Policy Manual






Mission Statement

Honoring God in all aspects, CHESO's mission is to cooperatively support and encourage families who have taken on the responsibilities of educating their children, including but not limited to shared educational opportunities, information, ideas and fellowship.

Statement of Faith

This support group is Christ-centered, doing all things in a manner which honors Biblical principles and brings glory to His name. To hold a position of leadership in this support group one must be able to give their testimony of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. All families are welcome whether or not they agree with our faith as long as they abide by these principles during CHESO activities.


Responsibilities - Members are required to pay annual dues, abide by the CHESO Policy Manual during support group activities, and serve the group in some cooperative capacity.

Benefits - Individual membership entitles each family to the following:

      • Membership card (which accesses educational discounts at a few businesses)
      • One vote per action
      • The privilege of nominating candidates for election within CHESO
      • The choice to serve as an Activity Director
      • Access to the e-group, newsletter, membership directory, and HSLDA discount number
      • One resource packet
      • Availability of the Advisory Board
      • May submit revisions and changes of the Policy Manual to the Advisory Board

The membership as a whole body is entitled to elect leadership and ratify or decline policies made by the Advisory Board. A simple majority of attending membership at regular business meetings is required to determine the outcome of a vote.

Termination of Membership

I. Membership in CHESO may be terminated voluntarily by member at any time by notifying leadership.

2. Any member may be involuntarily terminated by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the Advisory Board whenever in its judgment the best interests of the support group will be served thereby.

a. All sitting Advisory Board members MUST vote.

b. The decision of the Advisory Board is final.

c. Membership Termination may be reviewed by Advisory Board for reinstatement of membership after a mandatory separation of six (6) to twelve (12) months. The separation period will be determined on a case-by-case basis. The Advisory Board must honor the request for membership reinstatement review anytime after the determined mandatory separation period has passed, if the terminated party desires reinstatement. If, after the reinstatement review and vote, renewal has been denied, the terminated party may reapply for a second review after an additional 12 month separation period.

d. Reinstatement of Membership review must be requested by terminated individual after the agreed upon separation period has passed. The reinstatement review proceedings will result in a vote. The Reinstatement of Membership can only occur with a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the Advisory Board.

e. Any member that terminates membership amidst conflict or to avoid conflict resolution will be subject to Reinstatement of Membership review by Advisory Board.

3. Membership dues are nonrefundable.

Service Positions

All service positions will be held by members and conducted in accordance with the CHESO Policy Manual.

Treasurer - The treasurer will keep safe the money of the support group and the accurate record thereof. The treasurer will also publish a monthly treasurer's report via the e-group and/or newsletter.

Secretary - The secretary will record and publish meeting minutes monthly, via the e-group and/or newsletter and will compose and send any necessary correspondence for the support group, for example thank you notes, condolence cards, etc.

Activity Directors - Activity Directors will coordinate and oversee the smooth running of the activity they have volunteered for, making decisions and delegating responsibilities as necessary. If required by the activity the following would be examples of their responsibilities: obtaining a place to hold the activity, communicating with the involved parties and membership, notifying the newsletter and publicity directors of the activity, etc.


Leadership positions include the Coordinator, Co-coordinator and the Advisory Board. Leadership must conduct their offices in accordance with the CHESO Policy Manual. Leadership positions will be elected by a simple majority of the attending membership at the April regular business meeting each year. In the event of a vacancy a special election will be held.

Eligibility to a leadership position includes:

  • Home schooled one full year
  • Active CHESO member prior to serving
  • A credible testimony of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ
  • Advisory Board

    The CHESO Advisory Board is to consist of four elected voting members. Board members may include eligible individuals or couples. Couples will have one vote between them and may jointly participate or substitute for each other as needed. Members will serve two year alternating appointments so that two new members will be elected each year. The Coordinator and Co-coordinator will serve as nonvoting board members. The Co-coordinator, however, will provide a tie-breaking vote when needed. For decisions requiring a vote, a good faith effort will be made to obtain votes from all four representatives. The Advisory Board will meet a minimum of twice a year and additionally as needed to fulfill the following responsibilities:

        • Elect an Advisory Board Chairman from among the Advisory Board members who will be responsible for keeping in close communication with the CHESO Coordinator and Co-coordinator, calling and conducting board meetings, creating agendas and recording minutes of board meetings, and making minutes available to CHESO membership
        • Serve the Coordinator and Co-coordinator as needed with guidance, input and accountability
        • Serve by being a liaison between the membership and the Coordinator/Co-coordinator
        • Represent the Coordinator and Co-coordinator if needed in CHESO meetings and other meetings that might require representation from CHESO
        • Represent the group to the public
        • Develop a budget, set the amount for annual dues, and evaluate unexpected expenses.
        • Be available for conflict resolution
        • Ensure that policies and procedures are being administered and applied in accordance with the CHESO Mission Statement
        • Oversee policy development
        • Make a report of Advisory Board meetings available to CHESO members
        • Maintain/delegate the task of keeping CHESO history by means of the CHESO scrapbook

    Coordinator and Co-coordinator

    The Coordinator will have the final decision on issues between the Coordinator and the Co-coordinator and both will be under the authority of the Advisory Board. Responsibilities of the Coordinator and the Co-coordinator will be divided equally between them according to the gifts and talents of each. Their responsibilities will include but not be limited to:

        • Coordinating the smooth running of the group
        • Making decisions base don the current policy for the good of the whole group
        • Maintaining the files and forms used by the group in both hard copy and when possible on computer
        • Leading by example
        • Attending Advisory Board meetings and majority of monthly membership meetings
        • Serving as mediators between members on issues related to CHESO

    The following responsibilities ultimately belong to the Coordinator and Co-coordinator but may be delegated as necessary:

        • Serving as the OCHEC advisory committee representative and attending the meetings of that committee
        • Obtaining a venue for regular support group meetings
        • Presiding over the support group meetings and setting the meeting agenda
        • Recruiting members and Activity Directors
        • Registering members
        • Moderating the e-group
        • Conducting an Orientation Class for prospective home schoolers

    OCHEC Affiliation

    CHESO is currently affiliated with Oklahoma Christian Home Educators Consociation OCHECThe fiscal year will begin in August. At the April meeting, the Advisory Board will submit a new budget for approval. The use of dues will be outlined. If any changes in dues are warranted for the next year, they will be submitted to the membership for approval at the April meeting. If any changes in the budget are warranted during the year, the Advisory Board will submit these to the membership for approval at any regular CHESO meeting.

    Policy Manual Changes

    To maintain affiliation, new coordinators must submit information for an advisory committee representative and a completed OCHEC Leadership Agreement within 30 days of selection.

    Meetings and E-group

    The purposes of the CHESO meetings are to honor God while:

        • Encouraging, supporting, fellowshipping, and sharing information and ideas
        • Providing ongoing education for families
        • Announcing education opportunities and activities to the group
        • Providing an opportunity to vote on CHESO business when needed

    The e-group is a venue for continued sharing of ideas, information, and opportunities of general interest and/or needs of the group. While participating in the e-group, members should show consideration for others by keeping the purposes of CHESO in mind.

    Budget and Dues

    Policy changes may be suggested by the membership, in writing, for consideration at the Advisory Board's biannual meetings. Changes found beneficial will be presented to the membership for approval.

    Code of Conduct

    These standards apply for all activities sponsored by CHESO.

    For adults:

    1. You should maintain order and discipline of your own children and any other children for whom you are responsible, knowing where they are and what they are doing at all times.
    2. You will be responsible for any property damaged by your child.
    3. You should never drop children off and leave them unsupervised at any time. If you are unable to attend an activity with your child, designate another adult to be responsible for your child; be sure your child knows who is in charge of them.
    4. You should, when attending an activity, be in submission to the adult(s) in charge

    For students:

    1. You should be polite and show respect to adults in charge of activities.
    2. You must remain with the group when participating in any group activity unless prior arrangements have been made.
    3. You should respect others.

    For all, including the adult(s) in charge:

    1. Persons attending and/or participating in activities, competitive or otherwise must behave in a Christ-honoring manner at all times.
    2. No tobacco usage, consumption of alcoholic beverages, or profanity is permitted at any activity.
    3. Modest attire that honors God is required at activities. Parents are encouraged to lead by example.
    4. At all events where music is optional, the music shall represent Christian values. No particular style is required, but the content of the words must edify Christ. If a particular style offends someone, we will try to be reasonable and considerate.

    Conflict Resolution

    Governing Principle

    As people reconciled to God by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we believe that we are called to respond to conflict in a way that is remarkably different from the way the world deals with conflict. We also believe that conflict provides opportunities to glorify God, serve other people, and grow to be like Christ. Therefore, in response to God's love and in reliance on His grace, we commit ourselves to respond to conflict according to Biblical principles. In light of this and the CHESO mission to cooperatively support and encourage families, we openly invite the membership to bring issues of conflict to the appropriate person rather than allow unresolved conflict to cause a break in fellowship with the group.


    1. Conflict must directly relate to the functions of CHESO in order to involve leadership
    2. Conflict resolution will be conducted according to the PEacemaker's Pledge and the Conflict Resolution Checklist, which can be found in CHESO's Resource Packet
    3. The first step of resolution is to drectly and lovingly address the individual involved
    4. The second step is to choose a mediator from the CHESO leadership to facilitate resolution
    5. The third step is to request the council of the Advisory Board as arbitrators for a final decision


    Mediation involves a mediator to facilitate communication and understanding between parties. A mediator helps the parties explore various solutions to their differences, but the parties retain control of the results and are not obligated to follow the mediator's advice. Mediators will use the Peacemaker's Pledge and Conflict Resolution Checklist with the parties. In arbitration, the parties agree to present each side of their dispute before an arbitrator. Arbitrators may attempt to help the parties communicate with each other or assist them in negotiating a settlement, but their ultimate role is to gather evidence and render a decision.

    Original drawings and set design ©1999/2002 Rainbow Row Graphics