 July 1938 at or near Dauphin, Manitoba, son to Harley Armstrong and Maude May Gibson. His wife Wendie May Fordyce, (to whom he was married 16 July 1966 at Dauphin, Manitoba), was born 19 May 1941 at Brandon, Manitoba, daughter to Walter Drummond Fordyce and Jessie Hughes Arthur, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Dana May Armstrong, born 17 April 1968 at Dauphin, Manitoba; (2) Darla Jane Armstrong, born 24 September 1970 at Dauphin, Manitoba.


Allan Dean Atkinson was born 27 October 1959 at Penticton, British Columbia, son to Herbert Ernest "Dennis" Atkinson and Thelma Margaret Logan, (to whom refer). His wife Shelley Gaye Eberle, (to whom he was married 15 May 1982 at Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada), was born 6 December 1958 at Calgary, Alberta, daughter to Gerhard Fredrick Eberle and Lydia Krein. This couple begat issue: (1) Ashlie Lynn Atkinson, born 2 December 1982 at Penticton, Okanagan-Similkameen Regional District, British Columbia; (2) Byron Logan Atkinson, born 28 September 1986 at Penticton, Okanagan-Similkameen Regional District, British Columbia; (3) Bentan John Atkinson, born 21 July 1991 at Penticton, Okanagan-Similkameen Regional District, British Columbia.


Herbert Ernest "Dennis" Atkinson was born 18 April 1936 at Penticton, British Columbia. His wife Thelma Margaret Logan, (to whom he was married 20 September 1958 at Penticton, British Columbia), was born 1 June 1936 at Brandon General Hospital, Brandon, Manitoba, daughter to William Roy Logan and Lillian Margaret Drummond, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Allan Dean Atkinson, born 27 October 1959 at Penticton, British Columbia, who married 15 May 1982 at Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada, Shelley Gaye Eberle; (2) Sandra Lynn Atkinson, born 27 May 1962 at Penticton, British Columbia, who married 16 August 1986 at Penticton, Okanagan-Similkameen Regional District, British Columbia, Lance Victor Johnston.



Joseph Scott Bagley was born 12 October 1970 at Ogden, Weber County, Utah. His wife Carrie Ann Barker, (to whom he was married 20 December 1997 at Syracuse, Davis County, Utah), was born 18 April 1973 at Innisfail, Alberta, daughter to Sanford Woodrow "Sandy" Barker and Patricia Jane Drummond, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Joseph Ethan Bagley, born 10 September 1998 at Ogden, Weber County, Utah; (2) Sierra Machel Bagley, born 6 July 1999 at Ogden, Weber County, Utah; (3) Samuel Edison Bagley, born 4 December 2002 at Ogden, Weber County, Utah; (4) Christopher Carroll Bagley, born 10 September 2010.


Norman Frank Bailey was born 19 December 1950 at Milden, Saskatchewan, son to Frank Bailey and Mildred ---. His wife Mildred Fay Hunt, (to whom he was married 13 May 1970 or 30 May 1970, depending upon sources, at Sovereign, Saskatchewan), was born 29 October 1951 at Kindersley, Saskatchewan, daughter to Floyd Ernest Hunt and Betty Agnes Davey, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Kerry Ann Bailey, born 12 December 1972 at Rosetown, Saskatchewan; (2) Jennifer Dawn Bailey, born 28 September 1974 at Rosetown, Saskatchewan.


Robert Earl Bak was born 18 June 1955 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Andrew Bak and Ethel Porter. His wife Glenda Gail Simpson, (to whom he was married 25 June 1983 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 3 June 1958 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to J. D. Gordon Simpson and Fay Dorothy Salter, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Jason Robert Bak, born 15 November 1985 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; (2) Allison Gail Bak, born 19 February 1991 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario.


Robert William Banks was born 27 October 1960 in Hialeah, Miami-Dade County, Florida. His wife Rebecca Lorene "Becky" Struss, (to whom he was married 27 October 2007), was born 13 May 1967 at St. Francis Hospital, Peoria, Peoria County, Illinois, daughter to Karl George Struss and Ina Marie Griffith, (to whom refer); bore out of wedlock, prior to marriage, by one Johnnie Dargavell, issue, one male and one female child, (for further records of whom refer to the entry labelled "Rebecca Lorene Struss" in the "Supplementary" Section at the end of Part I. of this work). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Robert William Banks and Rebecca Lorene "Becky" Struss.


Lawrence Barber was son to Herbert Barber and Kathleen Laming. His wife Karen Joyce Simpson, (to whom he was married 7 April 1990 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 12 June 1961 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to J. D. Gordon Simpson and Fay Dorothy Salter, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Natasha Karen Barber, born 5 January 1991 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario.


Jonathan Barham. His wife Jodi Edwards was daughter to Randall Charles "Randy" Edwards and Cathy ---, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Sanford Grayson Barker was born 27 August 1977 at Red Deer, Alberta, son to Sanford Woodrow "Sandy" Barker and Patricia Jane Drummond, (to whom refer). His wife Venus Crowder, (to whom he was married 13 August 2004 at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah), was born 1 July 1973 in Utah. In addition to the upbringing of five children of the Wife's previous relationships who, being "strangers in blood" as regards the Husband's family, are not to be further noted or documented in these records, Sanford Grayson Barker and Venus Crowder begat issue: (1) Orion Grayson Barker, born antenuptially 16 June 2004 at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah.


Sanford Woodrow "Sandy" Barker was born 7 July 1945 at Fort St. John, British Columbia, son to Arthur Ralph Barker and Helen S. Jacobson. His wife Patricia Jane Drummond, (to whom he was married 23 December 1969 at Innisfail, Alberta and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 28 September 1953 at Kerrobert, Saskatchewan, daughter to Hubert Carroll Drummond and Candide Mary Simone Riendeau, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Vanessa Jane Barker, born 19 May 1972 at Innisfail, Alberta, who married 18 March 1993 at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Matthew Warren Bird; (2) Carrie Ann Barker, born 18 April 1973 at Innisfail, Alberta, who married 20 December 1997 at Syracuse, Davis County, Utah, Joseph Scott Bagley; (3) Sanford Grayson Barker, born 27 August 1977 at Red Deer, Alberta, who married 13 August 2004 at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Venus Crowder.


Gary Lloyd Barr was born 25 October 1951 at Kindersley, Saskatchewan, son to Lloyd Wesley Barr and Edna Kornelson. His wife Verna Gail Skaalid, (to whom he was married 1 May 1971 at Rosetown, Saskatchewan), was born 25 July 1952 at Eston, Saskatchewan, daughter to Frederick Skaalid and Margaret Jemima Johnston, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Kyle Lloyd Barr, born 4 September 1976 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.


John Stanley Bartkoviak was born 28 May 1935 in the Republic of Poland. His wife Margaret Louise Densley, (to whom he was married 1 June 1963 at Winnipeg, Greater Winnipeg Metropolitan Corporation, Manitoba), was born 18 March 1942 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, daughter to Edward James Densley and Viola Watts, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) John James Bartkoviak, born 12 February 1970 at Kenora, Kenora District, Ontario; (2) Angela Viola Bartkoviak, born 25 April 1971 at Kenora, Kenora District, Ontario.


Lawrence Robert Bartlett was born 21 January 1913 at Vancouver, British Columbia, son to Percy Reginald Bartlett and Olive May Harris. His wife Thelma Beryl Sheridan, (to whom he was married 6 October 1942 at Penticton, British Columbia), was born 14 November 1910 at or near Jasper, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to John Sheridan and Alice Brown, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Robert John Bartlett, born 7 June 1947 at Penticton, British Columbia, who married 28 August 1971 at Vancouver, Greater Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia, Gaye Marilyn Jackson.


Robert John Bartlett was born 7 June 1947 at Penticton, British Columbia, son to Lawrence Robert Bartlett and Thelma Beryl Sheridan, (to whom refer). His wife Gaye Marilyn Jackson, (to whom he was married 28 August 1971 at Vancouver, Greater Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia), was daughter to Milton Jackson and Olive ---. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Robert John Bartlett and Gaye Marilyn Jackson.


Derwood Ellis "Tucker" Basham was born 21 November 1963 at Rocky Mount, Franklin County, Virginia. His wife Armelia Marie "Amy" Struss, (to whom he was married 15 July 2000 at Berea, Madison County, Kentucky), was born 18 October 1962 at St. Vincent Hospital, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, daughter to Karl George Struss and Ina Marie Griffith, (to whom refer). No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


John Battyn. His wife Mildred Burrows was born 6 July 1940, daughter to Carman Burrows and Georgie (or Georgia) Wood, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Harvey McInnes, (to whom also refer). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of John Battyn and Mildred Burrows are presently available.


George Beach was born 15 September 1829 in Upper Canada; died 18 April 1908 in Ontario; buried in 1908 at South Gower Cemetery, South Gower Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Eliza (or Elizabeth) McDowel (or McDowell) was born 1 August 1848 in Ireland, daughter to John McDowel (or McDowell) and Mary Millar, (to whom refer); married, secondly, George Leach, (to whom also refer); died 13 July 1927 in Ontario; buried in July 1927 at South Gower Cemetery, South Gower Township, Grenville County, Ontario. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of George Beach and Eliza (or Elizabeth) McDowel (or McDowell).


Grant Beaver. His wife Sheryl Templeton was daughter to John Arthur Templeton and Brenda-Joy Chamberlain, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Brittany Beaver; (2) Zachary Beaver.


Warren Dean Beck. His wife Audrey Lorene Kramer was born 1 April 1944 at Spokane, Spokane County, Washington, daughter to Alvin Michael Kramer and Anna Mae Hester, (to whom refer); married, firstly, David Freund, (to whom also refer). In addition to the legal adoption 30 December 1969 of the one female child, elsewhere herein recorded, of the Wife's previous marriage who, being a "stranger in blood" as regards the second Husband's (the stepfather's) family, is not to be further noted or documented in this entry but who will be found duly recorded in the entry for her mother's first marriage elsewhere herein in these records, Warren Dean Beck and Audrey Lorene Kramer also begat issue: (1) Joyce Lorene Beck, born a twin 25 January 1969 at Odessa, Lincoln County, Washington; (2) Janice Lee Beck, born a twin 25 January 1969 at Odessa, Lincoln County, Washington, died in infancy, unmarried, 26 January 1969 at Odessa, Lincoln County, Washington; (3) Leona Ann Beck, born 5 June 1972 at Odessa, Lincoln County, Washington.


Joseph Hartley Bell was born 10 September 1935 at Swift Current, Saskatchewan, son to Joseph Mark Bell and Georgina Haddon. His wife Joyce Irene Drummond, (to whom he was married 11 April 1959 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba), was born 24 March 1938 at Brandon, Manitoba, daughter to Thomas Alexander Drummond and Virlie Irene Little, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Richard William Bell, born 17 January 1960 at Swift Current, Saskatchewan, who married, firstly, 10 October 1981 at Edmonton, Alberta, Jacqueline Joyce Hemmerling, and, secondly, 20 June 1987 at Edmonton, Alberta, Lynda Campbell Wilson; (2) Rodney Allen Bell, born 28 September 1961 at Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan.


Richard William Bell was born 17 January 1960 at Swift Current, Saskatchewan, son to Joseph Hartley Bell and Joyce Irene Drummond, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 20 June 1987 at Edmonton, Alberta, Lynda Campbell Wilson, (to whom also refer). His first wife Jacqueline Joyce Hemmerling, (to whom he was married 10 October 1981 at Edmonton, Alberta), was born 10 June 1962 at Edmonton, Alberta, daughter to Donald Lawrence Hemmerling and Georgina Lorraine Stephenson. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Richard William Bell and Jacqueline Joyce Hemmerling are presently available.


Richard William Bell was born 17 January 1960 at Swift Current, Saskatchewan, son to Joseph Hartley Bell and Joyce Irene Drummond, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 10 October 1981 at Edmonton, Alberta, Jacqueline Joyce Hemmerling, (to whom also refer). His second wife Lynda Campbell Wilson, (to whom he was married 20 June 1987 at Edmonton, Alberta), was born 11 April 1960. Richard William Bell and Lynda Campbell Wilson begat issue: (1) Samantha Karlee Bell, born 4 September 1988 at Edmonton, Alberta; (2) Jillian Kelsey Bell, born 28 August 1989 at Edmonton, Alberta.


James Benda was born 19 January 1964. His wife Pauline Fay Simpson, (to whom he was married 15 January 1994 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 5 August 1965 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to J. D. Gordon Simpson and Fay Dorothy Salter, (to whom refer); died 31 May 1997 at her residence near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; buried 5 June 1997 at Hillcrest Cemetery, near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Frank James Bernicky was born 23 March 1930. His wife Marina Vera Bryan, (to whom he was married 23 September 1952), was born 28 November 1934, daughter to Harold Thomas Bryan and Mary Alice Wilhelmine Scott, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Dale Marie Bernicky, born 30 May 1953; (2) Brian Francis Bernicky, born 28 April 1955.


Robert James Bernicky was born 6 October 1939 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to George Bernicky and Gladys Forde. His wife Dorothy Neva Tomlinson, (to whom he was married 30 June 1962 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 19 October 1944 at Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Herbert Miller Tomlinson and Maude Elizabeth Edwards, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Randolph James Bernicky, born 11 December 1962 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; (2) Terrance Herbert Bernicky, born 18 February 1964 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; (3) Tania Elizabeth Bernicky, born 21 August 1970 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario.


Ira Best was born 1 August 1928. His wife Kathleen "Kay" Saunders, (from whom subsequently divorced), was daughter to Thomas Drummond Saunders and Olive I. Brennan, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Willard "Wib" Mantle, (to whom also refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Justin Betterley. His wife Melissa Marie Weedmark was born 26 April 1984 at Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario, daughter to Daryl Preston Weedmark and Connie May Smith, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Allan Rees Bevan was born 25 May 1913 at or near Druid, Saskatchewan, son to John James Bevan and Katherine Jane MacLeod. His wife Mary Lura Drummond, (to whom he was married 10 October 1941 at Winnipeg, Manitoba), was born 10 April 1915 at or near Dodsland, Saskatchewan, daughter to James Wilbert Drummond and Georgina "Della" Robb, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) John Allan Bevan, born 23 December 1948 at Toronto, York County, Ontario; (2) David Carlyle Bevan, born 18 November 1952 at Halifax, Halifax County, Nova Scotia, who married 7 February 1976 at King's College Chapel, Halifax, Halifax County, Nova Scotia, Carole Jane Donaldson; (3) Lura Lynn Bevan, born 5 April 1954 at Halifax, Halifax County, Nova Scotia.


David Carlyle Bevan was born 18 November 1952 at Halifax, Halifax County, Nova Scotia, son to Allan Rees Bevan and Mary Lura Drummond, (to whom refer). His wife was Carole Jane Donaldson, (to whom he was married 7 February 1976 at King's College Chapel, Halifax, Halifax County, Nova Scotia). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Richard Erwin Bimm was born 6 January 1957. His wife Patricia Michelle Salter, (to whom he was married 5 January 1980 and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 3 September 1956, daughter to William James Salter and Patricia Evelyn Lake, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Daniel Sigouin, (to whom also refer). Richard Erwin Bimm and Patricia Michelle Salter begat issue: (1) Richard Michael Salter Bimm, born 29 March 1985, died early, unmarried, 1 September 1993 at the family residence, Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario, buried 3 September 1993 at Hillcrest Cemetery, near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; (2) Andrew Thomas Salter Bimm, born 7 May 1987; (3) Rosalynde Michelle Salter Bimm, born 20 September 2000.


Matthew Warren Bird was born 5 February 1971 at Logan, Cache County, Utah. His wife Vanessa Jane Barker, (to whom he was married 18 March 1993 at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah), was born 19 May 1972 at Innisfail, Alberta, daughter to Sanford Woodrow "Sandy" Barker and Patricia Jane Drummond, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Emilie Katherine Bird, born 1 March 1997 at Ogden, Weber County, Utah; (2) Sarah Elizabeth Bird, born 1 November 1998 at Pocatello, Bannock County, Idaho; (3) David Matthew Bird, born 13 September 2002 at Layton, Davis County, Utah; (4) Elyse Josephine Bird, born a twin 28 September 2008; (5) Kaitlyn Jane Bird, born a twin 28 September 2008.


Barry Birss was born 30 March 1952 at Brandon, Manitoba, son to George James Birss and Ruby Estella Watts, (to whom refer). His wife was Virginia Christine Longford, (to whom he was married 25 October 1975 at Vancouver, Greater Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


George James Birss was born 6 December 1921 in England. His wife Ruby Estella Watts, (to whom he was married 20 August 1948 at Brandon, Manitoba), was born 5 November 1920 at or near Carberry, Manitoba, daughter to John Watts and Sarah Estella Sheridan, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Sharon Birss, born 21 March 1949 at Brandon, Manitoba, who married James Chong; (2) Barry Birss, born 30 March 1952 at Brandon, Manitoba, who married 25 October 1975 at Vancouver, Greater Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia, Virginia Christine Longford; (3) Robert Birss, born 16 May 1954 at Winnipeg, Manitoba; (4) Keith Birss, born 22 November 1955 at Vancouver, British Columbia; (5) Doris Marie Birss, born 9 August 1960 at Vancouver, British Columbia.


Ronald Black. His wife Eula K. McCauley, (to whom he was married 5 November 1948 at Victoria, British Columbia and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 19 March 1931 at or near Sovereign, Saskatchewan, daughter to William Care McCauley and Hazel Lillian Anderson, (to whom refer); married, secondly, in 1953 at Coeur d'Alene, Kootenai County, Idaho, James Park, (to whom also refer); died 4 November 1973 at Victoria, Capital Regional District, British Columbia. Ronald Black and Eula K. McCauley begat issue: (1) Larry Wayne Black, born 2 August 1952 at Victoria, British Columbia.


Larry Bodnaruk was born 12 October 1949 at Selkirk, Manitoba, son to William Bodnaruk and Rose ---. His wife Joan Idema Watts, (to whom he was married 21 December 1974 at Winnipeg, Manitoba and from whom subsequently divorced in May 1981), was born 12 November 1952 at Carberry, Manitoba, daughter to Robert Frederick Watts and Helen Eileen Covell, (to whom refer). No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Michael Joseph Boe was born 31 October 1965. His wife Kathryn Elizabeth "Beth" Swearingen, (to whom he was married 8 May 1993 at 3838 Thomas Road, Baton Rouge, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana), was born 4 January 1967 at Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, daughter to Robert Eugene Swearingen and Isabelle Kay Griffith, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) April Marie Boe, born 9 September 1995 at the Women's Hospital, 9050 Airline Highway, Baton Rouge, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana.


Arthur Spencer Bolton was born 14 January 1926 at or near Harlem, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Spencer Argill Bolton and Mabel Beach. His wife Wilma Jean Chant, (to whom he was married 26 November 1949 at Chantry, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 30 October 1930 at or near Chantry, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to James Clifford Chant and Ida Irene Irwin, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Bruce Arthur Bolton, born 15 September 1950 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 28 February 1970 at Cornwall, Stormont County, Ontario, Denise Dumais; (2) Shirley Jean Bolton, born 28 October 1952 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 6 April 1974 at Elgin, South Crosby Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Eugene Jackson; (3) Ronald Garry Bolton, born 2 July 1955 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 15 March 1975 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, Debra Jean Bryenton.


Barry Bolton. His wife Deborah Saunders was daughter to Gordon Thomas Saunders and Beatrice Anna Morrison, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Bruce Arthur Bolton was born 15 September 1950 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Arthur Spencer Bolton and Wilma Jean Chant, (to whom refer). His wife Denise Dumais, (to whom he was married 28 February 1970 at Cornwall, Stormont County, Ontario), was born 1 January 1950 at Drummondville, Drummond County, Qu�bec, daughter to Maurice Dumais and Julienne Roy. This couple begat issue: (1) Jacqueline Chantal Bolton, born 28 July 1972 at Cornwall, Stormont County, Ontario; (2) Spencer Bruce Bolton, born 26 August 1974 at Cornwall, Stormont County, Ontario; (3) Jason Robert Bolton, born 20 August 1979 at Cornwall, Stormont County, Ontario.


Ronald Garry Bolton was born 2 July 1955 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Arthur Spencer Bolton and Wilma Jean Chant, (to whom refer). His wife Debra Jean Bryenton, (to whom he was married 15 March 1975 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 23 October 1955 at Halifax, Halifax County, Nova Scotia, daughter to Albert Howard William Bryenton and Elaine Joyce Price. This couple begat issue: (1) Nathan Gary Bolton, born 21 November 1978 at Cornwall, Stormont County, Ontario.


--- Bouyers. His wife Nadine Toop was daughter to Wilfred Toop and Judy Swenson, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Darcy Russell Bowe. His wife Penny Lynn Drummond, (to whom he was married 31 August 1985 at Innisfail, Alberta and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 19 October 1956 at Dodsland, Saskatchewan, daughter to Hubert Carroll Drummond and Candide Mary Simone Riendeau, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 21 August 1976 at Red Deer, Alberta, Douglas Eldon Brown, (to whom also refer and from whom also subsequently divorced); died 3 April 2005 at Whitecourt, Alberta. Darcy Russell Bowe and Penny Lynn Drummond begat issue: (1) Kyle Bowe, born 5 January 1988 at Innisfail, Alberta; (2) Brendan Darcy Bowe, born 21 November 1990 at Red Deer, Alberta.


Frederick Warren Bowen was born 11 March 1961. His wife Sally Marie Templeton, (to whom he was married 8 August 1992), was born 7 January 1966 in Alberta, daughter to William Lincoln Templeton and Eva Mary Heaver, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Jesse William Templeton Bowen, born 31 March 1996; (2) Zoe Marie Grace Bowen, born 22 December 1997.


William Elmer Box was born 18 February 1888 at Montague Township, Lanark County, Ontario; died in 1972 at Lanark County, Ontario; buried at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife Ethel Salter was born 6 December 1895 at Montague Township, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to James Salter and Maria Drummond, (to whom refer); died 13 May 1949 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; buried in May 1949 at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


William Bresee. His wife Darlene Ann Nolan was born 22 August 1961 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Orville John George Nolan and Patricia Ann Toop, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Bruce Murray Brickett was born 5 January 1952 at Glendon, Glendon Municipal District, Alberta, son to Edward Brickett and ---. His wife Beverly Ann Jeffery, (to whom he was married 24 July 1976), was born 26 June 1954 at Milden, Saskatchewan, daughter to Ronald Norman Jeffery and Mildred Mae Hunt, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Patrick Jonas Britten was born 16 March 1955 at Campbellton, Restigouche County, New Brunswick, son to Donald Patrick Britten and Dorothy Nancy McRae. His wife Barbara Ruth Drummond, (to whom he was married 4 October 1975 at or near Shilo, Cornwallis Rural Municipality, Manitoba), was born 14 July 1956 at Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Harold Raeburn Drummond and Marie Audrey Craig, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Craig Patrick Britten, born 18 April 1979 at Brandon, Manitoba; (2) Daniel James Britten, born 12 May 1981 at Vernon, North Okanagan Regional District, British Columbia.


Douglas Eldon Brown was born 14 July 1957 at Red Deer, Alberta, son to George Brown and Helen ---. His wife Penny Lynn Drummond, (to whom he was married 21 August 1976 at Red Deer, Alberta and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 19 October 1956 at Dodsland, Saskatchewan, daughter to Hubert Carroll Drummond and Candide Mary Simone Riendeau, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 31 August 1985 at Innisfail, Alberta, Darcy Russell Bowe, (to whom also refer and from whom also subsequently divorced); died 3 April 2005 at Whitecourt, Alberta. Douglas Eldon Brown and Penny Lynn Drummond begat issue: (1) Miranda Lyn Brown, born 4 February 1977 at Red Deer, Alberta, who married Richard Helweg, (from whom subsequently divorced); (2) Shane Douglas Carl Brown, born 9 September 1978 at Red Deer, Alberta, who married 12 August 2006 at Innisfail, Alberta, Jackie Dickie.


Elwood Brown died in 1959. His wife Elva June Drummond was born 26 March 1933 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, daughter to Douglas Keith Drummond and Florence Elsie Hanwell, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 7 July 1961 at Brandon, Manitoba, Cecil John McCarthy, (to whom also refer). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Elwood Brown and Elva June Drummond are presently available.


Jeff Brown. His wife Beckie Lee Weedmark, (to whom he was married 25 November 2005 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 2 September 1982 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Daryl Preston Weedmark and Connie May Smith, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Parker Kenneth Preston Brown, born 25 March 2009.


Paul Ernest Alfred "Jack" Brown was born 23 December 1927 at or near Debden, Saskatchewan, son to Alfred Brown and Josephine Proulsc (or Proulx). His wife Lavonne Frances Bursaw, (to whom he was married 31 May 1949 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan), was born 6 June 1930 at or near Milden, Saskatchewan, daughter to Lewis Isaac Bursaw and Della Retta Anderson, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Carolyn Marie Brown, born 29 December 1949 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, who married 26 June 1976 at Debden, Saskatchewan, Leo R. Compagna; (2) William Ernest Brown, born 13 December 1951 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, died 5 October 1971 at Regina, Saskatchewan, who married 4 April 1970 at Regina, Saskatchewan, Donna Gayle Henderson; (3) Marilyn Louise Brown, born 27 August 1955 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, who married 6 December 1975 at Regina, Saskatchewan, George Sullivan; (4) Deborrah Lynn Brown, born 21 March 1958 at Regina, Saskatchewan.


Shane Douglas Carl Brown was born 9 September 1978 at Red Deer, Alberta, son to Douglas Eldon Brown and Penny Lynn Drummond, (to whom refer). His wife Jackie Dickie, (to whom he was married 12 August 2006 at Innisfail, Alberta), was born 20 January 1982 at Red Deer, Alberta. This couple begat issue: (1) Tristan Brown, born antenuptially 20 June 2002; (2) Kadin Carl Douglas Brown, born antenuptially 17 May 2004.


William Ernest Brown was born 13 December 1951 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, son to Paul Ernest Alfred "Jack" Brown and Lavonne Frances Bursaw, (to whom refer); died 5 October 1971 at Regina, Saskatchewan. His wife Donna Gayle Henderson, (to whom he was married 4 April 1970 at Regina, Saskatchewan), was born 10 July ---- at Regina, Saskatchewan. This couple begat issue: (1) Beth Marie Brown, born 4 July 1970 at Petawawa, Renfrew County, Ontario.


John Brunton was born 4 March 1884 at or near Prospect, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario; died 29 January 1967 at Shaunavon, Saskatchewan. His wife Laura Ethel Tomlinson, (to whom he was married 23 June 1909 at or near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 9 June 1887 at or near Ashton, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Thomas Tomlinson and Ellen (or Eleanor) Miller Drummond, (to whom refer); died 14 September 1971 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; buried 17 September 1971 at Dewar's Cemetery, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Donald Harold Bryan was born 2 August 1932, son to Harold Thomas Bryan and Mary Alice Wilhelmine Scott, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Betty Fader, (to whom also refer). His first wife Cora Arvilla Mercer, (to whom he was married 28 October 1949 and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 6 November 1928. Donald Harold Bryan and Cora Arvilla Mercer begat issue: (1) Harold Orville Bryan, born 24 May 1950, who married 5 August 1972, Glenda Susanne Haining; (2) Paul Donald Bryan, born 30 October 1951; (3) Garry Wayne Bryan, born 18 November 1952; (4) Robert Kent Bryan, born 29 July 1955.


Donald Harold Bryan was born 2 August 1932, son to Harold Thomas Bryan and Mary Alice Wilhelmine Scott, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 28 October 1949, Cora Arvilla Mercer, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced). His second wife was Betty Fader. Donald Harold Bryan and Betty Fader begat issue: (1) Shawn Bryan, born 20 August 1969.


Harold Orville Bryan was born 24 May 1950, son to Donald Harold Bryan and Cora Arvilla Mercer, (to whom refer). His wife Glenda Susanne Haining, (to whom he was married 5 August 1972), was born in January 1949. This couple begat issue: (1) Erica Bryan, who married ---.


Harold Thomas Bryan was born 24 April 1912. His wife Mary Alice Wilhelmine Scott, (to whom he was married 19 December 1928 at Toronto, York County, Ontario), was born 30 September 1910 in Ontario, daughter to William John Scott and Wilhelmina "Mina" Templeton, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Jean Marie Bryan, born antenuptially 17 September 1928, who married Wilfrid Leeder; (2) William Douglas Bryan, born 2 November 1930, died 2 February 2012 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, buried 6 February 2012 at Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Maitland, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 23 September 1950, Faye Wilkins; (3) Donald Harold Bryan, born 2 August 1932, who married, firstly, 28 October 1949, Cora Arvilla Mercer, (from whom subsequently divorced), and, secondly, Betty Fader; (4) Marina Vera Bryan, born 28 November 1934, who married 23 September 1952, Frank James Bernicky; (5) Bette Wilhelmine Bryan, born 7 November 1937, who married 12 October 1957, John James Wilkinson.


William Douglas Bryan was born 2 November 1930, son to Harold Thomas Bryan and Mary Alice Wilhelmine Scott, (to whom refer)); died 2 February 2012 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; buried 6 February 2012 at Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Maitland, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife was Faye Wilkins, (to whom he was married 23 September 1950). This couple begat issue: (1) Valerie Dianne Bryan, born 30 March 1952, who married Gerald Doherty; (2) Vicki Lynne Bryan, born 24 June 1955, who married Donald Crate; (3) Catherine Mary Bryan, born 28 August 1958, who married Kenneth Knapp.


Lee Andrew Buchanan was born 19 April 1936 at or near Pittsburg, Camp County, Texas. His wife Margaret Allene Ferguson, (to whom he was married 19 April 1965 at Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California), was born 31 August 1943 at Selkirk, Manitoba, daughter to Thomas Kenneth Ferguson and Lura Mae Sheridan, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Lesley Allene Buchanan, born 22 February 1966 at Oakland, Alameda County, California.


Kenneth Norman Buchberger was born 10 June 1940 at The Pas, Manitoba, son to Andrew Joseph Buchberger and Emma Lily Margaret Zentner. His wife Shirley Marion Gould, (to whom he was married 21 July 1967 at Oak River, Blanshard Rural Municipality, Manitoba), was born 15 April 1949 at Hamiota, Manitoba, daughter to John Frederick Daniel Gould and Marion Margaret Drummond, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Bonnie Lorie Buchberger, born 26 February 1968 at Brandon, Manitoba; (2) Kenneth Scott William Buchberger, born 21 August 1971 at Calgary, Alberta.


Carman Burrows was born 20 February 1915 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Andrew Burrows and Helen Patterson Stobo. His wife Georgie (or Georgia) Wood, (to whom he was married 2 May 1935 at St. Peter's Anglican Church, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 28 September 1915 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to John Edgbert Wood and Bertha Jane Cross, (to whom refer); died 7 September 1962 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; buried in September 1962 at Hillcrest Cemetery, near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Douglas Burrows, born 15 March 1936; (2) Mildred Burrows, born 6 July 1940, who married, firstly, Harvey McInnes, and, secondly, John Battyn; (3) Gail Burrows, born 25 May 1949, who married, firstly, J. Quattenbush, and, secondly, D. Ferguson.


Lawrie James Bursaw was born 30 November 1931 at or near Milden, Saskatchewan, son to Lewis Isaac Bursaw and Bella Retta Anderson, (to whom refer). His wife Jacqueline Baines, (to whom he was married 22 May 1953 at Trail, British Columbia), was born 20 October 1933 at Trail, British Columbia, daughter to James Baines and Beatrice ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Danny James Bursaw, born 4 February 1954 at Trail, British Columbia; (2) Jeanne Patricia Bursaw, born 18 June 1955 at Trail, British Columbia; (3) Randall Lewis Bursaw, born 2 May 1956 at Trail, British Columbia.


Lewis Isaac Bursaw died 11 March 1949 in Saskatchewan. His wife Bella Retta Anderson, (to whom he was married 3 July 1929 at Conquest, Saskatchewan), was born 11 May 1910 at or near Sovereign, Local Improvement District 15-H-3, Saskatchewan, daughter to Thomas James Anderson and Jemima Fullerton (or Tullerton) Drummond, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 9 October 1965 at Regina, Saskatchewan, John Nicklaus Pfliger, (to whom also refer). Lewis Isaac Bursaw and Bella Retta Anderson begat issue: (1) Lavonne Frances Bursaw, born 6 June 1930 at or near Milden, Saskatchewan, who married 31 May 1949 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Paul Ernest Alfred "Jack" Brown; (2) Lawrie James Bursaw, born 30 November 1931 at or near Milden, Saskatchewan, who married 22 May 1953 at Trail, British Columbia, Jacqueline Baines; (3) Marvin Isaac Allan Bursaw, born 8 December 1932 at or near Milden, Saskatchewan, died in infancy, unmarried, in March 1933 at or near Zealandia, Saskatchewan; (4) Shirley Louise Bursaw, born 22 June 1936 at or near Rosetown, Saskatchewan, who married 1 July 1955 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Ervin Claude Gautschi.


Blair David Buttar was born 14 September 1975, son to Robert Walter Buttar and Sharon Ann Lormer. His wife Keri Lee Drummond, (to whom he was married 25 November 2010 in the United Mexican States), was born 22 October 1978 at Leduc, Alberta, daughter to Walter Russell Drummond and Karen Lee Neumeier, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 15 August 2001 at Leduc, Alberta, Michael Geib, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced). Blair David Buttar and Keri Lee Drummond begat issue: (1) Drew Walter Buttar, born 2 November 2011 at Edmonton, Alberta.


Herbert Butterworth was born 2 June 1940, son to Robert Butterworth and Olive Moodie. His wife Margaret Faye Drummond, (to whom he was married 12 September 1958 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 16 February 1937 at or near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to James Henry Drummond and Ethel Bradford, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Brenda Joyce Butterworth, born 3 November 1959 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario; (2) Ronald David Butterworth, born 6 November 1962 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario; (3) Sharron Marie Butterworth, born 20 November 1965 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario.


Robert Orrin Alfred Byrd was born 17 March 1933. His wife Lorena Ann Templeton, (to whom he was married 8 September 1956), was born 22 July 1935 at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to James Templeton and Alice Lorena Graham, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Ann Louise Byrd, born 19 April 1960 at Belleville, Hastings County, Ontario; (2) June Lorena Byrd, born 19 June 1962 at Belleville, Hastings County, Ontario.



Albert January Calaguiro was born 23 March 1962. His wife Laurie Lynn Salter, (to whom he was married 20 April 1988), was born 14 November 1962, daughter to William James Salter and Patricia Evelyn Lake, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Mark Albert Peter Calaguiro, born 15 January 1993; (2) Natalie Patricia Calaguiro, born 9 December 1994.


Milo Keith Cale was born 8 December 1934 at or near Antler, Saskatchewan. His wife Beth Marguerite MacKay, (to whom he was married 16 June 1956 at Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba), was born 4 November 1936 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, daughter to Herbert Melville MacKay and Iola Bertha Drummond, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Randy Miles Cale, born 19 May 1960 at Brandon, Manitoba; (2) Lori Arleen Cale, born 11 October 1962 at Brandon, Manitoba; (3) Leanne Gaye Cale, born 23 March 1967 at Brandon, Manitoba.


Edwin John Alexander Campbell was born 27 May 1917 at or near Qu�bec City, Qu�bec County, Qu�bec, son to John Campbell and Gertrude Diamond. His wife Melinda Evelyn Currie, (to whom he was married 1 March 1941 at St. Remi, Napierville County, Qu�bec), was born 12 December 1921 at or near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to George Nelson Currie and Annie Jacob Saunders, (to whom refer); died 14 January 2008 at Great War Memorial Hospital, Perth, Lanark County, Ontario in consequence of cancer; buried in 2008 at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Inez Melinda Campbell, born 16 March 1941 or 19 September 1941 (depending upon sources) at St. Remi, Napierville County, Qu�bec, who married 15 May 1965 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, Gilbert Edgar Johnson; (2) Malcolm Edwin "Mac" Campbell, born 17 October 1942 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, died 5 October 2005 in hospital at Ottawa, Ottawa City Municipality, Ontario, buried 10 October 2005 at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 30 April 1966 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, Catherine Gwendolyn Coleman; (3) Fay Eleanor Campbell, born 18 August 1944 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 21 May 1966 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, Craig Bernard Mussell; (4) Jean Mildred Campbell, born 10 March 1946 at Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 2 September 1966 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, Wendell Allen Wayne Kinch; (5) Zelda Gertrude Anne Campbell, born 21 August 1947 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 8 January 1966 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, Glen Russell Thomas; (6) Verna Doris Campbell, born 18 August 1949 at Sarnia, Lambton County, Ontario, who married 3 July 1971 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, Douglas John Miller; (7) Wayne Currie Campbell, born 15 February 1951 at Sarnia, Lambton County, Ontario, who married 23 August 1975 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, Janice Orene Tennant; (8) Ian George Campbell, born 18 January 1955 at Sarnia, Lambton County, Ontario, who married 7 August 1982 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, Kim Sherrie Renaud; (9) Linda Joan Campbell, born 11 September 1958 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 17 October 1980 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, Paul Thomas McKenna.


Ian George Campbell was born 18 January 1955 at Sarnia, Lambton County, Ontario, son to Edwin John Alexander Campbell and Melinda Evelyn Currie, (to whom refer). His wife Kim Sherrie Renaud, (to whom he was married 7 August 1982 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 24 June 1963 at Calgary, Alberta, daughter to William Renaud and Adeline Kereliuk. This couple begat issue: (1) Tyler Ian Robert Campbell, born a twin 16 July 1991; (2) Connor William Albert Campbell, born a twin 16 July 1991.


John Foster "Jack" Campbell was born 13 October 1924 at or near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Elmer Campbell and Edith Kenny. His wife Barbara Helene Drummond, (to whom he was married 4 May 1946 at the residence of the bride's parents at or near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 25 November 1927 at or near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to James Henry Drummond and Ethel Bradford, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Bryan Elmer James Campbell, born 31 August 1947 at Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario; (2) Dennis Gordon Campbell, born 23 September 1950 at Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario; (3) Karen Elizabeth Campbell, born 7 May 1953 at Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario; (4) Elaine Faye Campbell, born 11 July 1956 at Edmonton, Alberta; (5) Eleanor Edith Campbell, born 20 April 1958 at Toronto, Metropolitan Toronto Municipality, Ontario.


Louis Lloyd Campbell was born 24 June 1936 at or near Souris, Manitoba, son to William Henry Campbell and Olive Moore. His wife Beverley Yvonne Drummond, (to whom he was married 29 August 1959 at Brandon, Manitoba), was born 13 July 1938 at or near Brandon, Manitoba, daughter to Douglas Keith Drummond and Florence Elsie Hanwell, (to whom refer). No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Malcolm Edwin "Mac" Campbell was born 17 October 1942 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Edwin John Alexander Campbell and Melinda Evelyn Currie, (to whom refer); died 5 October 2005 at Ottawa, Ottawa City Municipality, Ontario; buried 10 October 2005 at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife Catherine Gwendolyn Coleman, (to whom he was married 30 April 1966 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 15 August 1943 at Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Leonard Coleman and Catherine McNeely. This couple begat issue: (1) Kimberley Catherine Anne Campbell, born 15 February 1967 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 28 July 1990 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, David Schoular, (from whom subsequently divorced); (2) Robert Malcolm Campbell, born 11 October 1968 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 11 July 1992 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, Deborah Lynne Gemmell; (3) Lesley Evelyn Campbell, born 7 October 1973 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario.


Robert Malcolm Campbell was born 11 October 1968 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Malcolm Edwin "Mac" Campbell and Catherine Gwendolyn Coleman, (to whom refer). His wife Deborah Lynne Gemmell, (to whom he was married 11 July 1992 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 4 January 1970 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Ronald Gemmell and Janice Johnston. This couple begat issue: (1) Megan Liane Campbell, born 13 July 1995 at Ottawa Civic Hospital, Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario; (2) Coleman Edwin John Campbell, born 21 September 1997 at Ottawa Civic Hospital, Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario; (3) Mackenzie Lynne Campbell, born 5 January 2001 at Ottawa Civic Hospital, Ottawa, Ottawa City Municipality, Ontario.


Wayne Currie Campbell was born 15 February 1951 at Sarnia, Lambton County, Ontario, son to Edwin John Alexander Campbell and Melinda Evelyn Currie, (to whom refer). His wife Janice Orene Tennant, (to whom he was married 23 August 1975 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 30 November 1953 at Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to John Tennant and Joyce McNaughton. This couple begat issue: (1) Amanda Joyce Campbell, born 2 March 1980 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario; (2) Mathew Wayne John Campbell, born 22 September 1983 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario.


Dennis George Cardinal was born 3 February 1955 at Lachine, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, son to Michael Earl Cardinal and Verna Mae Dennie. His wife Lyn Ann Hartley, (to whom he was married 15 October 1976 at Seeley's Bay, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 15 October 1956 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario, daughter to Ralph Norman Hartley and Merla Jennie Freeman, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Joseph Malcolm Cardinal, born 17 December 1978 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario.


Gordon C. Carlson. His wife Janice Marie Washburn was born 29 October 1942 at Toledo, Lewis County, Washington, daughter to Arthur Walter Washburn and Lillian King, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Robin Diane Carlson, born 3 March 1969 at Yakima, Yakima County, Washington; (2) Michael Edward Carlson, born 7 June 1971 at Yakima, Yakima County, Washington.


Kenneth Graham Carmichael was born 2 April 1932, son to Graham Carmichael and Elizabeth ---. His wife Margaret Anne Ripley, (to whom he was married 6 July 1957 at Espanola, Merritt Township, Sudbury District, Ontario), was born 12 March 1936 at or near Kirkland Lake, Teck Township, Timiskaming District, Ontario, daughter to Kenneth Boyd Ripley and Doris Christina Lyons, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Graham Kenneth Carmichael, born 3 July 1961 at Toronto, Metropolitan Toronto Municipality, Ontario; (2) Elizabeth Anne Carmichael, born 26 October 1964 at Toronto, Metropolitan Toronto Municipality, Ontario; (3) Andrew William Carmichael, born 7 June 1968 at Toronto, Metropolitan Toronto Municipality, Ontario.


Michael Patrick Carroll was born 4 October 1950 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Francis Joseph Carroll and Marguerite Mary Wood. His wife Dianne Lillian Willows, (to whom he was married 19 May 1973 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 18 July 1952 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Lloyd Alfred Willows and Vivian Patricia Drummond, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Angela Dianne Carroll, born 17 September 1976 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; (2) Michael David Roy Carroll, born 23 October 1980 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; (3) Krista Marie Carroll, born a twin 20 September 1985 at Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario; (4) Jennifer Dawn Carroll, born a twin 20 September 1985 at Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario; (5) Matthew Carroll, born in June 1989 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario.


Robert William Carroll. His wife Marva Dee Edwards was born 1 August 1936 at or near Fairfield, Camas County, Idaho, daughter to Harvey Owen Edwards and Eliza Anne Drummond Griffith, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Michon Kathleen Carroll, born 1 June 1960 at Reno, Washoe County, Nevada; (2) Michelle Cory Carroll, born 21 November 1961 at Reno, Washoe County, Nevada; (3) Cheryl Luann Carroll, born 25 August 1963 at Reno, Washoe County, Nevada; (4) Robert William Carroll II., born 13 November 1965 at Reno, Washoe County, Nevada; (5) Allison Kelli Carroll, born 6 April 1967 at Reno, Washoe County, Nevada.


Andrew Chant was son to Noah Chant and ---; died 16 July 1945; buried in 1945 at Maple Vale Cemetery, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife Mary Theresa Wood, (to whom he was married 22 March 1905), was born 30 March 1885 near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to John William Wood and Eleanor (or Ellen) Drummond, (to whom refer); died 19 February 1942 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Arnold Clifford Chant was born 21 September 1932 at or near Chantry, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to James Clifford Chant and Ida Irene Irwin, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 1 December 1961 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, Audrey Joan Davis, (to whom also refer). His first wife was Irene Lyons, (from whom subsequently divorced). Arnold Clifford Chant and Irene Lyons begat issue: (1) Sharon Ann Chant, born 26 November 1952 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married Gordon Elson.


Arnold Clifford Chant was born 21 September 1932 at or near Chantry, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to James Clifford Chant and Ida Irene Irwin, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Irene Lyons, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced). His second wife Audrey Joan Davis, (to whom he was married 1 December 1961 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 31 March 1937 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Earl Davis and Gertrude Paul. Arnold Clifford Chant and Audrey Joan Davis begat issue: (1) Terrance Clifford Chant, born antenuptially 12 June 1961 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; (2) Kimberley Dianne Chant, born 31 May 1963 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario.


Donald Allan Chant was born 30 April 1939 at or near Chantry, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to James Clifford Chant and Ida Irene Irwin, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 13 April 1974 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, Paula Fern Gregson, (to whom also refer). His first wife was Marla Holtz, (from whom subsequently divorced). Donald Allan Chant and Marla Holtz begat issue: (1) Karie Lynn Chant, born 28 December 1960 at Pembroke, Renfrew County, Ontario; (2) Jeffrey Allan Chant, born 23 March 1962 at Pembroke, Renfrew County, Ontario.


Donald Allan Chant was born 30 April 1939 at or near Chantry, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to James Clifford Chant and Ida Irene Irwin, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Marla Holtz, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced). His second wife Paula Fern Gregson, (to whom he was married 13 April 1974 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 4 June 1951 at Victoria, British Columbia, daughter to Harold Gregson and Dawn Reid. Donald Allan Chant and Paula Fern Gregson begat issue: (1) Lasha Lee Chant, born 11 June 1975 at Pembroke, Renfrew County, Ontario; (2) Miranda Melody Chant, born 27 April 1978 at Pembroke, Renfrew County, Ontario.


George Chant was born 6 November 1875 at or near Chantry, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Mark Chant and Louise Pattemore; died 16 June 1969 at or near Seeley's Bay, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Susan Edith Drummond, (to whom he was married 17 September 1902 at or near Plum Hollow, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 19 December 1880 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Thomas Drummond and Mary Jane Hall, (to whom refer); died 3 February 1969 at or near Seeley's Bay, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Leah Louise Chant, born 23 April 1904 at or near Chantry, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 15 February 1928 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, Stanley Elsworth Freeman; (2) James Clifford Chant, born 18 September 1909 at or near Chantry, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 5 October 1929 at or near Harlem, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Ida Irene Irwin.


Gerald Douglas Chant was born 13 May 1944 at or near Chantry, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to James Clifford Chant and Ida Irene Irwin, (to whom refer). His wife Lorna Ann Kennedy, (to whom he was married 1 September 1971 at Pembroke, Renfrew County, Ontario), was born 22 April 1951 at Hamilton, Wentworth County, Ontario, daughter to Angus Kennedy and Marion Ivy Tallet. This couple begat issue: (1) Russell Gerald Chant, born 27 March 1976 at Pembroke, Renfrew County, Ontario; (2) Virginia Irene Chant, born 6 November 1978 at Pembroke, Renfrew County, Ontario.


James Clifford Chant was born 18 September 1909 at or near Chantry, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to George Chant and Susan Edith Drummond, (to whom refer). His wife Ida Irene Irwin, (to whom he was married 5 October 1929 at or near Harlem, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 18 January 1907 at or near Harlem, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to John Irwin and Ethel Richards. This couple begat issue: (1) Wilma Jean Chant, born 30 October 1930 at or near Chantry, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 26 November 1949 at Chantry, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Arthur Spencer Bolton; (2) Arnold Clifford Chant, born 21 September 1932 at or near Chantry, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married, firstly, Irene Lyons, (from whom subsequently divorced), and, secondly, 1 December 1961 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, Audrey Joan Davis; (3) Donald Allan Chant, born 30 April 1939 at or near Chantry, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 13 April 1974 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, Paula Fern Gregson; (4) Gerald Douglas Chant, born 13 May 1944 at or near Chantry, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 1 September 1971 at Pembroke, Renfrew County, Ontario, Lorna Ann Kennedy.


Jonas Murdock Charles was born 26 April 1948 at Stanley Mission, Northern Administrative District, Saskatchewan. His wife Sherry Ann Hunt, (to whom he was married 12 January 1974 at La Ronge, Saskatchewan and from whom subsequently divorced 11 May 1976), was born 19 December 1953 at Biggar, Saskatchewan, daughter to Floyd Ernest Hunt and Betty Agnes Davey, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Kristi Lee Charles, born 11 June 1974 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.


Arthur Louis Chauvel was born 9 October 1921 at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara County, California, son to Louis Augustus Chauvel and Paula Ficker. His wife Marjorie Ann Gibson, (to whom he was married 14 April 1946 at Montecito, Santa Barbara County, California), was born 30 October 1922 at Washington, District of Columbia, daughter to Allan Wells Gibson and Mary Isabel Drummond, (to whom refer). No children by blood were begotten of this marriage; however this couple adopted one male and one female child who, being "strangers in blood" as regards the treated families, are not to be further noted or documented in these records.


George Chick was born 19 May 1864 at or near Delta, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Canada West, son to John Chick and Elizabeth Hallett; died in April 1931 at or near Plum Hollow, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario; buried in 1931 at Lillie's (otherwise known as Chick's) Cemetery, betwixt Plum Hollow and Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Sarah Jane "Jennie" Drummond, (to whom he was married 23 December 1891), was born 20 March 1867 or 3 May 1867 (depending upon sources) at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Canada West, daughter to Thomas Drummond and Mary Jane Hall, (to whom refer); died 20 February 1912 at or near Plum Hollow, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario; buried in 1912 at Lillie's (otherwise known as Chick's) Cemetery, betwixt Plum Hollow and Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Ethel May Chick, born in November 1893 at or near Plum Hollow, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died early, unmarried, 12 July 1895 at or near Plum Hollow, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, buried in July 1895 at Lillie's (otherwise known as Chick's) Cemetery, betwixt Plum Hollow and Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario; (2) Hazel Mary Chick, born 31 January 1896 at or near Plum Hollow, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 10 November 1973 at or near Glen Elbe, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario, buried at Athens Cemetery, near Athens, Leeds County, Ontario (formerly known as Farmersville, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario), who married 14 October 1914 at Athens, Leeds County, Ontario (formerly known as Farmersville, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario), Watson Riley Stewart; (3) Harold John Chick, born 14 June 1905 at or near Plum Hollow, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 19 February 1952 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 22 October 1928 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, Leah Irene Phillips.


Harold John Chick was born 14 June 1905 at or near Plum Hollow, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to George Chick and Sarah Jane "Jennie" Drummond, (to whom refer); died 19 February 1952 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Leah Irene Phillips, (to whom he was married 22 October 1928 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 29 January 1900 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to John Phillips and Susan Johnston. This couple begat issue: (1) Barbara Jean Chick, born 9 March 1932 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario.


James Chong. His wife Sharon Birss was born 21 March 1949 at Brandon, Manitoba, daughter to George James Birss and Ruby Estella Watts, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Maureen Chong, born 7 July 1967 at Vancouver, Greater Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia; (2) Jason Chong, born 22 March 1969 at Vancouver, Greater Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia; (3) Dennis Chong, born 12 March 1971 at Vancouver, Greater Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia.


John "Jack" Christie. His wife Jemima Fullerton Saunders was born 7 July 1896, daughter to Thomas James Saunders and Margaret Jane Drummond, (to whom refer); died 17 December 1968. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Adam Clark. His wife Erin Ashley Weedmark was born 14 June 1988 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Daryl Preston Weedmark and Connie May Smith, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


William Gregory Clark was born 10 May 1951 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to William A. Clark and Robina McRice. His wife Nancy Ellen Healey, (to whom he was married 24 August 1974 at Port Elmsley, North Elmsley Township, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 7 March 1955 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to John Henry Healey and Velma Ellen Tomlinson, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Robert John W. Clark, born 29 December 1977.


Braden Glenn Cochrane was born 21 May 1970 at Winnipeg, Greater Winnipeg Metropolitan Corporation, Manitoba, son to Orin Glen Cochrane and Donna Margaret Drummond, (to whom refer). His wife Melissa Dawn Kathlyn Wolfe (or Hawkins), (to whom he was married 4 October 2003 at Winnipeg, Manitoba), was born 14 October 1972 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, daughter to Donald Allan Hawkins and Karen Katelyn Wolfe; assumed and bore from 1986 onward her mother's maiden surname Wolfe in lieu of that of Hawkins. This couple begat issue: (1) Cashden Glenn Cochrane, born 13 June 2005 at Winnipeg, Manitoba; (2) Reid Donald Cochrane, born 30 August 2007 at Winnipeg, Manitoba.


Justin Robert Russell Cochrane was born 27 November 1979 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, son to Orin Glen Cochrane and Donna Margaret Drummond, (to whom refer). His wife was Leah Hopkins, (to whom he was married 15 August 2010 at Winnipeg, Manitoba).


Orin Glen Cochrane was born 6 January 1939 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, son to Earl Cochrane and Nancy Quesnell. His wife Donna Margaret Drummond, (to whom he was married 20 August 1960 at Dodsland, Saskatchewan), was born 24 October 1940 at Dodsland, Saskatchewan, daughter to Clarence Russell "Jigger" Drummond and Florentine Gertrude "Flora" Doll, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Dana Michelle Cochrane, born 22 March 1964 at Winnipeg, Greater Winnipeg Metropolitan Corporation, Manitoba, who married 26 August 1989 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Leslie Allan Manness; (2) Kimberley Rae Cochrane, born 16 June 1965 at Winnipeg, Greater Winnipeg Metropolitan Corporation, Manitoba, who married, firstly, 26 August 1988 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Kevin Ray Frost, (from whom subsequently divorced in 1996), and, secondly, 30 December 2011 at the home of the bride's parents, East St. Paul, Manitoba, Scott Jamieson Krenz; (3) Braden Glenn Cochrane, born 21 May 1970 at Winnipeg, Greater Winnipeg Metropolitan Corporation, Manitoba, who married 4 October 2003 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Melissa Dawn Kathlyn Hawkins (or Wolfe); (4) Justin Robert Russell Cochrane, born 27 November 1979 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, who married 15 August 2010 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Leah Hopkins.


George Colley. His wife Shirley LaVon Kerr was born 13 November 1936 at or near Kelso, Cowlitz County, Washington, daughter to Morley Kerr and Ann Eliza Kramer, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) George Hayden Colley, born 3 January 1956, who married Kathy Ochoa; (2) Cynthia Lynn Colley, born 12 March 1959 at Othello, Adams County, Washington, who married Timothy Cook; (3) Richard Price Colley, born 8 August 1966 at Othello, Adams County, Washington.


George Hayden Colley was born 3 January 1956, son to George Colley and Shirley LaVon Kerr, (to whom refer). His wife was Kathy Ochoa. This couple begat issue: (1) Kristi Lynn Colley, born 2 September 1976 at Moses Lake, Grant County, Washington.


Warren A. Coltharp. His wife Beverly Anne Edwards was born 5 February 1934 at or near Fairfield, Camas County, Idaho, daughter to Harvey Owen Edwards and Eliza Anne Drummond Griffith, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Linda Anne Coltharp, born 29 March 1957 at Shreveport, Caddo Parish, Louisiana, who married Joel Marshall Veazey; (2) Larry David Coltharp, born 28 December 1959 at Shreveport, Caddo Parish, Louisiana.


Scott Commodore. His wife Katy McArthur was daughter to Norman William McArthur and Brenda Matthews, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Leo R. Compagna was born 31 May 1949 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. His wife Carolyn Marie Brown, (to whom he was married 26 June 1976 at Debden, Saskatchewan), was born 29 December 1949 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, daughter to Paul Ernest Alfred "Jack" Brown and Lavonne Frances Bursaw, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Brian Joseph Conlon was born 14 June 1958 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Joseph Lawrence Conlon and Myrtle Mildred "Mid" Currie, (to whom refer). His wife was Lesa ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Mark Conlon; (2) Michael Conlon.


Joseph Lawrence Conlon was born 9 July 1927 at or near Perth, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Peter Richard Conlon and Josephine Elizabeth Hanlon; married, secondly, Anne Hill; died 2 February 2004 at Smiths Falls Community Hospital, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; buried at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife Myrtle Mildred "Mid" Currie, (to whom he was married 16 August 1952 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 18 April 1930 at or near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to George Nelson Currie and Annie Jacob Saunders, (to whom refer); died 23 July 1980 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; buried 26 July 1980 at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario. Joseph Lawrence Conlon and Myrtle Mildred "Mid" Currie begat issue: (1) Brenda Anne Conlon, born 16 June 1953 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married --- Garland; (2) Brian Joseph Conlon, born 14 June 1958 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married Lesa ---.


Frank Conners. His wife Audrey Drummond was born 15 October 1932 at or near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to John Ferguson Drummond and Morna Black, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Beverly Conners.


Timothy Cook. His wife Cynthia Lynn Colley was born 12 March 1959 at Othello, Adams County, Washington, daughter to George Colley and Shirley LaVon Kerr, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Timmy Randall Cook, born 3 June 1976 at Richland, Benton County, Washington.


Edwin John Cooper was born 4 February 1935, son to Edwin John Ralph Cooper and Alice Sloan. His wife Mary Eleanor Gardner, (to whom he was married 20 October 1956 at East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 26 July 1934 at or near Oxford Station, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to Robert James Percy Gardner and Lila Johnston Dunlap, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) James Edwin Cooper, born 21 August 1957 at Winchester, Dundas County, Ontario, who married 22 October 1988, Susan Wilson.


Ian Cooper. His wife Deborah Mantle was daughter to Willard "Wib" Mantle and Kathleen "Kay" Saunders, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


James Edwin Cooper was born 21 August 1957 at Winchester, Dundas County, Ontario, son to Edwin John Cooper and Mary Eleanor Gardner, (to whom refer). His wife Susan Wilson, (to whom he was married 22 October 1988), was born 5 August 1956. This couple begat issue: (1) Dennis James Cooper, born 24 June 1990; (2) Edwin John Cooper, born 27 August 1992.


Richard Crabbe was born 5 July 1969. His wife Natalie Kim Drummond, (to whom he was married 17 July 1999 at Calgary, Alberta and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 20 June 1979 at Calgary, Alberta, daughter to Robert Verne Drummond and Judith Avis Hudson, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 22 September 2007, Michael James Ritsco, (to whom also refer). Richard Crabbe and Natalie Kim Drummond begat issue: (1) Nicholas Robert Alexander Crabbe, born 15 April 2000 at Calgary, Alberta; (2) Samantha Elisabeth Jaye Crabbe, born 15 May 2002 at Calgary, Alberta; (3) Daniel Michael William Crabbe, born 17 January 2004 at Calgary, Alberta.


Douglas Keith Craig was born 29 October 1952 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Douglas William Craig and Wilma Margaret Saunders, (to whom refer). His wife Darlene Merkley, (to whom he was married 23 September 1978 at St. Bede's Anglican Church, Nolan's Corners, Montague Township, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 25 July 1954 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Gordon Merkley and Marguerite Taylor. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Douglas William Craig was born 31 December 1931 at or near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to William Craig and Irene Majorison. His wife Wilma Margaret Saunders, (to whom he was married 9 June 1951 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 18 April 1932 at or near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to William Joseph Saunders Jr. and Myrtle Audrey Kelford, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Douglas Keith Craig, born 29 October 1952 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 23 September 1978 at St. Bede's Anglican Church, Nolan's Corners, Montague Township, Lanark County, Ontario, Darlene Merkley; (2) William Thomas Craig, born 29 August 1955 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 7 June 1975 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, Brenda Marie Pittman; (3) Wendy Margaret Craig, born 1 January 1957 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario.


William Thomas Craig was born 29 August 1955 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to William Douglas Craig and Wilma Margaret Saunders, (to whom refer). His wife Brenda Marie Pittman, (to whom he was married 7 June 1975 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 27 July 1956 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Edward Pittman and Geraldine Stone. This couple begat issue: (1) Christopher Thomas William Craig, born 11 October 1976 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; (2) Sara Jane Craig, born 15 July 1980 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario.


Donald Crate. His wife Vicki Lynne Bryan was born 24 June 1955, daughter to William Douglas Bryan and Faye Wilkins, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Jillian Crate, who married Tyler Reuvers; (2) Andrew Crate.


John Keith Crawford was born 11 April 1932 at or near Plummer, Benewah County, Idaho, son to Stanley Crawford and Dorothy Ione Griffith, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Patricia Ann Ethell Gaussoin, (to whom also refer). His first wife was Marcella Abrahamson. John Keith Crawford and Marcella Abrahamson begat issue: (1) Wanda Lee Crawford, born 4 July 1955 at Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, who married Brent H. James; (2) John Keith Crawford Jr., born 27 November 1956 at Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington, who married Karen Sue Lind.


John Keith Crawford was born 11 April 1932 at or near Plummer, Benewah County, Idaho, son to Stanley Crawford and Dorothy Ione Griffith, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Marcella Abrahamson, (to whom also refer). His second wife Patricia Ann Ethell Gaussoin married, firstly, ---. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of John Keith Crawford and Patricia Ann Ethell Gaussoin; however this couple brought up two male children and one female child of the Wife's previous marriage who, being "strangers in blood" as regards the Husband's family, are not to be further noted or documented in these records.


John Keith Crawford Jr. was born 27 November 1956 at Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington, son to John Keith Crawford and Marcella Abrahamson, (to whom refer). His wife was Karen Sue Lind. This couple begat issue: (1) James Kevin Crawford, born 2 January 1958 at Anchorage, Anchorage Borough, Alaska Territory; (2) Jeffrey Kyle Crawford, born 3 December 1960 at Topeka, Shawnee County, Kansas.


Stanley Crawford was born 28 November 1910 at or near Starbuck, Columbia County, Washington; died 11 September 1995 at Seaside, Clatsop County, Oregon. His wife Dorothy Ione Griffith, (to whom he was married 4 June 1931), was born 1 January 1913 at or near Amisk, Huamha Municipal District, Alberta, daughter to Richard Morton Griffith and Allie Ina Couch, (to whom refer); died 19 March 2008 at Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Oregon. This couple begat issue: (1) John Keith Crawford, born 11 April 1932 at or near Plummer, Benewah County, Idaho, who married, firstly, Marcella Abrahamson, and, secondly, Patricia Ann Ethell Gaussoin; (2) Marilyn Janet Crawford, born 27 August 1936 at or near Spokane, Spokane County, Washington, who married David E. Hinsen; (3) Paul Richard Crawford, born 26 August 1942 at or near Moscow, Latah County, Idaho, died 28 July 2004 at Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon; (4) Judy Beth Crawford, born 27 August 1948 at or near Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, who married, firstly, Francis C. Sollers, and, secondly, Stanley M. Masuda.


Timothy Crowther was born at Toronto, York County, Ontario, son to --- Crowther and Barbara ---. His wife Joan Theresa Wood, (to whom he was married at Athens, Leeds County, Ontario, formerly known as Farmersville, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 28 December 1947 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to James Vernon Wood and Mary Katherine MacPherson, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Jennifer Anne Crowther, born 14 April 1971.


Troy Cumpson. His wife Melissa Toop was daughter to Wilfred Toop and Judy Swenson, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Dale Harold Currie was born 14 July 1967 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to George Allan Joseph Currie and Irene Dorothy Lay, (to whom refer). His wife Constance Lee Haime, (to whom he was married 7 October 1989 at St. James' Anglican Church, Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario and from whom subsequently separated), was born 12 April 1966, daughter to Richard Haime and Carol Lomas. This couple begat issue: (1) Shanelle Jordon Currie, born 1 March 1991 at Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario; (2) Damon Allan Kidd Currie, born 8 July 1993 at Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario; (3) Tiernan Joel Currie, born 8 October 2001 at Ottawa, Ottawa City Municipality, Ontario.


David Albert George Currie was born 19 June 1959 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to George Allan Joseph Currie and Irene Dorothy Lay, (to whom refer). His wife Kimberly Glenda Duffy, (to whom he was married 14 August 1982 at St. James' Anglican Church, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 7 January 1964 at Perth, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Glen Duffy and Kathleen Dobbie. This couple begat issue: (1) Lisa Marie Currie, born 9 July 1985 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; (2) Tracy Leanne Currie, born 25 November 1987 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; (3) Ashley Nicole Currie, born 15 June 1990 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario.


George Allan Joseph Currie was born 23 June 1933 at or near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, son to George Nelson Currie and Annie Jacob Saunders, (to whom refer). His wife Irene Dorothy Lay, (to whom he was married 12 May 1956 at St. James' Anglican Church, Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 9 October 1936 at or near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Albert John Lay and Dorothy Irene Huckstep. This couple begat issue: (1) Randal Allan Currie, born 19 September 1957 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 23 July 1983 at Zion Memorial Chapel, Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, Helen Anita Thompson; (2) David Albert George Currie, born 19 June 1959 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 14 August 1982 at St. James' Anglican Church, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, Kimberly Glenda Duffy; (3) Barbara Jean Currie, born 6 December 1962 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 19 October 1993 at Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada, George Earle Robertson; (4) Dale Harold Currie, born 14 July 1967 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 7 October 1989 at St. James' Anglican Church, Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, Constance Lee Haime, (from whom subsequently separated).


George Nelson Currie was born 26 May 1897 or 26 May 1898 (depending upon sources) at Drummond Township, Lanark County, Ontario, son to William Currie and Melinda Kidd; died 17 October 1954 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario; buried in October 1954 at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife Annie Jacob Saunders, (to whom he was married 30 June 1920 at St. James' Anglican Church, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 20 January 1898 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to William Joseph Saunders and Matilda "Tillie" Drummond, (to whom refer); died 14 July 1979 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; buried in July 1979 at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Melinda Evelyn Currie, born 12 December 1921 at or near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, died 14 January 2008 at Great War Memorial Hospital, Perth, Lanark County, Ontario in consequence of cancer, buried in 2008 at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 1 March 1941 at St. Remi, Napierville County, Qu�bec, Edwin John Alexander Campbell; (2) Matilda Doris Currie, born 21 July 1923 at or near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, died 9 August 1977 at Perth, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 21 August 1940 at Richmond, Carleton County, Ontario, Robert John Nolan; (3) William Harold Kidd Currie, born 18 February 1928 on Lot 13, Concession 4, near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, died 30 April 1987 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, buried in 1987 at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 22 October 1949 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, Norah Aleida Eveline Sherrar; (4) Myrtle Mildred "Mid" Currie, born 18 April 1930 at or near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, died 23 July 1980 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, buried 26 July 1980 at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 16 August 1952 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, Joseph Lawrence Conlon; (5) George Allan Joseph Currie, born 23 June 1933 at or near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 12 May 1956 at St. James' Anglican Church, Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, Irene Dorothy Lay.


Glen Edward George Currie was born 26 September 1957 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to William Harold Kidd Currie and Norah Aleida Eveline Sherrard, (to whom refer). His wife Joan Heather Bourne, (to whom he was married 21 June 1980 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 26 October 1957 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Reginald Bourne and Aldea Levasseur. This couple begat issue: (1) Steven Edward George Currie, born 8 March 1984; (2) Scott Reginald Harold Currie, born 28 June 1986.


Randal Allan Currie was born 19 September 1957 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, son to George Allan Joseph Currie and Irene Dorothy Lay, (to whom refer). His wife Helen Anita Thompson, (to whom he was married 23 July 1983 at Zion Memorial Chapel, Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 19 August 1961, daughter to Arthur Joseph Thompson and Catherine Jessie A. Jack. This couple begat issue: (1) Rebecca Anne Currie, born 30 June 1986 at Perth, Lanark County, Ontario; (2) Sarah Lynn Currie, born 25 August 1988 at Perth, Lanark County, Ontario; (3) Evan Joseph Currie, born 26 August 1994 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario.


William Harold Kidd Currie was born 18 February 1928 on Lot 13, Concession 4, near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, son to George Nelson Currie and Annie Jacob Saunders, (to whom refer); died 30 April 1987 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; buried in 1987 at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife Norah Aleida Eveline Sherrard, (to whom he was married 22 October 1949 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 27 February 1929 at or near Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Robert Ira Sherrard and Elizabeth Ramsbottom James. This couple begat issue: (1) Garnet Currie, born 25 December 1954 at Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario, died at birth or in extreme infancy, unmarried, same day, 25 December 1954 at Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario, buried at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario; (2) Glen Edward George Currie, born 26 September 1957 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 21 June 1980 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, Joan Heather Bourne; (3) Kevin Eugene Harold Currie, born 16 March 1960.



Lautaro Villarroel Dale was born 21 June 1883 at Taltal, Antofagasta Province, Antofagasta Region, the Republic of Chile; married, firstly, Elizabeth Hayward Oemler; died 19 April 1975 at San Mateo, San Mateo County, California; buried in 1975 at Alta Mesa Cemetery, Palo Alto, Santa Clara County, California. His second wife Mary Isabel Gibson, (to whom he was married 11 February 1943 at Waynesboro, Virginia), was born 21 September 1915 at Richmond, Virginia, daughter to Allan Wells Gibson and Mary Isabel Drummond, (to whom refer); married, secondly, in 2000, Ren� Zuniga, (to whom also refer). In addition to the upbringing of one male and one female child of the Husband's previous marriage who, being "strangers in blood" as regards the Wife's family, are not to be further noted or documented in these records, Lautaro Villarroel Dale and Mary Isabel Gibson begat issue: (1) Carmelita Irene Dale, born 31 October 1950 at Waynesboro, Virginia, who married, firstly, 2 February 1969, Junior Lee Kitt, secondly, Audie Straughan, and, thirdly, Charles Straughan.


Les Davidson. His wife Kerry Gaye Fordyce was born 5 July 1955 at Calgary, Alberta, daughter to Clarence McArthur "Clare" Fordyce and Elma Khal, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Kahla Davidson; (2) Jade Davidson; (3) Ford Davidson.


Kelly Preston Davis was born 15 January 1966 at Woodstock, Oxford County, Ontario, son to William Frank Davis and Joan Marie Salter, (to whom refer). His wife Heather Anne Johnson, (to whom he was married 17 August 1991 at Peterborough, Peterborough County, Ontario), was born 17 August 1961 at Peterborough, Peterborough County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Olivia Ellen Davis, born 9 June 1999 in England; (2) Marlow Preston Davis, born 11 November 2001 at Niagara-on-the-Lake, Niagara Regional Municipality, Ontario.


William Frank Davis was born 30 October 1932. His wife Joan Marie Salter, (to whom he was married 30 June 1960 at Peterborough, Peterborough County, Ontario), was born 30 August 1938 at or near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Preston Salter and Gladys Hilda Learmonth, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Kelly Preston Davis, born 15 January 1966 at Woodstock, Oxford County, Ontario, who married 17 August 1991 at Peterborough, Peterborough County, Ontario, Heather Anne Johnson.


Tom De La France was born in or about 1951 or 1952. His wife April Gibson, (to whom he was married 24 August 1974 in California and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 15 January 1953 at Menlo Park, San Mateo County, California, daughter to Wells Drummond Gibson and Amber LaRae Smith, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 14 February 1976 in California, Michael McIntyre, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced); married, thirdly, in 1998, ---, (from whom subsequently divorced in 1999). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Tom De La France and April Gibson.


Edward James Densley was born 6 October 1910 at or near Hereford, Hereford City Borough, Hereford County, England. His wife Viola Watts, (to whom he was married in 1938 at Winnipeg, Manitoba), was born 10 September 1916 at or near Carberry, Manitoba, daughter to John Watts and Sarah Estella Sheridan, (to whom refer); died 21 October 1968 at Portage la Prairie, Manitoba. This couple begat issue: (1) Doris Emily Densley, born 10 April 1940 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, who married 14 May 1960 at Kenora, Kenora District, Ontario, Robert Emil Helmut Karlstedt; (2) Margaret Louise Densley, born 18 March 1942 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, who married 1 June 1963 at Winnipeg, Greater Winnipeg Metropolitan Corporation, Manitoba, John Stanley Bartkoviak; (3) Phyllis Ruby Densley, born 19 November 1946 at Brandon, Manitoba, who married 28 November 1964 at Kenora, Kenora District, Ontario, Bruce Allan Hansen; (4) Muriel Estella Densley, born 6 March 1949 at Carberry, Manitoba, who married 9 August 1969 at Kenora, Kenora District, Ontario, Robert James Laewetz; (5) Joyce Marie Densley, born 21 June 1954 at Carberry, Manitoba, who married in 1973 at Kenora, Kenora District, Ontario, James Leslie Green.


Pius Joseph Christopher Dietrich was born 14 March 1955 at Exeter, Huron County, Ontario. His wife Constance Elaine Miners, (to whom he was married 18 October 1975 at Mount Carmel, Stephen Township, Huron County, Ontario), was born 10 October 1957 at Exeter, Huron County, Ontario, daughter to Warren John Miners and Margaret Marion Drummond, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Dawn Sabreena-Lyn Dietrich, born 6 March 1978 at Exeter, Huron County, Ontario.


Brent Arthur Dobbie was born 9 March 1965. His wife Amy Maribeth Salter, (to whom he was married 28 October 1989 and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 10 April 1964, daughter to William James Salter and Patricia Evelyn Lake, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 10 July 2004, James Robert Sperry Graham, (to whom also refer). Brent Arthur Dobbie and Amy Maribeth Salter begat issue: (1) Rebecca Maribeth Salter Dobbie, born 19 June 1992 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario.


Barry John Dodds was born 9 December 1949 at Virden, Manitoba, son to Wilbert Woodrow "Bill" Dodds and Thelma Joyce Laviette Weber, (to whom refer). His wife was Darlene Scraba, (to whom he was married 6 September 1969 at Keewatin, Kenora District, Ontario). In addition to adoption of one child, sex unavailable, who, being a "stranger in blood" as regards the treated families, is not to be further noted or documented in these records, this couple also begat issue: (1) Wendy Dodds, born 18 March 1971 at Kenora, Kenora District, Ontario; (2) Bryon Wilbert Dodds, born 18 June 1974 at Surrey, Greater Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia; (3) Tammy Dodds, born 5 September 1976 at Surrey, Greater Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia.


Clare Dodds. His wife Phyllis Elaine Freeman was born 15 April 1940 at Elgin, South Crosby Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Stanley Elsworth Freeman and Leah Louise Chant, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 3 December 1956 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario, Dennis John Muchmore, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced). Clare Dodds and Phyllis Elaine Freeman begat issue: (1) Melodie Helen Dodds, born 17 July 1970 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario.


Lawrence Dodds was born 13 July 1920 at or near Ebor, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba, son to Robert Samuel Dodds and Matilda Jane "Jennie" Drummond, (to whom refer); died 10 November 1974 at or near Rock Creek, Kootenay Boundary Regional District, British Columbia. His wife Amy Margaret Ethel Burr, (to whom he was married 24 December 1945 at Regina, Saskatchewan), was born 26 January 1919 at or near Virden, Manitoba, daughter to Robert William Burr and Bertha Arbon. This couple begat issue: (1) Lawrence Arnold "Larry" Dodds, born 27 March 1947 at Virden, Manitoba, who married 23 March 1972 at Rock Creek, Kootenay Boundary Regional District, British Columbia, Beverly Anschetz; (2) Robert Wayne Dodds, born 22 August 1949 at Virden, Manitoba, who married 8 February 1969 at Keremeos, Okanagan-Similkameen Regional District, British Columbia, Agnes Sanders; (3) Linda Marie Dodds, born 14 November 1950 at Virden, Manitoba, who married 14 November 1973 at Lethbridge, Alberta, Allan Houde; (4) Nora Mae Dodds, born 30 June 1955 at Virden, Manitoba, who married 29 August 1970 at Greenwood, Kootenay Boundary Regional District, British Columbia, K. Anthony "Tony" Kamin.


Lawrence Arnold "Larry" Dodds was born 27 March 1947 at Virden, Manitoba, son to Lawrence Dodds and Amy Margaret Ethel Burr, (to whom refer). His wife was Beverly Anschetz, (to whom he was married 23 March 1972 at Rock Creek, Kootenay Boundary Regional District, British Columbia). This couple begat issue: (1) Christopher Lawrence Dodds, born 5 May 1975 at Swan River, Manitoba; (2) Earlyn Roy "Lyn" Dodds, born 25 December 1976 at Swan River, Manitoba.


Robert Leslie Drummond Dodds was born 2 July 1907 at or near Virden, Manitoba, son to Robert Samuel Dodds and Matilda Jane "Jennie" Drummond, (to whom refer). His wife Elizabeth Anne "Bessie" McFarlane, (to whom he was married 15 July 1942 at or near Oak Lake, Manitoba), was born 21 May 1910 at or near Oak Lake, Manitoba, daughter to John McFarlane and Isabella Louise McIntosh. This couple begat issue: (1) Myron Leslie Dodds, born 29 May 1944 at Virden, Manitoba; (2) Cameron Lee Dodds, born 22 December 1950 at Hamiota, Manitoba.


Robert Samuel Dodds was born 21 May 1877 at or near Thornbury, Collingwood Township, Grey County, Ontario, son to Samuel Dodds and Sarah Briggs; died 10 February 1965 at Virden, Manitoba. His wife Matilda Jane "Jennie" Drummond, (to whom he was married 15 March 1905 at the residence of the bride's mother, near Harding, Woodworth Rural Municipality, Manitoba), was born 31 January 1879 at Ramsay Township, Lanark County, Ontario or at or near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario (depending upon sources), daughter to Matthew Drummond and Margaret McArthur, (to whom refer); died 27 June 1970 at Sunset Haven Nursing Home, Brandon, Manitoba. This couple begat issue: (1) Lila Margaret Dodds, born 1 February 1906 at or near Ebor, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba, died early, unmarried, 5 May 1911 at or near Ebor, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba; (2) Robert Leslie Drummond Dodds, born 2 July 1907 at or near Virden, Manitoba, who married 15 July 1942 at or near Oak Lake, Manitoba, Elizabeth Anne "Bessie" McFarlane; (3) Ella May Dodds, born 21 May 1909 at or near Ebor, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba, who married 8 August 1931 at Brandon, Manitoba, Elgin Alexander Gray; (4) Gertrude Grace Dodds, born 23 September 1910 at or near Ebor, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba, died early, unmarried, 16 September 1925 at or near Virden, Manitoba; (5) Edna Pearl Dodds, born 9 January 1913 at or near Ebor, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba, who married 16 December 1939 at or near Virden, Manitoba, Melville Nolan; (6) Annie Louise Dodds, born a twin 21 February 1914 at or near Ebor, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba, died 10 June 1976 at Victoria, Capital Regional District, British Columbia, who married 27 March 1941 at Virden, Manitoba, Morris John Walrond Madge; (7) Wilbert Woodrow "Bill" Dodds, born a twin 21 February 1914 at or near Ebor, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba, died 14 September 1950 at or near Virden, Manitoba, who married at or near Virden, Manitoba, Thelma Joyce Laviette Weber; (8) Clifford Earl McArthur Dodds, born 21 December 1916 at or near Ebor, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba, died unmarried 20 July 1976 at Keremeos, Okanagan-Similkameen Regional District, British Columbia; (9) Dorothy Jean Dodds, born 8 April 1919 at or near Ebor, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba, who married 25 January 1943 at Kenton, Woodworth Rural Municipality, Manitoba, Alvin James Hill; (10) Lawrence Dodds, born 13 July 1920 at or near Ebor, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba, died 10 November 1974 at or near Rock Creek, Kootenay Boundary Regional District, British Columbia, who married 24 December 1945 at Regina, Saskatchewan, Amy Margaret Ethel Burr.


Robert Wayne Dodds was born 22 August 1949 at Virden, Manitoba, son to Lawrence Dodds and Amy Margaret Ethel Burr, (to whom refer). His wife was Agnes Sanders, (to whom he was married 8 February 1969 at Keremeos, Okanagan-Similkameen Regional District, British Columbia). This couple begat issue: (1) Patricia Anne Dodds, born 26 February 1970 at Oliver, Okanagan-Similkameen Regional District, British Columbia; (2) Robert Gordon Wesley Dodds, born 8 April 1973 at New Westminster, Greater Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia.


Wilbert Woodrow "Bill" Dodds was born a twin 21 February 1914 at or near Ebor, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba, son to Robert Samuel Dodds and Matilda Jane "Jennie" Drummond, (to whom refer); died 14 September 1950 at or near Virden, Manitoba. His wife Thelma Joyce Laviette Weber, (to whom he was married at or near Virden, Manitoba), was born 18 December 1923 at or near Virden, Manitoba, daughter to John Weber and Margaret Sararas; married, secondly, 27 October 1951 at Virden, Manitoba, Elmer Lelond. Wilbert Woodrow "Bill" Dodds and Thelma Joyce Laviette Weber begat issue: (1) Janet Gail Dodds, born 16 November 1945 at Virden, Manitoba, who married, firstly, 17 December 1966 at Keewatin, Kenora District, Ontario, Stanley Hendrickson, and, secondly, 20 July 1974, John Sickle; (2) Judith Merle Dodds, born 1 April 1947 at Virden, Manitoba, who married 2 September 1967 at Keewatin, Kenora District, Ontario, Samuel Moffat; (3) Barry John Dodds, born 9 December 1949 at Virden, Manitoba, who married 6 September 1969 at Keewatin, Kenora District, Ontario, Darlene Scraba.


Gerald Doherty. His wife Valerie Dianne Bryan was born 30 March 1952, daughter to William Douglas Bryan and Faye Wilkins, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Nathan Doherty, who married Lisa Moore; (2) Marc Doherty, who married 14 September 2013, Laura McCloy.


Marc Doherty was son to Gerald Doherty and Valerie Dianne Bryan, (to whom refer). His wife was Laura McCloy, (to whom he was married 14 September 2013). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Nathan Doherty was son to Gerald Doherty and Valerie Dianne Bryan, (to whom refer). His wife was Lisa Moore. This couple begat issue: (1) Charlotte Doherty.


Larry James Donald was born 30 December 1956 at Reston, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba, son to William Douglas Donald and Erma Hilda Grant. His wife Louise Arlene Gray, (to whom he was married 17 July 1976 at Reston, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba), was born 22 August 1958 at Reston, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba, daughter to Beverly Alexander Gray and Sidney Ann Craig, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Lester Vern Dornbush was born 13 July 1940 at Antrim County, Michigan, son to Menzo Dornbush and Cynthia Ellen Hartger. His wife Marjorie Anne Madge, (to whom he was married 28 May 1965 at Winnipeg, Greater Winnipeg Metropolitan Corporation, Manitoba), was born 5 May 1942 at Virden, Manitoba, daughter to Morris John Walrond Madge and Annie Louise Dodds, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Susan Lynn Dornbush, born 30 July 1971 at Calgary, Alberta; (2) Alayna Rae Dornbush, born 19 November 1974 at Calgary, Alberta.


Michael Louis Dotson was born 29 May 1971 at St. John's Mercy Hospital, St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri. His wife Nina Marie Russo, (to whom he was married 18 January 1997 at Sts. Joachim and Ann Roman Catholic Church, St. Peters, St. Charles County, Missouri), was born 15 April 1973 at St. John's Mercy Hospital, St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri, daughter to James Thomas Russo and Doris Rose Griffith, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) James Anthony Dotson, born 28 April 1999 at St. John�s Mercy Hospital, St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri; (2) Zachary Michael Dotson, born 8 December 2001 at St. John�s Mercy Hospital, St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri.


Gary Michael Doughty was born 24 April 1949 at Victoria, British Columbia, son to Norman H. Doughty and Cleola Fullerton McCauley, (to whom refer). His wife was Lori Gerbrant, (to whom he was married 14 December 1974 at Port Alberni, Alberni-Clayoquot Regional District, British Columbia). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Norman H. Doughty was born 16 May 1914 at or near Hardisty, Alberta, son to --- Doughty and Martha Howard; died 2 December 1964 at Victoria, British Columbia. His wife Cleola Fullerton McCauley, (to whom he was married 11 August 1940 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan), was born 23 January 1923 at or near Sovereign, Saskatchewan, daughter to William Care McCauley and Hazel Lillian Anderson, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Gail Jacquelin Doughty, born 25 November 1942 at Halifax, Halifax County, Nova Scotia, who married 11 June 1966 at Victoria, Capital Regional District, British Columbia, Pierrot Jadot; (2) Gary Michael Doughty, born 24 April 1949 at Victoria, British Columbia, who married 14 December 1974 at Port Alberni, Alberni-Clayoquot Regional District, British Columbia, Lori Gerbrant; (3) Dolores Hazel Doughty, born 16 January 1951 at Victoria, British Columbia.


Bradley Kent Dowdall was son to Kenneth Dowdall and Sharon Millar. His wife Constance Lynn "Connie" Miller, (to whom he was married 12 June 2004 at Hamilton, Hamilton City Municipality, Ontario), was born 5 July 1973 at Hamilton, Wentworth County, Ontario, daughter to John Douglas Miller and Verna Doris Campbell, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Albert Drummond was born 8 March 1905 at or near Chantry, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Thomas Albert Drummond and Ellen Pattemore, (to whom refer). His wife Grace Seed, (to whom he was married 22 November 1941 at or near Delta, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 6 July 1911 at or near Chantry, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Frank Seed and Lydia Cheaney. This couple begat issue: (1) Garnet Drummond, born 7 March 1946 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 19 January 1968 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, Deborah Rose Warner.


Alfred Hall Drummond was born 21 January 1895 at Nanking, Kiangsu Province, the Chinese Empire, son to William James Drummond and Emma Frances Lane, (to whom refer); died 25 June 1980 at Lancaster, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. His wife Dorothy Aletta Hover, (to whom he was married 31 August 1922 at Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut), was born 2 August 1898 at or near Linlithgo, Livingston Township, Columbia County, New York, daughter to John I. Hover and Amelia M. Boycott; died 26 July 1976 at Quarryville, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. This couple begat issue: (1) Alfred Hall Drummond Jr., born 25 February 1929 at or near Allentown, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, who married 27 December 1950 at Hampton-Sydney, Virginia, Annette Burden Grainger.


Alfred Hall Drummond Jr. was born 25 February 1929 at or near Allentown, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, son to Alfred Hall Drummond and Dorothy Aletta Hover, (to whom refer). His wife Annette Burden Grainger, (to whom he was married 27 December 1950 at Hampton-Sydney, Virginia), was born 1 July 1927 at or near Farmville, Prince Edward County, Virginia, daughter to James Moses Grainger and Alice Deaderick. This couple begat issue: (1) William James Drummond, born 9 January 1953 at Geneva, Ontario County, New York, who married 30 August 1975 at Durham, Durham County, North Carolina, Laura Katherine McDonald; (2) David Deaderick Drummond, born 31 May 1955 at Geneva, Ontario County, New York.


Argyle Wellington Drummond was born 13 October 1935 at or near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Hubert Gordon Drummond and Bessie Marguerite Burns, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 17 September ----, Judith Gayle Dowdall, (to whom also refer). His first wife Cemonne Karlyn Bigras, (to whom he was married 20 July 1957 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 22 November 1938 at or near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Polydore Joseph Bigras and Phyllis Wright. Argyle Wellington Drummond and Cemonne Karlyn Bigras begat issue: (1) Jeffrey Stewart Drummond, born 15 June 1958 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, died early, unmarried, 7 March 1980 at or near Kanata, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario; (2) Donna Lee Drummond, born 13 April 1960 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, died in infancy, unmarried, 20 May 1960 at Ottawa Civic Hospital, Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario, buried 21 May 1960 at the United Cemeteries of St. Fillan's, Maplewood and Pine Grove (otherwise known as Pine Grove United Cemeteries), Beckwith Township, near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario; (3) Scott Argyle Drummond, born 19 September 1961 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 16 June 1990, Leslie Ann Percy.


Argyle Wellington Drummond was born 13 October 1935 at or near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Hubert Gordon Drummond and Bessie Marguerite Burns, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 20 July 1957 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, Cemonne Karlyn Bigras, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced). His second wife Judith Gayle Dowdall, (to whom he was married 17 September ----), was born 11 February 1944; married, firstly, --- Doe. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Argyle Wellington Drummond and Judith Gayle Dowdall are presently available.


Boyd Joseph Drummond was born 3 March 1871 or 20 May 1871 (depending upon sources) at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Thomas Drummond and Mary Jane Hall, (to whom refer); died 2 May 1939 or 22 May 1939 (depending upon sources) at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Nettie Ellen McNeely, (to whom he was married 12 November 1902 at or near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario), was born at or near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario; died 24 July 1927 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Brian James Drummond was born 8 February 1952 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, son to James Hunter Drummond and Helen Jean Watson, (to whom refer). His wife Susan Kay Cornelius, (to whom he was married 28 December 1974 at Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota), was born 31 January 1952 at Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota, daughter to George Robert Cornelius and Virginia Delores Kramer. This couple begat issue: (1) Marc Ryan Drummond, born 3 March 1978 at Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota; (2) Kristin Joelle Drummond, born 10 September 1981 at Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota; (3) James Luc Robert Drummond, born 11 May 1984 at Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota.


Chad Robert Boucher Drummond was born 28 June 1985 at Edmonton, Alberta, son to Robert John Drummond and Adele Carman Boucher, (to whom refer). His wife was Caitlin ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Clarence Russell "Jigger" Drummond was born 29 November 1915 at or near Druid, Saskatchewan, son to William Russell Drummond and Margaret Jane Ferguson, (to whom refer); died 25 March 1985 at Calgary, Alberta in consequence of cancer; buried in 1985 at Rocky View Garden of Peace, Rocky View Municipal District, near Calgary, Alberta. His wife Florentine Gertrude "Flora" Doll, (to whom he was married 24 October 1939 near Ermine, Oakdale Rural Municipality, Saskatchewan), was born 8 June 1914 in Saskatchewan, daughter to Bernard Doll and Mary Tell; died 26 December 1993 at Calgary, Alberta; buried at Rocky View Garden of Peace, Rocky View Municipal District, near Calgary, Alberta. This couple begat issue: (1) Donna Margaret Drummond, born 24 October 1940 at Dodsland, Saskatchewan, who married 20 August 1960 at Dodsland, Saskatchewan, Orin Glen Cochrane; (2) William Clarence "Bud" Drummond, born 21 September 1941 at Dodsland, Saskatchewan, died 25 August 1992 at Bow Island, Alberta in consequence of an aneurysm of the brain, buried in 1992 at Bow Island, Alberta, who married 20 May 1967 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Elsie Astrid Haugerud; (3) Virginia Anne Drummond, born 13 January 1944 at Fort William, Thunder Bay District, Ontario, died 21 April 2017 at Calgary, Alberta in consequence of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig's Disease), buried 28 April 2017 at Calgary, Alberta, who married, firstly, 31 August 1963 at Dodsland, Saskatchewan, Emmett Patrick Hogan, (from whom subsequently divorced in 1987), and, secondly, 30 June 1990 at St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church, Midnapore, Calgary, Alberta, Kurt Winkler; (4) Norman James Drummond, born 14 January 1948 at Dodsland, Saskatchewan, who married 22 May 1976 at Rocanville, Saskatchewan, Patricia Mary Eastuke; (5) Walter Russell Drummond, born 22 August 1950 at Dodsland, Saskatchewan, who married 19 May 1973 at Dodsland, Saskatchewan, Karen Lee Neumeier; (6) Edna Laurel Drummond, born 21 September 1953 at Dodsland, Saskatchewan, who married 7 August 1976 at Calgary, Alberta, Gerald Gordon MacLeod (a close kinsman to The Honourable Joseph Henri Maurice "Rocket" Richard, Member of The Queen's Honourable Privy Council for Canada, Companion of The Order of Canada, Member of the Hockey Hall of Fame, one of the most illustrious and most celebrated star players in the history of ice hockey, etc.).


Clark Milford Drummond was born 18 September 1924 at or near Hamiota, Manitoba, son to Milford Drummond and Maggie Christina Clark, (to whom refer); died 23 December 2002. His wife Catherine Anna "Kay" Yaciw, (to whom he was married 10 October 1946 at Winnipeg, Manitoba), was born 17 September 1928 at Fillmore, Saskatchewan, daughter to Max Yaciw and Anna Kotalak. This couple begat issue: (1) Ronald Clark Drummond, born 30 April 1952 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, who married 10 August 1974 at Hayward, Alameda County, California, Debra Sue Stockel; (2) Phyllis Margaret Drummond, born 6 October 1960 at Castro Valley, Alameda County, California, who married 20 April 1985 at Castro Valley, Alameda County, California, Gary Philip Remer; (3) Glenn William Drummond, born 2 March 1962 at Castro Valley, Alameda County, California, who married 13 August 1994 at Castro Valley, Alameda County, California, Sheree Coleman Wyss.


Daniel Raeburn Drummond was born 22 October 1952 at Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Harold Raeburn Drummond and Marie Audrey Craig, (to whom refer). His wife Valerie May Wakefield, (to whom he was married 4 September 1976 at Moosehide, Yukon Territory), was born 28 April 1947, daughter to John Wakefield and Marion ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Ryan Wakefield Drummond, born 5 January 1978 at Dawson City, Yukon Territory; (2) Lee Daniel Drummond, born 5 June 1980 at Calgary, Alberta.


Dennis Allan Drummond was born 25 September 1935 at Brandon, Manitoba, son to Thomas Alexander Drummond and Virlie Irene Little, (to whom refer). His wife Mildred Gwendolyn "Missy" Armit, (to whom he was married 5 October 1957 at Brandon, Manitoba), was born 17 August 1939 at Brandon, Manitoba. This couple begat issue: (1) Dennis William Drummond, born 3 April 1958 at Regina, Saskatchewan, who married 20 May 1988 at Brandon, Manitoba, Tamara Joy Nissen; (2) Lisa Marie Drummond, born 19 April 1959 at Regina, Saskatchewan, who married 21 July 1984 at Brandon, Manitoba, Ian Darrel Lowe; (3) Stephen Glen Drummond, born 24 June 1960 at Brandon, Manitoba, who married 30 June 1984 at Brandon, Manitoba, Cheryl Lynn Creighton; (4) Wanda Jean Drummond, born 19 August 1961 at Brandon, Manitoba, who married 16 August 1986 at Brandon, Manitoba, Donald Maurice Jackson; (5) Vincent Boyd Drummond, born 10 October 1962 at Brandon, Manitoba.


Dennis Wade Drummond was born 21 November 1971 at Calgary, Alberta, son to William Clarence "Bud" Drummond and Elsie Astrid Haugerud, (to whom refer). His wife Alicia Dawn Hewitt, (to whom he was married 22 June 2002 at Medicine Hat, Alberta), was born 26 January 1978 at Olds, Alberta, daughter to Edward Matthew Wallace Hewitt and Laurie Anne Krebs. This couple begat issue: (1) Kyle Mathew Drummond, born a twin 28 March 2004 at Medicine Hat, Alberta; (2) Tyler William Drummond, born a twin 28 March 2004 at Medicine Hat, Alberta.


Dennis William Drummond was born 3 April 1958 at Regina, Saskatchewan, son to Dennis Allan Drummond and Mildred Gwendolyn Armit, (to whom refer). His wife Tamara Joy Nissen, (to whom he was married 20 May 1988 at Brandon, Manitoba), was born 22 January 1965 at Brandon, Manitoba, daughter to Kurt Nissen and Daisy Dowan. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Derek Michael Drummond was born 1 March 1978 at Edmonton, Alberta, son to Douglas Clare Drummond and Cheryl Ann Bailey, (to whom refer). His wife was Tara ---, (to whom he was married 7 July 2003 at Edmonton, Alberta). This couple begat issue: (1) Cailie McKenzie Mowat Drummond, born antenuptially 30 December 2001; (2) Cohen Drummond, born 30 May 2004; (3) Callum Drummond, born 6 August 2009.


Douglas Clare Drummond was born 13 January 1951 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, son to Robert Clare Drummond and Mary Campbell Mowat, (to whom refer). His wife Cheryl Ann Bailey, (to whom he was married 8 December 1973 at Edmonton, Alberta), was born 18 June 1953 at Glendive, Dawson County, Montana, daughter to Ellis Breckenridge Bailey and Bena Lou Bradshaw. This couple begat issue: (1) Reid Douglas Drummond, born 18 April 1977 at Edmonton, Alberta, who married 18 September 2010 at Kamloops, Thompson-Nicola Regional District, British Columbia, Dawn ---; (2) Derek Michael Drummond, born 1 March 1978 at Edmonton, Alberta, who married 7 July 2003 at Edmonton, Alberta, Tara ---; (3) Kyle Ellis Drummond, born 18 June 1981 at Campbell River, Campbell River District Municipality, Comox-Strathcona Regional District, British Columbia, who married 1 July 2010 at Kelowna, Central Okanagan Regional District, British Columbia, Jennifer ---.


Douglas Keith Drummond was born 7 March 1911 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, son to Thomas Millar (or Miller) Drummond and Agnes May Fenwick, (to whom refer); died 25 December 1937 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba; buried at Alexander Cemetery, Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba. His wife Florence Elsie Hanwell, (to whom he was married in 1930 at or near Brandon, Manitoba), was born 19 April 1911 at or near Strasbourg, Saskatchewan. This couple begat issue: (1) Douglas Murray Drummond, born 10 November 1930 at Brandon General Hospital, Brandon, Manitoba, who married 6 June 1953 at Brandon, Manitoba, Winnifred Joan Darvill; (2) Elva June Drummond, born 26 March 1933 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, who married, firstly, Elwood Brown, and, secondly, 7 July 1961 at Brandon, Manitoba, Cecil John McCarthy; (3) Viola Louise Drummond, born 22 June 1936 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, who married 1 August 1953 at Brandon, Manitoba, Jack Vern Westly Quinn; (4) Beverley Yvonne Drummond, born 13 July 1938 at or near Brandon, Manitoba, who married 29 August 1959 at Brandon, Manitoba, Louis Lloyd Campbell.


Douglas Murray Drummond was born 10 November 1930 at Brandon General Hospital, Brandon, Manitoba, son to Douglas Keith Drummond and Florence Elsie Hanwell, (to whom refer). His wife Winnifred Joan Darvill, (to whom he was married 6 June 1953 at Brandon, Manitoba), was born 12 November 1933 at or near Brandon, Manitoba. This couple begat issue: (1) David Keith Drummond, born 5 August 1956 at Brandon, Manitoba; (2) Darlene Joanne Drummond, born 2 October 1961 at Brandon, Manitoba.


Earle Stafford Drummond was born 15 July 1925 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to John Holmes Drummond and Ethel Grace Stafford, (to whom refer); died 7 October 1951 at Seeley's Bay, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario in consequence of a drowning incident. His wife Eleanor Hilda Armstrong, (to whom he was married 22 May 1948 at Keene, Otonabee Township, Peterborough County, Ontario), was born 25 July 1921 at Peterborough, Peterborough County, Ontario, daughter to Preston P. Armstrong and May Ann Shearer. This couple begat issue: (1) Gayle Eleanor Drummond, born 31 March 1949 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married in 1967 at Peterborough, Peterborough County, Ontario, William Emery, (from whom subsequently divorced); (2) Brent Elliott Drummond, born 14 August 1951 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario.


Garnet Drummond was born 7 March 1946 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Albert Drummond and Grace Seed, (to whom refer). His wife Deborah Rose Warner, (to whom he was married 19 January 1968 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 27 April 1948 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Carl Warner and Neita Solway. This couple begat issue: (1) Jeffery Allan Drummond, born 26 July 1968 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario.


George Drummond was born 10 May 1898 or 11 May 1898 (depending upon sources) at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to John Drummond and Mary Lura Holmes, (to whom refer). His wife Cora Edith Simms, (to whom he was married at Seattle, King County, Washington and from whom subsequently separated), was born 11 August 1905. This couple begat issue: (1) George Talbert Drummond, born 21 April 1924 at Seattle, King County, Washington, who married 31 March 1947 at Mount Vernon, Skagit County, Washington, Jessie Wade Rowley; (2) Gerald Carlyle Drummond, born 18 October ---- at Seattle, King County, Washington, who married at Seattle, King County, Washington, Alicia DeCoursey; (3) Phyllis Illean Drummond, born 5 March 1928 at Seattle, King County, Washington, who married 4 September 1948 at Seattle, King County, Washington, Robert Walker Jordon; (4) Donna Louise Drummond, born 10 August 1933 at Seattle, King County, Washington, who married 4 September 1954 at Seattle, King County, Washington, John Russell Fremming Jr.


George Carlyle Drummond was born 27 October 1911 at or near Dodsland, Winslow Rural Municipality, Saskatchewan, son to James Wilbert Drummond and Georgina "Della" Robb, (to whom refer); died 30 May 1977 at Dodsland Union Hospital, Dodsland, Saskatchewan; ashes buried in 1977 at Maple Vale Cemetery, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife was Marion ---, (from whom subsequently separated). No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


George Gerald Drummond was born 13 April 1948 at Seattle, King County, Washington, son to Gerald Carlyle Drummond and Alicia DeCoursey, (to whom refer). His wife Bernice Lucille Vance, (to whom he was married 30 November 1970 at Coeur d'Alene, Kootenai County, Idaho), was born 23 July 1954 at Fort Riley, Geary County, Kansas, daughter to Robert Lee Vance and Margaret Louise Lawson. This couple begat issue: (1) Jason George Drummond, born 2 September 1971 at Renton, King County, Washington.


George Talbert Drummond was born 21 April 1924 at Seattle, King County, Washington, son to George Drummond and Cora Edith Simms, (to whom refer). His wife Jessie Wade Rowley, (to whom he was married 31 March 1947 at Mount Vernon, Skagit County, Washington), was born 21 June 1927 at or near Morgantown, Monongalia County, West Virginia, daughter to Homer King Rowley and Jessie Edith Wade. This couple begat issue: (1) Linda Ann Drummond, born 14 March 1949 at Seattle, King County, Washington, who married, firstly, 13 December 1969 at Seattle, King County, Washington, Stephen Ross, and, secondly, 14 March 1977 at Seattle, King County, Washington, Fred Ibuki; (2) Lydia June Drummond, born 30 September 1950 at Seattle, King County, Washington, who married 27 December 1975 at Seattle, King County, Washington, C. H. Williams; (3) Jessie Ruth Drummond, born 27 April 1957 at Seattle, King County, Washington; (4) George Talbert Drummond Jr., born 28 August 1967 at Seattle, King County, Washington.


Gerald Carlyle Drummond was born 18 October ---- at Seattle, King County, Washington, son to George Drummond and Cora Edith Simms, (to whom refer). His wife was Alicia DeCoursey, (to whom he was married at Seattle, King County, Washington). This couple begat issue: (1) Norma Ellen Drummond, born 28 May 1947 at Seattle, King County, Washington, who married, firstly, in 1968, Russell Albert Rouh, (from whom subsequently divorced), and, secondly, 28 August 1970 at Seattle, King County, Washington, Robert Goodrich Park; (2) George Gerald Drummond, born 13 April 1948 at Seattle, King County, Washington, who married 30 November 1970 at Coeur d'Alene, Kootenai County, Idaho, Bernice Lucille Vance; (3) Annette Drummond.


Glen Thomas Drummond was born 14 August 1939 at Brandon, Manitoba, son to Thomas Alexander Drummond and Virlie Irene Little, (to whom refer). His wife Merle Sheena Dane, (to whom he was married 7 August 1962 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba), was born 4 April 1942 at Souris, Manitoba. This couple begat issue: (1) Mark Thomas Drummond, born 26 January 1965 at Brandon, Manitoba; (2) Gerri Dawn Drummond, born 6 February 1968 at Fort St. John, British Columbia; (3) Paul Jason Drummond, born 14 June 1969 at Fort St. John, British Columbia.


Glenn William Drummond was born 2 March 1962 at Castro Valley, Alameda County, California, son to Clark Milford Drummond and Catherine Anna Yaciw, (to whom refer). His wife was Sheree Coleman Wyss, (to whom he was married 13 August 1994 at Castro Valley, Alameda County, California). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Gregory Wayne Drummond was born 23 July 1969 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Wayne Henry Drummond and Lorna Jean Walsh, (to whom refer). His wife Shelly Lorna Heath, (to whom he was married 20 June 1992), was born 26 June 1971 in Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Emma Lorna Drummond, born 26 July 1994 at Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario.


Guy William Drummond was born 29 October 1969 at Calgary, Alberta, son to William Clarence "Bud" Drummond and Elsie Astrid Haugerud, (to whom refer). His wife was Andrea ---, (to whom he was married at Bow Island, Alberta). This couple begat issue: (1) Jazmine Marie Drummond, born 22 June 1990 at Bow Island, Alberta, who married John Peters; (2) Jessica Hayley Drummond, born 16 March 1997 at Bow Island, Alberta; (3) Jerri Autumn Drummond, born 18 September 1998 at Bow Island, Alberta; (4) James William Drummond, born 24 February 2001 at Bow Island, Alberta.


Harold Matthew Drummond was born 28 September 1917 or 29 September 1917 (depending upon sources) at or near Kenton, Woodworth Rural Municipality, Manitoba, son to James Milton Drummond and Mary Anne Joynt, (to whom refer); died 5 August 1966 at Hamiota, Manitoba. His wife Effie Jane Inglis, (to whom he was married 2 December 1939 at Brandon, Manitoba), was born 8 February 1916 at or near Oak Lake, Manitoba, daughter to John George Inglis and Jean "Jeanie" Waite. This couple begat issue: (1) Sandra Jean Drummond, born 14 June 1973 at Brandon, Manitoba; (2) Gloria Anne Drummond, born 27 May 1945 at Virden, Manitoba, who married 12 December 1964 at Kenton Shiloh United Church, near Kenton, Woodworth Rural Municipality, Manitoba, Gerald Alfred Smith; (3) Harold James Drummond, born 30 December 1954 at Hamiota, Manitoba.


Harold Raeburn Drummond was born 16 September 1930 at or near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, son to James Henry Drummond and Ethel Bradford, (to whom refer). His wife Marie Audrey Craig, (to whom he was married 21 July 1950 at or near Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 7 January 1932 at or near Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Arnold Craig and Isabel Smith. This couple begat issue: (1) James Arnold Drummond, born 30 June 1951 at Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario; (2) Daniel Raeburn Drummond, born 22 October 1952 at Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 4 September 1976 at Moosehide, Yukon Territory, Valerie May Wakefield; (3) Barbara Ruth Drummond, born 14 July 1956 at Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 4 October 1975 at or near Shilo, Cornwallis Rural Municipality, Manitoba, Patrick Jonas Britten.


Henry Drummond was born 15 December 1867 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, son to James Drummond and Elizabeth Mooney, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 8 May 1901 or 8 May 1902 (depending upon sources) at Prospect, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, Julia Ann Ferguson, (to whom also refer); died 22 May 1911 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario; buried in May 1911 at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario. His first wife Adaline (or Adeline) Salter, (to whom he was married 8 March 1899), was born in or about 1869 or 1870 at Lanark County, Ontario; died 7 February 1900 at Lanark County, Ontario during childbirth in consequence of tuberculosis; buried in 1900 at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario. Henry Drummond and Adaline (or Adeline) Salter begat issue: (1) May Drummond, born a twin 7 February 1900 at Lanark County, Ontario, died in infancy, unmarried, 8 February 1900 at Lanark County, Ontario, buried at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario; (2) Laura Drummond, born a twin 7 February 1900 at Lanark County, Ontario, died in infancy, unmarried, 8 February 1900 at Lanark County, Ontario, buried at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario.


Henry Drummond was born 15 December 1867 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, son to James Drummond and Elizabeth Mooney, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 8 March 1899, Adaline (or Adeline) Salter, (to whom also refer); died 22 May 1911 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario; buried in May 1911 at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario. His second wife Julia Ann Ferguson, (to whom he was married 8 May 1901 or 8 May 1902, depending upon sources, at Prospect, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 30 December 1885 at or near Numogate, Montague Township, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to William John Ferguson and Eliza (or Elizabeth) Jane (or Ann) Saunders; married, secondly, Henry Utman; died 27 August 1966 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario. Henry Drummond and Julia Ann Ferguson begat issue: (1) Eliza Ann Drummond, born 22 March 1902 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, died in infancy, unmarried, 3 April 1902 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, buried in 1902 at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario; (2) Margaret Edna Drummond, born 7 May 1903 at or near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, died 1 January 1928 at or near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 30 July 1926, George Ernest Morris; (3) James Henry Drummond, born 27 April 1905 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, died 21 February 1977 at Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario, buried in 1977 at Auld Kirk Cemetery, Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 14 March 1925 at the residence of the groom's mother, Beckwith Township, near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, Ethel Bradford; (4) John Ferguson Drummond, born 9 August 1908 at or near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, died in March 1982 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married, firstly, Morna Black, and, secondly, Edith ---; (5) Hubert Gordon Drummond, born 14 May 1910 at Beckwith Township, near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, died 15 January 1996 at Carleton Place and District Memorial Hospital, Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, buried in 1996 at the United Cemeteries of St. Fillan's, Maplewood and Pine Grove (otherwise known as Pine Grove United Cemeteries), Beckwith Township, near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 19 May 1934 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, Bessie Marguerite Burns.


Hubert Carroll Drummond was born 23 May 1910 near Druid, Saskatchewan, specifically on the North East Quarter of Section 6, Township 23, Range 20, West of the Third Meridian, son to William Russell Drummond and Margaret Jane Ferguson, (to whom refer); died 25 September 2002 at Innisfail, Alberta. His wife Candide Mary Simone Riendeau, (to whom he was married 20 November 1952 at Provost, Alberta and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 16 October 1926 at or near Kindersley, Saskatchewan, daughter to Albert Riendeau and Germaine Bourassa; died 4 February 2000 near Innisfail, Alberta. This couple begat issue: (1) William Carl Drummond, born 8 December 1950 at Dodsland, Saskatchewan, who married, firstly, 20 August 1977 at Innisfail, Alberta, Gail Jeanette Kemp, (from whom subsequently divorced), and, secondly, 5 August 2006 at the William Carl Drummond ranch west of Caroline, Alberta, Anita Marian Stubenvoll; (2) Robert Verne Drummond, born 19 November 1951 at Dodsland, Saskatchewan, died 4 October 1998 at Calgary, Alberta in consequence of a tumour of the brain, who married 10 July 1976 at Calgary, Alberta, Judith Avis Hudson; (3) Patricia Jane Drummond, born 28 September 1953 at Kerrobert, Saskatchewan, who married 23 December 1969 at Innisfail, Alberta, Sanford Woodrow "Sandy" Barker, (from whom subsequently divorced); (4) Penny Lynn Drummond, born 19 October 1956 at Dodsland, Saskatchewan, died 3 April 2005 at Whitecourt, Alberta, who married, firstly, 21 August 1976 at Red Deer, Alberta, Douglas Eldon Brown, (from whom subsequently divorced), and, secondly, 31 August 1985 at Innisfail, Alberta, Darcy Russell Bowe, (from whom also subsequently divorced).


Hubert Gordon Drummond was born 14 May 1910 at Beckwith Township, near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Henry Drummond and Julia Ann Ferguson, (to whom refer); died 15 January 1996 at Carleton Place and District Memorial Hospital, Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario; buried in 1996 at the United Cemeteries of St. Fillan's, Maplewood and Pine Grove (otherwise known as Pine Grove United Cemeteries), Beckwith Township, near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife Bessie Marguerite Burns, (to whom he was married 19 May 1934 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 20 October 1910 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to John Wellington Burns and Margaret Ann Conlin; died 22 March 1996 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Argyle Wellington Drummond, born 13 October 1935 at or near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, who married, firstly, 20 July 1957 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, Cemonne Karlyn Bigras, (from whom subsequently divorced), and, secondly, 17 September ---, Judith Gayle Dowdall; (2) Jessie Eileen Drummond, born 29 October 1939 at or near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 30 May 1959 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, Stewart Walter Healey; (3) Wayne Henry Drummond, born 22 March 1944 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 10 July 1965 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, Lorna Jean Walsh; (4) Diane Edna Drummond, born 18 March 1946 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 27 February 1965 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, William Earl Rintoul.


Ian Patrick Drummond was born 28 June 1955 at Garrison, McLean County, North Dakota, son to James Hunter Drummond and Helen Jean Watson, (to whom refer). His wife Susan Marie Somers, (to whom he was married 10 October 1980 at St. Margaret Mary's Church, Golden Valley, Hennepin County, Minnesota), was born 10 August ---- at Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota, daughter to John Francis Somers and Delores Katherine Doty. This couple begat issue: (1) Erin Somers Drummond, born 3 July 1983 at Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota; (2) Colin Patrick Drummond, born 9 September 1986 at Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota; (3) Somer Marie Drummond, born 6 March 1992 at Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota.


James Drummond was born in or about May 1798 in Ireland; died 27 January 1890 at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario; buried in 1890 at St. Andrew's Presbyterian (afterward St. Andrew's United Church) Cemetery (otherwise known as Toledo Presbyterian Cemetery), near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Eleanor Stevely Millar (or Miller) was born in 1813 (not in 1819 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources) in Ireland, daughter to Hugh Millar and ---, (to whom refer); died 1 February 1871 at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario in consequence of two hours' suffering with a paralytic stroke; buried in 1871 at St. Andrew's Presbyterian (afterward St. Andrew's United Church) Cemetery (otherwise known as Toledo Presbyterian Cemetery), near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) David Drummond, born 24 July 1833 at Kitley Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, christened (together with his next younger brother James Drummond) 25 May 1836 at Kitley Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, (with the Reverend William Smart, Presbyterian Church, officiating), died unmarried 5 November 1905 at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario; (2) James Drummond, born 24 September 1834 at Kitley Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, christened (together with his next elder brother David Drummond) 25 May 1836, died 19 January 1875 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, who married Elizabeth Mooney; (3) Thomas Drummond, born 14 August 1836 or 14 August 1837 (depending upon sources) at Kitley Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, died 8 January 1886 at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, buried in 1886 at St. Andrew's Presbyterian (afterward St. Andrew's United Church) Cemetery (otherwise known as Toledo Presbyterian Cemetery), near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 25 November 1863 at Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Canada West, (with the Reverend Donald John MacLean, Presbyterian Church, officiating), Mary Jane Hall; (4) Hugh Drummond, born in or about 1837 or 1838 at Kitley Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, died unmarried 7 November 1905 at Beckwith Township, near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario; (5) Matilda Drummond, born 6 March 1841 or 8 March 1841 (depending upon sources) at or near Kitley (afterward known as Toledo), Kitley Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Canada West, died 8 March 1925 at Catherine Street, Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, buried in 1925 at the United Cemeteries of St. Fillan's, Maplewood and Pine Grove (otherwise known as Pine Grove United Cemeteries), Beckwith Township, near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, who married in March 1863 or 17 June 1863 (depending upon sources) at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church (afterward St. Andrew's United Church), (otherwise known as Toledo Presbyterian Church), near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Canada West, John McNeely; (6) William Drummond, born 6 January 1844 at or near Kitley (afterward known as Toledo), Kitley Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Canada West, died 9 January 1917 at Beckwith Township, near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, buried in 1917 at St. Fillan's Presbyterian Cemetery, the United Cemeteries of St. Fillan's, Maplewood and Pine Grove (otherwise known as Pine Grove United Cemeteries), Beckwith Township, near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 2 January 1866 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Canada West, Mary Anne Hunter; (7) Jane Drummond, born 2 February 1845 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Canada West, died 20 June 1925 or 21 June 1925 (depending upon sources) at or near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, buried in June 1925 at Maple Vale Cemetery, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married in February 1864 at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Canada West, John Sheridan; (8) Matthew Drummond (a soldier in the Yankee Civil War, unfortunately in the cause of the union rather than of the Confederacy, etc.), born 14 December 1847 at or near Kitley (afterward known as Toledo), Kitley Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Canada West, died 25 November 1904 or 26 November 1904 (depending upon sources) in hospital at Winnipeg, Manitoba, buried at or near Tarbolton, Daly Rural Municipality, Manitoba, who married 24 April 1873 at the residence of the bride's father, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, Margaret McArthur; (9) Russell Drummond, born 14 December 1850, died in 1907, buried at the United Cemeteries of St. Fillan's, Maplewood and Pine Grove (otherwise known as Pine Grove United Cemeteries), Beckwith Township, near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 25 May 1874 at or near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, Mary Elizabeth Lowe; (10) John Drummond, born 12 December 1851 at or near Kitley (afterward known as Toledo), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Canada West, died 21 August 1933 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, buried in 1933 at St. Andrew's United Church (formerly St. Andrew's Presbyterian) Cemetery (otherwise known as Toledo Presbyterian Cemetery), near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 13 May 1875 at or near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, Mary Lura Holmes; (11) Eleanor (or Ellen) Drummond, born 2 November 1853 at or near Kitley (afterward known as Toledo), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Canada West, died 25 June 1925, buried in 1925 at St. Peter's Anglican Cemetery, Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 3 March 1875 at the residence of the bride's father near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, (with the Reverend William Stevenson officiating), John William Wood.


James Drummond was born 24 September 1834 at Kitley Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, son to James Drummond and Eleanor Stevely Millar (or Miller), (to whom refer); christened 25 May 1836 at Kitley Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, (with the Reverend William Smart, Presbyterian Church, officiating); died 19 January 1875 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife Elizabeth Mooney was born 1 April 1836 at Kitley Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada; died 3 September 1918 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Margaret Jane Drummond, born 4 June 1857 or 9 June 1857 (depending upon sources), died 14 February 1925 or 17 February 1925 (depending upon sources), buried in 1925 at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 22 February 1888, Thomas James Saunders; (2) James Drummond, born 7 March 1859, died in December 1941, who married 4 March 1891, Jennie Adeline Craig; (3) Eliza Ann Drummond, born 18 October 1860 at or near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Canada West, died 30 June 1935 at Toledo, Lewis County, Washington, who married 22 November 1877 at or near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, James Morton Griffith; (4) Ellen (or Eleanor) Miller Drummond, born 3 March 1863 at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Canada West, died 15 March 1935 at or near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, buried in 1935 at the United Cemeteries of St. Fillan's, Maplewood and Pine Grove (otherwise known as Pine Grove United Cemeteries), Beckwith Township, near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 27 July 1886 at the residence of the bride's parents, Beckwith Township, near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, Thomas Tomlinson; (5) Maria Drummond, born 16 February 1865 at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Canada West or at Lanark County, Canada West (depending upon sources), died 24 October 1954 or 25 October 1954 (depending upon sources) at her residence at Montague Township, Lanark County, Ontario, buried at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 13 January 1892, James Salter; (6) Henry Drummond, born 15 December 1867 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, died 22 May 1911 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, buried in May 1911 at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, who married, firstly, 8 March 1899, Adaline (or Adeline) Salter, and, secondly, 8 May 1901 or 8 May 1902 (depending upon sources) at Prospect, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, Julia Ann Ferguson; (7) Matilda "Tillie" Drummond, born 18 March 1870 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, died 5 February 1953 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, buried in 1953 at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 25 March 1896 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, William Joseph Saunders; (8) William Russell Drummond, born 3 May 1872 at or near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, died 8 May 1949 at or near Druid, Saskatchewan, who married 21 February 1906 at or near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, Margaret Jane Ferguson; (9) Jemima Fullerton (or Tullerton) Drummond, born 18 July 1874 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, died 2 March 1948 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, buried in 1948 at Sovereign, Saskatchewan, who married 1 November 1899 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, Thomas James Anderson.


James Drummond was born 7 March 1859, son to James Drummond and Elizabeth Mooney, (to whom refer); died in December 1941. His wife Jennie Adeline Craig, (to whom he was married 4 March 1891), was born 4 August 1862 at Goulbourn Township, Carleton County, Canada West. This couple begat issue: (1) Kathleen Alberta Drummond, born 25 December 1892 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 2 September 1914, Arthur Stanley Thomas; (2) William James Craig Drummond, born 25 September 1894 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario; (3) John Elmer Drummond, born 3 January 1897 at Goulbourn Township, Carleton County, Ontario, who married 9 November 1918, Eva May Bradley Barnes; (4) William Jonathan Homer Drummond, born 22 August 1898 at Goulbourn Township, Carleton County, Ontario; (5) William Harold Drummond, born 10 September 1900 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 9 June 1923, Florence W. Osmond; (6) Adeline Muriel Drummond, born 8 April 1903 at Goulbourn Township, Carleton County, Ontario.


James Drummond was son to Russell Drummond and Mary Elizabeth Lowe, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Celma Lowe, (to whom also refer). His first wife was Ida Douglas. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of James Drummond and Ida Douglas are presently available.


James Drummond was son to Russell Drummond and Mary Elizabeth Lowe, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Ida Douglas, (to whom also refer). His second wife was Celma Lowe. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of James Drummond and Celma Lowe are presently available.


James Henry Drummond was born 27 April 1905 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Henry Drummond and Julia Ann Ferguson, (to whom refer); died 21 February 1977 at Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario; buried in 1977 at Auld Kirk Cemetery, Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife Ethel Bradford, (to whom he was married 14 March 1925 at the residence of the groom's mother, Beckwith Township, near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 5 December 1905 at or near Arnprior, Renfrew County, Ontario, daughter to Sumner Bradford and Maria Jane McClellan. This couple begat issue: (1) Barbara Helene Drummond, born 25 November 1927 at or near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 4 May 1946 at the residence of the the bride's parents at or near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, John Foster "Jack" Campbell; (2) Harold Raeburn Drummond, born 16 September 1930 at or near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 21 July 1950 at or near Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario, Marie Audrey Craig; (3) Joyce Eileen Drummond, born 3 April 1932 at or near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 3 March 1950 at or near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, James Gilmour Johnston; (4) Margaret Faye Drummond, born 16 February 1937 at or near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 12 September 1958 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, Herbert Butterworth.


James Hunter Drummond was born 24 January 1926 at or near Hamiota, Manitoba, son to Milford Drummond and Maggie Christina Clark, (to whom refer). His wife Helen Jean Watson, (to whom he was married 28 May 1949 at Winnipeg, Manitoba), was born 29 August 1926 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, daughter to Thomas Watson and Mary Copeland Bell. This couple begat issue: (1) David Thomas Drummond, born 6 May 1950 at Winnipeg, Manitoba; (2) Brian James Drummond, born 8 February 1952 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, who married 28 December 1974 at Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota, Susan Kay Cornelius; (3) Ian Patrick Drummond, born 28 June 1955 at Garrison, McLean County, North Dakota, who married 10 October 1980 at St. Margaret Mary's Church, Golden Valley, Hennepin County, Minnesota, Susan Marie Somers; (4) Kevin Bruce Drummond, born 16 May 1957 at Garrison, McLean County, North Dakota, who married 1 September 1979 at Roseville, Ramsay County, Minnesota, Donna Marie Hemauer; (5) Richard Scott Drummond, born 7 June 1962 at Garrison, McLean County, North Dakota, who married 1 June 1991 at Richfield, Hennepin County, Minnesota, Tamara Sue "Tammy" Lynne.


James Milford Drummond was born 7 June 1947 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, son to Robert Clare Drummond and Mary Campbell Mowat, (to whom refer). His wife Edith Margaret Guhl, (to whom he was married 28 July 1973 at Edmonton, Alberta), was born 17 June 1953 at Edmonton, Alberta, daughter to Teofil Guhl and Amalia Scherling. This couple begat issue: (1) Kelley Dawn Drummond, born 20 September 1978 at Edmonton, Alberta, who married 21 May 2009 at Poets Cove, Pender Island, Capital Regional District, British Columbia, Steven Jones; (2) Jerilyn Ann Drummond, born 18 June 1981 at Edmonton, Alberta, who married 7 May 2011 at Santa Margherita, Genoa Province, Liguria Region, the Italian Republic, Nils Lofgren.


James Milton Drummond was born 17 March 1881 at Ramsay Township, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Matthew Drummond and Margaret McArthur, (to whom refer); died 31 August 1933 at or near Kenton, Woodworth Rural Municipality, Manitoba. His wife Mary Anne Joynt, (to whom he was married in 1909 at Hillview, Woodworth Rural Municipality, Manitoba), was born 23 May 1884 at or near Harding, Woodworth Rural Municipality, Manitoba, daughter to John Joynt and Isabel Porteous; died 7 February 1959 at Brandon, Manitoba; buried in 1959 at Shilo, Cornwallis Rural Municipality, Manitoba. This couple begat issue: (1) John Russell Drummond, born 3 March 1911 at or near Kenton, Woodworth Rural Municipality, Manitoba, died unmarried 5 November 1973 at Virden, Manitoba; (2) Marion Margaret Drummond, born 30 June 1915 at or near Kenton, Woodworth Rural Municipality, Manitoba, who married 20 July 1935 at Brandon, Manitoba, John Frederick Daniel Gould; (3) Harold Matthew Drummond, born 28 September 1917 or 29 September 1917 (depending upon sources) at or near Kenton, Woodworth Rural Municipality, Manitoba, died 5 August 1966 at Hamiota, Manitoba, who married 2 December 1939 at Brandon, Manitoba, Effie Jane Inglis; (4) Dorothy Bell Drummond, born 22 August 1922 at Brandon, Manitoba, who married 3 March 1947 at Brandon, Manitoba, Roy Churchill Inglis.


James Russell Drummond was born 16 September 1866 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Canada West, son to William Drummond and Mary Anne Hunter, (to whom refer); christened 6 December 1866 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Canada West; married, secondly, 10 October 1931, Agnes Bradley, (to whom also refer); died 12 September 1944 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba; buried in September 1944 at Alexander Cemetery, Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba. His first wife Eliza Jane "Jenny" Connerty, (to whom he was married 24 January 1892 at or near Jasper, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 21 October 1865 at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Canada West, daughter to William Connerty and Maria Green; died 16 August 1921 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba; buried in August 1921 at Alexander Cemetery, Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba. James Russell Drummond and Eliza Jane "Jenny" Connerty begat issue: (1) William James Drummond, born 8 September 1897 at or near Lenore, Woodworth Rural Municipality, Manitoba, died 14 May 1982 at Peace Arch District Hospital, Vancouver, Greater Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia, who married 23 October 1951 at Kaslo, British Columbia, Edith Mabel Templeton; (2) Clifford Hunter Drummond, born 4 July 1899 at or near Lenore, Woodworth Rural Municipality, Manitoba, died unmarried 26 July 1982 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, buried in 1982 at Alexander Cemetery, Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba; (3) Allan Connerty Drummond, born 25 June 1901 at or near Lenore, Woodworth Rural Municipality, Manitoba, died unmarried 22 August 1978 at Brandon General Hospital, Brandon, Manitoba, buried 28 August 1978 at Alexander Cemetery, Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, (with the Reverend Robert Kayes, United Church of Canada, officiating); (4) Robert Miller Drummond, born 26 February 1903 at or near Lenore, Woodworth Rural Municipality, Manitoba, died 3 June 1985 at Victoria, Capital Regional District, British Columbia, who married Edith Pearl MacDonald; (5) Jean Mary Drummond, born 1 June 1904 at or near Lenore, Woodworth Rural Municipality, Manitoba, died 13 September 1988 at Brandon, Manitoba, who married 11 December 1937 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, George Mowatt; (6) Thomas Alexander Drummond, born 1 May 1906 at or near Isabella, Miniota Rural Municipality, Manitoba, died 16 December 1981 at Assiniboine Centre, Brandon, Manitoba in consequence of a stroke, buried at Alexander Cemetery, Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, (with the Reverend Ian Harvey, United Church of Canada, officiating), who married 10 November 1934 at Brandon, Manitoba, Virlie Irene Little; (7) Lillian Margaret Drummond, born 22 December 1908 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, who married 17 October 1933 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, William Roy Logan.


James Russell Drummond was born 16 September 1866 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Canada West, son to William Drummond and Mary Anne Hunter, (to whom refer); christened 6 December 1866 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Canada West; married, firstly, 24 January 1892 at or near Jasper, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Eliza Jane "Jenny" Connerty, (to whom also refer); died 12 September 1944 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba; buried in September 1944 at Alexander Cemetery, Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba. His second wife Agnes Bradley, (to whom he was married 10 October 1931), died 20 April 1944; buried in 1944 at Alexander Cemetery, Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of James Russell Drummond and Agnes Bradley.


James Wilbert Drummond was born 24 July 1880 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to John Drummond and Mary Lura Holmes, (to whom refer); died 27 May 1951 at Dodsland, Saskatchewan; buried in 1951 at Maple Vale Cemetery, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife Georgina "Della" Robb, (to whom he was married 13 February 1909 at or near Athens, Leeds County, Ontario, formerly known as Farmersville, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 15 June 1889 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to John Robb and Mary Stewart; died 6 March 1963 at Dodsland, Saskatchewan; buried in 1963 at Maple Vale Cemetery, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) John Alvin Drummond, born 17 July 1910 at or near Dodsland, Winslow Rural Municipality, Saskatchewan, died unmarried 20 January 1979 at Kamloops, Thompson-Nicola Regional District, British Columbia; (2) George Carlyle Drummond, born 27 October 1911 at or near Dodsland, Winslow Rural Municipality, Saskatchewan, died 30 May 1977 at Dodsland Union Hospital, Dodsland, Saskatchewan, ashes buried in 1977 at Maple Vale Cemetery, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married Marion ---, (from whom subsequently separated); (3) Wilbert Gerald Drummond, born 12 March 1914 at or near Dodsland, Saskatchewan, who married 21 December 1940 at Dodsland, Saskatchewan, Gertrude Campbell; (4) Mary Lura Drummond, born 10 April 1915 at or near Dodsland, Saskatchewan, who married 10 October 1941 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Allan Rees Bevan; (5) Kenneth Lorne Drummond, born 24 February 1917 at or near Dodsland, Saskatchewan, died 4 June 1977 at Elbow, Saskatchewan, who married, firstly, Betty ---, secondly, Mary ---, and, thirdly, Barbara ---.


Jeffrey Russell Drummond was born a twin 4 August 1982 at Leduc, Alberta, son to Walter Russell Drummond and Karen Lee Neumeier, (to whom refer). His wife was Jessica Handjiev, (to whom he was married 24 November 2010 in the United Mexican States). This couple begat issue: (1) Brooke Evelin Drummond, born 25 January 2009 at Edmonton, Alberta; (2) James Walter Drummond, born 21 November 2014 probably at Leduc, Alberta.


John Drummond was born 12 December 1851 at or near Kitley (afterward known as Toledo), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Canada West, son to James Drummond and Eleanor Stevely Millar (or Miller), (to whom refer); died 21 August 1933 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario; buried in 1933 at St. Andrew's United Church (formerly St. Andrew's Presbyterian) Cemetery (otherwise known as Toledo Presbyterian Cemetery), near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Mary Lura Holmes, (to whom he was married 13 May 1875 at or near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 1 January 1856 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Canada West, daughter to John Holmes and Martha Sexton; died in June 1898 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario; buried in 1898 at St. Andrew's Presbyterian (afterward St. Andrew's United Church) Cemetery (otherwise known as Toledo Presbyterian Cemetery), near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Martha Emily Drummond, born 24 August 1877 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 4 January 1977 at Toronto, Metropolitan Toronto Municipality, Ontario, who married at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Edward James Lyons; (2) James Wilbert Drummond, born 24 July 1880 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 27 May 1951 at Dodsland, Saskatchewan, buried in 1951 at Maple Vale Cemetery, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 13 February 1909 at or near Athens, Leeds County, Ontario (formerly known as Farmersville, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario), Georgina "Della" Robb; (3) Lura Ellen Drummond, born 15 August 1882 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 24 March 1953 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario in consequence of a stroke, buried in 1953 at Glen Elbe Cemetery, Glen Elbe, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 7 January 1903 at the residence of the bride's father near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Charles F. Yates; (4) Evi Lena (or Evilena) Drummond, born 25 August 1884 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 11 March 1971 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, buried in 1971 at Merrickville, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 16 February 1909 at or near Athens, Leeds County, Ontario (formerly known as Farmersville, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario), Melvin James Oagle Walker; (5) Mary Edna Drummond, born 8 December 1886 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 2 May 1954 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, buried in 1954 at Burnaby, British Columbia, who married in 1930 at Vancouver, British Columbia, Sandy Alexander Watt; (6) John Holmes Drummond, born 12 February 1888 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 27 November 1958 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 4 June 1919 at St. George's Anglican Cathedral, Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario, Ethel Grace Stafford; (7) Christena Jane "Tina" Drummond, born 30 October 1890 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died unmarried 7 April 1959 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, buried in 1959 at St. Andrew's United Church (formerly St. Andrew's Presbyterian) Cemetery (otherwise known as Toledo Presbyterian Cemetery), near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario; (8) Gertrude Drummond, born 27 January 1893 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 4 November 1978 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, who married 1 February 1928 at Edmonton, Alberta, John Stanley Robb; (9) Clarabelle Drummond, born in 1895 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died early, unmarried, in 1897 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, buried in 1897 at St. Andrew's Presbyterian (afterward St. Andrew's United Church) Cemetery (otherwise known as Toledo Presbyterian Cemetery), near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario; (10) George Drummond, born 10 May 1898 or 11 May 1898 (depending upon sources) at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married at Seattle, King County, Washington, Cora Edith Simms, (from whom subsequently separated).


John Drummond was son to Russell Drummond and Mary Elizabeth Lowe, (to whom refer). His wife was --- Waite. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


John Alvin Drummond was born a twin 19 June 1933 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to John Holmes Drummond and Ethel Grace Stafford, (to whom refer). His wife Shirley Crooke, (to whom he was married 19 June 1963 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario), was born 20 March 1940 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to John Crooke and Mildred ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Anne Louise Drummond, born 7 April 1964 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario.


John Elmer Drummond was born 3 January 1897 at Goulbourn Township, Carleton County, Ontario, son to James Drummond and Jennie Adeline Craig, (to whom refer). His wife Eva May Bradley Barnes, (to whom he was married 9 November 1918), was born in or about 1895 or 1896 at or near Lynn, Unorganised Territory, Manitoba. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


John Ferguson Drummond was born 9 August 1908 at or near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Henry Drummond and Julia Ann Ferguson, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Edith ---, (to whom also refer); died in March 1982 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario. His first wife Morna Black was born 25 October 1906 at or near Appleton, Ramsay Township, Lanark County, Ontario. John Ferguson Drummond and Morna Black begat issue: (1) Leone Drummond, born 17 September 1928 at or near Appleton, Ramsay Township, Lanark County, Ontario, who married Carl Morphy; (2) Audrey Drummond, born 15 October 1932 at or near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, who married Frank Conners.


John Ferguson Drummond was born 9 August 1908 at or near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Henry Drummond and Julia Ann Ferguson, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Morna Black, (to whom also refer); died in March 1982 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario. His second wife was Edith ---. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of John Ferguson Drummond and Edith ---.


John Holmes Drummond was born 12 February 1888 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to John Drummond and Mary Lura Holmes, (to whom refer); died 27 November 1958 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife Ethel Grace Stafford, (to whom he was married 4 June 1919 at St. George's Anglican Cathedral, Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario), was born 12 May 1891 at or near Lyndhurst, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Wesley Abel Stafford and Emma Arabella Bracken. This couple begat issue: (1) Mary Barbara Drummond, born 18 July 1920 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 9 June 1943 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Thorold John McGrath; (2) Vivian Patricia Drummond, born 26 March 1922 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 24 August 1946 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, (in a double ceremony together with her next younger brother Robert Holmes Drummond), Lloyd Alfred Willows; (3) Robert Holmes Drummond, born 18 September 1923 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 24 August 1946 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, (in a double ceremony together with his next elder sister Vivian Patricia Drummond), Eleanor Estella Willows; (4) Earle Stafford Drummond, born 15 July 1925 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 7 October 1951 at Seeley's Bay, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario in consequence of a drowning incident, who married 22 May 1948 at Keene, Otonabee Township, Peterborough County, Ontario, Eleanor Hilda Armstrong; (5) Bernice Emma Drummond, born 20 July 1928 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 26 June 1951 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, (The Honourable) Douglas John Wiseman (Member of the Provincial Parliament, a Minister of The Crown in the Provincial Cabinet of Ontario, etc.); (6) Wilmer Bracken Drummond, born 6 September 1929 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 6 September 1958 at Brinston, Matilda Township, Dundas County, Ontario, Evelyn Miriam Thorpe; (7) John Alvin Drummond, born a twin 19 June 1933 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 19 June 1963 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario, Shirley Crooke; (8) Kenneth Drummond, born a twin 19 June 1933 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died at birth or in extreme infancy, unmarried, same day, 19 June 1933 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario.


Keith Holmes Drummond was born a twin 8 January 1949 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Robert Holmes Drummond and Eleanor Estella Willows, (to whom refer). His wife Mary Lee Arnold, (to whom he was married 6 August 1974 at Merrickville, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 27 January 1951 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to John Ivan Arnold and Rita Lee. This couple begat issue: (1) Jenni Lee Drummond, born 18 August 1975 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; (2) Jodi Anne Drummond, born 17 May 1977 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; (3) Jeffrey Keith Drummond, born 18 May 1979 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario.


Kenneth Lorne Drummond was born 24 February 1917 at or near Dodsland, Saskatchewan, son to James Wilbert Drummond and Georgina "Della" Robb, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Mary ---, (to whom also refer); married, thirdly, Barbara ---, (to whom likewise also refer); died 4 June 1977 at Elbow, Saskatchewan. His first wife was Betty ---. Kenneth Lorne Drummond and Betty --- begat issue: (1) Robert Drummond, born in or about 1943 or 1944; (2) a child, name and sex unavailable; (3) Kathleen "Kathy" or "Cathy" Drummond, born in or about 1947 or 1948 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario; (4) Susan Drummond; (5) a child, name and sex unavailable; (6) Sally Drummond.


Kenneth Lorne Drummond was born 24 February 1917 at or near Dodsland, Saskatchewan, son to James Wilbert Drummond and Georgina "Della" Robb, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Betty ---, (to whom also refer); married, thirdly, Barbara ---, (to whom likewise also refer); died 4 June 1977 at Elbow, Saskatchewan. His second wife was Mary ---. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Kenneth Lorne Drummond and Mary ---.


Kenneth Lorne Drummond was born 24 February 1917 at or near Dodsland, Saskatchewan, son to James Wilbert Drummond and Georgina "Della" Robb, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Betty ---, (to whom also refer); married, secondly, Mary ---, (to whom likewise also refer); died 4 June 1977 at Elbow, Saskatchewan. His third wife was Barbara ---. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Kenneth Lorne Drummond and Barbara ---.


Kenneth Roy Drummond was born a twin 8 January 1949 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Robert Holmes Drummond and Eleanor Estella Willows, (to whom refer). His wife Judyth Jane Empey, (to whom he was married 7 August 1971 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 13 February 1950 at Smiths Falls District Public Hospital, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Donald Empey and Thelma Himmelman. This couple begat issue: (1) Daniel Robert Drummond, born 19 July 1974 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; (2) Andrew Kenneth Drummond, born 31 January 1977 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; (3) Jason Donald Drummond, born 21 May 1979 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; (4) a child, name and sex unavailable, born 4 July 1982 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario.


Kevin Bruce Drummond was born 16 May 1957 at Garrison, McLean County, North Dakota, son to James Hunter Drummond and Helen Jean Watson, (to whom refer). His wife Donna Marie Hemauer, (to whom he was married 1 September 1979 at Roseville, Ramsay County, Minnesota), was born 20 February 1957 at St. Paul, Ramsay County, Minnesota, daughter to Edward Stephen Hemauer and Mary Ann Petersen. This couple begat issue: (1) Alison Jean Drummond, born 26 November 1985 at Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota; (2) Connor Scott Drummond, born 1 August 1989 at Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota.


Kyle Ellis Drummond was born 18 June 1981 at Campbell River, Campbell River District Municipality, Comox-Strathcona Regional District, British Columbia, son to Douglas Clare Drummond and Cheryl Ann Bailey, (to whom refer). His wife was Jennifer ---, (to whom he was married 1 July 2010 at Kelowna, Central Okanagan Regional District, British Columbia). This couple begat issue: (1) Parker Ellis Drummond, born 21 June 2012; (2) Rosie Drummond.


Matthew Drummond (a soldier in the Yankee Civil War, unfortunately in the cause of the union rather than of the Confederacy, etc.) was born 14 December 1847 at or near Kitley (afterward known as Toledo), Kitley Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Canada West, son to James Drummond and Eleanor Stevely Millar (or Miller), (to whom refer); died 25 November 1904 or 26 November 1904 (depending upon sources) in hospital at Winnipeg, Manitoba; buried at or near Tarbolton, Daly Rural Municipality, Manitoba. His wife Margaret McArthur, (to whom he was married 24 April 1873 at the residence of the bride's father, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 1 January 1846 at Chatham, Chatham Township, Western Municipal District, Canada West, daughter to Peter McArthur and Anne Anderson; died 13 December 1918 at or near Tarbolton, Daly Rural Municipality, Manitoba; buried at Roden Cemetery, Roden, Daly Rural Municipality, Manitoba, (near both Tarbolton, Daly Rural Municipality, Manitoba and also Brierwood, Woodworth Rural Municipality, Manitoba). This couple begat issue: (1) Annie Dixon Drummond, born 11 January 1874 at Ramsay Township, Lanark County, Ontario, died unmarried 17 September 1896 at or near Tarbolton, Daly Rural Municipality, Manitoba; (2) Ellen (or Ella) Elizabeth Drummond, born 24 September 1875 at Ramsay Township, Lanark County, Ontario, died unmarried 12 June 1941 at or near Tarbolton, Daly Rural Municipality, Manitoba; (3) Arthur Blair Drummond, born 27 March 1877 at Ramsay Township, Lanark County, Ontario, died unmarried 16 August 1947 at or near Tarbolton, Daly Rural Municipality, Manitoba; (4) Matilda Jane "Jennie" Drummond, born 31 January 1879 at Ramsay Township, Lanark County, Ontario or at or near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario (depending upon sources), died 27 June 1970 at Sunset Haven Nursing Home, Brandon, Manitoba, who married 15 March 1905 at the residence of the bride's mother, near Harding, Woodworth Rural Municipality, Manitoba, Robert Samuel Dodds; (5) James Milton Drummond, born 17 March 1881 at Ramsay Township, Lanark County, Ontario, died 31 August 1933 at or near Kenton, Woodworth Rural Municipality, Manitoba, who married in 1909 at Hillview, Woodworth Rural Municipality, Manitoba, Mary Anne Joynt; (6) Grace Morrison Drummond, born 17 January 1884 at or near Harding, Woodworth Rural Municipality, Manitoba, died unmarried 18 October 1925 at Rosser Rural Municipality, Manitoba in consequence of injuries sustained in the impacting by a railway train of an automobile in which she was a passenger; (7) Jessie Mae Drummond, born 28 October 1885 at or near Hillview, Woodworth Rural Municipality, Manitoba, died 29 May 1972 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, buried 1 June 1972 at Brookside Cemetery, Winnipeg, Manitoba, who married 14 January 1912 at Hillview, Woodworth Rural Municipality, Manitoba, Albert George Fordyce.


Milford Drummond was born 30 August 1886 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, son to William Drummond and Mary Anne Hunter, (to whom refer); died 7 September 1958 at Winnipeg General Hospital, Winnipeg, Manitoba; buried in September 1958 at Chapel Lawns Cemetery, Winnipeg, Manitoba. His wife Maggie Christina Clark, (to whom he was married 27 July 1916 at or near Isabella, Miniota Rural Municipality, Manitoba), was born 27 July 1895 at or near Blaris, Miniota Rural Municipality, Manitoba, daughter to John Clark and Isabella Taylor; died 5 November 1976 at Winnipeg, Manitoba; buried at Chapel Lawns Cemetery, Winnipeg, Manitoba. This couple begat issue: (1) William Lawrence Drummond, born 7 April 1919 at or near Isabella, Miniota Rural Municipality, Manitoba, died in infancy, unmarried, 27 March 1920 at Hamiota General Hospital, Hamiota, Manitoba in consequence of influenza; (2) Robert Clare Drummond, born 13 August 1921 at or near Isabella, Miniota Rural Municipality, Manitoba, died 4 September 2015 at Edmonton, Alberta, who married 4 July 1945 at Riverview United Church, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Mary Campbell Mowat; (3) Clark Milford Drummond, born 18 September 1924 at or near Hamiota, Manitoba, died 23 December 2002, who married 10 October 1946 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Catherine Anna "Kay" Yaciw; (4) James Hunter Drummond, born 24 January 1926 at or near Hamiota, Manitoba, who married 28 May 1949 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Helen Jean Watson.


Norman James Drummond was born 14 January 1948 at Dodsland, Saskatchewan, son to Clarence Russell "Jigger" Drummond and Florentine Gertrude "Flora" Doll, (to whom refer). His wife Patricia Mary Eastuke, (to whom he was married 22 May 1976 at Rocanville, Saskatchewan), was born 31 August 1954 at Moosomin, Saskatchewan, daughter to John Eastuke and Margaret Brown. This couple begat issue: (1) Krista Michelle Drummond, born 25 November 1980 at Regina, Saskatchewan, bore out of wedlock, prior to marriage, by a man unrecorded, issue, one female child, (for further records of whom refer to the entry labelled "Krista Michelle Drummond" in the "Supplementary" Section at the end of Part I. of this work), who married 30 December 2006 in Saskatchewan, Sheldon Ross Matton; (2) Jacqui Lynn Drummond, born 28 March 1982 at Regina, Saskatchewan, who married 4 May 2004 at Regina, Saskatchewan, Adam William Dyck; (3) Jenna Lauren Patricia Drummond, born 26 October 1984 at Regina, Saskatchewan, who married 7 August 2010 at Regina, Saskatchewan, Stephen Kirk Kozan.


Reid Douglas Drummond was born 18 April 1977 at Edmonton, Alberta, son to Douglas Clare Drummond and Cheryl Ann Bailey, (to whom refer). His wife was Dawn ---, (to whom he was married 18 September 2010 at Kamloops, Thompson-Nicola Regional District, British Columbia). This couple begat issue: (1) Sullivan Reid Drummond, born 17 August 2011; (2) Claire Drummond; (3) Hazel Drummond.


Richard Scott Drummond was born 7 June 1962 at Garrison, McLean County, North Dakota, son to James Hunter Drummond and Helen Jean Watson, (to whom refer). His wife Tamara Sue "Tammy" Lynne, (to whom he was married 1 June 1991 at Richfield, Hennepin County, Minnesota), was born 16 September 1966 at Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, daughter to Ronald Dwayne Lynne and Beverly Jean Klecker. This couple begat issue: (1) Sean Patrick Drummond, born 26 February 1993 at Burnsville, Dakota County, Minnesota.


Robert Clare Drummond was born 13 August 1921 at or near Isabella, Miniota Rural Municipality, Manitoba, son to Milford Drummond and Maggie Christina Clark, (to whom refer); died 4 September 2015 at Edmonton, Alberta. His wife Mary Campbell Mowat, (to whom he was married 4 July 1945 at Riverview United Church, Winnipeg, Manitoba), was born 4 June 1921 at or near Winnipeg, Manitoba, daughter to Alexander Mowat and Margaret Greer Smith; died 1 April 2004 in consequence of lung cancer. This couple begat issue: (1) James Milford Drummond, born 7 June 1947 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, who married 28 July 1973 at Edmonton, Alberta, Edith Margaret Guhl; (2) Douglas Clare Drummond, born 13 January 1951 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, who married 8 December 1973 at Edmonton, Alberta, Cheryl Ann Bailey; (3) Robert John Drummond, born 5 January 1954 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, who married 3 September 1977 at Wilkie, Saskatchewan, Adele Carman Boucher; (4) Darlene Mary Drummond, born 30 March 1963 at Edmonton, Alberta, who married 30 November 1991 at Edmonton, Alberta, Michael Peter Hoffmann, (from whom subsequently separated in 2011).


Robert Holmes Drummond was born 18 September 1923 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to John Holmes Drummond and Ethel Grace Stafford, (to whom refer). His wife Eleanor Estella Willows, (to whom he was married 24 August 1946 at or near Toledo, formerly known as Kitley, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 16 January 1925 at or near Elgin, South Crosby Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to A. Roy Willows and Lillian E. Halladay (or Halliday). This couple begat issue: (1) Sharlene Lillian Drummond, born 22 June 1947 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 22 June 1968 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, Terrance G. M. "Terry" Irish; (2) Kenneth Roy Drummond, born a twin 8 January 1949 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 7 August 1971 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, Judyth Jane Empey; (3) Keith Holmes Drummond, born a twin 8 January 1949 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 6 August 1974 at Merrickville, Grenville County, Ontario, Mary Lee Arnold; (4) Earle Robert Drummond, born 22 January 1953 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; (5) Scott Rodney Drummond, born 20 November 1960 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; (6) John Merlin Drummond, born 7 June 1962 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario.


Robert John Drummond was born 5 January 1954 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, son to Robert Clare Drummond and Mary Campbell Mowat, (to whom refer). His wife Adele Carman Boucher, (to whom he was married 3 September 1977 at Wilkie, Saskatchewan), was born 17 September 1955 at Shellbrook, Saskatchewan, daughter to Lionel Joseph Boucher and Therese Marie Godbout. This couple begat issue: (1) Michelle Lee Drummond, born 15 October 1982 at Edmonton, Alberta, who married Dwayne ---; (2) Chad Robert Boucher Drummond, born 28 June 1985 at Edmonton, Alberta, who married Caitlin ---.


Robert Miller Drummond was born 26 February 1903 at or near Lenore, Woodworth Rural Municipality, Manitoba, son to James Russell Drummond and Eliza Jane "Jenny" Connerty, (to whom refer); died 3 June 1985 at Victoria, Capital Regional District, British Columbia. His wife Edith Pearl MacDonald died 11 May 1986 at Victoria, Capital Regional District, British Columbia. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Robert Verne Drummond was born 19 November 1951 at Dodsland, Saskatchewan, son to Hubert Carroll Drummond and Candide Mary Simone Riendeau, (to whom refer); died 4 October 1998 at Calgary, Alberta in consequence of a tumour of the brain. His wife Judith Avis Hudson, (to whom he was married 10 July 1976 at Calgary, Alberta), was born 3 January 1953 at Port of Spain, Trinidad Island, Colony of Trinidad and Tobago, British West Indies. This couple begat issue: (1) Robert Craig Drummond, born 10 September 1977 at Calgary, Alberta, fathered out of wedlock, by one Miranda McFeeters, one female child, (for further records of whom refer to the entry labelled "Miranda McFeeters" in the "Supplementary" Section at the end of Part I. of this work); (2) Natalie Kim Drummond, born 20 June 1979 at Calgary, Alberta, who married, firstly, 17 July 1999 at Calgary, Alberta, Richard Crabbe, (from whom subsequently divorced), and, secondly, 22 September 2007, Michael James Ritsco.


Ronald Clark Drummond was born 30 April 1952 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, son to Clark Milford Drummond and Catherine Anna "Kay" Yaciw, (to whom refer). His wife Debra Sue Stockel, (to whom he was married 10 August 1974 at Hayward, Alameda County, California), was born 11 November 1952 at Hayward, Alameda County, California, daughter to John Leonard Stockel and Muriel Adell Arnold. This couple begat issue: (1) Darcy Sue Drummond, born 3 December 1980 at Lake Almanor, Plumas County, California.


Ronald Gordon Drummond was born 17 November 1936 at Brandon, Manitoba, son to Thomas Alexander Drummond and Virlie Irene Little, (to whom refer). His wife Helen "Nettie" Rosteski, (to whom he was married 20 September 1958 at Calgary, Alberta), was born 11 December 1937 at Winnipegosis, Manitoba. This couple begat issue: (1) Brett Gordon Drummond, born 26 December 1960 at Calgary, Alberta; (2) Thomas Allan Drummond, born 29 March 1962 at Calgary, Alberta.


Russell Drummond was born 14 December 1850, son to James Drummond and Eleanor Stevely Millar (or Miller), (to whom refer); died in 1907; buried at the United Cemeteries of St. Fillan's, Maplewood and Pine Grove (otherwise known as Pine Grove United Cemeteries), Beckwith Township, near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife Mary Elizabeth Lowe, (to whom he was married 25 May 1874 at or near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 14 December 1847 or 14 December 1848 (depending upon sources) at Ramsay Township, Bathurst Municipal District, Canada West, daughter to John Lowe and Janet McNeely; died in 1919 at Lanark County, Ontario; buried at the United Cemeteries of St. Fillan's, Maplewood and Pine Grove (otherwise known as Pine Grove United Cemeteries), Beckwith Township, near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) John Drummond, who married --- Waite; (2) Russell Drummond, who married Carrie Fitzgerald; (3) James Drummond, who married, firstly, Ida Douglas, and, secondly, Celma Lowe; (4) Ella Drummond, who married George Lowe; (5) William Drummond, died unmarried.


Russell Drummond was son to Russell Drummond and Mary Elizabeth Lowe, (to whom refer). His wife was Carrie Fitzgerald. This couple begat issue: (1) Lillian Drummond, born in 1913.


Scott Argyle Drummond was born 19 September 1961 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Argyle Wellington Drummond and Cemonne Karlyn Bigras, (to whom refer). His wife Leslie Ann Percy, (to whom he was married 16 June 1990), was born 2 September 1969 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Cole Jeffrey Drummond, born 6 February 1992 at Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario; (2) Riley David Drummond, born 27 June 1994 at Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario.


Stephen Glen Drummond was born 24 June 1960 at Brandon, Manitoba, son to Dennis Allan Drummond and Mildred Gwendolyn Armit, (to whom refer). His wife Cheryl Lynn Creighton, (to whom he was married 30 June 1984 at Brandon, Manitoba), was born 8 May 1962 at Brandon, Manitoba, daughter to Clifford Creighton and Phyllis Bicknell. This couple begat issue: (1) Jason Thomas Drummond, born 13 July 1988 at Brandon, Manitoba.


Tanner Shea Drummond was born 8 March 1978 at Red Deer, Alberta, son to William Carl Drummond and Gail Jeanette Kemp, (to whom refer). His wife was Sherri Cowley, (to whom he was married 16 July 2005 at the William Carl Drummond ranch west of Caroline, Alberta). This couple begat issue: (1) Aaliya Drummond, born antenuptially in January 2005; (2) Shayla Cianah Drummond, born 13 May 2006; (3) Kira Claire Drummond, born 16 December 2007.


Thomas Drummond was born 14 August 1836 or 14 August 1837 (depending upon sources) at Kitley Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, son to James Drummond and Eleanor Stevely Millar (or Miller), (to whom refer); died 8 January 1886 at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario; buried in 1886 at St. Andrew's Presbyterian (afterward St. Andrew's United Church) Cemetery (otherwise known as Toledo Presbyterian Cemetery), near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Mary Jane Hall, (to whom he was married 25 November 1863 at Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Canada West with the Reverend Donald John MacLean, Presbyterian Church, officiating), was born 11 August 1841 or 11 August 1842 (depending upon sources) at or near Forthton, Elizabethtown Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Canada West, daughter to James Hall and Jane Foster; died 30 January 1884 at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario; buried in 1884 at St. Andrew's Presbyterian (afterward St. Andrew's United Church) Cemetery (otherwise known as Toledo Presbyterian Cemetery), near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) William James Drummond (a renowned pioneer Presbyterian missionary in the Chinese Empire and subsequently in the Republic of China, a survivor of the Boxer Rebellion of 1900, the Nanking Incident of 1927, etc.), born 11 December 1864 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Canada West, died 26 November 1938 at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara County, California, who married 10 December 1891 at Shanghai, Kiangsu Province, the Chinese Empire, Emma Frances Lane (also a pioneer Presbyterian missionary in the Chinese Empire, a survivor of the Boxer Rebellion of 1900, etc.); (2) Sarah Jane "Jennie" Drummond, born 20 March 1867 or 3 May 1867 (depending upon sources) at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Canada West, died 20 February 1912 at or near Plum Hollow, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, buried in 1912 at Lillie's (otherwise known as Chick's) Cemetery, betwixt Plum Hollow and Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 23 December 1891, George Chick; (3) Boyd Joseph Drummond, born 3 March 1871 or 20 May 1871 (depending upon sources) at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 2 May 1939 or 22 May 1939 (depending upon sources) at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 12 November 1902 at or near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, Nettie Ellen McNeely; (4) Mary Ellen Drummond, born 8 August 1874 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died unmarried 10 February 1921 at or near Athens, Leeds County, Ontario (formerly known as Farmersville, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario), buried in 1921 at St. Andrew's Presbyterian (afterward St. Andrew's United Church) Cemetery (otherwise known as Toledo Presbyterian Cemetery), near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario; (5) Thomas Albert Drummond, born 13 November 1876 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 30 January 1964 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 27 April 1904 at or near Delta, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Ellen Pattemore; (6) Susan Edith Drummond, born 19 December 1880 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 3 February 1969 at or near Seeley's Bay, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 17 September 1902 at or near Plum Hollow, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, George Chant.


Thomas Albert Drummond was born 13 November 1876 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Thomas Drummond and Mary Jane Hall, (to whom refer); died 30 January 1964 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Ellen Pattemore, (to whom he was married 27 April 1904 at or near Delta, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 5 May 1884 at or near Chantry, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to George Pattemore and Martha Leeder; died 15 August 1966 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Albert Drummond, born 8 March 1905 at or near Chantry, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 22 November 1941 at or near Delta, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Grace Seed; (2) Rena Maude Drummond, born 31 December 1909 at or near Chantry, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 22 May 1929 at or near Delta, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Carl Wendell Eaton.


Thomas Alexander Drummond was born 1 May 1906 at or near Isabella, Miniota Rural Municipality, Manitoba, son to James Russell Drummond and Eliza Jane Connerty, (to whom refer); died 16 December 1981 at Assiniboine Centre, Brandon, Manitoba in consequence of a stroke; buried at Alexander Cemetery, Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, (with the Reverend Ian Harvey, United Church of Canada, officiating). His wife Virlie Irene Little, (to whom he was married 10 November 1934 at Brandon, Manitoba), was born 10 February 1907 at Rosser Rural Municipality, Manitoba, daughter to William John Little and Marie Janette Small; died 30 August 2002 at Brandon, Manitoba; buried in 2002 at Alexander Cemetery, Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba. This couple begat issue: (1) Dennis Allan Drummond, born 25 September 1935 at Brandon, Manitoba, who married 5 October 1957 at Brandon, Manitoba, Mildred Gwendolyn "Missy" Armit; (2) Ronald Gordon Drummond, born 17 November 1936 at Brandon, Manitoba, who married 20 September 1958 at Calgary, Alberta, Helen "Nettie" Rosteski; (3) Joyce Irene Drummond, born 24 March 1938 at Brandon, Manitoba, who married 11 April 1959 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, Joseph Hartley Bell; (4) Glen Thomas Drummond, born 14 August 1939 at Brandon, Manitoba, who married 7 August 1962 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, Merle Sheena Dane.


Thomas Millar (or Miller) Drummond was born 29 March 1870 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, son to William Drummond and Mary Anne Hunter, (to whom refer); christened 16 December 1870 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, (with the Reverend Walter Ross, Presbyterian Church, officiating); died 21 May 1943 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba; buried in May 1943 at Alexander Cemetery, Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba. His wife Agnes May Fenwick, (to whom he was married 9 December 1909 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba), was born 4 August 1885 at or near Burnside, Portage la Prairie Rural Municipality, Manitoba, daughter to William Fenwick and Margaret Ann Bell; died 30 December 1976 at Exeter, Huron County, Ontario; buried at Alexander Cemetery, Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba. This couple begat issue: (1) Helen Fenwick Drummond, born 30 November 1909 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, who married 26 March 1930 at or near Brandon, Manitoba, William Oliver McKay; (2) Douglas Keith Drummond, born 7 March 1911 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, died 25 December 1937 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, buried at Alexander Cemetery, Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, who married in 1930 at or near Brandon, Manitoba, Florence Elsie Hanwell; (3) William Miller "Ace" Drummond, born 18 February 1918 at or near Brandon, Manitoba, who married 22 September 1947 at or near Brandon, Manitoba, Anne Habok; (4) Margaret Marion Drummond, born 11 October 1922 at or near Brandon, Manitoba, who married 3 May 1944 at or near Brandon, Manitoba, Warren John Miners.


Walter Russell Drummond was born 22 August 1950 at Dodsland, Saskatchewan, son to Clarence Russell "Jigger" Drummond and Florentine Gertrude "Flora" Doll, (to whom refer). His wife Karen Lee Neumeier, (to whom he was married 19 May 1973 at Dodsland, Saskatchewan), was born 4 January 1953 at Dodsland, Saskatchewan, daughter to Victor Neumeier and Kathryn Sparks. This couple begat issue: (1) Holly Kathryn Drummond, born 11 September 1975 at Edmonton, Alberta, who married 17 September 2005 at Leduc, Alberta, Craig Stuparyk; (2) Keri Lee Drummond, born 22 October 1978 at Leduc, Alberta, who married, firstly, 15 August 2001 at Leduc, Alberta, Michael Geib, (from whom subsequently divorced), and, secondly, 25 November 2010 in the United Mexican States, Blair David Buttar; (3) Jennifer Dawn Drummond, born a twin 4 August 1982 at Leduc, Alberta; (4) Jeffrey Russell Drummond, born a twin 4 August 1982 at Leduc, Alberta, who married 24 November 2010 in the United Mexican States, Jessica Handjiev.


Wayne Henry Drummond was born 22 March 1944 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Hubert Gordon Drummond and Bessie Marguerite Burns, (to whom refer). His wife Lorna Jean Walsh, (to whom he was married 10 July 1965 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 10 May 1944 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario, daughter to Keith Walsh and Barbara Allen. This couple begat issue: (1) Gregory Wayne Drummond, born 23 July 1969 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 20 June 1992, Shelly Lorna Heath; (2) Thomas Michael Drummond, born 25 October 1971 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario; (3) Lorna Elaine Drummond, born 1 June 1975 at Perth, Lanark County, Ontario.


Wilbert Gerald Drummond was born 12 March 1914 at or near Dodsland, Saskatchewan, son to James Wilbert Drummond and Georgina "Della" Robb, (to whom refer). His wife Gertrude Campbell, (to whom he was married 21 December 1940 at Dodsland, Saskatchewan), was born 6 May 1915 at or near Dodsland, Saskatchewan, daughter to Elmer Blakely Campbell and Grace Isabel Farris. This couple begat issue: (1) Geraldine Gertrude Drummond, born 16 January 1943 at Dodsland, Saskatchewan, who married 25 July 1964 at Chase, British Columbia, Howard Gerald Lunn; (2) Wilbert Lorne Blakely Drummond, born 4 May 1947 at Dodsland, Saskatchewan, who married 16 December 1972 at Richmond, Greater Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia, Colleen Warwick; (3) Linda Grace Georgina Drummond, born 28 August 1951 at Chase, British Columbia.


Wilbert Lorne Blakely Drummond was born 4 May 1947 at Dodsland, Saskatchewan, son to Wilbert Gerald Drummond and Gertrude Campbell, (to whom refer). His wife Colleen Warwick, (to whom he was married 16 December 1972 at Richmond, Greater Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia), was born 24 May 1951 at Richmond, British Columbia, daughter to John Warwick and Peggy ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Cindy Colleen Drummond, born 26 October 1973 at 100 Mile House, 100 Mile House District Municipality, Cariboo Regional District, British Columbia; (2) Tracy Anne Drummond, born 21 September 1976 at Calgary, Alberta.


William Drummond was born 6 January 1844 at or near Kitley (afterward known as Toledo), Kitley Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Canada West, son to James Drummond and Eleanor Stevely Millar (or Miller), (to whom refer); died 9 January 1917 at Beckwith Township, near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario; buried in 1917 at St. Fillan's Presbyerian Cemetery, the United Cemeteries of St. Fillan's, Maplewood and Pine Grove (otherwise known as Pine Grove United Cemeteries), Beckwith Township, near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife Mary Anne Hunter, (to whom he was married 2 January 1866 at or near Toledo, formerly known as Kitley, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Canada West), was born 6 June 1844 at or near Kitley (afterward known as Toledo), Kitley Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Canada West, daughter to John Hunter and ---; died 28 April 1929 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba; buried in 1929 at St. Fillan's Presbyterian Cemetery, the United Cemeteries of St. Fillan's, Maplewood and Pine Grove (otherwise known as Pine Grove United Cemeteries), Beckwith Township, near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario. In addition to adoption of one female child who, being a "stranger in blood" as regards the treated families, is not to be further noted or documented in these records, this couple also begat issue: (1) James Russell Drummond, born 16 September 1866 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Canada West, christened 6 December 1866 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Canada West, died 12 September 1944 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, buried in September 1944 at Alexander Cemetery, Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, who married, firstly, 24 January 1892 at or near Jasper, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Eliza Jane "Jenny" Connerty, and, secondly, 10 October 1931, Agnes Bradley; (2) William John Drummond, born 5 June 1868 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, christened 31 March 1869 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, (with the Reverend Walter Ross, Presbyterian Church, officiating), died 7 December 1946 at Brandon General Hospital, Brandon, Manitoba in consequence of a stroke, buried at Alexander Cemetery, Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, (with the Reverend G. A. Colpitts, United Church of Canada, officiating), who married 20 December 1905 at or near Ashton, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, Margaret R. Simpson; (3) Thomas Millar (or Miller) Drummond, born 29 March 1870 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, christened 16 December 1870 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, (with the Reverend Walter Ross, Presbyterian Church, officiating), died 21 May 1943 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, buried in May 1943 at Alexander Cemetery, Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, who married 9 December 1909 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, Agnes May Fenwick; (4) Robert Hunter Drummond, born 12 April 1875 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, died early, unmarried, 1 May 1877 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario; (5) Peter Hunter Drummond, born 20 February 1880 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, died unmarried 16 November 1947 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, buried at Alexander Cemetery, Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba; (6) Milford Drummond, born 30 August 1886 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, died 7 September 1958 at Winnipeg General Hospital, Winnipeg, Manitoba, buried in September 1958 at Chapel Lawns Cemetery, Winnipeg, Manitoba, who married 27 July 1916 at or near Isabella, Miniota Rural Municipality, Manitoba, Maggie Christina Clark.


William Carl Drummond was born 8 December 1950 at Dodsland, Saskatchewan, son to Hubert Carroll Drummond and Candide Mary Simone Riendeau, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 5 August 2006 at the William Carl Drummond ranch west of Caroline, Alberta, Anita Marian Stubenvoll, (to whom also refer). His first wife Gail Jeanette Kemp, (to whom he was married 20 August 1977 at Innisfail, Alberta and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 7 October 1958 at Calgary, Alberta; married, secondly, --- Meyers. William Carl Drummond and Gail Jeanette Kemp begat issue: (1) Tanner Shea Drummond, born 8 March 1978 at Red Deer, Alberta, who married 16 July 2005 at the William Carl Drummond ranch west of Caroline, Alberta, Sherri Cowley; (2) Korey William Drummond, born 20 June 1980 at Red Deer, Alberta, fathered out of wedlock, by one Jody Dickie, one female child, (for further records of whom refer to the entry labelled "Jody Dickie" in the "Supplementary" Section at the end of Part I. of this work).


William Carl Drummond was born 8 December 1950 at Dodsland, Saskatchewan, son to Hubert Carroll Drummond and Candide Mary Simone Riendeau, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 20 August 1977 at Innisfail, Alberta, Gail Jeanette Kemp, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced). His second wife Anita Marian Stubenvoll, (to whom he was married 5 August 2006 at the William Carl Drummond ranch west of Caroline, Alberta), was born 19 April 1960 at Ponoka, Alberta; married, firstly, --- Brown. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of William Carl Drummond and Anita Marian Stubenvoll.


William Clarence "Bud" Drummond was born 21 September 1941 at Dodsland, Saskatchewan, son to Clarence Russell "Jigger" Drummond and Florentine Gertrude "Flora" Doll, (to whom refer); died 25 August 1992 at Bow Island, Alberta in consequence of an aneurysm of the brain; buried in 1992 at Bow Island, Alberta. His wife Elsie Astrid Haugerud, (to whom he was married 20 May 1967 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan), was born 7 August 1945 at Kinistino, Saskatchewan, daughter to Elmer Haugerud and Astrid Edstrom; died 26 October 2014 at or near Melfort, Saskatchewan; cremated in 2014 and ashes buried at Bow Island, Alberta. This couple begat issue: (1) Guy William Drummond, born 29 October 1969 at Calgary, Alberta, who married at Bow Island, Alberta, Andrea ---; (2) Dennis Wade Drummond, born 21 November 1971 at Calgary, Alberta, who married 22 June 2002 at Medicine Hat, Alberta, Alicia Dawn Hewitt; (3) Shelley Kristine Drummond, born 24 September 1973 at Kamloops, Thompson-Nicola Regional District, British Columbia, who married 30 April 1998 at Qualicum, Nanaimo Regional District, British Columbia, Darren Colin Schwarz.


William Harold Drummond was born 10 September 1900 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, son to James Drummond and Jennie Adeline Craig, (to whom refer). His wife Florence W. Osmond, (to whom he was married 9 June 1923), was born in or about 1896 or 1897 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


William James Drummond (a renowned pioneer Presbyterian missionary in the Chinese Empire and subsequently in the Republic of China, a survivor of the Boxer Rebellion of 1900, the Nanking Incident of 1927, etc.) was born 11 December 1864 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Canada West, son to Thomas Drummond and Mary Jane Hall, (to whom refer); died 26 November 1938 at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara County, California. His wife Emma Frances Lane (also a pioneer Presbyterian missionary in the Chinese Empire, a survivor of the Boxer Rebellion of 1900, etc.), (to whom he was married 10 December 1891 at Shanghai, Kiangsu Province, the Chinese Empire), was born at Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, daughter to David Lane and --- Askin; died about 1926 or 1936 at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara County, California. This couple begat issue: (1) Mary Isabel Drummond, born 28 April 1894 at Nanking, Kiangsu Province, the Chinese Empire, died 6 June 1978 in California, who married 26 November 1914 at Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, Allan Wells Gibson; (2) Alfred Hall Drummond, born 21 January 1895 at Nanking, Kiangsu Province, the Chinese Empire, died 25 June 1980 at Lancaster, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, who married 31 August 1922 at Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, Dorothy Aletta Hover; (3) Ellen Lane Drummond, born 5 November 1897 at Asbury Park, Monmouth County, New Jersey; (4) Frances Christine Drummond, born 12 January 1904 at Nanking, Kiangsu Province, the Chinese Empire, died unmarried in January 1936 at Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California, buried in 1936 at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara County, California.


William James Drummond was born 8 September 1897 at or near Lenore, Woodworth Rural Municipality, Manitoba, son to James Russell Drummond and Eliza Jane "Jenny" Connerty, (to whom refer); died 14 May 1982 at Peace Arch District Hospital, Vancouver, Greater Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia. His wife Edith Mabel Templeton, (to whom he was married 23 October 1951 at Kaslo, British Columbia), was born 4 May 1907 at or near Hannah, Cavalier County, North Dakota, daughter to James Edward Templeton and Alice Ellen Laybourne; married, firstly, George Henry McGregor. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of William James Drummond and Edith Mabel Templeton.


William James Drummond was born 9 January 1953 at Geneva, Ontario County, New York, son to Alfred Hall Drummond Jr. and Annette Burden Grainger, (to whom refer). His wife Laura Katherine McDonald, (to whom he was married 30 August 1975 at Durham, Durham County, North Carolina), was daughter to John E. McDonald Jr. and Aileen ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


William John Drummond was born 5 June 1868 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, son to William Drummond and Mary Anne Hunter, (to whom refer); christened 31 March 1869 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, (with the Reverend Walter Ross, Presbyterian Church, officiating); died 7 December 1946 at Brandon General Hospital, Brandon, Manitoba in consequence of a stroke; buried at Alexander Cemetery, Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, (with the Reverend G. A. Colpitts, United Church of Canada, officiating). His wife Margaret R. Simpson, (to whom he was married 20 December 1905 at or near Ashton, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 10 June 1875; died 10 August 1937; buried in August 1937 at Alexander Cemetery, Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba. This couple begat issue: (1) Iola Bertha Drummond, born 4 November 1906 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, died 9 December 1988 at Brandon, Manitoba, buried at Alexander Cemetery, Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, who married 24 June 1926 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, Herbert Melville MacKay.


William John Drummond was born 9 February 1908 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, son to William Russell Drummond and Margaret Jane Ferguson, (to whom refer); fathered out of wedlock, prior to marriage, by one Thelma McCowan, two female children, (for further records of whom refer to the entry labelled "Thelma McCowan" in the "Supplementary" Section at the end of Part I. of this work); died 10 March 1982 at Kerrobert, Saskatchewan; buried in 1982 at Dodsland, Saskatchewan. His wife Gertrude Elizabeth Stevenson, (to whom he was married 3 December 1960 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan), was born 17 April 1907 at Brandon, Manitoba; died 1 February 1998 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan; buried in 1998 at Dodsland, Saskatchewan. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of William John Drummond and Gertrude Elizabeth Stevenson.


William Miller "Ace" Drummond was born 18 February 1918 at or near Brandon, Manitoba, son to Thomas Millar (or Miller) Drummond and Agnes May Fenwick, (to whom refer). His wife Anne Habok, (to whom he was married 22 September 1947 at or near Brandon, Manitoba), was born 20 March 1920 at or near Brandon, Manitoba, daughter to Frederick Habok and Myra Mosey. This couple begat issue: (1) Patricia Anne Drummond, born 15 September 1948 at Brandon, Manitoba, who married 8 October 1966 at Lloydminster, Alberta, Clifford Allan Willment; (2) William Thomas Garry Drummond, born 11 October 1950 at Brandon, Manitoba, who married 14 February 1972 at Rockhampton, Queensland, the Commonwealth of Australia, Sandra Gail McCoy.


William Russell Drummond was born 3 May 1872 at or near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, son to James Drummond and Elizabeth Mooney, (to whom refer); died 8 May 1949 at or near Druid, Saskatchewan. His wife Margaret Jane Ferguson, (to whom he was married 21 February 1906 at or near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 20 December 1888 probably at Beckwith Township, near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to William John Ferguson and Eliza (or Elizabeth) Jane (or Ann) Saunders; died 20 July 1920 at or near Druid, Saskatchewan. This couple begat issue: (1) James Little Drummond, born 14 January 1907 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, died unmarried 20 December 1980 at Dodsland, Saskatchewan; (2) William John Drummond, born 9 February 1908 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, fathered out of wedlock, prior to marriage, by one Thelma McCowan, two female children, (for further records of whom refer to the entry labelled "Thelma McCowan" in the "Supplementary" Section at the end of Part I. of this work), died 10 March 1982 at Kerrobert, Saskatchewan, buried in 1982 at Dodsland, Saskatchewan, who married 3 December 1960 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Gertrude Elizabeth Stevenson; (3) Hubert Carroll Drummond, born 23 May 1910 near Druid, Saskatchewan, specifically on the North East Quarter of Section 6, Township 23, Range 20, West of the Third Meridian, died 25 September 2002 at Innisfail, Alberta, who married 20 November 1952 at Provost, Alberta, Candide Mary Simone Riendeau, (from whom subsequently divorced); (4) a female child, name, if any, unavailable, born in 1912 at or near Druid, Saskatchewan, died in infancy, unmarried, in 1912 at or near Druid, Saskatchewan; (5) a male child, name, if any, unavailable, born in 1913 at or near Druid, Saskatchewan, died in infancy, unmarried, in 1913 at or near Druid, Saskatchewan; (6) Clarence Russell "Jigger" Drummond, born 29 November 1915 at or near Druid, Saskatchewan, died 25 March 1985 at Calgary, Alberta in consequence of cancer, buried in 1985 at Rocky View Garden of Peace, Rocky View Municipal District, near Calgary, Alberta, who married 24 October 1939 near Ermine, Oakdale Rural Municipality, Saskatchewan, Florentine Gertrude "Flora" Doll.


William Thomas Garry Drummond was born 11 October 1950 at Brandon, Manitoba, son to William Miller "Ace" Drummond and Anne Habok, (to whom refer). His wife Sandra Gail McCoy, (to whom he was married 14 February 1972 at Rockhampton, Queensland, the Commonwealth of Australia), was born 23 June 1949 at Rossland, British Columbia, daughter to Daniel Albert McCoy and Rosalie Edwina Brown. This couple begat issue: (1) Cory Thomas Drummond, born 25 September 1972 at Edmonton, Alberta; (2) Lee Daniel Drummond, born 24 October 1978 at Edmonton, Alberta.


Wilmer Bracken Drummond was born 6 September 1929 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to John Holmes Drummond and Ethel Grace Stafford, (to whom refer). His wife Evelyn Miriam Thorpe, (to whom he was married 6 September 1958 at Brinston, Matilda Township, Dundas County, Ontario), was born 5 March 1925 at or near South Mountain, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, daughter to Samuel David Thorpe and Louisa Maud Myers; died 3 January 2000. This couple begat issue: (1) Wilmer Holmes Drummond, born 20 March 1960 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 10 September 1983 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, Michele Annette Beaupre.


Wilmer Holmes Drummond was born 20 March 1960 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Wilmer Bracken Drummond and Evelyn Miriam Thorpe, (to whom refer). His wife Michele Annette Beaupre, (to whom he was married 10 September 1983 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 17 May 1963 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Ernest Beaupre and Delores ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Amber Drummond; (2) Timothy Drummond.


Adam William Dyck. His wife Jacqui Lynn Drummond, (to whom he was married 4 May 2004 at Regina, Saskatchewan), was born 28 March 1982 at Regina, Saskatchewan, daughter to Norman James Drummond and Patricia Mary Eastuke, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.



James Dean Eastridge was born 7 October 1956 at Sunnyside, Yakima County, Washington, son to Robert L. Eastridge and Janice Illeen Kerr, (to whom refer). His wife was Rhondu Hajek. This couple begat issue: (1) Eddy Lee Eastridge, born 29 June 1973 at Long Beach, Los Angeles County, California; (2) Bobbie Jo Eastridge, born 23 July 1975 at Longview, Cowlitz County, Washington; (3) Alan Dean Eastridge, born 25 August 1976 at Longview, Cowlitz County, Washington.


Robert L. Eastridge. His wife Janice Illeen Kerr was born 13 September 1938 at or near Yakima, Yakima County, Washington, daughter to Morley Kerr and Ann Eliza Kramer, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) James Dean Eastridge, born 7 October 1956 at Sunnyside, Yakima County, Washington, who married Rhondu Hajek; (2) Terry Lee Eastridge, born 15 January 1959 at Longview, Cowlitz County, Washington, died in infancy, unmarried, 15 February 1959; (3) Michael Lee Eastridge, born 16 August 1960 at Longview, Cowlitz County, Washington; (4) Terry Lynn Eastridge, born 17 August 1963 at Longview, Cowlitz County, Washington.


Carl Wendell Eaton was born 11 June 1907 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Clifford Eaton and Minerva MacDonald; died 11 August 1963 at Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Rena Maude Drummond, (to whom he was married 22 May 1929 at or near Delta, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 31 December 1909 at or near Chantry, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Thomas Albert Drummond and Ellen Pattemore, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Wendell Roy Eaton, born 19 April 1931 at or near Delta, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 20 September 1952 at Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Freida Kathleen Allan; (2) Evelyn Grace Eaton, born 10 November 1942 or 19 November 1942 (depending upon sources) at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 1 August 1964 at Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Garnet Andrew Hamilton.


Wendell Roy Eaton was born 19 April 1931 at or near Delta, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Carl Wendell Eaton and Rena Maude Drummond, (to whom refer). His wife Freida Kathleen Allan, (to whom he was married 20 September 1952 at Toledo, formerly known as Kitley, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 22 June 1933 at or near Athens, Leeds County, Ontario (formerly known as Farmersville, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario), daughter to Ernest Allan and Edna Slack. In addition to later adoption of two male children who, being "strangers in blood" as regards the treated families, are not to be further noted or documented in these records, this couple had earlier begotten issue: (1) Edna Patricia Eaton, born 12 April 1953 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 26 October 1974 at Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Eldon Thomas Hare.


Charles G. Edwards was born 20 June 1933 at or near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Newman Edwards and Essie Caldwell. His wife Matilda Kathleen "Kaye" Saunders, (to whom he was married 20 June 1953 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 1 January 1934 at or near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to William Joseph Saunders Jr. and Myrtle Audrey Kelford, (to whom refer); died 5 December 2006 at Kingston General Hospital, Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario; buried at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Randall Charles "Randy" Edwards, born 14 October 1955 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married Cathy ---; (2) Sherri Lynne Edwards, born 8 March 1960 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 19 May 1979 at Lombardy, South Elmsley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Peter Copp Wansbrough.


Dannie Joe Edwards was born 23 July 1953 at Kellogg, Shoshone County, Idaho, son to Harold D. Edwards and Jo Anne Katherine Griffith, (to whom refer). His wife was R. K. Gribnau. This couple begat issue: (1) Jamie Jona Edwards, born 28 February 1974 at Spokane, Spokane County, Washington.


Eddie Don Edwards was born 6 March 1952 at Kellogg, Shoshone County, Idaho, son to Harold D. Edwards and Jo Anne Katherine Griffith, (to whom refer). His wife was S. T. Cooney. This couple begat issue: (1) Christina Marie Edwards, born 3 November 1976 at Seattle, King County, Washington.


Harold D. Edwards. His wife Jo Anne Katherine Griffith was born 1 July 1933 at or near Kellogg, Shoshone County, Idaho, daughter to LeVern Morton Griffith and Jessie Marie Rinaldi, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Marlin Guell, (to whom also refer). Harold D. Edwards and Jo Anne Katherine Griffith begat issue: (1) Eddie Don Edwards, born 6 March 1952 at Kellogg, Shoshone County, Idaho, who married S. T. Cooney; (2) Dannie Joe Edwards, born 23 July 1953 at Kellogg, Shoshone County, Idaho, who married R. K. Gribnau.


Harvey Jay Edwards was born 29 March 1943 at or near Elko, Elko County, Nevada, son to Harvey Owen Edwards and Eliza Anne Drummond Griffith, (to whom refer). His wife was Jane Elizabeth Schaible. This couple begat issue: (1) Amy Edwards, born 15 January 1972 at Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon; (2) Lucy Edwards, born 10 August 1974 at Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon; (3) Betsy Edwards, born 20 July 1977 at Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon.


Harvey Owen Edwards was born 3 August 1911 at or near Soldier (afterward known as Fairfield), Camas County, Idaho. His wife Eliza Anne Drummond Griffith was born 30 March 1911 at or near Soldier (afterward known as Fairfield), Camas County, Idaho, daughter to James Nelson Griffith and Mary Verna Couch, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Beverly Anne Edwards, born 5 February 1934 at or near Fairfield, Camas County, Idaho, who married Warren A. Coltharp; (2) Marva Dee Edwards, born 1 August 1936 at or near Fairfield, Camas County, Idaho, who married Robert William Carroll; (3) Harvey Jay Edwards, born 29 March 1943 at or near Elko, Elko County, Nevada, who married Jane Elizabeth Schaible.


Randall Charles "Randy" Edwards was born 14 October 1955 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Charles G. Edwards and Matilda Kathleen "Kaye" Saunders, (to whom refer). His wife was Cathy ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Jodi Edwards, who married Jonathan Barham; (2) Lana Edwards, who married Nick Woods.


Gordon Elson. His wife Sharon Ann Chant was born 26 November 1952 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Arnold Clifford Chant and Irene Lyons, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Chadwick Jason Elson, born 10 September 1977 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario.


William Emery was born at Peterborough, Peterborough County, Ontario, son to Garfield Emery and Irene Edwards. His wife Gayle Eleanor Drummond, (to whom he was married in 1967 at Peterborough, Peterborough County, Ontario and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 31 March 1949 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Earle Stafford Drummond and Eleanor Hilda Armstrong, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Kirk James Emery, born 25 October 1967 at Peterborough, Peterborough County, Ontario; (2) Eric William Emery, born 20 December 1968 at Peterborough, Peterborough County, Ontario.


Helmer F. Enter was born 27 June 1915 in Minnesota; married, firstly, ---; died 5 September 1966. His wife Myrtle Elizabeth Kramer, (to whom he was married 25 June 1955), was born 31 August 1915 at or near Downs, Lincoln County, Washington, daughter to Michael Kramer and Elizabeth Griffith, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 7 October 1977, Mark W. Kramer, (to whom also refer). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Helmer F. Enter and Myrtle Elizabeth Kramer; however this couple brought up one male child of the Husband's previous marriage who, being a "stranger in blood" as regards the Wife's family, is not to be further noted or documented in these records.



Royal Eugene Faire was born 21 October 1914 at or near Kellogg, Shoshone County, Idaho; died 4 January 1973 in consequence of accidental electrocution. His wife Peggy Lina Kinzel was born 14 November 1923 at or near Ritzville, Adams County, Washington, daughter to Henry Kinzel and Edith Matilda Griffith, (to whom refer). No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Lawrence Richard Felt was born 6 January 1944 at Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence County, New York, son to Vincent D. Felt and Frances Morris. His wife Doris Faye Langtry, (to whom he was married 19 July 1968 at Hammond, Hammond Township, St. Lawrence County, New York), was born 21 December 1943 at Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence County, New York, daughter to Walter Kenneth Langtry and Iva Myrtle Lackie, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Michele Marie Felt, born 17 November 1971 at Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence County, New York; (2) Wade Richard Felt, born 9 April 1973 at Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence County, New York.


D. Ferguson. His wife Gail Burrows was born 25 May 1949, daughter to Carman Burrows and Georgie (or Georgia) Wood, (to whom refer); married, firstly, J. Quattenbush, (to whom also refer). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of D. Ferguson and Gail Burrows are presently available.


Earl Michael Ferguson was born 17 March 1964 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Arthur Ferguson and Erma Gunnis. His wife Sandra Marie Thomas, (to whom he was married 20 September 1986 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 18 June 1966 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Glen Russell Thomas and Zelda Gertrude Anne Campbell, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Justin Michael Thomas Ferguson, born 8 January 1988 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; (2) Kyle Earl Ferguson, born 1 February 1990 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario.


Thomas Kenneth Ferguson was born 18 July 1901 at Durham County, England, son to William Ferguson and Jane ---; died 19 April 1968 at San Diego, San Diego County, California. His wife Lura Mae Sheridan, (to whom he was married 31 August 1938 at Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan), was born 4 June 1904 at or near Jasper, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to John Sheridan and Alice Brown, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Margaret Allene Ferguson, born 31 August 1943 at Selkirk, Manitoba, who married 19 April 1965 at Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California, Lee Andrew Buchanan.


Howard Robert Fielding. His wife Angella Lee Kramer was born 28 January 1958 at Spokane, Spokane County, Washington, daughter to Delmer Lee Kramer and Marlene Joyce Lesser, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Jennifer Marie Fielding, born 23 June 1977 at Moses Lake, Grant County, Washington.


Shawn Dale Findlay was born antenuptially 13 January 1979 at Vauxhall, Alberta, son to Dale Lorne Weedmark and Dolora V. Findlay, (to whom refer), legally bearing his mother's surname Findlay in lieu of that of Weedmark. His wife Tara Lynn Verschoore, (to whom he was married 10 October 1998 at Surrey, Greater Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia), was born 9 August 1978 at Winnipeg, Greater Winnipeg Metropolitan Corporation, Manitoba. This couple begat issue: (1) Nicholas James Findlay, born 11 May 2001 at Chilliwack, Fraser Valley Regional District, British Columbia; (2) Kara Gabrielle Marie Findlay, born 29 July 2004 at Langley, Greater Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia.


C. C. Fjeld. His wife Ramona Yvonne Kramer, (to whom he was married 30 June 1976), was born 1 January 1953 at Choteau, Teton County, Montana, daughter to Marlin Alfred Kramer and Hope Cherie Marshall, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Dale K. Hansen, (to whom also refer). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of C. C. Fjeld and Ramona Yvonne Kramer; however this couple brought up one male child and one female child of the Husband's previous marriage who, being "strangers in blood" as regards the Wife's family, are not to be further noted or documented in these records.


Lloyd Fleming was son to Walter Fleming and Helen Saunders, (to whom refer). His wife was Christine ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Walter Fleming. His wife Helen Saunders was daughter to Thomas Drummond Saunders and Olive I. Brennan, (to whom refer); died 11 December 2006 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; buried at Hillcrest Cemetery, near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Joan Fleming, who married James Park; (2) Lloyd Fleming, who married Christine ---; (3) William Fleming, who married Jill ---.


William Fleming was son to Walter Fleming and Helen Saunders, (to whom refer). His wife was Jill ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Michael Frederick Foley was born 12 December 1950 at Victoria, British Columbia, son to Andrew James Foley and Eva Adelaide Gertrude Rhode. His wife Donna Denise Quinn, (to whom he was married 7 October 1972 at Victoria, Capital Regional District, British Columbia and from whom subsequently divorced 15 March 1979), was born 9 October 1954 at Brandon, Manitoba, daughter to Jack Vern Westly Quinn and Viola Louise Drummond, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Kimberley Denise Foley, born 6 July 1975 at Victoria, Capital Regional District, British Columbia.


Albert George Fordyce was born 2 February 1872 at London, London City Borough, Middlesex County, England; died 25 September 1945 at Winnipeg, Manitoba; buried in 1945 at Brookside Cemetery, Winnipeg, Manitoba. His wife Jessie Mae Drummond, (to whom he was married 14 January 1912 at Hillview, Woodworth Rural Municipality, Manitoba), was born 28 October 1885 at or near Hillview, Woodworth Rural Municipality, Manitoba, daughter to Matthew Drummond and Margaret McArthur, (to whom refer); died 29 May 1972 at Winnipeg, Manitoba; buried 1 June 1972 at Brookside Cemetery, Winnipeg, Manitoba. This couple begat issue: (1) Walter Drummond Fordyce, born 14 December 1913 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, who married 30 August 1939 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Jessie Hughes Arthur; (2) Leslie Trevlyn Fordyce, born 30 June 1915 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, died 20 March 1976 or 21 March 1976 (depending upon sources) at Vancouver, Greater Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia, who married 8 June 1940 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Dorothy Margaret Helen Johnson; (3) Mary Margaret Fordyce, born 4 July 1916 at Winnipeg, Manitoba; (4) Albert Lawrence Fordyce, born 8 June 1919 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, who married 31 August 1943 at St. Alban's Anglican Church, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Jean Kachor; (5) Clarence McArthur "Clare" Fordyce, born 2 July 1920 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, died in September 2010 at Calgary, Alberta, who married, firstly, 2 October 1945 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Elma Khal, and, secondly, 15 November 1974 at Calgary, Alberta, Margaret Boleychuk; (6) Gordon Alfred Fordyce, born 27 February 1923 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, who married 20 September 1947 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Trudy Seifert.


Albert Lawrence Fordyce was born 8 June 1919 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, son to Albert George Fordyce and Jessie Mae Drummond, (to whom refer). His wife Jean Kachor, (to whom he was married 31 August 1943 at St. Alban's Anglican Church, Winnipeg, Manitoba), was born 15 March 1921 at or near Hilbre, Grahamdale Local Government District, Manitoba, daughter to Henry Kachor and Pearl Bilous. This couple begat issue: (1) Eileen Mary Fordyce, born 10 January 1945 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, who married 7 October 1961 at Oak Lake, Manitoba, Theodore Zacozewski; (2) Lesley Jean Fordyce, born 21 January 1949 at Hamiota, Manitoba, who married 10 June 1967 at Oak Lake, Manitoba, Stewart Jackson; (3) Alberta Louise Fordyce, born 3 August 1951 at Hamiota, Manitoba, who married 30 November 1974 at Wawanesa, Manitoba, Keith MacKay; (4) David Blair Fordyce, born 19 May 1956 at Hamiota, Manitoba.


Clarence McArthur "Clare" Fordyce was born 2 July 1920 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, son to Albert George Fordyce and Jessie Mae Drummond, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 15 November 1974 at Calgary, Alberta, Margaret Boleychuk, (to whom also refer); died in September 2010 at Calgary, Alberta. His first wife Elma Khal, (to whom he was married 2 October 1945 at Winnipeg, Manitoba), was born 12 February 1922 in the Republic of Finland; died 24 January 1972 at Calgary, Alberta. Clarence McArthur "Clare" Fordyce and Elma Khal begat issue: (1) Garth Trevlyn Fordyce, born 19 July 1953 at Calgary, Alberta, who married 7 October 1978 at Calgary, Alberta, Heather Leone McCool; (2) Kerry Gaye Fordyce, born 5 July 1955 at Calgary, Alberta, who married Les Davidson.


Clarence McArthur "Clare" Fordyce was born 2 July 1920 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, son to Albert George Fordyce and Jessie Mae Drummond, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 2 October 1945 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Elma Khal, (to whom also refer); died in September 2010 at Calgary, Alberta. His second wife Margaret Boleychuk, (to whom he was married 15 November 1974 at Calgary, Alberta), was born 11 January 1926 at or near Smoky Lake, Alberta; died 12 December 2009 at Calgary, Alberta. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Clarence McArthur "Clare" Fordyce and Margaret Boleychuk.


Garth Trevlyn Fordyce was born 19 July 1953 at Calgary, Alberta, son to Clarence McArthur "Clare" Fordyce and Elma Khal, (to whom refer). His wife Heather Leone McCool, (to whom he was married 7 October 1978 at Calgary, Alberta), was born 26 March 1955 at Calgary, Alberta, daughter to Edward McCool and Edna ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Tannis Fordyce; (2) Trevor Fordyce.


Gordon Alfred Fordyce was born 27 February 1923 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, son to Albert George Fordyce and Jessie Mae Drummond, (to whom refer). His wife Trudy Seifert, (to whom he was married 20 September 1947 at Winnipeg, Manitoba), was born 24 April 1926 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, daughter to Adolf Seifert and Lydia Schultz. This couple begat issue: (1) Susan Lynn Fordyce, born 6 June 1951 at Winnipeg, Manitoba; (2) Cindy Lu Fordyce, born 2 September 1954 at Dauphin, Manitoba; (3) David Arnold Fordyce, born 8 June 1959 at Swift Current, Saskatchewan.


Leslie Trevlyn Fordyce was born 30 June 1915 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, son to Albert George Fordyce and Jessie Mae Drummond, (to whom refer); died 20 March 1976 or 21 March 1976 (depending upon sources) at Vancouver, Greater Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia. His wife Dorothy Margaret Helen Johnson, (to whom he was married 8 June 1940 at Winnipeg, Manitoba), was born 16 April 1917 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, daughter to Herbert Johnson and Mary Ann Smith. This couple begat issue: (1) Ronald Kim Fordyce, born 13 January 1954 at Calgary, Alberta.


Walter Drummond Fordyce was born 14 December 1913 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, son to Albert George Fordyce and Jessie Mae Drummond, (to whom refer). His wife Jessie Hughes Arthur, (to whom he was married 30 August 1939 at Winnipeg, Manitoba), was daughter to James Arthur and Christine Hughes. This couple begat issue: (1) Wendie May Fordyce, born 19 May 1941 at Brandon, Manitoba, who married 16 July 1966 at Dauphin, Manitoba, John Rae "Jack" Armstrong; (2) Warren Arthur Fordyce, born 28 December 1942 at Dauphin, Manitoba, who married in July 1974 at Red Deer, Alberta, Gail Thurston; (3) Vida Janet Fordyce, born 11 April 1949 at Dauphin, Manitoba.


Warren Arthur Fordyce was born 28 December 1942 at Dauphin, Manitoba, son to Walter Drummond Fordyce and Jessie Hughes Arthur, (to whom refer). His wife was Gail Thurston, (to whom he was married in July 1974 at Red Deer, Alberta). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Allen Wendyl "Mike" Freeman was born 1 November 1941 at Elgin, South Crosby Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Stanley Elsworth Freeman and Leah Louise Chant, (to whom refer). His wife Sandra Joyce Purdon, (to whom he was married 17 May 1963 at Perth, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 20 July 1942 at Timmins, Algoma District, Ontario, daughter to Elmer David Purdon and Eva Ellen Charleton. This couple begat issue: (1) Grant Allen Freeman, born 1 April 1964 at Perth, Lanark County, Ontario; (2) Gregory Elmer Freeman, born 30 December 1965 at Perth, Lanark County, Ontario; (3) Michael Stephen Freeman, born 15 April 1970 at Perth, Lanark County, Ontario.


George Aden Stanley Freeman was born 14 June 1930 at or near Forfar, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Stanley Elsworth Freeman and Leah Louise Chant, (to whom refer). His wife Reta May Dennison, (to whom he was married 22 August 1953 at Elgin, South Crosby Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 22 November 1932 at or near Elgin, South Crosby Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Harold M. Dennison and Lera May Burtch. This couple begat issue: (1) Ruth Eileen Freeman, born 23 October 1959 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario; (2) Edith Anne Freeman, born 23 May 1961 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario.


Stanley Elsworth Freeman was born 25 July 1898 at or near Forfar, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Albert Freeman and Jennie Cripps; died 15 March 1974 at Elgin, South Crosby Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Leah Louise Chant, (to whom he was married 15 February 1928 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 23 April 1904 at or near Chantry, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to George Chant and Susan Edith Drummond, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) George Aden Stanley Freeman, born 14 June 1930 at or near Forfar, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 22 August 1953 at Elgin, South Crosby Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Reta May Dennison; (2) Marjorie Edith Freeman, born 3 September 1931 at or near Forfar, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 29 December 1951 at Seeley's Bay, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Howard Rae Hartley; (3) Merla Jennie Freeman, born 15 November 1933 at or near Forfar, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 9 June 1951 at Delta, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Ralph Norman Hartley; (4) Phyllis Elaine Freeman, born 15 April 1940 at Elgin, South Crosby Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married, firstly, 3 December 1956 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario, Dennis John Muchmore, (from whom subsequently divorced), and, secondly, Clare Dodds; (5) Allen Wendyl "Mike" Freeman, born 1 November 1941 at Elgin, South Crosby Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 17 May 1963 at Perth, Lanark County, Ontario, Sandra Joyce Purdon; (6) Betty Jean Freeman, born 27 November 1942 at Elgin, South Crosby Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 12 May 1962 at Elgin, South Crosby Township, Leeds County, Ontario, William James Moulton.


John Russell Fremming Jr. was born 17 March 1932 at Spokane, Spokane County, Washington, son to John Russell Fremming and Clara Dorothy Stanseland. His wife Donna Louise Drummond, (to whom he was married 4 September 1954 at Seattle, King County, Washington), was born 10 August 1933 at Seattle, King County, Washington, daughter to George Drummond and Cora Edith Simms, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Cynthia Louise Fremming, born 17 March 1953 at Seattle, King County, Washington; (2) Karen Ann Fremming, born 29 April 1959 at Seattle, King County, Washington.


David Freund. His wife Audrey Lorene Kramer was born 1 April 1944 at Spokane, Spokane County, Washington, daughter to Alvin Michael Kramer and Anna Mae Hester, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Warren Dean Beck, (to whom also refer). David Freund and Audrey Lorene Kramer begat issue: (1) Alice Mae Freund (or Beck), born 13 May 1963 at Oakland, Alameda County, California, afterward legally adopted 30 December 1969 by her stepfather Warren Dean Beck, thereafter assuming and bearing the said surname Beck in lieu of that of Freund.


Kevin Ray Frost was born 21 March 1963 at Selkirk, Manitoba, son to Raymond Alfred Frost and Diane Stephanson. His wife Kimberley Rae Cochrane, (to whom he was married 26 August 1988 at Winnipeg, Manitoba and from whom subsequently divorced in 1996), was born 16 June 1965 at Winnipeg, Greater Winnipeg Metropolitan Corporation, Manitoba, daughter to Orin Glen Cochrane and Donna Margaret Drummond, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 30 December 2011 at the home of the bride's parents, East St. Paul, Manitoba, Scott Jamieson Krenz, (to whom also refer). Kevin Ray Frost and Kimberley Rae Cochrane begat issue: (1) Kyle Ray Frost, born 9 March 1993 at Winnipeg, Manitoba.



David William Gardner was born 10 October 1938 at or near Oxford Station, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Robert James Percy Gardner and Lila Johnston Dunlap, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 22 November 1990, Judy Butchart, (to whom also refer). His first wife Corinne Gail Poapst, (to whom he was married 16 June 1962 at Merrickville, Grenville County, Ontario and from whom subsequently divorced in 1990), was born 4 March 1940, daughter to Lorne E. Poapst and Helen Burton. David William Gardner and Corinne Gail Poapst begat issue: (1) Kevin Brent Gardner, born 26 February 1964 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; (2) Cheryl Lynne Gardner, born 20 May 1965 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario.


David William Gardner was born 10 October 1938 at or near Oxford Station, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Robert James Percy Gardner and Lila Johnston Dunlap, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 16 June 1962 at Merrickville, Grenville County, Ontario, Corinne Gail Poapst, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced in 1990). His second wife was Judy Butchart, (to whom he was married 22 November 1990). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of David William Gardner and Judy Butchart are presently available.


Robert James Percy Gardner was born 20 September 1894 at or near Oxford Station, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to William John Gardner and Mary Templeton, (to whom refer); died 21 February 1956 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario whilst tying his shoes preparatory to leaving the hospital from which he had just been discharged; buried in 1956 at St. Matthew's Presbyterian Churchyard (otherwise known as Patterson's Corners Presbyterian Churchyard), Patterson's Corners, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Lila Johnston Dunlap, (to whom he was married 21 April 1933 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 21 January 1898 at or near Millar's Corners, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario; died 6 June 1990 in Ontario; buried in June 1990 at St. Matthew's Presbyterian Churchyard (otherwise known as Patterson's Corners Presbyterian Churchyard), Patterson's Corners, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Mary Eleanor Gardner, born 26 July 1934 at or near Oxford Station, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 20 October 1956 at East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, Edwin John Cooper; (2) David William Gardner, born 10 October 1938 at or near Oxford Station, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married, firstly, 16 June 1962 at Merrickville, Grenville County, Ontario, Corinne Gail Poapst, (from whom subsequently divorced in 1990), and, secondly, 22 November 1990, Judy Butchart.


William John Gardner was born 22 September 1862 at or near Oxford Station, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Canada West, son to Robert Gardner and Mary Jane Claire; died 10 January 1928 at his residence near Oxford Station, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario; buried in 1928 at St. Matthew's Presbyterian Churchyard (otherwise known as Patterson's Corners Presbyterian Churchyard), Patterson's Corners, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Mary Templeton, (to whom he was married 14 June 1893 at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 22 July 1865 at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to James Templeton and Mary Ann Doolan, (to whom refer); died 9 November 1943 in Ontario; buried at St. Matthew's Presbyterian Churchyard (otherwise known as Patterson's Corners Presbyterian Churchyard), Patterson's Corners, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Robert James Percy Gardner, born 20 September 1894 at or near Oxford Station, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 21 February 1956 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario whilst tying his shoes preparatory to leaving the hospital from which he had just been discharged, buried in 1956 at St. Matthew's Presbyterian Churchyard (otherwise known as Patterson's Corners Presbyterian Churchyard), Patterson's Corners, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 21 April 1933 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, Lila Johnston Dunlap; (2) Alice Zelba Gardner, born 19 August 1897 (not 26 August 1897 as erroneously suggested or indicated in the records of the Registrar-General of Ontario on the basis of mistaken information accidentally supplied by her maternal grandfather as informant) at or near Oxford Station, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 22 April 1994 at Bayfield Manor, Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario, buried 25 April 1994 at Alexander Union Cemetery, Bishop's Mills, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 30 October 1935 at or near Oxford Station, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, Wilfrid Fergus Morrison; (3) John Mansell Kirkwood Gardner, born 7 January 1900 at or near Oxford Station, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died unmarried 23 November 1937, buried at St. Matthew's Presbyterian Churchyard (otherwise known as Patterson's Corners Presbyterian Churchyard), Patterson's Corners, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario.


--- Garland. His wife Brenda Anne Conlon was born 16 June 1953 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Joseph Lawrence Conlon and Myrtle Mildred "Mid" Currie, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Andrea Garland; (2) Gregory Garland.


Ervin Claude Gautschi was born 20 April 1936 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, son to Willi Gautschi and Louise Henry. His wife Shirley Louise Bursaw, (to whom he was married 1 July 1955 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan), was born 22 June 1936 at or near Rosetown, Saskatchewan, daughter to Lewis Isaac Bursaw and Bella Retta Anderson, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Brenda Lee Gautschi, born 12 May 1959 at Weston, York County, Ontario; (2) Linda Louise Gautschi, born 28 August 1963 at Weston, York County, Ontario.


John Gavin. His wife Cheryl Anne Leeder was born 21 March 1947, daughter to Wilfrid Leeder and Jean Marie Bryan, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Kenneth Gebrowski. His wife M. Marlene Griffith, (to whom he was married briefly in 1975 and from whom subsequently divorced in 1975), was born 4 January 1945 at Kelso, Cowlitz County, Washington, daughter to George Edward Griffith and Dorothy Leona Hulse, (to whom refer); married, firstly, William Thorn, (to whom also refer); married, thirdly, in 1975, James Hurley, (to whom likewise also refer and from whom subsequently divorced). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Kenneth Gebrowski and M. Marlene Griffith.


Michael Geib was born 24 August 1976 at Indian Head, Saskatchewan, son to James Geib and ---. His wife Keri Lee Drummond, (to whom he was married 15 August 2001 at Leduc, Alberta and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 22 October 1978 at Leduc, Alberta, daughter to Walter Russell Drummond and Karen Lee Neumeier, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 25 November 2010 in the United Mexican States, Blair David Buttar, (to whom also refer). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Michael Geib and Keri Lee Drummond are presently available.


Brian Gibbs was born 22 July 1950 at Rivers, Manitoba, son to Major Dennis Gibbs and June ---. His wife Susan Ann Healey, (to whom he was married 23 July 1971 at the United Church of Canada, Port Elmsley, North Elmsley Township, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 4 January 1952 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to John Henry Healey and Velma Ellen Tomlinson, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Allan Wells Gibson was born 3 August 1889 at Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan, son to Edwin Wells Gibson and Mamie Thatcher; died 19 September 1976 at Los Altos, Santa Clara County, California. His wife Mary Isabel Drummond, (to whom he was married 26 November 1914 at Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania), was born 28 April 1894 at Nanking, Kiangsu Province, the Chinese Empire, daughter to William James Drummond and Emma Frances Lane, (to whom refer); died 6 June 1978 in California. This couple begat issue: (1) Mary Isabel Gibson, born 21 September 1915 at Richmond, Virginia, who married, firstly, 11 February 1943 at Waynesboro, Virginia, Lautaro Villarroel Dale, and, secondly, in 2000, Ren� Zuniga; (2) Wells Drummond Gibson, born 13 August 1917 at Washington, District of Columbia, died 15 January 2004 at Port Townsend, Jefferson County, Washington, who married, firstly, Ruth Elaine Ketchapaw, (from whom subsequently divorced), secondly, in 1957, Amber LaRae Smith, (from whom subsequently divorced), thirdly, 15 August 1967 at Carson City, Nevada, Jane Kimber, and, fourthly, Kathleen Kenarr; (3) Marjorie Ann Gibson, born 30 October 1922 at Washington, District of Columbia, who married 14 April 1946 at Montecito, Santa Barbara County, California, Arthur Louis Chauvel.


Wells Drummond Gibson was born 13 August 1917 at Washington, District of Columbia, son to Allan Wells Gibson and Mary Isabel Drummond, (to whom refer); married, secondly, in 1957, Amber LaRae Smith, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced); married, thirdly, 15 August 1967 at Carson City, Nevada, Jane Kimber, (to whom likewise also refer); married, fourthly, Kathleen Kenarr, (to whom further likewise also refer); died 15 January 2004 at Port Townsend, Jefferson County, Washington. His first wife Ruth Elaine Ketchapaw, (from whom subsequently divorced), was born in or about 1924 or 1925 in Michigan. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Wells Drummond Gibson and Ruth Elaine Ketchapaw.


Wells Drummond Gibson was born 13 August 1917 at Washington, District of Columbia, son to Allan Wells Gibson and Mary Isabel Drummond, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Ruth Elaine Ketchapaw, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced); married, thirdly, 15 August 1967 at Carson City, Nevada, Jane Kimber, (to whom likewise also refer); married, fourthly, Kathleen Kenarr, (to whom further likewise also refer); died 15 January 2004 at Port Townsend, Jefferson County, Washington. His second wife Amber LaRae Smith, (to whom he was married in 1957 and from whom subsequently divorced), was born in or about 1933 or 1934; married, firstly, ---; died in or about 2005 or 2006. Wells Drummond Gibson and Amber LaRae Smith begat issue: (1) April Gibson, born 15 January 1953 at Menlo Park, San Mateo County, California, who married, firstly, 24 August 1974 in California, Tom De La France, (from whom subsequently divorced), secondly, 14 February 1976 in California, Michael McIntyre, (from whom subsequently divorced), and thirdly, in 1998, ---, (from whom subsequently divorced in 1999); (2) Charles Dana Gibson, born 19 January 1957 at Palo Alto, Santa Clara County, California.


Wells Drummond Gibson was born 13 August 1917 at Washington, District of Columbia, son to Allan Wells Gibson and Mary Isabel Drummond, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Ruth Elaine Ketchapaw, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced); married, secondly, in 1957, Amber LaRae Smith, (to whom likewise also refer and from whom subsequently divorced); married, fourthly, Kathleen Kenarr, (to whom further likewise also refer and from whom subsequently divorced); died 15 January 2004 at Port Townsend, Jefferson County, Washington. His third wife Jane Kimber, (to whom he was married 15 August 1967 at Carson City, Nevada), was born 2 August 1916 at Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa, daughter to Herman Vaughn Kimber and Evelyn Teetor; died in January 1990 at Novato, Marin County, California. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Wells Drummond Gibson and Jane Kimber.


Wells Drummond Gibson was born 13 August 1917 at Washington, District of Columbia, son to Allan Wells Gibson and Mary Isabel Drummond, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Ruth Elaine Ketchapaw, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced); married, secondly, in 1957, Amber LaRae Smith, (to whom likewise also refer and from whom subsequently divorced); married, thirdly, 15 August 1967 at Carson City, Nevada, Jane Kimber, (to whom further likewise also refer); died 15 January 2004 at Port Townsend, Jefferson County, Washington. His fourth wife Kathleen Kenarr was born in or about 1924 or 1925. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Wells Drummond Gibson and Kathleen Kenarr.


Ira Gilmore. His wife LaVonne Arlene Willard was born 13 July 1934 at or near Spokane, Spokane County, Washington, daughter to Harold Eugene Willard and Elva Gladys Griffith, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Thomas Harlan Nighber, (to whom also refer); married, thirdly, ---. Ira Gilmore and LaVonne Arlene Willard begat issue: (1) Wade Allen Gilmore, born 27 April 1953 at Coos Bay, Coos County, Oregon; (2) Arlene Mae Gilmore, born 13 December 1954 at Fairfield, Camas County, Washington; (3) Wesley Ward Gilmore, born 10 January 1956 at Vancouver, Clark County, Washington, who married Georgann Linda Allen; (4) Warren LeRoy Gilmore, born 9 May 1958 at Vancouver, Clark County, Washington; (5) Anita Marie Gilmore, born a twin 8 April 1960 at Kennewick, Benton County, Washington; (6) Weldon Blake Gilmore, born a twin 8 April 1960 at Kennewick, Benton County, Washington.


Wesley Ward Gilmore was born 10 January 1956 at Vancouver, Clark County, Washington, son to Ira Gilmore and LaVonne Arlene Willard, (to whom refer). His wife was Georgann Linda Allen. This couple begat issue: (1) Jennifer Irma Allen Gilmore, born 10 March 1974 at Pasco, Franklin County, Washington; (2) Leslie Layna Gilmore, born 20 September 1975 at Pasco, Franklin County, Washington; (3) Wesley Aaron Gilmore, born 29 December 1977 at Richland, Benton County, Washington.


Bryan Girard. His wife Ida Suzanne Templeton was born 25 September 1967 in Alberta, daughter to William Lincoln Templeton and Eva Mary Heaver, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Aidan Girard; (2) Ryce Girard.


Gordon James Gould was born 3 November 1947 at Virden, Manitoba, son to John Frederick Daniel Gould and Marion Margaret Drummond, (to whom refer). His wife Arlie Patricia Routledge, (to whom he was married 29 August 1969 at Brandon, Manitoba), was born 24 June 1949 at Hamiota, Manitoba, daughter to William Douglas Routledge and Edna Anne Smith. This couple begat issue: (1) Terrance Cameron Gould, born 27 January 1970 at Thompson, Manitoba; (2) Treena Arlene Gould, born 1 January 1973 at Thompson, Manitoba.


John Frederick Daniel Gould was born 26 March 1902 at or near Kenton, Woodworth Rural Municipality, Manitoba, son to Frederick John Gould and Ella Campbell. His wife Marion Margaret Drummond, (to whom he was married 20 July 1935 at Brandon, Manitoba), was born 30 June 1915 at or near Kenton, Woodworth Rural Municipality, Manitoba, daughter to James Milton Drummond and Mary Anne Joynt, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Freida Marie Gould, born 1 October 1944 at Virden, Manitoba, who married 21 December 1963 at Virden, Manitoba, Donald Howard Paddock; (2) Gordon James Gould, born 3 November 1947 at Virden, Manitoba, who married 29 August 1969 at Brandon, Manitoba, Arlie Patricia Routledge; (3) Shirley Marion Gould, born 15 April 1949 at Hamiota, Manitoba, who married 21 July 1967 at Oak River, Blanshard Rural Municipality, Manitoba, Kenneth Norman Buchberger.


Charles Byard Dundee Graham (Reeve of The Village of Kemptville, Counties Councillor of the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville, etc.) was born 7 October 1894 in Ontario, son to William James Graham and Fannie Templeton, (to whom refer); died 30 September 1945 in Ontario; buried at South Gower Cemetery, South Gower Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Elizabeth Ann "Tibbie" Christie, (to whom he was married 19 December 1917), was born 8 July 1896; died 31 January 1956. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


James Robert Sperry Graham was born 27 January 1967. His wife Amy Maribeth Salter, (to whom he was married 10 July 2004), was born 10 April 1964, daughter to William James Salter and Patricia Evelyn Lake, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 28 October 1989, Brent Arthur Dobbie, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage or James Robert Sperry Graham and Amy Maribeth Salter are presently available.


Weldon Armstrong Graham was born 3 October 1939 at March Township, Carleton County, Ontario, son to Eli Graham and Elizabeth Armstrong. His wife Ruth Helen McNeely, (to whom he was married 25 September 1965 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario), was born 10 June 1940 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Earl John McNeely and Gladys Edna McLaren, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Colin Weldon Graham, born 25 May 1971 at Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario; (2) Christine Ruth Graham, born 27 April 1973 at Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Muncipality, Ontario.


William James Graham was born in 1858; died 28 March 1929 in Ontario; buried in 1929 at South Gower Cemetery, South Gower Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Fannie Templeton, (to whom he was married in November 1891 in Ontario), was born 21 September 1870 at Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to Hugh Templeton and Ann Cochrane, (to whom refer); died 13 July 1965 in Ontario; buried in July 1965 at South Gower Cemetery, South Gower Township, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Charles Byard Dundee Graham (Reeve of The Village of Kemptville, Counties Councillor of the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville, etc.), born 7 October 1894 in Ontario, died 30 September 1945 in Ontario, buried at South Gower Cemetery, South Gower Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 19 December 1917, Elizabeth Ann "Tibbie" Christie; (2) Wilda Templeton Graham, born 5 January 1898 in Ontario, died 6 July 1975 in Ontario, buried in July 1975 at South Gower Cemetery, South Gower Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married, firstly, 13 September 1930, Frederick L. Thompson, and, secondly, in 1949, Lorne E. MacLachlan.


Kingsley Grant. His wife Denise Mantle was daughter to Willard "Wib" Mantle and Kathleen "Kay" Saunders, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Beverly Alexander Gray was born 24 July 1933 at or near Virden, Manitoba, son to Elgin Alexander Gray and Ella May Dodds, (to whom refer). His wife Sidney Ann Craig, (to whom he was married 10 November 1956 at or near Headingley, Assiniboia Rural Municipality, Manitoba), was born 19 July 1937 at or near Reston, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba, daughter to Thomas Frederick Craig and Phyllis Blanche Stickland. This couple begat issue: (1) Roger Kevin Gray, born 20 August 1957 at Reston, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba; (2) Louise Arlene Gray, born 22 August 1958 at Reston, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba, who married 17 July 1976 at Reston, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba, Larry James Donald; (3) Darwin Keith Gray, born 20 February 1962 at Reston, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba; (4) Claudia Fern Gray, born 2 May 1963 at Reston, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba; (5) Holly Dawn Gray, born 11 October 1975 at Reston, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba.


Elgin Alexander Gray was born 22 July 1906 at or near Minnedosa, Manitoba, son to Daniel Gray and Eleanor Blanchard; died 15 February 1964 at Sinclair, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba. His wife Ella May Dodds, (to whom he was married 8 August 1931 at Brandon, Manitoba), was born 21 May 1909 at or near Ebor, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba, daughter to Robert Samuel Dodds and Matilda Jane "Jennie" Drummond, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Shirley Marguerite Gray, born 11 January 1932 at or near Virden, Manitoba, who married 12 November 1952 at the United Church of Canada, Sinclair, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba, Melvin James Williamson; (2) Beverly Alexander Gray, born 24 July 1933 at or near Virden, Manitoba, who married 10 November 1956 at or near Headingley, Assiniboia Rural Municipality, Manitoba, Sidney Ann Craig; (3) Donna Jean Gray, born 23 February 1939 at Souris, Manitoba, who married 13 October 1962 at Sinclair, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba, George Wilbert Jago; (4) Wilma Louise Gray, born 13 July 1940 at or near Virden, Manitoba, who married 24 October 1959 at Sinclair, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba, Murray Glen Williamson.


James Leslie Green was born 13 April 1950 at Kenora, Kenora District, Ontario. His wife Joyce Marie Densley, (to whom he was married in 1973 at Kenora, Kenora District, Ontario), was born 21 June 1954 at Carberry, Manitoba, daughter to Edward James Densley and Viola Watts, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Jennifer Leigh Green, born 15 April 1974 at Kenora, Kenora District, Ontario; (2) Jacqueline Marie Green, born 20 January 1976 at Kenora, Kenora District, Ontario; (3) Joelle Amanda Green, born 28 October 1979 at Kenora, Kenora District, Ontario.


Donald Wayne Scott Greenham was born 3 December 1942, son to Raymond Stewart Greenham and Marion Eleanor Scott, (to whom refer). His wife Jennifer Elizabeth Gigg, (to whom he was married 21 August 1970), was born 15 February 1946. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Raymond Stewart Greenham was born 13 November 1922. His wife Marion Eleanor Scott, (to whom he was married 14 May 1941 at Lyn, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 11 April 1923 in Ontario, daughter to Leonard Templeton Scott and Lillian Erma Dixie, (to whom refer); died in 1989 in Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Rae Eleanor Scott Greenham, born 2 October 1941, who married 28 July 1973, Harry Alfred Kingstone; (2) Donald Wayne Scott Greenham, born 3 December 1942, who married 21 August 1970, Jennifer Elizabeth Gigg.


Charles Douglas Griffith was born 22 January 1938 at or near Jerome, Jerome County, Idaho, son to Orris Nelson Griffith and Rita Jean Myers, (to whom refer). His wife was Katherine Nadine Wilkins. This couple begat issue: (1) Charles Douglas Griffith Jr., born 19 April 1960; (2) Kathy Dee Griffith, born 19 June 1962.


Donald Frank Griffith was born 4 February 1949 at Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, son to Donald Kenneth Griffith and Eleanor Stege, (to whom refer). His wife was Barbara Ann Asher, (to whom he was married 18 May 1974). This couple begat issue: (1) David Donald Griffith, born 3 January 1977 at Salem, Marion County, Oregon.


Donald Kenneth Griffith was born 11 January 1909 at or near Ritzville, Adams County, Washington, son to Henry Samuel Griffith and Alma Edith Egbers, (to whom refer). His wife Eleanor Stege, (to whom he was married 30 August 1939), was born 14 May 1914 at Chicago, Cook County, Illinois. This couple begat issue: (1) Donald Frank Griffith, born 4 February 1949 at Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, who married 18 May 1974, Barbara Ann Asher.


Dwaine Orris Griffith was born 20 April 1935 at or near Shoshone, Lincoln County, Idaho, son to Orris Nelson Griffith and Rita Jean Myers, (to whom refer). His wife was Barbara Lee Jacobs. This couple begat issue: (1) Kimberly Jean Griffith, born 21 December 1961 at Idaho Falls, Bonneville County, Idaho; (2) Dwaine Orris Griffith II., born 5 January 1965 at Charleston, Charleston County, South Carolina; (3) Cynthia Lee Griffith, born 16 February 1968 at New London, New London County, Connecticut.


Gary LeVern Griffith was born 4 November 1942 at or near Kellogg, Shoshone County, Idaho, son to LeVern Morton Griffith and Jessie Marie Rinaldi, (to whom refer). His wife was Leslie Ray Sullivan. This couple begat issue: (1) Jill Christine Griffith, born 2 February 1972 at Spokane, Spokane County, Washington; (2) John Patrick Griffith, born 5 November 1977 at Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon.


George Edward Griffith was born 1 September 1898 at or near Ahmic Harbour, Croft Township, Parry Sound District, Ontario, son to James Morton Griffith and Eliza Ann Drummond, (to whom refer); died 3 May 1966 at Kelso, Cowlitz County, Washington. His wife Dorothy Leona Hulse, (to whom he was married 1 May 1935 at Vancouver, Clark County, Washington), was born 4 December 1913 at or near Winlock, Lewis County, Washington. This couple begat issue: (1) James Noah Griffith, born 31 December 1936 at Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon, who married 13 June 1959 at Shepherdsville, Bullitt County, Kentucky, Norma Friedenberger; (2) Richard Charles Griffith, born 18 June 1938 at Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon, died in infancy, unmarried, 9 September 1938 at Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon; (3) Jennett Ann Griffith, born 16 July 1939 at Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon, who married 26 November 1957 at Church of God, West Kelso, Cowlitz County, Washington, Walter Nein; (4) Agnes Dorothy Griffith, born 5 January 1941 at Ritzville, Adams County, Washington, who married 7 June 1959 at Centralia, Lewis County, Washington, John Peter Nein; (5) Jerry Edward Griffith, born 6 December 1943 at Spokane, Spokane County, Washington, who married, firstly, Geraldine Anderson, (from whom subsequently divorced in 1964), secondly, in 1965, Shirley Peterson, (from whom subsequently divorced), and, thirdly, 5 March 1977, Sheena Gaye Dunn; (6) M. Marlene Griffith, born 4 January 1945 at Kelso, Cowlitz County, Washington, who married, firstly, William Thorn, secondly, briefly in 1975, Kenneth Gebrowski, (from whom subsequently divorced in 1975), and, thirdly, in 1975, James Hurley, (from whom subsequently divorced); (7) Samuel Robert Griffith, born 7 February 1948 at Longview, Cowlitz County, Washington, died early, unmarried, 11 March 1950.


Harold Charles Griffith was born 22 August 1913 at or near Ritzville, Adams County, Washington, son to William Russell Griffith and Helen Augusta Olson, (to whom refer). His wife Isabelle Emily Scrimsher, (to whom he was married in 1937), was born 21 April 1914 at or near Harrington, Lincoln County, Washington. This couple begat issue: (1) Karen Fae Griffith, born 20 January 1939 at Spokane, Spokane County, Washington, who married Wallace Smith; (2) Vern Leon Griffith, born 27 September 1941 at Spokane, Spokane County, Washington, who married, firstly, Janet Lee Naylor, (from whom subsequently divorced in 1984), and, secondly, 27 December 1985, Marilee Kaye Frick.


Henry Samuel Griffith was born 8 January 1880 at or near Ahmic Harbour, Croft Township, Parry Sound District, Ontario, son to James Morton Griffith and Eliza Ann Drummond, (to whom refer); died 31 October 1963 at Longview, Cowlitz County, Washington. His wife Alma Edith Egbers, (to whom he was married 30 January 1906 at or near Ritzville, Adams County, Washington and from whom subsequently separated), was born 5 August 1888 at or near Ritzville, Adams County, Washington; died 11 December 1964 at Garfield, Whitman County, Washington. This couple begat issue: (1) Donald Kenneth Griffith, born 11 January 1909 at or near Ritzville, Adams County, Washington, who married 30 August 1939, Eleanor Stege.


James Morton Griffith was born 16 December 1856 at or near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Canada West, son to Richard Griffith and Edith Leach; died 12 April 1921 at Latah, Spokane County, Washington. His wife Eliza Ann Drummond, (to whom he was married 22 November 1877 at or near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 18 October 1860 at or near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Canada West, daughter to James Drummond and Elizabeth Mooney, (to whom refer); died 30 June 1935 at Toledo, Lewis County, Washington. This couple begat issue: (1) James Nelson Griffith, born 28 September 1878 at or near Ahmic Harbour, Croft Township, Parry Sound District, Ontario, died 20 May 1936 at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, who married 11 October 1905 at or near Ritzville, Adams County, Washington, Mary Verna Couch; (2) Henry Samuel Griffith, born 8 January 1880 at or near Ahmic Harbour, Croft Township, Parry Sound District, Ontario, died 31 October 1963 at Longview, Cowlitz County, Washington, who married 30 January 1906 at or near Ritzville, Adams County, Washington, Alma Edith Egbers, (from whom subsequently separated); (3) William Russell Griffith, born a twin 18 July 1881 at or near Ahmic Harbour, Croft Township, Parry Sound District, Ontario, died 10 March 1950 at Spokane, Spokane County, Washington, who married 22 February 1905 at or near Ritzville, Adams County, Washington, Helen Augusta Olson; (4) Richard Griffith, born a twin 18 July 1881 at or near Ahmic Harbour, Croft Township, Parry Sound District, Ontario, died in infancy, unmarried, 6 August 1881 at or near Ahmic Harbour, Croft Township, Parry Sound District, Ontario; (5) Richard Morton Griffith, born 30 December 1884 at or near Stittsville, Goulbourn Township, Carleton County, Ontario, died 24 December 1964 at Osburn, Shoshone County, Idaho, who married 29 August 1906, Allie Ina Couch; (6) Edith Matilda Griffith, born 11 December 1886 at or near Ahmic Harbour, Croft Township, Parry Sound District, Ontario, died 18 April 1979 at Ritzville, Adams County, Washington, who married in January 1909 at Odessa, Lincoln County, Washington, Henry Kinzel; (7) Elizabeth Griffith, born 26 November 1888 at or near Ahmic Harbour, Croft Township, Parry Sound District, Ontario, died 16 January 1974 at Seattle, King County, Washington, who married, firstly, 13 December 1905 at Marcellus, Adams County, Washington, Michael Kramer, (from whom subsequently divorced), and, secondly, in 1941 at Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, George E. Llewellyn; (8) Joshua Robert Griffith, born 3 February 1891 at or near Ahmic Harbour, Croft Township, Parry Sound District, Ontario, died 24 November 1964 at Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon, who married 4 June 1919 at or near Ritzville, Adams County, Washington, Mary Margaret Minnie Langenheder; (9) Mary Isabella Griffith, born 12 June 1896 at or near Ahmic Harbour, Croft Township, Parry Sound District, Ontario, who married 9 October 1914 at Marcellus, Adams County, Washington, John Henry Washburn; (10) George Edward Griffith, born 1 September 1898 at or near Ahmic Harbour, Croft Township, Parry Sound District, Ontario, died 3 May 1966 at Kelso, Cowlitz County, Washington, who married 1 May 1935 at Vancouver, Clark County, Washington, Dorothy Leona Hulse.


James Nelson Griffith was born 28 September 1878 at or near Ahmic Harbour, Croft Township, Parry Sound District, Ontario, son to James Morton Griffith and Eliza Ann Drummond, (to whom refer); died 20 May 1936 at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah. His wife Mary Verna Couch, (to whom he was married 11 October 1905 at or near Ritzville, Adams County, Washington), was born 21 June 1887 at or near Ritzville, Adams County, Washington, daughter to Joseph Orin Couch and ---; died 9 September 1956 at Boise, Ada County, Idaho. This couple begat issue: (1) Ora Viola Griffith, born 22 September 1906 at or near Soldier (afterward known as Fairfield), Camas County, Idaho, died early, unmarried, 26 June 1911 in consequence of a combined epidemic of measles and diphtheria; (2) Ines Verna Griffith, born 7 June 1908 at or near Soldier (afterward known as Fairfield), Camas County, Idaho, died early, unmarried, 29 June 1911 in consequence of a combined epidemic of measles and diphtheria; (3) Myrtle Elizabeth Griffith, born 8 September 1909 at or near Soldier (afterward known as Fairfield), Camas County, Idaho, died early, unmarried, 2 July 1911 in consequence of a combined epidemic of measles and diphtheria; (4) Eliza Anne Drummond Griffith, born 30 March 1911 at or near Soldier (afterward known as Fairfield), Camas County, Idaho, who married Harvey Owen Edwards; (5) Orris Nelson Griffith, born 3 January 1913 at or near Soldier (afterward known as Fairfield), Camas County, Idaho, died 30 September 1967 near Lucky Peak Dam, near Boise, Ada County, Idaho in consequence of cardiac arrest, who married Rita Jean Myers; (6) James Orin Griffith, born 15 May 1914 at or near Soldier (afterward known as Fairfield), Camas County, Idaho, died (killed) serving the Yankees, World War II., unmarried, 14 February 1944 at Kwajalein, the Marshall Islands, buried, firstly, in 1944 in the Marshall Islands, secondly at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific, Honolulu, Oahu Island, Honolulu County, Hawaii Territory, and, thirdly, in March 1948 at San Bruno, San Mateo County, California; (7) William Arthur Griffith, born 12 April 1918 at or near Fairfield, Camas County, Idaho, who married in June 1946 at Boise, Ada County, Idaho, Ellyne Lenore Hallman.


James Noah Griffith was born 31 December 1936 at Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon, son to George Edward Griffith and Dorothy Leona Hulse, (to whom refer). His wife Norma Friedenberger, (to whom he was married 13 June 1959 at Shepherdsville, Bullitt County, Kentucky), was born 11 November 1940 at Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky. This couple begat issue: (1) Diana Ren�e Griffith, born 9 September 1966 at Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky; (2) Troy James Griffith, born 31 December 1970 at Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky.


Jerry Edward Griffith was born 6 December 1943 at Spokane, Spokane County, Washington, son to George Edward Griffith and Dorothy Leona Hulse, (to whom refer); married, secondly, in 1965, Shirley Peterson, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced); married, thirdly, 5 March 1977, Sheena Gaye Dunn, (to whom likewise also refer). His first wife was Geraldine Anderson, (from whom subsequently divorced in 1964). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Jerry Edward Griffith and Geraldine Anderson are presently available.


Jerry Edward Griffith was born 6 December 1943 at Spokane, Spokane County, Washington, son to George Edward Griffith and Dorothy Leona Hulse, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Geraldine Anderson, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced in 1964); married, thirdly, 5 March 1977, Sheena Gaye Dunn, (to whom likewise also refer). His second wife was Shirley Peterson, (to whom he was married in 1965 and from whom subsequently divorced). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Jerry Edward Griffith and Shirley Peterson are presently available.


Jerry Edward Griffith was born 6 December 1943 at Spokane, Spokane County, Washington, son to George Edward Griffith and Dorothy Leona Hulse, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Geraldine Anderson, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced in 1964); married, secondly, in 1965, Shirley Peterson, (to whom likewise also refer and from whom subsequently divorced). His third wife Sheena Gaye Dunn, (to whom he was married 5 March 1977), was born 13 December 1947 at McMinnville, Yamhill County, Oregon. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Jerry Edward Griffith and Sheena Gaye Dunn are presently available.


Joshua Robert Griffith was born 3 February 1891 at or near Ahmic Harbour, Croft Township, Parry Sound District, Ontario, son to James Morton Griffith and Eliza Ann Drummond, (to whom refer); died 24 November 1964 at Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon. His wife Mary Margaret Minnie Langenheder, (to whom he was married 4 June 1919 at or near Ritzville, Adams County, Washington), was born 20 December 1898 at or near Westboro, Atchison County, Missouri. This couple begat issue: (1) Irene Evelyn Griffith, born 26 August 1920 at Walla Walla, Walla Walla County, Washington, who married in 1939 at Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon, Albert Marvin Haines; (2) Melvin Ralph Griffith, born 15 January 1922 at or near Ritzville, Adams County, Washington, who married in June 1943, Helen Maxine Mahaney; (3) Elsie Ann Griffith, born 16 May 1928 at Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon, who married 23 August 1958 at Ashland, Jackson County, Oregon, Donald Bryce Pinkston; (4) Roberta Louise Griffith, born 23 December 1930 at Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon, died early, unmarried, 30 May 1938 at Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon in consequence of a diphtheria epidemic; (5) John Edward Griffith, born 2 January 1935 at Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon, died early, unmarried, 22 May 1938 at Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon in consequence of a diphtheria epidemic.


LeRoy David Griffith was born 2 November 1939 at or near Keene, Cheshire County, New Hampshire, son to Marvin Orin Griffith and Isabelle Rose Braun, (to whom refer); died 1 January 2005 at Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon in consequence of lung cancer. His wife was Carolyn Naluai, (to whom he was married 26 May 1962 at Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon). This couple begat issue: (1) LeRoy David "DJ" Griffith Jr., born 7 December 1963 at William Beaumont Hospital, El Paso, El Paso County, Texas, who married Beverly ---; (2) Pamela Kay Griffith, born 16 August 1965 at El Paso, El Paso County, Texas, who married at Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, Alonzo "Lonnie" Wilson, (from whom subsequently divorced); (3) Debbie Marie Griffith, born 28 December 1966 at St. Vincent Hospital, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, who married at Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, Robert Grover; (4) Larry Allen Griffith, born 14 October 1969 at Emanuel Hospital, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon.


LeRoy David "DJ" Griffith Jr. was born 7 December 1963 at William Beaumont Hospital, El Paso, El Paso County, Texas, son to LeRoy David Griffith and Carolyn Naluai, (to whom refer). His wife was Beverly ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


LeVern Morton Griffith was born 2 March 1908 at or near Soldier (afterward known as Fairfield), Camas County, Idaho, son to Richard Morton Griffith and Allie Ina Couch, (to whom refer); died 16 May 1988 at Coeur d'Alene, Kootenai County, Idaho. His wife Jessie Marie Rinaldi, (to whom he was married 1 June 1929), was born 7 May 1906 in the French Republic; died 30 July 2006 at Coeur d'Alene, Kootenai County, Idaho. This couple begat issue: (1) Donna Jean Griffith, born 6 July 1930 at or near Kellogg, Shoshone County, Idaho, who married Thomas Francis Morris Jr.; (2) Jo Anne Katherine Griffith, born 1 July 1933 at or near Kellogg, Shoshone County, Idaho, who married, firstly, Harold D. Edwards, and, secondly, Marlin Guell; (3) Gary LeVern Griffith, born 4 November 1942 at or near Kellogg, Shoshone County, Idaho, who married Leslie Ray Sullivan; (4) Zena Marie Griffith, born 9 March 1944 at or near Kellogg, Shoshone County, Idaho, who married Howard M. Russell.


Loren Eugene "Gene" Griffith was born 15 March 1946 at Spokane, Spokane County, Washington, son to Loren Parmer Griffith and Helen Thiel, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Ann Schluneger, (to whom also refer); married, thirdly, Patricia ---, (to whom likewise also refer). His first wife was Sandra Rae Beale, (from whom subsequently divorced). Loren Eugene "Gene" Griffith and Sandra Rae Beale begat issue: (1) Loren David Griffith, born 19 March 1966 at Seattle, King County, Washington; (2) Gayelyn Vallejo Griffith, born 28 November 1968 at Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon.


Loren Eugene "Gene" Griffith was born 15 March 1946 at Spokane, Spokane County, Washington, son to Loren Parmer Griffith and Helen Thiel, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Sandra Rae Beale, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced); married, thirdly, Patricia ---, (to whom likewise also refer). His second wife was Ann Schluneger. Loren Eugene "Gene" Griffith and Ann Schluneger begat issue: (1) Lorna Ann Griffith, born 16 April 1970 at Spokane, Spokane County, Washington.


Loren Eugene "Gene" Griffith was born 15 March 1946 at Spokane, Spokane County, Washington, son to Loren Parmer Griffith and Helen Thiel, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Sandra Rae Beale, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced); married, secondly, Ann Schluneger, (to whom likewise also refer). His third wife was Patricia ---. Loren Eugene "Gene" Griffith and Patricia --- begat issue: (1) Heather Griffith, born 13 January 1978 at Spokane, Spokane County, Washington.


Loren Parmer Griffith was born 31 July 1907 near Hicksville (afterward known as Ruff), Grant County, Washington, son to William Russell Griffith and Helen Augusta Olson, (to whom refer); married, secondly, in 1936, Helen Thiel, (to whom also refer). His first wife was Emma Rosensweig, (to whom he was married in 1928 and from whom subsequently divorced). Loren Parmer Griffith and Emma Rosensweig begat issue: (1) William Joseph Griffith, born 9 June 1929 at or near Cheney, Spokane County, Washington, who married Betty Lindsey; (2) Joan Theresa Griffith, born 2 April 1931 at or near Cheney, Spokane County, Washington, who married Allen Hinton.


Loren Parmer Griffith was born 31 July 1907 near Hicksville (afterward known as Ruff), Grant County, Washington, son to William Russell Griffith and Helen Augusta Olson, (to whom refer); married, firstly, in 1928, Emma Rosensweig, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced). His second wife Helen Thiel, (to whom he was married in 1936), was born 6 February 1910 at or near Ritzville, Adams County, Washington. Loren Parmer Griffith and Helen Thiel begat issue: (1) Loren Eugene "Gene" Griffith, born 15 March 1946 at Spokane, Spokane County, Washington, who married, firstly, Sandra Rae Beale, (from whom subsequently divorced), secondly, Ann Schluneger, and, thirdly, Patricia ---.


Marvin Orin Griffith was born 22 August 1914 at or near Amisk, Huamha Municipal District, Alberta, son to Richard Morton Griffith and Allie Ina Couch, (to whom refer); died 17 November 1998 at Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon. His wife Isabelle Rose Braun, (to whom he was married 16 January 1939 at Coeur d'Alene, Kootenai County, Idaho), was born 16 June 1913 at or near Strasburg, Emmons County, North Dakota; died 8 October 1998 at Berea, Madison County, Kentucky. This couple begat issue: (1) LeRoy David Griffith, born 2 November 1939 at or near Keene, Cheshire County, New Hampshire, died 1 January 2005 at Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon in consequence of lung cancer, who married 26 May 1962 at Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, Carolyn Naluai; (2) Ina Marie Griffith, born 26 October 1941 at Longview, Cowlitz County, Washington, died 29 March 2012 at her residence, Berea, Madison County, Kentucky, who married 27 February 1965, Karl George Struss; (3) Orin Jerry Griffith, born 24 February 1943 at Longview, Cowlitz County, Washington, died 22 May 1993 on the Rogue River in Curry County, Oregon in consequence of a rafting accident, who married 22 December 1966 at Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, Cheryl Kay Baecher, (from whom subsequently divorced); (4) Doris Rose Griffith, born 29 November 1945 at St. Vincent Hospital, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, who married 17 April 1971 at St. Peter Damian Roman Catholic Church, Bartlett, Cook County, Illinois, James Thomas Russo; (5) Isabelle Kay Griffith, born 9 January 1947 at St. Vincent Hospital, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, who married at Anchorage, Anchorage Borough, Alaska, Robert Eugene Swearingen, (from whom subsequently divorced).


Melvin Ralph Griffith was born 15 January 1922 at or near Ritzville, Adams County, Washington, son to Joshua Robert Griffith and Mary Margaret Minnie Langenheder, (to whom refer). His wife Helen Maxine Mahaney, (to whom he was married in June 1943), was born 10 May 1922 at or near Park Hill, Cherokee County, Oklahoma. This couple begat issue: (1) Jon David Griffith, born 8 June 1948 at Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon; (2) Nancy Jayne Griffith, born 13 October 1952 at Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon, who married Michael T. Wolfe.


Merrill Arnold Griffith was born 30 August 1919 at or near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, son to William Griffith and Margaret Hurdis. His wife Evelyn May McLachlin, (to whom he was married in 1940 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario), was born 23 May 1920 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Harold Ferguson McLachlin and Ellabell Tomlinson, (to whom refer); died 3 April 2004 in hospital at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario; buried in 2004 at the United Cemeteries of St. Fillan's, Maplewood and Pine Grove (otherwise known as Pine Grove United Cemeteries), Beckwith Township, near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Olon Lionel Griffith was born a twin 27 February 1910 at or near Hicksville (afterward known as Ruff), Grant County, Washington, son to William Russell Griffith and Helen Augusta Olson, (to whom refer); died 14 April 1970 at or near Medical Lake, Spokane County, Washington in consequence of cardiac arrest. His wife Dorothy Alice Hurt, (to whom he was married 28 August 1935), was born 2 February 1913 at or near Galata, Chouteau County, Montana. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Orin Jerry Griffith was born 24 February 1943 at Longview, Cowlitz County, Washington, son to Marvin Orin Griffith and Isabelle Rose Braun, (to whom refer); died 22 May 1993 on the Rogue River in Curry County, Oregon in consequence of a rafting accident. His wife Cheryl Kay Baecher, (to whom he was married 22 December 1966 at Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 13 June 1948 at Eugene, Lane County, Oregon. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Orlen Keith Griffith was born a twin 27 February 1910 at or near Hicksville (afterward known as Ruff), Grant County, Washington, son to William Russell Griffith and Helen Augusta Olson, (to whom refer). His wife Ethel Bjork, (to whom he was married 20 May 1957), was born 13 December 1913 at Seattle, King County, Washington, daughter to Alfred Bjork and Ester ---; married, firstly, --- Taylor; died 16 June 1962 at Seattle, King County, Washington. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Orlen Keith Griffith and Ethel Bjork.


Orris Nelson Griffith was born 3 January 1913 at or near Soldier (afterward known as Fairfield), Camas County, Idaho, son to James Nelson Griffith and Mary Verna Couch, (to whom refer); died 30 September 1967 near Lucky Peak Dam, near Boise, Ada County, Idaho in consequence of cardiac arrest. His wife Rita Jean Myers was born 11 February 1916 at or near Shoshone, Lincoln County, Idaho. This couple begat issue: (1) Dwaine Orris Griffith, born 20 April 1935 at or near Shoshone, Lincoln County, Idaho, who married Barbara Lee Jacobs; (2) Charles Douglas Griffith, born 22 January 1938 at or near Jerome, Jerome County, Idaho, who married Katherine Nadine Wilkins; (3) Barbara Jean Griffith, born 8 February 1945 at or near Wendell, Gooding County, Idaho, who married Arthur Adrian Anderson.


Richard Morton Griffith was born 30 December 1884 at or near Stittsville, Goulbourn Township, Carleton County, Ontario, son to James Morton Griffith and Eliza Ann Drummond, (to whom refer); died 24 December 1964 at Osburn, Shoshone County, Idaho. His wife Allie Ina Couch, (to whom he was married 29 August 1906), was born 30 January 1885 at or near Cleveland, Le Sueur County, Minnesota; died in May 1984 at Olympia, Thurston County, Washington. This couple begat issue: (1) LeVern Morton Griffith, born 2 March 1908 at or near Soldier (afterward known as Fairfield), Camas County, Idaho, died 16 May 1988 at Coeur d'Alene, Kootenai County, Idaho, who married 1 June 1929, Jessie Marie Rinaldi; (2) Doris Ina Griffith, born 3 August 1909 at or near Soldier (afterward known as Fairfield), Camas County, Idaho, died in October 1981 at Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Oregon, who married in 1931, Orville L. Howe; (3) Elva Gladys Griffith, born 27 May 1911 at or near Soldier (afterward known as Fairfield), Camas County, Idaho, died 17 January 1997 at Yuma, Yuma County, Arizona, who married 2 April 1931, Harold Eugene Willard; (4) Dorothy Ione Griffith, born 1 January 1913 at or near Amisk, Huamha Municipal District, Alberta, died 19 March 2008 at Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Oregon, who married 4 June 1931, Stanley Crawford; (5) Marvin Orin Griffith, born 22 August 1914 at or near Amisk, Huamha Municipal District, Alberta, died 17 November 1998 at Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, who married 16 January 1939 at Coeur d'Alene, Kootenai County, Idaho, Isabelle Rose Braun; (6) Marjorie Ruth Griffith, born 15 November 1919 at Spokane, Spokane County, Washington, died 15 October 2007 at Kellogg, Shoshone County, Idaho, who married in 1936, Max Eugene Wadsworth.


Russell Drummond Griffith was born 29 December 1905 at or near Ritzville, Adams County, Washington, son to William Russell Griffith and Helen Augusta Olson, (to whom refer); married, secondly, in 1951, Bertha ---, (to whom also refer). His first wife was Betty Pollard, (to whom he was married in 1929 and from whom subsequently divorced). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Russell Drummond Griffith and Betty Pollard.


Russell Drummond Griffith was born 29 December 1905 at or near Ritzville, Adams County, Washington, son to William Russell Griffith and Helen Augusta Olson, (to whom refer); married, firstly, in 1929, Betty Pollard, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced). His second wife Bertha ---, (to whom he was married in 1951), was born 12 September 1899 at or near Uniontown, Whitman County, Washington; married, firstly, --- Kaufman. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Russell Drummond Griffith and Bertha ---; however this couple brought up two male children and one female child of the Wife's previous marriage who, being "strangers in blood" as regards the Husband's family, are not to be further noted or documented in these records.


Vern Leon Griffith was born 27 September 1941 at Spokane, Spokane County, Washington, son to Harold Charles Griffith and Isabelle Emily Scrimsher, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 27 December 1985, Marilee Kaye Frick, (to whom also refer). His first wife was Janet Lee Naylor, (from whom subsequently divorced in 1984). Vern Leon Griffith and Janet Lee Naylor begat issue: (1) Kristin Lee Griffith, born 30 January 1969 at Seattle, King County, Washington; (2) Jody Ann Griffith, born a twin 3 December 1971 at Seattle, King County, Washington; (3) Scott Andrew Griffith, born a twin 3 December 1971 at Seattle, King County, Washington; (4) Brooke Eileen Griffith, born 25 June 1980.


Vern Leon Griffith was born 27 September 1941 at Spokane, Spokane County, Washington, son to Harold Charles Griffith and Isabelle Emily Scrimsher, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Janet Lee Naylor, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced in 1984). His second wife was Marilee Kaye Frick, (to whom he was married 27 December 1985). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Vern Leon Griffith and Marilee Kaye Frick are presently available.


William Arthur Griffith was born 12 April 1918 at or near Fairfield, Camas County, Idaho, son to James Nelson Griffith and Mary Verna Couch, (to whom refer). His wife Ellyne Lenore Hallman, (to whom he was married in June 1946 at Boise, Ada County, Idaho), was born 8 June 1919 at or near Buhl, Twin Falls County, Idaho. This couple begat issue: (1) Arthur Kay Griffith, born 31 August 1950 at Kellogg, Shoshone County, Idaho; (2) Mary Ellyne Griffith, born 15 March 1952 at Spokane, Spokane County, Washington, who married Thomas Meyer; (3) Deborah Ann Griffith, born 21 November 1953 at Kellogg, Shoshone County, Idaho.


William Joseph Griffith was born 9 June 1929 at or near Cheney, Spokane County, Washington, son to Loren Parmer Griffith and Emma Rosensweig, (to whom refer). His wife was Betty Lindsey. This couple begat issue: (1) Gale Marie Griffith, born 19 April 1952 at Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon; (2) Lorna Joan Griffith, born 4 March 1953 at Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon; (3) Beverly Jane Griffith, born 27 January 1954 at Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon; (4) Ronald LaVern Griffith, born 27 July 1955 at Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon.


William Russell Griffith was born a twin 18 July 1881 at or near Ahmic Harbour, Croft Township, Parry Sound District, Ontario, son to James Morton Griffith and Eliza Ann Drummond, (to whom refer); died 10 March 1950 at Spokane, Spokane County, Washington. His wife Helen Augusta Olson, (to whom he was married 22 February 1905 at or near Ritzville, Adams County, Washington), was born 24 July 1884 at or near Ritzville, Adams County, Washington, daughter to Charles Olson and Emma ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Russell Drummond Griffith, born 29 December 1905 at or near Ritzville, Adams County, Washington, who married, firstly, in 1929, Betty Pollard, (from whom subsequently divorced), and, secondly, in 1951, Bertha ---; (2) Loren Parmer Griffith, born 31 July 1907 near Hicksville (afterward known as Ruff), Grant County, Washington, who married, firstly, in 1928, Emma Rosensweig, (from whom subsequently divorced), and, secondly, in 1936, Helen Thiel; (3) Olon Lionel Griffith, born a twin 27 February 1910 at or near Hicksville (afterward known as Ruff), Grant County, Washington, died 14 April 1970 at or near Medical Lake, Spokane County, Washington in consequence of cardiac arrest, who married 28 August 1935, Dorothy Alice Hurt; (4) Orlen Keith Griffith, born a twin 27 February 1910 at or near Hicksville (afterward known as Ruff), Grant County, Washington, who married 20 May 1957, Ethel Bjork; (5) Harold Charles Griffith, born 22 August 1913 at or near Ritzville, Adams County, Washington, who married in 1937, Isabelle Emily Scrimsher.


Edward Victor Grocholski was born 22 May 1938 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, son to Walter Grocholski and Ann Podboroczyaski. His wife Frances Elaine Anderson, (to whom he was married 6 August 1960 at Rosetown, Saskatchewan), was born 23 March 1939 at or near Milden, Saskatchewan, daughter to James Drummond Anderson and Ena Johnston, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Kenneth Edward Grocholski, born 22 December 1960 at Rosetown, Saskatchewan; (2) Linda Lee Grocholski, born 9 April 1962 at Rosetown, Saskatchewan; (3) Brenda Lynn Grocholski, born 31 August 1964 at Rosetown, Saskatchewan; (4) Shelly Elaine Grocholski, born 8 December 1967 at Rosetown, Saskatchewan.


Robert Grover. His wife Debbie Marie Griffith, (to whom he was married at Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon), was born 28 December 1966 at St. Vincent Hospital, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, daughter to LeRoy David Griffith and Carolyn Naluai, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Christopher Grover; (2) Tyler Grover.


Marlin Guell. His wife Jo Anne Katherine Griffith was born 1 July 1933 at or near Kellogg, Shoshone County, Idaho, daughter to LeVern Morton Griffith and Jessie Marie Rinaldi, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Harold D. Edwards, (to whom also refer). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Marlin Guell and Jo Anne Katherine Griffith are presently available.



Albert Marvin Haines was born 30 August 1915 at Brown County, Indiana; died 31 October 1970 in consequence of a stroke. His wife Irene Evelyn Griffith, (to whom he was married in 1939 at Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon), was born 26 August 1920 at Walla Walla, Walla Walla County, Washington, daughter to Joshua Robert Griffith and Mary Margaret Minnie Langenheder, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Robert Marion Haines (a professional baseball pitcher in the service of the New York Mets, etc.), born 27 March 1947 at Bradenton, Manatee County, Florida, who married Sandra Kay McClain.


Robert Marion Haines (a professional baseball pitcher in the service of the New York Mets, etc.) was born 27 March 1947 at Bradenton, Manatee County, Florida, son to Albert Marvin Haines and Irene Evelyn Griffith, (to whom refer). His wife was Sandra Kay McClain. This couple begat issue: (1) Jennifer Kristine Haines, born 7 December 1976 at Eugene, Lane County, Oregon.


Garnet Andrew Hamilton was born 9 August 1940 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to David John Stewart Hamilton and Anne Maude Byers. His wife Evelyn Grace Eaton, (to whom he was married 1 August 1964 at Toledo, formerly known as Kitley, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 10 November 1942 or 19 November 1942 (depending upon sources) at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Carl Wendell Eaton and Rena Matilda Drummond, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Brian Andrew Hamilton, born 6 August 1966 at Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario.


Bruce Allan Hansen was born 25 April 1942 at Brandon, Manitoba. His wife Phyllis Ruby Densley, (to whom he was married 28 November 1964 at Kenora, Kenora District, Ontario), was born 19 November 1946 at Brandon, Manitoba, daughter to Edward James Densley and Viola Watts, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Gregory Allan Hansen, born 10 August 1966 at Kenora, Kenora District, Ontario; (2) Terence Howard Hansen, born 23 May 1970 at Kenora, Kenora District, Ontario; (3) Michelle Alice Mary Hansen, born 17 November 1975 at Kenora, Kenora District, Ontario.


Dale K. Hansen. His wife Ramona Yvonne Kramer was born 1 January 1953 at Choteau, Teton County, Montana, daughter to Marlin Alfred Kramer and Hope Cherie Marshall, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 30 June 1976, C. C. Fjeld, (to whom also refer). Dale K. Hansen and Ramona Yvonne Kramer begat issue: (1) Chad Christopher Hansen, born 1 July 1971 at Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, died in infancy, unmarried, 2 July 1971 at Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana; (2) Melanie Lee Hansen (or Fjeld), born 22 May 1972 at Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, afterward assuming and bearing, effective June 1977, her stepfather's surname Fjeld in lieu of that of Hansen; (3) Kret Marlin Hansen (or Fjeld), born 1 September 1975 at Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana, afterward assuming and bearing, effective June 1977, his stepfather's surname Fjeld in lieu of that of Hansen.


Lindsay Ross Harder was born 2 July 1961 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, son to Kenneth Harder and Corinne Serask. His wife Colleen Patricia Hogan, (to whom he was married 21 May 1994 at Calgary, Alberta), was born 9 February 1967 at Toronto, Metropolitan Toronto Municipality, Ontario, daughter to Emmett Patrick Hogan and Virginia Anne Drummond, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Dylan Curtis Harder, born 10 February 1998 at Calgary, Alberta; (2) Tyson Patrick Harder, born 20 February 2001 at Calgary, Alberta.


Eldon Thomas Hare was born 15 October 1953 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Elwood Eric Hare and Elva Jean Ogilvie. His wife Edna Patricia Eaton, (to whom he was married 26 October 1974 at Toledo, formerly known as Kitley, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 12 April 1953 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Wendell Roy Eaton and Freida Kathleen Allan, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Scott Eldon Hare, born 1 May 1975 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario.


Ross Harris. His wife Mildred Eleanor Preston, (to whom he was married in 1927), was born 18 September 1904 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Anthony Uriah Preston and Mina Wood, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 25 June 1949 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario, J. Emerson Stitt, (to whom also refer); died 31 October 1964 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; buried in November 1964 at Maple Vale Cemetery, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, (with the Venerable Archdeacon G. H. Sadler, Anglican Church, officiating). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Ross Harris and Mildred Eleanor Preston.


Barry Lee Hart was born 14 January 1966 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Harry Garnet George Hart and Irene Marie Lackie, (to whom refer). His wife was Arlene ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Edward Hart was born 3 January 1948 at St. Catharines, Lincoln County, Ontario, son to Norman Hart and Helen ---. His wife Marjorie Alice Saunders, (to whom he was married 5 June 1971 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 10 August 1950 at Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Lloyd Drummond Saunders and Norma Alice Toop, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Michael Saunders, born 21 March 1977 at Brampton, Peel Regional Municipality, Ontario.


Harry Garnet George Hart was born 14 June 1927 at Leeds County, Ontario, son to George Henry Hart and Celvesta Frances Carr. His wife Irene Marie Lackie, (to whom he was married 12 September 1949 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 18 September 1930 at Peterborough, Peterborough County, Ontario, daughter to Thomas Walter Lackie and Lila Salter, (to whom refer); died 12 October 1995 at Smiths Falls Community Hospital, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; buried 16 October 1995 at Hillcrest Cemetery, near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Timothy Harry Hart, born 22 March 1960 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married Heather ---; (2) Barry Lee Hart, born 14 January 1966 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married Arlene ---.


Timothy Harry Hart was born 22 March 1960 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Harry Garnet George Hart and Irene Marie Lackie, (to whom refer). His wife was Heather ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Barry Craig Hartley was born 11 March 1960 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario, son to Ralph Norman Hartley and Merla Jennie Freeman, (to whom refer). His wife was Tammy Hunter, (to whom he was married 28 July 1979 at Seeley's Bay, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Brian Ross Hartley was born 20 April 1958 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario, son to Ralph Norman Hartley and Merla Jennie Freeman, (to whom refer). His wife Kimberly Lynne Ellis, (to whom he was married 26 November 1977 at Seeley's Bay, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 18 July 1960 at Toronto, Metropolitan Toronto Municipality, Ontario, daughter to Hinder Rowland Ellis and Barbara Elizabeth Lewis. This couple begat issue: (1) Corey Ellis Hartley, born antenuptially in September 1977 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario.


Gary Ralph Hartley was born 26 March 1955 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario, son to Ralph Norman Hartley and Merla Jennie Freeman, (to whom refer). His wife Carol Marie Knapp, (to whom he was married 1 June 1974 at Seeley's Bay, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 20 November 1954 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario, daughter to Garnet Westley Knapp and Gwen Gayle White. This couple begat issue: (1) Jason Samuel Rae Hartley, born 26 September 1977 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario.


Howard Rae Hartley was born 12 November 1929 at or near Seeley's Bay, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to James Rae Hartley and Rebecca Shook. His wife Marjorie Edith Freeman, (to whom he was married 29 December 1951 at Seeley's Bay, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 3 September 1931 at or near Forfar, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Stanley Elsworth Freeman and Leah Louise Chant, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Mervyn Richard Hartley, born 22 July 1952 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario; (2) Marilyn Rae Hartley, born 1 May 1954 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario, who married 10 September 1977 at Seeley's Bay, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Norman F. P. Patterson; (3) Margaret Christine Hartley, born 10 June 1960 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 17 November 1979 at Seeley's Bay, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Glen Snider; (4) Anita Marie Hartley, born 22 December 1966 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario.


Ralph Norman Hartley was born 22 January 1928 at or near Seeley's Bay, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to James Rae Hartley and Rebecca Shook. His wife Merla Jennie Freeman, (to whom he was married 9 June 1951 at Delta, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 15 November 1933 at or near Forfar, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Stanley Elsworth Freeman and Leah Louise Chant, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Gary Ralph Hartley, born 26 March 1955 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario, who married 1 June 1974 at Seeley's Bay, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Carol Marie Knapp; (2) Lyn Ann Hartley, born 15 October 1956 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario, who married 15 October 1976 at Seeley's Bay, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Dennis George Cardinal; (3) Brian Ross Hartley, born 20 April 1958 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario, who married 26 November 1977 at Seeley's Bay, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Kimberly Lynne Ellis; (4) Barry Craig Hartley, born 11 March 1960 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario, who married 28 July 1979 at Seeley's Bay, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Tammy Hunter; (5) Larry Norman Hartley, born 1 July 1962 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario.


Daniel Stewart Healey was born 1 May 1963 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Stewart Walter Healey and Jessie Eileen Drummond, (to whom refer). His wife Gena Kimberly Lowe, (to whom he was married 30 July 1988), was born 13 May 1965 at Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Kyle Frank Healey, born 15 November 1993 at Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario.


John Henry Healey was born 30 March 1926 at or near Glenview, Drummond Township, Lanark County, Ontario, son to William Healey and Della Armstrong. His wife Velma Ellen Tomlinson, (to whom he was married 30 June 1949 at Glenview, Drummond Township, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 29 June 1931 at or near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Herbert Miller Tomlinson and Maude Elizabeth Edwards, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Linda Marie Healey, born 10 April 1950 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 16 September 1972 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, Reuben Gordon Peter Orr; (2) Susan Ann Healey, born 4 January 1952 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 23 July 1971 at the United Church of Canada, Port Elmsley, North Elmsley Township. Lanark County, Ontario, Brian Gibbs; (3) Nancy Ellen Healey, born 7 March 1955 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 24 August 1974 at Port Elmsley, North Elmsley Township, Lanark County, Ontario, William Gregory Clark; (4) William Herbert Healey, born 31 January 1957 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; (5) Stephen Henry Healey, born 7 December 1969 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario.


Stewart Walter Healey was born 13 August 1934 at or near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Russell Healey and Myrtle Sparks; died 2 June 2012 at Carleton Place and District Memorial Hospital, Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario; buried 9 June 2012 at Stittsville United Church Cemetery, Stittsville, Stittsville-Kanata Ward, Ottawa City, Ontario. His wife Jessie Eileen Drummond, (to whom he was married 30 May 1959 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 29 October 1939 at or near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Hubert Gordon Drummond and Bessie Marguerite Burns, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Daniel Stewart Healey, born 1 May 1963 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 30 July 1988, Gena Kimberly Lowe; (2) Cynthia Eileen Healey, born 19 April 1966 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 22 August 1987, Frederick Brett Seabrook.


Richard Helweg. His wife Miranda Lyn Brown, (from whom subsequently divorced), was born 4 February 1977 at Red Deer, Alberta, daughter to Douglas Eldon Brown and Penny Lynn Drummond, (to whom refer). No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Stanley Hendrickson died 25 June 1972 at Kenora, Kenora District, Ontario. His wife Janet Gail Dodds, (to whom he was married 17 December 1966 at Keewatin, Kenora District, Ontario), was born 16 November 1945 at Virden, Manitoba, daughter to Wilbert Woodrow "Bill" Dodds and Thelma Joyce Laviette Weber, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 20 July 1974, John Sickle, (to whom also refer). Stanley Hendrickson and Janet Gail Dodds begat issue: (1) Dianna Gail Hendrickson, born 14 June 1967 at Kenora, Kenora District, Ontario; (2) Christopher Stanley Hendrickson, born 10 August 1970 at Kenora, Kenora District, Ontario.


Alvin James Hill was born 18 August 1922 at or near Kenton, Woodworth Rural Municipality, Manitoba, son to John Thomas Hill and Mary Elizabeth English. His wife Dorothy Jean Dodds, (to whom he was married 25 January 1943 at Kenton, Woodworth Rural Municipality, Manitoba), was born 8 April 1919 at or near Ebor, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba, daughter to Robert Samuel Dodds and Matilda Jane "Jennie" Drummond, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Elizabeth Jane Hill, born a twin 20 March 1954 at Hamiota, Manitoba; (2) Alvin John Hill, born a twin 20 March 1954 at Hamiota, Manitoba, died in infancy, unmarried, 23 March 1954 at Hamiota, Manitoba; (3) James Thomas Hill, born 12 March 1957 at Boissevain, Manitoba.


David E. Hinsen. His wife Marilyn Janet Crawford was born 27 August 1936 at or near Spokane, Spokane County, Washington, daughter to Stanley Crawford and Dorothy Ione Griffith, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Dana Leslie Hinsen, born 20 December 1957 at McAllen, Hidalgo County, Texas; (2) Ward Eugene Hinsen, born 14 April 1959 at Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington; (3) Holly Ann Hinsen, born 26 December 1965 at Minot, Ward County, North Dakota.


Allen Hinton. His wife Joan Theresa Griffith was born 2 April 1931 at or near Cheney, Spokane County, Washington, daughter to Loren Parmer Griffith and Emma Rosensweig, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Mark Allen Hinton, born 7 May 1960 at Spokane, Spokane County, Washington; (2) Paul Louis Hinton, born 8 August 1962 at Spokane, Spokane County, Washington; (3) John Hinton, born 29 July 1970.


Michael Peter Hoffmann was born 15 August 1958 at Edmonton, Alberta, son to Kurt Adolph Hoffmann and Anneliese Hedwig Behrens. His wife Darlene Mary Drummond, (to whom he was married 30 November 1991 at Edmonton, Alberta and from whom subsequently separated in 2011), was born 30 March 1963 at Edmonton, Alberta, daughter to Robert Clare Drummond and Mary Campbell Mowat, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Aubrey James Hogan was born 23 January 1965 at Weyburn, Saskatchewan, son to Emmett Patrick Hogan and Virginia Anne Drummond, (to whom refer). His wife Leah Janet Ricardo, (to whom he was married 4 August 2001 at Calgary, Alberta and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 11 April 1969 at Cebu City, Cebu Province, the Republic of The Philippines, daughter to --- Ricardo and Teresita Marimon. This couple begat issue: (1) Jordan Miles Hogan, born antenuptially 7 December 1989 at Calgary, Alberta; (2) Shauna Leanne Hogan, born antenuptially 10 November 1993 at Calgary, Alberta.


Corey Jason Hogan was born 24 September 1974 at Calgary, Alberta, son to Emmett Patrick Hogan and Virginia Anne Drummond, (to whom refer). His wife Micheline Gisele Pitre, (to whom he was married 15 July 2006 at Ste. Famille Roman Catholic Church, Calgary, Alberta), was born 9 January 1982 at Calgary, Alberta, daughter to Bernard Louis Pitre and Nicole Yvonee Savard. This couple begat issue: (1) Alexis Ren�e Hogan, born 4 May 2011 at Calgary, Alberta; (2) Liam Clarence Hogan, born 17 July 2015 at Calgary, Alberta.


Emmett Patrick Hogan was born 17 March 1942 at Regina, Saskatchewan, son to Joseph Hogan and Mildred Roch. His wife Virginia Anne Drummond, (to whom he was married 31 August 1963 at Dodsland, Saskatchewan and from whom subsequently divorced in 1987), was born 13 January 1944 at Fort William, Thunder Bay District, Ontario, daughter to Clarence Russell "Jigger" Drummond and Florentine Gertrude "Flora" Doll, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 30 June 1990 at St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church, Midnapore, Calgary, Alberta, Kurt Winkler, (to whom also refer); died 21 April 2017 at Calgary, Alberta in consequence of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig's Disease); buried 28 April 2017 at Calgary, Alberta. Emmett Patrick Hogan and Virginia Anne Drummond begat issue: (1) Aubrey James Hogan, born 23 January 1965 at Weyburn, Saskatchewan, who married 4 August 2001 at Calgary, Alberta, Leah Janet Ricardo, (from whom subsequently divorced); (2) Colleen Patricia Hogan, born 9 February 1967 at Toronto, Metropolitan Toronto Municipality, Ontario, who married 21 May 1994 at Calgary, Alberta, Lindsay Ross Harder; (3) Corey Jason Hogan, born 24 September 1974 at Calgary, Alberta, who married 15 July 2006 at Ste. Famille Roman Catholic Church, Calgary, Alberta, Micheline Gisele Pitre.


Allan Houde. His wife Linda Marie Dodds, (to whom he was married 14 November 1973 at Lethbridge, Alberta), was born 14 November 1950 at Virden, Manitoba, daughter to Lawrence Dodds and Amy Margaret Ethel Burr, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Lori Lee Houde, born 4 May 1972 at New Westminster, Greater Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia; (2) Lorin Lee John Houde, born 10 April 1973 at Blairmore, Alberta.


Larry A. Howe was born a twin 11 June 1942 at or near Longview, Cowlitz County, Washington, son to Orville L. Howe and Doris Ina Griffith, (to whom refer). His wife was Elizabeth Dawson. This couple begat issue: (1) Michele Howe, born 4 July 1963 at Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon; (2) Sheila Howe, born 20 October 1967 at Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon.


Orville L. Howe was born 31 December 1907 at or near Esmond, Benson County, North Dakota; died 12 November 1993 at Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Idaho. His wife Doris Ina Griffith, (to whom he was married in 1931), was born 3 August 1909 at or near Soldier (afterward known as Fairfield), Camas County, Idaho, daughter to Richard Morton Griffith and Allie Ina Couch, (to whom refer); died in October 1981 at Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Oregon. This couple begat issue: (1) Sandra Howe, born 4 May 1935 at or near Longview, Cowlitz County, Washington, who married Joseph Purdue; (2) Larry A. Howe, born a twin 11 June 1942 at or near Longview, Cowlitz County, Washington, who married Elizabeth Dawson; (3) Terry L. Howe, born a twin 11 June 1942 at or near Longview, Cowlitz County, Washington, who married Susan Thomas.


Terry L. Howe was born a twin 11 June 1942 at or near Longview, Cowlitz County, Washington, son to Orville L. Howe and Doris Ina Griffith, (to whom refer). His wife was Susan Thomas. This couple begat issue: (1) Kurtis Howe, born 8 July 1963 at Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon; (2) Kyle Howe, born 15 December 1964 at Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon.


William Henry Hudson. His wife Janet Elva Willard was born 22 August 1939 at or near Spokane, Spokane County, Washington, daughter to Harold Eugene Willard and Elva Gladys Griffith, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Stephen Michael Hudson, born 17 June 1960 at Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon; (2) Rebecca Lynne Hudson, born 14 January 1962 at Kellogg, Shoshone County, Idaho.


Craig Hulan was son to Gerald Hulan and Madonna ---. His wife Brittany Jean Marie Preece was born 10 February 1985 at the North Unit, Smiths Falls Community Hospital, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Timothy Preece and Norma McArthur, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Alivia Jean Hulan, born 28 May 2007.


Charles Ernest Hunt was born 27 September 1901 at Nodaway County, Missouri, son to William Andrew Hunt and Mary May Clark; died 28 September 1967 on Lake Diefenbaker, Saskatchewan in consequence of a boating mishap; buried at Rosetown Cemetery, Rosetown, Saskatchewan. His wife Margaret Jane "Maggie" Anderson, (to whom he was married 21 July 1926 at or near Rosetown, Saskatchewan), was born 14 April 1908 at or near Glamis, Unorganised Territory, Saskatchewan, daughter to Thomas James Anderson and Jemima Fullerton (or Tullerton) Drummond, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Mildred Mae Hunt, born 6 October 1930 at or near Sovereign, Saskatchewan, who married 8 February 1951 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Ronald Norman Jeffery; (2) Floyd Ernest Hunt, born 26 July 1932 at or near Milden, Saskatchewan, who married 19 January 1951 at Sovereign, Saskatchewan, Betty Agnes Davey; (3) William Howard Hunt, born 12 January 1934 at or near Milden, Saskatchewan, who married 18 July 1959 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, June Louise Larson.


Floyd Ernest Hunt was born 26 July 1932 at or near Milden, Saskatchewan, son to Charles Ernest Hunt and Margaret Jane "Maggie" Anderson, (to whom refer). His wife Betty Agnes Davey, (to whom he was married 19 January 1951 at Sovereign, Saskatchewan), was born 26 January 1932 at or near Hawarden, Saskatchewan, daughter to Egin McCabe Davey and Eva Gladys Shield. This couple begat issue: (1) Mildred Fay Hunt, born 29 October 1951 at Kindersley, Saskatchewan, who married 13 May 1970 or 30 May 1970 (depending upon sources) at Sovereign, Saskatchewan, Norman Frank Bailey; (2) Melvin Floyd Hunt, born 29 November 1952 at Camrose, Alberta, who married 28 June 1976 at Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, Priscilla Bird; (3) Sherry Ann Hunt, born 19 December 1953 at Biggar, Saskatchewan, who married 12 January 1974 at La Ronge, Saskatchewan, Jonas Murdock Charles, (from whom subsequently divorced 11 May 1976); (4) Terry Alan Hunt, born 28 December 1954 at Biggar, Saskatchewan, who married 27 December 1975 at La Ronge, Saskatchewan, Peggy Linda Patterson; (5) Grant Murray Hunt, born 13 October 1957 at Milden, Saskatchewan; (6) Cindy Gay Hunt, born 22 April 1959 at Dinsmore, Saskatchewan; (7) Kirk Oliver Hunt, born 27 March 1961 at Milden, Saskatchewan.


Melvin Floyd Hunt was born 29 November 1952 at Camrose, Alberta, son to Floyd Ernest Hunt and Betty Agnes Davey, (to whom refer). His wife Priscilla Bird, (to whom he was married 28 June 1976 at Prince Albert, Saskatchewan), was born 2 March 1953 at La Ronge, Saskatchewan. This couple begat issue: (1) Melvina Loreli Hunt, born 12 January 1976 at Prince Albert, Saskatchewan.


Terry Alan Hunt was born 28 December 1954 at Biggar, Saskatchewan, son to Floyd Ernest Hunt and Betty Agnes Davey, (to whom refer). His wife Peggy Linda Patterson, (to whom he was married 27 December 1975 at La Ronge, Saskatchewan), was born 25 September 1959 at La Ronge, Saskatchewan. This couple begat issue: (1) Roxane Dawn Hunt, born 8 April 1976 at La Ronge, Saskatchewan.


William Howard Hunt was born 12 January 1934 at or near Milden, Saskatchewan, son to Charles Ernest Hunt and Margaret Jane "Maggie" Anderson, (to whom refer). His wife June Louise Larson, (to whom he was married 18 July 1959 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan), was daughter to Henry Larson and Mayme ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Annette Marie Hunt, born 30 October 1960 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan; (2) Garnet Dean Hunt, born 9 September 1962 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.


Wilson Lesley Hunter was born 28 September 1916 at Millar's Corners, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Edward Hunter and Elizabeth Ann "Lizzie" Law; married, secondly, Viola Victoria Lippert; died 18 February 2005 at the Baker Cancer Centre, Foothills Hospital, Calgary, Alberta in consequence of double pneumonia following upon cancer; cremated 22 February 2005 at Calgary, Alberta; ashes buried 12 March 2005 at Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Maitland, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His first wife Alberta Mary Hazel Templeton, (to whom he was married 31 March 1942 at Grace Presbyterian Church, Calgary, Alberta, with the Reverend Alfred Bright, Presbyterian Church in Canada, officiating and whom he subsequently callously abandoned), was born 9 October 1919 at Templeton Ranch, Norquay (afterward known as Kneehill) Municipal District, near Acme, Alberta, specifically on the North East Quarter of Section 15, Township 29, Range 25, West of the Fourth Meridian, daughter to Charles Melville Templeton and Gertrude Barraclough, (to whom refer); christened 24 August 1926 at Templeton Ranch, Norquay (afterward known as Kneehill) Municipal District, near Acme, Alberta, specifically on the North East Quarter of Section 15, Township 29, Range 25, West of the Fourth Meridian, (with the Reverend D. Whyte Smith, United Church of Canada, officiating); died 9 July 1988 at precisely 4:45 o'clock in the morning Mountain Standard Time or 5:45 o'clock in the morning Mountain Daylight Time at Calgary General Hospital, Calgary, Alberta in consequence of kidney and heart failure coupled with pneumonia following upon general physical and organic decline resulting from a stroke and cancer of the lung and bone structure; buried 13 July 1988 at Union Cemetery, Calgary, Alberta, (with her only son, herebelow recorded, officiating). Wilson Lesley Hunter and Alberta Mary Hazel Templeton begat issue: (1) Frederick Charles Hunter, born 3 February 1953 at approximately 6:30 o'clock in the morning at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Barrie, Simcoe County, Ontario, christened 31 May 1953 at the Base Interdenominational Chapel, Camp Borden Royal Canadian Air Force Base, Essa Township, Simcoe County, Ontario, (with the Base Chaplain for the United Church of Canada officiating), baptised 3 May 1975 at the Calgary Alberta North Stake Centre, Calgary Alberta North Stake of Zion, Calgary, Alberta, (with Elder Richard Lee Collins, duly ordained Elder of Israel and full-time Missionary, officiating), confirmed 3 May 1975 at the Calgary Alberta North Stake Centre, Calgary Alberta North Stake of Zion, Calgary, Alberta, (with Elder Steven C. Booth, duly ordained Elder of Israel and full-time Missionary, officiating).


James Hurley. His wife M. Marlene Griffith, (to whom he was married in 1975 and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 4 January 1945 at Kelso, Cowlitz County, Washington, daughter to George Edward Griffith and Dorothy Leona Hulse, (to whom refer); married, firstly, William Thorn, (to whom also refer); married, secondly, briefly in 1975, Kenneth Gebrowski, (to whom likewise also refer and from whom subsequently divorced in 1975). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of James Hurley and M. Marlene Griffith are presently available.


James Hutt. His wife Wanda Willis, (to whom he was married 29 August 1964 at Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 26 April 1942 at or near Portland, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Cecil Willis and Anna Jane Wood, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.



Fred Ibuki. His wife Linda Ann Drummond, (to whom he was married 14 March 1977 at Seattle, King County, Washington), was born 14 March 1949 at Seattle, King County, Washington, daughter to George Talbert Drummond and Jessie Wade Rowley, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 13 December 1969 at Seattle, King County, Washington, Stephen Ross, (to whom also refer). Fred Ibuki and Linda Ann Drummond begat issue: (1) Kelly M. Ibuki, born 13 November 1977.


Donald James Inglis was born 29 April 1949 at Brandon, Manitoba, son to Roy Churchill Inglis and Dorothy Bell Drummond, (to whom refer). His wife Rhonda May Munson, (to whom he was married 22 May 1976 at Brandon, Manitoba), was born 5 August 1954 at Brandon, Manitoba, daughter to Clarence Roy Munson and Norma Beryl Smith. This couple begat issue: (1) Lindsay Dawn Inglis, born 26 August 1976 at Brandon, Manitoba.


Garth George Inglis was born 24 June 1950 at Brandon, Manitoba, son to Roy Churchill Inglis and Dorothy Bell Drummond, (to whom refer). His wife Dedra Elizabeth Sibbald, (to whom he was married 5 October 1973 at Rapid City, Manitoba), was born 1 May 1954 at Rapid City, Manitoba, daughter to John Frederick Sibbald and Bertha Mabel Smith. This couple begat issue: (1) Jonathan Garth Inglis, born 4 January 1976 at Brandon, Manitoba.


Roy Churchill Inglis was born 7 March 1919 at or near Oak Lake, Manitoba, son to John George Inglis and Jean "Jeanie" Waite. His wife Dorothy Bell Drummond, (to whom he was married 3 March 1947 at Brandon, Manitoba), was born 22 August 1922 at Brandon, Manitoba, daughter to James Milton Drummond and Mary Anne Joynt, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Raymond Murray Inglis, born 8 February 1948 at Brandon, Manitoba; (2) Donald James Inglis, born 29 April 1949 at Brandon, Manitoba, who married 22 May 1976 at Brandon, Manitoba, Rhonda May Munson; (3) Garth George Inglis, born 24 June 1950 at Brandon, Manitoba, who married 5 October 1973 at Rapid City, Manitoba, Dedra Elizabeth Sibbald; (4) Faye Marlene Inglis, born 29 April 1956 at Brandon, Manitoba; (5) Sharon Gail Inglis, born 27 October 1957.


Terrance G. M. "Terry" Irish was born 11 May 1946 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario, son to Harold Irish and Daphne Reeve. His wife Sharlene Lillian Drummond, (to whom he was married 22 June 1968 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 22 June 1947 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Robert Holmes Drummond and Eleanor Estella Willows, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Terry Lynn Irish, born 7 June 1970 at Renfrew, Renfrew County, Ontario; (2) John Robert Irish, born 16 May 1971 at Renfrew, Renfrew County, Ontario.



Donald James Jack. His wife Lola-Joy Templeton, (to whom he was married 20 August 1966 at Riverview United Church, Calgary, Alberta), was born 25 August 1947 at Olds, Alberta, daughter to Arthur Edwin Ray Templeton and Margaret Aileen St. Clair, (to whom refer). In addition to later adoption of children, names and sexes unavailable, who, being "strangers in blood" as regards the treated families, are not to be further noted or documented in these records, this couple also previously begat issue: (1) James Ray Jack, born 25 January 1973, died in infancy, unmarried, 6 April 1973, buried in 1973 at Queen's Park Cemetery, Calgary, Alberta.


Donald Maurice Jackson was born 12 December 1957 at Minnedosa, Manitoba, son to "Mac" Jackson and Elsie Hootla. His wife Wanda Jean Drummond, (to whom he was married 16 August 1986 at Brandon, Manitoba), was born 19 August 1961 at Brandon, Manitoba, daughter to Dennis Allan Drummond and Mildred Gwendolyn Armit, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Kelsi Elizabeth Jackson, born 5 July 1989 at Brandon, Manitoba.


Eugene Jackson was born 29 August 1953 at Elgin, South Crosby Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Carman Jackson and Hattie Kane. His wife Shirley Jean Bolton, (to whom he was married 6 April 1974 at Elgin, South Crosby Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 28 October 1952 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Arthur Spencer Bolton and Wilma Jean Chant, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Michelle Jean Irene Jackson, born 7 August 1975 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; (2) Michael Eugene Jackson, born 3 October 1977 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario.


Stewart Jackson was born 15 May 1943 at Soldiers' Memorial Hospital, Middleton, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia, son to Clarence William Jackson and Evelyn Irene Mitchell. His wife Lesley Jean Fordyce, (to whom he was married 10 June 1967 at Oak Lake, Manitoba), was born 21 January 1949 at Hamiota, Manitoba, daughter to Albert Lawrence Fordyce and Jean Kachor, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Peter Scott Jackson, born 8 November 1967 at Rivers, Manitoba; (2) Robyn Lori Jackson, born 18 April 1970 at Rivers, Manitoba.


Wayne Ewert Jackson was born 8 January 1947 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Ewert Jackson and Ivy Chant. His wife Donna Jean McLachlin, (to whom he was married 12 April 1969 at Trinity United Church, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario with the Reverend Gervis Black, United Church of Canada, officiating), was born 9 August 1948 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Donald Ferguson McLachlin and Olevia Jean Kenny, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Cynthia Annette Jackson, born 4 September 1969 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married Denis McCarthy.


Pierrot Jadot was born 25 August 1939 at or near Ruette, Ruette Commune, Virton Arrondissement, Luxembourg Province, the Kingdom of Belgium, son to Albert Jadot and Marcelle Meuniers. His wife Gail Jacquelin Doughty, (to whom he was married 11 June 1966 at Victoria, Capital Regional District, British Columbia), was born 25 November 1942 at Halifax, Halifax County, Nova Scotia, daughter to Norman H. Doughty and Cleola Fullerton McCauley, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Dean Jadot, born 8 October 1966 at Vancouver, British Columbia.


George Wilbert Jago was born 11 October 1932, son to James Jago and Rosina Grace Mare. His wife Donna Jean Gray, (to whom he was married 13 October 1962 at Sinclair, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba), was born 23 February 1939 at Souris, Manitoba, daughter to Elgin Alexander Gray and Ella May Dodds, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Clayton Jones Jago, born 10 August 1963 at Reston, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba; (2) Elgin Dean Jago, born 1 August 1964 at Virden, Manitoba; (3) Rodney Dale Jago, born 8 June 1968 at Reston, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba; (4) Clare Lynn Jago, born 28 February 1971 at Reston, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba.


Brent H. James. His wife Wanda Lee Crawford was born 4 July 1955 at Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, daughter to John Keith Crawford and Marcella Abrahamson, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Cory Alan James, born 24 November 1977 at Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon.


Malcolm Frederick B. James was born 25 March 1925 at or near Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario, son to W. T. James and Florence Belford. His wife Lois Annabel McNeely, (to whom he was married 21 October 1950 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 21 May 1929 at or near Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Arthur Ernest McNeely and Estella Marjorie Lyons, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Glen Robert James, born 10 December 1952 at Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario; (2) Sheila Maureen James, born 11 September 1957 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario; (3) Steven Bruce James, born 28 May 1963 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario.


James Richard Jeffery was born 2 June 1957 at Biggar, Saskatchewan, son to Ronald Norman Jeffery and Mildred Mae Hunt, (to whom refer). His wife was Linda Marie Sayer, (to whom he was married 20 March 1976 at Grand Cache, Alberta). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Ronald Norman Jeffery was born 10 September 1932 at or near Birch Hills, Saskatchewan, son to Gordon Jeffery and Edna Keal. His wife Mildred Mae Hunt, (to whom he was married 8 February 1951 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan), was born 6 October 1930 at or near Sovereign, Saskatchewan, daughter to Charles Ernest Hunt and Margaret Jane "Maggie" Anderson, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Carol Marie Jeffery, born 26 January 1953 at Milden, Saskatchewan, who married 3 August 1974 at Edmonton, Alberta, Richard Alexander Makarenko; (2) Beverly Ann Jeffery, born 26 June 1954 at Milden, Saskatchewan, who married 24 July 1976, Bruce Murray Brickett; (3) Robert Norman Jeffery, born 11 September 1955 at Rosetown, Saskatchewan; (4) James Richard Jeffery, born 2 June 1957 at Biggar, Saskatchewan, who married 20 March 1976 at Grand Cache, Alberta, Linda Marie Sayer; (5) Gary Alan Jeffery, born 31 January 1963 at Biggar, Saskatchewan.


Cory Campbell Johnson was born 25 May 1971 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Gilbert Edgar Johnson and Inez Melinda Campbell, (to whom refer). His wife Brandy Lorraine Fournier, (to whom he was married 15 August 1992 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 20 June 1974 at Perth, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Breck Fournier and Rhoda White. This couple begat issue: (1) Victoria Colleen Johnson, born antenuptially 16 August 1991 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; (2) Andrea Lorraine Johnson, born 5 October 1994.


Donald James Johnson. His wife Kathryn Diane Washburn was born 18 November 1939 at Toledo, Lewis County, Washington, daughter to Arthur Walter Washburn and Lillian King, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Tanya Faye Johnson, born 16 December 1959; (2) Kathryn Christine Johnson, born 14 November 1960; (3) Eric Roland Johnson, born 17 January 1963; (4) Ann Marie Johnson, born 31 March 1964.


Gilbert Edgar Johnson was born 28 December 1940 at or near Carp, Huntley Township, Carleton County, Ontario, son to Omar Johnson and Bessie Wilson. His wife Inez Melinda Campbell, (to whom he was married 15 May 1965 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 16 March 1941 or 19 September 1941 (depending upon sources) at St. Remi, Napierville County, Qu�bec, daughter to Edwin John Alexander Campbell and Melinda Evelyn Currie, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Shane Gilbert Edwin Johnson, born 20 November 1965 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; (2) Lawrie Anne Melinda Johnson, born 2 January 1968 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 20 August 1988 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, Donald Leslie "Butch" Webster Jr.; (3) Kirk Joseph Johnson, born 9 July 1970 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 2 September 1995 at the Free Methodist Church, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, Cheryl Anne Burtch; (4) Cory Campbell Johnson, born 25 May 1971 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 15 August 1992 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, Brandy Lorraine Fournier.


Kirk Joseph Johnson was born 9 July 1970 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Gilbert Edgar Johnson and Inez Melinda Campbell, (to whom refer). His wife Cheryl Anne Burtch, (to whom he was married 2 September 1995 at the Free Methodist Church, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario), was daughter to "Al" Burtch and Jessie Anne Frey. This couple begat issue: (1) Jessie Ann Johnson, born 7 May 1994 at Perth, Lanark County, Ontario; (2) Hailey Elizabeth Johnson, born 4 June 1996; (3) Alicia Inez Johnson, born 7 April 1998; (4) Olivia Hope Johnson, born 6 November 2001; (5) Madelyn Johnson, born 29 December 2003.


Robert Harvey "Tookie" Johnson Jr. was born 29 January 1969 at Elmer, Salem County, New Jersey. His wife Rhonda Michelle "Missy" Swearingen, (to whom he was married 3 October 1992 at Baton Rouge, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana), was born 18 June 1968 at Baton Rouge, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana, daughter to Robert Eugene Swearingen and Isabelle Kay Griffith, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Mark Robert "Bobby" Johnson, born 6 October 1995 at Baton Rouge, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana; (2) John Michael "Johnny" Johnson, born 6 February 1998 at Baton Rouge, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana.


Agnew Herbert Johnston (Trustee and Chairman of the Board of Education of Fort William, Ontario, for whom a school is named at Thunder Bay, longest-serving Presbyterian minister to that time in a single congregation in Canada, 99th Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, etc.) was born 26 October 1906 at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to John Johnston and Eliza Victoria Templeton, (to whom refer). His wife Christine MacKay, (to whom he was married 13 October 1951), was born 14 July 1921; died in 1995. This couple begat issue: (1) John Andrew Agnew Johnston, born 15 October 1952 at Fort William, Thunder Bay District, Ontario, who married, firstly, 2 June 1979, Amy Evelyn Gertz, (from whom subsequently divorced), and, secondly, ---; (2) Kenneth Niall Harcourt Johnston, born 26 June 1956 in Ontario; (3) Andrew MacKay Johnston, born 19 June 1958 in Ontario.


Barry Elliott Johnston was born 21 September 1949 at Rosetown, Saskatchewan, son to Thomas Hall Johnston and Hazel Eline Elliott, (to whom refer). His wife Beverly McFazden, (to whom he was married 13 May 1972 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan), was born 22 May 1951 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. This couple begat issue: Dean Elliott Johnston, born 10 September 1972 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan; (2) Andrea Jill Johnston, born 18 October 1975 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.


Charles William Johnston was born 6 November 1932 at or near Eston, Saskatchewan, son to Richard Hall Johnston and Mary Elizabeth Anderson, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Marie George, (to whom also refer). His first wife was G. Ridees, (from whom subsequently divorced). Charles William Johnston and G. Ridees begat issue: (1) Donna Ridees Johnston; (2) Brian Ridees Johnston.


Charles William Johnston was born 6 November 1932 at or near Eston, Saskatchewan, son to Richard Hall Johnston and Mary Elizabeth Anderson, (to whom refer); married, firstly, G. Ridees, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced). His second wife was Marie George. Charles William Johnston and Marie George begat issue: (1) Daniel George Johnston, born in 1968.


Elmer Beatty Johnston was born 27 May 1934 at or near Eston, Saskatchewan, son to Richard Hall Johnston and Mary Elizabeth Anderson, (to whom refer); died 22 May 1973 at Edmonton, Alberta. His wife was Vivian Cubban. This couple begat issue: (1) Wayne Johnston, born 3 January 1966 at or near Vermilion, Alberta.


Elton Graham Johnston was born 24 May 1951 at Rosetown, Saskatchewan, son to Thomas Hall Johnston and Hazel Eline Elliott, (to whom refer). His wife Lorraine Fay Eva Kresthoff, (to whom he was married 25 August 1973 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan), was born 22 July 1952 at Esterhazy, Saskatchewan. This couple begat issue: (1) Deborah Lee Johnston, born 10 July 1974 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan; (2) Kevin Elvin Johnston, born 10 February 1976 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.


Ernest Wilbert Johnston was born 14 January 1941 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Harold Johnston and Minie Strikefoot. His wife Ruth Elaine Stewart, (to whom he was married 10 September 1966 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 9 September 1944 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Allan Edgar Stewart and Ethel Rubina Kerr, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Lorie Ann Johnston, born 4 September 1971 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; (2) Kathryn Lynn Johnston, born 7 November 1975 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario.


Harcourt Templeton Johnston was born 1 October 1902 at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to John Johnston and Eliza Victoria Templeton, (to whom refer); fathered out of wedlock, prior to marriage, by one Alice Carson, one female child, (for further records of whom refer to the entry labelled "Alice Carson" in the "Supplementary" Section at the end of Part I. of this work); died in 1991. His wife Margaret Hendry Gibb, (to whom he was married 12 September 1945), was born 31 August 1916. Harcourt Templeton Johnston and Margaret Hendry Gibb begat issue: (1) Margaret Elizabeth Johnston, born 11 July 1955 in Ontario, who married 27 December 1980 at Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay District, Ontario, Donald P. O'Neill.


James Gilmour Johnston was born 11 December 1932 at or near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Charles Johnston and Adell ---. His wife Joyce Eileen Drummond, (to whom he was married 3 March 1950 at or near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 3 April 1932 at or near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to James Henry Drummond and Ethel Bradford, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) John Charles Johnston, born 20 April 1952 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 28 June 1975 at Wolford Chapel, near Kilmarnock Island, Wolford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, Ava Wilhelmina Doef; (2) Wade Gregory Johnston, born 8 December 1956 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario; (3) Donna Ann Johnston, born 29 January 1962 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario; (4) Dwight Albert Johnston, born 20 May 1965 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario.


John Johnston (Reeve of The Township of Oxford, Counties Councillor of the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville, etc., one of whose brothers The Honourable William Agnew Johnston served in succession as Member of the State House of Representatives, State Senator, State Attorney-General and finally Chief Justice of the State of Kansas, etc.) was born 23 January 1845, son to Mathew (or Matthew) Johnston (donor of the site for St. Matthew's Presbyterian Church and Churchyard, Patterson's Corners, which was named in his honour, etc.) and Jane Agnew; married, firstly, 22 February 1871 at Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, Elizabeth Anderson; died 6 December 1924; buried at St. Matthew's Presbyterian Churchyard (otherwise known as Patterson's Corners Presbyterian Churchyard), Patterson's Corners, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His second wife Eliza Victoria Templeton, (to whom he was married 13 March 1900 at Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 15 April 1871 at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to James Templeton and Mary Ann Doolan, (to whom refer); died 6 February 1940 at McKellar Hospital, Fort William, Thunder Bay District, Ontario; buried in 1940 at St. Matthew's Presbyterian Churchyard (otherwise known as Patterson's Corners Presbyterian Churchyard), Patterson's Corners, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario. John Johnston and Eliza Victoria Templeton begat issue: (1) Harcourt Templeton Johnston, born 1 October 1902 at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, fathered out of wedlock, prior to marriage, by one Alice Carson, one female child, (for further records of whom refer to the entry labelled "Alice Carson" in the "Supplementary" Section at the end of Part I. of this work), died in 1991, who married 12 September 1945, Margaret Hendry Gibb; (2) Agnew Herbert Johnston (Trustee and Chairman of the Board of Education of Fort William, Ontario, for whom a school is named at Thunder Bay, longest-serving Presbyterian minister to that time in a single congregation in Canada, 99th Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, etc.), born 26 October 1906 at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 13 October 1951, Christine MacKay; (3) Myrtle Mabel Johnston, born 9 September 1909 at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died unmarried 21 October 1957 in Ontario, buried at St. Matthew's Presbyterian Churchyard (otherwise known as Patterson's Corners Presbyterian Churchyard), Patterson's Corners, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario.


John Andrew Agnew Johnston was born 15 October 1952 at Fort William, Thunder Bay District, Ontario, son to Agnew Herbert Johnston and Christine MacKay, (to whom refer); married, secondly, ---, (to whom also refer). His first wife Amy Evelyn Gertz, (to whom he was married 2 June 1979 and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 18 December 1953 at Buffalo, Erie County, New York, daughter to John Blake Gertz and Diane June Stubinder. John Andrew Agnew Johnston and Amy Evelyn Gertz begat issue: (1) Ann Johnston.


John Andrew Agnew Johnston was born 15 October 1952 at Fort William, Thunder Bay District, Ontario, son to Agnew Herbert Johnston and Christine MacKay, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 2 June 1979, Amy Evelyn Gertz, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced). His second wife was ---. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of John Andrew Agnew Johnston and --- are presently available.


John Charles Johnston was born 20 April 1952 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, son to James Gilmour Johnston and Joyce Eileen Drummond, (to whom refer). His wife Ava Wilhelmina Doef, (to whom he was married 28 June 1975 at Wolford Chapel, near Kilmarnock Island, Wolford Township, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 11 May 1956 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Peter Doef and Wilhelmina Dykehoussen. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Lance Victor Johnston was born 9 May 1962 at Quesnel, British Columbia, son to Clifford Robert Johnston and Violet Durkatch. His wife Sandra Lynn Atkinson, (to whom he was married 16 August 1986 at Penticton, Okanagan-Similkameen Regional District, British Columbia), was born 27 May 1962 at Penticton, British Columbia, daughter to Herbert Ernest "Dennis" Atkinson and Thelma Margaret Logan, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Erin Christine Johnston, born 26 March 1988 at Penticton, Okanagan-Similkameen Regional District, British Columbia; (2) Logan James Johnston, born 28 June 1991 at Penticton, Okanagan-Similkameen Regional District, British Columbia.


Richard Hall Johnston was born 2 April 1902 at or near Brigden, Moore Township, Lambton County, Ontario, son to Robert Hall Johnston and Margaret Jane Murray; died 13 April 1975 at Sovereign, Saskatchewan. His wife Mary Elizabeth Anderson, (to whom he was married 26 October 1922 at or near Sovereign, Saskatchewan), was born 12 August 1900 at or near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Thomas James Anderson and Jemima Fullerton (or Tullerton) Drummond, (to whom refer); died 5 December 1966 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan; buried at Sovereign, Saskatchewan. This couple begat issue: (1) Thomas Hall Johnston, born 24 April 1924 at or near Glamis, St. Andrews Rural Municipality, Saskatchewan, died 20 October 1976 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, who married 26 October 1945 at Eston, Saskatchewan, Hazel Eline Elliott; (2) Margaret Jemima Johnston, born 11 November 1926 at or near Glamis, St. Andrews Rural Municipality, Saskatchewan, who married, firstly, 6 November 1945 at Rosetown, Saskatchewan, Frederick Skaalid, and, secondly, 11 June 1955, Frederick J. Sim; (3) James Richard Johnston, born 10 November 1927 at or near Forgan, Monet Rural Municipality, Saskatchewan, died 21 May 1955 at Rosetown, Saskatchewan; (4) Charles William Johnston, born 6 November 1932 at or near Eston, Saskatchewan, who married, firstly, G. Ridees, (from whom subsequently divorced), and, secondly, Marie George; (5) Elmer Beatty Johnston, born 27 May 1934 at or near Eston, Saskatchewan, died 22 May 1973 at Edmonton, Alberta, who married Vivian Cubban.


Thomas Hall Johnston was born 24 April 1924 at or near Glamis, St. Andrews Rural Municipality, Saskatchewan, son to Richard Hall Johnston and Mary Elizabeth Anderson, (to whom refer); died 20 October 1976 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. His wife Hazel Eline Elliott, (to whom he was married 26 October 1945 at Eston, Saskatchewan), was born 14 February 1925 at or near Hughton, Saskatchewan, daughter to Frederick Earl Elliott and Isabel McCallum. This couple begat issue: (1) Terry Hall Johnston, born 25 August 1946 at Rosetown, Saskatchewan, died early, unmarried, 8 May 1947 at Rosetown, Saskatchewan; (2) Elvin Thomas Johnston, born 19 January 1948 at Rosetown, Saskatchewan, died 17 September 1972 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan; (3) Barry Elliott Johnston, born 21 September 1949 at Rosetown, Saskatchewan, who married 13 May 1972 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Beverly McFazden; (4) Elton Graham Johnston, born 24 May 1951 at Rosetown, Saskatchewan, who married 25 August 1973 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Lorraine Fay Eva Kresthoff; (5) Cindy Maxine Johnston, born 20 March 1964 at Biggar, Saskatchewan.


Dennis Jones. His wife Mary-Ann Templeton, (to whom he was married 7 November 1981), was born 8 October 1955 at Lethbridge, Alberta, daughter to Arthur Edwin Ray Templeton and Margaret Aileen St. Clair, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Nathaniel Jones, who married Whitney Hemstock.


Nathaniel Jones was son to Dennis Jones and Mary-Ann Templeton, (to whom refer). His wife was Whitney Hemstock. This couple begat issue: (1) Cleopatra Jones.


Steven Jones. His wife Kelley Dawn Drummond, (to whom he was married 21 May 2009 at Poets Cove, Pender Island, Capital Regional District, British Columbia), was born 20 September 1978 at Edmonton, Alberta, daughter to James Milford Drummond and Edith Margaret Guhl, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Finley Jones.


Robert Walker Jordon was born 10 September 1926 at Seattle, King County, Washington, son to James Russell Jordon and Esther Carlson. His wife Phyllis Illean Drummond, (to whom he was married 4 September 1948 at Seattle, King County, Washington), was born 5 March 1928 at Seattle, King County, Washington, daughter to George Drummond and Cora Edith Simms, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Catherine Louise Jordon, born 4 December 1951 at Seattle, King County, Washington; (2) James Russell Jordon, born 3 October 1954 at Seattle, King County, Washington; (3) David Walker Jordon, born 25 September 1959 at Seattle, King County, Washington.



Christopher Allan Kallio was born 12 November 1958. His wife Allison Jayne Salter, (to whom he was married 28 August 1982), was born 22 May 1958, daughter to William James Salter and Patricia Evelyn Lake, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Alexandra Jayne Kallio, born 2 June 1985; (2) Adam William Kallio, born 15 October 1986; (3) Amy Elizabeth Kallio, born 9 May 1988.


K. Anthony "Tony" Kamin died 8 May 1977 in consequence of injuries sustained in an automobile crash on the Kettle River Highway, British Columbia. His wife Nora Mae Dodds, (to whom he was married 29 August 1970 at Greenwood, Kootenay Boundary Regional District, British Columbia), was born 30 June 1955 at Virden, Manitoba, daughter to Lawrence Dodds and Amy Margaret Ethel Burr, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Jody Anthony Kamin, born 27 December 1970 at Oliver, Okanagan-Similkameen Regional District, British Columbia; (2) Jason Scott Kamin, born 10 June 1974 at Oliver, Okanagan-Similkameen Regional District, British Columbia.


Robert Emil Helmut Karlstedt was born 23 December 1936 in the German Reich. His wife Doris Emily Densley, (to whom he was married 14 May 1960 at Kenora, Kenora District, Ontario), was born 10 April 1940 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, daughter to Edward James Densley and Viola Watts, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Wayne Edward Walter Karlstedt, born 19 September 1960 at Kenora, Kenora District, Ontario; (2) Donald Helmut Karlstedt, born 4 January 1962 at Winnipeg, Greater Winnipeg Metropolitan Corporation, Manitoba.


Brian Donald Kassing was born 21 April 1971 at Christian Northwest Hospital, St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri. His wife Nicole Lynn "Nicki" Russo, (to whom he was married 29 May 1998 at Sts. Joachim and Ann Roman Catholic Church, St. Peters, St. Charles County, Missouri), was born 30 September 1974 at St. John's Mercy Hospital, St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri, daughter to James Thomas Russo and Doris Rose Griffith, (to whom refer). No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Ronald Kevin Keane was born 23 August 1957. His wife Julie Anne Salter, (to whom he was married 26 June 1982), was born 18 May 1960, daughter to William James Salter and Patricia Evelyn Lake, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Robert Peter Salter Keane, born 30 March 1989; (2) James Kevin Salter Keane, born 20 April 1991; (3) John William Salter Keane, born 5 January 1993.


Stuart Arthur Keays was born 1 December 1934 at or near Perth, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Harold Edward Keays and Helen Jenette Sergeant. His wife Evelyn Eileen Leach, (to whom he was married 22 September 1961 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 17 December 1930 at or near Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Percy Robert Leach and Ethel Isabel McNeely, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Gloria Edith Keays, born 2 May 1964 at Perth, Lanark County, Ontario; (2) Jean Isabel Keays, born 10 March 1967 at Perth, Lanark County, Ontario.


Joseph H. Kelly was born 9 March 1902 at Spokane, Spokane County, Washington; died 14 July 1975. His wife Louise Lora Kinzel, (to whom he was married in 1950), was born 6 September 1911 at or near Marcellus, Adams County, Washington, daughter to Henry Kinzel and Edith Matilda Griffith, (to whom refer); married, firstly, in 1936, Theodore "Ted" Ott, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced in 1948). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Joseph H. Kelly and Louise Lora Kinzel.


Marvin LaVerne Kerr was born 7 August 1940 at or near Richland, Benton County, Washington, son to Morley Kerr and Eliza Ann Kramer, (to whom refer). His wife was Jeaniette Y. Montgomery. This couple begat issue: (1) Debra Ray Kerr, born 21 September 1959 at Othello, Adams County, Washington; (2) Marvin LaVerne Kerr Jr., born 21 January 1961 at Othello, Adams County, Washington; (3) Clinton Kerr, born 28 March 1963 at Ritzville, Adams County, Washington.


Morley Kerr was born 24 June 1913 at or near Sunnyside, Yakima County, Washington. His wife Ann Eliza Kramer, (to whom he was married 9 February 1936), was born 11 May 1917 at or near Downs, Lincoln County, Washington, daughter to Michael Kramer and Elizabeth Griffith, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Shirley LaVon Kerr, born 13 November 1936 at or near Kelso, Cowlitz County, Washington, who married George Colley; (2) Janice Illeen Kerr, born 13 September 1938 at or near Yakima, Yakima County, Washington, who married Robert L. Eastridge; (3) Marvin LaVerne Kerr, born 7 August 1940 at or near Richland, Benton County, Washington, who married Jeaniette Y. Montgomery; (4) Nila Wray Kerr, born 5 September 1943 at or near Sunnyside, Yakima County, Washington, who married Orville Simmons; (5) Sandy Lee Kerr, born 23 August 1949 at or near Sunnyside, Yakima County, Washington, who married Richard L. Scott.


James W. Kerruish was born 9 November 1939. His wife Eleanor Laurie Scott was born 20 September 1941, daughter to Walter Thomas Scott and Jean Davis McLean, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Laurie Lee Kerruish, born 8 April 1967.


Brian William Frederick Killen was born 3 October 1937 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, son to Matthew Killen and Helen Potter; died 6 November 2006 at Smiths Falls Community Hospital, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife Myrtle Eileen Saunders, (to whom he was married 30 September 1967 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 15 August 1947 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to William Joseph Saunders Jr. and Myrtle Audrey Kelford, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Christopher Matthew Killen, born 13 June 1968 at Sydney, Cape Breton County, Nova Scotia, who married Shamim ---; (2) Jennifer Helen Eileen Killen, born 18 February 1970 at Calgary, Alberta, who married Sean Mulligan; (3) Sean Michael Brian Killen, born 3 May 1979 at Oakville, Halton Regional Municipality, Ontario, who married Aidan ---.


Christopher Matthew Killen was born 13 June 1968 at Sydney, Cape Breton County, Nova Scotia, son to Brian William Frederick Killen and Myrtle Eileen Saunders, (to whom refer). His wife was Shamim ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Braeden Killen; (2) Blaine Killen.


Sean Michael Brian Killen was born 3 May 1979 at Oakville, Halton Regional Municipality, Ontario, son to Brian William Frederick Killen and Myrtle Eileen Saunders, (to whom refer). His wife was Aidan ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Allan Wayne Kinch was born 7 March 1971 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Wendell Allen Wayne Kinch and Jean Mildred Campbell, (to whom refer). His wife Heather Melissa Leduc, (to whom he was married 29 August 1998 at Lombardy, South Elmsley Township, Leeds County, Ontario and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 3 June 1977. This couple begat issue: (1) Bethany Rebecca Kinch, born antenuptially 12 June 1998; (2) Logan Allan Wayne Kinch, born 14 January 2002.


Wendell Allen Wayne Kinch was born 20 October 1942 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Alton Kinch and Rachel Kerr. His wife Jean Mildred Campbell, (to whom he was married 2 September 1966 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 10 March 1946 at Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Edwin John Alexander Campbell and Melinda Evelyn Currie, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Allan Wayne Kinch, born 7 March 1971 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 29 August 1998 at Lombardy, South Elmsley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Heather Melissa Leduc, (from whom subsequently divorced); (2) Rebecca Ann Kinch, born 23 June 1973 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 4 October 1997 at St. John's Church, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, Stephen David McAllister, (from whom subsequently divorced).


--- King. His wife Iona Salter was born 27 September 1938, daughter to Peter Elmer Salter and Viola Lillian Curran, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Harry Alfred Kingstone. His wife Rae Eleanor Scott Greenham, (to whom he was married 28 July 1973), was born 2 October 1941, daughter to Raymond Stewart Greenham and Marion Eleanor Scott, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Gary Dean Kinzel was born 2 October 1939 at or near Ritzville, Adams County, Washington, son to Walter Roy Kinzel and Edna Thiel, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Connie Elaine Lee, (to whom also refer). His first wife was Diane Arnold. Gary Dean Kinzel and Diane Arnold begat issue: (1) Jonathan Mark Kinzel, born 15 December 1962 at San Diego, San Diego County, California; (2) Paul Martin Kinzel, born 17 April 1969 at Seattle, King County, Washington.


Gary Dean Kinzel was born 2 October 1939 at or near Ritzville, Adams County, Washington, son to Walter Roy Kinzel and Edna Thiel, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Diane Arnold, (to whom also refer). His second wife Connie Elaine Lee married, firstly, Thomas Logsdon. In addition to adoption of one male and two female children of his first Wife's previous marriage who, being "strangers in blood" as regards both his and his second Wife's treated families, are not to be further noted or documented in these records, Gary Dean Kinzel and Connie Elaine Lee also begat issue: (1) Christi Ann Kinzel, born 5 August 1974 at Spokane, Spokane County, Washington; (2) Matthew Dean Kinzel, born 20 August 1976 at Spokane, Spokane County, Washington.


Henry Kinzel was born 20 October 1887 in the Russian Empire; died 24 February 1964 at Ritzville, Adams County, Washington. His wife Edith Matilda Griffith, (to whom he was married in January 1909 at Odessa, Lincoln County, Washington), was born 11 December 1886 at or near Ahmic Harbour, Croft Township, Parry Sound District, Ontario, daughter to James Morton Griffith and Eliza Ann Drummond, (to whom refer); died 18 April 1979 at Ritzville, Adams County, Washington. This couple begat issue: (1) Lloyd Kinzel, born 31 October 1909 at or near Marcellus, Adams County, Washington, who married, firstly, in 1933 at Walla Walla, Walla Walla County, Washington, Gertrude Bastron, and, secondly, in 1968, Emma Miller LaBelle; (2) Louise Lora Kinzel, born 6 September 1911 at or near Marcellus, Adams County, Washington, who married, firstly, in 1936, Theodore "Ted" Ott, (from whom subsequently divorced in 1948), and, secondly, in 1950, Joseph H. Kelly; (3) Walter Roy Kinzel, born 30 March 1913 at or near Downs, Lincoln County, Washington, who married in 1937, Edna Thiel; (4) Peggy Lina Kinzel, born 14 November 1923 at or near Ritzville, Adams County, Washington, who married Royal Eugene Faire.


Jay Roy Kinzel was born 7 March 1945 at Spokane, Spokane County, Washington, son to Walter Roy Kinzel and Edna Thiel, (to whom refer). His wife was Frances Ann Longshore. This couple begat issue: (1) Todd Alan Kinzel, born 15 February 1966 at Spokane, Spokane County, Washington; (2) Tracey Ann Kinzel, born 30 January 1969 at Sandpoint, Bonner County, Idaho.


Lloyd Kinzel was born 31 October 1909 at or near Marcellus, Adams County, Washington, son to Henry Kinzel and Edith Matilda Griffith, (to whom refer); married, secondly, in 1968, Emma Miller LaBelle, (to whom also refer). His first wife was Gertrude Bastron, (to whom he was married in 1933 at Walla Walla, Walla Walla County, Washington); died in 1964. Lloyd Kinzel and Gertrude Bastron begat issue: (1) Janet Gertrude Kinzel, born 3 November 1934 at or near Ritzville, Adams County, Washington, who married Terry Reed; (2) Jean Rosetta Kinzel, born 19 August 1937 at Ritzville, Adams County, Washington, who married Gary Liming.


Lloyd Kinzel was born 31 October 1909 at or near Marcellus, Adams County, Washington, son to Henry Kinzel and Edith Matilda Griffith, (to whom refer); married, firstly, in 1933 at Walla Walla, Walla Walla County, Washington, Gertrude Bastron, (to whom also refer). His second wife Emma Miller LaBelle, (to whom he was married in 1968), was born 20 October 1912 at or near Ritzville, Adams County, Washington. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Lloyd Kinzel and Emma Miller LaBelle.


Walter Roy Kinzel was born 30 March 1913 at or near Downs, Lincoln County, Washington, son to Henry Kinzel and Edith Matilda Griffith, (to whom refer). His wife Edna Thiel, (to whom he was married in 1937), was born 30 March 1912 at or near Ritzville, Adams County, Washington. This couple begat issue: (1) Gary Dean Kinzel, born 2 October 1939 at or near Ritzville, Adams County, Washington, who married, firstly, Diane Arnold, and, secondly, Connie Elaine Lee; (2) Jay Roy Kinzel, born 7 March 1945 at Spokane, Spokane County, Washington, who married Frances Ann Longshore.


Junior Lee Kitt was born 25 July 1948. His wife Carmelita Irene Dale, (to whom he was married 2 February 1969), was born 31 October 1950 at Waynesboro, Virginia, daughter to Lautaro Villarroel Dale and Mary Isabel Gibson, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Audie Straughan, (to whom also refer); married, thirdly, Charles Straughan, (to whom likewise also refer). Junior Lee Kitt and Carmelita Irene Dale begat issue: (1) Michael Aaron Kitt, born 7 September 1969 at Palo Alto, Santa Clara County, California.


Bryan Knapp was son to Kenneth Knapp and Catherine Mary Bryan, (to whom refer). His wife was Courtney Seed. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Kenneth Knapp. His wife Catherine Mary Bryan was born 28 August 1958, daughter to William Douglas Bryan and Faye Wilkins, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Amanda Knapp, who married Todd Wilson; (2) Philip Knapp, who married Christina Pielow; (3) Bryan Knapp, who married Courtney Seed.


Philip Knapp was son to Kenneth Knapp and Catherine Mary Bryan, (to whom refer). His wife was Christina Pielow. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Stephen Kirk Kozan was born 29 October 1984, son to Kirk Kozan and Lenna Kram. His wife Jenna Lauren Patricia Drummond, (to whom he was married 7 August 2010 at Regina, Saskatchewan), was born 26 October 1984 at Regina, Saskatchewan, daughter to Norman James Drummond and Patricia Mary Eastuke, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Savannah Catherine Kozan, born 4 February 2014.


Alvin Michael Kramer was born 29 November 1907 at or near Crab Creek, Lincoln County, Washington, son to Michael Kramer and Elizabeth Griffith, (to whom refer). His wife Anna Mae Hester, (to whom he was married 29 December 1931), was born 29 December 1913 at Mount Pleasant, Henry County, Idaho. This couple begat issue: (1) Delmer Lee Kramer, born 24 July 1933 at Spokane, Spokane County, Washington, who married Marlene Joyce Lesser; (2) Leona Mae Kramer, born 16 May 1935 at Spokane, Spokane County, Washington, who married her first cousin Dale Morton Kramer; (3) Audrey Lorene Kramer, born 1 April 1944 at Spokane, Spokane County, Washington, who married, firstly, David Freund, and, secondly, Warren Dean Beck.


Cecil Henry Kramer was born 2 September 1910 at Lincoln County, Washington, son to Michael Kramer and Elizabeth Griffith, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 6 October 1956, Ruth Johnson Thomas, (to whom also refer). His first wife Anna Elizabeth "Bessie" Dea, (to whom he was married 2 October 1930), was born 21 January 1910 at or near Havre, Hill County, Montana; died 22 January 1956 at Longview, Cowlitz County, Washington. Cecil Henry Kramer and Anna Elizabeth "Bessie" Dea begat issue: (1) Donald Harold Kramer, born 18 August 1931 at or near Cascade, Cascade County, Montana, who married, firstly, Marjorie Ruth Cason, secondly, Violet Fisher, and, thirdly, Loretta Violet Ervig; (2) Henry Norman Kramer, born 3 November 1933 at or near Pendroy, Teton County, Montana, who married Maxine Curtis; (3) James Wilfred Kramer, born 7 March 1936 at or near Kelso, Cowlitz County, Washington, who married Judith Foley; (4) Kenneth Michael Kramer, born 25 April 1938 at or near Longview, Cowlitz County, Washington, who married Sara Jo Burger.


Cecil Henry Kramer was born 2 September 1910 at Lincoln County, Washington, son to Michael Kramer and Elizabeth Griffith, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 2 October 1930, Anna Elizabeth "Bessie" Dea, (to whom also refer). His second wife Ruth Johnson Thomas, (to whom he was married 6 October 1956), was born 23 January 1918 at or near Morton Grove, Cook County, Illinois. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Cecil Henry Kramer and Ruth Johnson Thomas.


Clarence Alfred Kramer was born 9 June 1909 at or near Crab Creek, Lincoln County, Washington, son to Michael Kramer and Elizabeth Griffith, (to whom refer). His wife Ada May Gebhart, (to whom he was married 2 October 1930), was born 9 April 1911 at her parents' homestead near Pendroy, Teton County, Montana. This couple begat issue: (1) Marlin Alfred Kramer, born 24 November 1931 at or near Conrad, Pondera County, Montana, who married Hope Cherie Marshall.


Dale Morton Kramer was born 20 August 1928 at or near Downs, Lincoln County, Washington, son to Theodore Morton "Ted" Kramer and Bessie Ewing, (to whom refer); died 16 April 1978. His wife (and first cousin) Leona Mae Kramer was born 16 May 1935 at Spokane, Spokane County, Washington, daughter to Alvin Michael Kramer and Anna Mae Hester, (to whom also refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Michael Dale Kramer, born 27 January 1953 at Spokane, Spokane County, Washington; (2) Lauriel Lee Kramer, born 16 July 1955 at Spokane, Spokane County, Washington.


Daniel Harold Kramer was born 6 February 1920 at or near Downs, Lincoln County, Washington, son to Michael Kramer and Elizabeth Griffith, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Vivian V. Yard, (to whom also refer); died 17 January 1974. His first wife Doris I. Reed, (to whom he was married in 1942), died 13 February 1959. Daniel Harold Kramer and Doris I. Reed begat issue: (1) Dwight Harold Kramer, born 3 December 1946 at Vancouver, Clark County, Washington, who married Linda Galehorne.


Daniel Harold Kramer was born 6 February 1920 at or near Downs, Lincoln County, Washington, son to Michael Kramer and Elizabeth Griffith, (to whom refer); married, firstly, in 1942, Doris I. Reed, (to whom also refer); died 17 January 1974. His second wife Vivian V. Yard was born 7 October 1914 at or near Amazonia, Andrew County, Missouri. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Daniel Harold Kramer and Vivian V. Yard.


Delmer Lee Kramer was born 24 July 1933 at Spokane, Spokane County, Washington, son to Alvin Michael Kramer and Anna Mae Hester, (to whom refer). His wife was Marlene Joyce Lesser. This couple begat issue: (1) Angella Lee Kramer, born 28 January 1958 at Spokane, Spokane County, Washington, who married Howard Robert Fielding; (2) Robert Gene Kramer, born 24 March 1959 at Spokane, Spokane County, Washington; (3) Denise Ann Kramer, born 15 December 1961 at Moses Lake, Grant County, Washington; (4) Shawn Lyne Kramer, born 31 March 1967 at Moses Lake, Grant County, Washington.


Donald Harold Kramer was born 18 August 1931 at or near Cascade, Cascade County, Montana, son to Cecil Henry Kramer and Anna Elizabeth "Bessie" Dea, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Violet Fisher, (to whom also refer); married, thirdly, Loretta Violet Ervig, (to whom likewise also refer). His first wife was Marjorie Ruth Cason. Donald Harold Kramer and Marjorie Ruth Cason begat issue: (1) Linda Jean Kramer, born 20 April 1952 at Longview, Cowlitz County, Washington, who married John Terry Mazat; (2) Daryld Howard Kramer, born 9 October 1954 at Longview, Cowlitz County, Washington, died early, unmarried, 27 December 1955; (3) Karen Marie Kramer, born a twin 19 May 1965 at Longview, Cowlitz County, Washington; (4) Donald Harold Kramer II., born a twin 19 May 1965 at Longview, Cowlitz County, Washington.


Donald Harold Kramer was born 18 August 1931 at or near Cascade, Cascade County, Montana, son to Cecil Henry Kramer and Anna Elizabeth "Bessie" Dea, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Marjorie Ruth Cason, (to whom also refer); married, thirdly, Loretta Violet Ervig, (to whom likewise also refer). His second wife was Violet Fisher. Donald Harold Kramer and Violet Fisher begat issue: (1) Gary Lee Kramer, born 28 December 1967 at Longview, Cowlitz County, Washington.


Donald Harold Kramer was born 18 August 1931 at or near Cascade, Cascade County, Montana, son to Cecil Henry Kramer and Anna Elizabeth "Bessie" Dea, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Marjorie Ruth Cason, (to whom also refer); married, secondly, Violet Fisher, (to whom likewise also refer). His third wife Loretta Violet Ervig married, firstly, --- Westling. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Donald Harold Kramer and Loretta Violet Ervig.


Dwight Harold Kramer was born 3 December 1946 at Vancouver, Clark County, Washington, son to Daniel Harold Kramer and Doris I. Reed, (to whom refer). His wife was Linda Galehorne. This couple begat issue: (1) Michael Chad Kramer, born 5 June 1969 at Spokane, Spokane County, Washington; (2) Lance Noel Kramer, born 16 February 1971 at Kotzebue, Kobuk Borough, Alaska; (3) Shannon Nicole Kramer, born 17 November 1973 at Kotzebue, Kobuk Borough, Alaska.


Henry Norman Kramer was born 3 November 1933 at or near Pendroy, Teton County, Montana, son to Cecil Henry Kramer and Anna Elizabeth "Bessie" Dea, (to whom refer). His wife was Maxine Curtis. This couple begat issue: (1) Michael William Kramer, born 13 September 1956 at Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington; (2) Steven Dale Kramer, born 25 April 1958 at Kelso, Cowlitz County, Washington; (3) Sandy Lynn Kramer, born 27 July 1960 at Long Beach, Los Angeles County, California.


James Wilfred Kramer was born 7 March 1936 at or near Kelso, Cowlitz County, Washington, son to Cecil Henry Kramer and Anna Elizabeth "Bessie" Dea, (to whom refer). His wife was Judith Foley. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Kenneth Michael Kramer was born 25 April 1938 at or near Longview, Cowlitz County, Washington, son to Cecil Henry Kramer and Anna Elizabeth "Bessie" Dea, (to whom refer). His wife was Sara Jo Burger. This couple begat issue: (1) Elizabeth Marie Kramer, born 26 March 1962 at Longview, Cowlitz County, Washington; (2) Dixie Anne Kramer, born 6 March 1964 at Longview, Cowlitz County, Washington; (3) Jackie Jo Kramer, born 29 March 1966 at Longview, Cowlitz County, Washington; (4) Sharon Gayle Kramer, born 5 December 1967 at Longview, Cowlitz County, Washington.


Mark W. Kramer was born 7 March 1922 at or near Marcellus, Adams County, Washington; married, firstly, ---. His second wife Myrtle Elizabeth Kramer, (to whom he was married 7 October 1977), was born 31 August 1915 at or near Downs, Lincoln County, Washington, daughter to Michael Kramer and Elizabeth Griffith, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 25 June 1955, Helmer F. Enter, (to whom also refer). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Mark W. Kramer and Myrtle Elizabeth Kramer.


Marlin Alfred Kramer was born 24 November 1931 at or near Conrad, Pondera County, Montana, son to Clarence Alfred Kramer and Ada May Gebhart, (to whom refer). His wife was Hope Cherie Marshall. This couple begat issue: (1) Steven Marlin Kramer, born 21 June 1951 at Conrad, Pondera County, Montana, who married Lourdes Manas Tamhor; (2) Ramona Yvonne Kramer, born 1 January 1953 at Choteau, Teton County, Montana, who married, firstly, Dale K. Hansen, and, secondly, 30 June 1976, C. C. Fjeld; (3) Clarence Dale Kramer, born 7 September 1956 at Conrad, Pondera County, Montana.


Michael Kramer was born 20 September 1885 in the Russian Empire; died 12 April 1975. His wife Elizabeth Griffith, (to whom he was married 13 December 1905 at Marcellus, Adams County, Washington and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 26 November 1888 at or near Ahmic Harbour, Croft Township, Parry Sound District, Ontario, daughter to James Morton Griffith and Eliza Ann Drummond, (to whom refer); married, secondly, in 1941 at Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, George E. Llewellyn, (to whom also refer); died 16 January 1974 at Seattle, King County, Washington. Michael Kramer and Elizabeth Griffith begat issue: (1) Theodore Morton "Ted" Kramer, born 27 October 1906 at or near Marcellus, Adams County, Washington, died 26 September 1955, who married, firstly, Bessie Ewing, and, secondly, Mae Jans; (2) Alvin Michael Kramer, born 29 November 1907 at or near Crab Creek, Lincoln County, Washington, who married 29 December 1931, Anna Mae Hester; (3) Clarence Alfred Kramer, born 9 June 1909 at or near Crab Creek, Lincoln County, Washington, who married 2 October 1930, Ada May Gebhart; (4) Cecil Henry Kramer, born 2 September 1910 at Lincoln County, Washington, who married, firstly, 2 October 1930, Anna Elizabeth "Bessie" Dea, and, secondly, 6 October 1956, Ruth Johnson Thomas; (5) Richard Fredrick Kramer, born 25 April 1912 at or near Ritzville, Adams County, Washington, who married in February 1948, Ina Marjorie Townsend; (6) Myrtle Elizabeth Kramer, born 31 August 1915 at or near Downs, Lincoln County, Washington, who married, firstly, 25 June 1955, Helmer F. Enter, and, secondly, 7 October 1977, Mark W. Kramer; (7) Ann Eliza Kramer, born 11 May 1917 at or near Downs, Lincoln County, Washington, who married 9 February 1936, Morley Kerr; (8) Daniel Harold Kramer, born 6 February 1920 at or near Downs, Lincoln County, Washington, died 17 January 1974, who married, firstly, in 1942, Doris I. Reed, and, secondly, Vivian V. Yard; (9) Grace Matilda Kramer, born 5 October 1921 at or near Downs, Lincoln County, Washington, died early, unmarried, 4 October 1922, buried at Griffith Corners Cemetery, Griffith Corners, Adams County, Washington.


Richard Fredrick Kramer was born 25 April 1912 at or near Ritzville, Adams County, Washington, son to Michael Kramer and Elizabeth Griffith, (to whom refer). His wife Ina Marjorie Townsend, (to whom he was married in February 1948), was born 27 December 1914 at or near Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana; married, firstly, ---. In addition to the upbringing of one male child of the Wife's previous marriage who, being a "stranger in blood" as regards the Husband's family, is not to be further noted or documented in these records, Richard Frederick Kramer and Ina Marjorie Townsend also begat issue: (1) Gayle Lynne Kramer, born 27 December 1948 at Bellingham, Whatcom County, Washington, died in infancy, unmarried, 12 January 1949; (2) Judith Diane Kramer, born 27 March 1950 at Bellingham, Whatcom County, Washington.


Steven Marlin Kramer was born 21 June 1951 at Conrad, Pondera County, Montana, son to Marlin Alfred Kramer and Hope Cherie Marshall, (to whom refer). His wife was Lourdes Manas Tamhor. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage; however this couple brought up two male children of the Wife's previous marriage who, being "strangers in blood" as regards the Husband's family, are not to be further noted or documented in these records.


Theodore Morton "Ted" Kramer was born 27 October 1906 at or near Marcellus, Adams County, Washington, son to Michael Kramer and Elizabeth Griffith, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Mae Jans, (to whom also refer); died 26 September 1955. His first wife Bessie Ewing was born 22 October 1908 at or near Cheney, Spokane County, Washington; died 20 September 1949. Theodore Morton "Ted" Kramer and Bessie Ewing begat issue: (1) Dale Morton Kramer, born 20 August 1928 at or near Downs, Lincoln County, Washington, died 16 April 1978, who married his first cousin Leona Mae Kramer.


Theodore Morton "Ted" Kramer was born 27 October 1906 at or near Marcellus, Adams County, Washington, son to Michael Kramer and Elizabeth Griffith, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Bessie Ewing, (to whom also refer); died 26 September 1955. His second wife was Mae Jans. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Theodore Morton "Ted" Kramer and Mae Jans.


Scott Jamieson Krenz. His wife Kimberley Rae Cochrane, (to whom he was married 30 December 2011 at the home of the bride's parents, East St. Paul, Manitoba), was born 16 June 1965 at Winnipeg, Greater Winnipeg Metropolitan Corporation, Manitoba, daughter to Orin Glen Cochrane and Donna Margaret Drummond, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 26 August 1988 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Kevin Ray Frost, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced in 1996). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Scott Jamieson Krenz and Kimberley Rae Cochrane.



Lloyd Clare Lackey died (killed) in 1972 in the service of the Ontario Provincial Police. His wife Eleanor Jean Saunders was born 26 August 1937 at or near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to William Joseph Saunders Jr. and Myrtle Audrey Kelford, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 12 July 1974 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, Errol Mulville, (to whom also refer). Lloyd Clare Lackey and Eleanor Jean Saunders begat issue: (1) Catherine Jean Lackey, born 9 September 1956 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; (2) Kimberly Anne Lackey, born 11 April 1960 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 26 August 1978 at Lombardy, South Elmsley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Daniel Lionel Trudel; (3) Robin Lyn Lackey, born 11 June 1964 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; (4) Mary-Jayne Eileen Lackey, born 1 October 1970 at Little Current, Howland Township, Manitoulin District, Ontario.


James Walter Samuel Lackie was born 1 February 1932 at Peterborough, Peterborough County, Ontario, son to Thomas Walter Lackie and Lila Salter, (to whom refer). His wife Joan Mary Bissonette, (to whom he was married 31 January 1953 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 7 March 1933 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Richard Harold Bissonette and Sarah Helena Smith. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage; however this couple adopted one male and one female child who, being "strangers in blood" as regards the treated families, are not to be further noted or documented in these records.


Thomas Walter Lackie was born 5 November 1896 at Montague Township, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Samuel Lackie and Mary Scott; died 29 March 1969 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife Lila Salter, (to whom he was married 21 June 1922 at St. John's Anglican Church, Montague Township, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 5 May 1901 at Montague Township, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to James Salter and Maria Drummond, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Iva Myrtle Lackie, born 6 July 1923 at or near Fallowfield, Nepean Township, Carleton County, Ontario, died 19 August 1981 at Alexandria Bay, Alexandria Township, Jefferson County, New York, who married 4 April 1942 at Peterborough, Peterborough County, Ontario, Walter Kenneth Langtry; (2) Irene Marie Lackie, born 18 September 1930 at Peterborough, Peterborough County, Ontario, died 12 October 1995 at Smiths Falls Community Hospital, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, buried 16 October 1995 at Hillcrest Cemetery, near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 12 September 1949 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, Harry Garnet George Hart; (3) James Walter Samuel Lackie, born 1 February 1932 at Peterborough, Peterborough County, Ontario, who married 31 January 1953 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, Joan Mary Bissonette.


Bruce Wayne Ladner Jr. was born 2 September 1963 at Baton Rouge, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana. His wife Brenda Ann Swearingen, (to whom he was married 17 March 1991 at Ashley Manor, Baton Rouge, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana and from whom subsequently divorced in July 1996), was born 5 February 1971 at the Women's Hospital, 9050 Airline Highway, Baton Rouge, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana, daughter to Robert Eugene Swearingen and Isabelle Kay Griffith, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 30 June 2001 at First United Methodist Church, 209 East Ida Avenue, Opp, Covington County, Alabama, Gerald Waters Scofield Jr., (to whom also refer). Bruce Wayne Ladner Jr. and Brenda Ann Swearingen begat issue: (1) Savanna Brook Ladner, born 22 June 1993 at Andalusia Regional Hospital, 849 South Three Notch Street, Andalusia, Covington County, Alabama.


Robert James Laewetz was born 18 June 1947 at Dryden, Kenora District, Ontario. His wife Muriel Estella Densley, (to whom he was married 9 August 1969 at Kenora, Kenora District, Ontario), was born 6 March 1949 at Carberry, Manitoba, daughter to Edward James Densley and Viola Watts, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Darren Robert Laewetz, born 1 October 1972 at Kenora, Kenora District, Ontario; (2) Dean Mathew Laewetz, born 4 October 1973 at Kenora, Kenora District, Ontario; (3) Richard Michael Laewetz, born 15 March 1975 at Kenora, Kenora District, Ontario.


David Langton. His wife Beverley Saunders was daughter to Gordon Thomas Saunders and Beatrice Anna Morrison, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Paul Wayne Langtry was born 13 September 1946 at Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence County, New York, son to Walter Kenneth Langtry and Iva Myrtle Lackie, (to whom refer). His wife Mary Carolyn Faubert, (to whom he was married 10 September 1965 at Hammond, Hammond Township, St. Lawrence County, New York), was born 11 August 1945 at Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence County, New York, daughter to Emile Faubert and Marjorie Edgar. This couple begat issue: (1) Paul Frederick Langtry, born 11 January 1966 at Alexandria Bay, Alexandria Township, Jefferson County, New York; (2) Travis Daniel Langtry, born 20 December 1968 at Alexandria Bay, Alexandria Township, Jefferson County, New York; (3) Kagne Maurice Langtry, born 2 December 1970 at Alexandria Bay, Alexandria Township, Jefferson County, New York.


Walter Kenneth Langtry was born 5 December 1918 at or near North Augusta, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to William Langtry and Ruth Scott. His wife Iva Myrtle Lackie, (to whom he was married 4 April 1942 at Peterborough, Peterborough County, Ontario), was born 6 July 1923 at or near Fallowfield, Nepean Township, Carleton County, Ontario, daughter to Thomas Walter Lackie and Lila Salter, (to whom refer); died 19 August 1981 at Alexandria Bay, Alexandria Township, Jefferson County, New York. This couple begat issue: (1) Doris Faye Langtry, born 21 December 1943 at Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence County, New York, who married 19 July 1968 at Hammond, Hammond Township, St. Lawrence County, New York, Lawrence Richard Felt; (2) Donna Lynn Langtry, born 29 September 1945 at Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence County, New York, who married 24 August 1968 at Hammond, Hammond Township, St. Lawrence County, New York, Philip Charles Lavarnway; (3) Paul Wayne Langtry, born 13 September 1946 at Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence County, New York, who married 10 September 1965 at Hammond, Hammond Township, St. Lawrence County, New York, Mary Carolyn Faubert; (4) Patricia Lee Langtry, born 2 May 1952 at Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence County, New York; (5) Tina Marie Langtry, born 23 July 1957 at Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence County, New York; (6) Thomas Walter Langtry Jr., born 8 July 1960 at Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence County, New York.


Philip Charles Lavarnway was born 27 May 1947 at Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence County, New York, son to Roy L. Lavarnway Jr. and Margaret O'Hara. His wife Donna Lynn Langtry, (to whom he was married 24 August 1968 at Hammond, Hammond Township, St. Lawrence County, New York), was born 29 September 1945 at Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence County, New York, daughter to Walter Kenneth Langtry and Iva Myrtle Lackie, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Heather Lee Lavarnway, born 13 June 1971 at Watertown, Jefferson County, New York; (2) Heidi Lynn Lavarnway, born 27 June 1973 at Watertown, Jefferson County, New York; (3) Michael Ryan Lavarnway, born 2 June 1979 at Watertown, Jefferson County, New York.


Robert Lawson was son to William D. Lawson and Lois Beverley Saunders, (to whom refer). His wife was Kim ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Robert Lawson Jr.


William D. Lawson. His wife Lois Beverley Saunders was born 30 June 1936, daughter to Thomas Drummond Saunders and Olive I. Brennan, (to whom refer); died 4 April 1992 at the North Unit, Smiths Falls Community Hospital, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Robert Lawson, who married Kim ---; (2) Randy Lawson.


Patrick Lea. His wife Rhonda Catherine Salter, (to whom he was married 24 August 1985), was born 19 July 1963, daughter to Sheldon Preston Salter and Gloria Carol Cameron, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Tavis Sheldon Lea, born 9 February 1987; (2) Taryn Kristi Lea, born 8 September 1988; (3) Tegan Alexander Lea, born 26 April 1991; (4) Tanner Patrick Lea, born 27 September 1992.


George Leach was born in or about 1842 or 1843; married, firstly, Martha Willis; died in 1921 in Ontario; buried at St. James the Apostle's Anglican Churchyard, Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario. His second wife Eliza (or Elizabeth) McDowel (or McDowell) was born 1 August 1848 in Ireland, daughter to John McDowel (or McDowell) and Mary Millar, (to whom refer); married, firstly, George Beach, (to whom also refer); died 13 July 1927 in Ontario; buried in July 1927 at South Gower Cemetery, South Gower Township, Grenville County, Ontario. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of George Leach and Eliza (or Elizabeth) McDowel (or McDowell).


Percy Robert Leach was born 12 October 1900 on Lot 13, Concession 9, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, son to William Ozias Leach and Josephine Ann Hawkins; died 18 January 1978 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario; buried in 1978 at St. James' Anglican Cemetery, Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife Ethel Isabel McNeely, (to whom he was married 31 August 1929 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 21 September 1897 at Ramsay Township, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to William James McNeely and Agnes Isabel Goth, (to whom refer); died 11 November 1966 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario; buried at St. James' Anglican Cemetery, Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Evelyn Eileen Leach, born 17 December 1930 at or near Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 22 September 1961 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, Stuart Arthur Keays.


Wilfrid Leeder was born 3 February 1922. His wife Jean Marie Bryan was born antenuptially 17 September 1928, daughter to Harold Thomas Bryan and Mary Alice Wilhelmine Scott, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Cheryl Anne Leeder, born 21 March 1947, who married John Gavin.


Gary Liming. His wife Jean Rosetta Kinzel was born 19 August 1937 at Ritzville, Adams County, Washington, daughter to Lloyd Kinzel and Gertrude Bastron, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Wade Michael Liming, born 26 September 1959 at West Seattle, Seattle, King County, Washington; (2) Kevin Lee Liming, born 31 December 1961 at Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, died early, unmarried, 2 June 1970.


George E. Llewellyn died in 1949 at Castle Rock, Cowlitz County, Washington. His wife Elizabeth Griffith, (to whom he was married in 1941 at Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon), was born 26 November 1888 at or near Ahmic Harbour, Croft Township, Parry Sound District, Ontario, daughter to James Morton Griffith and Eliza Ann Drummond, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 13 December 1905 at Marcellus, Adams County, Washington, Michael Kramer, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced); died 16 January 1974 at Seattle, King County, Washington. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of George E. Llewellyn and Elizabeth Griffith.


Steven Lockett. His wife Lori Toop was daughter to Wilfred Toop and Judy Swenson, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Nils Lofgren. His wife Jerilyn Ann Drummond, (to whom he was married 7 May 2011 at Santa Margherita, Genoa Province, Liguria Region, the Italian Republic), was born 18 June 1981 at Edmonton, Alberta, daughter to James Milford Drummond and Edith Margaret Guhl, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Lukas Lofgren.


William Roy Logan was born 3 October 1907 near Terence, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, son to Clark Logan and Mary Ann Miller; died 23 September 1975 at Vancouver, Greater Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia. His wife Lillian Margaret Drummond, (to whom he was married 17 October 1933 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba), was born 22 December 1908 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, daughter to James Russell Drummond and Eliza Jane "Jenny" Connerty, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Thelma Margaret Logan, born 1 June 1936 at Brandon General Hospital, Brandon, Manitoba, who married 20 September 1958 at Penticton, British Columbia, Herbert Ernest "Dennis" Atkinson.


George Lowe. His wife Ella Drummond was daughter to Russell Drummond and Mary Elizabeth Lowe, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Miriam Lowe.


Ian Darrel Lowe was born 21 October 1964 at Victoria, British Columbia, son to Norman Lowe and Gwen Parker. His wife Lisa Marie Drummond, (to whom he was married 21 July 1984 at Brandon, Manitoba), was born 19 April 1959 at Regina, Saskatchewan, daughter to Dennis Allan Drummond and Mildred Gwendolyn Armit, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Alicia Dawn Lowe, born 23 April 1985 at Brandon, Manitoba.


Howard Gerald Lunn was born 5 April 1942 at Quesnel, British Columbia, son to Daniel Lunn and Olive Elsay. His wife Geraldine Gertrude Drummond, (to whom he was married 25 July 1964 at Chase, British Columbia), was born 16 January 1943 at Dodsland, Saskatchewan, daughter to Wilbert Gerald Drummond and Gertrude Campbell, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Katrina Nicole Lunn, born 20 August 1969 at Victoria, Capital Regional District, British Columbia; (2) Roderick Alan Lunn, born 25 August 1973 at Comox, Comox-Strathcona Regional District, British Columbia, died in infancy, unmarried, 7 December 1973 at Ann Arbour, Washtenaw County, Michigan.


Alvin Wilbert Lymeburner was born 8 July 1933 at or near Strome, Alberta, son to Herbert Lymeburner and Julia Moller. His wife Margaret Fay Anderson, (to whom he was married 21 September 1957 at Sedgewick, Alberta), was born 19 December 1932 at or near Milden, Saskatchewan, daughter to James Drummond Anderson and Ena Johnston, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Troy James Lymeburner, born 25 July 1966 at Edmonton, Alberta; (2) Tracy Tena Lymeburner, born 15 December 1967 at Edmonton, Alberta.


Gerald F. Lyon. His wife Doris Christina Lyons, (to whom he was married 25 September 1976 at Toronto, Metropolitan Toronto Municipality, Ontario), was born 22 May 1910 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Edward James Lyons and Martha Emily Drummond, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 9 July 1934 at Toronto, York County, Ontario, Kenneth Boyd Ripley, (to whom also refer). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Gerald F. Lyon and Doris Christina Lyons.


Edward James Lyons was born 12 August 1877, son to --- Lyons and Margaret Jane Kenny; died 5 December 1910 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Martha Emily Drummond, (to whom he was married at or near Toledo, formerly known as Kitley, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 24 August 1877 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to John Drummond and Mary Lura Holmes, (to whom refer); died 4 January 1977 at Toronto, Metropolitan Toronto Municipality, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Mary Lura Lyons, born 18 June 1903 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died in January 1958 at Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan, who married 24 October 1926 (not in June 1927 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources) at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, her third cousin William Albert Scott; (2) James Wilmer Lyons, born 5 April 1906 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 8 October 1947 at Emmanuel Anglican Church, Arnprior, Renfrew County, Ontario, his second cousin Eleanor Harriet McNeely; (3) Doris Christina Lyons, born 22 May 1910 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married, firstly, 9 July 1934 at Toronto, York County, Ontario, Kenneth Boyd Ripley, and, secondly, 25 September 1976 at Toronto, Metropolitan Toronto Municipality, Ontario, Gerald F. Lyon.


James Wilmer Lyons was born 5 April 1906 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Edward James Lyons and Martha Emily Drummond, (to whom refer). His wife (and second cousin) Eleanor Harriet McNeely, (to whom he was married 8 October 1947 at Emmanuel Anglican Church, Arnprior, Renfrew County, Ontario), was born 26 May 1916 or 29 May 1916 (depending upon sources) at Beckwith Township or Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario (depending upon sources), daughter to Robert Miller (or Millar) McNeely and Harriet Alice Thompson, (to whom also refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Nancy Ann Lyons, born 18 January 1955 at Smiths Falls, Lanark Township, Lanark County, Ontario.


Robinson Preston Lyons was born 20 January 1869 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario; died 1 January 1947 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario; buried in 1947 at St. Peter's Anglican Cemetery, Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Annie Sheridan, (to whom he was married 3 October 1900 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 12 October 1867 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to John Sheridan and Jane Drummond, (to whom refer); died 16 May 1936 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario; buried in 1936 at St. Peter's Anglican Cemetery, Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Estella Marjorie Lyons, born 30 December 1901 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 5 June 1928 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, her second cousin Arthur Ernest McNeely; (2) Anna Myrtle Lyons, born 13 March 1904 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died unmarried 2 December 1974 near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario in consequence of cardiac arrest suffered whilst milking kine in a stable.



Herbert Melville MacKay was born 4 May 1898 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba; died 4 May 1965 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba; buried in May 1965 at Alexander Cemetery, Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba. His wife Iola Bertha Drummond, (to whom he was married 24 June 1926 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba), was born 4 November 1906 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, daughter to William John Drummond and Margaret R. Simpson, (to whom refer); died 9 December 1988 at Brandon, Manitoba; buried at Alexander Cemetery, Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba. This couple begat issue: (1) Lola Bertha MacKay, born 24 June 1928 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, who married 16 October 1950 at Estevan, Saskatchewan, Harold Serebrin; (2) Melville Morton MacKay, born 29 May 1930 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, who married 13 August 1952 at Decker, Hamiota Rural Municipality, Manitoba, Joyce Eileen Delbridge; (3) Beth Marguerite MacKay, born 4 November 1936 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, who married 16 June 1956 at Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, Milo Keith Cale; (4) Rolland Herbert MacKay, born 29 October 1938 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, who married 23 September 1961 at Brandon, Manitoba, Carol Ann Shelton.


Keith MacKay was born 26 December 1931 at or near Hilton, Strathcona Rural Municipality, Manitoba, son to Malcolm Donald MacKay and Mary Elizabeth Tree. His wife Alberta Louise Fordyce, (to whom he was married 30 November 1974 at Wawanesa, Manitoba), was born 3 August 1951 at Hamiota, Manitoba, daughter to Albert Lawrence Fordyce and Jean Kachor, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Edward Jay Fordyce, born antenuptially 22 August 1970 at Brandon, Manitoba; (2) Wilber Fordyce.


Melville Morton MacKay was born 29 May 1930 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, son to Herbert Melville MacKay and Iola Bertha Drummond, (to whom refer). His wife Joyce Eileen Delbridge, (to whom he was married 13 August 1952 at Decker, Hamiota Rural Municipality, Manitoba), was born 3 April 1931. This couple begat issue: (1) Brian Del MacKay, born 4 September 1953 at Brandon, Manitoba; (2) Rick Melville MacKay, born 5 February 1956 at Brandon, Manitoba; (3) Bradley Mitchell MacKay, born 14 October 1958 at Brandon, Manitoba; (4) Gary Drew MacKay, born 31 August 1961 at Brandon, Manitoba.


Rolland Herbert MacKay was born 29 October 1938 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, son to Herbert Melville MacKay and Iola Bertha Drummond, (to whom refer). His wife Carol Ann Shelton, (to whom he was married 23 September 1961 at Brandon, Manitoba), was born 17 January 1939. This couple begat issue: (1) Linda Gail MacKay, born 16 February 1963 at Brandon, Manitoba; (2) Jeffery Scott MacKay, born 3 January 1965 at Brandon, Manitoba.


Lorne E. MacLachlan was born 11 November 1894; married, firstly, ---; died 25 July 1985. His second wife Wilda Templeton Graham, (to whom he was married in 1949), was born 5 January 1898 in Ontario, daughter to William James Graham and Fannie Templeton, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 13 September 1930, Frederick L. Thompson, (to whom also refer); died 6 July 1975 in Ontario; buried in July 1975 at South Gower Cemetery, South Gower Township, Grenville County, Ontario. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Lorne E. MacLachlan and Wilda Templeton Graham.


Gerald Gordon MacLeod (a close kinsman to The Honourable Joseph Henri Maurice "Rocket" Richard, Member of The Queen's Honourable Privy Council for Canada, Companion of The Order of Canada, Member of the Hockey Hall of Fame, one of the most illustrious and most celebrated star players in the history of ice hockey, etc.) was born 24 February 1953 at Fort Macleod, Alberta, son to Gordon MacLeod and Bernice Noel. His wife Edna Laurel Drummond, (to whom he was married 7 August 1976 at Calgary, Alberta), was born 21 September 1953 at Dodsland, Saskatchewan, daughter to Clarence Russell "Jigger" Drummond and Florentine Gertrude "Flora" Doll, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Robert Graham MacLeod, born 10 August 1977 at Edmonton, Alberta, who married 4 June 2011 on the banks of the Sheep River below the Riverview Bed and Breakfast, Foothills Municipal District, near Okotoks, Alberta, Lindsay Anne Simper; (2) Erin Laurie MacLeod, born 1 November 1979 at Edmonton, Alberta, who married 13 July 2002 at Calgary, Alberta, Christopher Mattock; (3) Carla Rae MacLeod (twice an Olympic athlete and Gold Medal laureate competing with the Canadian Women's Ice Hockey team both at the 20th Olympic Winter Games in Italy, February 2006 and at the 21st Olympic Winter Games in Canada, February 2010, a member of the World Championship Gold Medal team in April 2007, a Member of the Alberta Sports Hall of Fame, etc.), born 16 June 1982 at Spruce Grove, Alberta; (4) Mark Gordon Russell MacLeod, born 24 November 1987 at Edmonton, Alberta.


Robert Graham MacLeod was born 10 August 1977 at Edmonton, Alberta, son to Gerald Gordon MacLeod and Edna Laurel Drummond, (to whom refer). His wife Lindsay Anne Simper, (to whom he was married 4 June 2011 on the banks of the Sheep River below the Riverview Bed and Breakfast, Foothills Municipal District, near Okotoks, Alberta), was born 7 December 1979, daughter to Trevor Simper and Marilyn Albus. This couple begat issue: (1) Reece Trevor MacLeod, stillborn 4 June 2012 at Rockyview General Hospital, Calgary, Alberta; (2) Ariya June MacLeod, born 1 February 2014 at Calgary, Alberta; (3) Quinn Sandra MacLeod, born 19 March 2016 at Calgary, Alberta.


Ronald Campbell MacWilliams (like his brothers a renowned championship golfer and athlete, one of which brothers, Andrew Carson MacWilliams, QC, being also noted legal counsel and City Solicitor of The City of Calgary, Alberta, etc.) was born 14 June 1906, son to Andrew MacWilliams (prominent Presbyterian clergyman, civic and community leader, Registrar of Calgary College, etc.) and Effie Martha Carson (well-known Calgary socialite, service club and charity organiser, President of the Local Council of Women, etc.); died 12 October 1953 in the garage at his residence, 1640 14 Avenue South West, Calgary, Alberta (afterward the site of the Sunalta Community Wildflower Garden, otherwise sometimes referred to as Templeton-MacWilliams Park) in consequence of cardiac arrest. His wife Ida Patricia "Pat" Templeton, (to whom he was married 30 December 1940), was born 4 August 1914, daughter to John Wellington Templeton and Ida Josephine Larson, (to whom refer); died in 1995. This couple begat issue: (1) Nora Patricia MacWilliams, born 14 November 1941 at Calgary, Alberta, died 4 January 2015 at Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas in consequence of cancer, who married 7 October 1961, Alan Leslie Short, (from whom subsequently divorced); (2) Ronald James MacWilliams, born 24 August 1946.


John Frederick Glen Madge was born 2 August 1943 at Virden, Manitoba, son to Morris John Walrond Madge and Annie Louise Dodds, (to whom refer). His wife Wave Traxler Bonnadean, (to whom he was married 10 May 1971 at Victoria, Capital Regional District, British Columbia), was born 17 June 1947 at Calgary, Alberta, daughter to Howard Adelbert Bonnadean and Margaret Alice Ashmore Traxler. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Morris John Walrond Madge was born 8 October 1894 at or near Virden, Manitoba, son to Morris John Walrond Madge and Marion Jellicoe Hamilton; died 24 March 1975 at Victoria, Capital Regional District, British Columbia. His wife Annie Louise Dodds, (to whom he was married 27 March 1941 at Virden, Manitoba), was born a twin 21 February 1914 at or near Ebor, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba, daughter to Robert Samuel Dodds and Matilda Jane "Jennie" Drummond, (to whom refer); died 10 June 1976 at Victoria, Capital Regional District, British Columbia. This couple begat issue: (1) Marjorie Anne Madge, born 5 May 1942 at Virden, Manitoba, who married 28 May 1965 at Winnipeg, Greater Winnipeg Metropolitan Corporation, Manitoba, Lester Vern Dornbush; (2) John Frederick Glen Madge, born 2 August 1943 at Virden, Manitoba, who married 10 May 1971 at Victoria, Capital Regional District, British Columbia, Wave Traxler Bonnadean; (3) Robert Morris Madge, born 12 December 1944 at Virden, Manitoba, who married 19 September 1970 at Calgary, Alberta, Brenda Lynn Watson; (4) Joy Kathleen Madge, born 8 January 1946 at Virden, Manitoba, who married 14 August 1965 at St. Ignatius' Church, Winnipeg, Greater Winnipeg Metropolitan Corporation, Manitoba, Richard John Sumislawski.


Robert Morris Madge was born 12 December 1944 at Virden, Manitoba, son to Morris John Walrond Madge and Annie Louise Dodds, (to whom refer). His wife Brenda Lynn Watson, (to whom he was married 19 September 1970 at Calgary, Alberta), was born 3 July 1946 at Vancouver, British Columbia, daughter to Robert Watson and Mabel Blanche Janes. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Richard Alexander Makarenko. His wife Carol Marie Jeffery, (to whom he was married 3 August 1974 at Edmonton, Alberta), was born 26 January 1953 at Milden, Saskatchewan, daughter to Ronald Norman Jeffery and Mildred Mae Hunt, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Leslie Allan Manness was born 7 June 1961 at Argyle Rural Municipality, Manitoba, son to Allan Manness and Sue Eleniuk. His wife Dana Michelle Cochrane, (to whom he was married 26 August 1989 at Winnipeg, Manitoba), was born 22 March 1964 at Winnipeg, Greater Winnipeg Metropolitan Corporation, Manitoba, daughter to Orin Glen Cochrane and Donna Margaret Drummond, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Dara Rae-Ann Manness, born 3 February 1995 at Winnipeg, Manitoba; (2) Kassidy Donna Manness, born 10 June 1998 at Winnipeg, Manitoba.


David Mantle was son to Willard "Wib" Mantle and Kathleen "Kay" Saunders, (to whom refer). His wife was Nancy ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Donald Mantle was son to Willard "Wib" Mantle and Kathleen "Kay" Saunders, (to whom refer). His wife was Laura ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Willard "Wib" Mantle was born in or about 1927 or 1928, son to Levi C. Mantle and Jennifer Elizabeth "Jenny" Saunders; died 2 December 2000 at Kingston General Hospital, Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario; buried at Hillcrest Cemetery, near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife Kathleen "Kay" Saunders was daughter to Thomas Drummond Saunders and Olive I. Brennan, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Ira Best, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced). Willard "Wib" Mantle and Kathleen "Kay" Saunders begat issue: (1) David Mantle, who married Nancy ---; (2) Dean Mantle; (3) Donald Mantle, who married Laura ---; (4) Diane Mantle; (5) Denise Mantle, who married Kingsley Grant; (6) Deborah Mantle, who married Ian Cooper.


Kenneth Roy Maresh was born 14 June 1938. His wife Sandra Ruth Scott was born 27 September 1939, daughter to Harold Bedford Scott and Ruth Shields, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Scott Anthony Maresh, born 20 April 1960; (2) Kenneth Roy Maresh II., born 26 November 1961; (3) Pamela Jean Maresh, born 23 February 1963; (4) Edward Alan Maresh, born 1 August 1967; (5) Stacey Allen Maresh, born 7 May 1970.


Wayne Martin was born 6 April 1946 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario, son to Harry G. Martin and Winnifred Maxwell. His wife Marlene Mildred Nolan, (to whom he was married 29 July 1972 at Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario), was born 9 December 1950 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Robert John Nolan and Matilda Doris Currie, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Dana Leigh Martin, born 24 June 1975 at Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario; (2) Kerry Lynne Martin, born 24 November 1977 at Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario.


Stanley M. Masuda. His wife Judy Beth Crawford was born 27 August 1948 at or near Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, daughter to Stanley Crawford and Dorothy Ione Griffith, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Francis C. Sollers, (to whom also refer). Stanley M. Masuda and Judy Beth Crawford begat issue: (1) Michael Scott Masuda, born 24 June 1971 at Redmond, Deschutes County, Oregon.


Christopher Mattock was born 26 July 1977 at Calgary, Alberta, son to Calvin Mattock and Judith Bengert. His wife Erin Laurie MacLeod, (to whom he was married 13 July 2002 at Calgary, Alberta), was born 1 November 1979 at Edmonton, Alberta, daughter to Gerald Gordon MacLeod and Edna Laurel Drummond, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Kaitlyn Rae Mattock, born 26 March 2006 at Calgary, Alberta; (2) Brock Jeffery Mattock, born 23 November 2008 at Calgary, Alberta.


Sheldon Ross Matton was born 21 February 1979, son to Terry Matton and Wanda Darlene Hoover. His wife Krista Michelle Drummond, (to whom he was married 30 December 2006 in Saskatchewan), was born 25 November 1980 at Regina, Saskatchewan, daughter to Norman James Drummond and Patricia Mary Eastuke, (to whom refer); bore out of wedlock, prior to marriage, by a man unrecorded, issue, one female child, (for further records of whom refer to the entry labelled "Krista Michelle Drummond" in the "Supplementary" Section at the end of Part I. of this work). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Sheldon Ross Matton and Krista Michelle Drummond are presently available.


John Terry Mazat. His wife Linda Jean Kramer was born 20 April 1952 at Longview, Cowlitz County, Washington, daughter to Donald Harold Kramer and Marjorie Ruth Cason, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Raylene Dawn Mazat, born 3 March 1971 at Longview, Cowlitz County, Washington; (2) John Terry Mazat Jr., born 25 November 1972 at Longview, Cowlitz County, Washington.


Stanley Michael Mazur was born 13 February 1931 at Hamilton, Wentworth County, Ontario, son to Lawrence J. Mazur and Jessica Schwed. His wife Miriam Laura Isabelle Preston, (to whom he was married 1 August 1959 at St. John the Divine's Anglican Church, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 25 May 1928 at or near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to John William Earle Preston and Laura Belle Wills, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Laura Elizabeth Mazur, born 1 October 1961 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario.


Stephen David McAllister was born 11 June 1958, son to James McAllister and Evelyn ---. His wife Rebecca Ann Kinch, (to whom he was married 4 October 1997 at St. John's Church, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 23 June 1973 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Wendell Allen Wayne Kinch and Jean Mildred Campbell, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Avery Jean McAllister, born 24 February 2000 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; (2) Shannon Evelyn McAllister, born 12 April 2001 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario.


Norman Henry McArthur. His wife Jean Salter was born 11 May 1931, daughter to Peter Elmer Salter and Viola Lillian Curran, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Russell "Rusty" McArthur, who married Charmaine ---; (2) Lisa McArthur, who married Bart Schultz; (3) Norma McArthur, who married Timothy Preece; (4) Marilyn McArthur; (5) Norman William McArthur, born 21 July 1954 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, died 29 June 2003 at Junetown, Front of Yonge Township, Leeds County, Ontario, buried 3 July 2003 at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 6 April 1984 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, Brenda Matthews.


Norman William McArthur was born 21 July 1954 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Norman Henry McArthur and Jean Salter, (to whom refer); died 29 June 2003 at Junetown, Front of Yonge Township, Leeds County, Ontario; buried 3 July 2003 at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife was Brenda Matthews, (to whom he was married 6 April 1984 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario). In addition to the upbringing of one female child of the Wife's previous relationship who, being a "stranger in blood" as regards the Husband's family, is not to be further noted or documented in these records, this couple begat issue: (1) Katy McArthur, who married Scott Commodore; (2) Laurie McArthur.


Russell "Rusty" McArthur was son to Norman Henry McArthur amd Jean Salter, (to whom refer). His wife was Charmaine ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Gerald S. McCann was born 4 November 1915 at or near Crosby, South Crosby Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Charles McCann and Maud Cheetham; married, firstly, Effie Blancher. His second wife Doris Jennie Stewart, (to whom he was married 22 April 1939 at Athens, Leeds County, Ontario, formerly known as Farmersville, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 7 January 1918 at or near Plum Hollow, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Watson Riley Stewart and Hazel Mary Chick, (to whom refer). Gerald S. McCann and Doris Jennie Stewart begat issue: (1) Carol Elizabeth McCann, born 15 November 1940 at or near Glen Elbe, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 26 May 1962 at Athens, Leeds County, Ontario (formerly known as Farmersville, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario), Oliver H. Pattemore; (2) Lawrence Watson McCann, born 1 August 1942 at or near Glen Elbe, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 17 July 1965 at Athens, Leeds County, Ontario (formerly known as Farmersville, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario), Elva Yvonne McManus; (3) Sharon Julie McCann, born 21 May 1947 at or near Glen Elbe, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 4 September 1972 at Athens, Leeds County, Ontario (formerly known as Farmersville, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario), William W. Williams; (4) Stewart Roger McCann, born 26 March 1952 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 26 February 1974 at Toronto, Metropolitan Toronto Municipality, Ontario, Deborah Green; (5) Walter Dale McCann, born 4 February 1955 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 20 June 1975 at Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario, Marilyn Ann McCann; (6) Earl Seymour McCann, born 6 April 1956 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario.


Lawrence Watson McCann was born 1 August 1942 at or near Glen Elbe, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Gerald S. McCann and Doris Jennie Stewart, (to whom refer). His wife Elva Yvonne McManus, (to whom he was married 17 July 1965 at Athens, Leeds County, Ontario, formerly known as Farmersville, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 29 September 1943 at or near Forthton, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to George McManus and Elva Seabrooke. This couple begat issue: (1) Lianne McCann, born 30 July 1968 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; (2) Laureen Marie McCann, born 20 November 1971 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; (3) Jennifer McCann, born a twin 22 September 1974 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; (4) Janette McCann, born a twin 22 September 1974 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario.


Stewart Roger McCann was born 26 March 1952 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Gerald S. McCann and Doris Jennie Stewart, (to whom refer). His wife Deborah Green, (to whom he was married 26 February 1974 at Toronto, Metropolitan Toronto Municipality, Ontario), was born in September 1954 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Elmore Green and Betty Ready. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Walter Dale McCann was born 4 February 1955 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Gerald S. McCann and Doris Jennie Stewart, (to whom refer). His wife Marilyn Ann McCann, (to whom he was married 20 June 1975 at Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario), was born 5 May 1954 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Stuart McCann and Blanche Deir. This couple begat issue: (1) Uriah Matthew McCann, born 19 December 1977 at Lacombe, Alberta.


Cecil John McCarthy was born 28 January 1924 at or near Grand Falls, Newfoundland. His wife Elva June Drummond, (to whom he was married 7 July 1961 at Brandon, Manitoba), was born 26 March 1933 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, daughter to Douglas Keith Drummond and Florence Elsie Hanwell, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Elwood Brown, (to whom also refer). Cecil John McCarthy and Elva June Drummond begat issue: (1) Cecil Wayne McCarthy, born 2 August 1963 at Brandon, Manitoba.


Denis McCarthy. His wife Cynthia Annette Jackson was born 4 September 1969 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Wayne Ewert Jackson and Donna Jean McLachlin, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Sarrah Jackson-McCarthy; (2) Tyler Jackson-McCarthy.


Allan Garth McCartney was born 5 July 1943 at Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, son to Earl James McCartney and Sarah Jane "Jean" Sheridan, (to whom refer). His wife Maureen Ross, (to whom he was married 28 October 1970 at Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan), was born 18 February 1946 at Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, daughter to Maurice Ross and Dora Patience. This couple begat issue: (1) Earl Todd McCartney, born 27 June 1973; (2) Tana Lynne McCartney, born 21 June 1975; (3) Taylor Ross McCartney, born 4 January 1977.


Earl Gregory McCartney was born 28 January 1951 at Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, son to Earl James McCartney and Sarah Jane "Jean" Sheridan, (to whom refer). His wife Beverly June Zimmerman, (to whom he was married 30 March 1973 or 30 March 1976, depending upon sources, at Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan), was born 13 March 1954 at Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, daughter to Henry James Zimmerman and Verna Gertrude Barry. This couple begat issue: (1) Krista Lee McCartney, born 18 June 1976 at Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan; (2) Scott McCartney, born 14 June 1979.


Earl James McCartney was born 11 April 1915 at or near Tuxford, Saskatchewan, son to William McCartney and Alma Beatrice Bruce; married, secondly, Gertrude Thule. His first wife Sarah Jane "Jean" Sheridan, (to whom he was married 28 October 1936 at Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan and from whom subsequently divorced in 1958), was born 19 August 1907 at or near Jasper, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to John Sheridan and Alice Brown, (to whom refer). Earl James McCartney and Sarah Jane "Jean" Sheridan begat issue: (1) Wayne Sheridan McCartney, born 7 December 1938 at Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, who married 22 December 1964 at Thompson, Mystery Lake Local Government District, Manitoba, Susan Lennox; (2) Allan Garth McCartney, born 5 July 1943 at Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, who married 28 October 1970 at Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Maureen Ross; (3) Earl Gregory McCartney, born 28 January 1951 at Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, who married 30 March 1973 or 30 March 1976 (depending upon sources) at Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Beverly June Zimmerman.


Wayne Sheridan McCartney was born 7 December 1938 at Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, son to Earl James McCartney and Sarah Jane "Jean" Sheridan, (to whom refer). His wife Susan Lennox, (to whom he was married 22 December 1964 at Thompson, Mystery Lake Local Government District, Manitoba), was born 16 November 1947 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, daughter to Hugh Lennox and Margaret "Peg" ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Karen Patricia McCartney, born 19 June 1976 at Thompson, Manitoba; (2) Heather Louise McCartney, born 25 May 1978.


William Care McCauley was born 26 August 1893 at or near Terra Nova, Mulmur Township, Dufferin County, Ontario, son to Samuel McCauley and Margaret Beatty; died 4 April 1960 at Victoria, British Columbia. His wife Hazel Lillian Anderson, (to whom he was married 24 January 1921 at or near Sovereign, Saskatchewan), was born 25 March 1902 at or near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Thomas James Anderson and Jemima Fullerton (or Tullerton) Drummond, (to whom refer). In addition to adoption of one male child who, being a "stranger in blood" as regards the treated families, is not to be further noted or documented in these records, this couple also begat issue: (1) Margaret Dolores McCauley, born 15 October 1921 at or near Sovereign, Saskatchewan, who married 11 July 1963 at Coeur d'Alene, Kootenai County, Idaho, Earl Slatta; (2) Cleola Fullerton McCauley, born 23 January 1923 at or near Sovereign, Saskatchewan, who married 11 August 1940 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Norman H. Doughty; (3) Eula K. McCauley, born 19 March 1931 at or near Sovereign, Saskatchewan, died 4 November 1973 at Victoria, Capital Regional District, British Columbia, who married, firstly, 5 November 1948 at Victoria, British Columbia, Ronald Black, (from whom subsequently divorced), and, secondly, in 1953 at Coeur d'Alene, Kootenai County, Idaho, James Park.


Malcolm Neil McDonald was born in March 1946 at Brandon, Manitoba, son to Samuel McDonald and Doris Reynolds. His wife Carol Ann Watts, (to whom he was married 24 June 1967 at Carberry, Manitoba), was born 14 October 1947 at Brandon, Manitoba, daughter to Ivan Sheridan Watts and Marie Eleanor Froom, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Annette Marie McDonald, born 24 October 1967 at Brandon, Manitoba; (2) Marcy Doris McDonald, born 10 December 1969 at Brandon, Manitoba; (3) Nicole Dawn McDonald, born 27 October 1972 at Brandon, Manitoba.


John McDowel (or McDowell) was born 12 May 1798 in Ireland. His wife Mary Millar, (to whom he was married 13 January 1846 at the Presbyterian Meeting House, Broad Island Parish, otherwise known as Templecorran Parish, Lower Belfast Barony, Antrim County, Ulster Province, Ireland), was born in Ireland, daughter to Hugh Millar and ---, (to whom refer); married, firstly, in or prior to 1828, James Templeton, (to whom also refer); died after 1848 in Ireland. John McDowel (or McDowell) and Mary Millar begat issue: (1) Eliza (or Elizabeth) McDowel (or McDowell), born 1 August 1848 in Ireland, died 13 July 1927 in Ontario, buried in July 1927 at South Gower Cemetery, South Gower Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married, firstly, George Beach, and, secondly, George Leach.


Clinton Joseph McEvoy was born 8 April 1921 at or near Osgoode, Carleton County, Ontario, son to Joseph McEvoy and Evelyn Blanchfield. His wife Vera Evelyn McNeely, (to whom he was married 12 May 1948 at St. Bridget's Church, Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario), was born 2 October 1921 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Robert Miller (or Millar) McNeely and Harriet Alice Thompson, (to whom refer). No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Garnet Milburn McGrath was born 15 June 1945 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Thorold John McGrath and Mary Barbara Drummond, (to whom refer). His wife Carolyn Heather Tye, (to whom he was married 6 September 1969 at Gananoque, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 1 November 1946 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Carl Tye and Idell Cockran. This couple begat issue: (1) Bradley Garnet McGrath, born 9 August 1972 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; (2) Todd Tyler Thorold McGrath, born 4 April 1975 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; (3) Julianne Heather McGrath, born 8 November 1926 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario.


Herbert Earle McGrath was born 4 March 1944 at Chambers Memorial Hospital, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Thorold John McGrath and Mary Barbara Drummond, (to whom refer). His wife Elizabeth Jane McQuigge, (to whom he was married 7 May 1966 at Brinston, Matilda Township, Dundas County, Ontario), was born 22 July 1942 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Stephen Alexander McQuigge and Annie Maude Thorpe. This couple begat issue: (1) Kimberly Ann McGrath, born 2 March 1968 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; (2) Stephen Earle McGrath, born 8 June 1970 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario.


Thorold John McGrath was born 27 April 1920 at or near Easton's Corners, Wolford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to John McGrath and Stella McCaw. His wife Mary Barbara Drummond, (to whom he was married 9 June 1943 at or near Toledo, formerly known as Kitley, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 18 July 1920 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to John Holmes Drummond and Ethel Grace Stafford, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Herbert Earle McGrath, born 4 March 1944 at Chambers Memorial Hospital, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 7 May 1966 at Brinston, Matilda Township, Dundas County, Ontario, Elizabeth Jane McQuigge; (2) Garnet Milburn McGrath, born 15 June 1945 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 6 September 1969 at Gananoque, Leeds County, Ontario, Carolyn Heather Tye; (3) Mary Lura McGrath, born 23 November 1946 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 3 August 1968 at or near Easton's Corners, Wolford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, John Duncan Williams.


Harvey McInnes. His wife Mildred Burrows was born 6 July 1940, daughter to Carman Burrows and Georgie (or Georgia) Wood, (to whom refer); married, secondly, John Battyn, (to whom also refer). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Harvey McInnes and Mildred Burrows are presently available.


Michael McIntyre was born in or about 1952 or 1953. His wife April Gibson, (to whom he was married 14 February 1976 in California and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 15 January 1953 at Menlo Park, San Mateo County, California, daughter to Wells Drummond Gibson and Amber LaRae Smith, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 24 August 1974 in California, Tom De La France, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced); married, thirdly, in 1998, ---, (from whom subsequently divorced in 1999). Michael McIntyre and April Gibson begat issue: (1) Rogan McIntyre, born in or about 1982 or 1983; (2) Kyle McIntyre, born in or about 1984 or 1985; (3) Erin McIntyre, born in or about 1986 or 1987.


Gordon Arnold McKay was born 22 July 1935 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, son to William Oliver McKay and Helen Fenwick Drummond, (to whom refer). His wife was Irene Nechamkin, (to whom he was married 6 March 1965 at Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California). This couple begat issue: (1) Sean Brent McKay, born 4 November 1966 at Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California.


Wilfred Franklin McKay was born 29 September 1942 at or near Brandon, Manitoba, son to William Oliver McKay and Helen Fenwick Drummond, (to whom refer). His wife Karen Elizabeth Bissett, (to whom he was married 10 October 1964 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba), was born 21 November 1944 at Winnipeg, Manitoba. This couple begat issue: (1) Scott Leigh McKay, born 29 July 1967 at Souris, Manitoba; (2) Kimberley Rae McKay, born 3 October 1970 at Souris, Manitoba; (3) Ginger Lynn McKay, born 15 July 1974 at Souris, Manitoba.


William Donald McKay was born 26 June 1931 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, son to William Oliver McKay and Helen Fenwick Drummond, (to whom refer). His wife Helen Ruth Brownell, (to whom he was married 31 July 1965 at Moosomin, Saskatchewan), was born 17 February 1942 at or near Maryfield, Saskatchewan. This couple begat issue: (1) Rodney Dean McKay, born 2 November 1966 at Brandon, Manitoba.


William Oliver McKay was born 21 August 1900 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba; died 5 September 1987 at Brandon, Manitoba. His wife Helen Fenwick Drummond, (to whom he was married 26 March 1930 at or near Brandon, Manitoba), was born 30 November 1909 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, daughter to Thomas Millar (or Miller) Drummond and Agnes May Fenwick, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) William Donald McKay, born 26 June 1931 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, who married 31 July 1965 at Moosomin, Saskatchewan, Helen Ruth Brownell; (2) Doreen Helen McKay, born 10 July 1933 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, who married 25 May 1957 or 25 July 1957 (depending upon sources) at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, Thomas Evelyn Patteson; (3) Gordon Arnold McKay, born 22 July 1935 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, who married 6 March 1965 at Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California, Irene Nechamkin; (4) Oswald Miller McKay, born 1 December 1938 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, died in infancy, unmarried, 5 February 1939 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba; (5) Wilfred Franklin McKay, born 29 September 1942 at or near Brandon, Manitoba, who married 10 October 1964 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, Karen Elizabeth Bissett.


Paul Thomas McKenna was born 6 November 1952 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Joseph McKenna and Mary Cauley. His wife Linda Joan Campbell, (to whom he was married 17 October 1980 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 11 September 1958 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Edwin John Alexander Campbell and Melinda Evelyn Currie, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Jordan Joseph McKenna, born 25 March 1983 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; (2) Michael Paul Edwin McKenna, born 19 April 1985 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; (3) Nicholas Campbell McKenna, born 9 June 1989 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; (4) Liam John Cauley McKenna, born 10 July 1991 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario.


Donald Ferguson McLachlin was born 17 February 1923 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Harold Ferguson McLachlin and Ellabell Tomlinson, (to whom refer); died 9 January 1990 at Smiths Falls Community Hospital, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife Olevia Jean Kenny, (to whom he was married 6 October 1945 at St. John the Divine's Anglican Church, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 19 March 1925 at or near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Edward Kenny and Maggie May Fumerton; died 30 September 2007 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; buried 3 October 2007 at the United Cemeteries of St. Fillan's, Maplewood and Pine Grove (otherwise known as Pine Grove United Cemeteries), Beckwith Township, near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) a female child, unnamed, stillborn 23 April 1946 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, buried in 1946 at the United Cemeteries of St. Fillan's, Maplewood and Pine Grove (otherwise known as Pine Grove United Cemeteries), Beckwith Township, near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario; (2) Donna Jean McLachlin, born 9 August 1948 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 12 April 1969 at Trinity United Church, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, (with the Reverend Gervis Black, United Church of Canada, officiating), Wayne Ewert Jackson; (3) Robert William Arnold McLachlin, born 7 February 1952 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 13 October 1973 at Trinity United Church, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, (with the Reverend David Bauman, United Church of Canada, officiating), Rosemary Laura Fisher; (4) Margaret Ellabell "Margie" McLachlin, born 11 April 1955 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, died early, unmarried, 28 January 1958 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, buried in 1958 at the United Cemeteries of St. Fillan's, Maplewood and Pine Grove (otherwise known as Pine Grove United Cemeteries), Beckwith Township, near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario.


Harold Ferguson McLachlin was born 12 April 1893 near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Robert William McLachlin and Mary Ann Ferguson; died 30 October 1979 at the National Defence Medical Centre, Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario. His wife Ellabell Tomlinson, (to whom he was married 12 October 1919 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario), was born 17 January 1899 at or near Ashton, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Thomas Tomlinson and Ellen (or Eleanor) Miller Drummond, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Evelyn May McLachlin, born 23 May 1920 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, died 3 April 2004 in hospital at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, buried in 2004 at the United Cemeteries of St. Fillan's, Maplewood and Pine Grove (otherwise known as Pine Grove United Cemeteries), Beckwith Township, near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, who married in 1940 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario, Merrill Arnold Griffith; (2) Donald Ferguson McLachlin, born 17 February 1923 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, died 9 January 1990 at Smiths Falls Community Hospital, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 6 October 1945 at St. John the Divine's Anglican Church, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, Olevia Jean Kenny; (3) Thomas Arnold McLachlin, born 17 October 1931 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, died early, unmarried, 26 June 1944 at or near Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario in consequence of infection incurred through an abrasion to his foot, buried in 1944 at the United Cemeteries of St. Fillan's, Maplewood and Pine Grove (otherwise known as Pine Grove United Cemeteries), Beckwith Township, near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario.


Robert William Arnold McLachlin was born 7 February 1952 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Donald Ferguson McLachlin and Olevia Jean Kenny, (to whom refer). His wife Rosemary Laura Fisher, (to whom he was married 13 October 1973 at Trinity United Church, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario with the Reverend David Bauman, United Church of Canada, officiating), was born 26 December 1953 at Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to Melvin Fisher and Doris Christie. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Allan George McNeely was born 19 June 1943 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Osmond Elmer McNeely and Phoebe Ellen Gardiner, (to whom refer). His wife Myrtle Ines Thompson, (to whom he was married 5 July 1969 at the Baptist Church, Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 17 December 1946 at or near Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Roy Thompson and Vera Argue. This couple begat issue: (1) Philip Allan McNeely, born 14 February 1971 at Toronto, Metropolitan Toronto Municipality, Ontario.


Arthur Ernest McNeely was born 25 November 1894 at or near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, son to William James McNeely and Agnes Isabel Goth, (to whom refer); died 27 June 1976 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife (and second cousin) Estella Marjorie Lyons, (to whom he was married 5 June 1928 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 30 December 1901 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Robinson Preston Lyons and Annie Sheridan, (to whom also refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Lois Annabel McNeely, born 21 May 1929 at or near Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 21 October 1950 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, Malcolm Frederick B. James; (2) Douglas James McNeely, born 13 July 1932 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario, who married 18 September 1959 at Toronto, Metropolitan Toronto Municipality, Ontario, Doreen Barbara Perry.


David Edwin McNeely was born a twin 29 November 1949 at Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Osmond Elmer McNeely and Phoebe Ellen Gardiner, (to whom refer). His wife Iris Junnette Walford, (to whom he was married 25 August 1973 at St. James' Anglican Church, Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 6 December 1948 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Charles Baden Walford and Dorina Marie Enear. This couple begat issue: (1) Angela Junnette McNeely, born 3 August 1974 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario; (2) Sarah Jane McNeely, born 20 March 1977 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario.


Douglas James McNeely was born 13 July 1932 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario, son to Arthur Ernest McNeely and Estella Marjorie Lyons, (to whom refer). His wife Doreen Barbara Perry, (to whom he was married 18 September 1959 at Toronto, Metropolitan Toronto Municipality, Ontario), was born 30 November 1931 at Kettering, Kettering Urban District, Northampton County, England, daughter to Arthur Perry and ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Jonathan Bryce McNeely, born a twin 4 May 1962 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario; (2) Jeffrey Edward McNeely, born a twin 4 May 1962 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario; (3) James Arthur McNeely, born 5 May 1965 at Fort William, Thunder Bay District, Ontario.


Earl John McNeely was born 22 October 1905 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Robert Miller (or Millar) McNeely and Harriet Alice Thompson, (to whom refer). His wife Gladys Edna McLaren, (to whom he was married 4 October 1938 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 3 December 1915 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Peter McLaren and Mary Ann Storie. This couple begat issue: (1) Ruth Helen McNeely, born 10 June 1940 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 25 September 1965 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario, Weldon Armstrong Graham; (2) Ross Earl McNeely, born 4 February 1945 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 3 August 1968 at Carp, Huntley Township, Carleton County, Ontario, Penny Electra Carruthers.


Harold Osmond McNeely was born 28 June 1934 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Osmond Elmer McNeely and Phoebe Ellen Gardiner, (to whom refer). His wife Gwendolyn Margaret Hamilton, (to whom he was married 25 April 1959 at the United Church of Canada, Merrickville, Wolford Township, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 2 December 1936 at or near Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Forrest Hamilton and Mae Letts. This couple begat issue: (1) Michael Stephen McNeely, born 26 August 1959 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario; (2) Kimberly Margaret McNeely, born 26 August 1960 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario; (3) Harold Ian McNeely, born 30 August 1961 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario; (4) Catherine Ellen McNeely, born 8 November 1962 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario; (5) Nadine Emily McNeely, born 1 September 1964 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario.


Howard Willard McNeely was born 2 November 1909 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Robert Miller (or Millar) McNeely and Harriet Alice Thompson, (to whom refer). His wife was Margaret Leishman, (to whom he was married 23 November 1937 at Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario). This couple begat issue: (1) Eileen McNeely, who married Melbourne Timmins.


John McNeely was born 7 March 1840 or 8 March 1840 (depending upon sources) at Beckwith Township, Bathurst Municipal District, Upper Canada, son to John McNeely and Nancy Agnes Raney; died 25 May 1907 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario in consequence of 20 days' suffering with pneumonia; buried in 1907 at the United Cemeteries of St. Fillan's, Maplewood and Pine Grove (otherwise known as Pine Grove United Cemeteries), Beckwith Township, near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife Matilda Drummond, (to whom he was married in March 1863 or 17 June 1863, depending upon sources, at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, afterward St. Andrew's United Church, near Toledo, formerly known as Kitley, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Canada West), was born 6 March 1841 or 8 March 1841 (depending upon sources) at or near Kitley (afterward known as Toledo), Kitley Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Canada West, daughter to James Drummond and Eleanor Stevely Millar (or Miller), (to whom refer); died 8 March 1925 at Catherine Street, Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario; buried in 1925 at the United Cemeteries of St. Fillan's, Maplewood and Pine Grove (otherwise known as Pine Grove United Cemeteries), Beckwith Township, near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) William James McNeely, born 7 August 1864 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Canada West, died 19 October 1955 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, who married, firstly, 31 January 1894 at St. James' Anglican Church, Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, Agnes Isabel Goth, and, secondly, in 1930, Phoebe Houston; (2) John Russell McNeely, born 13 September 1873 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, died unmarried 4 September 1940 at Almonte Hospital, Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario; (3) Robert Miller (or Millar) McNeely, born 8 February 1876 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, died 27 July 1929 at Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 23 September 1923 at St. John's Anglican Church, Innisville, Drummond Township, Lanark County, Ontario, Harriet Alice Thompson; (4) Nancy McNeely, born 14 May 1877 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, died betrothed but unmarried 14 November 1902 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario.


Melvin Miller McNeely was born 9 September 1910 or 9 September 1911 (depending upon sources) at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Robert Miller (or Millar) McNeely and Harriet Alice Thompson, (to whom refer). His wife Muriel Millward Roy, (to whom he was married 19 April 1937 at the Anglican Church, Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario), was born 27 January 1910 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario, daughter to William James Roy and Rose Amy Millward. This couple begat issue: (1) Phyllis Marilyn McNeely, born 9 March 1941 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario; (2) Margaret Rose McNeely, born 20 March 1944 at Shawville, Pontiac County, Qu�bec, who married 29 October 1966 at St. Matthias' Anglican Church, Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario, Garry Brian Richardson.


Osmond Elmer McNeely was born 27 February 1908 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Robert Miller (or Millar) McNeely and Harriet Alice Thompson, (to whom refer). His wife Ellen Phoebe Gardiner, (to whom he was married 31 January 1934 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario), was born 2 May 1912 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to George Gardiner and Emily Bowland. This couple begat issue: (1) Harold Osmond McNeely, born 28 June 1934 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 25 April 1959 at the United Church of Canada, Merrickville, Wolford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, Gwendolyn Margaret Hamilton; (2) Allan George McNeely, born 19 June 1943 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 5 July 1969 at the Baptist Church, Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario, Myrtle Ines Thompson; (3) Robert Charles McNeely, born 17 April 1946 at Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 2 October 1971 at the United Church of Canada, Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario, Karen Pearl Thompson; (4) David Edwin McNeely, born a twin 29 November 1949 at Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 25 August 1973 at St. James' Anglican Church, Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, Iris Junnette Walford; (5) Dorothy Emily McNeely, born a twin 29 November 1949 at Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 4 September 1971 at St. James' Anglican Church, Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, Ivan Earle Smith.


Robert Charles McNeely was born 17 April 1946 at Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Osmond Elmer McNeely and Phoebe Ellen Gardiner, (to whom refer). His wife Karen Pearl Thompson, (to whom he was married 2 October 1971 at the United Church of Canada, Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario), was born 27 December 1949 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario, daughter to James Eldon Thompson and Ethel E. Whyte. This couple begat issue: (1) Julie Christine McNeely, born 25 February 1974 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario; (2) Benjamin Robert McNeely, born 16 June 1975 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario; (3) James Osmond McNeely, born 9 September 1976 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario.


Robert Miller (or Millar) McNeely was born 8 February 1876 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, son to John McNeely and Matilda Drummond, (to whom refer); died 27 July 1929 at Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife Harriet Alice Thompson, (to whom he was married 23 September 1923 at St. John's Anglican Church, Innisville, Drummond Township, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 12 June 1880 at Ramsay Township, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Robert Thompson and Charlotte Sheppard. This couple begat issue: (1) Muriel Stevely McNeely, born 11 August 1904 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 12 October 1933 at Bonarlaw (formerly known as Bellview), Rawdon Township, Hastings County, Ontario, Eric Cram Simpson; (2) Earl John McNeely, born 22 October 1905 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 4 October 1938 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, Gladys Edna McLaren; (3) Osmond Elmer McNeely, born 27 February 1908 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 31 January 1934 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario, Ellen Phoebe Gardiner; (4) Howard Willard McNeely, born 2 November 1909 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 23 November 1937 at Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario, Margaret Leishman; (5) Melvin Miller McNeely, born 9 September 1910 or 9 September 1911 (depending upon sources) at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 19 April 1937 at the Anglican Church, Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario, Muriel Millward Roy; (6) Eleanor Harriet McNeely, born 26 May 1916 or 29 May 1916 (depending upon sources) at Beckwith Township or Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario (depending upon sources), who married 8 October 1947 at Emmanuel Anglican Church, Arnprior, Renfrew County, Ontario, her second cousin James Wilmer Lyons; (7) Vera Evelyn McNeely, born 2 October 1921 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 12 May 1948 at St. Bridget's Church, Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario, Clinton Joseph McEvoy.


Ross Earl McNeely was born 4 February 1945 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Earl John McNeely and Gladys Edna McLaren, (to whom refer). His wife Penny Electra Carruthers, (to whom he was married 3 August 1968 at Carp, Huntley Township, Carleton County, Ontario), was born 30 August 1948 at Huntley Township, Carleton County, Ontario, daughter to Gordon Carruthers and Milda Graham. This couple begat issue: (1) Andrew Ross McNeely, born 19 July 1971 at Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario; (2) Chad Peter McNeely, born 7 November 1975 at Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario.


William James McNeely was born 7 August 1864 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Canada West, son to John McNeely and Matilda Drummond, (to whom refer); married, secondly, in 1930, Phoebe Houston, (to whom also refer); died 19 October 1955 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario. His first wife Agnes Isabel Goth, (to whom he was married 31 January 1894 at St. James' Anglican Church, Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 13 August 1869 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to William Goth and Margaret McEwen; died 22 July 1916 at Ramsay Township, Lanark County, Ontario. William James McNeely and Agnes Isabel Goth begat issue: (1) Arthur Ernest McNeely, born 25 November 1894 at or near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, died 27 June 1976 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 5 June 1928 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, his second cousin Estella Marjorie Lyons; (2) Ethel Isabel McNeely, born 21 September 1897 at Ramsay Township, Lanark County, Ontario, died 11 November 1966 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, buried at St. James' Anglican Cemetery, Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 31 August 1929 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, Percy Robert Leach.


William James McNeely was born 7 August 1864 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Canada West, son to John McNeely and Matilda Drummond, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 31 January 1894 at St. James' Anglican Church, Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, Agnes Isabel Goth, (to whom also refer); died 19 October 1955 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario. His second wife was Phoebe Houston, (to whom he was married in 1930). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of William James McNeely and Phoebe Houston.


Barry Dennis McParlan was born 24 December 1957, son to Ronald Irving "Pat" McParlan and Thelma Eileen Saunders, (to whom refer). His wife was Vickie ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Gerald Thomas McParlan was born 9 October 1956, son to Ronald Irving "Pat" McParlan and Thelma Eileen Saunders, (to whom refer). His wife was Debbie ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Mark James McParlan was born 20 June 1965, son to Ronald Irving "Pat" McParlan and Thelma Eileen Saunders, (to whom refer). His wife was Cassie ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Ronald Irving "Pat" McParlan was born 8 September 1937; died 17 March 2007. His wife Thelma Eileen Saunders, (to whom he was married 7 April 1956), was born 11 October 1937, daughter to Thomas Drummond Saunders and Olive I. Brennan, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Gerald Thomas McParlan, born 9 October 1956, who married Debbie ---; (2) Barry Dennis McParlan, born 24 December 1957, who married Vicki ---: (3) Kevin Ronald McParlan, born 13 January 1960, died early, unmarried, 29 November 1970; (4) Timothy Howard McParlan, born 15 September 1962, died early, unmarried, 9 March 1979; (5) Linda Jean McParlan, born 25 June 1964, who married Rene ---; (6) Mark James McParlan, born 20 June 1965, who married Cassie ---; (7) Jennifer Rose McParlan, born 2 October 1966, who married Kevin ---.


Thomas Meyer. His wife Mary Ellyne Griffith was born 15 March 1952 at Spokane, Spokane County, Washington, daughter to William Arthur Griffith and Ellyne Lenore Hallman, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Heather Ellyne Meyer, born 14 March 1977 at Cape Girardeau, Cape Girardeau County, Missouri.


Hugh Millar was a resident of Antrim County, Ulster Province, Ireland. His wife was ---. This couple begat at least the following issue: (1) Mary Millar, born in Ireland, died after 1848 in Ireland, who married, firstly, in or prior to 1828 in Ireland, James Templeton, and, secondly, 13 January 1846 at the Presbyterian Meeting House, Broad Island Parish (otherwise known as Templecorran Parish), Lower Belfast Barony, Antrim County, Ulster Province, Ireland, John McDowel (or McDowell); (2) Eleanor Stevely Millar (or Miller), born in 1813 (not in 1819 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources) in Ireland, died 1 February 1871 at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario in consequence of two hours' suffering with a paralytic stroke, buried in 1871 at St. Andrew's Presbyterian (afterward St. Andrew's United Church) Cemetery (otherwise known as Toledo Presbyterian Cemetery), near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married James Drummond.


Douglas John Miller was born 10 May 1945 at Perth, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Leslie Miller and Nellie McDougall. His wife Verna Doris Campbell, (to whom he was married 3 July 1971 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 18 August 1949 at Sarnia, Lambton County, Ontario, daughter to Edwin John Alexander Campbell and Melinda Evelyn Currie, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Constance Lynn "Connie" Miller, born 5 July 1973 at Hamilton, Wentworth County, Ontario, who married 12 June 2004 at Hamilton, Hamilton City Municipality, Ontario, Bradley Kent Dowdall; (2) Douglas John Miller, born 9 December 1976 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario.


Douglas Bruce Miners was born 30 June 1954 at Exeter, Huron County, Ontario, son to Warren John Miners and Margaret Marion Drummond, (to whom refer). His wife Carol Chalmers, (to whom he was married 19 July 1975 at Kippen, Stanley Township, Huron County, Ontario), was daughter to James Alexander Chalmers and Mildred Latisha MacCormick. This couple begat issue: (1) Kathleen Danielle Miners, born 17 September 1977; (2) John James Douglas Miners, born 4 July 1979.

Warren John Miners was born 4 March 1923 at or near Exeter, Huron County, Ontario, son to Garnet Warren Miners and Vera May Batten; died 28 February 1982 at or near Exeter, Huron County, Ontario. His wife Margaret Marion Drummond, (to whom he was married 3 May 1944 at or near Brandon, Manitoba), was born 11 October 1922 at or near Brandon, Manitoba, daughter to Thomas Millar (or Miller) Drummond and Agnes May Fenwick, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Jo-Ann Louise Miners, born 6 April 1946 at Brandon, Manitoba, who married 28 August 1964 at London, Middlesex County, Ontario, Kenneth Alexander Riggs; (2) Douglas Bruce Miners, born 30 June 1954 at Exeter, Huron County, Ontario, who married 19 July 1975 at Kippen, Stanley Township, Huron County, Ontario, Carol Chalmers; (3) Constance Elaine Miners, born 10 October 1957 at Exeter, Huron County, Ontario, who married 18 October MINERS, WARREN JOHN / DRUMMOND, MARGARET MARION 1975 at Mount Carmel, Stephen Township, Huron County, Ontario, Pius Joseph Christopher Dietrich; (4) Sharon Elizabeth Miners, born 22 April 1962 at London, Middlesex County, Ontario.


Samuel Moffat. His wife Judith Merle Dodds, (to whom he was married 2 September 1967 at Keewatin, Kenora District, Ontario), was born 1 April 1947 at Virden, Manitoba, daughter to Wilbert Woodrow "Bill" Dodds and Thelma Joyce Laviette Weber, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Shannon Lee-Anne Moffat, born 15 March 1969 at Kenora, Kenora District, Ontario; (2) Ryan Moffat, born 16 April 1974 at Kenora, Kenora District, Ontario.


Carl Morphy. His wife Leone Drummond was born 17 September 1928 at or near Appleton, Ramsay Township, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to John Ferguson Drummond and Morna Black, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Kenneth Morphy.


Floyd Irwin "Tex" Morris was born 14 April 1927 at or near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, son to George Ernest Morris and Margaret Edna Drummond, (to whom refer). His wife Jacqueline Andr�e Couroux, (to whom he was married 15 August 1949 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario), was born 15 October 1928 at or near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Joseph L. Couroux and Gracia David. This couple begat issue: (1) David Colin Ernest Morris, born 10 April 1958 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario; (2) Louise Ann Morris, born 25 March 1960 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario.


George Ernest Morris was born 12 September 1904 at or near Scotch Corners, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Samuel Morris and Nellie Cook; married, secondly, 15 April 1941 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario, Clara Idean Ferguson; died 24 August 1944 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario. His first wife Margaret Edna Drummond, (to whom he was married 30 July 1926), was born 7 May 1903 at or near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Henry Drummond and Julia Ann Ferguson, (to whom refer); died 1 January 1928 at or near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario. George Ernest Morris and Margaret Edna Drummond begat issue: (1) Floyd Irwin "Tex" Morris, born 14 April 1927 at or near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 15 August 1949 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario, Jacqueline Andr�e Couroux.


Thomas Francis Morris Jr. His wife Donna Jean Griffith was born 6 July 1930 at or near Kellogg, Shoshone County, Idaho, daughter to LeVern Morton Griffith and Jessie Marie Rinaldi, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Katherine Marie Morris, born 22 November 1954 at Spokane, Spokane County, Washington; (2) Thomas Francis Morris III., born a twin 19 December 1955 at Kellogg, Shoshone County, Idaho; (3) Victoria Mary Morris, born a twin 19 December 1955 at Kellogg, Shoshone County, Idaho; (4) Zena Marie Morris, born 28 November 1958 at Gallipolis, Gallia County, Ohio.


Wilfrid Fergus Morrison was born 28 November 1895 at or near Bishop's Mills, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to James Morrison and Ellen McCoy; married, firstly, Pearl McClintock; died 24 March 1975 in Ontario; buried in 1975 at Alexander Union Cemetery, Bishop's Mills, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His second wife Alice Zelba Gardner, (to whom he was married 30 October 1935 at or near Oxford Station, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 19 August 1897 (not 26 August 1897 as erroneously suggested or indicated the records of the Registrar-General of Ontario on the basis of mistaken information accidentally supplied by her maternal grandfather as informant) at or near Oxford Station, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to William John Gardner and Mary Templeton, (to whom refer); died 22 April 1994 at Bayfield Manor, Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario; buried 25 April 1994 at Alexander Union Cemetery, Bishop's Mills, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Wilfrid Fergus Morrison and Alice Zelba Gardner.


William James Moulton was born 5 September 1938 at or near Seeley's Bay, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to William Thomas Vernon Moulton and Gertrude May Dennison. His wife Betty Jean Freeman, (to whom he was married 12 May 1962 at Elgin, South Crosby Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 27 November 1942 at Elgin, South Crosby Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Stanley Elsworth Freeman and Leah Louise Chant, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Vanessa Jean Moulton, born 9 February 1963 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario; (2) Russell James Moulton, born 7 April 1966 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario; (3) Bradley John Moulton, born 3 April 1968 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario.


George Mowatt was born 12 January 1908 at Brechin, Brechin Royal Burgh, Brechin District, Forfar (afterward known as Angus) County, Scotland. His wife Jean Mary Drummond, (to whom he was married 11 December 1937 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba), was born 1 June 1904 at or near Lenore, Woodworth Rural Municipality, Manitoba, daughter to James Russell Drummond and Eliza Jane "Jenny" Connerty, (to whom refer); died 13 September 1988 at Brandon, Manitoba. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Dennis John Muchmore was born 11 September 1936 at or near Morton, South Crosby Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Clifton Muchmore and Mary Cayney. His wife Phyllis Elaine Freeman, (to whom he was married 3 December 1956 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 15 April 1940 at Elgin, South Crosby Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Stanley Elsworth Freeman and Leah Louise Chant, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Clare Dodds, (to whom also refer). Dennis John Muchmore and Phyllis Elaine Freeman begat issue: (1) Cynthia Jane Muchmore, born 15 April 1957 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario; (2) Clifton Dennis Muchmore, born 15 December 1959 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario; (3) Matthew Stanley Muchmore, born 1 June 1961 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario; (4) Randolph Lawrence Muchmore, born 8 January 1963 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario; (5) Donald Lorne Muchmore, born 12 December 1965 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario.


Sean Mulligan. His wife Jennifer Helen Eileen Killen was born 18 February 1970 at Calgary, Alberta, daughter to Brian William Frederick Killen and Myrtle Eileen Saunders, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Ashlynn Mulligan; (2) Reilly Mulligan.


Errol Mulville was born 20 July 1937 at or near Westport, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Gerald Mulville and Jeanne Scanlon; married, firstly, Anne P. Burke. His second wife Eleanor Jean Saunders, (to whom he was married 12 July 1974 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 26 August 1937 at or near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to William Joseph Saunders Jr. and Myrtle Audrey Kelford, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Lloyd Clare Lackey, (to whom also refer). In addition to the upbringing of one male and two female children of the Husband's previous marriage who, being "strangers in blood" as regards the Wife's family, are not to be further noted or documented in these records, as well as the four female children, elsewhere herein recorded, of the Wife's previous marriage, Errol Mulville and Eleanor Jean Saunders also begat issue: (1) Terri Elizabeth Mulville, born 4 August 1975 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario.


James Patrick "Flint" Murphy was born 27 November 1958 at Winchester, Dundas County, Ontario. His wife Diane Lois Weedmark, (to whom he was married 4 September 1982 at Vauxhall, Alberta), was born 19 August 1962 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Lorne Arthur Weedmark and Lois Joyce Salter, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Christopher Cody Murphy, born 26 June 1986 at Winchester, Dundas County, Ontario; (2) Travis James Murphy, born 29 April 1988 at Winchester, Dundas County, Ontario.


Craig Bernard Mussell was born 5 August 1943 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to John Mussell and Nellie Craig. His wife Fay Eleanor Campbell, (to whom he was married 21 May 1966 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 18 August 1944 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Edwin John Alexander Campbell and Melinda Evelyn Currie, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Kelly Margaret Mussell, born 10 December 1969 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married --- Weir; (2) Jason Charles Mussell, born 10 June 1974 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario.



John Peter Nein was born 6 May 1933 at or near Hawk Springs, Goshen County, Wyoming. His wife Agnes Dorothy Griffith, (to whom he was married 7 June 1959 at Centralia, Lewis County, Washington), was born 5 January 1941 at Ritzville, Adams County, Washington, daughter to George Edward Griffith and Dorothy Leona Hulse, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Sandy Lee Nein, born 13 February 1961 at Vancouver, Clark County, Washington; (2) Mark Lenard Nein, born 19 August 1962 at Vancouver, Clark County, Washington; (3) Timothy John Nein, born 22 December 1963 at Vancouver, Clark County, Washington.


Walter Nein was born 1 April 1931 at or near Hawk Springs, Goshen County, Wyoming. His wife Jennett Ann Griffith, (to whom he was married 26 November 1957 at Church of God, West Kelso, Cowlitz County, Washington), was born 16 July 1939 at Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon, daughter to George Edward Griffith and Dorothy Leona Hulse, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Peter Edward Nein, born 15 April 1958 at Longview, Cowlitz County, Washington; (2) David Walter Nein, born 23 September 1960 at Longview, Cowlitz County, Washington; (3) Steven Leroy Nein, born 26 December 1961 at Longview, Cowlitz County, Washington; (4) Larry Dean Nein, born 11 July 1967 at Longview, Cowlitz County, Washington.


Thomas Harlan Nighber. His wife LaVonne Arlene Willard was born 13 July 1934 at or near Spokane, Spokane County, Washington, daughter to Harold Eugene Willard and Elva Gladys Griffith, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Ira Gilmore, (to whom also refer); married, thirdly, ---. Thomas Harlan Nighber and LaVonne Arlene Willard begat issue: (1) Thomas Harlan Nighber Jr., born 12 January 1965 at Richland, Benton County, Washington.


Claude Irwin Nolan was born 10 November 1943 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Robert John Nolan and Matilda Doris Currie, (to whom refer). His wife Cora Isobel Massey, (to whom he was married 8 June 1968 at Munster, Goulbourn Township, Carleton County, Ontario), was born 3 October 1945 at Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to John Massey and Isobel Campbell. This couple begat issue: (1) Pauline Claudia Nolan, born 24 January 1971 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario; (2) David John Nolan, born 23 March 1973 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario.


Darwin Orville Nolan was born 20 December 1963 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Orville John George Nolan and Patricia Ann Toop, (to whom refer). His wife was Sharon ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Frederick Harold Nolan was born 12 March 1945 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Robert John Nolan and Matilda Doris Currie, (to whom refer). His wife Patricia Ann Hill, (to whom he was married 12 February 1973 at Morrisburg, Dundas County, Ontario), was born 12 March 1944 at Windsor, Richmond County, Qu�bec, daughter to Ernest James Hill and Eunice Victoria Gray. This couple begat issue: (1) Wendy Dawn Nolan, born 13 May 1969 at Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario; (2) Crystal Ann Nolan, born 10 July 1973 at Winchester, Dundas County, Ontario; (3) Tracy Diane Nolan, born 18 June 1975 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario.


Garth Melville Nolan was born 28 December 1945 at Virden, Manitoba, son to Melville Nolan and Edna Pearl Dodds, (to whom refer). His wife Marion Lavona Henderson, (to whom he was married 8 April 1967 at Crandall, Miniota Rural Municipality, Manitoba), was born 3 July 1945 at Hamiota, Manitoba, daughter to Nelson William David Henderson and Mary Annie Sophia Wallace. This couple begat issue: (1) Jamie Dean Nolan, born 30 January 1971 at Atikokan, Freeborn and Schwenger Townships, Rainy River District, Ontario; (2) Jared Melville Nolan, born 14 May 1976 at Winnipeg, Manitoba.


Gerald Lionel Nolan was born 7 December 1952 or 16 December 1952 (depending upon sources) at Hamiota, Manitoba, son to Melville Nolan and Edna Pearl Dodds, (to whom refer). His wife Linda Corinne Sunley, (to whom he was married 9 July 1971 at Decker, Hamiota Rural Municipality, Manitoba), was born 23 July 1954 at Hamiota, Manitoba, daughter to Russell Lorne Sunley and Ellen Blanche Rockley. This couple begat issue: (1) Carma Lee Nolan, born 18 November 1971 at Birtle, Manitoba; (2) Trevor Scott Nolan, born 16 November 1974 at Hamiota, Manitoba.


Gerald Nelson Nolan was born 1 April 1955 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Robert John Nolan and Matilda Doris Currie, (to whom refer). His wife was Betty ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


James Robert Nolan was born 11 August 1942 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Robert John Nolan and Matilda Doris Currie, (to whom refer); died in 1999; buried at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife Martha Nancy Louise Griffith, (to whom he was married 30 November 1963 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 19 April 1942 at Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to James Griffith and Ruby White. This couple begat issue: (1) Stephen James Robert Nolan, born 28 November 1965 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario; (2) Jennifer Louise Nolan, born 13 November 1966 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario.


Kenneth Allan Nolan was born 6 November 1946 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Robert John Nolan and Matilda Doris Currie, (to whom refer). His wife Diane Lumsden, (to whom he was married 8 October 1964 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 2 June 1949 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Harold Lumsden and Mary Code. This couple begat issue: (1) Glen Allan Nolan, born 19 April 1965 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; (2) Kevin Paul Nolan, born 9 February 1973 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; (3) Brandon Kenneth Nolan, born 8 September 1976 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario.


Lawrence Lynn Nolan was born 18 December 1942 at Virden, Manitoba, son to Melville Nolan and Edna Pearl Dodds, (to whom refer). His wife Karyn Margarette Kent, (to whom he was married 29 October 1966 at Kenton, Woodworth Rural Municipality, Manitoba), was born 12 January 1945 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, daughter to Harvey Bridger Kent and Phyllis Margarette Bray. This couple begat issue: (1) Kenneth Lawrence Nolan, born 15 January 1968 at Hamiota, Manitoba; (2) Cory Lynn Nolan, born 24 March 1970 at Hamiota. Manitoba; (3) Jason Bradley Nolan, born 22 May 1972 at Hamiota, Manitoba; (4) Christa Fay Nolan, born 26 October 1975 at Hamiota, Manitoba.


Lyle Norman Nolan was born 22 December 1947 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Robert John Nolan and Matilda Doris Currie, (to whom refer). His wife Joan Dowdall, (to whom he was married 29 July 1967), was born 27 May 1949 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to William Dowdall and Nettie Gowalko. This couple begat issue: (1) Michael William Nolan, born 10 March 1968 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; (2) Jason Todd Nolan, born 18 November 1970 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; (3) Dereck Lyle Nolan, born 31 July 1976 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario.


Melville Nolan was born 24 December 1904 at or near Bardol (afterward known as Ewart), Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba, son to William Henry Nolan and Annie Robertson. His wife Edna Pearl Dodds, (to whom he was married 16 December 1939 at or near Virden, Manitoba), was born 9 January 1913 at or near Ebor, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba, daughter to Robert Samuel Dodds and Matilda Jane "Jennie" Drummond, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Lawrence Lynn Nolan, born 18 December 1942 at Virden, Manitoba, who married 29 October 1966 at Kenton, Woodworth Rural Municipality, Manitoba, Karyn Margarette Kent; (2) Garth Melville Nolan, born 28 December 1945 at Virden, Manitoba, who married 8 April 1967 at Crandall, Miniota Rural Municipality, Manitoba, Marion Lavona Henderson; (3) Gerald Lionel Nolan, born 7 December 1952 or 16 December 1952 (depending upon sources) at Hamiota, Manitoba, who married 9 July 1971 at Decker, Hamiota Rural Municipality, Manitoba, Linda Corinne Sunley.


Orville John George Nolan was born 16 January 1941 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Robert John Nolan and Matilda Doris Currie, (to whom refer); married, secondly, in 1969 at Munster, Goulbourn Township, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario, Jane Massey, (to whom also refer); died 30 April 2010; buried in 2010 at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario. His first wife Patricia Ann Toop, (to whom he was married 22 April 1961 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario), was daughter to Oliver Toop and Helen Sherrard; died together with her infant daughter 1 December 1965 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario in consequence of injuries sustained in a fire. Orville John George Nolan and Patricia Ann Toop begat issue: (1) Darlene Ann Nolan, born 22 August 1961 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, who married William Bresee; (2) Darwin Orville Nolan, born 20 December 1963 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married Sharon ---; (3) Constance Doris Nolan, born 1 November 1965 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, died in infancy, unmarried, together with her mother 1 December 1965 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario in consequence of injuries sustained in a fire.


Orville John George Nolan was born 16 January 1941 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Robert John Nolan and Matilda Doris Currie, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 22 April 1961 at Franktown, Beckwith Township. Lanark County, Ontario, Patricia Ann Toop, (to whom also refer); died 30 April 2010; buried in 2010 at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario. His second wife was Jane Massey, (to whom he was married in 1969 at Munster, Goulbourn Township, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario). Orville John George Nolan and Jane Massey begat issue: (1) Christine Elizabeth Nolan, born 8 February 1970 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; (2) Julie Jane Nolan, born 30 December 1970 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married Todd Powers.


Robert John Nolan was born 9 May 1917 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, son to John Nolan Sr. and --- McLellan; married, secondly, Viola Cameron Moore. His first wife Matilda Doris Currie, (to whom he was married 21 August 1940 at Richmond, Carleton County, Ontario), was born 21 July 1923 at or near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to George Nelson Currie and Annie Jacob Saunders, (to whom refer); died 9 August 1977 at Perth, Lanark County, Ontario. Robert John Nolan and Matilda Doris Currie begat issue: (1) Orville John George Nolan, born 16 January 1941 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, died 30 April 2010, buried in 2010 at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, who married, firstly, 22 April 1961 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, Patricia Ann Toop, and, secondly, in 1969 at Munster, Goulbourn Township, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario, Jane Massey; (2) James Robert Nolan, born 11 August 1942 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, died in 1999, buried at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 30 November 1963 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, Martha Nancy Louise Griffith; (3) Claude Irwin Nolan, born 10 November 1943 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 8 June 1968 at Munster, Goulbourn Township, Carleton County, Ontario, Cora Isobel Massey; (4) Frederick Harold Nolan, born 12 March 1945 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 12 February 1973 at Morrisburg, Dundas County, Ontario, Patricia Ann Hill; (5) Kenneth Allan Nolan, born 6 November 1946 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 8 October 1964 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, Diane Lumsden; (6) Lyle Norman Nolan, born 22 December 1947 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 29 July 1967, Joan Dowdall; (7) Diane Evelyn Nolan, born 21 April 1949 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 21 October 1967 at Lancaster, Glengarry County, Ontario, Charles Osborne; (8) Marlene Mildred Nolan, born 9 December 1950 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 29 July 1972 at Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario, Wayne Martin; (9) Ross Wilfred Nolan, born 29 July 1953 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 23 September 1978 at Pembroke, Renfrew County, Ontario, Trudy Sawyer; (10) Gerald Nelson Nolan, born 1 April 1955 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, who married Betty ---.


Ross Wilfred Nolan was born 29 July 1953 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Robert John Nolan and Matilda Doris Currie, (to whom refer). His wife Trudy Sawyer, (to whom he was married 23 September 1978 at Pembroke, Renfrew County, Ontario), was daughter to Joseph Sawyer and Gwen Scott. This couple begat issue: (1) Christopher John Nolan, born 2 August 1979 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario.



Donald P. O'Neill. His wife Margaret Elizabeth Johnston, (to whom he was married 27 December 1980 at Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay District, Ontario), was born 11 July 1955 in Ontario, daughter to Harcourt Templeton Johnston and Margaret Hendry Gibb, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Reuben Gordon Peter Orr was born 1 August 1947 at or near Shawville, Pontiac County, Qu�bec, son to Ivan Reuben Orr and Raeburn Brigitte Doherty. His wife Linda Marie Healey, (to whom he was married 16 September 1972 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 10 April 1950 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to John Henry Healey and Velma Ellen Tomlinson, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Charles Osborne was born 9 February 1941 at or near Bainsville, Lancaster Township, Glengarry County, Ontario, son to Arthur G. Osborne and Margaret M. Chafee. His wife Diane Evelyn Nolan, (to whom he was married 21 October 1967 at Lancaster, Glengarry County, Ontario), was born 21 April 1949 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Robert John Nolan and Matilda Doris Currie, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Stephanie Ann Osborne, born 18 August 1968 at Cornwall, Stormont County, Ontario; (2) Angela Diane Osborne, born 14 August 1969 at Cornwall, Stormont County, Ontario; (3) Colin Charles Osborne, born 9 March 1972 at Cornwall, Stormont County, Ontario.


Theodore "Ted" Ott died in September 1948. His wife Louise Lora Kinzel, (to whom he was married in 1936 and from whom subsequently divorced in 1948), was born 6 September 1911 at or near Marcellus, Adams County, Washington, daughter to Henry Kinzel and Edith Matilda Griffith, (to whom refer); married, secondly, in 1950, Joseph H. Kelly, (to whom also refer). Theodore "Ted" Ott and Louise Lora Kinzel begat issue: (1) Thelma Mildred Ott, born 2 September 1936 at or near Ritzville, Adams County, Washington, who married Vern Sutherland.



Donald Howard Paddock was born 8 August 1943 at Hamiota, Manitoba, son to Howard Henry Paddock and Mabel Kreager. His wife Freida Marie Gould, (to whom he was married 21 December 1963 at Virden, Manitoba), was born 1 October 1944 at Virden, Manitoba, daughter to John Frederick Daniel Gould and Marion Margaret Drummond, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Donald Wayne Paddock, born 8 February 1965 at Virden, Manitoba; (2) Lyle James Paddock, born 11 February 1966 at Rivers, Manitoba; (3) Kimberly Freda Paddock, born 22 September 1967 at Rivers, Manitoba.


James Park was born in Ireland. His wife Eula K. McCauley, (to whom he was married in 1953 at Coeur d'Alene, Kootenai County, Idaho), was born 19 March 1931 at or near Sovereign, Saskatchewan, daughter to William Care McCauley and Hazel Lillian Anderson, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 5 November 1948 at Victoria, British Columbia, Ronald Black, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced); died 4 November 1973 at Victoria, Capital Regional District, British Columbia. In addition to the upbringing of one male child, elsewhere herein recorded, of the Wife's previous marriage, James Park and Eula K. McCauley also begat issue: (1) Lori K. Park, born 30 July ---- in the Kingdom of Belgium; (2) Harling Care Park, born 14 March 1966 in the Kingdom of Belgium.


James Park. His wife Joan Fleming was daughter to Walter Fleming and Helen Saunders, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Lindsay Park; (2) Jeffrey Park.


Robert Goodrich Park was born 16 March 1945 at Fresno, Fresno County, California, son to James Durward Park and Leah Eileen Stewig. His wife Norma Ellen Drummond, (to whom he was married 28 August 1970 at Seattle, King County, Washington), was born 28 May 1947 at Seattle, King County, Washington, daughter to Gerald Carlyle Drummond and Alicia DeCoursey, (to whom refer); married, firstly, in 1968, Russell Albert Rouh, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced). In addition to adoption of one male child, elsewhere herein recorded, of the Wife's previous marriage, Robert Goodrich Park and Norma Ellen Drummond also begat issue: (1) Dana Anthony Park, born 25 November 1972 at Seattle, King County, Washington.


Oliver H. Pattemore was born 16 August 1928 at or near Athens, Leeds County, Ontario (formerly known as Farmersville, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario), son to Albert Pattemore and Margaret McCoy. His wife Carol Elizabeth McCann, (to whom he was married 26 May 1962 at Athens, Leeds County, Ontario, formerly known as Farmersville, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 15 November 1940 at or near Glen Elbe, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Gerald S. McCann and Doris Jennie Stewart, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Joan Elizabeth Pattemore, born 22 May 1963 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; (2) Oliver Scott Pattemore, born 3 July 1966 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; (3) Nancy Jean Pattemore, born 24 April 1968 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; (4) Linda Carol Pattemore, born 15 November 1969 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario.


Norman F. P. Patterson was born 17 March 1954 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Douglas Norman Patterson and Helen Marie Ryan. His wife Marilyn Rae Hartley, (to whom he was married 10 September 1977 at Seeley's Bay, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 1 May 1954 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario, daughter to Howard Rae Hartley and Marjorie Edith Freeman, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Dayna Marie Patterson, born 14 July 1979 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario.


Thomas Evelyn Patteson was born 23 March 1933 at Winnipeg, Manitoba. His wife Doreen Helen McKay, (to whom he was married 25 May 1957 or 25 July 1957, depending upon sources, at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba), was born 10 July 1933 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, daughter to William Oliver McKay and Helen Fenwick Drummond, (to whom refer). In addition to adoption of two male children who, being "strangers in blood" as regards the treated families, are not to be further noted or documented in these records, this couple also begat issue: (1) Susan Darlene Patteson, born 3 October 1960 at Winnipeg, Greater Winnipeg Metropolitan Corporation, Manitoba; (2) Corinne Marie McKay Patteson, born 9 June 1962 at Winnipeg, Greater Winnipeg Metropolitan Corporation, Manitoba.


Frederick Edward Pavier was born 14 October 1894 at Portsmouth, Portsmouth Municipal Borough, Southampton County, England; died 15 March 1962 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife Edith Matilda Tomlinson, (to whom he was married 27 July 1940 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 30 November 1904 at or near Ashton, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Thomas Tomlinson and Ellen (or Eleanor) Miller Drummond, (to whom refer); died 31 March 1989 at Smiths Falls Community Hospital, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, unnamed, born 30 November 1941, died at birth or in extreme infancy, unmarried, same day, 30 November 1941.


Ambrose Dale Payne was born 21 July 1940 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario, son to Ambrose Payne and Doris Waffle. His wife Sandra Jane Singleton, (to whom he was married 24 August 1963 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario), was born 27 April 1942 at Portland, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Joseph George Singleton and Stella Myrtle Laurene Burns, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Krista Angelia Payne, born 5 May 1968 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario; (2) Dean Thomas Payne, born 12 April 1970 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario.


John Peters. His wife Jazmine Marie Drummond was born 22 June 1990 at Bow Island, Alberta, daughter to Guy William Drummpnd and Andrea ---, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Jordan Peters, born in or about 2007 or 2008 probably at Medicine Hat, Alberta; (2) Jade Peters, born in or about 2009 or 2010 probably at Medicine Hat, Alberta; (3) Jace Peters, born a twin in or about 2010 or 2011 probably at Medicine Hat, Alberta; (4) John Peters, born a twin in or about 2010 or 2011 probably at Medicine Hat, Alberta.


John Nicklaus Pfliger was born 6 March 1915 at or near Allan, Saskatchewan, son to August Pfliger and Flora Kuntz. His wife Bella Retta Anderson, (to whom he was married 9 October 1965 at Regina, Saskatchewan), was born 11 May 1910 at or near Sovereign, Local Improvement District 15-H-3, Saskatchewan, daughter to Thomas James Anderson and Jemima Fullerton (or Tullerton) Drummond, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 3 July 1929 at Conquest, Saskatchewan, Lewis Isaac Bursaw, (to whom also refer). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of John Nicklaus Pfliger and Bella Retta Anderson.


Donald Bryce Pinkston was born 3 March 1928 at Eugene, Lane County, Oregon. His wife Elsie Ann Griffith, (to whom he was married 23 August 1958 at Ashland, Jackson County, Oregon), was born 16 May 1928 at Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon, daughter to Joshua Robert Griffith and Mary Margaret Minnie Langenheder, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Mark Edward Pinkston, born 26 December 1960 at Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon; (2) Rebecca Ann Pinkston, born 13 February 1963 at Myrtle Point, Coos County, Oregon.


Merton William Polk was born 23 July 1914 at or near Newbliss, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to William George Polk and --- Dodds. His wife Gertrude Wood, (to whom he was married 17 November 1943 at Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Lombardy, South Elmsley Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 28 July 1908 at or near Portland, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Richard Milton Wood and Ida Morris, (to whom refer); died 22 October 1976; buried at Maple Vale Cemetery, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Marilyn Polk, born 2 November 1944 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 8 February 1964 at or near Merrickville, Grenville County, Ontario, Murray Wills.


Joseph Curt Potter was born 23 December 1912 at Hamilton, Wentworth County, Ontario, son to --- Potter and Martha Dietz. His wife Mary Iola Walker, (to whom he was married 7 June 1941 at Hamilton, Wentworth County, Ontario), was born 20 August 1914 at or near Merrickville, Wolford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to Melvin James Oagle Walker and Evi Lena (or Evilena) Drummond, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Paul Melvin Joseph Potter, born 4 April 1944 at Hamilton, Wentworth County, Ontario, who married, firstly, Bernhild Griesenbrauk, and, secondly, 13 October 1978 at London, Middlesex County, Ontario, Beate Gundert, (from whom subsequently separated); (2) Martha Evilena Potter, born 23 May 1949 at Hamilton, Wentworth County, Ontario, who married 10 November 1973 at Hamilton, Wentworth County, Ontario, John T. Slattery, (from whom subsequently divorced).


Paul Melvin Joseph Potter was born 4 April 1944 at Hamilton, Wentworth County, Ontario, son to Joseph Curt Potter and Mary Iola Walker, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 13 October 1978 at London, Middlesex County, Ontario, Beate Gundert, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently separated). His first wife was Bernhild Griesenbrauk. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Paul Melvin Joseph Potter and Bernhild Griesenbrauk.


Paul Melvin Joseph Potter was born 4 April 1944 at Hamilton, Wentworth County, Ontario, son to Joseph Curt Potter and Mary Iola Walker, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Bernhild Griesenbrauk, (to whom also refer). His second wife Beate Gundert, (to whom he was married 13 October 1978 at London, Middlesex County, Ontario and from whom subsequently separated), was born 13 June 1949 at Freiburg, French Occupation Zone, Germany, daughter to Herman Gundert and Ruth Guenther. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Paul Melvin Joseph Potter and Beate Gundert.


Todd Powers. His wife Julie Jane Nolan was born 30 December 1970 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Orville John George Nolan and Jane Massey, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Timothy Preece was son to Leonard Preece and ---. His wife Norma McArthur was daughter to Norman Henry McArthur and Jean Salter, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Brittany Jean Marie Preece, born 10 February 1985 at the North Unit, Smiths Falls Community Hospital, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married Craig Hulan.


Anthony Uriah Preston (nephew to The Honourable Richard Franklin Preston, distinguished surgeon, statesman, Reeve and first Mayor of the Corporation of Carleton Place, County Councillor and Warden of the County of Lanark, Member of the Provincial Parliament and a Minister of The Crown in the Provincial Cabinet of Ontario, Member of the House of Commons in the Dominion Parliament of the Dominion of Canada, etc.) was born in or about 1869 or 1870 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Robert Beri Preston and ---; died 11 August 1957 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife Mina Wood, (to whom he was married 15 April 1896 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 16 December 1875 near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to John William Wood and Eleanor (or Ellen) Drummond, (to whom refer); died 22 May 1941 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) John William Earle Preston, born 4 March 1897 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 21 March 1950 at Sunny South Hospital, New Smyrna Beach, Volusia County, Florida, buried in 1950 at Hillcrest Cemetery, near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, (with the Reverend Canon G. H. Sadler, Anglican Church, officiating), who married 29 August 1923 at the residence of the bride's parents at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Laura Belle Wills; (2) Robert Elmer Preston, born 1 April 1901 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 12 March 1970 at Lakewood Hospital, Lakewood, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, buried in 1970 at Knollwood Cemetery, Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, who married 3 September 1927 at the Church of the Incarnation, Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, Christine Catherwood; (3) Mildred Eleanor Preston, born 18 September 1904 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 31 October 1964 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, buried in November 1964 at Maple Vale Cemetery, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, (with the Venerable Archdeacon G. H. Sadler, Anglican Church, officiating), who married, firstly, in 1927, Ross Harris, and, secondly, 25 June 1949 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario, J. Emerson Stitt; (4) Grant Clare Preston, born 12 June 1906 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 19 February 1964 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 9 June 1963 at Chalmers United Church, Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario, Catherine Abbey.


Grant Clare Preston was born 12 June 1906 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Anthony Uriah Preston and Mina Wood, (to whom refer); died 19 February 1964 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife Catherine Abbey, (to whom he was married 9 June 1963 at Chalmers United Church, Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario), was born at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Grant Clare Preston and Catherine Abbey.


John Preston. His wife Eleanor Gertrude Wood, (to whom he was married 3 February 1904), was born 20 May 1878 near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to John William Wood and Eleanor (or Ellen) Drummond, (to whom refer); died 13 June 1906; buried in June 1906 at St. Peter's Anglican Cemetery, Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


John William Earle Preston was born 4 March 1897 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Anthony Uriah Preston and Mina Wood, (to whom refer); died 21 March 1950 at Sunny South Hospital, New Smyrna Beach, Volusia County, Florida; buried in 1950 at Hillcrest Cemetery, near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, (with the Reverend Canon G. H. Sadler, Anglican Church, officiating). His wife Laura Belle Wills, (to whom he was married 29 August 1923 at the residence of the bride's parents at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 11 June 1894 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to William John Wills and Isabella Burns; died 5 November 1970 at Walkerton Hospital, Walkerton, Bruce County, Ontario; buried at Hillcrest Cemetery, near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, (with the Reverend P. S. Irwin, Anglican Church, officiating). This couple begat issue: (1) Miriam Laura Isabelle Preston, born 25 May 1928 at or near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 1 August 1959 at St. John the Divine's Anglican Church, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, Stanley Michael Mazur.


Robert Elmer Preston was born 1 April 1901 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Anthony Uriah Preston and Mina Wood, (to whom refer); died 12 March 1970 at Lakewood Hospital, Lakewood, Cuyahoga County, Ohio; buried in 1970 at Knollwood Cemetery, Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio. His wife Christine Catherwood, (to whom he was married 3 September 1927 at the Church of the Incarnation, Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio), was born 27 October 1901 at Barrow-in-Furness Borough, Dalton Urban District, Lancaster County, England; died 25 January 1980 at or near Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Joseph Purdue. His wife Sandra Howe was born 4 May 1935 at or near Longview, Cowlitz County, Washington, daughter to Orville L. Howe and Doris Ina Griffith, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Mike Purdue, born 31 January 1957 at Moses Lake, Grant County, Washington; (2) Denise Purdue, born 31 July 1958 at San Angelo, Tom Green County, Texas; (3) Mark Purdue, born 19 January 1960 at Kittery, York County, Maine; (4) Janine Purdue, born 25 November 1963 at Amarillo, Potter County, Texas.



J. Quattenbush. His wife Gail Burrows was born 25 May 1949, daughter to Carman Burrows and Georgie (or Georgia) Wood, (to whom refer); married, secondly, D. Ferguson, (to whom also refer). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of J. Quattenbush and Gail Burrows are presently available.


Jack Vern Westly Quinn was born 26 December 1933 at or near Weyburn, Saskatchewan. His wife Viola Louise Drummond, (to whom he was married 1 August 1953 at Brandon, Manitoba), was born 22 June 1936 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, daughter to Douglas Keith Drummond and Florence Elsie Hanwell, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Donna Denise Quinn, born 9 October 1954 at Brandon, Manitoba, who married 7 October 1972 at Victoria, Capital Regional District, British Columbia, Michael Frederick Foley, (from whom subsequently divorced 15 March 1979); (2) Douglas Jack Quinn, born 4 April 1956 at Brandon, Manitoba, died early, unmarried, 17 August 1974 at Campbell River, Campbell River District Municipality, Comox-Strathcona Regional District, British Columbia; (3) Brenda Louise Quinn, born 23 February 1958 at Brandon, Manitoba.



Leslie Bruce Reddekop was born 25 November 1952 at Lethbridge, Alberta, son to --- Reddekop and Mary Neustaeter. His wife Desry Mavis Tomlinson, (to whom he was married 2 September 1972 at Swift Current, Saskatchewan), was born 20 April 1951 at Pontiex, Saskatchewan, daughter to Robert James Tomlinson and Olive Edith Edwards, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Robert John Reddekop, born 14 October 1972 at Swift Current, Saskatchewan, died in infancy, unmarried, 22 October 1972 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.


Terry Reed. His wife Janet Gertrude Kinzel was born 3 November 1934 at or near Ritzville, Adams County, Washington, daughter to Lloyd Kinzel and Gertrude Bastron, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Mark Ledae Reed, born 6 August 1957 at Ritzville, Adams County, Washington; (2) Rhonda Sue Reed, born 6 January 1960 at Ritzville, Adams County, Washington.


Gary Philip Remer was born 13 February 1962 at Castro Valley, Alameda County, California. His wife Phyllis Margaret Drummond, (to whom he was married 20 April 1985 at Castro Valley, Alameda County, California), was born 6 October 1960 at Castro Valley, Alameda County, California, daughter to Clark Milford Drummond and Catherine Anna Yaciw, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Ryan Philip Remer, born 19 March 1990 at Antioch, Contra Costa County, California; (2) Matthew Gary Remer, born 26 June 1991 at Antioch, Contra Costa County, California.


Tyler Reuvers. His wife Jillian Crate was daughter to Donald Crate and Vicki Lynne Bryan, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Olivia Reuvers.


Garry Brian Richardson was born 12 April 1939 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario. His wife Margaret Rose McNeely, (to whom he was married 29 October 1966 at St. Matthias' Anglican Church, Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario), was born 20 March 1944 at Shawville, Pontiac County, Qu�bec, daughter to Melvin Miller McNeely and Muriel Millward Roy, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Derek Garry Richardson, born 17 March 1971 at Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario; (2) Julie Lynne Richardson, born 20 September 1975 at Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario.


Kenneth Alexander Riggs was born 27 November 1943 at Windsor, Essex County, Ontario, son to Kenneth Malcolm Riggs and Wilhelmeina Sadie MacLeod. His wife Jo-Ann Louise Miners, (to whom he was married 28 August 1964 at London, Middlesex County, Ontario), was born 6 April 1946 at Brandon, Manitoba, daughter to Warren John Miners and Margaret Marion Drummond, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Michelle Marie Riggs, born 20 August 1968 at London, Middlesex County, Ontario; (2) Christine Carol Riggs, born 16 July 1972 at London, Middlesex County, Ontario.


Timothy Earl Rintoul was born a twin 24 July 1969 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, son to William Earl Rintoul and Diane Edna Drummond, (to whom refer). His wife was --- Sonnenburg. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


William Earl Rintoul was born 27 June 1943 at or near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Daniel Rintoul and Elsie Rathwell. His wife Diane Edna Drummond, (to whom he was married 27 February 1965 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 18 March 1946 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Hubert Gordon Drummond and Bessie Marguerite Burns, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Randall Garfield Rintoul, born 11 July 1965 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario; (2) Timothy Earl Rintoul, born a twin 24 July 1969 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, who married --- Sonnenburg; (3) Tamara Eileen Rintoul, born a twin 24 July 1969 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario.


Kenneth Boyd Ripley was son to William Adelbert Ripley and Beatrice ---; died in 1962 at Espanola, Sudbury District, Ontario. His wife Doris Christina Lyons, (to whom he was married 9 July 1934 at Toronto, York County, Ontario), was born 22 May 1910 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Edward James Lyons and Martha Emily Drummond, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 25 September 1976 at Toronto, Metropolitan Toronto Municipality, Ontario, Gerald F. Lyon, (to whom also refer). Kenneth Boyd Ripley and Doris Christina Lyons begat issue: (1) Margaret Anne Ripley, born 12 March 1936 at or near Kirkland Lake, Teck Township, Timiskaming District, Ontario, who married 6 July 1957 at Espanola, Merritt Township, Sudbury District, Ontario, Kenneth Graham Carmichael; (2) William James Ripley, born 25 August 1946 at or near Espanola, Merritt Township, Sudbury District, Ontario. who married in March 1975 at Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario, Cheryl ---.


William James Ripley was born 25 August 1946 at or near Espanola, Merritt Township. Sudbury District, Ontario, son to Kenneth Boyd Ripley and Doris Christina Lyons, (to whom refer). His wife was Cheryl ---, (to whom he was married in March 1975 at Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario). This couple begat issue: (1) Nerissa Patricia Ripley, born 15 December 1976 at Victoria, Capital Regional District, British Columbia.


Michael James Ritsco was born 22 October 1976. His wife Natalie Kim Drummond, (to whom he was married 22 September 2007), was born 20 June 1979 at Calgary, Alberta, daughter to Robert Verne Drummond and Judith Avis Hudson, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 17 July 1999 at Calgary, Alberta, Richard Crabbe, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Michael James Ritsco and Natalie Kim Drummond; however, in addition to the Wife's children by her previous marriage, who will be found duly recorded in the entry for same elsewhere herein, this couple also brought up the one female child of the Husband's previous marriage who, being a "stranger in blood" as regards the Wife's family, is not to be further noted or documented in these records.


John Allan Robb was born 12 June 1933 at or near Dodsland, Saskatchewan, son to John Stanley Robb and Gertrude Drummond, (to whom refer). His wife Doreen Gladys Howe, (to whom he was married 9 September 1962 at Dodsland, Saskatchewan), was born 28 October 1931 at Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, daughter to Milton Lesley Howe and Gertrude May Byden. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage; however this couple adopted one female child who, being a "stranger in blood" as regards the treated families, is not to be further noted or documented in these records.


John Stanley Robb was born 4 November 1891 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to John Robb and Mary Elizabeth Stewart; died 24 September 1955 at Dodsland, Saskatchewan. His wife Gertrude Drummond, (to whom he was married 1 February 1928 at Edmonton, Alberta), was born 27 January 1893 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to John Drummond and Mary Lura Holmes, (to whom refer); died 4 November 1978 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. This couple begat issue: (1) John Allan Robb, born 12 June 1933 at or near Dodsland, Saskatchewan, who married 9 September 1962 at Dodsland, Saskatchewan, Doreen Gladys Howe.


George Earle Robertson was born 24 April 1943; married, firstly, Sherrie ---. His second wife Barbara Jean Currie, (to whom he was married 19 October 1993 at Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada), was born 6 December 1962 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to George Allan Joseph Currie and Irene Dorothy Lay, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of George Earle Robertson and Barbara Jean Currie are presently available.


Stephen Ross. His wife Linda Ann Drummond, (to whom he was married 13 December 1969 at Seattle, King County, Washington), was born 14 March 1949 at Seattle, King County, Washington, daughter to George Talbert Drummond and Jessie Wade Rowley, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 14 March 1977 at Seattle, King County, Washington, Fred Ibuki, (to whom also refer). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Stephen Ross and Linda Ann Drummond.


Lorne Rothenburger. His wife Mildred Jane Roux, (to whom he was married 26 September 1959), was born 17 August 1940 at or near Milden, Saskatchewan, daughter to Lawrence Henry Roux and Jessie Mildred Anderson, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Sonjia Lee Rothenburger, born 8 April 1960; (2) Deborah Lynn Rothenburger, born 9 February 1961; (3) Rodney Glenn Rothenburger, born 22 May 1962; (4) Russell Lyle Rothenburger, born 19 January 1964; (5) Bonnie Elaine Rothenburger, born 20 March 1965; (6) Kelly Wayne Rothenburger, born 31 July 1974.


Russell Albert Rouh. His wife Norma Ellen Drummond, (to whom he was married in 1968 and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 28 May 1947 at Seattle, King County, Washington, daughter to Gerald Carlyle Drummond and Alicia DeCoursey, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 28 August 1970 at Seattle, King County, Washington, Robert Goodrich Park, (to whom also refer). Russell Albert Rouh and Norma Ellen Drummond begat issue: (1) Russell Goodrich Rouh (or Park), born 28 February 1969 at Seattle, King County, Washington, afterward assuming and bearing his stepfather's surname Park in lieu of that of Rouh.


LaVern Lawrence Roux was born 13 July 1939 at or near Milden, Saskatchewan, son to Lawrence Henry Roux and Jessie Mildred Anderson, (to whom refer). His wife Verniss Dorothy Howe, (to whom he was married 28 August 1964 at Veteran, Alberta), was born 3 December 1946 at or near Consort, Alberta, daughter to Vernon A. Lyle Howe and Alvina Leows. This couple begat issue: (1) Dale LaVern Roux, born 17 December 1964 at Veteran, Alberta; (2) Bonnie Lynn Roux, born 19 October 1967 at Veteran, Alberta; (3) Sandra Gail Roux, born 16 September 1975 at Veteran, Alberta.


Lawrence Henry Roux was born 30 September 1913 at or near Bounty, Saskatchewan, son to Merrill Joseph Roux and Flora Vasier. His wife Jessie Mildred Anderson, (to whom he was married 16 October 1936 at or near Zealandia, Saskatchewan), was born 22 June 1912 at or near Sovereign, Saskatchewan, daughter to Thomas James Anderson and Jemima Fullerton (or Tullerton) Drummond, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) LaVern Lawrence Roux, born 13 July 1939 at or near Milden, Saskatchewan, who married 28 August 1964 at Veteran, Alberta, Verniss Dorothy Howe; (2) Mildred Jane Roux, born 17 August 1940 at or near Milden, Saskatchewan, who married 26 September 1959, Lorne Rothenburger; (3) Wayne Charles Clarence Roux, born 25 April 1942 at or near Milden, Saskatchewan, died unmarried 19 December 1964 at or near Consort, Alberta; (4) Viola Sandra Roux, born 17 May 1943 at or near Milden, Saskatchewan; (5) Merrill James Roux, born 27 June 1944 at or near Milden, Saskatchewan, who married 30 September 1967 at Rosetown, Saskatchewan, Shirley Anne Hudasek; (6) Calvin Dale Roux, born 4 March 1953 at Outlook, Saskatchewan, died in infancy, unmarried, 14 November 1953 at or near Milden, Saskatchewan; (7) Larry Dennis Roux, born 9 September 1955 at or near Milden, Saskatchewan.


Merrill James Roux was born 27 June 1944 at or near Milden, Saskatchewan, son to Lawrence Henry Roux and Jessie Mildred Anderson, (to whom refer). His wife Shirley Anne Hudasek, (to whom he was married 30 September 1967 at Rosetown, Saskatchewan), was born 29 July 1949 at Humboldt, Saskatchewan, daughter to John George Hudasek and Pearl Emily Sim. This couple begat issue: (1) Teresa Dianne Roux, born 29 July 1974 at Kelowna, Central Okanagan Regional District, British Columbia.


Samuel T. Running was born in 1880; died in 1959; buried at Olivet Church Cemetery, Ellisville, near Seeley's Bay, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Anna Jane Wood, (to whom he was married 20 March 1913), was born 28 February 1877 near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to John William Wood and Eleanor (or Ellen) Drummond, (to whom refer); died 3 February 1940; buried in 1940 at Olivet Church Cemetery, Ellisville, near Seeley's Bay, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Eber William Running, born in 1914, died early, unmarried, in 1927 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, buried at Olivet Church Cemetery, Ellisville, near Seeley's Bay, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario; (2) Gilmer Arnold Running, born 21 October 1915, died (killed) on Active Service, World War II., 4 November 1944 during an aerial mission over the German Reich whilst serving as a Pilot Officer with 424 Squadron, His Majesty's Royal Canadian Air Force, no known grave but commemorated officially on the Runnymede Memorial, Runnymede, Englefield Green, Egham Urban District, Surrey County, England.


Howard M. Russell. His wife Zena Marie Griffith was born 9 March 1944 at or near Kellogg, Shoshone County, Idaho, daughter to LeVern Morton Griffith and Jessie Marie Rinaldi, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Kelley Ann Russell, born 30 April 1968 at Iowa City, Johnson County, Iowa; (2) Meghan Leigh Russell, born 7 November 1969 at Redmond, Deschutes County, Oregon; (3) Amy Russell, born 18 June 1972 at Redmond, Deschutes County, Oregon.


James Thomas Russo was born 24 November 1945 at St. Louis Maternity Hospital, St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri. His wife Doris Rose Griffith, (to whom he was married 17 April 1971 at St. Peter Damian Roman Catholic Church, Bartlett, Cook County, Illinois), was born 29 November 1945 at St. Vincent Hospital, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, daughter to Marvin Orin Griffith and Isabelle Rose Braun, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Nina Marie Russo, born 15 April 1973 at St. John's Mercy Hospital, St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri, who married 18 January 1997 at Sts. Joachim and Ann Roman Catholic Church, St. Peters, St. Charles County, Missouri, Michael Louis Dotson; (2) Nicole Lynn "Nicki" Russo, born 30 September 1974 at St. John's Mercy Hospital, St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri, who married 29 May 1998 at Sts. Joachim and Ann Roman Catholic Church, St. Peters, St. Charles County, Missouri, Brian Donald Kassing; (3) Thomas Marvin Russo, born 19 December 1976 at St. John's Mercy Hospital, St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri, who married 22 July 2007 at St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church, St. Charles, St. Charles County, Missouri, Shelly Jo Boucher.


Thomas Marvin Russo was born 19 December 1976 at St. John's Mercy Hospital, St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri, son to James Thomas Russo and Doris Rose Griffith, (to whom refer). His wife Shelly Jo Boucher, (to whom he was married 22 July 2007 at St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church, St. Charles, St. Charles County, Missouri), was born 1 April 1978 at St. Vincent's Hospital, Monett, Barry County, Missouri. This couple begat issue: (1) Henley Kathryn Russo, born 6 August 2009 at St. John�s Mercy Hospital, St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri.


James George Ryan was born 30 June 1939 in New Jersey, son to Edward Ryan and May Bolton. His wife Sheila Laurene Singleton, (to whom he was married 18 April 1960 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario), was born 19 July 1937 at or near Portland, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Joseph George Singleton and Stella Myrtle Laurene Burns, (to whom refer). No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.



Eino A. "Pete" Saari was born 29 December 1911 at or near Vader, Lewis County, Washington. His wife Olive Mildred Washburn, (to whom he was married 16 November 1961), was born 13 July 1917 at or near Ruff, Grant County, Washington, daughter to John Henry Washburn and Mary Isabella Griffith, (to whom refer); married, firstly, in September 1939, Leland Sippola, (to whom also refer). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Eino A. "Pete" Saari and Olive Mildred Washburn.


James Salter was born 3 November 1861 at Montague Township, Lanark County, Canada West, son to Peter Salter and Margaret Kidd; died 4 February 1935 at his residence at Montague Township, Lanark County, Ontario; buried in 1935 at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife Maria Drummond, (to whom he was married 13 January 1892), was born 16 February 1865 at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Canada West or at Lanark County, Canada West (depending upon sources), daughter to James Drummond and Elizabeth Mooney, (to whom refer); died 24 October 1954 or 25 October 1954 (depending upon sources) at her residence at Montague Township, Lanark County, Ontario; buried at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Emma Salter, born 1 September 1893 at Montague Township, Lanark County, Ontario, died unmarried 6 April 1945 at Montague Township, Lanark County, Ontario, buried in 1945 at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario; (2) Ethel Salter, born 6 December 1895 at Montague Township, Lanark County, Ontario, died 13 May 1949 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, buried in May 1949 at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, who married William Elmer Box; (3) Peter Elmer Salter, born 3 February 1897 at Montague Township, Lanark County, Ontario, died 12 July 1959 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, buried in July 1959 at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, who married Viola Lillian Curran; (4) William Salter, born 18 September 1898 at Montague Township, Lanark County, Ontario, died unmarried 30 May 1952 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, buried in 1952 at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario; (5) Lila Salter, born 5 May 1901 at Montague Township, Lanark County, Ontario, died in 1990 in Ontario, who married 21 June 1922 at St. John's Anglican Church, Montague Township, Lanark County, Ontario, Thomas Walter Lackie; (6) Preston Salter, born 23 August 1904 at Montague Township, Lanark County, Ontario, died 6 May 1980 at the North Unit, Smiths Falls Community Hospital, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, buried 8 May 1980 at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, who married Gladys Hilda Learmonth.


Lloyd Preston Salter was born 10 June 1943 at or near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Preston Salter and Gladys Hilda Learmonth, (to whom refer); died 28 October 2006 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife Norma Talbot, (to whom he was married 18 November 1961 at Frankville, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 9 February 1942 at Philipsville, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Winfred Talbot and Maudie Willson. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Peter Elmer Salter was born 3 February 1897 at Montague Township, Lanark County, Ontario, son to James Salter and Maria Drummond, (to whom refer); died 12 July 1959 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; buried in July 1959 at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife Viola Lillian Curran was born 18 August 1910; died 29 June 1988; buried 1 July 1988 at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Jean Salter, born 11 May 1931, who married Norman Henry McArthur; (2) William James Salter, born 15 October 1932, died 25 August 2009 at his residence, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, buried 28 August 2009 at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, who married Patricia Evelyn Lake; (3) Kervan F. Salter, born 6 June 1934 at Hungerford Township, Hastings County, Ontario, died 16 August 1997 at Toronto, Metropolitan Toronto Municipality, Ontario, buried 21 August 1997 at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario; (4) Sheldon Preston Salter, born 15 October 1935, died 5 July 1981, buried in July 1981 at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, who married Gloria Carol Cameron; (5) Iona Salter, born 27 September 1938, who married --- King; (6) Norma Salter, died in infancy, unmarried, in 1945, buried at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario.


Lloyd Preston Salter was born 23 August 1904 at Montague Township, Lanark County, Ontario, son to James Salter and Maria Drummond, (to whom refer); died 6 May 1980 at the North Unit, Smiths Falls Community Hospital, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; buried 8 May 1980 at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife Gladys Hilda Learmonth was born 17 February 1914 at or near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Albert Learmonth and Sarah Hogan; died 21 September 2004 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; buried 24 September 2004 at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Lois Joyce Salter, born 4 June 1936 at or near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 26 February 1955 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, Lorne Arthur Weedmark; (2) Harold Ivan Salter, born in April 1937 at Lanark County, Ontario, died in infancy, unmarried, in 1937 at Lanark County, Ontario, buried in 1937 at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario; (3) Joan Marie Salter, born 30 August 1938 at or near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 30 June 1960 at Peterborough, Peterborough County, Ontario, William Frank Davis; (4) Fay Dorothy Salter, born 29 October 1939 at or near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, died 11 May 2008, who married 12 October 1957 at Ashton, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, J. D. Gordon Simpson; (5) James Albert Salter, born 23 November 1940 at Lanark County, Ontario, died in infancy, unmarried, in February 1941 or in March 1941 at Lanark County, Ontario in consequence of whooping cough, buried in 1941 at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario; (6) Lloyd Preston Salter, born 10 June 1943 at or near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, died 28 October 2006 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 18 November 1961 at Frankville, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Norma Talbot.


Sheldon Preston Salter was born 15 October 1935, son to Peter Elmer Salter and Viola Lillian Curran, (to whom refer); died 5 July 1981; buried in July 1981 at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife was Gloria Carol Cameron. This couple begat issue: (1) Karen Elizabeth Salter, born 4 August 1962, bore out of wedlock, by a man unrecorded, one male and one female child, (for further records of whom refer to the entry labelled "Karen Elizabeth Salter" in the "Supplementary" Section at the end of Part I. of this work); (2) Rhonda Catherine Salter, born 19 July 1963, who married 24 August 1985, Patrick Lea; (3) Kevin Sheldon Salter, born 28 November 1968.


William James Salter was born 15 October 1932, son to Peter Elmer Salter and Viola Lillian Currie, (to whom refer); died 25 August 2009 at his residence, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; buried 28 August 2009 at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife Patricia Evelyn Lake was born 25 January 1938. This couple begat issue: (1) Patricia Michelle Salter, born 3 September 1956, who married, firstly, 5 January 1980, Richard Erwin Bimm, (from whom subsequently divorced), and, secondly, Daniel Sigouin; (2) Allison Jayne Salter, born 22 May 1958, who married 28 August 1982, Christopher Allan Kallio; (3) Julie Anne Salter, born 18 May 1960, who married 26 June 1982, Ronald Kevin Keane; (4) Laurie Lynn Salter, born 14 November 1962, who married 20 April 1988, Albert January Calaguiro; (5) Amy Maribeth Salter, born 10 April 1964, who married, firstly, 28 October 1989, Brent Arthur Dobbie, (from whom subsequently divorced), and, secondly, 10 July 2004, James Robert Sperry Graham.


Douglas Saunders was son to William Saunders and Trudy ---, (to whom refer). His wife was Amanda ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Douglas Carlyle Saunders was born in or about 1938 or 1939, son to Thomas Drummond Saunders and Olive I. Brennan, (to whom refer); died 8 March 2001 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario. His wife was Patricia Brown. This couple begat issue: (1) Sharon Saunders; (2) William Saunders, who married Trudy ---.


Glen Saunders was son to Thomas Drummond Saunders and Olive I. Brennan, (to whom refer). His wife was Jean Bryan. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Gordon Thomas Saunders was son to Thomas Drummond Saunders and Olive I. Brennan, (to whom refer); died 22 December 2001. His wife was Beatrice Anna Morrison. This couple begat issue: (1) Thomas Burton Saunders, born in or about 1946 or 1947, died 18 November 2010, buried at Hillcrest Cemetery, near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married, firstly, ---, and, secondly, in or about 1988 or 1989, Patricia Rhonda Hogan; (2) Lorrie Saunders, who married Bradley Smith; (3) Grant Saunders, who married Donna ---; (4) Beverley Saunders, who married David Langton; (5) Alex Saunders; (6) Debbie Saunders, who married Barry Bolton; (7) James Saunders.


Grant Saunders was son to Gordon Thomas Saunders and Beatrice Anna Morrison, (to whom refer). His wife was Donna ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Adam Saunders.


James Brent Saunders was born 8 April 1953 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to William Joseph Saunders Jr. and Myrtle Audrey Kelford, (to whom refer). His wife Karen Lynne More, (to whom he was married 22 August 1977 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 30 November 1956 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Walter More and Doreen Kemp. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


James Norman Saunders was born 30 May 1899 at or near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, son to William Joseph Saunders and Matilda "Tillie" Drummond, (to whom refer); died 20 March 1973 at his residence at or near Pakenham, Pakenham Township, Lanark County, Ontario; buried in 1973 at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife Hilda Marguerite Agnew, (to whom he was married 30 December 1929 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 11 January 1909 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Thomas Agnew and Elizabeth Wilson; died 22 April 2003 at Fairview Manor, Almonte Ward, Mississippi Mills, Lanark County, Ontario; buried in 2003 at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Gordon Ross Saunders, born 20 October 1930 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, died at birth or in extreme infancy, unmarried, same day, 20 October 1930 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario.


Lloyd Drummond Saunders was born 4 May 1913 at or near Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario, son to William Joseph Saunders Jr. and Matilda "Tillie" Drummond, (to whom refer). His wife Norma Alice Toop, (to whom he was married 18 February 1950 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 21 March 1930 at or near Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Oliver Toop and Hazel Walters. This couple begat issue: (1) Marjorie Alice Saunders, born 10 August 1950 at Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 5 June 1971 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, Edward Hart; (2) Linda Ann Saunders, born 24 October 1954 at Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 22 November 1974 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, Robert Simpson; (3) Ronald Lloyd Saunders, born 13 January 1957 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 4 August 1979 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, Lynda Sample; (4) Roger William Saunders, born 2 June 1959 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, died 29 December 2007 at Ottawa General Hospital, Ottawa, Ottawa City Municipality, Ontario, who married ---.


Robert Archie Saunders was born 26 April 1944 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to William Joseph Saunders Jr. and Myrtle Audrey Kelford, (to whom refer); died 27 December 1991. His wife Clare Bernadette O'Connor, (to whom he was married 15 September 1967 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 22 December 1944 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario, daughter to Joseph O'Connor and Margaret Larkin. This couple begat issue: (1) Shivaun Margaret Saunders, born 7 April 1968 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; (2) Robert William Saunders, born 17 March 1971 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario.


Roger William Saunders was born 2 June 1959 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Lloyd Drummond Saunders and Norma Alice Toop, (to whom refer); died 29 December 2007 at Ottawa General Hospital, Ottawa, Ottawa City Municipality, Ontario. His wife was ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Ashley Saunders; (2) Matthew Saunders.


Ronald Lloyd Saunders was born 13 January 1957 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Lloyd Drummond Saunders and Norma Alice Toop, (to whom refer). His wife Lynda Sample, (to whom he was married 4 August 1979 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 5 July 1959 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Frederick Sample and Glenda ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Timothy Saunders, born 4 October 1980 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario.


Thomas Burton Saunders was born in or about 1946 or 1947, son to Gordon Thomas Saunders and Beatrice Anna Morrison, (to whom refer); married, secondly, in or about 1988 or 1989, Patricia Rhonda Hogan, (to whom also refer); died 18 November 2010; buried at Hillcrest Cemetery, near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario. His first wife was ---. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Thomas Burton Saunders and --- are presently available.


Thomas Burton Saunders was born in or about 1946 or 1947, son to Gordon Thomas Saunders and Beatrice Anna Morrison, (to whom refer); married, firstly, ---, (to whom also refer); died 18 November 2010; buried at Hillcrest Cemetery, near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario. His second wife was Patricia Rhonda Hogan, (to whom he was married in or about 1988 or 1989). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Thomas Burton Saunders and Patricia Rhonda Hogan are presently available.


Thomas Drummond Saunders was born 29 June 1894, son to Thomas James Saunders and Margaret Jane Drummond, (to whom refer); died 19 February 1965. His wife was Olive I. Brennan. This couple begat issue: (1) Gordon Thomas Saunders, died 22 December 2001, who married Beatrice Anna Morrison; (2) Mildred "Mid" Saunders, born in or about 1925 or 1926, who married Thomas Trodden; (3) Helen Saunders, died 11 December 2006 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, buried at Hillcrest Cemetery, near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married Walter Fleming; (4) Eleanor Jean Saunders, died 6 November 2008 at Smiths Falls Community Hospital, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, buried 10 November 2008 at Hillcrest Cemetery, near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married Hilliard Swenson; (5) John "Jack" Saunders; (6) Gilbert Saunders; (7) Margaret Saunders; (8) William Saunders; (9) James Saunders; (10) George Saunders; (11) Kathleen "Kay" Saunders, who married, firstly, Willard "Wib" Mantle, and, secondly, Ira Best, (from whom subsequently divorced); (12) Glen Saunders, who married Jean Bryan; (13) Lois Beverley Saunders, born 30 June 1936, died 4 April 1992 at the North Unit, Smiths Falls Community Hospital, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married William D. Lawson; (14) Thelma Eileen Saunders, born 11 October 1937, who married 7 April 1956, Ronald Irving "Pat" McParlan; (15) Douglas Carlyle Saunders, born in or about 1938 or 1939, died 8 March 2001 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario, who married Patricia Brown.


Thomas James Saunders was born 24 March 1861; died 1 December 1939; buried at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife Margaret Jane Drummond, (to whom he was married 22 February 1888), was born 4 June 1857 or 9 June 1857 (depending upon sources), daughter to James Drummond and Elizabeth Mooney, (to whom refer); died 14 February 1925 or 17 February 1925 (depending upon sources); buried in 1925 at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) James Henry Saunders, born 26 October 1888, died unmarried 11 July 1915 at his homestead near Druid, Saskatchewan in consequence of a drowning accident, buried in July 1915 at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario; (2) Bella Saunders, born 1 October 1890, died 5 July 1990, who married in 1911, John Saunders Watkins; (3) Bertha Elizabeth Saunders, born 24 July 1892, who married 12 October 1910 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, Bertram Graham Stearns; (4) Thomas Drummond Saunders, born 29 June 1894, died 19 February 1965, who married Olive I. Brennan; (5) Jemima Fullerton Saunders, born 7 July 1896, died 17 December 1968, who married John "Jack" Christie; (6) a female child, name, if any, unavailable, died in infancy, unmarried, buried at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario; (7) a female child, name, if any, unavailable, died in infancy, unmarried, buried at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario; (8) a female child, name, if any, unavailable, died in infancy, unmarried, buried at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario.


William Saunders was son to Douglas Carlyle Saunders and Patricia Brown, (to whom refer). His wife was Trudy ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Jamie Saunders; (2) Douglas Saunders, who married Amanda ---; (3) Benjamin Saunders.


William Joseph Saunders was born 4 November 1869 or 4 November 1870 (depending upon sources) at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, son to John Saunders and Ann Jacob; died 6 January 1953 at his residence near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario; buried in 1953 at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife Matilda "Tillie" Drummond, (to whom he was married 25 March 1896 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 18 March 1870 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to James Drummond and Elizabeth Mooney, (to whom refer); died 5 February 1953 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario; buried in 1953 at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Annie Jacob Saunders, born 20 January 1898 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, died 14 July 1979 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, buried in July 1979 at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 30 June 1920 at St. James' Anglican Church, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, George Nelson Currie; (2) James Norman Saunders, born 30 May 1899 at or near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, died 20 March 1973 at his residence at or near Pakenham, Pakenham Township, Lanark County, Ontario, buried in 1973 at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 30 December 1929 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, Hilda Marguerite Agnew; (3) Harold Russell Saunders, born 28 January 1901 at or near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, died unmarried 29 January 1982 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, buried in 1982 at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario; (4) John Henry Saunders, born 1 July 1905 at or near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, died unmarried 15 March 1965 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario; (5) Myrtle Elizabeth Saunders, born 14 September 1907 at or near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, died unmarried in 1989, buried at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario; (6) William Joseph Saunders Jr., born 24 July 1909 at or near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, died 2 October 1991, buried at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 16 April 1931 at Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario, Myrtle Audrey Kelford; (7) Lloyd Drummond Saunders, born 4 May 1913 at or near Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 18 February 1950 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, Norma Alice Toop.


William Joseph Saunders Jr. was born 24 July 1909 at or near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, son to William Joseph Saunders and Matilda "Tillie" Drummond, (to whom refer); died 2 October 1991; buried at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife Myrtle Audrey Kelford, (to whom he was married 16 April 1931 at Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 18 March 1914 at Canonto, South Canonto Township, Frontenac County, Ontario, daughter to William Kelford and Alice Watson; died 4 July 1996; buried at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Wilma Margaret Saunders, born 18 April 1932 at or near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 9 June 1951 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, Douglas William Craig; (2) Matilda Kathleen "Kaye" Saunders, born 1 January 1934 at or near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, died 5 December 2006 at Kingston General Hospital, Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario, buried at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 20 June 1953 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, Charles G. Edwards; (3) Edward William Joseph "Teddy" Saunders, born 19 October 1935 at or near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, died in infancy, unmarried, 10 March 1936 at or near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, buried in 1936 at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario; (4) Eleanor Jean Saunders, born 26 August 1937 at or near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, who married, firstly, Lloyd Clare Lackey, and, secondly, 12 July 1974 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, Errol Mulville; (5) Keith Irwin Saunders, born 17 April 1940 at or near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, died early, unmarried, 26 August 1944 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, buried in 1944 at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario; (6) Shirley Anne Saunders, born 19 June 1942 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, died 18 September 2001, who married 13 August 1960 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, Glenn Francis Sheil; (7) Robert Archie Saunders, born 26 April 1944 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, died 27 December 1991, who married 15 September 1967 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, Clare Bernadette O'Connor; (8) Myrtle Eileen Saunders, born 15 August 1947 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 30 September 1967 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, Brian William Frederick Killen; (9) James Brent Saunders, born 8 April 1953 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 22 August 1977 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, Karen Lynne More.


David Schoular was born 14 April 1960 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Duncan James Schoular and Thelma Wood. His wife Kimberley Catherine Anne Campbell, (to whom he was married 28 July 1990 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 15 February 1967 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Malcolm Edwin "Mac" Campbell and Catherine Gwendolyn Coleman, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Catherine Elizabeth Airth "Katie Beth" Schoular, born 25 April 1993 at Ottawa Civic Hospital, Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario; (2) Elspeth Alexandra "Alex" or "Lexie" Schoular, born 22 January 1995 at Ottawa Civic Hospital, Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario; (3) Campbell Duncan James Schoular, born a twin 1 August 1997 at Ottawa Civic Hospital, Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario; (4) Sarah Victoria Schoular, born a twin 1 August 1997 at Ottawa Civic Hospital, Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario.


Bart Schultz. His wife Lisa McArthur was daughter to Norman Henry McArthur and Jean Salter, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Darren Colin Schwarz was born 28 August 1970 at Port Alberni, Alberni-Clayoquot Regional District, British Columbia. His wife Shelley Kristine Drummond, (to whom he was married 30 April 1998 at Qualicum, Nanaimo Regional District, British Columbia), was born 24 September 1973 at Kamloops, Thompson-Nicola Regional District, British Columbia, daughter to William Clarence "Bud" Drummond and Elsie Astrid Haugerud, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Karisa Leanne Schwarz, born antenuptially 9 August 1994 at Medicine Hat, Alberta; (2) Raelyn Nadine Schwarz, born antenuptially 8 October 1996 at Slave Lake, Alberta.


Gerald Waters Scofield Jr. was born 2 April 1961 at Mizell Memorial Hospital, Opp, Covington County, Alabama. His wife Brenda Ann Swearingen, (to whom he was married 30 June 2001 at First United Methodist Church, 209 East Ida Avenue, Opp, Covington County, Alabama), was born 5 February 1971 at the Women's Hospital, 9050 Airline Highway, Baton Rouge, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana, daughter to Robert Eugene Swearingen and Isabelle Kay Griffith, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 17 March 1991 at Ashley Manor, Baton Rouge, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana, Bruce Wayne Ladner Jr., (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced in July 1996). Gerald Waters Scofield Jr. and Brenda Ann Swearingen begat issue: (1) John Perry Scofield, born 16 September 2002 at the Women's Hospital, 9050 Airline Highway, Baton Rouge, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana.


Arthur Allan Scott was born 11 January 1904 in Ontario, son to William John Scott and Wilhelmina "Mina" Templeton, (to whom refer). His wife Glenna Althea Kinch, (to whom he was married 21 September 1926), was born in 1905. This couple begat issue: (1) Fleeta Jacqueline Scott, born 28 April 1928 in Ontario, died early, unmarried, 15 September 1939 in Ontario.


Harold Bedford Scott was born 15 March 1906 in Ontario, son to William John Scott and Wilhelmina "Mina" Templeton, (to whom refer); died 5 May 1980. His wife Ruth Shields died in October 1950. This couple begat issue: (1) William John Scott II., born 1 August 1935, who married Mary Diane Patreka; (2) Sandra Ruth Scott, born 27 September 1939, who married Kenneth Roy Maresh; (3) Robert Newton Scott, born 18 January 1941 at Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan, who married 22 October 1960, Georgia Lee Swanson.


Leonard Templeton Scott was born 13 December 1899 in Ontario, son to William John Scott and Wilhelmina "Mina" Templeton, (to whom refer); died 2 March 1985 in Ontario. His wife Lillian Erma Dixie, (to whom he was married 6 July 1921), was born 15 May 1899; died 9 March 1993 in Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Marion Eleanor Scott, born 11 April 1923 in Ontario, died in 1989 in Ontario, who married 14 May 1941 at Lyn, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Raymond Stewart Greenham.


Richard L. Scott. His wife Sandy Lee Kerr was born 23 August 1949 at or near Sunnyside, Yakima County, Washington, daughter to Morley Kerr and Ann Eliza Kramer, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Teddy Lee Scott, born 9 June 1970 at Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon; (2) Teresa Lee Scott, born 23 August 1972 at Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon; (3) Tami Lee Scott, born 27 September 1974 at Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon.


Robert John Scott was born 21 March 1898 in Ontario, son to William John Scott and Wilhelmina "Mina" Templeton, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 28 August 1943, Mary Delores Moore, (to whom also refer). His first wife was Olive Christie, (to whom he was married in January 1921 and from whom subsequently divorced). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Robert John Scott and Olive Christie.


Robert John Scott was born 21 March 1898 in Ontario, son to William John Scott and Wilhelmina "Mina" Templeton, (to whom refer); married, firstly, in January 1921, Olive Christie, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced). His second wife was Mary Delores Moore, (to whom he was married 28 August 1943). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Robert John Scott and Mary Delores Moore.


Robert Newton Scott was born 18 January 1941 at Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan, son to Harold Bedford Scott and Ruth Shields, (to whom refer). His wife Georgia Lee Swanson, (to whom he was married 22 October 1960), was born 30 August 1942 at Centralia, Lewis County, Washington. This couple begat issue: (1) Deborah Lynn Scott, born 25 February 1962 at Livonia, Wayne County, Michigan; (2) Kimberly Ann Scott, born 21 February 1964 at Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington; (3) Gayle Christine Scott, born 4 June 1968 at Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan.


Walter Thomas Scott was born 9 April 1908 in Ontario, son to William John Scott and Wilhelmina "Mina" Templeton, (to whom refer); died 2 November 1972. His wife Jean Davis McLean, (to whom he was married 15 July 1937), died 15 May 1983. This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, unnamed, born 9 March 1939, died at birth or in extreme infancy, unmarried, same day, 9 March 1939; (2) Eleanor Laurie Scott, born 20 September 1941, who married James W. Kerruish.


William Albert Scott was born 4 January 1902 at or near Addison, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to William John Scott and Wilhelmina "Mina" Templeton, (to whom refer); died 8 December 1977 at Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan. His wife (and third cousin) Mary Lura Lyons, (to whom he was married 24 October 1926, not in June 1927 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources, at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 18 June 1903 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Edward James Lyons and Martha Emily Drummond, (to whom also refer); died in January 1958 at Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


William John Scott was born 10 August 1861; died 20 March 1945; buried in 1945 at St. John the Evangelist's Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as New Dublin Cemetery), New Dublin, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Wilhelmina "Mina" Templeton, (to whom he was married 25 October 1893 in Ontario), was born a twin 29 June 1868 at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to James Templeton and Mary Ann Doolan, (to whom refer); died 19 July 1940 in Ontario; buried in July 1940 at St. John the Evangelist's Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as New Dublin Cemetery), New Dublin, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Lloyd James Daniel Scott, born 29 October 1895 in Ontario, died (killed) on Active Service, World War I., unmarried, 29 September 1918 during the breaking of the Hindenburg Line (not at the Battle of Cambrai as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources but which actually occurred the previous year), buried in 1918 at Bourlon Wood Allied War Cemetery, Bois de Bourlon, Bourlon, Pas-de-Calais D�partment, Nord-Pas-de-Calais Region, the French Republic; (2) Robert John Scott, born 21 March 1898 in Ontario, who married, firstly, in January 1921, Olive Christie, (from whom subsequently divorced), and, secondly, 28 August 1943, Mary Delores Moore; (3) Leonard Templeton Scott, born 13 December 1899 in Ontario, died 2 March 1985 in Ontario, who married 6 July 1921, Lillian Erma Dixie; (4) William Albert Scott, born 4 January 1902 at or near Addison, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 8 December 1977 at Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan, who married 24 October 1926 (not in June 1927 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources) at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, his third cousin Mary Lura Lyons; (5) Arthur Allan Scott, born 11 January 1904 in Ontario, who married 21 September 1926, Glenna Althea Kinch; (6) Harold Bedford Scott, born 15 March 1906 in Ontario, died 5 May 1980, who married Ruth Shields; (7) Walter Thomas Scott, born 9 April 1908 in Ontario, died 2 November 1972, who married 15 July 1937, Jean Davis McLean; (8) Mary Alice Wilhelmine Scott, born 30 September 1910 in Ontario, who married 19 December 1928 at Toronto, York County, Ontario, Harold Thomas Bryan.


William John Scott II. was born 1 August 1935, son to Harold Bedford Scott and Ruth Shields, (to whom refer). His wife Mary Diane Patreka was born 17 May 1939. This couple begat issue: (1) Cynthia Ann Scott, born 13 April 1957; (2) William John Scott III., born 10 May 1958; (3) Gregory Robert Scott, born 13 March 1960; (4) Jeffrey Alan Scott, born 24 January 1961.


Frederick Brett Seabrook was born 12 February 1963 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario. His wife Cynthia Eileen Healey, (to whom he was married 22 August 1987), was born 19 April 1966 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Stewart Walter Healey and Jessie Eileen Drummond, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Amber Nicole Seabrook, born 1 February 1992 at Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario; (2) Paige Fallon Seabrook, born 23 February 1994 at Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario.


Harold Serebrin was born 28 March 1927. His wife Lola Bertha MacKay, (to whom he was married 16 October 1950 at Estevan, Saskatchewan), was born 24 June 1928 at or near Alexander, Whitehead Rural Municipality, Manitoba, daughter to Herbert Melville MacKay and Iola Bertha Drummond, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Raold Gary Serebrin, born 7 January 1953 at Winnipeg, Manitoba; (2) Wayne Gregory Serebrin, born 16 October 1955 at Thunder Bay District, Ontario; (3) Brent Ward Serebrin, born 31 May 1958 at Thunder Bay District, Ontario; (4) Shelley Dawn Serebrin, born 23 September 1959 at Thunder Bay District, Ontario.


Glenn Francis Sheil was born 26 July 1942 at Perth, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Owen Sheil and Lottie Norris. His wife Shirley Anne Saunders, (to whom he was married 13 August 1960 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 19 June 1942 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to William Joseph Saunders Jr. and Myrtle Audrey Kelford, (to whom refer); died 18 September 2001. This couple begat issue: (1) Aaron Owen William Sheil, born 13 March 1963 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; (2) Tania Louise Sheil, born 7 March 1965 at Deep River, Renfrew County, Ontario; (3) Leslie Anne Sheil, born 20 May 1967 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; (4) Glenn Edward "Teddy" Sheil, born 15 November 1970 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario.


James Borden Sheridan was born 24 July 1918 at or near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Thomas Edward Sheridan and Agnes Edith Grant, (to whom refer). His wife Jessie Margaret Chalmers, (to whom he was married 25 September 1948 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 14 August 1916 at or near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to James Chalmers and H. Lorna MacCallum. This couple begat issue: (1) Lorne Grant Sheridan, born 15 January 1950 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 23 June 1972 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, Susan Florence Anderson; (2) Margaret Christine Sheridan, born 3 January 1953 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; (3) Nancy Jane Sheridan, born 27 January 1959 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario.


John Sheridan was born 12 November 1833 at Cavan County, Ulster Province, Ireland, son to Elliott Sheridan and Ann ---; died 3 November 1899 at or near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; buried at Maple Vale Cemetery, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife Jane Drummond, (to whom he was married in February 1864 at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Canada West), was born 2 February 1845 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Canada West, daughter to James Drummond and Eleanor Stevely Millar (or Miller), (to whom refer); died 20 June 1925 or 21 June 1925 (depending upon sources) at or near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; buried in June 1925 at Maple Vale Cemetery, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) William Sheridan, born 7 January 1865 at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Canada West, died 17 October 1908 or 15 October 1909 (depending upon sources) at or near Shanes, South Elmsley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, buried at Holy Trinity Anglican Cemetery, Lombardy, South Elmsley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 9 February 1898 at or near Lombardy, South Elmsley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Mary A. Covell; (2) Annie Sheridan, born 12 October 1867 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 16 May 1936 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, buried in 1936 at St. Peter's Anglican Cemetery, Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 3 October 1900 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Robinson Preston Lyons; (3) John Sheridan, born 30 September 1869 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 20 November 1956 at Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, who married 21 August 1901 at or near Athens, Leeds County, Ontario (formerly known as Farmersville, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario), Alice Brown; (4) Thomas Edward Sheridan, born 6 April 1872 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 1 August 1959 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, buried in August 1959 at Maple Vale Cemetery, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 30 September 1914 at or near Jasper, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Agnes Edith Grant; (5) Eleanor (or Elleanor) Stevely "Ella" Sheridan, born 25 March 1874 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 20 February 1970 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, buried in 1970 at St. Peter's Anglican Cemetery, Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 3 September 1903 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, William Herbert Wills; (6) Martha Sheridan, born 25 December 1876 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 28 June 1969 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario, who married 14 February 1906 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Chalmers Singleton; (7) Mary Sheridan, born 14 January 1880 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died unmarried 17 July 1962 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario; (8) Joseph Sheridan, born 10 November 1882 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died unmarried 15 December 1950 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; (9) Sarah Estella Sheridan, born 2 June 1886 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 27 September 1959 at Carberry, Manitoba, who married 1 February 1909 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, John Watts.


John Sheridan was born 30 September 1869 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to John Sheridan and Jane Drummond, (to whom refer); died 20 November 1956 at Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. His wife Alice Brown, (to whom he was married 21 August 1901 at or near Athens, Leeds County Ontario, formerly known as Farmersville, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born in 1875, daughter to William Brown and Sarah Klyne; died in October 1953 at Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. This couple begat issue: (1) Lura Mae Sheridan, born 4 June 1904 at or near Jasper, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 31 August 1938 at Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Thomas Kenneth Ferguson; (2) Sarah Jane "Jean" Sheridan, born 19 August 1907 at or near Jasper, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 28 October 1936 at Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Earl James McCartney, (from whom subsequently divorced in 1958); (3) Thelma Beryl Sheridan, born 14 November 1910 at or near Jasper, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 6 October 1942 at Penticton, British Columbia, Lawrence Robert Bartlett.


Lorne Grant Sheridan was born 15 January 1950 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to James Borden Sheridan and Jessie Margaret Chalmers, (to whom refer). His wife Susan Florence Anderson, (to whom he was married 23 June 1972 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 11 September 1951 in Newfoundland, daughter to Henry Anderson and Dorothy Sweet. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Thomas Edward Sheridan was born 6 April 1872 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to John Sheridan and Jane Drummond, (to whom refer); died 1 August 1959 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; buried in August 1959 at Maple Vale Cemetery, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife Agnes Edith Grant, (to whom he was married 30 September 1914 at or near Jasper, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 2 January 1879 at or near Jasper, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Alexander Grant and Susanne Rice; died 15 March 1953 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; buried in 1953 at Maple Vale Cemetery, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Thomas Grant Sheridan, born 23 May 1916 at or near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 6 September 1947 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, Ida Marjorie Kerfoot; (2) James Borden Sheridan, born 24 July 1918 at or near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 25 September 1948 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, Jessie Margaret Chalmers.


Thomas Grant Sheridan was born 23 May 1916 at or near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Thomas Edward Sheridan and Agnes Edith Grant, (to whom refer). His wife Ida Marjorie Kerfoot, (to whom he was married 6 September 1947 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 3 July 1915 at or near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Ernest M. Kerfoot and Frances M. Robinson. This couple begat issue: (1) Patricia Lynne Sheridan, born 14 April 1953 at Cornwall, Stormont County, Ontario; (2) Carol Ann Sheridan, born 16 May 1956 at Cornwall, Stormont County, Ontario.


William Sheridan was born 7 January 1865 at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Canada West, son to John Sheridan and Jane Drummond, (to whom refer); died 17 October 1908 or 15 October 1909 (depending upon sources) at or near Shanes, South Elmsley Township, Leeds County, Ontario; buried at Holy Trinity Anglican Cemetery, Lombardy, South Elmsley Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Mary A. Covell, (to whom he was married 9 February 1898 at or near Lombardy, South Elmsley Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born in or about 1862 or 1863; died 19 September 1952; buried in 1952 at Holy Trinity Anglican Cemetery, Lombardy, South Elmsley Township, Leeds County, Ontario. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Alan Leslie Short was born 22 September 1937; died in 1996. His wife Nora Patricia MacWilliams, (to whom he was married 7 October 1961 and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 14 November 1941 at Calgary, Alberta, daughter to Ronald Campbell MacWilliams and Ida Patricia "Pat" Templeton, (to whom refer); died 4 January 2015 at Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas in consequence of cancer. This couple begat issue: (1) Steven Grant Short, born 12 November 1964 at Santa Monica, Los Angeles County, California; (2) Patricia Lillian Short, born 6 April 1970 at Santa Monica, Los Angeles County, California, who married Eric S. Uvaney.


John Sickle. His wife Janet Gail Dodds, (to whom he was married 20 July 1974), was born 16 November 1945 at Virden, Manitoba, daughter to Wilbert Woodrow "Bill" Dodds and Thelma Joyce Laviette Weber, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 17 December 1966 at Keewatin, Kenora District, Ontario, Stanley Hendrickson, (to whom also refer). John Sickle and Janet Gail Dodds begat issue: (1) Jeremy John Sickle, born 23 May 1976 at Kenora, Kenora District, Ontario.


Daniel Sigouin. His wife Patricia Michelle Salter was born 3 September 1956, daughter to William James Salter and Patricia Evelyn Lake, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 5 January 1980, Richard Erwin Bimm, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Daniel Sigouin and Patricia Michelle Salter are presently available.


Frederick J. Sim married, firstly, ---. His second wife Margaret Jemima Johnston, (to whom he was married 11 June 1955), was born 11 November 1926 at or near Glamis, St. Andrews Rural Municipality, Saskatchewan, daughter to Richard Hall Johnston and Mary Elizabeth Anderson, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 6 November 1945 at Rosetown, Saskatchewan, Frederick Skaalid, (to whom also refer). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Frederick J. Sim and Margaret Jemima Johnston; however this couple brought up one female child of the Husband's previous marriage who, being a "stranger in blood" as regards the Wife's family, is not to be further noted or documented in these records.


James Arthur Simmonds was born 12 December ----, son to George Simmonds and ---. His wife Beverly Grace Willows, (to whom he was married 29 July 1972 at St. Andrew's United Church, formerly St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, near Toledo, formerly known as Kitley, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 7 July 1947 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Lloyd Alfred Willows and Vivian Patricia Drummond, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Gregory George Simmonds, born 22 May 1974 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; (2) Andrew Arthur Simmonds, born 18 August 1977 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario.


Orville Simmons. His wife Nila Wray Kerr was born 5 September 1943 at or near Sunnyside, Yakima County, Washington, daughter to Morley Kerr and Ann Eliza Kramer, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Pennie Ann Simmons, born 2 December 1963 at Ritzville, Adams County, Washington; (2) Harold Morley Simmons, born 3 January 1965 at Moses Lake, Grant County, Washington, died in infancy, unmarried, 4 January 1965; (3) Dave Allen Simmons, born 29 February 1968 at Othello, Adams County, Washington.


Brian Gordon Simpson was born 19 September 1962 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to J. D. Gordon Simpson and Fay Dorothy Salter, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 21 May 1999 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, Julie Van Wylick, (to whom also refer). His first wife Lana Willet, (to whom he was married 6 October 1990 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario), died 5 June 1992. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Brian Gordon Simpson and Lana Willet.


Brian Gordon Simpson was born 19 September 1962 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to J. D. Gordon Simpson and Fay Dorothy Salter, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 6 October 1990 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, Lana Willet, (to whom also refer). His second wife Julie Van Wylick, (to whom he was married 21 May 1999 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario), was daughter to Herman Van Wylick and Marie Claire ---. Brian Gordon Simpson and Julie Van Wylick begat issue: (1) Adam James Simpson, born 1 April 2001 at Almonte Ward, Mississippi Mills Town, Lanark County, Ontario; (2) Ashli Pauline Simpson, born 6 March 2004 at Almonte Ward, Mississippi Mills Town, Lanark County, Ontario.


Eric Cram Simpson was born 20 July 1902 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Homer K. Simpson and Mary Cram; died 24 September 1980 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife Muriel Stevely McNeely, (to whom he was married 12 October 1933 at Bonarlaw, formerly known as Bellview, Rawdon Township, Hastings County, Ontario), was born 11 August 1904 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Robert Miller (or Millar) McNeely and Harriet Alice Thompson, (to whom refer). No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


J. D. Gordon Simpson was born 24 February 1933 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Ervin Simpson and Lola Coyles. His wife Fay Dorothy Salter, (to whom he was married 12 October 1957 at Ashton, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 29 October 1939 at or near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Preston Salter and Gladys Hilda Learmonth, (to whom refer); died 11 May 2008. This couple begat issue: (1) Glenda Gail Simpson, born 3 June 1958 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 25 June 1983 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, Robert Earl Bak; (2) Karen Joyce Simpson, born 12 June 1961 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 7 April 1990 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, Lawrence Barber; (3) Brian Gordon Simpson, born 19 September 1962 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married, firstly, 6 October 1990 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, Lana Willet, and, secondly, 21 May 1999 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, Julie Van Wylick; (4) Pauline Fay Simpson, born 5 August 1965 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, died 31 May 1997 at her residence near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, buried 5 June 1997 at Hillcrest Cemetery, near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 15 January 1994 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, James Benda.


Robert Simpson was born 24 September 1954 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Roy Simpson and Elleda ---. His wife Linda Ann Saunders, (to whom he was married 22 November 1974 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 24 October 1954 at Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Lloyd Drummond Saunders and Norma Alice Toop, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Tanya Lynn Simpson, born 10 June 1975 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario.


Chalmers Singleton was born 18 November 1881 at or near Portland, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to William George Singleton and Alvira Chipman; died 27 October 1956 at or near Portland, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Martha Sheridan, (to whom he was married 14 February 1906 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 25 December 1876 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to John Sheridan and Jane Drummond, (to whom refer); died 28 June 1969 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Florence May Singleton, born 3 March 1907 at or near Portland, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died early, unmarried, 6 July 1918 at or near Portland, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario; (2) William Sheridan Singleton, born 4 March 1909 at or near Portland, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 19 December 1967 at Athens, Leeds County, Ontario (formerly known as Farmersville, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario), who married 9 July 1938 at or near Athens, Leeds County, Ontario (formerly known as Farmersville, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario), Norma Young; (3) Joseph George Singleton, born 22 July 1911 at or near Portland, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 24 October 1936 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Stella Myrtle Laurene Burns.


Joseph George Singleton was born 22 July 1911 at or near Portland, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Chalmers Singleton and Martha Sheridan, (to whom refer). His wife Stella Myrtle Laurene Burns, (to whom he was married 24 October 1936 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 25 September 1908 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Thomas "Tommy" Burns and Alice Bolton. This couple begat issue: (1) Sheila Laurene Singleton, born 19 July 1937 at or near Portland, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 18 April 1960 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario, James George Ryan; (2) Sandra Jane Singleton, born 27 April 1942 at Portland, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 24 August 1963 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario, Ambrose Dale Payne.


William Sheridan Singleton was born 4 March 1909 at or near Portland, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Chalmers Singleton and Martha Sheridan, (to whom refer); died 19 December 1967 at Athens, Leeds County, Ontario (formerly known as Farmersville, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario). His wife Norma Young, (to whom he was married 9 July 1938 at or near Athens, Leeds County, Ontario, formerly known as Farmersville, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was daughter to David Young and ---; died 1 April 1969 at Athens, Leeds County, Ontario (formerly known as Farmersville, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario). No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Leland Sippola died 31 March 1959 in consequence of cardiac arrest. His wife Olive Mildred Washburn, (to whom he was married in September 1939), was born 13 July 1917 at or near Ruff, Grant County, Washington, daughter to John Henry Washburn and Mary Isabella Griffith, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 16 November 1961, Eino A. "Pete" Saari, (to whom also refer). Leland Sippola and Olive Mildred Washburn begat issue: (1) Donald Lee Sippola, born 2 January 1941 at Toledo, Lewis County, Washington, died in infancy, unmarried, 13 February 1941; (2) Robert Ray Sippola, born 17 April 1942 at Toledo, Lewis County, Washington, who married Janet Margaret Cheney; (3) Richard Leland Sippola, born 25 June 1945 at Chehalis, Lewis County, Washington, who married Susan K. Schaefer; (4) Betty Jean Sippola, born 13 February ---- at Longview, Cowlitz County, Washington, who married 4 August 1973, Randy R. Woolery.


Richard Leland Sippola was born 25 June 1945 at Chehalis, Lewis County, Washington, son to Leland Sippola and Olive Mildred Washburn, (to whom refer). His wife was Susan K. Schaefer. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Robert Ray Sippola was born 17 April 1942 at Toledo, Lewis County, Washington, son to Leland Sippola and Olive Mildred Washburn, (to whom refer). His wife was Janet Margaret Cheney. This couple begat issue: (1) Leah Ren�e Sippola, born 3 March 1974 at Seattle, King County, Washington; (2) Bryan Scott Sippola, born 18 September 1975 at Seattle, King County, Washington.


Frederick Skaalid died 8 April 1953. His wife Margaret Jemima Johnston, (to whom he was married 6 November 1945 at Rosetown, Saskatchewan), was born 11 November 1926 at or near Glamis, St. Andrews Rural Municipality, Saskatchewan, daughter to Richard Hall Johnston and Mary Elizabeth Anderson, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 11 June 1955, Frederick J. Sim, (to whom also refer). Frederick Skaalid and Margaret Jemima Johnston begat issue: (1) Dennis Dale Skaalid, born 18 October 1946 at Eston, Saskatchewan; (2) Gary Richard Skaalid, born 6 April 1948 at Eston, Saskatchewan, who married 26 August 1972 at Rosetown, Saskatchewan, Sharon McLaren; (3) Frederick Allen Skaalid, born 4 December 1950 at Eston, Saskatchewan, who married 22 July 1972 at Rosetown, Saskatchewan, Donna Aileen Fortin; (4) Verna Gail Skaalid, born 25 July 1952 at Eston, Saskatchewan, who married 1 May 1971 at Rosetown, Saskatchewan, Gary Lloyd Barr.


Frederick Allen Skaalid was born 4 December 1950 at Eston, Saskatchewan, son to Frederick Skaalid and Margaret Jemima Johnston, (to whom refer). His wife Donna Aileen Fortin, (to whom he was married 22 July 1972 at Rosetown, Saskatchewan), was born 3 October 1952 at Delisle, Saskatchewan, daughter to Alfred Fortin and Betty Johnston. This couple begat issue: (1) Krista Karlene Skaalid, born 10 August 1975 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.


Gary Richard Skaalid was born 6 April 1948 at Eston, Saskatchewan, son to Frederick Skaalid and Margaret Jemima Johnston, (to whom refer). His wife was Sharon McLaren, (to whom he was married 26 August 1972 at Rosetown, Saskatchewan). This couple begat issue: (1) James Cameron Skaalid, born 17 August 1975 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.


Earl Slatta was born 9 December 1922 in the Kingdom of Norway. His wife Margaret Dolores McCauley, (to whom he was married 11 July 1963 at Coeur d'Alene, Kootenai County, Idaho), was born 15 October 1921 at or near Sovereign, Saskatchewan, daughter to William Care McCauley and Hazel Lillian Anderson, (to whom refer). No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


John T. Slattery was born in June 1946 at Hamilton, Wentworth County, Ontario, son to John C. Slattery and Doreen Williams. His wife Martha Evilena Potter, (to whom he was married 10 November 1973 at Hamilton, Wentworth County, Ontario and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 23 May 1949 at Hamilton, Wentworth County, Ontario, daughter to Joseph Curt Potter and Mary Iola Walker, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Christopher John Joseph Slattery, born 15 June 1977 at Hamilton, Hamilton-Wentworth Regional Municipality, Ontario.


Bradley Smith. His wife Lorrie Saunders was daughter to Gordon Thomas Saunders and Beatrice Anna Morrison, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Gerald Alfred Smith was born 11 July 1938 at or near Virden, Manitoba, son to Alfred William Smith and Elizabeth Irene Laing. His wife Gloria Anne Drummond, (to whom he was married 12 December 1964 at Kenton Shiloh United Church, near Kenton, Woodworth Rural Municipality, Manitoba), was born 27 May 1945 at Virden, Manitoba, daughter to Harold Matthew Drummond and Effie Jane Inglis, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Lisa Rae Smith, born 5 May 1965 at Hamiota, Manitoba; (2) Randy Gerald Smith, born 20 July 1966 at Hamiota, Manitoba; (3) Harold Troy Smith, born 16 August 1967 at Hamiota, Manitoba.


Ivan Earle Smith was born 23 May 1949 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, son to James Smith and Rhoda Laming. His wife Dorothy Emily McNeely, (to whom he was married 4 September 1971 at St. James' Anglican Church, Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario), was born a twin 29 November 1949 at Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Osmond Elmer McNeely and Phoebe Ellen Gardiner, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Andrea Ellen Smith, born 4 December 1972 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario; (2) Daniel Ivan Smith, born 16 June 1976 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario.


Samuel Smith was born in or about 1828 or 1829 in Ireland. His wife Mary Jane Templeton, (to whom he was married 4 January 1858 at Joymount Bank Presbyterian Meeting House, Carrickfergus, Carrickfergus Parish, Carrickfergus Barony, Carrickfergus Town County, Ulster Province, Ireland), was born in or about 1828 or 1829 in Ireland, daughter to James Templeton and Mary Millar, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue, allegedly six children, including: (1) Catherine Smith, born 5 September 1860 at or near Carrickfergus, Carrickfergus Parish, Carrickfergus Barony, Carrickfergus Town County, Ulster Province, Ireland; (2) Jenny Smith, born 13 December 1863 at or near Carrickfergus, Carrickfergus Parish, Carrickfergus Barony, Carrickfergus Town County, Ulster Province, Ireland; (3) Samuel Smith, born 16 May 1865 at or near Carrickfergus, Carrickfergus Parish, Carrickfergus Barony, Carrickfergus Town County, Ulster Province, Ireland.


Wallace Smith. His wife Karen Fae Griffith was born 20 January 1939 at Spokane, Spokane County, Washington, daughter to Harold Charles Griffith and Isabelle Emily Scrimsher, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Jennifer Megan Smith, born 27 December 1961 at Seattle, King County, Washington; (2) Stephen Wallace Smith, born 19 February 1963 at Seattle, King County, Washington; (3) Tamara Eileen Smith, born 9 February 1965 at Wenatchee, Chelan County, Washington.


Glen Snider. His wife Margaret Christine Hartley, (to whom he was married 17 November 1979 at Seeley's Bay, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 10 June 1960 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Howard Rae Hartley and Marjorie Edith Freeman, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Francis C. Sollers. His wife Judy Beth Crawford was born 27 August 1948 at or near Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, daughter to Stanley Crawford and Dorothy Ione Griffith, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Stanley M. Masuda, (to whom also refer). Francis C. Sollers and Judy Beth Crawford begat issue: (1) Kristin Lee Sollers, born 17 July 1969 at Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon.


Bertram Graham Stearns was son to Myron Stearns and Mary Bigford. His wife Bertha Elizabeth Saunders, (to whom he was married 12 October 1910 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 24 July 1892, daughter to Thomas James Saunders and Margaret Jane Drummond, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable; (2) a male child, name unavailable; (3) a female child, name unavailable.


LeRoy Stevenson. His wife Joan McLaughlan (or Carson), (to whom he was married 12 June 1962), was born out of wedlock, daughter to Harcourt Templeton Johnston by one Alice Carson, (to whom refer in the entry labelled "Alice Carson" in the "Supplementary" Section at the end of Part I. of this work), afterward assuming and bearing her stepfather's surname McLaughlan in lieu of that of Carson. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Allan Edgar Stewart was born 27 March 1916 at or near Plum Hollow, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Watson Riley Stewart and Hazel Mary Chick, (to whom refer); died 8 October 1961 at Hearst, Cochrane District, Ontario; buried at Glen Elbe Cemetery, Glen Elbe, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Ethel Rubina Kerr, (to whom he was married 19 December 1940 at Athens, Leeds County, Ontario, formerly known as Farmersville, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 2 December 1920 at or near Greenbush, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Frederick Kerr and Mabel Johnston. This couple begat issue: (1) Ruth Elaine Stewart, born 9 September 1944 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 10 September 1966 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, Ernest Wilbert Johnston; (2) Glen Arden Stewart, born 7 May 1946 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 4 March 1967 at Maynard, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, Linda Joyce Connell.


Glen Arden Stewart was born 7 May 1946 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Allan Edgar Stewart and Ethel Rubina Kerr, (to whom refer). His wife Linda Joyce Connell, (to whom he was married 4 March 1967 at Maynard, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 22 January 1946 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Bruce Connell and Goldie Perrin; married, firstly, Stanley Sinclair. Glen Arden Stewart and Linda Joyce Connell begat issue: (1) Karen Ann Stewart, born 8 July 1967 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; (2) Valerie Lynn Stewart, born 10 April 1972 at Burlington, Halton County, Ontario.


Watson Riley Stewart was born 2 March 1894 at or near Delta, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to John Richard Stewart and Julia Hawes; died 26 February 1968 at Athens, Leeds County, Ontario (formerly known as Farmersville, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario); buried in 1968 at Athens Cemetery, near Athens, Leeds County, Ontario (formerly known as Farmersville, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario). His wife Hazel Mary Chick, (to whom he was married 14 October 1914 at Athens, Leeds County, Ontario, formerly known as Farmersville, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 31 January 1896 at or near Plum Hollow, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to George Chick and Sarah Jane "Jennie" Drummond, (to whom refer); died 10 November 1973 at or near Glen Elbe, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario; buried at Athens Cemetery, near Athens, Leeds County, Ontario (formerly known as Farmersville, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario). This couple begat issue: (1) Allan Edgar Stewart, born 27 March 1916 at or near Plum Hollow, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 8 October 1961 at Hearst, Cochrane District, Ontario, buried at Glen Elbe Cemetery, Glen Elbe, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 19 December 1940 at Athens, Leeds County, Ontario (formerly known as Farmersville, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario), Ethel Rubina Kerr; (2) Doris Jennie Stewart, born 7 January 1918 at or near Plum Hollow, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 22 April 1939 at Athens, Leeds County, Ontario (formerly known as Farmersville, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario), Gerald S. McCann.


J. Emerson Stitt. His wife Mildred Eleanor Preston, (to whom he was married 25 June 1949 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario), was born 18 September 1904 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Anthony Uriah Preston and Mina Wood, (to whom refer); married, firstly, in 1927, Ross Harris, (to whom also refer); died 31 October 1964 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; buried in November 1964 at Maple Vale Cemetery, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, (with the Venerable Archdeacon G. H. Sadler, Anglican Church, officiating). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of J. Emerson Stitt and Mildred Eleanor Preston.


Audie Straughan. His wife Carmelita Irene Dale was born 31 October 1950 at Waynesboro, Virginia, daughter to Lautaro Villarroel Dale and Mary Isabel Gibson, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 2 February 1969, Junior Lee Kitt, (to whom also refer); married, thirdly, Charles Straughan, (to whom likewise also refer). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Audie Straughan and Carmelita Irene Dale.


Charles Straughan died in or about March 2008. His wife Carmelita Irene Dale was born 31 October 1950 at Waynesboro, Virginia, daughter to Lautaro Villarroel Dale and Mary Isabel Gibson, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 2 February 1969, Junior Lee Kitt, (to whom also refer); married, secondly, Audie Straughan, (to whom likewise also refer). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Charles Straughan and Carmelita Irene Dale.


John Anthony Struss was born 12 August 1970 at St. Francis Hospital, Peoria, Peoria County, Illinois, son to Karl George Struss and Ina Marie Griffith, (to whom refer). His wife Lezlie Faye Rothwell, (to whom he was married 24 May 1995 at Clinton, Anderson County, Tennessee), was born 16 June 1959 at Starkeville, Oktibbeha County, Mississippi. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Karl George Struss was born 24 September 1934 at WaKeeney, Trego County, Kansas. His wife Ina Marie Griffith, (to whom he was married 27 February 1965), was born 26 October 1941 at Longview, Cowlitz County, Washington, daughter to Marvin Orin Griffith and Isabelle Rose Braun, (to whom refer); died 29 March 2012 at her residence, Berea, Madison County, Kentucky. This couple begat issue: (1) Armelia Marie "Amy" Struss, born 18 October 1962 at St. Vincent Hospital, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, who married 15 July 2000 at Berea, Madison County, Kentucky, Derwood Ellis "Tucker" Basham; (2) Karla Kay Struss, born 23 May 1966 at Holiday Park Hospital, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, who married 25 June 1988 at Berea, Madison County, Kentucky, Thomas Edward Wallace Jr.; (3) Rebecca Lorene "Becky" Struss, born 13 May 1967 at St. Francis Hospital, Peoria, Peoria County, Illinois, bore out of wedlock, prior to marriage, by one Johnnie Dargavell, issue, one male and one female child, (for further records of whom refer to the entry labelled "Rebecca Lorene Struss" in the "Supplementary" Section at the end of Part I. of this work), who married 27 October 2007, Robert William Banks; (4) Richard Marvin "Rick" Struss, born 27 March 1968 at St. Francis Hospital, Peoria, Peoria County, Illinois, who married 6 June 1997 at Richmond, Madison County, Kentucky, Lavona Jo Ashley; (5) John Anthony Struss, born 12 August 1970 at St. Francis Hospital, Peoria, Peoria County, Illinois, who married 24 May 1995 at Clinton, Anderson County, Tennessee, Lezlie Faye Rothwell.


Richard Marvin "Rick" Struss was born 27 March 1968 at St. Francis Hospital, Peoria, Peoria County, Illinois, son to Karl George Struss and Ina Marie Griffith, (to whom refer). His wife Lavona Jo Ashley, (to whom he was married 6 June 1997 at Richmond, Madison County, Kentucky), was born 18 December 1966 at Berea, Madison County, Kentucky. This couple begat issue: (1) Kenneth Paul "Kenny" Struss, born 30 April 1998 at Patty A. Clay Hospital, Richmond, Madison County, Kentucky.


Craig Stuparyk was born 9 November 1975 at Edmonton, Alberta, son to Donald Stuparyk and Joyce ---. His wife Holly Kathryn Drummond, (to whom he was married 17 September 2005 at Leduc, Alberta), was born 11 September 1975 at Edmonton, Alberta, daughter to Walter Russell Drummond and Karen Lee Neumeier, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Emerson Kate Stuparyk, born 1 September 2006 at Edmonton, Alberta; (2) Brett Peter Stuparyk, born 18 February 2010 at Edmonton, Alberta; (3) Luke Russell Stuparyk, born 3 April 2013 at Edmonton, Alberta.


George Sullivan. His wife Marilyn Louise Brown, (to whom he was married 6 December 1975 at Regina, Saskatchewan), was born 27 August 1955 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, daughter to Paul Ernest Alfred "Jack" Brown and Lavonne Frances Bursaw, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Richard John Sumislawski was born 7 February 1943 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, son to Michael Sumislawski and Maria Moskal. His wife Joy Kathleen Madge, (to whom he was married 14 August 1965 at St. Ignatius' Church, Winnipeg, Greater Winnipeg Metropolitan Corporation, Manitoba), was born 8 January 1946 at Virden, Manitoba, daughter to Morris John Walrond Madge and Annie Louise Dodds, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Jo-Anne Kathleen Sumislawski, born 2 March 1966 at Brandon, Manitoba; (2) Richard Ian Todd Sumislawski, born 11 August 1967 at Calgary, Alberta; (3) Tara Dawn Sumislawski, born 20 November 1970 at Calgary, Alberta.


Vern Sutherland. His wife Thelma Mildred Ott was born 2 September 1936 at or near Ritzville, Adams County, Washington, daughter to Theodore "Ted" Ott and Louise Lora Kinzel, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Robert Eugene Sutherland, born 18 November 1957 at Sandpoint, Bonner County, Idaho; (2) Karen Louise Sutherland, born 8 September 1959 at Renton, King County, Washington; (3) Ronald Bryan Sutherland, born 10 October 1966 at Renton, King County, Washington; (4) Scott Lyle Sutherland, born 29 September 1969 at Renton, King County, Washington.


Johnny Eugene "John" Swearingen was born 1 January 1979 at the Women's Hospital, 9050 Airline Highway, Baton Rouge, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana, son to Robert Eugene Swearingen and Isabelle Kay Griffith, (to whom refer). His wife Misty Ellen Mattson, (to whom he was married 6 June 2003 at First United Methodist Church, Baker, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana), was born 26 September 1979 at Lane Memorial Hospital, Zachary, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana. This couple begat issue: (1) Ethan John Swearingen, born 5 October 2004 at the Women's Hospital, 9050 Airline Highway, Baton Rouge, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana; (2) Kylin Alise Swearingen, born 24 September 2009 at the Women's Hospital, 9050 Airline Highway, Baton Rouge, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana.


Robert Eugene Swearingen. His wife Isabelle Kay Griffith, (to whom he was married at Anchorage, Anchorage Borough, Alaska and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 9 January 1947 at St. Vincent Hospital, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, daughter to Marvin Orin Griffith and Isabelle Rose Braun, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Kathryn Elizabeth "Beth" Swearingen, born 4 January 1967 at Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, who married 8 May 1993 at 3838 Thomas Road, Baton Rouge, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana, Michael Joseph Boe; (2) Rhonda Michelle "Missy" Swearingen, born 18 June 1968 at Baton Rouge, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana, who married 3 October 1992 at Baton Rouge, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana, Robert Harvey "Tookie" Johnson Jr.; (3) Brenda Ann Swearingen, born 5 February 1971 at the Women's Hospital, 9050 Airline Highway, Baton Rouge, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana, who married, firstly, 17 March 1991 at Ashley Manor, Baton Rouge, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana, Bruce Wayne Ladner Jr., (from whom subsequently divorced in July 1996), and, secondly, 30 June 2001 at First United Methodist Church, 209 East Ida Avenue, Opp, Covington County, Alabama, Gerald Waters Scofield Jr.; (4) Johnny Eugene "John" Swearingen, born 1 January 1979 at the Women's Hospital, 9050 Airline Highway, Baton Rouge, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana, who married 6 June 2003 at First United Methodist Church, Baker, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana, Misty Ellen Mattson.


Hilliard Swenson. His wife Eleanor Jean Saunders was daughter to Thomas Drummond Saunders and Olive I. Brennan, (to whom refer); died 6 November 2008 at Smiths Falls Community Hospital, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; buried 10 November 2008 at Hillcrest Cemetery, near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Judy Swenson, who married Wilfred Toop.



Stanley E. Taylor was born in 1901 at or near Chantry, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to James A. Taylor and Margaret H. Weir; died in 1970 at Harlem, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Rena Eleanor Wood, (to whom he was married 30 May 1931 at St. John the Divine's Anglican Church, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 14 March 1906 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Richard Milton Wood and Ida Morris, (to whom refer); died 23 October 1965 at or near Chantry, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario; buried at Harlem, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Arlie Taylor, born 7 May ---- at or near Chantry, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario; (2) Perley M. Taylor, born in 1941 at or near Chantry, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 29 January 1967.


Arthur Edwin Ray Templeton was born 14 June 1918 at Templeton Ranch, Norquay (afterward known as Kneehill) Municipal District, near Acme, Alberta, specifically on the North East Quarter of Section 15, Township 29, Range 25, West of the Fourth Meridian, son to Charles Melville Templeton and Gertrude Barraclough, (to whom refer); legally altered his name from Raymond to Ray; died 17 March 1997. His wife Margaret Aileen St. Clair, (to whom he was married 13 July 1943), was born 28 November 1913 in Alberta; died 28 March 2007 at Calgary, Alberta; cremated in 2007 at Calgary, Alberta. This couple begat issue: (1) John Arthur Templeton, born 6 November 1944 at Calgary, Alberta, died 26 December 2011 in consequence of cancer, who married, firstly, 6 May 1967 at Calgary, Alberta, Brenda-Joy Chamberlain, (from whom subsequently divorced), and, secondly, Vi ---; (2) Lola-Joy Templeton, born 25 August 1947 at Olds, Alberta, who married 20 August 1966 at Riverview United Church, Calgary, Alberta, Donald James Jack; (3) Mary-Ann Templeton, born 8 October 1955 at Lethbridge, Alberta, who married 7 November 1981, Dennis Jones.


Cecil Alfred Templeton was born 10 November 1902, son to John Wellington Templeton and Ida Josephine Larson, (to whom refer); died 5 January 1954. His wife Ruth Noreen ---, (to whom he was married 12 October 1923), died in June 1965. This couple begat issue: (1) a child, name, if any, and sex unavailable, born in Autumn 1929, died at birth or in extreme infancy, unmarried, same day, in Autumn 1929.


Charles Melville Templeton (Trustee, Board of Trustees, Kia Ora School District, Alberta, etc.) was born 25 September 1892 (not 24 September 1892 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources) at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to James Arthur Templeton and Mary Eleanor (not Mary Ellen) Thompson, (to whom refer); christened Charles Melville (not Charles Melvin as erroneously inscribed upon his tombstone); died 3 September 1942 at Holy Cross Hospital, Calgary, Alberta in consequence of peritonitis resulting from a ruptured appendix; buried 7 September 1942 at Union Cemetery, Calgary, Alberta. His wife Gertrude Barraclough (Officer of The Order of The Eastern Star, etc.), (to whom he was married 28 September 1915 at the residence of the Reverend James Luke Jordan, 2130 4 Avenue North West, Calgary, Alberta with the Reverend James Luke Jordan, Emmanuel Baptist Church, officiating), was born 21 September 1894 probably at or near Centre Vale, Triangle, Sowerby Township, Halifax Parish, West Riding, York County, England, daughter to Edwin Barraclough and Lucy Ann Lumb; christened 27 April 1895 at St. John the Divine's Anglican Church, Thorpe, Sowerby Urban District, West Riding, York County, England; died 10 December 1965 at the residence of her only daughter, Calgary, Alberta; buried 14 December 1965 at Union Cemetery, Calgary, Alberta, (with the Reverend Douglas B. Carr, United Church of Canada, officiating). This couple begat issue: (1) Charles Stanley Hugh Templeton, born 22 May 1916 at the English Nursing Home, Calgary, Alberta, died 13 February 1978 at his residence, Calgary, Alberta in consequence of cardiac failure following upon severe respiratory distress resulting from influenza, buried 15 February 1978 at Mountain View Memorial Gardens, Rocky View Municipal District, near Calgary, Alberta, (with the Reverend Douglas B. Carr, United Church of Canada, officiating), who married, firstly, 1 November 1938, Phyllis Isabel Taylor, (from whom subsequently divorced), and, secondly, 1 March 1947 at the Study, Scarboro United Church, Calgary, Alberta, Barbara Helen "Babs" Woodford; (2) Arthur Edwin Ray Templeton, born 14 June 1918 at Templeton Ranch, Norquay (afterward known as Kneehill) Municipal District, near Acme, Alberta, specifically on the North East Quarter of Section 15, Township 29, Range 25, West of the Fourth Meridian, legally altered his name from Raymond to Ray, died 17 March 1997, who married 13 July 1943, Margaret Aileen St. Clair; (3) Alberta Mary Hazel Templeton, born 9 October 1919 at Templeton Ranch, Norquay (afterward known as Kneehill) Municipal District, near Acme, Alberta, specifically on the North East Quarter of Section 15, Township 29, Range 25, West of the Fourth Meridian, christened 24 August 1926 at Templeton Ranch, Norquay (afterward known as Kneehill) Municipal District, near Acme, Alberta, specifically on the North East Quarter of Section 15, Township 29, Range 25, West of the Fourth Meridian, (with the Reverend D. Whyte Smith, United Church of Canada, officiating), died 9 July 1988 at precisely 4:45 o'clock in the morning Mountain Standard Time or 5:45 o'clock in the morning Mountain Daylight Time at Calgary General Hospital, Calgary, Alberta in consequence of kidney and heart failure coupled with pneumonia following upon general physical and organic decline resulting from a stroke and cancer of the lung and bone structure, buried 13 July 1988 at Union Cemetery, Calgary, Alberta, (with her only son officiating), who married 31 March 1942 at Grace Presbyterian Church, Calgary, Alberta, (with the Reverend Alfred Bright, Presbyterian Church in Canada, officiating), Wilson Lesley Hunter, (by whom subsequently callously abandoned).


Charles Stanley Hugh Templeton was born 22 May 1916 at the English Nursing Home, Calgary, Alberta, son to Charles Melville Templeton and Gertrude Barraclough, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 1 March 1947 at the Study, Scarboro United Church, Calgary, Alberta, Barbara Helen "Babs" Woodford, (to whom also refer); died 13 February 1978 at his residence, Calgary, Alberta in consequence of cardiac failure following upon severe respiratory distress resulting from influenza; buried 15 February 1978 at Mountain View Memorial Gardens, Rocky View Municipal District, near Calgary, Alberta, (with the Reverend Douglas B. Carr, United Church of Canada, officiating). His first wife Phyllis Isabel Taylor (aunt to The Honourable Robert Curtis Clark, Member of the Legislative Assembly, a Minister of The Crown in the Provincial Cabinet and finally Provincial Leader of Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition in and for the Province of Alberta, etc.), (to whom he was married 1 November 1938 and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 8 March 1919 at Calgary, Alberta, daughter to William Edgar Taylor and Mary Ellen James; married, secondly, Bertram Plastow; died 5 June 1981 at Calgary, Alberta in consequence of cancer; buried 9 June 1981 at Queen's Park Cemetery, Calgary, Alberta. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Charles Stanley Hugh Templeton and Phyllis Isabel Taylor; however this couple adopted one male child who, being a "stranger in blood" as regards the treated families, is not to be further noted or documented in these records and whose custody in any case reverted to the adoption authorities consequent upon the couple's divorce.


Charles Stanley Hugh Templeton was born 22 May 1916 at the English Nursing Home, Calgary, Alberta, son to Charles Melville Templeton and Gertrude Barraclough, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 1 November 1938, Phyllis Isabel Taylor, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced); died 13 February 1978 at his residence, Calgary, Alberta in consequence of cardiac failure following upon severe respiratory distress resulting from influenza; buried 15 February 1978 at Mountain View Memorial Gardens, Rocky View Municipal District, near Calgary, Alberta, (with the Reverend Douglas B. Carr, United Church of Canada, officiating). His second wife Barbara Helen "Babs" Woodford, (to whom he was married 1 March 1947 at the Study, Scarboro United Church, Calgary, Alberta), was born 24 March 1922 at Northampton, Northampton Municipal Borough, Northampton City County, England, daughter to Herbert G. "Bert" Woodford and Ellen Elsie "Nellie" Field (whose second husband Harry Bowell was grandnephew to The Honourable Sir Mackenzie Bowell, Member of The Queen's Honourable Privy Council for Canada, Knight Commander of The Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George, Member of Parliament in the Federal House of Commons, Senator, Minister of The Crown in the Federal Cabinet and eventually Prime Minister of the Dominion of Canada, Grand Master of the Loyal Orange Lodge of British America, etc.); died 7 March 1987 at Calgary, Alberta in consequence of cancer; buried 12 March 1987 at Mountain View Memorial Gardens, Rocky View Municipal District, near Calgary, Alberta. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Charles Stanley Hugh Templeton and Barbara Helen "Babs" Woodford; however this couple adopted one male and one female child who, being "strangers in blood" as regards the treated families, are not to be further noted or documented in these records.


Harold James Templeton was born 18 June 1906, son to John Wellington Templeton and Ida Josephine Larson, (to whom refer); died 10 April 1979 at Lethbridge, Alberta; buried 12 April 1979 at Mountain View Cemetery, Lethbridge, Alberta. His wife Nellie Louise Osborne, (to whom he was married 27 April 1935), was born 16 March 1908. In addition to later adoption of twin female children who, being "strangers in blood" as regards the treated families, are not to be further noted or documented in these records, this couple had earlier begotten issue: (1) Carl Alfred Templeton, born a twin 7 August 1937, died in infancy, unmarried, 8 August 1937; (2) William Thomas Templeton, born a twin 7 August 1937, died in infancy, unmarried, 8 August 1937; (3) Barbara Louise Templeton, born 15 April 1939, died early, unmarried, 3 January 1941 in consequence of leukemia.


Hugh Templeton was born in or about 1835 or 1836 in Ireland, son to James Templeton and Mary Millar, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Ann Cochrane, (to whom also refer); died in 1873 in Ontario; buried at St. Matthew's Presbyterian Churchyard (otherwise known as Patterson's Corners Presbyterian Churchyard), Patterson's Corners, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His first wife Jane Fraser was born in or about 1833 or 1834; died in 1864 in Canada West; buried at St. Matthew's Presbyterian Churchyard (otherwise known as Patterson's Corners Presbyterian Churchyard), Patterson's Corners, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Canada West. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Hugh Templeton and Jane Fraser.


Hugh Templeton was born in or about 1835 or 1836 in Ireland, son to James Templeton and Mary Millar, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Jane Fraser, (to whom also refer); died in 1873 in Ontario; buried at St. Matthew's Presbyterian Churchyard (otherwise known as Patterson's Corners Presbyterian Churchyard), Patterson's Corners, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His second wife Ann Cochrane was born 6 August 1829 at or near Lachute, Argenteuil Seigneurie, Montr�al District, Lower Canada, daughter to James D. Cochrane and Bella --- or Fannie Hanly (or Handy) (depending upon sources); married, secondly, 28 February 1876 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, Andrew Houston; died 22 December 1920 (not in 1922 as erroneously inscribed upon her tombstone) at Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario in consequence of heart failure following upon approximately three and one-half weeks' suffering with a fractured hip and related injuries sustained as a result of having fallen; buried at St. Matthew's Presbyterian Churchyard (otherwise known as Patterson's Corners Presbyterian Churchyard), Patterson's Corners, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario. Hugh Templeton and Ann Cochrane begat issue: (1) James D. Templeton, born in October 1865 at Oxford Township, Grenville County, Canada West, died early, unmarried, 16 September 1878 at Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario in consequence of the great diphtheria epidemic, buried at St. Matthew's Presbyterian Churchyard (otherwise known as Patterson's Corners Presbyterian Churchyard), Patterson's Corners, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario; (2) Mary Jane Templeton, born in July 1867 at Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died early, unmarried, 18 September 1878 at Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario in consequence of the great diphtheria epidemic, buried at St. Matthew's Presbyterian Churchyard (otherwise known as Patterson's Corners Presbyterian Churchyard), Patterson's Corners, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario; (3) Fannie Templeton, born 21 September 1870 at Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 13 July 1965 in Ontario, buried in July 1965 at South Gower Cemetery, South Gower Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married in November 1891 in Ontario, William James Graham.


James Templeton was born in Ireland; died prior to 1846 at Antrim County, Ulster Province, Ireland. His wife Mary Millar, (to whom he was married in or prior to 1828 in Ireland), was born in Ireland, daughter to Hugh Millar and ---, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 13 January 1846 at the Presbyterian Meeting House, Broad Island Parish (otherwise known as Templecorran Parish), Lower Belfast Barony, Antrim County, Ulster Province, Ireland, John McDowel (or McDowell), (to whom also refer); died after 1848 in Ireland. James Templeton and Mary Millar begat issue: (1) Mary Jane Templeton, born in or about 1828 or 1829 in Ireland, who married 4 January 1858 at Joymount Bank Presbyterian Meeting House, Carrickfergus, Carrickfergus Parish, Carrickfergus Barony, Carrickfergus Town County, Ulster Province, Ireland, Samuel Smith; (2) James Templeton (Trustee, Board of Trustees, Patterson's Corners School District, Ontario, etc.), born 12 March 1831 (according to some sources and his son's statement) or 23 March 1831 (according to some sources and his own statement) or in March 1832 (according to some sources) at or near Larne, Inver Parish or Larne Parish, Lower Belfast Barony or Upper Glenarm Barony, Antrim County, Ulster Province, Ireland, died 4 September 1913 at his residence at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, buried at St. Matthew's Presbyterian Churchyard (otherwise known as Patterson's Corners Presbyterian Churchyard), Patterson's Corners, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married in December 1857 in Canada West, Mary Ann Doolan; (3) Hugh Templeton, born in or about 1835 or 1836 in Ireland, died in 1873 in Ontario, buried at St. Matthew's Presbyterian Churchyard (otherwise known as Patterson's Corners Presbyterian Churchyard), Patterson's Corners, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married, firstly, Jane Fraser, and, secondly, Ann Cochrane; (4) Arthur Templeton, born in Ireland, died unmarried in Canada West, buried at South Gower Cemetery, South Gower Township, Grenville County, Canada West.


James Templeton (Trustee, Board of Trustees, Patterson's Corners School District, Ontario, etc.) was born 12 March 1831 (according to some sources and his son's statement) or 23 March 1831 (according to some sources and his own statement) or in March 1832 (according to some sources) at or near Larne, Inver Parish or Larne Parish, Lower Belfast Barony or Upper Glenarm Barony, Antrim County, Ulster Province, Ireland, son to James Templeton and Mary Millar, (to whom refer); died 4 September 1913 at his residence at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario; buried at St. Matthew's Presbyterian Churchyard (otherwise known as Patterson's Corners Presbyterian Churchyard), Patterson's Corners, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Mary Ann Doolan, (to whom he was married in December 1857 in Canada West), was born 8 March 1834 (according to some sources) or 8 March 1835 (according to some sources and her own statement) at Elizabethtown Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, daughter to William Doolan and Mary Barrington; died 9 February 1912 at her residence at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario; buried in 1912 at St. Matthew's Presbyterian Churchyard (otherwise known as Patterson's Corners Presbyterian Churchyard), Patterson's Corners, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario. In addition to the upbringing of an unrelated servant girl, Alice Davis, (afterward Van Dusen), this couple also begat issue: (1) James Arthur Templeton (together with his youngest brother John Wellington Templeton, a pioneer Alberta rancher, land speculator, business magnate, financier, philanthropist, etc.), born 30 December 1860 (according to some sources and his own statement) or 31 December 1860 (according to some sources and both his parents' and his cousin's statements) at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Canada West, died 24 September 1946 at Calgary General Hospital, Calgary, Alberta, buried in September 1946 at Union Cemetery, Calgary, Alberta, who married 26 April 1887 at Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario, Mary Eleanor (not Mary Ellen) Thompson; (2) Mary Templeton, born 22 July 1865 at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Canada West, died 9 November 1943 in Ontario, buried at St. Matthew's Presbyterian Churchyard (otherwise known as Patterson's Corners Presbyterian Churchyard), Patterson's Corners, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 14 June 1893 at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, William John Gardner; (3) William Templeton, born a twin 29 June 1868 at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 16 July 1925 in Ontario, buried in July 1925 at St. Matthew's Presbyterian Churchyard (otherwise known as Patterson's Corners Presbyterian Churchyard), Patterson's Corners, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 14 March 1900 in Ontario, Bertha Edna Gardner; (4) Wilhelmina "Mina" Templeton, born a twin 29 June 1868 at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 19 July 1940 in Ontario, buried in July 1940 at St. John the Evangelist's Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as New Dublin Cemetery), New Dublin, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 25 October 1893 in Ontario, William John Scott; (5) Eliza Victoria Templeton, born 15 April 1871 at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 6 February 1940 at McKellar Hospital, Fort William, Thunder Bay District, Ontario, buried in 1940 at St. Matthew's Presbyterian Churchyard (otherwise known as Patterson's Corners Presbyterian Churchyard), Patterson's Corners, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 13 March 1900 at Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario, John Johnston (Reeve of The Township of Oxford, Counties Councillor of the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville, etc., one of whose brothers The Honourable William Agnew Johnston served in succession as Member of the State House of Representatives, State Senator, State Attorney-General and finally Chief Justice of the State of Kansas, etc.); (6) a male child, name, if any, unavailable, born a twin at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died in infancy, unmarried, at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, buried at St. Matthew's Presbyterian Churchyard (otherwise known as Patterson's Corners Presbyterian Churchyard), Patterson's Corners, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario; (7) a female child, name, if any, unavailable, born a twin at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died in infancy, unmarried, at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, buried at St. Matthew's Presbyterian Churchyard (otherwise known as Patterson's Corners Presbyterian Churchyard), Patterson's Corners, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario; (8) John Wellington Templeton (together with his eldest brother James Arthur Templeton, a pioneer Alberta rancher, land speculator, business magnate, financier, philanthropist, etc.), born 11 February 1877 at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 16 December 1936 at Calgary, Alberta, buried at Union Cemetery, Calgary, Alberta, who married 18 December 1901, Ida Josephine Larson (an early Calgary society lady who, in an era in which such rights and privileges were not generally extended to women, was one of the few female signatories permitted to sign the original 1908 Citizens' Petition for the establishment of the first Calgary Public Library, etc.)


James Templeton was born 28 March 1906 at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to William Templeton and Bertha Edna Gardner, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 27 January 1968 at St. John's United Church, Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario, Hildred Jane "Hilda" Hough, (to whom also refer); died 16 December 1989 in Ontario; buried at South Gower Cemetery, South Gower Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His first wife Alice Lorena Graham, (to whom he was married 10 June 1931 at or near Millar's Corners, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 7 November 1910; died 29 December 1964 in Ontario; buried at South Gower Cemetery, South Gower Township, Grenville County, Ontario. James Templeton and Alice Lorena Graham begat issue: (1) Victor William Templeton, born 20 September 1932 at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 17 December 1977 at Scarborough, Metropolitan Toronto Municipality, Ontario, buried at South Gower Cemetery, South Gower Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 6 August 1955 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario, Frida Evelyn Emmerson; (2) Lorena Ann Templeton, born 22 July 1935 at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 8 September 1956, Robert Orrin Alfred Byrd.


James Templeton was born 28 March 1906 at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to William Templeton and Bertha Edna Gardner, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 10 June 1931 at or near Millar's Corners, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, Alice Lorena Graham, (to whom also refer); died 16 December 1989 in Ontario; buried at South Gower Cemetery, South Gower Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His second wife Hildred Jane "Hilda" Hough, (to whom he was married 27 January 1968 at St. John's United Church, Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 4 June 1902 at or near North Augusta, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario; married, firstly, Charles Crawford. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of James Templeton and Hildred Jane "Hilda" Hough.


James Arthur Templeton (together with his youngest brother John Wellington Templeton, a pioneer Alberta rancher, land speculator, business magnate, financier, philanthropist, etc.) was born 30 December 1860 (according to some sources and his own statement) or 31 December 1860 (according to some sources and both his parents' and his cousin's statements) at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Canada West, son to James Templeton and Mary Ann Doolan, (to whom refer); died 24 September 1946 at Calgary General Hospital, Calgary, Alberta; buried in September 1946 at Union Cemetery, Calgary, Alberta. His wife Mary Eleanor (not Mary Ellen) Thompson, (to whom he was married 26 April 1887 at Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 15 June 1863 (not 15 June 1864 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources) at Oxford Township, near Kemptville, Grenville County, Canada West, daughter to Thomas Thompson and Eleanor (not Ellen) Rickey; christened 8 November 1863 at St. James the Apostle's Anglican Church, Kemptville, Grenville County, Canada West; died 25 December 1938 at approximately 8:25 o'clock in the evening at her residence, Calgary, Alberta in consequence of brief and painless affliction with heart disease; buried at Union Cemetery, Calgary, Alberta. This couple begat issue: (1) William Arthur Templeton, born 19 March 1888 (not 19 March 1889 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources) at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 11 March 1966 at Holy Cross Hospital, Calgary, Alberta, buried in March 1966 at Acme Cemetery, Acme, Alberta, who married Margaret Lucy Jaquith; (2) Charles Melville Templeton (Trustee, Board of Trustees, Kia Ora School District, Alberta, etc.), born 25 September 1892 (not 24 September 1892 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources) at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, christened Charles Melville (not Charles Melvin as erroneously inscribed upon his tombstone), died 3 September 1942 at Holy Cross Hospital, Calgary, Alberta in consequence of peritonitis resulting from a ruptured appendix, buried 7 September 1942 at Union Cemetery, Calgary, Alberta, who married 28 September 1915 at the residence of the Reverend James Luke Jordan, 2130 4 Avenue North West, Calgary, Alberta, (with the Reverend James Luke Jordan, Emmanuel Baptist Church, officiating), Gertrude Barraclough (Officer of The Order of The Eastern Star, etc.).


John Arthur Templeton was born 6 November 1944 at Calgary, Alberta, son to Arthur Edwin Ray Templeton and Margaret Aileen St. Clair, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Vi ---, (to whom also refer); died 26 December 2011 in consequence of cancer. His first wife was Brenda-Joy Chamberlain, (to whom he was married 6 May 1967 at Calgary, Alberta and from whom subsequently divorced). John Arthur Templeton and Brenda-Joy Chamberlain begat issue: (1) Deanna Templeton, who married Trevor von Rothkirch; (2) Sheryl Templeton, who married Grant Beaver; (3) Trevor John Templeton, born 25 June 1975 at Calgary, Alberta, who married Alexis ---.


John Arthur Templeton was born 6 November 1944 at Calgary, Alberta, son to Arthur Edwin Ray Templeton and Margaret Aileen St. Clair, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 6 May 1967 at Calgary, Alberta, Brenda-Joy Chamberlain, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced); died 26 December 2011 in consequence of cancer. His second wife was Vi ---. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of John Arthur Templeton and Vi ---.


John Ernest Templeton was born 22 November 1936, son to William Lincoln Templeton and Miriam Jean Goulding, (to whom refer). His wife Diana Mary Jamieson was born 22 January 1939. This couple begat issue: (1) Russell Kelvin Templeton, born 18 December 1962; (2) Leanne Jane Templeton, born 7 June 1967.


John Kingsley Templeton was born 11 July 1908, son to John Wellington Templeton and Ida Josephine Larson, (to whom refer); died 12 April 1976; buried in 1976 at Queen's Park Cemetery, Calgary, Alberta. His wife Lottie Victoria "Cherie" Boyce was born 19 October 1912; died 13 March 1971. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage; however this couple adopted twin male children who, being "strangers in blood" as regards the treated families, are not to be further noted or documented in these records.


John Wellington Templeton (together with his eldest brother James Arthur Templeton, a pioneer Alberta rancher, land speculator, business magnate, financier, philanthropist, etc.) was born 11 February 1877 at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to James Templeton and Mary Ann Doolan, (to whom refer); died 16 December 1936 at Calgary, Alberta; buried at Union Cemetery, Calgary, Alberta. His wife Ida Josephine Larson (an early Calgary society lady who, in an era in which such rights and privileges were not generally extended to women, was one of the few female signatories permitted to sign the original 1908 Citizens' Petition for the establishment of the first Calgary Public Library, etc.), (to whom he was married 18 December 1901), was born 22 August 1875 at or near St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota; died 8 April 1944; buried in 1944 at Union Cemetery, Calgary, Alberta. This couple begat issue: (1) Cecil Alfred Templeton, born 10 November 1902, died 5 January 1954, who married 12 October 1923, Ruth Noreen ---; (2) Arthur Carlyle Templeton, born 8 July 1904, died unmarried 20 August 1964, buried in 1964 at Calgary, Alberta; (3) Harold James Templeton, born 18 June 1906, died 10 April 1979 at Lethbridge, Alberta, buried 12 April 1979 at Mountain View Cemetery, Lethbridge, Alberta, who married 27 April 1935, Nellie Louise Osborne; (4) John Kingsley Templeton, born 11 July 1908, died 12 April 1976, buried in 1976 at Queen's Park Cemetery, Calgary, Alberta, who married Lottie Victoria "Cherie" Boyce; (5) William Lincoln Templeton, born 10 October 1910, died in March 1990 at Calgary, Alberta, who married, firstly, 20 June 1934, Miriam Jean Goulding, and, secondly, 5 June 1964 at the Anglican Cathedral Church of the Redeemer, Calgary, Alberta, Eva Mary Heaver; (6) Ida Patricia "Pat" Templeton, born 4 August 1914, died in 1995, who married 30 December 1940, Ronald Campbell MacWilliams.


Trevor John Templeton was born 25 June 1975 at Calgary, Alberta, son to John Arthur Templeton and Brenda-Joy Chamberlain, (to whom refer). His wife was Alexis ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Victor William Templeton was born 20 September 1932 at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to James Templeton and Alice Lorena Graham, (to whom refer); died 17 December 1977 at Scarborough, Metropolitan Toronto Municipality, Ontario; buried at South Gower Cemetery, South Gower Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Frida Evelyn Emmerson, (to whom he was married 6 August 1955 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario), was born 2 August 1923. This couple begat issue: (1) William David Templeton, born 21 June 1961 at Metropolitan Toronto Municipality, Ontario; (2) Carma Lynn Templeton, born 1 December 1965 at Metropolitan Toronto Municipality, Ontario.


William Templeton was born a twin 29 June 1868 at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to James Templeton and Mary Ann Doolan, (to whom refer); died 16 July 1925 in Ontario; buried in July 1925 at St. Matthew's Presbyterian Churchyard (otherwise known as Patterson's Corners Presbyterian Churchyard), Patterson's Corners, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Bertha Edna Gardner, (to whom he was married 14 March 1900 in Ontario), was born 3 February 1878 (according to some sources and the Gardner Family Bible) or 13 February 1878 (according to some sources and her own statement) at or near Oxford Station, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to Robert Gardner and Mary Jane Claire; died 2 March 1935 in Ontario; buried in 1935 at St. Matthew's Presbyterian Churchyard (otherwise known as Patterson's Corners Presbyterian Churchyard), Patterson's Corners, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) James Templeton, born 28 March 1906 at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 16 December 1989 in Ontario, buried at South Gower Cemetery, South Gower Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married, firstly, 10 June 1931 at or near Millar's Corners, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, Alice Lorena Graham, and, secondly, 27 January 1968 at St. John's United Church, Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario, Hildred Jane "Hilda" Hough.


William Arthur Templeton was born 19 March 1888 (not 19 March 1889 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources) at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to James Arthur Templeton and Mary Eleanor (not Mary Ellen) Thompson, (to whom refer); died 11 March 1966 at Holy Cross Hospital, Calgary, Alberta; buried in March 1966 at Acme Cemetery, Acme, Alberta. His wife Margaret Lucy Jaquith was born in 1886; died 11 April 1952; buried in 1952 at Acme Cemetery, Acme, Alberta. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


William Lincoln Templeton was born 10 October 1910, son to John Wellington Templeton and Ida Josephine Larson, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 5 June 1964 at the Anglican Cathedral Church of the Redeemer, Calgary, Alberta, Eva Mary Heaver, (to whom also refer); died in March 1990 at Calgary, Alberta. His first wife Miriam Jean Goulding, (to whom he was married 20 June 1934), was born 14 May 1912; died 29 August 1959 in consequence of injuries sustained in an automobile crash; buried in 1959 at Calgary, Alberta. William Lincoln Templeton and Miriam Jean Goulding begat issue: (1) John Ernest Templeton, born 22 November 1936, who married Diana Mary Jamieson; (2) Judith Lea Templeton, born 20 February 1946, who married, firstly, ---, (from whom subsequently divorced), and, secondly, ---.


William Lincoln Templeton was born 10 October 1910, son to John Wellington Templeton and Ida Josephine Larson, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 20 June 1934, Miriam Jean Goulding, (to whom also refer); died in March 1990 at Calgary, Alberta. His second wife Eva Mary Heaver, (to whom he was married 5 June 1964 at the Anglican Cathedral Church of the Redeemer, Calgary, Alberta), was born 14 February 1926 at or near De Winton, Sheep Creek Municipal District, Alberta, daughter to William Gordon S. Heaver and Bessie G. Pitchford; died 16 September 2012 at Calgary, Alberta. William Lincoln Templeton and Eva Mary Heaver begat issue: (1) Sally Marie Templeton, born 7 January 1966 in Alberta, who married 8 August 1992, Frederick Warren Bowen; (2) Ida Suzanne Templeton, born 25 September 1967 in Alberta, who married Bryan Girard.


Arthur Stanley Thomas was born 2 December 1888 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario. His wife Kathleen Alberta Drummond, (to whom he was married 2 September 1914), was born 25 December 1892 at Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to James Drummond and Jennie Adeline Craig, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Glen Russell Thomas was born 10 December 1944 at Perth, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Russell Thomas and Jewel McKinnon. His wife Zelda Gertrude Anne Campbell, (to whom he was married 8 January 1966 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 21 August 1947 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Edwin John Alexander Campbell and Melinda Evelyn Currie, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Sandra Marie Thomas, born 18 June 1966 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 20 September 1986 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, Earl Michael Ferguson; (2) Cheryl Lynn Thomas, born 28 March 1968 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 14 September 1991 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, Herbert Dean Wemp; (3) Russell Edwin Thomas, born 5 January 1976 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario.


Frederick L. Thompson was born 11 December 1894; died 5 September 1947. His wife Wilda Templeton Graham, (to whom he was married 13 September 1930), was born 5 January 1898 in Ontario, daughter to William James Graham and Fannie Templeton, (to whom refer); married, secondly, in 1949, Lorne E. MacLachlan, (to whom also refer); died 6 July 1975 in Ontario; buried in July 1975 at South Gower Cemetery, South Gower Township, Grenville County, Ontario. Frederick L. Thompson and Wilda Templeton Graham begat issue: (1) George D. Thompson, born 22 April 1932; died early, unmarried, 5 July 1937.


William Thorn. His wife M. Marlene Griffith was born 4 January 1945 at Kelso, Cowlitz County, Washington, daughter to George Edward Griffith and Dorothy Leona Hulse, (to whom refer); married, secondly, briefly in 1975, Kenneth Gebrowski, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced in 1975); married, thirdly, in 1975, James Hurley, (to whom likewise also refer and from whom subsequently divorced). William Thorn and M. Marlene Griffith begat issue: (1) Ricky Dale Thorn, born 4 August 1965 at Longview, Cowlitz County, Washington.


Melbourne Timmins. His wife Eileen McNeely was daughter to Howard Willard McNeely and Margaret Leishman, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Alan Russell Tomlinson was born 29 September 1930 at or near Creighton, Northern Administrative District, Saskatchewan, son to Thomas Drummond Tomlinson and Ethel May Armstrong, (to whom refer). His wife Elsie Muriel Anthony, (to whom he was married at Halifax, Halifax County, Nova Scotia), was born 9 October 1921 at or near Mosherville, East Hants Rural Municipality, Hants County, Nova Scotia, daughter to Wilton Anthony and Inez Parker. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Herbert Miller Tomlinson was born 28 February 1902 at or near Ashton, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Thomas Tomlinson and Ellen (or Eleanor) Miller Drummond, (to whom refer); died 6 September 1954 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario; buried in September 1954 at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife Maude Elizabeth Edwards, (to whom he was married 26 August 1925 at North Bay, Nipissing District, Ontario), was born 25 September 1905 at Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Joseph Edwards and Ellen (or Ella) Keays; died in 1995; buried at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Velma Ellen Tomlinson, born 29 June 1931 at or near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 30 June 1949 at Glenview, Drummond Township, Lanark County, Ontario, John Henry Healey; (2) a child, name, if any, and sex unavailable, born in 1938, died in infancy, unmarried, in 1938, buried at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario; (3) Dorothy Neva Tomlinson, born 19 October 1944 at Almonte, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 30 June 1962 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, Robert James Bernicky.


Robert James Tomlinson was born 29 December 1918 at or near Cravath Corners, Berry Creek Municipal District, Alberta, son to Thomas Drummond Tomlinson and Ethel May Armstrong, (to whom refer). His wife Olive Edith Edwards, (to whom he was married 13 October 1945 at Portsmouth, Portsmouth City Municipal Borough, Southampton County, England), was born 31 December 1918 at Portsmouth, Portsmouth Municipal Borough, Southampton County, England, daughter to Bert Edwards and ---; died 15 November 1970 at Swift Current, Saskatchewan. This couple begat issue: (1) Barbara Dawn Tomlinson, born 10 July 1947 at Swift Current, Saskatchewan, died in infancy, unmarried, 12 July 1947 at Swift Current, Saskatchewan; (2) Desry Mavis Tomlinson, born 20 April 1951 at Pontiex, Saskatchewan, who married 2 September 1972 at Swift Current, Saskatchewan, Leslie Bruce Reddekop; (3) Robert James Tomlinson Jr., born 7 December 1956 at Pontiex, Saskatchewan, who married 4 July 1981 at First United Church, Swift Current, Saskatchewan, Brenda Merle Wiens.


Robert James Tomlinson Jr. was born 7 December 1956 at Pontiex, Saskatchewan, son to Robert James Tomlinson and Olive Edith Edwards, (to whom refer). His wife Brenda Merle Wiens, (to whom he was married 4 July 1981 at First United Church, Swift Current, Saskatchewan), was born 29 January 1957 at Beechy, Saskatchewan, daughter to Peter John Wiens and Susan Black. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Thomas Tomlinson was born 22 April 1861 at or near Carleton Place, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Canada West, son to Thomas Tomlinson and Isabella Brown; died 21 May 1940 at or near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario; buried in 1940 at the United Cemeteries of St. Fillan's, Maplewood and Pine Grove (otherwise known as Pine Grove United Cemeteries), Beckwith Township, near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife Ellen (or Eleanor) Miller Drummond, (to whom he was married 27 July 1886 at the residence of the bride's parents, Beckwith Township, near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 3 March 1863 at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Canada West, daughter to James Drummond and Elizabeth Mooney, (to whom refer); died 15 March 1935 at or near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario; buried in 1935 at the United Cemeteries of St. Fillan's, Maplewood and Pine Grove (otherwise known as Pine Grove United Cemeteries), Beckwith Township, near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Laura Ethel Tomlinson, born 9 June 1887 at or near Ashton, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, died 14 September 1971 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, buried 17 September 1971 at Dewar's Cemetery, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 23 June 1909 at or near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, John Brunton; (2) Thomas Drummond Tomlinson, born 14 March 1889 at or near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, died 29 January 1971 at Kindersley Nursing Home, Kindersley, Saskatchewan, who married in January 1917 at or near Cravath Corners, Berry Creek Municipal District, Alberta, Ethel May Armstrong; (3) William Henry Tomlinson, born 14 January 1891 at or near Ashton, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, died unmarried 23 July 1971 at Shaunavon, Saskatchewan, buried in 1971 at the United Cemeteries of St. Fillan's, Maplewood and Pine Grove (otherwise known as Pine Grove United Cemeteries), Beckwith Township, near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario; (4) Joseph Lloyd Tomlinson, born 13 January 1893 at or near Ashton, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, died unmarried 14 January 1916 at or near Weyburn, Saskatchewan, buried in 1916 at the United Cemeteries of St. Fillan's, Maplewood and Pine Grove (otherwise known as Pine Grove United Cemeteries), Beckwith Township, near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario; (5) Helen Jane Tomlinson, born 20 August 1895 at or near Ashton, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, died in infancy, unmarried, 24 October 1895 at or near Ashton, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, buried at the United Cemeteries of St. Fillan's, Maplewood and Pine Grove (otherwise known as Pine Grove United Cemeteries), Beckwith Township, near Carleton Place, Lanark County, Ontario; (6) Ellabell Tomlinson, born 17 January 1899 at or near Ashton, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, died 31 March 1989 at Smiths Falls Community Hospital, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 12 October 1919 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario, Harold Ferguson McLachlin; (7) Herbert Miller Tomlinson, born 28 February 1902 at or near Ashton, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, died 6 September 1954 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario, buried in September 1954 at Franktown Union Cemetery, Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 26 August 1925 at North Bay, Nipissing District, Ontario, Maude Elizabeth Edwards; (8) Edith Matilda Tomlinson, born 30 November 1904 at or near Ashton, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 27 July 1940 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, Frederick Edward Pavier.


Thomas Drummond Tomlinson was born 14 March 1889 at or near Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Thomas Tomlinson and Ellen (or Eleanor) Miller Drummond, (to whom refer); died 29 January 1971 at Kindersley Nursing Home, Kindersley, Saskatchewan. His wife Ethel May Armstrong, (to whom he was married in January 1917 at or near Cravath Corners, Berry Creek Municipal District, Alberta), was born 17 September 1892, daughter to Robert John Armstrong and Jane Ann Prescott; died 16 February 1977 at Kindersley Nursing Home, Kindersley, Saskatchewan. This couple begat issue: (1) Thomas Drummond Tomlinson Jr., born 11 November 1917 at or near Cadillac, Saskatchewan, died unmarried 4 June 19-- in Ontario in consequence of a drowning incident, buried 8 June 19-- at the Memorial Gardens, Swift Current, Saskatchewan; (2) Robert James Tomlinson, born 29 December 1918 at or near Cravath Corners, Berry Creek Municipal District, Alberta, who married 13 October 1945 at Portsmouth, Portsmouth City Municipal Borough, Southampton County, England, Olive Edith Edwards; (3) Herbert John Tomlinson, born in 1919 or in 1920 (depending upon sources) at Calgary, Alberta, died at birth or in extreme infancy, unmarried, same day, in 1919 or in 1920 (depending upon sources) at Calgary, Alberta in consequence of pneumonia; (4) Alan Russell Tomlinson, born 29 September 1930 at or near Creighton, Northern Administrative District, Saskatchewan, who married at Halifax, Halifax County, Nova Scotia, Elsie Muriel Anthony.


Wilfred Toop. His wife Judy Swenson was daughter to Hilliard Swenson and Eleanor Jean Saunders, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Lisa Toop, who married Robert Vaughan; (2) Lori Toop, who married Steven Lockett; (3) Melissa Toop, who married Troy Cumpson; (4) Nadine Toop, who married --- Bouyers; (5) Gordon Toop.


Thomas Trodden. His wife Mildred "Mid" Saunders was born in or about 1925 or 1926, daughter to Thomas Drummond Saunders and Olive I. Brennan, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Daniel Lionel Trudel was born 25 February 1960 at Sudbury, Sudbury District, Ontario, son to Benoit Trudel and Irene Peterson. His wife Kimberly Anne Lackey, (to whom he was married 26 August 1978 at Lombardy, South Elmsley Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 11 April 1960 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Lloyd Clare Lackey and Eleanor Jean Saunders, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Amanda Jean Trudel, born 4 March 1979 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario.



Eric S. Uvaney. His wife Patricia Lillian Short was born 6 April 1970 at Santa Monica, Los Angeles County, California, daughter to Alan Leslie Short and Nora Patricia MacWilliams, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Emily M. Uvaney; (2) Megan W. Uvaney.



Robert Vaughan. His wife Lisa Toop was daughter to Wilfred Toop and Judy Swenson, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Joel Marshall Veazey. His wife Linda Anne Coltharp was born 29 March 1957 at Shreveport, Caddo Parish, Louisiana, daughter to Warren A. Coltharp and Beverly Anne Edwards, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Alexander Ulysses Veazey, born a twin 16 May 1978 at Abbeville, Vermilion Parish, Louisiana; (2) Glager Anne Veazey, born a twin 16 May 1978 at Abbeville, Vermilion Parish, Louisiana.


Trevor von Rothkirch. His wife Deanna Templeton was daughter to John Arthur Templeton and Brenda-Joy Chamberlain, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Hannah von Rothkirch; (2) Tyler von Rothkirch.



Charles Morton Wadsworth was born 27 July 1948 at or near Kellogg, Shoshone County, Idaho, son to Max Eugene Wadsworth and Marjorie Ruth Griffith, (to whom refer). His wife was Robin Diane Stockton. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Daniel Lee Wadsworth was born 31 October 1949 at Spokane, Spokane County, Washington, son to Max Eugene Wadsworth and Marjorie Ruth Griffith, (to whom refer). His wife was Nancy Lynn Whitehead. This couple begat issue: (1) Robert Daniel Wadsworth, born 19 September 1969 at Kellogg, Shoshone County, Idaho; (2) Angela Kay Wadsworth, born 8 June 1973 at St. Maries, Benewah County, Idaho; (3) Joshua Eugene Wadsworth, born 12 October 1976 at St. Maries, Benewah County, Idaho.


Lyle Douglas Wadsworth was born 10 August 1936 at Spokane, Spokane County, Washington, son to Max Eugene Wadsworth and Marjorie Ruth Griffith, (to whom refer). His wife was Rachel Olive Johnson. This couple begat issue: (1) Timothy Jay Wadsworth, born 24 April 1960 at Coeur d'Alene, Kootenai County, Idaho; (2) Deanna Marie Wadsworth, born 12 April 1962 at Coeur d'Alene, Kootenai County, Idaho; (3) Ida Jean Wadsworth, born 27 December 1963 at Kellogg, Shoshone County, Idaho; (4) Craig Douglas Wadsworth, born 16 June 1965 at Kellogg, Shoshone County, Idaho; (5) Guy Michael Wadsworth, born 6 February 1973 at Kellogg, Shoshone County, Idaho.


Marvin Eugene Wadsworth was born 13 March 1939 at or near Plummer, Benewah County, Idaho, son to Max Eugene Wadsworth and Marjorie Ruth Griffith, (to whom refer). His wife was Lois Ellen Moe. This couple begat issue: (1) Maria Dawn Wadsworth, born 21 April 1973.


Max Eugene Wadsworth was born 15 November 1915 at or near Garfield, Whitman County, Washington; died 24 March 1997 at Cataldo, Kootenai County, Idaho. His wife Marjorie Ruth Griffith, (to whom he was married in 1936), was born 15 November 1919 at Spokane, Spokane County, Washington, daughter to Richard Morton Griffith and Allie Ina Couch, (to whom refer); died 15 October 2007 at Kellogg, Shoshone County, Idaho. This couple begat issue: (1) Lyle Douglas Wadsworth, born 10 August 1936 at Spokane, Spokane County, Washington, who married Rachel Olive Johnson; (2) Marvin Eugene Wadsworth, born 13 March 1939 at or near Plummer, Benewah County, Idaho, who married Lois Ellen Moe; (3) Maxine Kaye Wadsworth, born 13 October 1941 at or near Kellogg, Shoshone County, Idaho, died early, unmarried, 2 January 1945; (4) Charles Morton Wadsworth, born 27 July 1948 at or near Kellogg, Shoshone County, Idaho, who married Robin Diane Stockton; (5) Daniel Lee Wadsworth, born 31 October 1949 at Spokane, Spokane County, Washington, who married Nancy Lynn Whitehead.


Melvin James Oagle Walker was born 16 October 1883 at Portland, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to James Walker and Eleanor Lyons; died 22 January 1946 at Merrickville, Wolford Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Evi Lena (or Evilena) Drummond, (to whom he was married 16 February 1909 at or near Athens, Leeds County, Ontario, formerly known as Farmersville, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 25 August 1884 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to John Drummond and Mary Lura Holmes, (to whom refer); died 11 March 1971 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; buried in 1971 at Merrickville, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Phyllis Eleanor Walker, born 7 January 1912 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died unmarried; (2) Mary Iola Walker, born a twin 20 August 1914 at or near Merrickville, Wolford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 7 June 1941 at Hamilton, Wentworth County, Ontario, Joseph Curt Potter; (3) a female child, unnamed, stillborn a twin 20 August 1914 at or near Merrickville, Wolford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died at birth or in extreme infancy, unmarried, same day, 20 August 1914 at or near Merrickville, Wolford Township, Grenville County, Ontario; (4) Lura Holmes Walker, born 22 December 1919 at or near Merrickville, Wolford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died unmarried.


Thomas Edward Wallace Jr. was born 13 February 1967 at Pascagoula, Jackson County, Mississippi. His wife Karla Kay Struss, (to whom he was married 25 June 1988 at Berea, Madison County, Kentucky), was born 23 May 1966 at Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, daughter to Karl George Struss and Ina Marie Griffith, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Lindsey Marie Wallace, born 16 February 1991 at Patty A. Clay Hospital, Richmond, Madison County, Kentucky; (2) Rachel Nicole Wallace, born 17 October 1993 at Patty A. Clay Hospital, Richmond, Madison County, Kentucky; (3) Cory Thomas Wallace, born 27 April 1999 at Patty A. Clay Hospital, Richmond, Madison County, Kentucky.


Peter Copp Wansbrough was born 5 February 1956 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario, son to John Wansbrough and Flora Peterson. His wife Sherri Lynne Edwards, (to whom he was married 19 May 1979 at Lombardy, South Elmsley Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 8 March 1960 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Charles G. Edwards and Matilda Kathleen Saunders, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Peter Charles Wansbrough, born 16 January 1981 at Belleville, Hastings County, Ontario; (2) Cory W. J. Wansbrough.


Arthur King Washburn was born 30 September 1944 at Chehalis, Lewis County, Washington, son to Arthur Walter Washburn and Lillian King, (to whom refer). His wife was Judith Ann Trosted. This couple begat issue: (1) Jeffrey King Washburn, born 26 July 1968 at Anacortes, Skagit County, Washington; (2) Lisa Marie Washburn, born 16 November 1972 at Huntington Beach, Orange County, California; (3) John Scott Washburn, born 30 September 1976 at Houston, Harris County, Texas.


Arthur Walter Washburn was born 25 March 1919 at or near Marcellus, Adams County, Washington, son to John Henry Washburn and Mary Isabella Griffith, (to whom refer); died 4 September 1972. His wife Lillian King, (to whom he was married 21 August 1937), was born 24 December 1920 at or near Lebam, Pacific County, Washington. This couple begat issue: (1) Kathryn Diane Washburn, born 18 November 1939 at Toledo, Lewis County, Washington, who married Donald James Johnson; (2) Janice Marie Washburn, born 29 October 1942 at Toledo, Lewis County, Washington, who married Gordon C. Carlson; (3) Arthur King Washburn, born 30 September 1944 at Chehalis, Lewis County, Washington, who married Judith Ann Trosted.


Darold John Washburn was born 5 September 1944 at San Diego, San Diego County, California, son to Orval Joshua Washburn and Selma Wigstrom, (to whom refer); died 27 June 1974. His wife was Mary Ann Beggs. This couple begat issue: (1) Jana Lynn Washburn, born 14 December 1967 at Santa Maria, Santa Barbara County, California.


Everett Edward "Toad" Washburn was born 3 September 1920 at Griffith Corners, Adams County, Washington, son to John Henry Washburn and Mary Isabella Griffith, (to whom refer). His wife Oma Dell Armstrong, (to whom he was married in 1948), was born 4 July 1920 at Gravette, Benton County, Washington. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Fredrick Orval Washburn was born 13 July 1939 at Portsmouth, Virginia, son to Orval Joshua Washburn and Selma Wigstrom, (to whom refer). His wife was Lita Calista O'Dell Smith. This couple begat issue: (1) Fredrick Orval Washburn Jr., born 13 October 1960 at San Diego, San Diego County, California; (2) Lisa Marie Washburn, born 30 October 1962 at San Diego, San Diego County, California; (3) Timothy John Washburn, born 7 October 1965 at San Diego, San Diego County, California.


John Henry Washburn was born 16 March 1895 at or near Quincy, Adams County, Illinois. His wife Mary Isabella Griffith, (to whom he was married 9 October 1914 at Marcellus, Adams County, Washington), was born 12 June 1896 at or near Ahmic Harbour, Croft Township, Parry Sound District, Ontario, daughter to James Morton Griffith and Eliza Ann Drummond, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Orval Joshua Washburn, born 16 January 1916 at or near Ritzville, Adams County, Washington, who married 5 September 1937 at San Diego, San Diego County, California, Selma Wigstrom; (2) Olive Mildred Washburn, born 13 July 1917 at or near Ruff, Grant County, Washington, who married, firstly, in September 1939, Leland Sippola, and, secondly, 16 November 1961, Eino A. "Pete" Saari; (3) Arthur Walter Washburn, born 25 March 1919 at or near Marcellus, Adams County, Washington, died 4 September 1972, who married 21 August 1937, Lillian King; (4) Everett Edward "Toad" Washburn, born 3 September 1920 at Griffith Corners, Adams County, Washington, who married in 1948, Oma Dell Armstrong.


Orval Joshua Washburn was born 16 January 1916 at or near Ritzville, Adams County, Washington, son to John Henry Washburn and Mary Isabella Griffith, (to whom refer). His wife Selma Wigstrom, (to whom he was married 5 September 1937 at San Diego, San Diego County, California), was born 13 February 1918 at or near Hayden, Gila County, Arizona. This couple begat issue: (1) Fredrick Orval Washburn, born 13 July 1939 at Portsmouth, Virginia, who married Lita Calista O'Dell Smith; (2) Darold John Washburn, born 5 September 1944 at San Diego, San Diego County, California, died 27 June 1974, who married Mary Ann Beggs; (3) Paul Dean Washburn, born 24 December 1947 at Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, who married Cindy Lynn Sims.


Paul Dean Washburn was born 24 December 1947 at Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, son to Orval Joshua Washburn and Selma Wigstrom, (to whom refer). His wife was Cindy Lynn Sims. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Douglas Watkins was son to John Saunders Watkins and Bella Saunders, (to whom refer). His wife was Beryl ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


John Saunders Watkins. His wife Bella Saunders, (to whom he was married in 1911), was born 1 October 1890, daughter to Thomas James Saunders and Margaret Jane Drummond, (to whom refer); died 5 July 1990. This couple begat issue: (1) Orm Watkins, who married Doris ---; (2) Douglas Watkins, who married Beryl ---; (3) William Watkins, who married Shirley ---.


Orm Watkins was son to John Saunders Watkins and Bella Saunders, (to whom refer). His wife was Doris ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


William Watkins was son to John Saunders Watkins and Bella Saunders, (to whom refer). His wife was Shirley ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Sandy Alexander Watt was born in or about 1873 or 1874; died 8 October 1941. His wife Mary Edna Drummond, (to whom he was married in 1930 at Vancouver, British Columbia), was born 8 December 1886 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to John Drummond and Mary Lura Holmes, (to whom refer); died 2 May 1954 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; buried in 1954 at Burnaby, British Columbia. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Brent Dale Watts was born 6 May 1948 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, son to Thomas Lloyd Watts and Nettie Marcheen, (to whom refer). His wife Linda Dawn Sellar, (to whom he was married 21 May 1971 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan), was born 8 January 1949 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, daughter to James Alexander Sellar and Elva Howsam. This couple begat issue: (1) Crystal Anne Watts, born 27 December 1972 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.


Ivan Sheridan Watts was born 2 November 1922 at or near Carberry, Manitoba, son to John Watts and Sarah Estella Sheridan, (to whom refer). His wife Marie Eleanor Froom, (to whom he was married 3 November 1945 at Carberry, Manitoba), was born 24 July 1927 at Carberry, Manitoba, daughter to George Hugh Froom and Ellen Mack. This couple begat issue: (1) Lynn Marie Watts, born 20 August 1946 at Brandon, Manitoba; (2) Carol Ann Watts, born 14 October 1947 at Brandon, Manitoba, who married 24 June 1967 at Carberry, Manitoba, Malcolm Neil McDonald; (3) John David Watts, born 1 January 1949 at Brandon, Manitoba, who married 27 June 1970 at Carberry, Manitoba, Mary Lila Darlene McMillan.


John Watts was born 28 March 1876 at or near Perth, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Andrew Watts and ---; died 30 October 1943 at or near Carberry, Manitoba. His wife Sarah Estella Sheridan, (to whom he was married 1 February 1909 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 2 June 1886 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to John Sheridan and Jane Drummond, (to whom refer); died 27 September 1959 at Carberry, Manitoba. This couple begat issue: (1) Robert Frederick Watts, born 15 March 1911 at or near Carberry, Manitoba, died 13 January 1976 at Carberry, Manitoba, who married 23 November 1940 at Lombardy, South Elmsley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Helen Eileen Covell; (2) Alma Jane Watts, born 23 November 1913 at or near Carberry, Manitoba, died unmarried in 1938 at or near Carberry, Manitoba; (3) John Delbert "Del" Watts, born 6 April 1915 at or near Carberry, Manitoba, died 5 March 1972 at Brandon, Manitoba, who married 29 April 1943 at Brandon, Manitoba, Laura Alexander; (4) Viola Watts, born 10 September 1916 at or near Carberry, Manitoba, died 21 October 1968 at Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, who married in 1938 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Edward James Densley; (5) Thomas Lloyd Watts, born 1 August 1918 at or near Carberry, Manitoba, who married 9 September 1946 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Nettie Marcheen; (6) Ruby Estella Watts, born 5 November 1920 at or near Carberry, Manitoba, who married 20 August 1948 at Brandon, Manitoba, George James Birss; (7) Ivan Sheridan Watts, born 2 November 1922 at or near Carberry, Manitoba, who married 3 November 1945 at Carberry, Manitoba, Marie Eleanor Froom; (8) Doris Watts, born in or about 1924 or 1925, died at birth or in extreme infancy, unmarried, same day, in or about 1924 or 1925.


John David Watts was born 1 January 1949 at Brandon, Manitoba, son to Ivan Sheridan Watts and Marie Eleanor Froom, (to whom refer). His wife Mary Lila Darlene McMillan, (to whom he was married 27 June 1970 at Carberry, Manitoba), was born 10 October 1953. This couple begat issue: (1) Michelle Ren�e Watts, born 23 July 1972 at Thompson, Manitoba; (2) Clinton John Watts, born 16 August 1974 at Brandon, Manitoba.


John Delbert "Del" Watts was born 6 April 1915 at or near Carberry, Manitoba, son to John Watts and Sarah Estella Sheridan, (to whom refer); died 5 March 1972 at Brandon, Manitoba. His wife Laura Alexander, (to whom he was married 29 April 1943 at Brandon, Manitoba), was born 15 July 1921 at Neepawa Hospital, Neepawa, Manitoba. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Robert Frederick Watts was born 15 March 1911 at or near Carberry, Manitoba, son to John Watts and Sarah Estella Sheridan, (to whom refer); died 13 January 1976 at Carberry, Manitoba. His wife Helen Eileen Covell, (to whom he was married 23 November 1940 at Lombardy, South Elmsley Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 17 March 1915 at or near Lombardy, South Elmsley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Albert Covell and Annie Clark. This couple begat issue: (1) Robert Leslie Watts, born 14 January 1942 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, who married 2 July 1966 at Carberry, Manitoba, Muriel Manns; (2) Lois Eileen Watts, born 22 December 1944 at Carberry, Manitoba; (3) Gerald Albert Watts, born 26 February 1950 at Carberry, Manitoba; (4) Joan Idema Watts, born 12 November 1952 at Carberry, Manitoba, who married 21 December 1974 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Larry Bodnaruk, (from whom subsequently divorced in May 1981).


Robert Leslie Watts was born 14 January 1942 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, son to Robert Frederick Watts and Helen Eileen Covell, (to whom refer). His wife Muriel Manns, (to whom he was married 2 July 1966 at Carberry, Manitoba), was born 20 August 1944 at Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, daughter to James Manns and Irene ---. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage; however this couple adopted one male and one female child who, being "strangers in blood" as regards the treated families, are not to be further noted or documented in these records.


Thomas Lloyd Watts was born 1 August 1918 at or near Carberry, Manitoba, son to John Watts and Sarah Estella Sheridan, (to whom refer). His wife Nettie Marcheen, (to whom he was married 9 September 1946 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan), was born 14 November 1919 at Brandon, Manitoba, daughter to Samuel Marcheen and Anne Chernece. This couple begat issue: (1) Brent Dale Watts, born 6 May 1948 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, who married 21 May 1971 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Linda Dawn Sellar; (2) Cheryl Darlene Watts, born 4 May 1954 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan; (3) Kevin Lloyd Watts, born 26 November 1959 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.


Donald Leslie "Butch" Webster Jr. was born 31 August 1963 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Donald Leslie Webster and Elsie Nield. His wife Lawrie Anne Melinda Johnson, (to whom he was married 20 August 1988 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 2 January 1968 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Gilbert Edgar Johnson and Inez Melinda Campbell, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Kaitlyn Ann Melinda Webster, born 14 March 1990 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; (2) Brett Gilbert Donald John Webster, born 5 October 1993 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario.


Bradley Dale Weedmark was born 26 December 1991 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Daryl Preston Weedmark and Connie May Smith, (to whom refer). His wife was Christy Melvin. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Dale Lorne Weedmark was born 20 August 1955 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Lorne Arthur Weedmark and Lois Joyce Salter, (to whom refer); died 4 February 1990 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; buried in 1990 at St. Bede's Anglican Cemetery, Nolan's Corners, Montague Township, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife Dolora V. Findlay, (to whom he was married 30 June 1984 at Belleville, Hastings County, Ontario and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 19 January ---- and adopted by David Findlay and ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Tracey Findlay, born antenuptially 9 January 1977 at Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario, legally bearing her mother's surname Findlay in lieu of that of Weedmark, bore out of wedlock, by one Bruce Douglass, issue, two female children and one male child, (for further records of whom refer to the entry labelled "Tracey Findlay" in the "Supplementary" Section at the end of Part I. of this work); (2) Shawn Dale Findlay, born antenuptially 13 January 1979 at Vauxhall, Alberta, legally bearing his mother's surname Findlay in lieu of that of Weedmark, who married 10 October 1998 at Surrey, Greater Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia, Tara Lynn Verschoore; (3) Joshua David Weedmark, born 16 April 1985 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario.


Daryl Preston Weedmark was born 28 November 1956 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Lorne Arthur Weedmark and Lois Joyce Salter, (to whom refer); died foully by another hand 1 December 2013 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; buried 7 December 2013 at St. Bede's Anglican Cemetery, Nolan's Corners, Montague Township, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife Connie May Smith, (to whom he was married 29 August 1981 at Frankville, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 13 November 1962 at Cowansville, Missisquoi County, Qu�bec. This couple begat issue: (1) Beckie Lee Weedmark, born 2 September 1982 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 25 November 2005 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, Jeff Brown; (2) Melissa Marie Weedmark, born 26 April 1984 at Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario, who married Justin Betterley; (3) Shannon Dawn Weedmark, born 3 December 1985 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married Garry Wright; (4) Erin Ashley Weedmark, born 14 June 1988 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married Adam Clark; (5) Bradley Dale Weedmark, born 26 December 1991 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married Christy Melvin.


David James Weedmark was born 30 July 1958 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Lorne Arthur Weedmark and Lois Joyce Salter, (to whom refer); fathered out of wedlock by one Lisa Marie Wiseman, two female children, (for further records of whom refer to the entry labelled "Lisa Marie Wiseman" in the "Supplementary" Section at the end of Part I. of this work). His wife was Sharon ---. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of David James Weedmark and Sharon --- are presently available.


Dean Arthur Weedmark was born 11 May 1964 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Lorne Arthur Weedmark and Lois Joyce Salter, (to whom refer). His wife Maureen Elana Richardson, (to whom he was married 19 September 1987 at Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 31 May 1965. This couple begat issue: (1) Cole Arthur Weedmark, born 5 February 1990 at Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario; (2) Amanda Maureen Weedmark, born 11 March 1992 at Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario.


Lorne Arthur Weedmark was born 12 October 1931 at or near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Arthur Weedmark and Dorothy ---; died 7 December 1989 in hospital at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; buried at St. Bede's Anglican Cemetery, Nolan's Corners, Montague Township, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife Lois Joyce Salter, (to whom he was married 26 February 1955 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 4 June 1936 at or near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Preston Salter and Gladys Hilda Learmonth, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Dale Lorne Weedmark, born 20 August 1955 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, died 4 February 1990 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, buried in 1990 at St. Bede's Anglican Cemetery, Nolan's Corners, Montague Township, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 30 June 1984 at Belleville, Hastings County, Ontario, Dolora V. Findlay, (from whom subsequently divorced); (2) Daryl Preston Weedmark, born 28 November 1956 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, died foully by another hand 1 December 2013 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, buried 7 December 2013 at St. Bede's Anglican Cemetery, Nolan's Corners, Montague Township, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 29 August 1981 at Frankville, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Connie May Smith; (3) David James Weedmark, born 30 July 1958 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, fathered out of wedlock by one Lisa Marie Wiseman, two female children, (for further records of whom refer to the entry labelled "Lisa Marie Wiseman" in the "Supplementary" Section at the end of Part I. of this work), who married Sharon ---; (4) Diane Lois Weedmark, born 19 August 1962 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 4 September 1982 at Vauxhall, Alberta, James Patrick "Flint" Murphy; (5) Dean Arthur Weedmark, born 11 May 1964 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 19 September 1987 at Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario, Maureen Elana Richardson.


--- Weir. His wife Kelly Margaret Mussell was born 10 December 1969 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Craig Bernard Mussell and Fay Eleanor Campbell, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Emalee Fay Weir, born 4 May 1997 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario.


Herbert Dean Wemp was born 8 July 1962 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario, son to Leigh Wemp and Doris Storring. His wife Cheryl Lynn Thomas, (to whom he was married 14 September 1991 at Franktown, Beckwith Township, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 28 March 1968 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Glen Russell Thomas and Zelda Gertrude Anne Campbell, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Kailey Marie Wemp, born 16 August 1992; (2) Adam Dean Thomas Wemp, born 22 March 1995.


Richard Glenn Wilkes was born 17 October 1953 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Earl Wilkes and Margaret Linton. His wife Karen Grace Wiseman, (to whom he was married 24 May 1975 at Perth, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 18 July 1954 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to (The Honourable) Douglas John Wiseman and Bernice Emma Drummond, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


John James Wilkinson was born 31 October 1939. His wife Bette Wilhelmine Bryan, (to whom he was married 12 October 1957), was born 7 November 1937, daughter to Harold Thomas Bryan and Mary Alice Wilhelmine Scott, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Deborah Lynne Wilkinson, born 9 May 1958; (2) Kimberly Anne Wilkinson, born 17 August 1959; (3) Peggy Jean Wilkinson, born 16 July 1962; (4) Shelley Diane Wilkinson, born 17 February 1963.


Harold Eugene Willard was born 31 August 1909 at or near Tekoa, Whitman County, Washington; died 11 June 2002 at Yuma, Yuma County, Arizona. His wife Elva Gladys Griffith, (to whom he was married 2 April 1931), was born 27 May 1911 at or near Soldier (afterward known as Fairfield), Camas County, Idaho, daughter to Richard Morton Griffith and Allie Ina Couch, (to whom refer); died 17 January 1997 at Yuma, Yuma County, Arizona. This couple begat issue: (1) Warren Douglas Willard, born 21 July 1933 at or near Spokane, Spokane County, Washington, died in infancy, unmarried, 23 July 1933 at or near Spokane, Spokane County, Washington; (2) LaVonne Arlene Willard, born 13 July 1934 at or near Spokane, Spokane County, Washington, who married, firstly, Ira Gilmore, secondly, Thomas Harlan Nighber, and, thirdly, ---; (3) Ronald Lee Willard, born 6 April 1936 at or near Spokane, Spokane County, Washington, who married Cheryl Lou Hickman; (4) Janet Elva Willard, born 22 August 1939 at or near Spokane, Spokane County, Washington, who married William Henry Hudson.


Ronald Lee Willard was born 6 April 1936 at or near Spokane, Spokane County, Washington, son to Harold Eugene Willard and Elva Gladys Griffith, (to whom refer). His wife was Cheryl Lou Hickman. This couple begat issue: (1) Sherri Ren�e Willard, born 6 February 1958 at Renton, King County, Washington; (2) Ronda Jean Willard, born 11 November 1959 at Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon; (3) Michael Louis Willard, born 27 July 1961 at Fairfield, Camas County, Washington; (4) LaMoyne Michelle Willard, born 19 March 1963 at Fairfield, Camas County, Washington.


C. H. Williams. His wife Lydia June Drummond, (to whom he was married 27 December 1975 at Seattle, King County, Washington), was born 30 September 1950 at Seattle, King County, Washington, daughter to George Talbert Drummond and Jessie Wade Rowley, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


John Duncan Williams was born 16 April 1944 at Beauly, Beauly Burgh, Beauly District, Inverness County, Scotland, son to Walter Williams and Johan Matheson. His wife Mary Lura McGrath, (to whom he was married 3 August 1968 at or near Easton's Corners, Wolford Township, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 23 November 1946 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Thorold John McGrath and Mary Barbara Drummond, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Cynthia Lynn Williams, born 16 April 1970 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; (2) Christine Diane Williams, born 23 June 1973 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario.


William W. Williams was born 29 July 1952 at Toronto, York County, Ontario, son to Lloyd W. W. Williams and Elizabeth McDonald. His wife Sharon Julie McCann, (to whom he was married 4 September 1972 at Athens, Leeds County, Ontario, formerly known as Farmersville, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 21 May 1947 at or near Glen Elbe, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Gerald S. McCann and Doris Jennie Stewart, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) William Neil Williams, born 24 May 1974 at Toronto, Metropolitan Toronto Municipality, Ontario.


Blaire Lynn Williamson was born 14 October 1955 at Reston, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba, son to Melvin James Williamson and Shirley Marguerite Gray, (to whom refer). His wife Diane Brigitte Pauline Paulhus, (to whom he was married 12 April 1975 at the Roman Catholic Church, Bellegarde, Storthoaks Rural Municipality, Saskatchewan), was born 28 April 1956 at Redvers Hospital, Redvers, Saskatchewan, daughter to Lucien Fran�ois Paulhus and Henriette Germaine Brisebois. This couple begat issue: (1) Carrie Ann Williamson, born 12 September 1975 at Reston, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba.


Melvin James Williamson was born 18 January 1932 at or near Sinclair, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba, son to John Melvin Williamson and Helen Agnes Morrice. His wife Shirley Marguerite Gray, (to whom he was married 12 November 1952 at the United Church of Canada, Sinclair, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba), was born 11 January 1932 at or near Virden, Manitoba, daughter to Elgin Alexander Gray and Ella May Dodds, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Trevelyn Lee Williamson, born 23 March 1954 at Reston, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba, who married 24 August 1974 at Reston, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba, Linda Doreen Jones; (2) Blaire Lynn Williamson, born 14 October 1955 at Reston, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba, who married 12 April 1975 at the Roman Catholic Church, Bellegarde, Storthoaks Rural Municipality, Saskatchewan, Diane Brigitte Pauline Paulhus; (3) Garnet Craig Williamson, born 15 September 1957 at Reston, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba; (4) Ina Mae Williamson, born 4 February 1961 at Reston, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba.


Murray Glen Williamson was born 24 July 1938 at or near Reston, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba, son to John Melvin Williamson and Helen Agnes Morrice. His wife Wilma Louise Gray, (to whom he was married 24 October 1959 at Sinclair, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba), was born 13 July 1940 at or near Virden, Manitoba, daughter to Elgin Alexander Gray and Ella May Dodds, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Alana Fay Williamson, born 10 January 1963 at Reston, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba; (2) Lindsay Scott Williamson, born 19 March 1965 at Reston, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba; (3) Trent Murray Williamson, born 7 September 1969 at Reston, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba.


Trevelyn Lee Williamson was born 23 March 1954 at Reston, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba, son to Melvin James Williamson and Shirley Marguerite Gray, (to whom refer). His wife Linda Doreen Jones, (to whom he was married 24 August 1974 at Reston, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba), was born 2 September 1956 at Melita, Manitoba, daughter to Newton James Jones and Gwen Doreen Cooper. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Cecil Willis was born 31 August 1917 at or near Portland, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Samuel Willis and Ellen McMillan. His wife Anna Jane Wood, (to whom he was married 9 November 1938 at Lombardy, South Elmsley Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 19 July 1915 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Richard Milton Wood and Ida Morris, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Wanda Willis, born 26 April 1942 at or near Portland, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 29 August 1964 at Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, James Hutt.


Clifford Allan Willment was born 5 February 1948 at Lloydminster, Alberta, son to John Willment and Vida Louise Henry. His wife Patricia Anne Drummond, (to whom he was married 8 October 1966 at Lloydminster, Alberta), was born 15 September 1948 at Brandon, Manitoba, daughter to William Miller "Ace" Drummond and Anne Habok, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Ricky Allan Willment, born 10 November 1966 at Lloydminster, Saskatchewan; (2) Lora-Lee Alana Willment, born 18 April 1970 at Swift Current, Saskatchewan.


Arthur Roy Willows was born 19 March 1950 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Lloyd Alfred Willows and Vivian Patricia Drummond, (to whom refer). His wife Lenore Anne Carroll, (to whom he was married 20 July 1974 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 16 November 1951 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Francis Joseph Carroll and Marguerite Mary Wood. This couple begat issue: (1) Patricia Anne Marguerite Willows, born 3 February 1986 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; (2) Roy Willows, born 29 June 1980.


Carmen Lloyd Willows was born 2 March 1949 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Lloyd Alfred Willows and Vivian Patricia Drummond, (to whom refer). His wife Emma Adelaide Stafford, (to whom he was married 3 November 1973 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario), was born 28 May 1950 at Seeley's Bay, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Roy Stafford and Frances Topping. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage; however this couple adopted one female child who, being a "stranger in blood" as regards the treated families, is not to be further noted or documented in these records.


Gordon Holmes Willows was born 21 May 1955 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Lloyd Alfred Willows and Vivian Patricia Drummond, (to whom refer). His wife Veronica Jean Carroll, (to whom he was married 4 September 1987 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 4 March 1949, daughter to Francis Joseph Carroll and Marguerite Mary Wood. This couple begat issue: (1) Jeanna Marie Willows, born 22 June 1988 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario.


Lloyd Alfred Willows was born 21 February 1923 at or near Elgin, South Crosby Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to A. Roy Willows and Lillian E. Halladay (or Halliday). His wife Vivian Patricia Drummond, (to whom he was married 24 August 1946 at or near Toledo, formerly known as Kitley, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 26 March 1922 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to John Holmes Drummond and Ethel Grace Stafford, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Beverly Grace Willows, born 7 July 1947 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 29 July 1972 at St. Andrew's United Church, (formerly St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church), near Toledo, (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, James Arthur Simmonds; (2) Carmen Lloyd Willows, born 2 March 1949 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 3 November 1973 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario, Emma Adelaide Stafford; (3) Arthur Roy Willows, born 19 March 1950 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 20 July 1974 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, Lenore Anne Carroll; (4) Dianne Lillian Willows, born 18 July 1952 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 19 May 1973 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, Michael Patrick Carroll; (5) Gordon Holmes Willows, born 21 May 1955 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 4 September 1987 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, Veronica Jean Carroll; (6) Herbert Willows, born 14 December 1960 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario.


John Ivan Wills was born 19 December 1911 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to William Herbert Wills and Eleanor (or Elleanor) Stevely "Ella" Sheridan, (to whom refer). His wife Edith Phyllis MacDonald, (to whom he was married 30 June 1945 at Avonmore, Roxborough Township, Stormont County, Ontario), was born 5 December 1912 at or near Avonmore, Roxborough Township, Stormont County, Ontario, daughter to Simon John MacDonald and Priscilla Frances Lachapelle; died 19 May 1973 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario; buried in 1973 at St. Peter's Anglican Cemetery, Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Donald Herbert Wills, born 26 December 1948 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario.


Murray Wills. His wife Marilyn Polk, (to whom he was married 8 February 1964 at or near Merrickville, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 2 November 1944 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Merton William Polk and Gertrude Wood, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


William Herbert Wills was born 13 October 1873 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Peter Wills and Sarah Burns; died in 1952; buried at St. Peter's Anglican Cemetery, Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Eleanor (or Elleanor) Stevely "Ella" Sheridan, (to whom he was married 3 September 1903 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 25 March 1874 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to John Sheridan and Jane Drummond, (to whom refer); died 20 February 1970 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario; buried in 1970 at St. Peter's Anglican Cemetery, Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) John Ivan Wills, born 19 December 1911 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 30 June 1945 at Avonmore, Roxborough Township, Stormont County, Ontario, Edith Phyllis MacDonald.


Alonzo "Lonnie" Wilson. His wife Pamela Kay Griffith, (to whom he was married at Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 16 August 1965 at El Paso, El Paso County, Texas, daughter to LeRoy David Griffith and Carolyn Naluai, (to whom refer). No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Todd Wilson. His wife Amanda Knapp was daughter to Kenneth Knapp and Catherine Mary Bryan, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Ella Wilson; (2) Rachel Wilson.


Kurt Winkler was born 17 December 1936 at Klein Sahren, West Prussia Province, the German Reich, (afterward the Republic of Poland), son to Paul Winkler and Auguste Timmreck; married, firstly, ---; died 16 August 2016 at Calgary, Alberta in consequence of liver and bone cancer; buried 22 August 2016 at Mountain View Memorial Gardens, Calgary, Alberta. His second wife Virginia Anne Drummond, (to whom he was married 30 June 1990 at St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church, Midnapore, Calgary, Alberta), was born 13 January 1944 at Fort William, Thunder Bay District, Ontario, daughter to Clarence Russell "Jigger" Drummond and Florentine Gertrude "Flora" Doll, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 31 August 1963 at Dodsland, Saskatchewan, Emmett Patrick Hogan, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced in 1987); died 21 April 2017 at Calgary, Alberta in consequence of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig's Disease); buried 28 April 2017 at Calgary, Alberta. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Kurt Winkler and Virginia Anne Drummond.


Clifford Douglas Wiseman was born 28 February 1952 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to (The Honourable) Douglas John Wiseman and Bernice Emma Drummond, (to whom refer). His wife Marlene Shirley Ann Thomas, (to whom he was married 17 July 1971 at Perth, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 29 October 1949 at Perth, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Leonard Thomas and Gladys ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Michelle Wiseman, born 3 October 1973 at Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario; (2) Nicole Wiseman, born 3 October 1977 at Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario.


(The Honourable) Douglas John Wiseman (Member of the Provincial Parliament, a Minister of The Crown in the Provincial Cabinet of Ontario, etc.) was born 21 July 1929 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Walter Robert Wiseman and Beatrice Viola Garland. His wife Bernice Emma Drummond, (to whom he was married 26 June 1951 at or near Toledo, formerly known as Kitley, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 20 July 1928 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to John Holmes Drummond and Ethel Grace Stafford, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Clifford Douglas Wiseman, born 28 February 1952 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 17 July 1971 at Perth, Lanark County, Ontario, Marlene Shirley Ann Thomas; (2) Karen Grace Wiseman, born 18 July 1954 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 24 May 1975 at Perth, Lanark County, Ontario, Richard Glenn Wilkes; (3) Robert Drummond Wiseman, born 15 July 1962 at Perth, Lanark County, Ontario.


Michael T. Wolfe. His wife Nancy Jayne Griffith was born 13 October 1952 at Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon, daughter to Melvin Ralph Griffith and Helen Maxine Mahaney, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Sarah Wolfe, born 6 June 1977 at Gold Beach, Curry County, Oregon.


Ivan John Wood was born 7 September 1932 at or near Ilderton, London Township, Middlesex County, Ontario, son to William Ivan Wood and Mary Juanita Reeve, (to whom refer). His wife was Renona Jean Watson, (to whom he was married 9 December 1957 at Mitchell, Perth County, Ontario). This couple begat issue: (1) Jennifer Ruth Wood, born 20 April 1965 at Ilderton, London Township, Middlesex County, Ontario; (2) David Andrew Wood, born a twin 16 February 1968 at Ilderton, London Township, Middlesex County, Ontario; (3) Julia Louise Wood, born a twin 16 February 1968 at Ilderton, London Township, Middlesex County, Ontario.


James Douglas Wood was born 8 September 1945 at Antigonish, Antigonish County, Nova Scotia, son to James Vernon Wood and Mary Katherine MacPherson, (to whom refer). His wife Jacquie Atkinson, (to whom he was married at London, London City Borough, London City County, England), was daughter to John J. Atkinson and Helena Gibson. This couple begat issue: (1) Riley Douglas Wood, born 28 October 1975 in England; (2) Jonathan James Wood, born 29 July 1976 at London, London City Borough, London City County, England.


James Vernon Wood was born 13 January 1917 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Oscar Wright Wood and Mabel Luella Cughlan, (to whom refer). His wife Mary Katherine MacPherson, (to whom he was married 13 January 1943 at Halifax, Halifax County, Nova Scotia), was born 12 February 1914 at Antigonish, Antigonish County, Nova Scotia, daughter to Samuel MacPherson and Rebecca MacLean. This couple begat issue: (1) James Douglas Wood, born 8 September 1945 at Antigonish, Antigonish County, Nova Scotia, who married at London, London City Borough, London City County, England, Jacquie Atkinson; (2) Joan Theresa Wood, born 28 December 1947 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married at Athens, Leeds County, Ontario (formerly known as Farmersville, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario), Timothy Crowther; (3) Joseph Vernon Wood, born a twin 8 November 1949 at Hamilton, Wentworth County, Ontario; (4) Joy Ann Wood, born a twin 8 November 1949 at Hamilton, Wentworth County, Ontario.


John Edgbert Wood was born 29 June 1881 near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to John William Wood and Eleanor (or Ellen) Drummond, (to whom refer); died 19 February 1940; buried in 1940 at St. Peter's Anglican Cemetery, Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Bertha Jane Cross, (to whom he was married 23 December 1915 at or near Athens, Leeds County, Ontario, formerly known as Farmersville, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born in 1881, daughter to Dennis Cross and ---; died in 1958 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario; buried at St. Peter's Anglican Cemetery, Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Georgie (or Georgia) Wood, born 28 September 1915 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 7 September 1962 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, buried in September 1962 at Hillcrest Cemetery, near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 2 May 1935 at St. Peter's Anglican Church, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, Carman Burrows.


John William Wood was born 10 April 1842 near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Canada West; died 26 December 1899 near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario in consequence of injuries sustained in a mishap involving a horse; buried at St. Peter's Anglican Cemetery, Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Eleanor (or Ellen) Drummond, (to whom he was married 3 March 1875 at the residence of the bride's father near Toledo, formerly known as Kitley, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario with the Reverend William Stevenson officiating), was born 2 November 1853 at or near Kitley (afterward known as Toledo), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Canada West, daughter to James Drummond and Eleanor Stevely Millar (or Miller), (to whom refer); died 25 June 1925; buried in 1925 at St. Peter's Anglican Cemetery, Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Mina Wood, born 16 December 1875 near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 22 May 1941 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 15 April 1896 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Anthony Uriah Preston; (2) Anna Jane Wood, born 28 February 1877 near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 3 February 1940, buried in 1940 at Olivet Church Cemetery, Ellisville, near Seeley's Bay, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 20 March 1913, Samuel T. Running; (3) Eleanor Gertrude Wood, born 20 May 1878 near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 13 June 1906, buried in June 1906 at St. Peter's Anglican Cemetery, Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 3 February 1904, John Preston; (4) Richard Milton Wood, born 22 August 1879 near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 3 February 1950 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 16 December 1903 at Emmanuel Anglican Church, Portland, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Ida Morris; (5) John Edgbert Wood, born 29 June 1881 near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 19 February 1940, buried in 1940 at St. Peter's Anglican Cemetery, Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 23 December 1915 at or near Athens, Leeds County, Ontario (formerly known as Farmersville, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario), Bertha Jane Cross; (6) Mary Theresa Wood, born 30 March 1885 near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 19 February 1942 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 22 March 1905, Andrew Chant; (7) William Ivan Wood, born 10 June 1887 near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 13 June 1947 at or near Ilderton, London Township, Middlesex County, Ontario, who married, firstly, 1 September 1908, Inez Dinsmore, and, secondly, Mary Juanita Reeve; (8) Oscar Wright Wood, born 15 September 1889 near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 1 July 1924 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario in consequence of injuries sustained in a mishap involving a horse, who married 12 February 1913 at Athens, Leeds County, Ontario (formerly known as Farmersville, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario), Mabel Luella Cughan.


Morris John Wood was born 15 October 1912 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Richard Milton Wood and Ida Morris, (to whom refer). His wife Irene Estella Fletcher, (to whom he was married 24 July 1948 at St. Mary's Anglican Church, Newboro, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 27 May 1911 at or near Portland, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to David Fletcher and Lena Polk. This couple begat issue: (1) Carol Ann Wood, born 24 December 1952 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 2 June 1973 at St. Peter's Anglican Church, Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, James Allan Woodcock.


Oscar Wright Wood was born 15 September 1889 near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to John William Wood and Eleanor (or Ellen) Drummond, (to whom refer); died 1 July 1924 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario in consequence of injuries sustained in a mishap involving a horse. His wife Mabel Luella Cughan, (to whom he was married 12 February 1913 at Athens, Leeds County, Ontario, formerly known as Farmersville, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 14 March 1893 at or near Junetown, Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to James Cughan and Eliza Ann Kavanaugh; died 24 February 1948 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) James Vernon Wood, born 13 January 1917 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 13 January 1943 at Halifax, Halifax County, Nova Scotia, Mary Katherine MacPherson.


Richard Milton Wood was born 22 August 1879 near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to John William Wood and Eleanor (or Ellen) Drummond, (to whom refer); died 3 February 1950 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Ida Morris, (to whom he was married 16 December 1903 at Emmanuel Anglican Church, Portland, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 11 September 1881 at or near Portland, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to John Morris and Eliza Ann Bulger; died 7 January 1924 at or near Portland, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Rena Eleanor Wood, born 14 March 1906 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 23 October 1965 at or near Chantry, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, buried at Harlem, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 30 May 1931 at St. John the Divine's Anglican Church, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, Stanley E. Taylor; (2) Kathleen Elizabeth Wood, born 5 August 1907 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 25 February ---- at Forfar, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario; (3) Gertrude Wood, born 28 July 1908 at or near Portland, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 22 October 1976, buried at Maple Vale Cemetery, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 17 November 1943 at Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Lombardy, South Elmsley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Merton William Polk; (4) Dorothy Anna Wood, born 16 February 1911 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 7 July 1937 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario; (5) Morris John Wood, born 15 October 1912 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 24 July 1948 at St. Mary's Anglican Church, Newboro, Leeds County, Ontario, Irene Estella Fletcher; (6) Anna Jane Wood, born 19 July 1915 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 9 November 1938 at Lombardy, South Elmsley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Cecil Willis; (7) Mary Wood, born a twin 15 December 1920 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died in infancy, unmarried, 18 December 1920 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario; (8) Marion Wood, born a twin 15 December 1920 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died in infancy, unmarried, 23 February 1921 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario.


William Ivan Wood was born 10 June 1887 near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to John William Wood and Eleanor (or Ellen) Drummond, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Mary Juanita Reeve, (to whom also refer); died 13 June 1947 at or near Ilderton, London Township, Middlesex County, Ontario. His first wife was Inez Dinsmore, (to whom he was married 1 September 1908). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of William Ivan Wood and Inez Dinsmore.


William Ivan Wood was born 10 June 1887 near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to John William Wood and Eleanor (or Ellen) Drummond, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 1 September 1908, Inez Dinsmore, (to whom also refer); died 13 June 1947 at or near Ilderton, London Township, Middlesex County, Ontario. His second wife Mary Juanita Reeve was born 14 April 1894; died 24 May 1957. William Ivan Wood and Mary Juanita Reeve begat issue: (1) Ivan John Wood, born 7 September 1932 at or near Ilderton, London Township, Middlesex County, Ontario, who married 9 December 1957 at Mitchell, Perth County, Ontario, Renona Jean Watson.


James Allan Woodcock was born 13 July 1948 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario, son to Frank Woodcock and Gladys ---. His wife Carol Ann Wood, (to whom he was married 2 June 1973 at St. Peter's Anglican Church, Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 24 December 1952 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Morris John Wood and Irene Estella Fletcher, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Kristen Dara Woodcock, born 4 December 1976 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario; (2) Jeffrey Woodcock.


Nick Woods. His wife Lana Edwards was daughter to Randall Charles "Randy" Edwards and Cathy ---, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Randy R. Woolery. His wife Betty Jean Sippola, (to whom he was married 4 August 1973), was born 13 February ---- at Longview, Cowlitz County, Washington, daughter to Leland Sippola and Olive Mildred Washburn, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Garry Wright. His wife Shannon Dawn Weedmark was born 3 December 1985 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, daughter to Daryl Preston Weedmark and Connie May Smith, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.



Charles F. Yates was born 14 September 1873 at Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Gersham Yates and Cynthia Booth; died in May 1941 or May 1942 (depending upon sources) at or near Westport, Leeds County, Ontario; buried at Glen Elbe Cemetery, Glen Elbe, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Lura Ellen Drummond, (to whom he was married 7 January 1903 at the residence of the bride's father near Toledo, formerly known as Kitley, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 15 August 1882 at or near Toledo, formerly known as Kitley, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to John Drummond and Mary Lura Holmes, (to whom refer); died 24 March 1953 at or near Toledo (formerly known as Kitley), Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario in consequence of a stroke; buried in 1953 at Glen Elbe Cemetery, Glen Elbe, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Geneva Yates, born 9 February 1904 at or near Athens, Leeds County, Ontario (formerly known as Farmersville, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario), died unmarried.



Theodore Zacozewski was born 30 September 1931 at Gimli, Gimli Rural Municipality, Manitoba, son to Michael Zacozewski and Helen Nadia Kornik. His wife Eileen Mary Fordyce, (to whom he was married 7 October 1961 at Oak Lake, Manitoba), was born 10 January 1945 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, daughter to Albert Lawrence Fordyce and Jean Kachor, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Sheldon Vaughn Zacozewski, born 18 May 1962 at Gimli, Manitoba; (2) Michael Lawrence Zacozewski, born 3 May 1963 at Gimli, Manitoba; (3) Theodore Daryl Zacozewski, born 22 April 1964 at Gimli, Manitoba; (4) Wesley Shawn Zacozewski, born 4 July 1967 at Gimli, Manitoba; (5) David Shane Zacozewski, born 17 September 1968 at Gimli, Manitoba; (6) George Albert Zacozewski, born a twin 24 February 1970 at Gimli, Manitoba, died at birth or in extreme infancy, unmarried, same day, 24 February 1970 at Gimli, Manitoba; (7) James Arthur Zacozewski, born a twin 24 February 1970 at Gimli, Manitoba, died at birth or in extreme infancy, unmarried, same day, 24 February 1970 at Gimli, Manitoba.


Ren� Zuniga. His wife Mary Isabel Gibson, (to whom he was married in 2000), was born 21 September 1915 at Richmond, Virginia, daughter to Allan Wells Gibson and Mary Isabel Drummond, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 11 February 1943 at Waynesboro, Virginia, Lautaro Villarroel Dale, (to whom also refer). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Ren� Zuniga and Mary Isabel Gibson.



Alice Carson was born at Grenville County, Ontario; married David McLaughlan. Alice Carson produced out of wedlock, prior to marriage, by Harcourt Templeton Johnston, (son to John Johnston and Eliza Victoria Templeton, to whom refer), issue: (1) Joan Carson (or McLaughlan), afterward assuming and bearing her stepfather's surname McLaughlan in lieu of that of Carson, who married 12 June 1962, LeRoy Stevenson.


Jody Dickie was born 13 July 1984 at Lacombe, Alberta. Jody Dickie produced out of wedlock, by Korey William Drummond, (son to William Carl Drummond and Gail Jeanette Kemp, to whom refer), issue: (1) Madison Gail Dawn Drummond, born 10 January 2006 at Red Deer, Alberta.


Krista Michelle Drummond was born 25 November 1980 at Regina, Saskatchewan, daughter to Norman James Drummond and Patricia Mary Eastuke, (to whom refer); married 30 December 2006 in Saskatchewan, Sheldon Ross Matton, (to whom also refer). Krista Michelle Drummond produced out of wedlock, prior to marriage, by a man unrecorded, issue: (1) Haylee Dawn Drummond, born 5 June 1998 at Regina, Saskatchewan, bore, in accordance with then-prevailing law and custom, her mother's legal surname Drummond in lieu of that of her natural father.


Tracey Findlay was born antenuptially 9 January 1977 at Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario, daughter to Dale Lorne Weedmark and Dolora V. Findlay, (to whom refer), legally bearing her mother's surname Findlay in lieu of that of Weedmark. Tracey Findlay produced out of wedlock, by one Bruce Douglass, issue: (1) Zoe Findlay (or Douglass), born 20 April 1996; (2) Emily Findlay (or Douglass), born 7 February 1998; (3) Shawn Kelly Findlay (or Douglass), born 3 March 1999.


Thelma McCowan. Thelma McCowan produced out of wedlock, by William John Drummond, (son to William Russell Drummond and Margaret Jane Ferguson, to whom refer), issue: (1) Margaret McCowan, bore, in accordance with then-prevailing law and custom, her mother's legal surname McCowan in lieu of that of Drummond; (2) Cheryl McCowan, bore, in accordance with then-prevailing law and custom, her mother's legal surname McCowan in lieu of that of Drummond.


Miranda McFeeters. Miranda McFeeters produced out of wedlock, by Robert Craig Drummond, (son to Robert Verne Drummond and Judith Avis Hudson, to whom refer), issue: (1) Morgan Leah Drummond-McFeeters, born 23 June 2002 at Calgary, Alberta.


Karen Elizabeth Salter was born 4 August 1962, daughter to Sheldon Preston Salter and Gloria Carol Cameron, (to whom refer). Karen Elizabeth Salter produced out of wedlock, by a man unrecorded, issue: (1) Kurtis Sheldon Salter, born 16 March 1992; (2) Raven Vanessa Salter, born 23 March 1995.


Rebecca Lorene "Becky" Struss was born 13 May 1967 at St. Francis Hospital, Peoria, Peoria County, Illinois, daughter to Karl George Struss and Ina Marie Griffith, (to whom refer); married 27 October 2007, Robert William Banks, (to whom also refer). Rebecca Lorene "Becky" Struss produced out of wedlock, prior to marriage, by one Johnnie Dargavell, issue: (1) Joshua Ray "Josh" Dargavell, born 12 September 1990 at Chillicothe, Ross County, Ohio; (2) Katie Lynn Dargavell, born 25 June 1992 at Richmond, Madison County, Kentucky.


Lisa Marie Wiseman was born 28 April 1964. Lisa Marie Wiseman produced out of wedlock, by David James Weedmark, (son to Lorne Arthur Weedmark and Lois Joyce Salter, to whom refer), issue: (1) Danielle Marie Weedmark, born 23 October 1983 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; (2) Jennifer Diane Lee Weedmark, born 16 January 1986 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario.


It need not, ought not and should not be in any way readily assumed, considered, supposed, conjectured or construed that all available sources or resources, either ancient or modern, have as yet necessarily been fully consulted, or that the contents of this compilation are therefore by any means exhaustive or complete. On the contrary, this remains very much an ongoing collective effort, and all such aspects and avenues remain entirely open to further investigation.

In order to more properly and effectively ensure better maintenance of this site as the most definitive data pool of its kind now extant anywhere for this research, continual regular updates, input and exchanges are always requested and vitally required, including newly-discovered additional search results from early records as well as notification of recently-occurring events or items currently in error or missing from these muniments. Indeed such collaboration is essential to success, and is gratefully invited and encouraged at any time. Anyone so interested or inclined to participate is most welcome and urged to access and search any material desired and to provide and contribute as a mere matter of course any new discoveries or any corrections to existing errors or omissions for inclusion in this work. Curiously enough, in actual point of fact far too many family members both near and distant still tend inexplicably and frustratingly to neglect or fail to submit and register on a continuing basis even their own known personal data or new facts as they occur. It becomes most disappointing, disheartening, demoralising and discouraging when people still procrastinate so doing, not only voluntarily, but also even when specifically and directly approached or asked.

The general concept, vision and expectation has been, is and remains that such automatic reporting and registration herewith, alongside civil vital statistics registries, should become the prevailing standard practice and procedure and accepted norm to which thoughts will immediately, inevitably and invariably turn and naturally conform whenever the opportunity and occasion arises or presents itself.

Please share this responsibility by promptly addressing all such information or related communications via E-mail to The Family Orchard Federation of Families and its affiliate The Millar Family Association at:

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Relevant messages will then be redirected to the designated locations or destinations for rapid processing and/or for individual private contact, acknowledgement and response, or further consultation or clarification, wherever appropriate, as the case may be.

For purposes of convenient reference, a complete and comprehensive listing of any and all entries which have been newly inserted or to which even the slightest alterations, modifications or changes have been entered herein within the preceding twelve Calendar months will be found appended herebelow, and constantly updated, showing the date of every such insertion or amendment and the heading of each entry thus affected.


22 June 2005: Templeton, Trevor John / ---, Alexis
25 August 2005: Drummond, James / Millar, Eleanor Stevely
25 August 2005: Drummond, James / Douglas, Ida
25 August 2005: Drummond, James / Lowe, Celma
25 August 2005: Drummond, John / Waite, ---
25 August 2005: Drummond, Russell / Lowe, Mary Elizabeth
25 August 2005: Drummond, Russell / Fitzgerald, Carrie
25 August 2005: Lowe, George / Drummond, Ella
25 August 2005: McNeely, John / Drummond, Matilda
28 September 2005: MacWilliams, Ronald Campbell / Templeton, Ida Patricia
9 October 2005: Supplementary / McCowan, Thelma
19 December 2005: Templeton, Harold James / Osborne, Nellie Louise
19 December 2005: Templeton, John Wellington / Larson, Ida Josephine
11 January 2006: Cale, Milo Keith / MacKay, Beth Marguerite
11 January 2006: Supplementary / McFeeters, Miranda
17 January 2006: Supplementary / Dickie, Jody
26 January 2006: Griffith, Harold Charles / Scrimsher, Isabelle Emily
26 January 2006: Griffith, Vern Leon / Naylor, Janet Lee
26 January 2006: Griffith, Vern Leon / Frick, Marilee Kaye
10 April 2007: Bak, Robert Earl / Simpson, Glenda Gail
10 April 2007: Barber, Lawrence / Simpson, Karen Joyce
10 April 2007: Benda, James / Simpson, Pauline Fay
10 April 2007: Davis, Kelly Preston / Johnson, Heather Anne
10 April 2007: Davis, William Frank / Salter, Joan Marie
10 April 2007: Killen, Christopher Matthew / ---, Shamim
10 April 2007: Killen, Sean Michael Brian / ---, Aidan
10 April 2007: Mulligan, Sean / Killen, Jennifer Helen Irene
10 April 2007: Simpson, Brian Gordon / Willet, Lana
10 April 2007: Simpson, Brian Gordon / Van Wylick, Julie
18 April 2007: Nolan, James Robert / Griffith, Martha Nancy Louise
18 April 2007: Tomlinson, Herbert Miller / Edwards, Maude Elizabeth
30 April 2007: Findlay, Shawn Dale / Verschoore, Tara Lynn
30 April 2007: Murphy, James Patrick / Weedmark, Diane Lois
30 April 2007: Supplementary / Wiseman, Lisa Marie
30 June 2007: Weedmark, Dean Arthur / Richardson, Maureen Elana
30 June 2007: Supplementary / Findlay, Tracey
23 July 2007: Campbell, Ian George / Renaud, Kim Sherrie
23 July 2007: Campbell, Robert Malcolm / Gemmell, Deborah Lynne
23 July 2007: Campbell, Wayne Currie / Tennant, Janice Orene
23 July 2007: Carroll, Michael Patrick / Willows, Dianne Lillian
23 July 2007: Currie, Dale Harold / Haime, Constance Lee
23 July 2007: Currie, David Albert George / Duffy, Kimberly Glenda
23 July 2007: Currie, George Allan Joseph / Lay, Irene Dorothy
23 July 2007: Currie, Glen Edward George / Bourne, Joan Heather
23 July 2007: Currie, Randal Allan / Thompson, Helen Anita
23 July 2007: Currie, William Harold Kidd / Sherrard, Norah Aleida Eveline
23 July 2007: Dowdall, Bradley Kent / Miller, Constance Lynn
23 July 2007: Ferguson, Earl Michael / Thomas, Sandra Marie
23 July 2007: Johnson, Cory Campbell / Fournier, Brandy Lorraine
23 July 2007: Johnson, Gilbert Edgar / Campbell, Inez Melinda
23 July 2007: Johnson, Kirk Joseph / Burtch, Cheryl Anne
23 July 2007: Kinch, Allan Wayne / Leduc, Heather Melissa
23 July 2007: Kinch, Wendell Allen Wayne / Campbell, Jean Mildred
23 July 2007: McAllister, Stephen David / Kinch, Rebecca Ann
23 July 2007: McKenna, Paul Thomas / Campbell, Linda Joan
23 July 2007: Miller, Douglas John / Campbell, Verna Doris
23 July 2007: Mussell, Craig Bernard / Campbell, Fay Eleanor
23 July 2007: Robertson, George Earle / Currie, Barbara Jean
23 July 2007: Schoular, David / Campbell, Kimberley Catherine Anne
23 July 2007: Thomas, Glen Russell / Campbell, Zelda Gertrude Anne
23 July 2007: Webster, Donald Leslie, Jr. / Johnson, Lawrie Anne Melinda
23 July 2007: Weir, --- / Mussell, Kelly Margaret
23 July 2007: Wemp, Herbert Dean / Thomas, Cheryl Lynne
23 July 2007: Willows, Arthur Roy / Carroll, Lenore Anne
23 July 2007: Willows, Gordon Holmes / Carroll, Veronica Jean
23 July 2007: Willows, Lloyd Alfred / Drummond, Vivian Patricia
25 July 2007: Box, William Elmer / Salter, Ethel
25 July 2007: Campbell, John Foster / Drummond, Barbara Helene
25 July 2007: Drummond, Argyle Wellington / Dowdall, Judith Gayle
25 July 2007: Drummond, Henry / Salter, Adaline (or Adeline)
25 July 2007: Drummond, James / Craig, Jennie Adeline
25 July 2007: Drummond, John Elmer / Barnes, Eva Mae Bradley
25 July 2007: Drummond, Scott Argyle / Percy, Leslie Ann
25 July 2007: Drummond, William Harold / Osmond, Florence W.
25 July 2007: Healey, Daniel Stewart / Lowe, Gena Kimberly
25 July 2007: Morris, Floyd Erwin / Couroux, Jacqueline Andr�e
25 July 2007: Morris, George Ernest / Drummond, Margaret Edna
25 July 2007: Rintoul, Timothy Earl / Sonnenburg, ---
25 July 2007: Rintoul, William Earl / Drummond, Diane Edna
25 July 2007: Salter, James / Drummond, Maria
25 July 2007: Seabrook, Frederick Brett / Healey, Cynthia Eileen
25 July 2007: Thomas, Arthur Stanley / Drummond, Kathleen Alberta
28 July 2007: Barker, Sanford Grayson / Crowder, Venus
28 July 2007: Barker, Sanford Woodrow / Drummond, Patricia Jane
28 July 2007: Bowe, Darcy Russell / Drummond, Penny Lynn
28 July 2007: Brown, Douglas Eldon / Drummond, Penny Lynn
28 July 2007: Brown, Shane Douglas Carl / Dickie, Jackie
28 July 2007: Drummond, Dennis Wade / Hewitt, Alicia Dawn
28 July 2007: Drummond, Hubert Carroll / Riendeau, Candide Mary Simone
28 July 2007: Drummond, James Henry / Bradford, Ethel
28 July 2007: Drummond, John Ferguson / Black, Morna
28 July 2007: Drummond, John Ferguson / ---, Edith
28 July 2007: Drummond, William Carl / Kemp, Gail Jeanette
28 July 2007: Drummond, William Carl / Stubenvoll, Anita Marian
28 July 2007: Drummond, William John / Stevenson, Gertrude Elizabeth
28 July 2007: Drummond, William Russell / Ferguson, Margaret Jane
28 July 2007: Dyck, Adam William / Drummond, Jacqui Lynn
28 July 2007: Harder, Lindsay Ross / Hogan, Colleen Patricia
28 July 2007: Helweg, Richard / Brown, Miranda Lyn
28 July 2007: Hogan, Aubrey James / Ricardo, Leah Janet
28 July 2007: Manness, Leslie Alan / Cochrane, Dana Michelle
28 July 2007: Schwarz, Darren Colin / Drummond, Shelley Kristine
28 July 2007: Supplementary / Drummond, Krista Michelle
1 September 2007: Cochrane, Braden Glenn / Wolfe (or Hawkins), Melissa Dawn Kathlyn
12 September 2007: Beaver, Grant / Templeton, Sheryl
12 September 2007: Jones, Dennis / Templeton, Mary-Ann
12 September 2007: Jones, Nathaniel / Hemstock, Whitney
12 September 2007: Von Rothkirch, Trevor / Templeton, Deanna
12 October 2007: Drummond, Robert Verne / Hudson, Judith Avis
23 October 2007: Crabbe, Richard / Drummond, Natalie Kim
23 October 2007: Ritsco, Michael James / Drummond, Natalie Kim
25 October 2007: Griffith, Loren Eugene / Beale, Sandra Rae
25 October 2007: Griffith, Loren Eugene / Schluneger, Ann
25 October 2007: Griffith, Loren Eugene / ---, Patricia
25 October 2007: Griffith, Loren Parmer / Thiel, Helen
25 December 2007: Drummond, Tanner Shea / Cowley, Sherri
16 May 2008: Salter, Preston / Learmonth, Gladys Hilda
16 May 2008: Simpson, J. D. Gordon / Salter, Fay Dorothy
23 May 2008: Dale, Lautaro Villarroel / Gibson, Mary Isabel
23 May 2008: Kitt, Junior Lee / Dale, Carmelita Irene
23 May 2008: Straughan, Audie / Dale, Carmelita Irene
23 May 2008: Straughan, Charles / Dale, Carmelita Irene
23 May 2008: Zuniga, Ren� / Gibson, Mary Isabel
30 June 2008: De La France, Tom / Gibson, April
30 June 2008: Gibson, Allan Wells / Drummond, Mary Isabel
30 June 2008: Gibson, Wells Drummond / Ketchapaw, Ruth Elaine
30 June 2008: Gibson, Wells Drummond / Smith, Amber LaRae
30 June 2008: Gibson, Wells Drummond / Kimber, Jane
30 June 2008: Gibson, Wells Drummond / Kenarr, Kathleen
30 June 2008: McIntyre, Michael / Gibson, April
6 November 2008: Bird, Matthew Warren / Barker, Vanessa Jane
26 November 2008: Mattock, Christopher / MacLeod, Erin Laurie
25 March 2009: Templeton, James Arthur / Thompson, Mary Eleanor
5 December 2009: Drummond, Derek Michael / ---, Tara
12 January 2010: Gilmore, Ira / Willard, LaVonne Arlene
12 January 2010: Nighber, Thomas Harlan / Willard, LaVonne Arlene
12 January 2010: Supplementary / Struss, Rebecca Lorene
2 March 2010: Banks, Robert William / Struss, Rebecca Lorene
25 March 2010: Basham, Derwood Ellis / Struss, Armelia Marie
25 March 2010: Boe, Michael Joseph / Swearingen, Kathryn Elizabeth
25 March 2010: Dotson, Michael Louis / Russo, Nina Marie
25 March 2010: Griffith, LeRoy David / Naluai, Carolyn
25 March 2010: Griffith, Orin Jerry / Baecher, Cheryl Kay
25 March 2010: Grover, Robert / Griffith, Debbie Marie
25 March 2010: Johnson, Robert Harvey, Jr. / Swearingen, Rhonda Michelle
25 March 2010: Kassing, Brian Donald / Russo, Nicole Lynn
25 March 2010: Ladner, Bruce Wayne, Jr. / Swearingen, Brenda Ann
25 March 2010: Russo, James Thomas / Griffith, Doris Rose
25 March 2010: Russo, Thomas Marvin / Boucher, Shelly Jo
25 March 2010: Scofield, Gerald Waters, Jr. / Swearingen, Brenda Ann
25 March 2010: Struss, John Anthony / Rothwell, Lezlie Faye
25 March 2010: Struss, Richard Marvin / Ashley, Lavona Jo
25 March 2010: Swearingen, Johnny Eugene / Mattson, Misty Ellen
25 March 2010: Swearingen, Robert Eugene / Griffith, Isabelle Kay
25 March 2010: Wallace, Thomas Edward, Jr. / Struss, Karla Kay
25 March 2010: Wilson, Alonzo / Griffith, Pamela Kay
31 May 2010: King, --- / Salter, Iona
31 May 2010: McArthur, Norman Henry / Salter, Jean
1 June 2010: Bresee, William / Nolan, Darlene Ann
1 June 2010: Campbell, Malcolm Edwin / Coleman, Catherine Gwendolyn
1 June 2010: Drummond, Wilmer Bracken / Thorpe, Evelyn Miriam
1 June 2010: Drummond, Wilmer Holmes / Beaupre, Michele Annette
1 June 2010: Griffith, Merrill Arnold / McLachlin, Evelyn May
1 June 2010: Hart, Barry Lee / ---, Arlene
1 June 2010: Hart, Harry Garnet George / Lackie, Irene Marie
1 June 2010: Hart, Timothy Harry / ---, Heather
1 June 2010: Lackie, Thomas Walter / Salter, Lila
1 June 2010: McArthur, Russell / ---, Charmaine
1 June 2010: McLachlin, Harold Ferguson / Tomlinson, Ellabell
1 June 2010: Nolan, Darwin Orville / ---, Sharon
1 June 2010: Nolan, Gerald Nelson / ---, Betty
1 June 2010: Nolan, Orville John George / Toop, Patricia Ann
1 June 2010: Nolan, Orville John George / Massey, Jane
1 June 2010: Nolan, Robert John / Currie, Matilda Doris
1 June 2010: Pavier, Frederick Edward / Tomlinson, Edith Matilda
1 June 2010: Powers, Todd / Nolan, Julie Jane
1 June 2010: Saunders, James Norman / Agnew, Hilda Marguerite
1 June 2010: Saunders, Lloyd Drummond / Toop, Norma Alice
1 June 2010: Saunders, Robert Archie / O'Connor, Clare Bernadette
1 June 2010: Saunders, Roger William / ---
1 June 2010: Saunders, William Joseph / Drummond, Matilda
1 June 2010: Saunders, William Joseph, Jr. / Kelford, Myrtle Audrey
1 June 2010: Schultz, Bart / McArthur, Lisa
1 June 2010: Sheil, Glenn Francis / Saunders, Shirley Anne
1 June 2010: Tomlinson, Thomas / Drummond, Ellen (or Eleanor) Miller
1 June 2010: Weedmark, Dale Lorne / Findlay, Dolora V.
6 June 2010: Conlon, Brian Joseph / ---, Lesa
6 June 2010: Conlon, Joseph Lawrence / Currie, Myrtle Mildred
6 June 2010: Garland, --- / Conlon, Brenda Anne
6 June 2010: Wansbrough, Peter Copp / Edwards, Sherri Lynne
7 June 2010: Drummond, Henry / Ferguson, Julia Ann
7 June 2010: Drummond, Hubert Gordon / Burns, Bessie Marguerite
7 June 2010: Jackson, Wayne Ewert / McLachlin, Donna Jean
7 June 2010: McCarthy, Denis / Jackson, Cynthia Annette
7 June 2010: McLachlin, Donald Ferguson / Kenny, Olevia Jane
8 June 2010: Commodore, Scott / McArthur, Katy
8 June 2010: McArthur, Norman William / Matthews, Brenda
11 June 2010: Lea, Patrick / Salter, Rhonda Catherine
11 June 2010: Salter, Peter Elmer / Curran, Viola Lillian
11 June 2010: Salter, Sheldon Preston / Cameron, Gloria Carol
11 June 2010: Supplementary / Salter, Karen Elizabeth
12 June 2010: Christie, John / Saunders, Jemima Fullerton
12 June 2010: Drummond, James / Mooney, Elizabeth
12 June 2010: Watkins, Douglas / ---, Beryl
12 June 2010: Watkins, John Saunders / Saunders, Bella
12 June 2010: Watkins, Orm / ---, Doris
12 June 2010: Watkins, William / ---, Shirley
14 June 2010: Bimm, Richard Erwin / Salter, Patricia Michelle
14 June 2010: Calaguiro, Albert January / Salter, Laurie Lynn
14 June 2010: Dobbie, Brent Arthur / Salter, Amy Maribeth
14 June 2010: Graham, James Robert Sperry / Salter, Amy Maribeth
14 June 2010: Kallio, Christopher Allan / Salter, Allison Jayne
14 June 2010: Keane, Ronald Kevin / Salter, Julie Anne
14 June 2010: Salter, William James / Lake, Patricia Evelyn
14 June 2010: Sigouin, Daniel / Salter, Patricia Michelle
18 June 2010: Bouyers, --- / Toop, Nadine
18 June 2010: Cumpson, Troy / Toop, Melissa
18 June 2010: Fleming, Lloyd / ---, Christine
18 June 2010: Fleming, Walter / Saunders, Helen
18 June 2010: Fleming, William / ---, Jill
18 June 2010: Lawson, Robert / ---, Kim
18 June 2010: Lawson, William D. / Saunders, Lois Beverley
18 June 2010: Lockett, Steven / Toop, Lori
18 June 2010: McParlan, Barry Dennis / ---, Vicki
18 June 2010: McParlan, Gerald Thomas / ---, Debbie
18 June 2010: McParlan, Mark James / ---, Cassie
18 June 2010: McParlan, Ronald Irving / Saunders, Thelma Eileen
18 June 2010: Park, James / Fleming, Joan
18 June 2010: Saunders, Douglas / ---, Amanda
18 June 2010: Saunders, Glen / Bryan, Jean
18 June 2010: Swenson, Hilliard / Saunders, Eleanor Jane
18 June 2010: Toop, Wilfred / Swenson, Judy
18 June 2010: Vaughan, Robert / Toop, Lisa
3 July 2010: Best, Ira / Saunders, Kathleen
3 July 2010: Cooper, Ian / Mantle, Deborah
3 July 2010: Grant, Kingsley / Mantle, Denise
3 July 2010: Mantle, David / ---, Nancy
3 July 2010: Mantle, Donald / ---, Laura
3 July 2010: Mantle, Willard / Saunders, Kathleen
3 July 2010: Saunders, Thomas James / Drummond, Margaret Jane
3 July 2010: Stearns, Bertram Graham / Saunders, Bertha Elizabeth
5 July 2010: Bolton, Barry / Saunders, Deborah
5 July 2010: Brown, Jeff / Weedmark, Beckie Lee
5 July 2010: Langton, David / Saunders, Beverley
5 July 2010: Saunders, Douglas Carlyle / Brown, Patricia
5 July 2010: Saunders, Grant / ---, Donna
5 July 2010: Saunders, Thomas Drummond / Brennan, Olive I.
5 July 2010: Saunders, William / ---, Trudy
5 July 2010: Smith, Bradley / Saunders, Lorrie
5 July 2010: Trodden, Thomas / Saunders, Mildred
7 July 2010: Drummond, Argyle Wellington / Bigras, Cemonne Karlyn
11 July 2010: Barham, Jonathan / Edwards, Jodi
11 July 2010: Campbell, Edwin John Alexander / Currie, Melinda Evelyn
11 July 2010: Currie, George Nelson / Saunders, Annie Jacob
11 July 2010: Edwards, Charles G. / Saunders, Matilda Kathleen
11 July 2010: Edwards, Randall Charles / ---, Cathy
11 July 2010: Hulan, Craig / Preece, Brittany Jean Marie
11 July 2010: Killen, Brian William Frederick / Saunders, Myrtle Irene
11 July 2010: Preece, Timothy / McArthur, Norma
11 July 2010: Woods, Nick / Edwards, Lana
10 September 2010: Crawford, Stanley / Griffith, Dorothy Ione
10 September 2010: Griffith, LeVern Morton / Rinaldi, Jessie Marie
10 September 2010: Griffith, Richard Morton / Couch, Allie Ina
10 September 2010: Howe, Orville L. / Griffith, Doris Ina
10 September 2010: Wadsworth, Max Eugene / Griffith, Marjorie Ruth
10 September 2010: Willard, Harold Eugene / Griffith, Elva Gladys
11 September 2010: Drummond, Douglas Keith / Hanwell, Florence Elsie
11 September 2010: Drummond, James Russell / Connerty, Eliza Jane
11 September 2010: Drummond, James Russell / Bradley, Agnes
11 September 2010: Drummond, Thomas Alexander / Little, Virlie Irene
11 September 2010: Drummond, Thomas Miller / Fenwick, Agnes May
11 September 2010: Drummond, William / Hunter, Mary Anne
11 September 2010: Drummond, William John / Simpson, Margaret R.
11 September 2010: MacKay, Herbert Melville / Drummond, Iola Bertha
12 September 2010: Davidson, Les / Fordyce, Kerry Gaye
12 September 2010: Fordyce, Albert George / Drummond, Jessie Mae
12 September 2010: Fordyce, Clarence McArthur / Khal, Elma
12 September 2010: Fordyce, Clarence McArthur / Boleychuk, Margaret
12 September 2010: Fordyce, Garth Trevlyn / McCool, Heather Leone
14 September 2010: Cochrane, Justin Robert Russell / Hopkins, Leah
16 September 2010: Bagley, Joseph Scott / Barker, Carrie Ann
16 September 2010: Drummond, Norman James / Eastuke, Patricia Mary
16 September 2010: Matton, Sheldon Ross / Drummond, Krista Michelle
28 December 2010: Drummond, Walter Russell / Neumeier, Karen Lee
28 December 2010: Geib, Michael / Drummond, Keri Lee
29 December 2010: Saunders, Gordon Thomas / Morrison, Beatrice Anna
29 December 2010: Saunders, Thomas Burton / ---
29 December 2010: Saunders, Thomas Burton / Hogan, Patricia Rhonda
10 May 2011: Johnston, Agnew Herbert / MacKay, Christine
10 May 2011: Johnston, John Andrew Agnew / Gertz, Amy Evelyn
10 May 2011: Johnston, John Andrew Agnew / ---
6 November 2011: Buttar, Blair David / Drummond, Keri Lee
16 November 2011: MacLeod, Gerald Gordon / Drummond, Edna Laurel
21 December 2011: Drummond, Douglas Clare / Bailey, Cheryl Ann
21 December 2011: Drummond, James Milford / Guhl, Edith Margaret
21 December 2011: Hoffmann, Michael Peter / Drummond, Darlene Mary
31 December 2011: Templeton, Arthur Edwin Ray / St. Clair, Margaret Aileen
31 December 2011: Templeton, John Arthur / Chamberlain, Brenda-Joy
31 December 2011: Templeton, John Arthur / ---, Vi
3 January 2012: Cochrane, Orin Glen / Drummond, Donna Margaret
3 January 2012: Frost, Kevin Ray / Cochrane, Kimberley Rae
3 January 2012: Krenz, Scott Jamieson / Cochrane, Kimberley Rae
5 March 2012: Bryan, Harold Thomas / Scott, Mary Alice Wilhelmine
5 March 2012: Bryan, William Douglas / Wilkins, Faye
25 April 2012: Griffith, Marvin Orin / Braun, Isabelle Rose
25 April 2012: Struss, Karl George / Griffith, Ina Marie
15 June 2012: Healey, Stewart Walter / Drummond, Jessie Eileen
11 December 2012: Bryan, Harold Orville / Haining, Glenda Susanne
11 December 2012: Crate, Donald / Bryan, Vicki Lynne
11 December 2012: Doherty, Gerald / Bryan, Valerie Dianne
11 December 2012: Doherty, Marc / McCloy, Laura
11 December 2012: Doherty, Nathan / Moore, Lisa
11 December 2012: Knapp, Bryan / Seed, Courtney
11 December 2012: Knapp, Kenneth / Bryan, Catherine Mary
11 December 2012: Knapp, Philip / Pielow, Christina
11 December 2012: Reuvers, Tyler / Crate, Jillian
11 December 2012: Wilson, Todd / Knapp, Amanda
17 April 2013: Stuparyk, Craig / Drummond, Holly Kathryn
17 December 2013: Betterley, Justin / Weedmark, Melissa Marie
17 December 2013: Clark, Adam / Weedmark, Erin Ashley
17 December 2013: Weedmark, Bradley Dale / Melvin, Christy
17 December 2013: Weedmark, Daryl Preston / Smith, Connie May
17 December 2013: Weedmark, David James / ---, Sharon
17 December 2013: Weedmark, Lorne Arthur / Salter, Lois Joyce
17 December 2013: Wright, Garry / Weedmark, Shannon Dawn
5 February 2014: Kozan, Stephen Kirk / Drummond, Jenna Lauren Patricia
12 April 2014: Chick, George / Drummond, Sarah Jane
12 April 2014: Stewart, Watson Riley / Chick, Hazel Mary
5 May 2014: Drummond, Gregory Wayne / Heath, Shelly Lorna
24 November 2014: Drummond, Guy William / ---, Andrea
24 November 2014: Drummond, Jeffrey Russell / Handjiev, Jessica
24 November 2014: Drummond, William Clarence / Haugerud, Elsie Astrid
24 November 2014: Peters, John / Drummond, Jazmine Marie
6 December 2014: Drummond, Kyle Ellis / ---, Jennifer
6 December 2014: Drummond, Reid Douglas / ---, Dawn
6 December 2014: Jones, Steven / Drummond, Kelley Dawn
6 December 2014: Lofgren, Nils / Drummond, Jerilyn Ann
15 January 2015: MacWilliams, Ronald Campbell / Templeton, Ida Patricia
15 January 2015: Short, Alan Leslie / MacWilliams, Nora Patricia
15 January 2015: Templeton, John Wellington / Larson, Ida Josephine
15 January 2015: Uvaney, Eric S. / Short, Patricia Lillian
23 July 2015: Hogan, Corey Jason / Pitre, Micheline Gisele
6 November 2015: Drummond, Chad Robert Boucher / ---, Caitlin
6 November 2015: Drummond, Milford / Clark, Maggie Christina
6 November 2015: Drummond, Robert Clare / Mowat, Mary Campbell
6 November 2015: Drummond, Robert John / Boucher, Adele Carman
6 April 2016: Bowen, Frederick Warren / Templeton, Sally Marie
6 April 2016: Girard, Bryan / Templeton, Ida Suzanne
6 April 2016: MacLeod, Robert Graham / Simper, Lindsay Anne
6 April 2016: Templeton, William Lincoln / Heaver, Eva Mary
5 May 2017: Drummond, Clarence Russell / Doll, Florentine Gertrude
5 May 2017: Hogan, Emmett Patrick / Drummond, Virginia Anne
5 May 2017: Winkler, Kurt / Drummond, Virginia Anne