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(revised to 11 January 2015)
















(This will be inserted herein at a later time)


That which follows hereafter in the succeeding pages is, admittedly, but a very rough attempt at a very preliminary draft of a very complex work; yet it is, even as it stands at present, the most thorough and complete such compilation on this subject ever assembled to date in one place as a single unit. It has been made possible thus far only through the wonderfully dedicated and devoted efforts of many choice and gracious souls far too numerous to acknowledge here, whose willing responsiveness has truly been a thing of beauty to behold. Only through the repeated redoubling of such efforts now and in the future can it ever become, as hoped and projected, a record worthy of all acceptation. Much has been done; much more remains to be done, even much more than has been heretofore.

The primary reasons for releasing copies of this material, such as it is, at this stage, are principally twofold - firstly to satiate in some part or measure the honest, eager and enthusiastic appetites of so many who have waited so patiently for so long, by showing as much as we now know; and, secondly, to serve as a sort of mammoth questionnaire, by showing also just how very much we do not now know. The latter is most crucial, and we must now again appeal for help in general as never before in improving the nature and quality of the data here presented. May the enclosed work serve as a catalyst which will stir an added impetus and incentive in impelling all of us ever onward toward that grand and noble objective.

Permission is hereby willingly and gladly granted and the invitation openly extended for any and all interested parties anywhere to freely reproduce, copy or distribute at will at any time, by any means, in whole or in part, whatever information may be desired from the contents hereof. Indeed we strongly urge and encourage the continued dissemination of this material from one to another on a scale as wide as practicable and possible. In return we only at this time ask, prevail upon and implore each and every individual obtaining access to it to very diligently pore over it and most thoroughly peruse to his or her satisfaction those portions of which he or she may possess some degree of personal knowledge and awareness, ascertaining all the while the particular extent of completeness and correctness of the facts there represented. We simultaneously beseech each and every person to specifically seek out and assess as many errors or omissions as may come to light, and to carefully note also any and all recollections or clues, however vague or obscure, which might conceivably have a bearing or influence in any way at all upon the course of future research for further relevant items now missing from the collection. Finally, we beg each and every party who can possibly do so in any way, to ensure that as many discrepancies or needed improvements as can be found by them upon such examination will be communicated to us or brought to our attention for consideration and action, regardless of how minor or insignificant a given point may at the moment seem. It cannot be overstated or overstressed that nothing is ever too small or too unimportant.

After much consideration as to efficiency and effectiveness, the present loose-leaf format has been developed and adopted for this work for reasons stated in the "Explanatory Notes" section of the larger, expanded version which was previously made available to a very few members on an experimental basis. Owing to the reactions and responses received, that rather heavy, bulky format has now been relegated only to the official Master Copy, and the enclosed records are here presented in a much more compact, consolidated, yet still complete, fashion. The entries herein contained precisely and exactly parallel the larger Group Sheets earlier employed, and every item of information included therein is also identically reproduced here, with the exception that the blank lines and empty spaces have been eliminated or replaced by question marks in the interest of reducing and conserving space, and the text has also been more solidly condensed into this smaller, more compressed arrangement for the sake of convenience and according to the requirements expressed and requested. The general principle of the Group Sheet method itself has in recent years become so universally well-recognised that it seems no longer necessary to reprint in this abridgement the many pages of instructions previously designated "Explanatory Notes", and they have thus been omitted, likewise for the sake of fewer pages and more manageability. They are, however, obtainable should anyone desire to insert them hereafter.

There are a variety of other reasons also for finally settling upon retention of the loose-leaf method upon which the former procedure was based. As before, the entire compilation is thus safeguarded against obsolescence. For our own part, whenever even the slightest detail by way either of correction or update is submitted to us, we shall accordingly, as speedily as may reasonably be in the circumstances, endeavour to prepare a revision of the page or pages affected, and proceed to forward a replacement to all persons known to possess copies. Thus all volumes in individual hands will hopefully still be kept entirely parallel and identical in every way both to each other and to the Master Copy itself, insofar as available facts permit. Accordingly we highly recommend that all those obtaining or having possession of a copy of this compilation or any part of it should be certain to register same with us, simply because this is the only means by which we can possibly know to whom updates and revisions ought to regularly be sent as we are ourselves apprised of such changes and new facts. Inasmuch as the special "Book of Remembrance" album cover or binder prepared for the larger Group Sheets will not properly fit this reduced format, it is further recommended that this work be placed in a standard ring binder or prong folder of such type, style and quality as the individual may select in accordance with his or her own preferences and personal tastes.

Lastly of all, in closing we wish each and every one of you, in all sincerity, the utmost success and happiness in all your endeavours, genealogical and otherwise, and we shall certainly very deeply and gratefully appreciate hearing at any time from anyone whose desire it is to write. Your comments, opinions, observations, suggestions and corrections will also all be most eagerly anticipated indeed.


(Abbreviated Summary)

(It has been deemed expedient, advisable and desirable to extract, insert and include in abridged and amended form herein, as points of information for general distribution, only the following reduced versions of two items of explanation from our former more expanded and voluminous Explanatory Notes previously published and issued on limited scale. The remainder, owing to their bulk, and being for the most part largely if not principally merely matters of organisational policy and procedural guidelines, have now been fully reconsidered and found primarily redundant and unnecessary to this manuscript, inasmuch as the greater applicability of their design in fact tends moreover toward the larger, more formal or official Group Sheet style or format in any case. Consequently they have therefore accordingly been otherwise wholly omitted from this compilation and will not be reprinted at this time, except by virtue of being made available by special and specific request. Although further queries are always cheerfully received and welcomed as to methods for dealing with various situations or circumstances which may from time to time or on occasion arise, as well as reasons or logic for arbitrarily implementing certain decisions and standards herein, it is regardless meanwhile thought, felt, supposed and presumed that many of the appropriate solutions and answers will in all probability also in most cases become quite readily clear, apparent and obvious upon, through, in the course of, or after even superficial examination and study of these records entirely without inclusion of the more complex and detailed rules and regulations formerly established solely for the Compiler's own instruction and guidance in maintaining conformity throughout.)


In order to deduce the specific lineage of any person, persons or branch herein contained backward toward the earliest extant record or first recorded progenitor on the ascending pedigree, one need simply select the relevant parent atop the entry in question whose data as shown includes the identities of his own parents in turn followed by the parenthetical phrase "(to whom refer)"; then proceed alphabetically to the entry for the couple to whom so referred, indexed always for the sake of consistency and clarity under the masculine surname, and again repeat the process.


In order to deduce the specific lineage of any person, persons or branch herein contained forward toward the latest generation of recorded posterity on the descending pedigree, one need simply examine the list of offspring presented in the entry in question and select from amongst same the child or children whose issue it is desired to further trace. If the child thus selected be male, one merely notes the name of his wife, then refers alphabetically in turn to the entry for such couple, indexed always for the sake of consistency and clarity under the masculine surname, and the process is then again repeated. If, conversely, the selected child be female, it is necessary only that one instead note the name of her husband, then refer to that couple's own entry likewise alphabetically under his surname rather than hers, and proceed as before adumbrated.


The Individual Nuclear Family Group Entries are simply listed alphabetically by Husband's surname, and within a surname by Husband's given names. Where the Husband's complete name is identical to more than one individual, such persons are indexed according to order of birth. Information contained within each such entry is arranged internally according to a complex prearranged and standardised formula. Unmarried persons appear only within their parents' entries and require no additional entry for themselves, inasmuch as such would be repetitious, redundant and unnecessarily self-defeating of its purpose, namely the addition of further otherwise unrecorded data for spouse and offspring.


Whilst perfection is neither expected nor in every instance possible, the ideal concept and goal toward which is being striven in this work would of course be for each and every entry throughout this record to ultimately be expanded to contain as much as is now humanly recoverable concerning even the minutest details of each and every life. Inconsequential as some of this data may appear at present, this may well one day prove to be the only such record remaining upon the face of the whole earth wherein certain of these facts, of inestimable interest to countless future descendants in generations yet unborn, may be found preserved. All readers are therefore most earnestly solicited to contribute any such information as now remains at their disposal or accessible to them, for further incorporation into this work.

In addition it is anticipated that as detailed a narrative biography as can be compiled pertaining to each life, whether Husband, Wife or child, should eventually be appended to each individual entry, including every bit as much as can be reconstructed of each person's activities, adventures and personality, as well as any and all surviving anecdotes surrounding same. Such material may be submitted either in the form of rough jottings or a final draft; all necessary adjustments will be accordingly made for publication, with all due care being taken to retain intact the integrity of the account itself. In the case of a personal autobiography the same may also be couched in the first person if so desired.

Finally it is further intended that pictorial sheets may also in due course be reproduced and inserted throughout the text as additional pages, illustrating and depicting each individual at various stages and periods of life, together with those places, objects, buildings, scenes, landmarks or events which may have been familiar to the person or which may have played a role, however great or small, in shaping any aspect of his mortal existence. Where no authentic likeness of the actual person is presently known to exist for possible reproduction purposes there remains still nothing to preclude inclusion of these other relevant items connected with his life or times which may help restore his story to life once more; indeed in such cases, and especially in absence of anything more personal, such other additional visual aids necessarily become to a greater or lesser extent even all the more desirable and useful from the standpoint of placing the bare facts within more suitable and appropriate context and better, more human, perspective.

Readers are wholeheartedly invited to scrutinise the entries contained herein, and to forward any of the following data which may be missing, even though it be but a single item at a time if no more is available. Whilst the format for each entry follows a very rigidly structured and meticulous pattern of arrangement, readers are encouraged simply to contribute data without in any way or sense personally concerning themselves overly much with the integral mechanics of organisation in its final form.

Some of the details thus requested, required and desired would ideally include the following or any part or portion thereof.


1. Full legal name(s) of each and every family member and of each and every spouse, (including maiden surnames)

2. Full legal names of parent(s) of each and every member and spouse, as above, (including maiden surnames)

3. Derivations or reasons for choices of all given names, including specific personages, if any, for whom named, and persons suggesting or influencing said decisions, as well as circumstances surrounding or affecting same

4. All legal changes, alterations, additions to or deletions from full names, as well as in spelling, order or sequence thereof


1. Full date, (day, month and year), of each and every birth, whether of member or spouse

2. Approximate time of day, as precisely as possible, of each and every birth, whether of member or spouse

3. Actual location, as precisely as possible, of each and every birth, whether of member or spouse, together with rural land description, street address or name of building or institution, if any

4. Full names, insofar as possible, of all persons known to have been present in attendance at time of birth, medical or otherwise, together with rank, style, title, office or official or personal relationship as the case may be

5. Weight, measurements, eye and hair colour or other physical characteristics or statistics pertaining to infant at time of birth


1. Full date, (day, month and year), of each and every infant blessing or christening, whether of member or spouse

2. Approximate time of day, as precisely as possible, of each and every infant blessing or christening, whether of member or spouse

3. Actual location, as precisely as possible, of each and every infant blessing or christening, whether of member or spouse, together with rural land description, street address or name of building or institution, if any

4. Full names, insofar as possible, of all persons conducting or officiating at, assisting with, participating in, or acting as Godparents or sponsors at infant blessing or christening, together with rank, style, title, office or official or personal relationship as the case may be

5. Religious denomination under whose auspices the ordinance was performed


1. Same points as above, also noting full names and status of proxies where applicable


1. Same points as for Baptism above


1. Same points as for Baptism above


1. Same points as for Baptism above


1. Full date, (day, month and year), of each and every marriage (and later sealing), also noting full names and status of proxies where applicable

2. Same points as immediately above, with regard to any previous or subsequent marriages of the spouse

3. Approximate time of day, as precisely as possible, of each and every such marriage and later sealing

4. Actual location, as precisely as possible, of each and every such marriage or sealing, whether of member, or other previously or subsequently of spouse, together with rural land description, street address or name of building or institution, if any

5. Full names, insofar as possible, of all persons conducting or officiating at, assisting with, acting as attendants or as legal witnesses to, or otherwise participating in the official party at marriage or later sealing, together with rank, style, title, office or official or personal relationship as the case may be

6. Religious denomination or civil authority under whose auspices the ordinance was performed


1. Full date, (day, month and year), of each and every death, whether of member or spouse

2. Approximate time of day, as precisely as possible, of each and every death, whether of member or spouse

3. Actual location, as precisely as possible, of each and every death, whether of member or spouse, together with rural land description, street address or name of building or institution, if any

4. Full names, insofar as possible, of all persons known to have been present in attendance at time of death, medical or otherwise, together with rank, style, title, office or official or personal relationship, as the case may be

5. Weight, measurements, eye and hair colour, or other physical characteristics or statistics pertaining to deceased at time of demise

6. Certified medical cause of death


1. Full date, (day, month and year), of each and every memorial service, whether for member or spouse

2. Approximate time of day, as precisely as possible, of each and every memorial service, whether for member or spouse

3. Actual location, as precisely as possible, of each and every memorial service, whether for member or spouse, together with rural land description, street address or name of building or institution, if any

4. Full names, insofar as possible, of all persons conducting or officiating at, assisting with or participating in memorial services or portions thereof, together with rank, style, title, office or official or personal relationship as the case may be

5. Religious denomination or civil authority, if any, under whose auspices memorial services were performed

6. Full names, insofar as possible, of all members, both honourary and active, of bearer party, if any, at memorial services

7. Official corporate name of firm, if any, acting as directors of memorial services


1. Full date, (day, month and year), of each and every actual interment or committal, whether of member or spouse

2. Approximate time of day, as precisely as possible, of each and every actual interment or committal, whether of member or spouse

3. Actual legal and official name and designation of cemetery and of municipal unit, urban or rural, within whose boundaries, as then constituted, the same is located, complete with plot number or legal description within cemetery, if available

4. Full names, insofar as possible, of all persons conducting, officiating at, assisting with or participating in interment or committal services or portions thereof, together with rank, style, title, office or official or personal relationship, as the case may be

5. Religious denomination or civil authority, if any, under whose auspices interment or committal services were performed

6. Full names, insofar as possible, of all members, both honourary and active, of bearer party, if any, at interment or committal

7. Official corporate name of firm, if any, acting as directors of interment or committal services


1. Any and all ranks, styles, titles, offices, honours, awards, prizes, appointments or distinctions achieved or attained by a member or spouse from whatever source, whether public, private, social, fraternal, academic, scholastic, athletic, political, diplomatic, religious, corporate, military or otherwise, with all dates of such conferral or bestowal, etc., as precisely as possible

2. Any and all personal characteristics or traits, including average adult weight, height and measurements at prime, eye and hair colour, complexion or any other similarly notable physical attributes

3. Life history, including movements, associations, experiences, interests, recreations, hobbies, talents or abilities, personal habits, preferences or tastes, curious sayings or favourite phrases, or any other similar items, together with any anecdotes and tales which might conceivably aid in reconstructing, reviving or revealing in any way any aspect of the individual personality


1. Where documentation exists apart from personal knowledge alone in support of any of the facts thus indicated or stated, the nature of the document(s) or source(s) from which such information has been gleaned, or by means of which it may be re-obtained or verified


1. Finally, it need only be clarified that throughout this work the specific terminology in reference to place-names follows insofar as possible the usage current in each instance at time of event. Consequently changes in designation, jurisdiction or status for a given locality over a period of time may be reflected either from one entry to another, or even within a given entry. It will therefore not be at all uncommon to find an entire change of name for a community, or alteration in type or order of local government units, as well as various other combinations or permutations which may from time to time appear at first to the uninitiated as possible errors, inconsistencies or omissions; however, every care has been taken to enter such changes consistent with the historically proper style of the moment.


Background, Origins and Early Development



General Introduction

(This will be inserted herein at a later time)

(The brief overview of the original mutual ancestry of all branches of the family,

contained in the foregoing General Introduction,

will be continued in greater detail for each specific branch

in the respective Branch Introductions preceding each separate Part

of this total work.

The Compiler's own determinate branch will be found in Part I.,

and other distinct branches will be likewise fully shown and covered

in further additional subsequent Parts as may be duly and individually

indicated and designated thereafter)


The Determinate Branch of the Compiler


Branch Introduction

(This will be inserted herein at a later time)

(Further details concerning many of the persons and events

lightly touched upon in the brief overview

contained in the preceding Branch Introduction,

as well as other additional factual information

not otherwise specifically mentioned or included herein,

and similar data pertaining to all known lineal descendants

of these people,

may be found in the individual personal histories and biographies

located in their respective positions throughout this Part

of the major work)



Reid DeForest Abbott was born 23 June 1923 at or near San Pedro District, Los Angeles City, Los Angeles County, California, son to John DeForest Abbott and Alta Irene ---; died 11 June 1993 or 11 July 1993 (depending upon sources) at or near San Diego, San Diego County, California; buried in June 1993 or in July 1993 (depending upon sources) at Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery, San Diego, San Diego County, California. His wife Bernice Faith Thompson, (to whom he was married 29 June 1969 at San Diego, San Diego County, California), was born 20 September 1920 probably at or near Glendale, Arapahoe County, Colorado, daughter to William Ernest Thompson Jr. and Dorothy Eleanor Strader, (to whom refer); died 15 November 1989 at San Diego, San Diego County, California; buried in November 1989 at Greenwood Memorial Park, San Diego, San Diego County, California. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.



Grant Beaver. His wife Sheryl Templeton was daughter to John Arthur Templeton and Brenda-Joy Chamberlain, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Brittany Beaver; (2) Zachary Beaver.



John Constantino was born in or about 1919 or 1920 in California; died in California. His wife Jean Dorothy Thompson, (to whom he was married in California and from whom subsequently divorced in March 1966 at San Diego, San Diego County, California), was born 30 January 1923 probably at or near Glendale, Arapahoe County, Colorado, daughter to William Ernest Thompson Jr. and Dorothy Eleanor Strader, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 26 June 1973 or 26 July 1973 (depending upon sources) at or near Imperial, Imperial County, California, Albert W. Koenig, (to whom also refer); died 8 September 1994 at San Diego, San Diego County, California. John Constantino and Jean Dorothy Thompson begat issue: (1) Debra Jean Constantino, born 24 October 1950 at San Diego, San Diego County, California, died unmarried 25 April 1983 at San Diego, San Diego County, California; (2) Billy John Constantino, born 28 March 1953 at San Diego, San Diego County, California.


Alpheus (or Alphaeus) Arastus "Alf" Crowder was born 27 November 1863 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Canada West, son to George Ira Crowder and Ardelia Elbare; married, secondly, 22 February 1899 (according to some sources and Registrar-General) or 22 November 1899 (according to some sources) at or near South Mountain, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, Jane Crowder; died 12 October 1939 or 12 November 1939 (depending upon sources); buried at Knight's Cemetery (otherwise known as Inkerman Cemetery), near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario. His first wife Elizabeth Jane "Jennie" Thompson, (to whom he was married 25 October 1887 at or near Winchester, Dundas County, Ontario with the Reverend J. E. Maverty, Methodist Church, officiating), was born in or about 1866 or 1867, daughter to Thomas Thompson and Eleanor Rickey, (to whom refer); died 8 August 1896 or 9 August 1896 (depending upon sources); buried in August 1896 at Knight's Cemetery (otherwise known as Inkerman Cemetery), near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario. Alpheus (or Alphaeus) Arastus "Alf" Crowder and Elizabeth Jane "Jennie" Thompson begat issue: (1) George Ernest Crowder, born 16 September 1888 in Ontario, died unmarried 23 June 1917 at Key Harbour, Henvey Township, Parry Sound District, Ontario in consequence of a drowning incident whilst on active Coast Guard service, buried in 1917 at Knight's Cemetery (otherwise known as Inkerman Cemetery), near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario; (2) Eleanor Ardelia "Ella" Crowder, born 7 September 1890 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, died unmarried 16 January 1973 at South Mountain, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, buried in 1973 at Knight's Cemetery (otherwise known as Inkerman Cemetery), near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario; (3) Mary Bell "Bella" Crowder (although totally blind, a highly skilful and talented artist in painting, needlework, etc.), born 16 October 1891 (according to some sources and her uncle's statement) or 16 October 1892 (according to some sources and her sister's statement) in Ontario, died unmarried 9 March 1930.



Wilson Lesley Hunter was born 28 September 1916 at Millar's Corners, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Edward Hunter and Elizabeth Ann "Lizzie" Law; married, secondly, Viola Victoria Lippert; died 18 February 2005 at the Baker Cancer Centre, Foothills Hospital, Calgary, Alberta in consequence of double pneumonia following upon cancer; cremated 22 February 2005 at Calgary, Alberta; ashes buried 12 March 2005 at Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Maitland, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His first wife Alberta Mary Hazel Templeton, (to whom he was married 31 March 1942 at Grace Presbyterian Church, Calgary, Alberta, with the Reverend Alfred Bright, Presbyterian Church in Canada, officiating and whom he subsequently callously abandoned), was born 9 October 1919 at Templeton Ranch, Norquay (afterward Kneehill) Municipal District, near Acme, Alberta, specifically on the North East Quarter of Section 15, Township 29, Range 25, West of the Fourth Meridian, daughter to Charles Melville Templeton and Gertrude Barraclough, (to whom refer); christened 24 August 1926 at Templeton Ranch, Norquay (afterward Kneehill) Municipal District, near Acme, Alberta, specifically on the North East Quarter of Section 15, Township 29, Range 25, West of the Fourth Meridian, (with the Reverend D. Whyte Smith, United Church of Canada, officiating); died 9 July 1988 at Calgary General Hospital, Calgary, Alberta in consequence of kidney and heart failure coupled with pneumonia following upon general physical and organic decline resulting from a stroke and cancer of the lung and bone structure; buried 13 July 1988 at Union Cemetery, Calgary, Alberta, (with her only son, herebelow recorded, officiating). Wilson Lesley Hunter and Alberta Mary Hazel Templeton begat issue: (1) Frederick Charles Hunter, born 3 February 1953 at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Barrie, Simcoe County, Ontario, christened 31 May 1953 at the Base Interdenominational Chapel, Camp Borden Royal Canadian Air Force Base, Essa Township, Simcoe County, Ontario, (with the Base Chaplain for the United Church of Canada officiating), baptised 3 May 1975 at the Calgary Alberta North Stake Centre, Calgary Alberta North Stake of Zion, Calgary, Alberta, (with Richard Lee Collins, duly ordained Elder of Israel and full-time Missionary, officiating), confirmed 3 May 1975 at the Calgary Alberta North Stake Centre, Calgary Alberta North Stake of Zion, Calgary, Alberta, (with Steven C. Booth, duly ordained Elder of Israel and full-time Missionary, officiating).



Donald James Jack. His wife Lola-Joy Templeton, (to whom he was married 20 August 1966 at Riverview United Church, Calgary, Alberta), was born 25 August 1947 at Olds, Alberta, daughter to Arthur Edwin Ray Templeton and Margaret Aileen St. Clair, (to whom refer). In addition to later adoption of children, names and sexes unavailable, who, being "strangers in blood" as regards the treated families, are not to be further noted or documented in these records, this couple also previously begat issue: (1) James Ray Jack, born 25 January 1973, died in infancy, unmarried, 6 April 1973, buried in 1973 at Queen's Park Cemetery, Calgary, Alberta.


Dennis Jones. His wife Mary-Ann Templeton, (to whom he was married 7 November 1981), was born 8 October 1955 at Lethbridge, Alberta, daughter to Arthur Edwin Ray Templeton and Margaret Aileen St. Clair, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Nathaniel Jones, who married Whitney Hemstock.


Nathaniel Jones was son to Dennis Jones and Mary-Ann Templeton, (to whom refer). His wife was Whitney Hemstock. This couple begat issue: (1) Cleopatra Jones.



Albert W. Koenig. His wife Jean Dorothy Thompson, (to whom he was married 26 June 1973 or 26 July 1973, depending upon sources, at or near Imperial, Imperial County, California), was born 30 January 1923 probably at or near Glendale, Arapahoe County, Colorado, daughter to William Ernest Thompson Jr. and Dorothy Eleanor Strader, (to whom refer); married, firstly, in California, John Constantino, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced in March 1966 at San Diego, San Diego County, California); died 8 September 1994 at San Diego, San Diego County, California. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Albert W. Koenig and Jean Dorothy Thompson are presently available.



Arthur Edwin Ray Templeton was born 14 June 1918 at Templeton Ranch, Norquay (afterward Kneehill) Municipal District, near Acme, Alberta, specifically on the North East Quarter of Section 15, Township 29, Range 25, West of the Fourth Meridian, son to Charles Melville Templeton and Gertrude Barraclough, (to whom refer); legally altered his name from Raymond to Ray; died 17 March 1997. His wife Margaret Aileen St. Clair, (to whom he was married 13 July 1943), was born 28 November 1913 in Alberta; died 28 March 2007 at Calgary, Alberta; cremated in 2007 at Calgary, Alberta. This couple begat issue: (1) John Arthur Templeton, born 6 November 1944 at Calgary, Alberta, died 26 December 2011 in consequence of cancer, who married, firstly, 6 May 1967 at Calgary, Alberta, Brenda-Joy Chamberlain, (from whom subsequently divorced), and, secondly, Vi ---; (2) Lola-Joy Templeton, born 25 August 1947 at Olds, Alberta, who married 20 August 1966 at Riverview United Church, Calgary, Alberta, Donald James Jack; (3) Mary-Ann Templeton, born 8 October 1955 at Lethbridge, Alberta, who married 7 November 1981, Dennis Jones.


Charles Melville Templeton (Trustee, Board of Trustees, Kia Ora School District, Alberta, etc.) was born 25 September 1892 (not 24 September 1892 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources) at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to James Arthur Templeton and Mary Eleanor Thompson, (to whom refer); christened Charles Melville (not Charles Melvin as erroneously inscribed upon his tombstone); died 3 September 1942 at Holy Cross Hospital, Calgary, Alberta; buried 7 September 1942 at Union Cemetery, Calgary, Alberta. His wife Gertrude Barraclough (Officer of The Order of the Eastern Star, etc.), (to whom he was married 28 September 1915 at the residence of the Reverend James Luke Jordan, 2130 4 Avenue North West, Calgary, Alberta, with the Reverend James Luke Jordan, Emmanuel Baptist Church, officiating), was born 21 September 1894 probably at or near Centre Vale, Triangle, Sowerby Township, Halifax Parish, West Riding, York County, England, daughter to Edwin Barraclough and Lucy Ann Lumb; christened 27 April 1895 at St. John the Divine's Anglican Church, Thorpe, Sowerby Urban District, West Riding, York County, England; died 10 December 1965 at the residence of her only daughter, Calgary, Alberta; buried 14 December 1965 at Union Cemetery, Calgary, Alberta, (with the Reverend Douglas B. Carr, United Church of Canada, officiating). This couple begat issue: (1) Charles Stanley Hugh Templeton, born 22 May 1916 at the English Nursing Home, Calgary, Alberta, died 13 February 1978 at his residence, Calgary, Alberta in consequence of cardiac failure following upon severe respiratory distress resulting from influenza, buried 15 February 1978 at Mountain View Memorial Gardens, Rocky View Municipal District, near Calgary, Alberta, (with the Reverend Douglas B. Carr, United Church of Canada, officiating), who married, firstly, 1 November 1938, Phyllis Isabel Taylor, (from whom subsequently divorced), and, secondly, 1 March 1947 at the Study, Scarboro United Church, Calgary, Alberta, Barbara Helen Woodford; (2) Arthur Edwin Ray Templeton, born 14 June 1918 at Templeton Ranch, Norquay (afterward Kneehill) Municipal District, near Acme, Alberta, specifically on the North East Quarter of Section 15, Township 29, Range 25, West of the Fourth Meridian, legally altered his name from Raymond to Ray, died 17 March 1997, who married 13 July 1943, Margaret Aileen St. Clair; (3) Alberta Mary Hazel Templeton, born 9 October 1919 at Templeton Ranch, Norquay (afterward Kneehill) Municipal District, near Acme, Alberta, specifically on the North East Quarter of Section 15, Township 29, Range 25, West of the Fourth Meridian, christened 24 August 1926 at Templeton Ranch, Norquay (afterward Kneehill) Municipal District, near Acme, Alberta, specifically on the North East Quarter of Section 15, Township 29, Range 25, West of the Fourth Meridian, (with the Reverend D. Whyte Smith, United Church of Canada, officiating), died 9 July 1988 at Calgary General Hospital, Calgary, Alberta in consequence of kidney and heart failure coupled with pneumonia following upon general physical and organic decline resulting from a stroke and cancer of the lung and bone structure, buried 13 July 1988 at Union Cemetery, Calgary, Alberta, who married 31 March 1942 at Grace Presbyterian Church, Calgary, Alberta, (with the Reverend Alfred Bright, Presbyterian Church in Canada, officiating), Wilson Lesley Hunter, (by whom subsequently callously abandoned).


Charles Stanley Hugh Templeton was born 22 May 1916 at the English Nursing Home, Calgary, Alberta, son to Charles Melville Templeton and Gertrude Barraclough, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 1 March 1947 at the Study, Scarboro United Church, Calgary, Alberta, Barbara Helen Woodford, (to whom also refer); died 13 February 1978 at his residence, Calgary, Alberta in consequence of cardiac failure following upon severe respiratory distress resulting from influenza; buried 15 February 1978 at Mountain View Memorial Gardens, Rocky View Municipal District, near Calgary, Alberta, (with the Reverend Douglas B. Carr, United Church of Canada, officiating). His first wife Phyllis Isabel Taylor (aunt to The Honourable Robert Curtis Clark, Member of the Legislative Assembly, a Minister of The Crown in the Provincial Cabinet and finally Provincial Leader of Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition in and for the Province of Alberta, etc.), (to whom he was married 1 November 1938 and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 8 March 1919 at Calgary, Alberta, daughter to William Edgar Taylor and Mary Ellen James; married, secondly, Bertram Plastow; died 5 June 1981 at Calgary, Alberta in consequence of cancer; buried 9 June 1981 at Queen's Park Cemetery, Calgary, Alberta. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Charles Stanley Hugh Templeton and Phyllis Isabel Taylor; however this couple adopted one male child who, being a "stranger in blood" as regards the treated families, is not to be further noted or documented in these records and whose custody in any case reverted to the adoption authorities consequent upon the couple's divorce.


Charles Stanley Hugh Templeton was born 22 May 1916 at the English Nursing Home, Calgary, Alberta, son to Charles Melville Templeton and Gertrude Barraclough, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 1 November 1938, Phyllis Isabel Taylor, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced); died 13 February 1978 at his residence, Calgary, Alberta in consequence of cardiac failure following upon severe respiratory distress resulting from influenza; buried 15 February 1978 at Mountain View Memorial Gardens, Rocky View Municipal District, near Calgary, Alberta, (with the Reverend Douglas B. Carr, United Church of Canada, officiating). His second wife Barbara Helen Woodford, (to whom he was married 1 March 1947 at the Study, Scarboro United Church, Calgary, Alberta), was born 24 March 1922 at Northampton, Northampton County, England, daughter to Herbert G. "Bert" Woodford and Ellen Elsie "Nellie" Field (whose second husband Harry Bowell was grandnephew to The Honourable Sir Mackenzie Bowell, Member of The Queen's Honourable Privy Council for Canada, Knight Commander of The Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George, Member of Parliament in the Federal House of Commons, Senator, Minister of The Crown in the Federal Cabinet and eventually Prime Minister of the Dominion of Canada, Grand Master of the Loyal Orange Lodge of British America, etc.); died 7 March 1987 at Calgary, Alberta in consequence of cancer; buried 12 March 1987 at Mountain View Memorial Gardens, Rocky View Municipal District, near Calgary, Alberta. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Charles Stanley Hugh Templeton and Barbara Helen Woodford; however this couple adopted one male and one female child who, being "strangers in blood" as regards the treated families, are not to be further noted or documented in these records.


James Arthur Templeton (a pioneer Alberta rancher, land speculator, business magnate, financier, philanthropist, etc.) was born 30 December 1860 (according to some sources and his own statement) or 31 December 1860 (according to some sources and both his parents' and his cousin's statements) at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Canada West, son to James Templeton and Mary Ann Doolan; died 24 September 1946 at Calgary General Hospital, Calgary, Alberta; buried in September 1946 at Union Cemetery, Calgary, Alberta. His wife Mary Eleanor Thompson, (to whom he was married 26 April 1887 at Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 15 June 1863 (not 15 June 1864 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources) at Oxford Township, near Kemptville, Grenville County, Canada West, daughter to Thomas Thompson and Eleanor Rickey, (to whom refer); christened 8 November 1863 at St. James the Apostle's Anglican Church, Kemptville, Grenville County, Canada West; died 25 December 1938 at approximately 8:25 o'clock in the evening at her residence, Calgary, Alberta in consequence of brief and painless affliction with heart disease; buried at Union Cemetery, Calgary, Alberta. This couple begat issue: (1) William Arthur Templeton, born 19 March 1888 (not 19 March 1889 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources) at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 11 March 1966 at Holy Cross Hospital, Calgary, Alberta, buried in March 1966 at Acme Cemetery, Acme, Alberta, who married Margaret Lucy Jaquith; (2) Charles Melville Templeton (Trustee, Board of Trustees, Kia Ora School District, Alberta, etc.), born 25 September 1892 (not 24 September 1892 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources) at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, christened Charles Melville (not Charles Melvin as erroneously inscribed upon his tombstone), died 3 September 1942 at Holy Cross Hospital, Calgary, Alberta, buried 7 September 1942 at Union Cemetery, Calgary, Alberta, who married 28 September 1915 at the residence of the Reverend James Luke Jordan, 2130 4 Avenue North West, Calgary, Alberta, (with the Reverend James Luke Jordan, Emmanuel Baptist Church, officiating), Gertrude Barraclough (Officer of The Order of the Eastern Star, etc.).


John Arthur Templeton was born 6 November 1944 at Calgary, Alberta, son to Arthur Edwin Ray Templeton and Margaret Aileen St. Clair, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Vi ---, (to whom also refer); died 26 December 2011 in consequence of cancer. His first wife was Brenda-Joy Chamberlain, (to whom he was married 6 May 1967 at Calgary, Alberta and from whom subsequently divorced). John Arthur Templeton and Brenda-Joy Chamberlain begat issue: (1) Deanna Templeton, who married Trevor von Rothkirch; (2) Sheryl Templeton, who married Grant Beaver; (3) Trevor John Templeton, born 25 June 1975 at Calgary, Alberta, who married Alexis ---.


John Arthur Templeton was born 6 November 1944 at Calgary, Alberta, son to Arthur Edwin Ray Templeton and Margaret Aileen St. Clair, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 6 May 1967 at Calgary, Alberta, Brenda-Joy Chamberlain, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced); died 26 December 2011 in consequence of cancer. His second wife was Vi ---. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of John Arthur Templeton and Vi ---.


Trevor John Templeton was born 25 June 1975 at Calgary, Alberta, son to John Arthur Templeton and Brenda-Joy Chamberlain, (to whom refer). His wife was Alexis ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


William Arthur Templeton was born 19 March 1888 (not 19 March 1889 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources) at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to James Arthur Templeton and Mary Eleanor Thompson, (to whom refer); died 11 March 1966 at Holy Cross Hospital, Calgary, Alberta; buried in March 1966 at Acme Cemetery, Acme, Alberta. His wife Margaret Lucy Jaquith was born in 1886; died 11 April 1952; buried in 1952 at Acme Cemetery, Acme, Alberta. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.

THOMPSON, --- / ---

--- Thompson was a resident of Ireland. His wife --- was a resident of Ireland. This couple begat issue: (1) Thomas Thompson, born 20 October 1822 at or near Clones, Clones Parish, Dartree Barony, Monaghan County, Ulster Province, Ireland, died 24 January 1916 at Oxford Township, near Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario in consequence of five days' suffering with nephritis following upon general exhaustion of unknown duration, buried in 1916 at St. James the Apostle's Anglican Churchyard, Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario, who married Eleanor Rickey; (2) William Thompson, born in or about 1825 or 1826 in Ireland, died in September 1865 at Oxford Township, near Kemptville, Grenville County, Canada West, buried 15 September 1865 at St. James the Apostle's Anglican Churchyard, Kemptville, Grenville County, Canada West, who married Elizabeth ---; (3) probably Andrew Thompson, born in Ireland.


Thomas Thompson (for some 38 years an officer of St. James the Apostle's Anglican Parish, Kemptville, etc.) was born 20 October 1822 at or near Clones, Clones Parish, Dartree Barony, Monaghan County, Ulster Province, Ireland, son to --- Thompson and ---, (to whom refer); died 24 January 1916 at Oxford Township, near Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario in consequence of five days' suffering with nephritis following upon general exhaustion of unknown duration; buried in 1916 at St. James the Apostle's Anglican Churchyard, Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Eleanor Rickey was born 9 November 1827 probably at Moleena Townland, Drummully Parish, Clankelly Barony, Fermanagh County, Ulster Province, Ireland, daughter to William Rickey and Eleanor (or Ellen) Plunket (or Plunkett); christened 6 March 1828 at St. Tighernach's Church of Ireland (otherwise known as Clones Parish Church), Clones, Clones Parish, Dartree Barony, Monaghan County, Ulster Province, Ireland; died 2 September 1904 (not 3 September 1903 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources and Family Bible) at Oxford Township, near Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario in consequence of general debility; buried 4 September 1904 (not 4 September 1903 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources and Family Bible) at St. James the Apostle's Anglican Churchyard, Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) William Ernest Thompson, born in or about 1856 or 1857 at Carleton County, Canada West, died 7 September 1889 at Arapahoe County, Colorado, who married, firstly, 22 March 1887 at York Township, York County, Ontario, Isabella Kerr, and, secondly, in or about 1888 or 1889 in Colorado, Minnie E. Pezoldt (Petzoldt or Pezolt); (2) Thomas Thompson Jr., born 28 January 1859 at Oxford Township, near Kemptville, Grenville County, Canada West, christened 24 April 1859 at St. James the Apostle's Anglican Church, Kemptville, Grenville County, Canada West, died early, unmarried, buried at St. James the Apostle's Anglican Churchyard, Kemptville, Grenville County, Canada West; (3) Archibald "Archie" Thompson, born 13 June 1861 at Oxford Township, near Kemptville, Grenville County, Canada West, christened (together with his first cousin William Thompson) 8 September 1861 at St. James the Apostle's Anglican Church, Kemptville, Grenville County, Canada West, died early, unmarried, buried at St. James the Apostle's Anglican Churchyard, Kemptville, Grenville County, Canada West; (4) Mary Eleanor Thompson, born 15 June 1863 (not 15 June 1864 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources) at Oxford Township, near Kemptville, Grenville County, Canada West, christened 8 November 1863 at St. James the Apostle's Anglican Church, Kemptville, Grenville County, Canada West, died 25 December 1938 at approximately 8:25 o'clock in the evening at her residence, Calgary, Alberta in consequence of brief and painless affliction with heart disease, buried at Union Cemetery, Calgary, Alberta, who married 26 April 1887 at Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario, James Arthur Templeton; (5) Rebecca Thompson, born 15 January 1866 at Oxford Township, near Kemptville, Grenville County, Canada West, christened 25 January 1866 at St. James the Apostle's Anglican Church, Kemptville, Grenville County, Canada West, died early, unmarried, 18 April 1867 at Oxford Township, near Kemptville, Grenville County, Canada West, buried 20 April 1867 at St. James the Apostle's Anglican Churchyard, Kemptville, Grenville County, Canada West; (6) Elizabeth Jane "Jennie" Thompson, born in or about 1866 or 1867, died 8 August 1896 or 9 August 1896 (depending upon sources), buried in August 1896 at Knight's Cemetery (otherwise known as Inkerman Cemetery), near Inkerman, Mountain Township, Dundas County, Ontario, who married 25 October 1887 at or near Winchester, Dundas County, Ontario, (with the Reverend J. E. Maverty, Methodist Church, officiating), Alpheus (or Alphaeus) Arastus "Alf" Crowder.


William Thompson was born in or about 1825 or 1826 in Ireland, son to --- Thompson and ---, (to whom refer); died in September 1865 at Oxford Township, near Kemptville, Grenville County, Canada West; buried 15 September 1865 at St. James the Apostle's Anglican Churchyard, Kemptville, Grenville County, Canada West. His wife Elizabeth --- was born probably betwixt 1828 and 1831 in Ireland. This couple begat issue: (1) William Thompson, born 5 August 1861 at Oxford Township, near Kemptville, Grenville County, Canada West, christened (together with his first cousin Archibald "Archie" Thompson) 8 September 1861 at St. James the Apostle's Anglican Church, Kemptville, Grenville County, Canada West; (2) Mary Jane Thompson, born 28 November 1863 at Oxford Township, near Kemptville, Grenville County, Canada West, christened 26 January 1864 at St. James the Apostle's Anglican Church, Kemptville, Grenville County, Canada West.


William Ernest Thompson was born in or about 1856 or 1857 at Carleton County, Canada West, son to Thomas Thompson and Eleanor Rickey, (to whom refer); married, secondly, in or about 1888 or 1889 in Colorado, Minnie E. Pezoldt (Petzoldt or Pezolt), (to whom also refer); died 7 September 1889 at Arapahoe County, Colorado. His first wife Isabella Kerr, (to whom he was married 22 March 1887 at York Township, York County, Ontario), was born in or about September 1861 at Toronto, York County, Canada West, daughter to John Kerr and Sophia ---; died 14 June 1888; buried in June 1888 at Toronto Necropolis Cemetery, Toronto, York County, Ontario. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of William Ernest Thompson and Isabella Kerr.


William Ernest Thompson was born in or about 1856 or 1857 at Carleton County, Canada West, son to Thomas Thompson and Eleanor Rickey, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 22 March 1887 at York Township, York County, Ontario, Isabella Kerr, (to whom also refer); died 7 September 1889 at Arapahoe County, Colorado. His second wife Minnie E. Pezoldt (Petzoldt or Pezolt) (afterward a community activist who, with her second husband, became instrumental in obtaining extension of city utility services to Denver's suburbs, etc.), (to whom he was married in or about 1888 or 1889 in Colorado), was born 23 September 1872 at Ralls County, Missouri, daughter to Theodore Pezoldt (Petzoldt or Pezolt) and Katharine "Kattie" Schlumpf; married, secondly, in 1905 in Colorado, Leonard L. Sprague; died 20 March 1971 at Valley Hi Nursing Home, Denver, Denver County, Colorado; buried in 1971 at Fairmount Cemetery, Denver, Denver County, Colorado. William Ernest Thompson and Minnie E. Pezoldt (Petzoldt or Pezolt) begat issue: (1) William Ernest Thompson Jr., born posthumously 5 April 1890 at Arapahoe County, Colorado, died in October 1974 at Denver, Denver County, Colorado, who married Dorothy Eleanor Strader.


William Ernest Thompson Jr. was born posthumously 5 April 1890 at Arapahoe County, Colorado, son to William Ernest Thompson and Minnie E. Pezoldt (Petzoldt or Pezolt), (to whom refer); died in October 1974 at Denver, Denver County, Colorado. His wife Dorothy Eleanor Strader was born in or about 1898 or 1899 in California, daughter to Thomas Ruffin "Ruff" Strader and Florence Jane Gandy. This couple begat issue: (1) Violet R. Thompson, born in or about 1917 or 1918 probably at or near Glendale, Arapahoe County, Colorado; (2) Bernice Faith Thompson, born 20 September 1920 probably at or near Glendale, Arapahoe County, Colorado, died 15 November 1989 at San Diego, San Diego County, California, buried in November 1989 at Greenwood Memorial Park, San Diego, San Diego County, California, who married 29 June 1969 at San Diego, San Diego County, California, Reid DeForest Abbott; (3) Helen M. Thompson, born in or about 1921 or 1922 probably at or near Glendale, Arapahoe County, Colorado; (4) Jean Dorothy Thompson, born 30 January 1923 probably at or near Glendale, Arapahoe County, Colorado, died 8 September 1994 at San Diego, San Diego County, California, who married, firstly, in California, John Constantino, (from whom subsequently divorced in March 1966 at San Diego, San Diego County, California), and, secondly, 26 June 1973 or 26 July 1973 (depending upon sources) at or near Imperial, Imperial County, California, Albert W. Koenig; (5) William Everette Thompson, born 17 October 1924 probably at or near Glendale, Arapahoe County, Colorado, died probably unmarried 6 June 1949 at San Diego, San Diego County, California, buried 9 June 1949 at Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery, San Diego, San Diego County, California.



Trevor von Rothkirch. His wife Deanna Templeton was daughter to John Arthur Templeton and Brenda-Joy Chamberlain, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Hannah von Rothkirch; (2) Tyler von Rothkirch.


It need not, ought not and should not be in any way readily assumed, considered, supposed, conjectured or construed that all available sources or resources, either ancient or modern, have as yet necessarily been fully consulted, or that the contents of this compilation are therefore by any means exhaustive or complete. On the contrary, this remains very much an ongoing collective effort, and all such aspects and avenues remain entirely open to further investigation.

In order to more properly and effectively ensure better maintenance of this site as the most definitive data pool of its kind now extant anywhere for this research, continual regular updates, input and exchanges are always requested and vitally required, including newly-discovered additional search results from early records as well as notification of recently-occurring events or items currently in error or missing from these muniments. Indeed such collaboration is essential to success, and is gratefully invited and encouraged at any time. Anyone so interested or inclined to participate is most welcome and urged to access and search any material desired and to provide and contribute as a mere matter of course any new discoveries or any corrections to existing errors or omissions for inclusion in this work. Curiously enough, in actual point of fact far too many family members both near and distant still tend inexplicably and frustratingly to neglect or fail to submit and register on a continuing basis even their own known personal data or new facts as they occur. It becomes most disappointing, disheartening, demoralising and discouraging when people still procrastinate so doing, not only voluntarily, but also even when specifically and directly approached or asked.

The general concept, vision and expectation has been, is and remains that such automatic reporting and registration herewith, alongside civil vital statistics registries, should become the prevailing standard practice and procedure and accepted norm to which thoughts will immediately, inevitably and invariably turn and naturally conform whenever the opportunity and occasion arises or presents itself.

Please share this responsibility by promptly addressing all such information or related communications via E-mail to The Family Orchard Federation of Families and its affiliate The Thompson Family Association at:

[email protected]

Relevant messages will then be redirected to the designated locations or destinations for rapid processing and/or for individual private contact, acknowledgement and response, or further consultation or clarification, wherever appropriate, as the case may be.

For purposes of convenient reference, a complete and comprehensive listing of any and all entries which have been newly inserted or to which even the slightest alterations, modifications or changes have been entered herein within the preceding twelve Calendar months will be found appended herebelow, and constantly updated, showing the date of every such insertion or amendment and the heading of each entry thus affected.


22 June 2005: Templeton, Trevor John / ---, Alexis
12 September 2007: Beaver, Grant / Templeton, Sheryl
12 September 2007: Jones, Dennis / Templeton, Mary-Ann
12 September 2007: Jones, Nathaniel / Hemstock, Whitney
12 September 2007: Von Rothkirch, Trevor / Templeton, Deanna
25 March 2009: Crowder, Alpheus (or Alphaeus) Arastus / Thompson, Elizabeth Jane
25 March 2009: Templeton, James Arthur / Thompson, Mary Eleanor
25 March 2009: Thompson, --- / ---
25 March 2009: Thompson, William / ---, Elizabeth
31 December 2011: Templeton, Arthur Edwin Ray / St. Clair, Margaret Aileen
31 December 2011: Templeton, John Arthur / Chamberlain, Brenda-Joy
31 December 2011: Templeton, John Arthur / ---, Vi
11 January 2015: Abbott, Reid DeForest / Thompson, Bernice Faith
11 January 2015: Constantino, John / Thompson, Jean Dorothy
11 January 2015: Koenig, Albert W. / Thompson, Jean Dorothy
11 January 2015: Thompson, Thomas / Rickey, Eleanor
11 January 2015: Thompson, William Ernest / Kerr, Isabella
11 January 2015: Thompson, William Ernest / Pezoldt (Petzoldt or Pezolt), Minnie E.
11 January 2015: Thompson, William Ernest, Jr. / Strader, Dorothy Eleanor